Leg of Lamb on the Kamado Joe Joetisserie

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hey everybody i'm chef tom with ATB be calm and i'm excited to welcome my good friend Eric get part he's the chef and culinary director over at Komodo Joe to bring you this recipe video today now we love cooking on Komodo Joe's which is why we carry them in our store here at all things BBQ and nobody knows more about cooking on commodity ah then Eric get part so enjoy the recipe enjoy the video and thanks for watching hey dream team Eric get part here Kumada Joe coming to you from all things BBQ in Wichita Kansas growing up many special occasion was met with a leg of lamb all right I'm really excited about the quality of this and the direction we're going to cook today we're going to put this on the Big Joe on the Joe Tesori and let me show you straight out of the box very excited to get this guy going we're gonna make a a nice glaze poke some holes put some ginger and garlic so we're gonna stud with ginger and garlic get it on the rotisserie I think this is gonna be about a two and a half hour cook let's find out together so first things first let's get started on that marinade a little brown sugar soy sauce Worcestershire fresh squeezed lemon juice ginger garlic oil Dijon and Chinese mustard fresh cracked black pepper South we're gonna pop this on the range we just want to heat it up pretty much to the point where that brown sugar dissolves so we'll keep it moving maybe let it simmer for about five minutes then we're gonna cool it down and pour it on top of that leg of lamb we're gonna let that sit for three hours also we'll stud with that garlic and ginger all right so we've got our marinade simmering right now again we're gonna let that go for about five minutes I'm gonna do minimal trim work on this this leg of lamb and there's just some things that would that would burn up on the rotisserie so I want to make sure when this is spinning I don't have any flaps that are just going to burn up okay and there's some globular fat here that I like to take out as well this is actually the chine bone here so that's some of the spinal region we're gonna leave that on some some choose to trim that off but we're gonna leave it the exterior here looks really nice and we just put a little cut through that fat cat and now we're just gonna poke through and give ourselves some space to stud with the garlic and ginger slivers and really you just take them and slide them right in just want to kind of sneak it underneath that fat cap these are like little aromatic time bombs that are going to continue to release flavor as this is spinning on the Joe Tesori and roasting it's these little efforts that we do right now that make this dish so remarkable in the end all right let's go check on our marinade we'll get this into a container that we can just pour all of it off remember you want to cool down that marinade a little bit so that we're not starting the cooking process we just want to get it marinating for roughly three hours all right so we are trimmed up Stud it up and we've made our marinade all right this has come together really nice it's thickened up you can see with just a little bit of simmer we've been able to have the brown sugar completely incorporated and the oil is actually emulsified in this so it's it's a nice looking sauce we're going to pour this over top beautiful and we're gonna reserve a little bit of this I'm not sure what we're gonna do with the meat properly make some tacos later today and just kind of massage us in just a little bit and just like that we're already winning so we're going to get this refrigerated again we're gonna let it sit for three hours let's go ahead and go outside and open up this new Joe tesserae all right so we've marinated our leg for three hours now time to run it through on the spit and we've got the Joe Tishri set up we want to run this through the heavier side of the meat so that it's more counter balanced now we'll just slide the other fork right on tighten that up notice we've got all the Cole's bank to the back that's going to give us one side of even cooking as this thing spins around and it'll be really really beautiful let's get this baby rolling we'll check back in an hour so we've got the all the Coles bank to the back of the grill we're set at 350 degrees I've noticed when I use the Joe Tesori that a little bit of air still gets in so when you're aiming for 300 350 you want to start just a little bit below and let it creep up to the desired temperature look at that magic we're getting some great color right now we've been riding that 300 to 325 line again everything's banked to the back we'll get some great even color here I can see the meat slightly pulling back from the bone there's some big bold things happening right now let's check again another 30 minutes all right let's take a look boom and look at that I absolutely love how that bit of fat that we had on there rendered out and continued to baste and as it start dripping into the actual big-block there we got some fantastic smoke from the drippings so when we're carving this guy and we're gonna let it rest for just a couple of minutes we're gonna start on the outside and start carving down and that'll get us across the grain we could even slice towards the bone and then come down if we wanted to have smaller pieces we went to the local tienda and got some homemade tortillas so chef Tom and I've been talking about doing some some tacos and I think you've whipped up a mango use a yuzu Pico let's give this a rest let's go ahead and throw those tortillas on the on the cast-iron griddle and just heat those up a touch beautifully roasted leg of lamb homemade tortillas from the local tienda amazing mango yuzu Pico from chef Tom touch of cilantro recipe for success remember we studied that garlic and ginger in there you can see the grain running up and down several different muscles in here the aroma is coming off of this or a 10 out of 10 unreal oh absolutely stunning it's a celebration of big bold bright flavors I know a lot of folks who say they don't enjoy lamb but you put them on the Joe test you're on the commodity oh this is a game-changer folks let's uh let's take a look thanks so much for watching and thanks to Eric for being here today be sure to check out ATV BQ comm for all of the products featured in today's video including those Quemado Joe grills and if you enjoyed that video we'd appreciate it if you hit the subscribe button if you have any questions or comments please let us know in the comments section down below for more recipes tips and techniques head over to the sauce ATB BQ comm all things BBQ where BBQ legends are made
Channel: allthingsbbq
Views: 142,306
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Id: a6k3g_KRsVQ
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Length: 10min 48sec (648 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 05 2018
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