Smoked Leg of Lamb - How to Smoke a Lamb Leg

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oh hey there what's popping guys my name is john barker i'm the award-winning pit master at beach bum barbecue and i'm the executive chef here at skull and mortar and today we've got something special we have got a whole leg of lamb so this is what a whole leg of lamb looks like a lot of times when you get these this bone will be cut out but it's really cool when you get one that has the bone in it dude don't be a pervert we just started this video it's christmas season chill out but it's really awesome when you have the bone in the meat because it's going to just add like a richness of flavor to the meat around it so whenever you have the opportunity to cook a leg of lamb that has the bone in it that's what i would suggest doing so we do need to do some trimming on this one if you have one that doesn't have the bone in it there will just be an open cavity in here and you're going to want to tie that together with butcher's twine so for this here there's obviously a lot of blood on the surface we don't want to leave that on there it doesn't do anything good for the meat so we're going to take a paper towel we're just going to kind of pat it dry you don't really need to do too much just kind of pat around as you can see it absorbs right off pretty easily the next step is you're going to need to trim off this extra silver skin the fat the sinew you don't want that on here it's not going to do much for this cut of meat but it is going to prevent your seasonings from getting down into the meat and really penetrating so now you're going to want to go ahead and just kind of pinch up the loose chunks of fat get a good sharp knife i like to use my boning knife but you can use whatever knife you want if it's sharp you just want it to be sharp because you're making a lot of kind of weird angular cuts and tough tissue here i'm gonna need to get a good flap up here so you can kind of use your knife to get underneath it [Music] and you don't want to take off too much of the meat meat but like right here this is going to be bone so don't try to hack away at that too much you end up messing up your knife all right we're going to start on our herb rub now we're going to use some fresh chopped thyme some fresh chopped rosemary and we're going to use a head of fresh garlic we're going to throw some other stuff in here too but this stuff is going to require the chopping so we're going to get down to that right now now we're just kind of doing a rough chop it doesn't have to be super fine because again we want to create a good thick crust anyway cut your stems up everything just leave all of it in here [Music] all right so the best way to handle your garlic you got to get the skin off it's kind of a pain in the ass if you didn't already know it's that simple crack it peel it off it's not that hard except for the time that i'm trying to show you that it's not that hard all right then we're just going to kind of rough rough chop through these [Applause] you're just going to kind of just go through it over and over until you feel like it's the the size that you're looking for i'm just about there [Music] all right so we have our herb mixture and we need the most important ingredients are going to be salt i know it seems like a lot of salt but it's going to go over the whole egg just relax okay and we're going to do some fresh coarse grind pepper i uh i'm not just using a black peppercorn mix i'm using a peppercorn mix that has a bunch of different things in it i'm pretty sure that my grinder is about to break because it's all cracked up but it's going to keep on rolling like one biscuit you know what i'm saying get a lot of pepper in there and you want to keep it coarse grind because you want it to crust up now i'm going to throw just a tiny little bit of whole celery seed in here i like the flavor it adds i'm going to throw a little bit of paprika in there because i like the added peppery notes don't go crazy with this all right if you don't want the paprika don't put it in there but i think you'll be pleasantly surprised it also adds to the color a little bit so if you're going for presentation you'll be happy with that and i think that that's probably enough right there just maybe like a half a teaspoon now i am going to add one more thing that i don't normally add but i got this sweet little sample bag of cowboy prairie dust from t.p nelson over a rolling smoke on facebook so i figured i'd go ahead and throw that in there i like the flavor it's got some some good notes to it so we're not going to get too crazy but we're going to add it in here i like the thickness the coarseness of the grind i just really think it's going to add a solid experience so then we're just going to kind of mix that around [Music] all right guys you're going to want to grab a little olive oil go ahead and put it on here i would suggest that you don't skimp on the olive oil a good olive oil you can't really beat it the flavor of the olive oil adds to anything when used appropriately is next level so we get a good rub down here and now we're just going to grab in here get some of our herb mixture here just kind of spread it out rub it in a little bit kind of spread that seasoning out bam got that done we're going to go ahead and flip it over it's going to be super slippery obviously because you just olive oil the crap out of it and again same process again we're just going to rub that into the meat make sure it covers everything if you've got any crevices or anything get in there and now we're going to use the rest of our mixture on here this is going to be the presentation side so since mike over there was giving me guff about my presentation we're going to make sure that we have a real nice presentation for mike now there's one thing i do want to do on this top part is i want to go back and i want to hit it with a little more salt and pepper again because i really want this side to pop don't get too crazy because you just hit it with a lot of salt in the herb mixture and you can't really go wrong with pepper so feel free to pepper the crap out of this bad boy so that's simple guys that's all the prep work you need to do now you should have your smoker going at 275 degrees we're gonna throw this guy on here and it's not gonna take more than about two hours all right guys so we have our lamb leg cooked to a perfect 145 degrees here in the center some of these outer areas might be a little more well done but that's going to be good because you probably got some kids at home or somebody who isn't going to want to eat it quite as medium as you so let's go and cut that open got that juice coming down here see what we're working with [Music] got a good smoke ring there [Music] look at that still got a hint of pink in the middle now we're getting into that bone some still nice and juicy this is a problem a lot of people have with lamb as they they dry it out and that's just from overcooking it you got to make sure that you don't overcook the lamb because it will just get really dry so cool well there's only one thing left to do that's to try this bad boy out [Music] this might be the best lamb i've ever had honestly and i'm not just saying it because i cooked it i've cooked a lot of lamb and it wasn't as good as this this might be the best it's moist it's delicious and you do want to let this rest for about 30 minutes before you cut into it but this yeah this is great i'll give you one of these good crust pieces right there you like that yeah you weren't even a lamb fan right now yeah i wasn't even that hungry but now i don't want to stop eating it well guys that's it i mean you don't have to do anything fancy to get an amazing lamb out of your smoker but this right here is going to make anybody that eats it you don't even have to like lamb that's how good this thing is so if you learned something in this video if you like what you saw make sure that you like it subscribe leave a comment down below if you don't like it hit the dislike button i don't really care anyway we'll be back next week with a brand new video and as always i appreciate you guys don't forget you can order my sauce below see you next week [Music]
Channel: Skull and Mortar
Views: 116,600
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: skull and mortar, john barker, smoked leg of lamb how to smoke a lamb leg, smoked leg of lamb, how to smoke a leg of lamb, smoked lamb leg, how to smoke a lamb leg, leg of lamb, smoked lamb, leg of lamb recipe, smoked leg of lamb recipes, smoked boneless leg of lamb, easter leg of lamb, smoking lamb for easter, leg of lamb on the grill, lamb recipe, smoked leg of lamb recipe, smoking lamb, lamb roast, leg of lamb roast, leg of lamb smoked, leg of lamb bbq, bbq lamb
Id: RXsei15Nn-4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 5sec (545 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 23 2020
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