Brisket FAIL! Don't Repeat These TWO MISTAKES

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for every amazing brisket out there on social media there's all the failed attempts that pitmaster didn't want you to see this video is one of my failed attempts and what you can learn from it so you don't repeat my mistakes because at the end of the day you're spending good money and time on a brisket and you want to do every single thing you can to make sure it turns out awesome and also if you guys are cooking on a masterbuilt electric smoker or a pit boss then stick around at the end of the video because I have some great extra tips that'll help you guys cook an amazing brisket on those units so let's get to the video [Music] I made a dry brisket today spent a lot of time on it probably about a 10 hour cook in total and it didn't really turn out the way I wanted it to unfortunately I have a couple thoughts on why that happened I'm hoping through this video that by teaching you where I went wrong on this brisket that you can learn from my mistakes and hopefully not repeat them so I'll just tilt this down here here's the brisket and it's got a nice bark formation on the outside it's got a nice crispy crust it's got good flavor to I tasted it and it's quite nice got a nice smoke ring but if you look on the inside this is the center of the flap this was a this was a seven pound brisket flat and it's got some juices in it so you can kind of see if I squish it it's got some juices coming out right but it's not really where I usually want it to be here's the other side of it you know there's still moisture in there and the reason there's still moisture in there is because I brined this brisket the night before in a half concentration of saltwater brine solution and then I injected it in the morning before I put it on the pit boss for 56 feet I use some cosmos cue rub it's a Montreal steak spice on the outside I think where I went wrong is actually the quality of the meat itself if you can take a look there you can see that it's pretty lean this flat flat muscles are usually free lean but this one in particular is extremely lean so I was up against a tougher brisket and that's why I brined it the night before usually I don't do that but if we cut a slice off here we're going against the grain and you know it's still pretty bendy it's falling apart pretty well [Music] that's a bit thicker than a quarter-inch cut but you can see that there's not a lot of moisture left inside we cut a thinner cut it looks pretty good right but you can see that not a ton of moisture so I'm gonna take a look at my notes now and try to figure out what happened to this I always take detailed notes of my cooks and in this case I put it into the pit-boss 456 D at around 10:30 in the morning and then it got up to about 107 degrees by 12:00 so an hour and a half later it got back to jumped up to 143 degrees Fahrenheit at 3:00 p.m. and then we got to 4:00 p.m. it was still holding it around 143 and around 6:00 p.m. I got to around 155 degrees Fahrenheit so it was progressing really slowly I was hoping to hit 165 within the first 4 hours or so but it was it was taking a long time so it clearly stalled out a lot earlier than I thought it would and then I just kept it going so I kept it in probably around until 7 p.m. and then I wrapped it at that point so probably waited a little bit too long to wrap it and I should have wrapped it when it stalled out at around 145 or even earlier the problem is when you do that you just don't really get a nice bark formation if bark matters too then that's really important and it does matter to me because I'm trying to get nice Park and nice flavor and moisture in the brisket if it doesn't matter to you too much then it doesn't really matter when you pull it and wrap it so and then I left it to cook for another two hours got it up to around 185 left it in for another hour and got up to 195 and then over the next hour we crawled up to 203 which is the temperature that I pulled it up and I put it into a cooler and then I rested it for three hours so did everything right in terms of hitting the target temperature and the resting period rind it's I wrapped it did all that stuff but the one thing I didn't do is I didn't wrap it early enough and I think that's the biggest takeaway is if you're doing a really tough cut of brisket flat that doesn't have a lot of fat on it it might be like a really low grade of beef it's not like USDA prime or higher then I would go with taking it off of the smoker at a lot lower of a temperature and then wrapping it forgo the bark don't worry about the bark if you want nice bark then go for like a a really high-quality brisket that's like top quality has a ton of fat on it has a lot of intramuscular moisture and it's really thick in this case this was a thin brisket didn't have a look fat didn't have a lot of moisture so I should have pulled it earlier and wrapped it and that's probably the key takeaway guys I also have a quick tip if you're using the pit-boss 456 D then cook your brisket on the cold side of the pit-boss and make sure you're rotating it and flipping it every hour I've cooked a lot of large cuts of meat on the pit-boss and you tend to get like a really hard layer on the bottom that's closest to that hot spot because it cooks a lot faster than the top layer so especially if you're doing pork butts or brisket make sure you're flipping it often it also helps with the barb formation also if you're using a masterbuilt electric smoker there's an easy way to fit this long length of brisket if you have a brisket that's as long as this one into the masterbuilt what you do is you just take one of the racks out and you lean it up against one of the sidewalls and then you lay the brisket in so it's laying one one side facing to the top left and one side to the top to the bottom right like in this video and then after about half way through the cook or usually about the time you wrap it it'll have lost so much moisture that it's it's shrunk and all those muscle tissues of have shrunk up and then you can just lay it down in the smoker normally in the masterbuilt electric so that's a really good tip so you don't have to mess around with like putting it on top of a can or like some sort of triangular rack that you've fashioned in your kitchen or use one of your life's turkey roasting racks or something if you want to watch a video where I did a really good juicy brisket on the pit-boss 456 D then check this video out right here that will tell you everything you need to know and next time they can brisket I'll make sure that I wrap it when it needs to be wrapped and I'll probably get a higher quality brisket for the next video I do thanks a lot guys happy smoking
Channel: Steve Gow (Smoke Trails BBQ)
Views: 232,137
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 3BUdYhncb40
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 7sec (427 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 20 2020
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