How to Nail the Ultimate Smoked Rack of Lamb Recipe - Tips to Fight the Gamey Taste!

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hey what's going on guys welcome back for another video uh this is part two of our holiday kind of meals that we're trying to create for the month of December if you guys missed the first one we did a pork shoulder poretta and we made into a sandwich and I describe how you can do it if you want to do it as an entree or main course as well definitely check it out one of my favorite things I've made on this YouTube channel for sure if you guys want to watch it I'll leave it in the link in the top Corner if you guys check out in today's video I wanted to give you guys something that could be like the main course for like a smaller meal or maybe like a second main course for a larger meal I think one protein that can be a little bit divisive is lamb but today we're going to be doing a rack of lamb for the holiday season so in today's cook I want to create a meal that people who love lamb will really love it and those who are still maybe unsure about it are going to like just because we have other components to kind of combat that lamb flavor or have discussions about that lamb flavor that they might not necessarily enjoy so with that being said let's get cooking here we have a domestic rack of lamb picking the style of lamb will attribute to its size but more importantly flavor most imported lamb is usually free range and mostly grass-fed throughout their life which is a key factor to its gy flavor I do enjoy the gy flavor of lamb I think it's a special taste but most of the imported lamb has often been too gy even for myself domestic Lamb on the other hand is usually grass-fed and grain finished it tends to have more fat and milder flavor even though it's more expensive than orted products I believe it's worth the extra price to season the rack of lamb I'm going to create a binder using dejan mustard and some water the dejan mustard also has other ingredients such as vinegar white wine and sugar I think it'll give the lamb a little bit more complexity and also tone down that gy flavor add enough water so that the consistency of the mustard is nice and thin coat the Lamb with a thin layer of the binder and then season with salt and pepper I let this rest in the fridge for a few hours while we prepare the rest of the dish to accompany the lamb I want to use a classic traditional pairing of lamb and tuna fish lamb and tuna fish maybe you like spaghetti and meat Bowl be more comfortable with the anology okay maybe not that one let's go with another traditional pairing of lamb and taziki sauce start off by peeling the skin of a cucumber if the Cucumber that you're using has a softer or thinner skin you might not have to I'm going to peel off most of it and leave some of it on for some color it might end up being a mistake but who knows I'll let you know if it is later next great the peel cucumber on a coarse grater if The Grater is not coarse enough you'll end up with cucumber which will make your sauce a little mealy if you don't have a coar grater I would give the cucumber a rough chop to replicate a similar texture put the cucumber in cheesecloth or paper towel and squeeze as much excess water as possible this will allow for the flavor and texture of the Cucumber to be present without the excess water of that will make your to ziki Sauce well watery and now take a shot of the cucumber water for extra vitamins and hydration to get through the rest of this cook this is what your cucumber should look like you should be able to pack it together without it feeling wet but brittle enough when you touch it it falls apart to a bowl drop in your cucumber two to three crushed or finely minced garlic cloves about two cups of your favorite Greek yogurt a generous squeeze of lemon juice and at the end we'll roughly chop together some dill and fennel frons give it a good mix make sure you season to taste and there you go we have ourselves an extremely easy yet flavorful to ziki Sauce we'll set this aside for now I want to make a nice refreshing side with the sauce so today we're going to make a refreshing fennel to ziki salad I'm using fennel for its bright floral flavor and crunchy texture that will pair perfectly with the ziki sauce if you want to you can also use just more cucumber in slices instead if you watch my last video this may look familiar start off by cutting off the stocks peel off the exterior layer of the fennel bulb split it in half and cut large ribbons of fennel I'm going to Salt the fennel so it's important that we don't cut it too thin for this preparation or they'll get too soft when you mix with the taziki sauce next cut the stocks in half so they look like celery and cut them a bit thinner than you did with the bul because the stocks can be a bit more fibrous into a large mixing bowl throw in the sliced bulbs and stocks of the fennel sprinkle some salt and give it a good toss and let it sit for at least an hour to season and draw excess water from the fennel once the fennel has been properly seasoned and drained mix the fennel and ziki sauce together I would recommend mixing it together shortly before serving to keep the fennel from getting too wilted from the sauce now that our side is done let's get back to the lamb to start our fire we're going to start with Korean newspaper that's been age for about 3 and 1/2 weeks that's a proper age of newspaper that you're looking for when cooking a rack of lamb then Fogo fire starters and Fogo lump charcoal once the coals are ready I'm going to dump them onto one side of my SNS Grill and add in a few more charcoal chunks on top to get it extra hot throw the rack of lamb meat side down on the hottest part of the fire for about 30 seconds to a minute to help render that top fat then the sides for a few seconds and also the back of the rack of lamb for even Browning then move the lamb over to the indirect side I had some leftover herbs so I threw them onto the fire for extra flavor cook at about 350° until it reaches an internal temperature of 130° while we wait I'm going to turn on my oven at the lowest setting possible to act as a warmer from the lamb is done once the lamb has reached an internal temperature you're looking for brush the Lamb with an infused butter of garlic Rosemary and Thyme at this point all I'm trying to do is reset the bark I don't want it to cook too much longer because we already cooked it to medium so make sure your fire is extra hot I'm also going to drop droing some butter on the fire to get the temperature really hot to sear once you have nice color on all sides of the Lamb I'm going to let it rest in the oven until we're ready to serve while the lamb rests I'm going to toast some pea take some of the herb butter and lightly brush it on both sides toast the Pea on both sides to get a nice dark brown color and it starts to puff up and once those are done we'll also put these in the oven to rest after a lamb has been resting for about 15 minutes it's ready to cut to slice this lamb because the bark is super delicate I don't think you need to use a serrated slicer like I usually do just use a knife that has a nice thin blade hold it up and go straight down between the bones you might hit a small bone at the bottom if you do just turn your knife slightly to take a different angle and use more of a push cut rather than saw motion to get clean edges on the sides of your lamp while the fat could be rendered just a little bit more I'm okay with it since the dness of the lamp is perfect from edge to edge and during the cooking process you can see how the lamp has plumped up even though it looked really small when we were seasoning it earlier look how much bigger it's gotten it almost looks like I did a swap but I promise you I don't have enough money to do swaps on this YouTube channel yet cut your pea into six pieces and it's time to plate and there you have it folks this is our smoked and grilled rack of lamb served with a fennel to ziki salad and herb butter Pita the lamb is super delicate you get that nice lamb flavor without hitting you over the head with it I think the Dijon mustard also add adds a little nice background note of flavor that you wouldn't necessarily say tastes like mustard but it's there to add a little bit something more than just salt and pepper I really think the salad brings everything together the yogurt and the taziki and the Crunch and sweetness from that fennel is perfect you're eating this lamb some of the bites can be a little bit fatty brightness from the taziki sauce and the fennel just allows you to keep going back more and more for that lamb and the toast and the peita is a contrast that you're looking for for that super tender lamb and yes Chopsticks are the best best utensils for this meal the combinations of the flavors and the textures an all-in-one bite might just be your new favorite holiday tradition it's flavorful yet light the lamb itself I feel like has a holiday flavor to it already and this is a meal that doesn't really break the bank so if you're looking for a meal that's a little more affordable and slightly different than what you typically may do I would highly recommend this recipe all right guys I hope you enjoyed that video just you know possibly giving you guys a different idea of you know maybe a main course or just an appetizer aside if you guys want to make it that way but just trying to take not just the rack of lamp but different components to make it just a dipping sauce or just make it a plate for everybody uh if you have a small kind of gathering for Christmas I think would be super awesome and for those of you who might not necessarily love lamb maybe you've always been just picking the wrong stuff um I know for a long time I did and even though I liked it there were certain times where even for myself it was a little bit challenging and then the next two videos I'll be doing a beef falling and a prime rib but I'll be putting my slight small Twist on those things uh just to give you guys another option to maybe change things up a little bit for your holidays if you're used to doing those two items but that's it in this video guys if you guys enjoyed it please make sure to like subscribe share this video with your friends and I'll see you guys in the next one [Music] peace
Channel: Knox Ave BBQ
Views: 9,998
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Id: L7qu3a9DxTA
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Length: 9min 25sec (565 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 06 2023
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