SML Theory: Penelope Is Cody's Sister!

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Penelope is actually Cody's sister you're probably thinking it's impossible because she's Brooklyn Guy's daughter and when Penelope was first introduced she was in love with Cody so that means there's no way that they could be related but there's an explanation for this and no it's not that they're from Alabama you might know that Cody actually does have a sister however we only saw her in one episode which was appropriately named SML movie Cody's sister in which Cody comes over to Junior's house with his sister who's visiting from Wisconsin and off the bat you can see the similarities such as the fact that she has glasses and she's smart but this doesn't prove anything just yet there are some things I have to explain first like the fact that Cody and Penelope had no idea who each other were you're not my type not your type who's your type um him him me Cody doesn't even like girls not yet not ever don't worry Cody one day you'll love me no I won't pepperi or whatever the hell your name was see look Cody doesn't even want you so you should date me but you don't have a body like him and if they's sister and brother how would they not know each other well I'm sure you remember SML movie The Human potion when everyone turned into a human but shortly after this in SML movie jeffy's new dad Jeffy and Marvin went to the park but Marvin really had to use the bathroom so when he went to a bush by the park Patrick was inside of the Bush playing hide-and seek and so after that Marvin was on the offender list hello excuse me sir look I don't want to Lemonade okay yeah believe me you don't want any of this guy's lemonade go ahead Mario tell him how weird you are well sir my name is freak my name is weirdo my name sick are you going to keep doing that I my name is Mario and I'm required by law to tell you that I'm a registered s and in order to get off of it he had to get plastic surgery so no one would recognize him and even change his name from Mario to Marvin and so did every other character just like roselina she changed her name to Rose bully Bill changed his name to just bully and Bowser junor changes name to just junor which proves the fact that once characters turn into a human they're un unrecognizable from their past self and changed their name so when Katie Cody's sister eventually turned from the plushy that she was to a human puppet she changed her name and became unrecognizable and she couldn't recognize Cody either so when she sees that Cody is ripped on her first day of school that explains why she would be attracted to her own brother but also when we meet Penelope another similarity between her and Katie Junior immediately is super into Penelope and does everything that he can to try and get her on a date take that spot before one else takes it you're not my type not your type who's your type um him even lying most of the time and he was so down bad that in SML movie Junior the simp when Junior got Penelope a whole bunch of gifts including an Olive Garden gift card Penelope used that gift card to go on a date with bully and Junior was the one who paid for it and guess what in SML movie Cody's sister Junior was also extremely attracted to Katie and even was competing with Joseph to see who could date her planet the Earth is not flat stupid Junior Cody C your sister is so hot so hot no no no everybody back off okay she's my sister but but she's hot Cody yeah I know she's hot and I know she has a rocking B and she's absolutely gorgeous and totally bangable but she's still my sister okay and he kissed Cody twice playing spin the bottle when he was trying to kiss Katie and even when she literally farts on Junior when they were watching a movie hey Katie what you have something on your lips get it for me okay I'll get it for what the was that that wasn't me that wasn't me just herself check the couch I bet a stay on I hope she wear head I told you she was allergic to popcorn when she's the one who went down on the popcorn I I don't know why she's doing that she shouldn't have ate the popcorn oh God this is just horrible game over game over man we're done with the movie Junior still wanted to get with her which shows that Junior is so attracted to Katie that he would still be attracted to her when she turned into Penelope but here's where it actually connects Katie and Penelope together and prove that Penelope is Cody's sister and this has to do with my previous theory of Dr fingle shits being Cody's real dad and since Cody and Katie were exact twins that means that Katie's father also has to be Dr fle shits and the resemblance is still there Penelope is nerdy and wears glasses and she's even an evil scientist just like Dr fingle shits an SML movie Junior sleepover mission and Joseph really wanted to get invited over to Penelope sleepover where a bunch of girls were going to be there I'm busy busy doing what popping your butt pimples cuz girls get pibbles on their butt smooth dude I'm busy tonight Junior Cody are you still coming to my sleepover tonight yeah of course whoa n well Cody you're going to a girl sleepover yeah can me and Joseph go no Junior only girls are allowed well Cody's not a girl yeah but I'm gay yeah he likes boys and they thought that if they dressed up as girls they would get in the sleepover but this actually ended up working but Junior and Joseph realized that they were kind of bored and nothing cool happened so they revealed that they were both boys and left we have to we're going to go we're we're actually Boys in girl costumes we have penises and as soon as they leave all the girls and Cody who was invited cuz he's gay look out the window and see that they left so they immediately turn out the lights and start messing with a science contraption that in reality its main function is to dissect an alien to learn how it travels across planets and that they would end up using that technology to send all boys to Jupiter and off of Earth we're going to figure out how to send these boys to Jupiter to get more stupider yeah we just need to figure out how aliens have mastered faster than light travel let's do this dude I want to see naked girl but this doesn't confirm that she's Dr fingle shit's daughter just yet but it's very very likely as you can see the resemblance but what about the fact that Penelope is Brooklyn Guy's daughter there's no way that Cody and her could be related if that were true well I'm here to tell you that it's not because if we go off of what we know is that Brooklyn guy and his ex-wife Deborah had Penelope as well as Brooklyn guy Jr and Karen is really just Penelope's stepmom but this is actually false cuz we see Deborah and SML movie Jeffy gets glasses I need you to tell me what you see okay okay all right Jeffy now in this picture do you see a big fat uh kind of kind of you you kind of see a big fat cow okay Jeffy if you seea how many fat rolls does she have count the fat rolls wait wait how's this going to help oh it's going to help because if you can't see the fat cow in this picture he is definitely blind and she looks absolutely nothing like Penelope but Penelope's real mom was actually shown in SML Vlog but was never introduced to the actual SML movies and since Deborah isn't Penelope's mom then Brooklyn guy can't be Penelope's father but what absolutely confirms my theory is that Cody's sister Katie is from Wisconsin and I'm going to assume that Dr fingles is their father so he has to also be in Wisconsin conon at this time but eventually Penelope moved down to Florida as she now goes to school with Junior Joseph and Cody and we see her frequently and so Penelope starts showing up in videos in December of 2020 which is when she moved down to Florida and started going to school there and Dr fingle shits appeared in SML movie Alien Jeffy but he wasn't part of the plot and he was just shown in his TV show and that's because this video was uploaded in 2019 which was before Penelope and him moved to Florida but in one of drfl shit's next appearances in 20 21 after they moved down to Florida he's actually in the video and not just on his show but in person as Mr Goodman brought him to Marvin's house with his car now is it a coincidence that Dr fleit starts showing up in person once Penelope starts showing up and going to school there as well or is it the fact that they moved down from Wisconsin together and that he's Penelope's Father which proves the fact that Cody and Penelope are brother and sister but is Penelope really Cody's sister or do you think that these are all just coincidences let me know what you think in the comments thanks for watching And subscribe
Channel: SML Theory
Views: 159,509
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Id: 0PKF1QiuttY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 4sec (484 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 19 2023
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