1 Hour of Hidden Mistakes You Didn't Notice In SML

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here are 15 mistakes you didn't notice in SML in SML movie jeffy's balloon company Jeffy starts making Balloons by swallowing gum and so Brooklyn guy tries to make money off of this but the business is such a big success that they started to get a lot of orders that they had to rush to fulfill but Jeffy was having trouble making so many balloons and began to slow down so Brooklyn guy was in a rush to give people their orders and because of that the voice actor for Brooklyn guy Pablo was rushing around with Brooklyn guy which allows you to see a bit of his face when he gives the balloons to the kid from up in SML movie judge Jeffy Jeffy becomes a judge for a day and here's out many court cases she claimed she was trying to steal food to feed her son I didn't have much money this month times are hard H what kind of food was she stealing she stole a can of green beans sir oh guilty one of which is from the homeless man Hansel but before his case was heard he says that aliens took his right ear okay your honor on next case is this homeless guy I found outside peeing on the courthouse so that's public urination aliens took my right ear but this isn't true as in SML movie Cody's curse every time someone would eat an animal they would turn into that animal but Junior comes up with the idea that if they eat a human that they'll turn back into a human so then they go outside and find Hansel bring him into the house and Junior as a pig eats his ear off in SML movie Bowser Junior's broccoli problem Junior Joseph and Cody are all eating together but chef Pepe only gave broccoli to Junior because he can only make junior actually eat the vegetables so Junior tries everything he can to try and make it look like he ate the broccoli but eventually the broccoli is all cut up into tiny pieces he balls it up into a napkin and then flushes it down the toilet however when it makes its way to the sewer system and an alligator starts eating it the broccoli is fully intact and in big pieces in SML movie jeffy's voice problem Marvin and Rose had gotten Jeffy a helium tank so he could blow up his own balloons but after Jeffy first balloon Pops at 1 minute and 10 seconds into the video he finds a interesting object who also uses a balloon but Marvin knows what it is and tells Jeffy to let go of it here you go daddy here's the first bom Jeffy what is that it's a bom but where'd you get it at underneath your bed it's like all it but later after Jeffy takes the helium tank and plays it with it with his friends he eventually comes back to the living room and at 4 minutes and 4 seconds into the video you can see jeffy's gross balloon falls back down in SML movie Jeffy goes to Disney World the video starts out with the school scene but the actor who plays Cody and Bully Bill are the same person which makes it impossible to get them both to talk in a school scene however in the scene everyone wants hand sanitizer and when Cody says he has hand sanitizer bully starts moving but you can actually see it wasn't played by his normal voice actor as he's voicing Cody it was actually Elena as you can see her face underneath the desk in SML movie jeffy's forest fire Junior Joseph Cody and Jeffy are all bored sitting on the couch trying to think of what they should do to have fun but then Jeffy pulls out a firework rocket and says that they should go light it in the forest which Junior and Joseph thought would be awesome but Cody says it's a terrible idea and that they could cause a forest fire but they end up not listening to Cody and light the firework anyway which actually does cause a fire which causes it to be a news story but while Goodman is breaking the news you can see in the caption forest was misspelled as Forest in SML movie the fishing trip Bowser de decides that he needs to spend more quality time with Junior after watching an episode of Charlie and friends so he decides that they're going to go on a fishing trip but to make it more fun Bowser also invites Marvin and Jeffy to come with them but when they're all on the boat Bowser Jr acts like he has no idea who Jeffy is but but what's that Mario and that guy doing here don't worry about them even though Junior has already met Jeffy in SML movie Bowser Junior's game night3 and in SML movie Bowser Junior's Playtime 4 in SML movie Junior goes to Legoland Junior Joseph and Cody really want to go to Legoland but also have to go to school so they eventually blackmail Penelope into helping them out and she makes Paper cutouts of each of them and pretends to be them but when jeffy's name was called in attendance bully wasn't in the desk behind him but later bully appeared out of nowhere and rips the paper cut out of Cody for not saying anything but something none of you noticed is when Penelope was making the paper cutouts for some reason she had Patrick's name tag on her desk and you can see all of the drawings that Patrick had put on there in SML movie Mario's hobo problem Marvin sees a hobo while he's driving and his sign says will work for food and later when Marvin gets home Shrek had clogged the toilet and made a huge mess oh Shrek save me from that oh why do you have goggles on oh donkey it smells really really bad in a snorkel donkey it it it is bad did you clog the toilet Shrek well I did you CL the toilet yes when in reality it's just chocolate so he asks Chef PE to clean it but he won't do it and he asked to PL to help but he wouldn't do it either so then Marvin remembers the homeless man from earlier and gets him to do the job but when Hansel the hobo comes over he's not interested in actually helping and really just wants beer as when he tried to clean it he literally just dropped the plunger but when he goes to pick it up you can really clearly see Pablo's face in the top left corner of the video in SML movie squid game the classroom gets turned into a parody of the Netflix series squid game and Jackie Chu is the game master however Jackie Chu mentions that he's now Korean which is probably due to the fact that squid game was set in Korea but in countless other videos Jackie Chu said he's from Chinese descent which is thought to be true but it could be that the squid game episode isn't Canon and that's why Jackie Chu said he was Korean as it was purely for entertainment with no real information actually being added in SML movie jeffy's Tik Tok Jeffy makes a Tik Tok and Rose records it for him which talks about Booty Like Pirates treasure but Mario doesn't like it anyway and so he wants to delete the video off of jeffy's phone but Jeffy has a passcode but to mess with Marvin he tells Marvin the code is 789 and that the fourth number was 10 first number is a seven try seven seven what comes after seven eight eight eight what comes after eight nine nine nine what comes after nine 10 it can't be 10 Jeffy there's only one number left and 10 cannot fit there well Daddy 10 is one number and when Marvin Falls for this Jeffy starts laughing like Marvin is a gble idiot but Jeffy shouldn't be laughing instead he should be terrified because in smnl movie jeffy's fear he was deathly afraid of the number seven anytime he heard the number seven he would scream the number seven I can't even say it Junior you're afraid of the number seven especially because of the joke 789 yet in jeffy's Tik Tok when he's literally says 789 he's totally unfaced in SML movie Mr Goodman's clone Mr Goodman comes over to Marvin's house and shows off his brand new clone but later in the episode The Clone tries to kill Mr Goodman which is really just a stunt because do the Clon his Brooklyn guy in a costume but he does it by throwing a penny in front of Mr Goodman's car so Mr Goodman swerves out of the way and later tells Marvin that he will never hurt money but in SML movie Chef pee's restaurant he burnt $50,000 when Chef Pee asked for a loan with a credit score of four in SML movie Bowser's driver's license the video was centered around Bowser driving because he didn't have a license and needed to get one in order to go places without Chef Pee having to drive him everywhere and in cars there are so so many mirrors and spots to easily catch the voice actors level's face was seen two times Lance's face was seen once and Pablo's face was seen once through the mirror in SML movie jeffy's new dad Jeffy wanted to go to the park so he eventually annoyed Marvin enough to the point Marvin caved in and took Jeffy to the park but Marvin really needed to use the bathroom so at the park he finds a bush to go pee in but it turns out that Patrick was hiding in the bush you found me you Wing hide and seek what and when he comes out of it he sees Marvin peeing which eventually gets Marvin placed on an offender list however he already was on the offender list as 4 years prior in jeffy's bad word he was an offender when he spanked Jeffy making Marvin the first person to make it on the list twice an SML movie Shrek the babysitter Bowser and Mario needed Shrek to babysit Junior and Jeffy but they annoyed the absolute heck out of Shrek and eventually he ended up locking them in the bathroom even after Shrek took a crap in there and it smelled terrible where's the donkey they ate my cheesecake they did what would you do with them I put them in timeout but earlier Shrek already knocked the door down so that means that Shrek would have had to put the door back on the hinges and then lock Jeffy and Junior in there which he didn't have time to do as he was rushing out of the bathroom because he smelled cheesecake and busted down the door to check why it's not my fingers it couldn't be my J C in SML movie Bowser Junior's Macaroni after Junior complains about wanting marshmallows and muffins eventually opting for macaroni and cheese when Chef peep is telling Bowser Jr that he has to use the bathroom you can actually see lel's face in the microwave reflection Bowser's little demon I have to go take a pee pee Chef peee has to peeee okay along with this when the camera pans over to Junior Chef P faces Junior and when Chef PE was gloating about being so awesome as he was making the macaroni and cheese and that Junior couldn't have any of the fun lel's body is completely seen as Chef BB turns to the camera at the same speed making his entire body other than his head visible I would like for you not to touch the stove please don't touch the stove okay in SML movie Bowser Jr goes to the fair when Junior plays the balloon pop game after begging Chef PE to play it the man running the carnival game tells Junior that if he wins he can have any prize he wants from the booth I want to win a pig what do I have to do mister to pop two out of three you can pick which one you want oh okay I'll pop two out of three okay however when Junior does win the carnival game the booth attendant just gives Junior a random prize instead of any prize that Junior picked making the previous statement by the carnival attendant completely useless or he's just a scammer great good job you actually want something W there you go you want I want a penguin Chef that's pretty awesome another thing in Bowser junr goes to the fair is Cody refuses to go on the ride that spins in a circle very fast but in the very next scene Pablo Cody's voice voice actor is seen right across from Junior and Chef Pee Cody you want to ride this ride it's going really fast I I can motion tick you get motion SI this yes oh well you can just sit out this ride no yeah you sit over there come on shf bab we're riding it all right are you ready for this ride chpi I don't know man as long as it's not that fast okay hey you know it's going to spin around and around are youall ready an smnl movie Bowser Junior's Happy Meal when Chef peip is interrupted by Bowser he's cooking Flounder from The Little Mermaid I'm going to boy you in season you you'll be so tasty shut up Bowser what are you doing I'm trying to cook my Seafood why do you bother me and Bowser says that he has to go get a Happy Meal for junior so when he goes to get Junior's happy meal and plays toys with Junior the pot and fish seemingly just disappear out of thin air when Chef Pee is looking for a toy for junior to play with ooh this kind of looks like a toy it's all colorful and whatnot this could work okay but this would not be possible normally as he was distracted by Junior for nearly an hour he would not have to time to dump the water put the pot and fish away and then turn the stove off assuming that he immediately went to go play dinosaurs trains and then eventually going to McDonald's for the rest of the video without putting anything away as the next scene immediately shows them playing toys what toys do you want to play with then train I want to play trains he also never continues to make or finish the seafood after the video's main plot of getting Junior Happy Meal finishes either making the fish meal that Chef Pee was cooking in the beginning useless or it could be that Bowser ate it and put it away although it did give us a bit of funny interaction between Bowser and Chef PE in the beginning of the video so I don't think it was useless an SML movie Black Yoshi scam the spaghetti and meatballs Channel claims to air nothing but spaghetti and meatball content 24/7 although the next thing that aired is an ad for Call of Duty World War II On The Moon making their statement completely useless as it's not spaghetti or meatballs related 24/7 you're are watching the spaghetti and the meat theball Channel nothing but spaghetti and the meat the balls 247 H that does look good we'll be back to the spaghetti and the meatballs after this commercial break what if World War II happened on the moon in SML movie Bowser Jr's breakfast in the restaurant cheffy be asked the server at Waffle House to put pepperonis on Bowser Junior's waffle to satisfy Junior's request of a pizza I want a pizza we don't have pizza sell pizzas Junior what the hell is I don't want a big pizza I want a pepperoni and chees don't carry Pizza I'm sorry want a pizza can you just I a pizza like pepperonis on top of a waffle fine I yay I get a pizza sh peee yeah you get the pizza woohoo okay MCH go make it um I want in like uh 2 seconds even though Waffle House doesn't have pizza but whenever the waiter comes back and gives Junior his pizza there's no pepperoni on the waffle making Chef pee's plea to the waiter about trying to make this pizza useless hey wait isn't that my isn't that my pancake no that's my Waffle there's your pancake and it happens again when cheffy be asked the waiter to reason with him to satisy by Junior when he asked for a pancake instead Chef P said that he could flatten out the waffle however the server didn't flatten it even though he acknowledged their request when Chef P ordered in SML movie Chef Poo's kitchen disaster when Chef B cuts his arm off while he was trying to cut a banana at 4:34 he's shown to be cutting his right arm my God Junior look look I'll cut it up just hurry up and don't don't bother me anymore after this okay okay cut it up in little pieces all right there go see there you go okay one more arm I'm bleeding oh my God my arm my arm get somebody however when he returns at 12:40 he shown to have a Band-Aid on his left arm instead of the right arm which is the one he actually cut oh hopefully poooo got the cupcakes out the oven no no in the same video in the thumbnail Chef poooo has a chef's hat on however in the entire video he doesn't wear a chef's hat at any point but this is actually Chef Poo's first appearance since SML movie Chef Po's clone he's never had a chef hat in that video either even though he was supposed to be a clone of Chef Pee who has a chef's hat on in every video in SML movie Bowser Junior's birthday cake Bowser Jr isn't called Bowser Jr in the entire video he's instead referred to as Baby Bowser by both Bowser and Chef Pee in the entire video Friday right no it's not Chinese food Friday it's Baby Bowser's birthday you know my son it's his birthday is a big Daye however this is just a small issue because this was one of the first videos that ever featured Bowser Jr and also in the same video at 8:17 you can see Bowser in the background on the counter near the oven when the camera pans up just slightly hey what is that oh it's a hamburger bun what do we need hamburger buns for you need to rub the peanut butter or the hamburger bun as well the 15minute time limit to make Junior's cake was insanely off as Chef P gets the request for the cake at 5:43 p.m. and Bowser comes back at 7:31 p.m. meaning a whole 2 hours have passed in their world making chef peee extremely late on Bowser Jr's cake but this is a recurring joke as Bowser can never really tell the time in SML movie The Time Machine Cody's ID says the address of Logan's house 7613 Lake Ridge Lane in Pensacola Florida which is actually Junior's house but Cody uses this address even though he doesn't live there he's just a frequent visitor when he hangs out with Junior yeah you're 11 go on in here's mine uh let's see o no sorry kid it says right here you're 3 years old also in the episode when Junior notifies Brooklyn guy about how Junior needs him in the emergency room he's confused as to what Corona virus is in 2008 doctor doctor it's an emergency we need you in the emergency room stat someone has Corona virus what what is that oh I forgot it's 2008 however as a doctor he shouldn't be confused as the most recent and relevant Corona virus outbreak started back in 2002 at that time known as SARS Cove 1 which ended in 2004 and Junior didn't specify which version it was Brooklyn guy should have known about the outbreak in 2002 especially if he was a doctor back then as it was as big as covid-19 but at that time also in the video Judith threatens Tyrone with writing a me too tweet but this couldn't happen during this time as it was 2007 and the me too hashtag wasn't prominent for at least another decade as it didn't begin until 2017 and that makes this threat just completely irrelevant you want to fool around a little bit oh not tonight Tyrone I have diarrhea a come on baby see now I know you're lying because that hasn't stopped us before no means no Tyrone don't make me write a me too tweet an SML movie it Brooklyn guys says boer's name three times within 30 seconds but booger doesn't even spawn Pennywise the Dancing Clown ate a kid in a sewer today police want to hold an emergency press conference now come here you damn booger got to get the damn booger out of there what but unlike an SML movie jeffy's imaginary friend booger is summoned immediately when Brooklyn guy says his name what imaginary friend are those even real things oh yeah everybody's got one isn't that right booger you the man Brooklyn guy you the man you the man you the man in SML movie Cody works at Red Lobster Cody gives Brooklyn guy and Karen four Cheddar Bay Biscuits when normally servers give you six if you're in a party of two hey everybody I'm Cody the lobster and I'll be your waiter I got you some cheddar bay biscuits to get started no no no no no hold on you didn't bring any for my wife but sir I brought you fourward to share while this isn't a big deal if you take into account that Brooklyn guy is obsessed with Red Lobster it should show that he should know about how many cheddar bay biscuits he should normally have whether if it was alone or with a party as he goes to Red Lobster extremely often he should know the amount of B biscuit they give you you can just keep them coming go back there and tell the kitchen it's going to be a rough night if at any point I hear you say Sir would you like more cheddar bay biscuits I will scream and I may assault you in SML movie Black Yoshi's blank check Tyrone is saying that he only knew Black Yoshi for 5 minutes but him and black Yoshi have actually been close friends going all the way back years prior to SML movie Mario the ganga who are you oh I'm to wrong I'm his best friend what how long have you known him oh oh about 5 minutes but you know we we best friends he gave me $10,000 so I'm going to be by his side forever in SML movie Bowser Junior's cell phone Junior says that he's 4 years old but in SML movie Bowser Jr's homework he said that he was in kindergarten which means that he'd actually be five or 6 years old and if he is four he would be in preschool in SML movie Chef PB quits part three after Chef PB says I hate my life anyway after getting fired from his police officer job Goodman's mouth can be seen moving whatever P just just get out you're fired I can handle this by myself you know what I don't even need this job anymore I hate my life anyway oh man I need a job I need a job an SML movie jeffy's 18th birthday there are so many mistakes in this one screw ball shows up at Marvin's door when he's figured out to be alive and he says that he jumped out of the van before it exploded but if you look at the frame right before the van explodes you can actually see screw ball in the window and in the frame after he just disappears and in the beginning of the episode the back of the van doesn't have a license plate but towards the end of the episode the van actually does have one this is because Logan was forced to get the van registered due to multiple complaints by his neighbors and they actually thought that he was trying to kidnap kids which ended up with a cops arriving at Logan's house and he had to get a license plate and in one of the phone call scenes the one where Brooklyn guy and Simmons were calling Nancy this wasn't filmed in the van like all the other phone call scenes because they forgot to film it and since they already exploded the van Nancy was actually talking with Brooklyn guy while on the couch which also explains why she's so incredibly close to the camera however this doesn't completely work as you can see part of the background at 28 minutes and 5 Seconds in the video when Brooklyn guy tells Nancy that he and Simmons are working for the police department an SML movie Black Yoshi's Black Friday when Jeffy is destroying the turkey with an axe for a split second a green Speck can be seen above the fly which is most likely part of the green screen effect that they use to get the fly in there in SML movie Bowser goes to the movies Charlie says that he's thirsty and wants to get a slushie but he says that there's no cups but you can actually see the cups right behind him boy am my thirsty but there's no Cubs you know what that means in SML movie Bowser Jr goes to Disney World part one you can hear Logan saying go right before the characters appear on screen and start talking which means that they forgot to edit this part out they took our picture sh baby there's our picture sh je buy it and Logan says this before every single scene if you watch modern-day SML videos right before a scene happens imagine Logan saying go in SML movie Bowser junor goes to Disney World part two when Junior Cody and Chef P are arguing on whether or not they should leave Epcot Lance can be seen sitting on a bench close by since he didn't have any characters in the scene that he needed to play I'm pretty tired and that looks kind of gross you want my egg roll no it's okay you want myeg you guys I've been walking around all day an SML movie jeffy's mistake convinced Black Yoshi to let Jeffy play on his Xbox one but when Jeffy decides to throw it off of the balcony he has his normal shirt on but when he says I'm sorry and black Yoshi gets triggered he has his pooperman shirt on instead he stole my Xbox yeah so the cupcakes ain't done yet I'm sorry in SML movie Dougies Fried Chicken ches Cheetos Black Yoshi wanted the Fried Chicken Cheetos that were only available in Thailand so he calls the phone number on the back of one of their bags and he calls and Jonathan answers and douge asks if he can speak to Chester Cheetah but Jonathan says that he's in his office however despite his name being Chester Cheetah later Chester is called Chester Cheeto by Marvin and Prince Abu Dhabi okay I don't even think Chester Cheeto is real I think he's just the mascot well that's your issue to figure out in SML movie Jeffy The Donut King Rosalina comes in with two boxes of donuts for her Jeffy and Marvin to share and after she shows jeffy's what the donuts look like they open the box and they see a golden dut and they all figure out that on the news they say that whoever finds the golden dut wins a lifetime supply of donuts but wanting to be healthy Marvin doesn't want to claim the prize and then tells Jeffy not to claim it and then it cuts to a scene where Rose and Marvin get done finishing their box of donuts and then the news comes on and Jeffy did not listen to Marvin and he did claim the prize but when the scenes switch from a picture of Jeffy on the news to Marvin and Rosalina on the couch the picture of Jeffy can still be seen for a fraction of a second before finally disappearing breaking news M there's a worldwide dut shortage ever since this kid won a lifetime supply of donuts and requested that all of them be brought to his dut Kingdom in SML movie jeffy's biggest fear Mario wakes Jeffy up and says they need to go to school Jeffy obviously refuses cuz he doesn't want to go but when Mario points out that it's 7:00 a.m. Jeffy starts screaming and explains that he's afraid to the number seven you have to go to school Jeffy you have to go to school get up Jeffy Jeffy it's 700 a.m. but Mario doesn't understand and gives him $7 for lunch which also makes him scream so he had to give him $5 instead all right Jeffy here's your lunch money it's $7 and at school Cody needs some gum from Junior because his breath smells like Ken's balls and then Junior says he only has seven pieces which causes Jeffy to scream again Cody I'm tired of you asking to borrow gum all the time I don't have that many pieces left I only have seven and then Junior starts teasing Cody a bunch until Jackie Chu comes in and then to get Jeffy to scream again Jackie Chu says the date is December 7th and Jeffy screams anyway CR today is December 7th however if you look at Junior's phone it's actually dated to December 19th in SML movie turkey tyranny Obama pardons a turkey on live TV but when the turkey attacks him he decides to ban all turkeys across the United States but Rosalina's alien parents want a turkey for dinner or else they'll blow up the planet and brooken Guy Simmons knocked on the door at the beginning of the video asking where they had turkeys and when Chef P admits that they have one in the oven they threw a grenade in the oven killing the turkey but later in the episode they cooked a turkey anyway despite the fact the oven literally got blown up in SML movie Jeffy gets stung by a bee he goes outside and sees a bee and thinks it's a yellow butterfly and so he ate it but then this caused his mouth to swell up and it turns out that he also ate the banana butterfly which turned him into a banana however Jeffy not knowing what a bee is isn't true as earlier in SML movie jeffy's birthday he knew exactly what a bee was so what's this day momy okay Jeffy all you do is catch bees no Jeffy I don't like they're not going to hurt you Jeffy here just try it in SML movie The Huer news Marvin and Hank are having a lawn Feud and Marvin really wanted to have a good lawn so he called broen guy over and asked him to make his grass better but when brooken guy sees the hucker's grass he goes over there and says that it's way better and starts laughing at Marvin from across the street hey you see that guy's dead grass over there yeah let's point at his dead grass and laugh at him ha dead grass you should check that grass's pulse which he wouldn't have one cuz it's grass and also cuz it's dead but earlier Hank cut his grass but in SML movie jeffy's Green being allergy brooken guy said that he's allergic to freshly cut grass I'm not really good with allergies the only thing I'm allc to his fresh cut grass fresh cut grass yeah I know it's kind of a stupid thing to be allergic to but let me tell you how I found out about it in SML movie Jeffy and junor skip school the class had a big test the next day and Cody came over to help tutor them but they just weren't getting it and when a commercial comes on Jeffy and Junior decide that they're going to skip school to do free mini golf and they get scooter and screw ball to fill in for them but if you look at the commercial you can tell that Logan took stock photos off the internet and left the watermark there and just put text on top in SML movie Bowser Junior's Playtime six Junior Cody and Joseph are playing pretend house and Richard joins in for this episode and he says that Junior had five DUI but throughout the series he only had four but it could be possible that Junior got another one off screen as well Joseph says that Sally is the first person to graduate from high school in their family but in the first playtime episode Junior says that he went to Community College which at least requires a high school diploma or equivalent who a doctor from Harvard I'm a Yale man myself I went to Yale University even lie you went to Community College he doesn't know that you're lying and embarrassing me an SML movie Black Yoshi's Call of Duty loan when Black Yoshi says well you already ain't pretty so it's not going to get much better from here and when he's saying this line he sounds a lot different for some reason no no no no no no no you better have my money right now or it's not going to be pretty well you already ain't pretty so it ain't going to get much worse for you from here listen man you better pay up you're not going to like what's going to happen in SML movie Bowser Junior's broken leg at 4 minutes and 29 seconds into the video when junior is shooting Hoops you can see lvl's face in the top right corner of the screen an SML movie Chef peei the babysitter Jeffy helps Chef peee in the kitchen and eventually Chef peip asks him to get him some flour from the pantry however when he drops it on purpose just to make Chef peip mad he says whoops but his mouth doesn't move at all oh okay Jeffy bring it over here to me I have to cook with it okay whoops Jeffy what the heck an SML movie Five Nights at Freddy's 3 when Brooklyn guy is convincing Junior Joseph and Cody to go to the horror attraction Joseph says that he lives in a dumpster but he's lying since we've seen him called Junior before and the background is literally him inside a house on a couch as well he has the latest iPhone which even I don't have and apparently he's supposed to be living in a dumpster you kids like getting scared like in haunted houses yeah I love haunted houses but it's November well you can get scared any time of year I live in a dumpster so every night it's scary in SML movie Black Yoshi's Call of Duty special edition Mario is a liar in this video because in SML movie Black Yoshi scam he promises him that he would buy buy him the next Call of Duty when it comes out however he still refuses in this video even though it's the next Call of Duty that he promised to buy black Yosi how about in November I'll buy you the new Call of Duty you buy me the game f yeah I'll buy you the Call of Duty and the man pack no in SML movie Bowser Junior's game night at 14 minutes in the video when Junior rolls a dice he says a I rolled a three but we can clearly see that he rolled a six a I rolled a three Cody can you move me three spaces of course in SML movie Chef BB the robot when Junior Joseph and Cody are eating the burnt mac and cheese that he made Junior goes to ask his dad if Chef BB is a robot however then the Charlie intro plays and the laughbox TV logo is missing maybe Bowser switched from cable to streaming on some sort of service like Netflix but I doubt Charlie's big enough to get on Netflix but maybe he is in the SML Universe I don't know an SML movie Bowsers Chang they reused the SML question of if you could have any animal what would it be from literally the last video jeffy's pet tiger and it was later reused again in SML movie jeffy's dog in SML movie Brooklyn guy's dad from 3 minutes and 15 seconds in the video to 3 minutes and 22 seconds you can see the Emirates logo on the plane but the Emirates planes don't have roots in America so I don't know where in the world they thought they were going as Emirates only flies International and not domestic in America in SML movie forsaken Cody absolutely refused to believe Junior was only picking up Ken when he clearly saw he was on the ground and Cody knew that he left him on the table as well and he doesn't believe Junior about cleaning up the spill with Ken's shirt either despite seeing the massive spill and the fact that he didn't have any paper towels which just goes to show that Cody is either stupid or just insanely jealous over a doll I'd be really fat Junior what what the hell is going on here I'm picking up your stupid Dolly fell off the table oh really cuz it looks like you're trying to get all up in his rum no no no no really Cody he fell off the table I I saw at myself I'm a witness yeah yeah Jo wit he saw it yeah okay Junior you're lucky you have a witness in SML movie Cody's mistake Junior hears the doorbell and gets into a Cody costume however the doorbell didn't even ring until he got down to the door so how did he even know anyone was there does he have a ring doorbell that could probably work all right fine I keep a spare change of clothes here in case I have an accident let me just go get it okay hello in SML movie Jeffy and Junior sneak out Bowser somehow believed the lie that it was a robber who broke their trophy so he installed security cameras around the house but he already did this an SML movie Hide and Seek and an SML movie locked out when Mario was talking to Jeffy through the camera to let him in an SML movie jeffy's Bad Christmas at 7 minutes and 45 seconds into the video If you pause it at just the right time you can see Santa already reading the book before he even has it an SML movie jeffy's biggest fear while Jackie cheu is teaching the class you can actually see that he spelled deadly sins wrong and he wrote deaddy sins in SML movie jeffy's new toy Jeffy is watching Mario go through his emails and we can see right at the bottom of the screen that he has an email from Mama Luigi but this is weird because Logan confirmed so many years ago that canonically he was dead in SML movie jeffy's piggy bank Jeffy realizes someone stole his money so we called the police and the police said that they brought back cruel and unusual punishment so people voted for the robber to be pushed into a wood chipper and it won the vote however the police kept insisting that it would be a steamroller killing Mario even even though on screen the wood chipper won by a long shot in SML movie Jeffy sleepover Brooklyn guy shares the devastating story about how he lost his cheit and once we see the kid getting Brooklyn guy cheit we see inside the vending machine Skittles are misspelled as Skittles with a c and even though Mario was awake and responding to Brooklyn guy him and Jeffy still fell asleep less than a minute later which means they were clearly faking it and didn't even want Brooklyn guy to stay there that's the scariest story I know and I know what you're thinking I mean how is a story about cheit scary but yeah you never know what life's going to give you one minute you get no bags of cheit next minute you get two bags of Chee it'ss you're in fosta here and your mom's in jail you just never know you never want to get between a cop and his cheit you know what I mean in SML movie Jeffy summer detention the video starts out with Jackie Chu pretending that there's going to be lots of work on the last day of school but it was just a joke and he threw a pizza party for the entire class however Cody picks a pepperoni pizza and pepperoni is pork and we know he's Jewish so we can't eat pork and he said this before in an SML video I just can't remember which one right now in SML movie Junior's retirement plan when Junior throws Cody Into the Fire lavel says dude what the hell in Joseph's voice however he moves Chef pee's mouth instead of Joseph I'm open I'm open dude eat breast get out of my kitchen I'm trying to make scoring hot Pringles oh this shot's going to be hot get out of vampire in SML movie Junior's twin Junior answered the door and it was his twin and he said his name was Nigel however he still has the Jr bib even though his name isn't Junior in SML movie Black Yoshi's mistake Mario accidentally sets off a grenade and throws it at Black Yoshi's Xbox however his controller is still somehow turned on but if the Xbox were to actually explode it would have been turned off immediately or at the very least the controller would be blinking trying to reconnect why is it making this noise oh Mario man get rid of it my Xbox Mario please I need a new X in SML movie Junior the babysitter Junior gets a knock at the door and he goes to answer it and it's Goodman with a baby and he wants Junior to take care of him for the night since he had a girl coming over however during this scene it's the middle of the night and you can't see a thing but just about 3 minutes later Junior goes to look for Benjamin in the lake and it's somehow daytime without any transition saying how long it's been since the time has P which probably means that they filmed the Goodman baby scene at the very end in smnl movie Bowser Junior's biggest fear Junior Joseph and Cody crank up the AC super high to act like it's actually winter because they live in Florida however they then find out that Junior is scared of cotton balls and after that they forget all about being cold somehow so uh Cody get those uh get get those cotton ball things you were talking about hry up so cold just throw some of these is that what do you mean what is that just a cotton ball Jun never say something like that was that a white devil what a combo get the thing away from me an SML movie Junior sleepover at 11 minutes and 35 seconds into the video Joseph says you guys are so scary after Junior flipped the iPad after getting jump scared however he actually meant to say you guys are so scared as Junior and Cody aren't scary I don't want to play anymore oh you guys are so scary no no no we we all we did was listen to a phone call until it scared us in SML movie Chef pe's new job the video starts out with Chef PE getting abused as usual however when he finally gets a break and sits down to watch TV a commercial comes on about Goodman looking for a personal chef but at 1 minute and 56 seconds into the video Goodman's hand gets cut off by a green screen so he's lying about being on his yacht in SML movie Five Nights at Freddy's 4 when Jeffy gets his payment from Brooklyn guy for working at Five Nights at Freddy's he only gets $320 however on the check it says $3 with a o and not $3 an SML movie Friday the 13th at the end of the video it was revealed that it was Chef pip in the costume however we literally see chef peip opening the door and letting the killer in and there can't be two Chef peees unless the robot Chef peee came back from SML movie Robot Chef peee which could be another theory in SML movie Goodman's bad request Rose was about to eat a meatball sub however they had to use the meatballs to pretend they cut shiv's balls off however Rose said many many many many times to Mario that she's a vegan before this video in SML movie Goodman's new life when Mario wakes up as Goodman he somehow doesn't recognize chives at all despite meeting him earlier in SML movie jeffy's Butler good morning sir who are you I'm chives your butler H over again I see no I'm not H what are you talking about I don't know what's going on and Goodman somehow doesn't know who Jeffy or Rose is despite Rose literally throwing a hammer at his car and Jeffy hitting a baseball at his car what the who are you you got to take me to school I'm not taking you to school I don't even know who you are wait what the is this Marvin's house I must have fallen asleep here Marvin did you fall asleep on the couch again ew fat in SML movie douge Robot scam douge gets pulled over for stealing all of Goodman's cash but while he's throwing all the evidence out of the car you can actually see Lance's leg on the pedals in SML movies squid game everyone fails their test so Jackie Chu sets up the squid games to get extra credit and he says it's ironic because I'm Korean but the thing is he's actually Chinese and it's been proven so many times both before and after this video which is either a mistake or this video was not part of the main SML timeline extra credit I'm glad you said that Cody because I have a series of games we could play and it's ironic because I'm Korean an SML movie picture day all the kids are in class and Jackie Chu says that tomorrow's picture day all right craft remember picture day tomorrow so make sure you look your best cuz this picture going in the yearbook and you don't want to look like ugly freak however when Junior goes to sleep he wakes up as the pimple face freak and he starts flipping out trying to fix it because if he has a picture taken like that he'll get bullied for years and so when he goes to Chef Pee about it at 2 minutes and 53 seconds into the video we can actually see Chef peee laughing with one hand but with his other hand he's literally touching the frying pan and stove which should be burning him but yet he doesn't react I noticed that big ass pimple on your face oh my God you can see him for his face see from his face see see what are you talking about pimp on my face see face as well later Junior keeps trying a bunch of different things to fix his pimple but he ends up going bald and duplicating it a bunch to where he looks like a legitimate monster however right before his photo gets taken his head shrinks saving him from looking ugly but he still does kind of look like a monster but the thing is when Junior's head shrinks he just magically grew his hair and eyebrows back and now this could be because of the fact that it's a plastic amiibo that they're using instead but they still could have tried to break off or cover up his hair and eyebrows an SML movie taken away Tyrone and Judy are on the couch and see on the news that apparently all kend dolls are dangerous and that there's a massive recall is now recalling all K dolls because small pieces have been reported to fall off the doll and cause a choking hazard so if your child has a k doll please take it from them immediately and so Cody's forced to give Ken to his parents and they lock him inside of a safe and later when Cody's crying in his room his mom comes in and to somehow try to cheer him up she brings him a toer doll so I locked him in the safe but look what I have a new Dolly his name is toea toer yeah like Christopher but without the Chris which is the ugliest thing I've ever seen and the ugliest name I've ever heard reminds me about how bad Big Hero 6 was but the thing is Topher is also a kend doall which should have also been recalled however this could be because Cody's parents are really stupid and just don't know but also in the new segment Goodman says that the toys are made by Hasbro but the Barbie line of toys and then includes all the dolls including Ken are made by Mattel Hasbro is now recalling all Ken dolls in SML movie Officer Jeffy we see Jeffy annoying Mario with a rubber chicken when Mario then gets a call from Goodman where Mario needs to come to a very quiet meeting at the library and needs Mario to be there immediately but obviously Mario needs a babysitter because Jeffy is loud so he has Brooklyn guy to watch Jeffy while he's gone but then Brooklyn guy and Jeffy get called to a robbery and then all units all units we have an armed robbery at the foot long Banger sandwich shop please use Extreme Caution subject is armed and dangerous oh my God an armed robbery I got to go help but but I I promise to watch this kid look kid I need you to come with me and and leave the chicken and out of just pure luck Jeffy runs into the robber and beats him against the wall saving the day and becomes a police officer Jeffy however this will be highly illegal highly illegal cuz Jeffy at the time was just 15 years old and in Florida you need to be at least 21 or older to be a cop or in some other states you also have to be at least 19 years old so Jeffy wasn't even close but there was also another mistake Where Brooklyn guy and Jeffy then wait on the side of the road to catch anyone speeding to where they then saw cars speed by and they pulled them over and so Brooklyn guy lets Jeffy deal with this one alone probably because poy had to play Judy in the next scene to where Jeffy goes up to the car which is being driven by Tyrone and they just start making so many excuses by saying that he wasn't paying attention to the speedometer and that Judy was going into labor this ticket you can show me some license and registration for what I say we waste them hold on baby I'm good with persuasion give me a second uh officer I wasn't paying attention to the dash I didn't know we were speeding but my wife here she's in labor oh oh you in Labor baby oh I'm in labor oh I think I feel the baby coming I feel the head oh the pain and Agony my wife life is in uh officer we need to get to the hospital fast you're not going anywhere until you show me some license and registration but Jeffy ignored them insisting on Tyrone's license but the situation escalates to where Jeffy tases Tyrone but right before that Tyrone lied and said that he goes to church but the thing is Tyrone doesn't go to church because he's Jewish which meant that he was just lying to try and get out of trouble in SML movie Junior's lemonade stand the TV shows an ad for the big jum box of toys priced at $300 and so Junior obviously wants it really bad and runs to his dad for the money but then Bowser says no trying to be a good parent and also probably because he didn't have the money for it at the time Bo of toys it's only $300 but it says it gives you so many toys you never need any more toys for the rest of your life $300 no no no no no I'm not spending $300 on toys you got enough toys Junior I do not have enough toys yes you do no when the house burnt down you know our last house when we moved a stupid apartment I lost all my toys so I only have like seven well that's enough can't you play with seven toys no Dad I really want the big jum of box of toys it's only $300 look I'm not paying $300 for some toys okay you're going to have to earn your own money but then Junior went to Chef Pee who happened to be making lemonade and as Junior told Chef peei that he wants the toys Chef PE jokingly suggests that Junior should sell lemonade to which he does and then we can see that Cody and Junior are having rival lemonade stands but then they're arguing about it because they're competing Junior this is my neighborhood that's my house house back there so so I'm not going to tear down my lemonade stand because you're not making money in my neighborhood well you expect me to make a a lemonade stand in my apartment complex well yeah that'd be stupid I wouldn't make any sales the resale value would suck So eventually they mentioned the fact that they're in Cody's neighborhood and not Junior so Junior should leave and He suggests that they should go to Joseph's neighborhood to where Joseph says that he doesn't know where he lives but in SML moov V Junior Summer Vacation Junior literally gave directions to Joseph's house to Chef peee so that they could go pick him up all right who is the first guy we're picking up uh his name is Joseph his house is right here stop stop stop stop stop stop oh there he is he's outside an SML movie Chef pb's lottery ticket Chef PB is complaining about having to clean the kitchen and Bowser starts nagging at Chef P for not cleaning and makes him take out the trash what are you doing I'm on break Bowser what does it look like I'm doing I clean the whole entire kitchen please just let me enjoy my break break you don't go on break it's I put you on break hm I got to inspect the kitchen what inspect the kitchen go ahead and inspect the kitchen it's spotless H it does look pretty clean but did you take out the trash and when shefy be goes out to throw it away he found a lottery ticket but when he comes back inside he sees Bowser destroying the kitchen to where Chef PB goes on his break and turns on the news to find out the winning lottery numbers and it turns out he actually won so he decides to tell Bowser Toad and Jr how he really feels about them until we realized that the lottery ticket was expired but if you see when they were drawing the numbers at 4 minutes 14 seconds Chef Pee says that he needs two more numbers but he actually needed three more an SML movie Cody plays tennis Junior and Joseph are playing Mario Tennis Aces and after a very close game Cody comes over and he wants to play with him but Junior tells him he can't because he's not in the game and honestly I don't understand this logic if do you do you really have to be in a game just to play as them but Cody's devastated oh ken I suck at tennis I've never played a game of tennis in my life and they decide to watch TV instead and they see an ad for a tennis tournament being hosted by Brooklyn guy and the winner will get a trophy and they'll also be a playable character in the new Mario Tennis Aces game so Cody goes against Mr Goodman but when Cody serves hits the net and immediately Goodman is then given the serve and is count as a fault even though in tennis you get two chances to hit a serve in SML movie Friday the 13th Junior Cody and Joseph decide to play a game of hide and seek to where Joseph and Cody hide in Junior's room underneath the blankets so when Junior comes in he can hear them talking very quietly but Junior being as dumb as he is thinks it's coming from inside the wall which causes him to break it open and he finds an old newspaper and on it it says that there was a boy that drowned in the lake behind their house in 1957 on Friday Friday the 13th and Joseph makes a really dumb assumption asking wait was it my mom but it later cuts to the killer emerging from the water where we see Chef Pei absolutely roasting the Killer and thinking that he's a trick-or-treater telling him that Halloween is in 20 days you are early as you got like 20 days bro come on be serious what are you doing with that dirty ass Rusty hockey mask oh my God and and where's your trick or treat bucket oh I have a sweet to you don't even have your bucket come on wait wait wait where's your parents where's your parents oh I get it this is your first time trick-or-treating by yourself oh I'm a big boy looking at but if you look at when the video was posted Halloween was in 18 days now it could have been possible that the video was filmed 20 days before Halloween and uploaded 2 days later but that's not the only mistake we then see the killer kill chef peee but this doesn't make any sense at all because at the end of the video we find out that Chef peepe was the killer so how could they be faced to face if they're the same person but then again I think that the killer might be Tito because it looks like Tito is the one inside the costume and they were really just meing with Chef Pee an SML movie Bowser Jr's three wishes Charlie goes to the gas station to put gas in his car but he doesn't know which gas his car takes and farts on the car's fill valve but the car didn't explode however an SML movie Bowser Jr's midnight snack when Junior was told to put gas in the car he also farted on the car's fill valve and the car literally exploded I'm going to fart really loud cuz it's gas what an SML movie Bowser Junior's game night7 Cody Jr and Joseph are playing a board game called Soggy Doggy where you get sprayed with water then you're out and when explaining the rules Joseph talks about how his dog died and that he drowned his dog oh dude that's how my dog died I I held him under the water and the the bubbles just sto bubbling and he kept squirming but I kept holding him down why did I do that but in SML movie the dog show Joseph said his dog died because he forgot to feed him look look it I named him Mr Bones because he was skinning bones when I found him and I forgot to feed him is that is that how he died an SML movie Cody's hot potion Cody brings a potion that'll make all his insecurities go away but Cody needs a key ingredient horseshoe crab blood but when they acquired the ingredient by stealing it from Dr fle Cody mixed it with a potion and drank it but when he drank it half his head was gone flavor you what happened I can't see your eyes like they blew off and your stuff's coming out come doct hold on there's something I want to do and so to get Cody back to normal they have to acquire all the ingredients that he had before but it's not easy so they snap their fingers and get the ingredients and just show a nict tendo animation of what they had to do to get it again but in the animation Cody looks normal but Cody hasn't drunk the potion yet so he's still should be missing half of his face in the animation in SML movie jeffy's driver's license Mario crashes into Goodman's car and if you pause at just the right time Mario's driver's license says that he was born in 1983 making him 35 years old as of this video however Mario has multiple times said that he was in his 40 and confirmed that he was born in May but in SML movie Rosalina's ex-boyfriend he claims he was born in November well well how do you know I'm a Scorpio you were born in November oh an movie Cody's accident Cody suggests that they should have a tea party and ask Chef peeee if he can make them some tea so Cody then asked Chef peee for tea at a tea party and Chef peei then agrees and tells Cody to reach up to the cabinet to get the teapot and when Cody gets the teapot he accidentally drops it on Chef peee knocking him out open your mouth and oh no oh no oh no wake up wake up wake up chef and Cody goes and tells Junior that Chef peee couldn't make tea because tea parties are for little girls but is Chef peee going to make the tea dude yeah is he going to the tea for the Tea Party you you you know what you guys were right tea parties are for little girls we're not little girls we're we're manly men we we don't have tea parties we have we however it's revealed in SML movie Cody's report card that he farts when he lies Junior I I have this medical condition where every time I lie I fart what yeah I just I get really nervous and when I lie I just start farting prove it tell a lie what do you want me to lie about um are you straight yeah but in this episode he Li lies so many times and doesn't fart in SML movie Jeffy and Junior go to prison Brooklyn guy claims that tricking Junior and Jeffy into buying tricks for him was a sting operation however sting operations actually set up an opportunity to commit a crime but they actively look for suspicious people to gather the evidence that show the person was intending to commit a crime however Brooklyn guy just goes up to Junior and Jeffy who are both mining their own business and were not intending to commit a crime until he put them to it I need you kids to go to a store and buy me some tricks but tricks are for kids yeah exactly see it's illegal for me to buy them cuz I'm an adult but you're kids so if you buy them for me I'll let you keep the change okay I'll do it Hey Jeffrey we're go buy some tricks okay okay let's go so technically it's not a sting operation but it's like a sting operation an SML movie jeffy's Pokemon card Cody wants to play Pokemon and so he shows his friends his Pokemon cards then Junior brings out a binder that's full of Pauly world Pokemon cards and Jeffy comes in and offers to pierce Cody and Junior's nipples until junior ask Jeffy if he has any Pokémon cards now oh Jeffy do you have any Pokémon cards Pokémon cards what yeah oh Pokémon cards have these cool monsters on them I have get muck on mine I want your Pokemon cards where I go so Jeffy shows Mario a chart that if he says yes he will not scream and if he says no he will scream and so Mario still says no to getting Jeffy Pokemon cards and so Jeffy screams as loud as he can until Mario gets him the Pokemon cards but obviously this doesn't work in the real world and so Jeffy comes back with a pack of cards and opens them and one of the cards being a poly toad ex however the card pack that Jeffy had was from an XY Evolutions pack which those types of packs only includes Pokemon from Generation 1 which Chimchar and poly tote ex are Generation 4 and two which somehow just came out of that pack in SML movie mistaken the video shows Dr finle shits showing that the moon landing was fake so he shows a video of the astronauts holding the flag and tells the kids to not believe what other people say about the moon landing and as Junior and Joseph start to believe in Dr fle shit's Theory Cody states that he's crazy and so Junior says that he has proof then he continues Dr fle shit's statement by asking why the flag would be waving if there wasn't any wind and after a long argument Cody says that Ken has been to the Moon plenty of times Cody you've never been to the Moon Yeah well no but Ken's been tons of times what Ken's a dog Cody no he's not Joseph he's a lawyer astronaut doctor scientist for the NBA and the argument continues when Cody says that Dr fingles shits thinks that they could communic K with aliens by dressing up as a hot dog but after mentioning hot dogs Cody realizes that at his house it's weer night and so Cody asked what the time is and it's 5:00 so he says he's late and runs off but he left Ken behind and so Junior thinking that if Ken has been to the Moon a lot then he'll just send them back to the moon so they wrap balloons around Ken and let him go to where Cody comes back to Junior's house and is worried that he left Ken there so Junior tells Cody that they sent him to the Moon he's really far away he's really high up he's on the moon the junior how did he get to the moon uh we tied a bunch of balloons around him and we let him go outside Junior that would not put him on the moon and after Cody leaves crying a junior calls NASA feeling bad that it was their fault that Ken is probably now lost so space cadet Brooklyn guy arrives introducing himself but since this video is before the secret door it's actually does bad things guy posing as Brooklyn guy but Junior tells Brooklyn guy that they've met before as he knows Junior as the sun kid and so does bad things guy refers to Junior as the sun kid even though it was Brooklyn guy who sent Junior to the Sun not does bad things guy hey I am space cette Brooklyn tea guy from NASA well we've met before oh oh yeah you're the Sun King yeah I went to the sun however it is possible that does bad things guys saw Junior was going to the sun on the news or that it was actually does bad things guy that sent Junior to the Sun as they did say that Junior's death was done on purpose in that video so it's PA that does bad things guy could have actually met Junior several times outside of just the sunkid reference in SML movie the asteroid Goodman appears in the news and reveals that a giant asteroid is heading towards Earth breaking news an asteroid is heading straight for Earth and can kill all of us and space cadet Brooklyn guy says that NASA is going to shoot a nuke at the asteroid and one of four things will happen one the nuke will break up the asteroid into tiny pieces which will burn up in the atmosphere two the nuke will break the asteroid into two mediumsized as asteroid which will both still hit the earth and three the nuke does absolutely nothing to the asteroid and they all die and then four is they just completely Miss they just launch the nuke with their eyes closed aiming at wherever they want and they miss and so they launch the nuke and it does absolutely nothing to the asteroid and says that everyone on Earth is going to die we're all going to die however the nuke launch scenes are different the first shot shows a missile launching and the second scene shows a soyu rocket in Flight a derivative of the R7 soraa ICBM missile both new nukes looking completely different the r seven sroa ICBM missile is responsible for carrying manned or unmanned so U and progress missions to the ISS or satellites also when the asteroid is turned into a shrimp by Dr fingle shits Mario says that the shrimp is about the size of the Earth but if you actually look at the shrimp it seems to be smaller than the earth but those are all the mistakes I could find put more of them down in the comments for the next video thanks for watching subscribe and click on this video here [Music]
Channel: SML Theory
Views: 148,428
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: W157FfPiqXk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 32sec (3392 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 23 2024
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