JUICY Smoked Leg of Lamb | How To

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what is up you guys it's susie from heygrillhey.com and today i'm showing you how to make a beautiful   smoked boneless leg of lamb roast with a  super yummy lemon mint marinade let's do it all right to start we have our beautiful  leg of lamb this is a boneless lamb roast   it comes in right about four pounds you can  also do this recipe with a bone-in roast   it might just take a little bit longer to cook and  beyond that we just need to make our marinade not   a lot of ingredients but a ton of flavor my  dad loves a lamb rose served with mint jelly   so i wanted to come up with a recipe that had  enough mint that could kind of give him some   of that nostalgia for the recipes that he grew  up eating and loving as a kid and also make it   yummy and bright and fresh and garlicky  and delicious because that's what i like   so into a blender jar we're gonna  add a quarter cup of olive oil a quarter cup of white wine two tablespoons each of fresh mint  rosemary leaves and thyme leaves   we're also going to add in six cloves of garlic  i mean there might be seven or eight in here but   the recipe says six we need about a tablespoon  of salt i'm using a kosher salt here and two teaspoons of black pepper and then just the zest and the juice of two lemons perfect it already smells fantastic i'm just  gonna pop the lid on get this onto the blender   and we want this to create a pretty smooth paste  we're gonna have a lot of garlic in there we don't   want any big chunks of garlic or any of those big  herbs left behind so let's make it nice and smooth we're gonna marinate our lamb  in a nice gallon zip top bag   just pop this into the bag pour that marinade on  top and then we're going to massage all the way   around to make sure that it's evenly coated since  this is a boneless roast it's got this netting   this butcher's netting on the outside of it that  kind of holds it together because when you de-bone   a big cut like this you'll end up with edges  and flaps that are different sizes so it won't   cook evenly if you take the netting off  if your roast is bone-in you don't have   to worry about tying it or anything  it should be pretty uniform in size all right as you zip it press a lot of that air  out so it keeps the marinade right up against   the lamb itself and then we're just gonna  pop this into the refrigerator to marinate   i like to let my lamb roast marinate for at least  eight hours but with a roast this size you can go   up to 24 hours in this marinade and then we'll  come back and smoke it later to the fridge   all right my friends we have our beautifully  marinated boneless leg of lamb we've got our   smoker preheated to 225 degrees fahrenheit we're  gonna pop this bad boy right on the grates close   the lid and let this smoke for the next three to  four hours kind of depends on the size of your   roast i think we'll be right around three and  a half with this guy we're looking for a target   temperature of 130 degrees we want our lamb  to finish at a nice medium rare so let's do it   my favorite wood to use here is pecan pecan pecan   about three and a half hours in and we're  looking for our lamb to hit that perfect   target temperature of 130 degrees fahrenheit this  is not our finished temperature but because we   hit 130 that means we're ready for our next  step we're going to turn up the temperature   on our grill to 400 degrees fahrenheit get  some nice roasty crispy edges on the outside   until our roast hits about 140 degrees fahrenheit  and then we can pull it off and let it rest our roast just hit 140 degrees that means it's  ready to come off of the smoker onto our cutting   board and we're gonna let this rest it's a pretty  hearty roast so we're gonna give this a good 15   minutes or so before we slice and serve before  i slice and serve i'm actually going to remove   the butcher's netting on the outside just because   i don't want to cut through a slice  and end up with any stringy pieces now we simply cut this guy into nice   even slices i would say about a half an inch  thick a piece and then it'll be ready to serve now lamb like this is pretty lean and it wants to  dry out but because we cooked it to that perfect   medium temperature it's still pink on the inside  we've got a lovely smoke ring around the outside   and that is my friends i mean some  juicy lamb my goodness this is dripping everywhere take a little slice off the end right  here because i definitely have to taste test this it's so juicy it is so flavorful lamb itself  has such a delightful flavor and it's unique   it's not the same as chicken  or a beef roast or a pork roast it's rich and it's earthy and the lemon  and the mint is the perfect compliment i   think mint and lamb go hand in hand anyway  but to have this version with fresh mint   and a lot of lemon it makes it really bright and  it complements the earthiness and the richness of   this lamb i think this is a perfect holiday roast  or a family dinner roast and i hope you and your   family get to enjoy this together as you make it  on your journey to becoming a backyard barbecue   hero i'm going to eat some more  lamb we'll see you guys next time
Channel: Hey Grill Hey
Views: 53,377
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: UwBb5k26ox8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 13sec (433 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 17 2022
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