Smoked Leg Of Lamb | How To Smoke a Whole Leg of Lamb with Malcom Reed HowToBBQRight

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what I have here is a boneless leg of lamb roast this one weighs about 5 pounds and I had a lot of questions about how to cook one of these on the smoker or on your grill after I did the landlording chopped video a couple weeks ago so today I know Easter is coming up a lot of people are going to be doing hams and I've got a great Easter ham video on the but on the YouTube channel you can check it out or go to my website how BBQ right calm but today we're going to concentrate on lamb while people cook lamb for Easter it's it's great on the smoker it's real simple the main thing with lamb is you don't need very many ingredients so you'll notice here that I've got some fresh herbs I've got some from thyme and some fresh rosemary then I've got about four or five it's about half of a head of garlic just chopped up pretty good and the only other thing you need is a little olive oil and some good good kosher salt and some black pepper and I like to use kind of a coarse ground black pepper that's really all the ingredients were going to need a lamb we're going to cook this for a couple hours on the smoker I'm going to cook it on my Yoder the Y is for Eddie out there with some cherry pellets to give it a nice mild smoked lambs kind of delicate it doesn't have a lot of fat it's going to take some smoke so you don't want to use anything real harsh on it you just want to use some good natural seasonings some salt some pepper some herbs keep it moist I like to cook lamb to about 140 145 degrees which is kind of medium and that's just the perfect perfect range for for a lamb roast like this we're going to get started the first thing I want to do is get a good coat of olive oil I've just got some extra virgin olive oil and I'm just going to take it and kind of brush it all over the outside of this lamb we start with the olive oil now we're going to come and give it a good dose of salt I'm using a real coarse grain sea salt I get it all over I give it some good coarse ground black pepper remember we're keeping the flavors simple on this dish but they're really gonna pop through you've got four or five ingredients that really just go together well it's really going to make that lamb shine now I'm going to flip it over we're going to do the same thing to this side now for these herbs what I like to do is just put them in a bowl just kind of mix them up just a little um let's flip this lamb back over here we've got all these good seasons on what we're going to do we're just going to get it all in the little cracks and crevices where they took the bone out just one good coverage on it put it back over get the other side then you want to let this set for a little while let the olive oil start working on these herbs and this garlic and the salt and pepper and it'll kind of make it our own marinade here you can let it sit in the fridge rater three or four hours would be great you know I always like to give it at least that low or not would be okay but it's really not necessary you just want to get these give these herbs time to rehydrate a little a medal and some of the Jesus it's going to come out of this lamb and it'll soften things up and they'll really work on the getting the flavors into this meat now you could cook it like this but it's all kind of spread out you'll notice to get it to cook even I like to take butcher twine and kind of tie it up so that's going to be the next step here we're going to shape it to get size roast how I wanted to cook then I'm going to take some butcher twine just slide it right under it easier if you turn slide it right under it bring the piece up and just kind of double knot it nothing real crazy this is going to make it couldn't really even slide your next piece in it may take three or four of these twines to to get the shape I'm looking forward I mean a lot of times when you buy them they'll come jetan edit or something like that I like to take it out of that so you can get it all season than all the little nooks and crannies on the especially on these boneless ones it that you see jet knitted sometimes okay I've got it tied up here like a one it's got a nice little rose shape to it I'm just going to let it hang out for two three hours in the refrigerator we'll go get the grill fired up and I'm going to show you that I'm going to make a base that we're going to keep this lamb nice and moist with I'll show you that recipe here in a second let me get this lamb in the refrigerator and we get smoker fired up here just a little bit okay now I want to show you the quick base that I'm going to use for this lamb today is it's slow smoking what I have is one cup of just Redwine vigor you can get this at any store and I have some of the herbs that we used on the lamb there's a little bit of garlic some of that rosemary some time I'm going to add that to the vinegar then I'm gonna give it a good cup of good pinch of salt just to flavor it up and a little bit of coarse ground black pepper now what we're going to do is whisk in about half as much so four ounces half a cup of just vegetable oil and this is going to make a base you pretty much put whatever you want in there but I'm just keeping it simple keeping some of the same flavors going that I had in the seasonings on the lamb and the one thing I picked up while I was down Orleans at the Hawks of the cause man but chefs were down there cooking cooking goats and hogs and sheep they're cooking them whole over these fire pits and instead of just using old mop like you you know barbecue mop or like you would expect they were using they had a big stick they had a ton tied on the end and I had to ask you know what's that for and a lot of these articles what the chef's told me was that the flavors in these herbs as you use your base and based on the meat are going to transfuse down through the meat as it's cooking so it makes sense to me so I want to give it a shot this time on this lamb I've got some of that rosemary and some thyme in a bundle here just titled my wooden spoon that's pretty neat we're give it a try and see how it'll lock but I'm anxious to see if it's gonna make a difference so so we have am operating at the base ready we're going to get that meat out of the cooker just says I get it fired up Stram okay I've got my Yoder fired up here and the roast has been sitting about 3-4 hours in the refrigerator I let it I brought it out about an hour ago when I started the grill just to get it stabilized let it come up to room temperature so I'm not putting stone cold meat on the grill but this part is pretty simple you just want to use a good wood source and get your heat good it doesn't matter if you're cooking on a pellet grill on a weber on a regular smoker just maintain your temp about 275 and add some good cherry wood to it or any other kind of fruit wood or a mild smoking wood I'm using cherry pellets today the barbecue is delight pellets because they're really mild they put off a great flavor I just want to Center the roast up on the rack I'm also with WAM that's real critical on internal temps so I'm looking to get this roast to about about a hundred and forty degrees 145 range which is right around medium I don't want to take it any more it'll be too dry the meats to me mid well well-done lamb you can keep it I don't want to eat that I'd rather be eating a hamburger or something but for this lamb I'm going to use my chef's alarm here for thermal works really get an accurate temperature on the internals and I'm going to baste it with the base that we made earlier I'm looking for one forty degrees internal then we'll take it off and let it rest it's probably going to take maybe about two and a half three hours but we're going to watch it and see how it does 275 with a little bit of smoke okay we're back out at the grill it's been about an hour you can see I've climbed up to 106 already internal on the chef alarm so we're coming right along then we're going to open up this grill and check it out the leg lamp is looking great it's got this getting some nice color on it I just want to keep it nice and moist and keep some of these flavors going so this is where I'm going to use this a herb mop that I've got tied up here on my wooden spoon and put the base to it keep it nice and moist get the lid closed and we'll just keep monitoring the temp here and set it on a timer for but one more hour and we'll keep all cooking all right it's been another 2 hours and I'm just going to give another little face with our senator and old herb mixture here we're getting really close chef alarm over here is reading 138 so I know it's not going to take a whole lot more I'm going to watch it about 15 minutes this time and just keep an eye on the internal temp I want to stop this in the 140 to 145 range which is going to be a little bit of carryover it's going to be just about perfect mid rare medium lamb and let me get my timer going for another 15 minutes here we'll check it back and it's going to be that's real close real close to pulling this boneless leg of lamb roast off about 15 minutes that'll put us at about a 2 in to our 15 minute cook time so at 275 the entire time okay it's been another 15 minutes and as you can see on the chef's alarm here we're reading 143 internals so I'm just going to verify that and make sure that it's right where we want it and it's right in the range what I was looking for color looks good on it let me stick in this in and see when we read take it just a minute here this little thermal pop that 142 143 dead-on so I'm saying this this leg of lamb roast is done at the two-hour 15-minute mark now the next critical step is just letting it rest we're going to take it in and and just let it chill out on the cutting board for at least 10-15 minutes let it stop cooking I don't want to lose all this juice when I got it cutting in on it in a minute so let me give it the probe out here get it on the platter and we're gonna go outside let this hang out for about 15 minutes and we'll cut the twine off and then show you how to slice this leg of lamb boneless leg of lamb roast oh I dropped that we've left the lamb rest for about 10 minutes once I pulled it off the grill the only thing I've done is pulled the butcher twine off I went ahead and did that in the plotter and set it on this cutting board and now I'm just going to show you how how you would cut it up I'm just using a rush carving knife but really you just want to make about I guess quarter inch half inch ever however thick you want to cook that want to serve it but man it really looks good you can go thick or thin however your guests like it but this is about how I'd like to eat it good piece out of that center there let's check out the color on it I would say that's medium all day long it's got some pink to it but it still is juicy as it can be I'm gonna take a little piece right here as you know I got to try it I got to try it I can't wait mmm that's good lamb try this recipe cooking lamb for Easter you're not going to go wrong with it the herbs really pop garlic gives it a good notes but the main thing the reason why you want to cook it this way is to let that natural flavor of the lamb shine through and you can see this juice in here if you like what we're doing here and how to barbecue right please subscribe to our youtube channel we're going to put videos out every trying to do it every week every two weeks so you can find us on Facebook send us some messages or comments we'd love to hear your feedback we try to answer all questions also check out how to be bqi calm that's our web page you can find a lot of this information on the blog we'll push these recipes too so thanks for watching
Channel: HowToBBQRight
Views: 617,217
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Keywords: smoking, smoker, leg of lamb, smoked leg of lamb, smoked leg of lamb recipes, smoked whole leg of lamb, smoked boneless leg of lamb, Smoked Lamb, easter leg of lamb, smoking lamb for easter
Id: VM7hJHreMh0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 35sec (815 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 17 2014
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