I Built a SECRET 7-11 in My Room!

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today I'm building a secret 7-Eleven in my room and hiding it from my twin brother he says we don't look like twins anymore because of my recent weight game so he started a 90-day fitness challenge to help me lose weight so that we can look like twins again it's only been a week and I've been struggling with eating all these healthy foods on top of that Alan is always watching me and he won't let me cheat on my diet Alex M okay I needed a way to eat all my favorite snacks without him finding out that's why I'm bu a secret 7-Eleven in our house but first I need to find a perfect location think I found it oh my God check it out check it out this is perfect but I need to make a bigger hole so I can fit in there if you're wondering why I'm not going about this more quietly Allan is actually at the gym right now he thinks I'm missing today's workout because I pretended to be sick this morning so we also have our friends joining us for the 90-day body transformation Challenge and we're going really hard today cuz whoever loses the most weight gets to have a cheat meal oh too easy meanwhile back at home I was making some real progress time for the grand entrance woo good thing I pretended to be sick today cuz I'm about to turn this into the best 7-Eleven ever I barely gotten started on my secret 7-Eleven and Alan was already starting to get suspicious so Alex mentioned that he's sick today and I don't believe him so I sent Tanner home to spy on Alex just now to make sure he's not cheating on his diet so this room is going to have everything that a 7-Eleven has every snack and drink you can think of slushie machines and even some ban stuff you can only find in special 7-Eleven I just have to make sure I hide it all from [Music] Allan Alan Alex where are you Alex Alex where you at dudee Alex what are you doing what is this I thought you were supposed to be sick okay hear me out I'm sick of this healthy diet crap I'm building a secret 7-Eleven so I can eat whatever I want whatever I want whatever I want whatever I want Count Me In I'm tired of eating that healthy crap too but if you're trying to build a secret room a big hole in the wall isn't very secret well it's not very secret yet by the time we're done with it no one will ever be able to tell there was a hole here and now that we know where the secret 7-Eleven was going to be built it was time to go to real 7-Eleven and get some ideas and supplies we're outside of real 7-Eleven we're going to go inside and figure out how to build our 7-Eleven and E some snacks I haven't had junk food in a week and there's so much food here I sorry but I don't think we're be play we're going to need a lot of junk food and snacks obviously we're also going to need some shelves to hold the snacks we're definitely going to need a lot of drinks ice cream and refrigerators to store them in this is about to cost a lot of money you can't have a SE left without this and we can fill it up with spicy wings too ooh we got to have our own slushing machines too you know what um maybe let's not do that tner after taking more notes and buying a lot of snacks it was time to head home and start building all I think we're good meanwhile Allan was taking his 90-day fitness challenge a little too seriously come on Al you got this goow up go one more one more come on one more yeah keep going you want to stop talking keep going keep going come on one more one more hey what are you doing I said one more not me keep talking Allan's obsession with the fitness challenge gave us the time we needed to start customizing the 711 so we're finally back home and check out all the snacks we bought and now it's finally time to transform this room into a 7-Eleven I'll start painting Tanner you go buy some more 7-Eleven props [Music] honest so all 7-Elevens have the unique red green and orange stripes and right now I'm going to paint that on all the walls and I'm taking this seriously cuz I want this to look like the best 7-Eleven in the world woo this looks sick guys I honestly didn't know I was this good at painting so far things were looking good and Allan was so into his workout that he seemed to have forgotten that Tanner never came back three 3 2 1 keep going th000 lb higher right there [Music] wo um let's see how Tanner shopping went so I just got back from buying a bunch of stuff from a 7-Eleven warehouse this is going to be perfect for our secret 7-Eleven room let's start unloading it Alex check it out back I got that slushy machine you were talking about oh my God and a 7-Eleven sign turning it on in three 2 1 dude I honestly can't believe all the progress we made on the secret room it's really starting to look like a 7-Eleven and even though we were having a lot of success with our 7-Eleven we were about to run into a huge problem so I just sent Sean home to check up on both Alex and Tanner cuz I haven't seen either of them all day when we started this fitness challenge Alan mounted a security camera in my room to keep an eye on me cuz he knows I hide snacks in there so I put a picture of an empty room in front of the camera to hide my secret 7-Eleven oh that's perfect Alex check it out look at all these boxes I got from the 7-Eleven Warehouse you were able to find snacks from Japan Mexico and Indonesia that's right Tanner got snacks from 7-Eleven all around the world to add to our secret room let's check out someone of 7-Eleven snacks from Mexico it's dude these snacks are so unique that's sick we got Mexican wait wait wait hold on it's got a ring notification it said someone's at the door wait Sean got hide all this stuff Alex why do you think of my phone call Quick we got to Bar the Door Alex I know you're up to no good Alex where you at whatever you do don't let him in guys what's all this SE Sean Sean listen to me it's not what it looks like oh hell no y out here cheating on your diet why I'm out here busting my ass off Sean of course it's you too look Sean we already spent $115,000 please don't tell Alan please okay fine but after this you guys have to not cheat on your diet anymore it's for your own good okay I'll cover for you guys Alex we're not actually doing that are we hell no and after persuading sea not to K Island Alex got Tanner sick too so it's finally time to resume building our 7-Eleven Alex check this out so I was able to get not one fridge but two 7-Eleven fridges check are you finding this oh wait have a couple other things I have to grab too one sec fastest boy alex I we going to fit this in here oh dude this is more of a workout than I did with Alan Tanner ended up finding literally everything we could have possibly needed for a 7-Eleven but not without eating some of it first w w wo T hey hey hey stop not yet and of course more snacks stocked with some drinks as well and lastly a slurpie machine section honestly I can't believe how good of a job we're doing what is it we actually do have a big problem we need to find something to cover up that giant Hall cuz if someone else comes home we're [Music] screwed I know just a thing you do follow me while we headed off to find a secret entrance for a 7-Eleven Allen's 90-day fitness challenge was starting to get borderline violent correction literally violence what the who turned the lights off what was that I don't know what's going on what the hell what's happening who keeps turning the [Music] lights I have been waiting for this my whole life is that all you got it's Brian well at least Hannah and I were actually being productive so we have this giant painting here and this is going to be the perfect thing to use as a secret entrance oh what the hell happened unfortunately someone broke into our secret room but luckily we already set up security cameras so we checked the footage to see what happened knew I would make it believe uh that's not me so we forced B to clean everything up but he kept getting distracted what I'm just helping I had high Tanner's chair but luckily Bach was able to get the job done now it was finally time for us to install our secret door honestly this is the perfect painting to use because if Alan sees this I'll just tell him it's a motivational poster for when we're in shape and I don't think he's going to question it now we had to hurry and mount this quick cuz it was getting late and Allan could get here any minute okay that was the last screw let's see if it works oh it's holding it up let's go wait oh look at now we still have a lot more stuff to bring in and a lot of stuff to unpack so let's go do that before I give you guys a full room tour it's not a 7-Eleven without the famous food warmers look at that doesn't that look amazing J it's so good oh brain freeze oh my God our 7-Eleven was really coming together but I was starting to worry that Tanner would eat all the snacks without me speaking of snacks let's check in on the other boys what the hell is even that uh I actually thought we were going to make it through a whole video without Sean doing something sus anyways Tanner and I are just putting the finishing touches on our secret 7-Eleven 3 2 one woo that was the last of the shelves time to give you guys a proper 7-Eleven room tour let's go Welcome to My Secret 7-Eleven right over here we have the fridges where we have a ton of drinks and moving on this section I'm excited for we have our very own ice cream machine for the next section we have two different slurpie machines right over here we have the cold fountain drink machine and if you scoot over to this section we have the hot dog rollers right here I know sea would love this if he was here the hot dogs we also have a food warmer full of my favorite healthy snacks now to the next section we have some International 7-Eleven snacks that we're going to get to right after the tour and over in this section if you don't eat all the food we have chips 2 L sodas and we have more chips and then we have the gondola show each side we have snacks every kind of candy you can imagine Hershey's Butterfingers Kit Kats twixs Reese little bit healthier on this side you know we can't be eating all junk food h no I mean no we can't we can't it's not healthy to eat all junk pachos pachio Tanner be jerky tner come on dude out here it's so crazy to me that this was once a room that no one knew existed and now it's a secret 7-Eleven that still no one knows exists except for us let's hope it stays that way but that was going to be hard cuz Allan kept sending people home I'm honestly so sore from all the workouts so I just sent Caleb home to grab the massage gun and some smoothies so we can keep going now it's finally time to try out some of the international 7-Eleven snacks on my side I have Mexico and on my side I have Japanese snacks so I got the some Town cake and I got the strawberry roll cake what so good wait that looks good too please let me get a sniff okay what are you what the hell oh my God that's so good Pound Cake Time pound cake wow holy crap this is actually yeah oh my God I'm so glad we're not eating that healthy diet crap all [Music] right I think I like the roll cake better than the pound cake really I like the Mexican pound cake a lot more Alex tner what was that Alex where are you guys you guys freaking hiding from me where the heck are you guys bre the Alex stop breaking the door all right I'm going down to make some smoothies and if you don't come out by then I'm calling Alan let's just go out there we going to work out come come on come on oh there you guys are oh Caleb the what up dude what is that painting oh that uh little motivational painting for when me and Allan in Shake all right I have to get back to that no I brought you guys some smoothies you want them uh n we're good we had some slushies earlier all right well I got to get back and workout so I'll see you guys in about 2 hours okay all right all right try to catch here if you want them try to cash up to us Caleb yeah man we burning them calories good luck okay dude that was so close why would we want that and we got them slushies yeah and now that we know exactly how long Allan was was going to be at the gym for about 2 hours it was time to have some fun W oh yeah we'll remember this day forever Tanner oh yeah did you just sniff my fart no I didn't sniff your fart sniff my fart sniff your fart dude come on give some other good pictures oh my god this looks so hidden no one would ever be able to tell and it t just how hidden the secret room is we're going to invite a subscriber over to see if they can find us with the subscriber on the way Tanner and I Chang to our 7 outfits and waited they don't look anything like that oh she's right there should be scared yeah let's do it come oh my God is this a 7-Eleven yeah we spent all day building our own 7-Eleven and because you're a subscriber we'll give you 1 minute to buy whatever you want for free starting now go go go on go go go go go go what the heck there's so many things come on come on come on grab Dad never lets me eat ice cream get all of them yeah come on get all the sood do you want ooh Deering ooh I love these K so she only has 30 seconds left but we're constantly flying out subscribers from all around the world world and if you want to be in a video just like her then all you have to do is subscribe all right you got 10 seconds be quick go go go go go go go go three two come on one all right put it down put it down that's a lot of stuff you got there oh we're going to have to a long time be careful it's heavy thank you I had a lot of fun y'all can too if you subscribe unfortunately we lost track of time and forgot Alan would be home soon all right guys we're going to be going home for the last workout hey how are we getting home we're running home for the last workout let's go wait but that's going to take like 30 minutes I got to warn Alex it's finally time to try the rest of international snacks let's do it someone's calling hello we're running back down to the house right now we're like a few minutes away okay bye oh no Alex we're done dude we're going to get caught dude here here almost there I'm so tired why did I agree to the this start stressing me again dude to get 300 again take that out of your mouth guys we're literally almost home I can see the house from here so far the sigar room has passed every test let me show the game plan all right we'll be fine Allan gets here first thing we do shut the painting behind us we can be doing push-ups whatever we want working out and then whenever we want to we can just come right back inside and you'll never be able to tell I don't think I can look Allen in the eye and lie to [Music] him what he's there Alex I'm back oh my God wait wait wait wait what we do we got to change back we change back andir go where are you go go go go hey [Music] Alex Alex oh you guys are working out yes sir dude what is this picture this is motivation cuz by this summertime we're going to look like this oh I brought you salad really yeah you don't want it got eat healthy remember haven't eaten all day Tanner why don't you have some salad too oh no I can't I got to Crown put in at the dentist really yeah what's your dentist name crentist all right well I'm glad you guys are feeling [Music] better we got to flush this down bro that look bad what the hell was the cren this thing I didn't know what to say told you just don't say anything hey can you guys come downstairs for the weigh in guys Alex Tanner where did you guys go guys wait [Music] wait what do we do Alex what are you guys doing here what is all this what's going on all you can't expect us to eat salad all day I'm not a rabbit you know what save it you'll always be my brother but you'll never be my [Music] twin unless I eat some of this yummy snacks and gain some weight more
Channel: Stokes Twins
Views: 49,349,788
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: secret room, secret rooms, hidden room, secret 7/11, I built a secret room, I built a secret 7/11, secret mcdonald's, I built a secret mcdonald's, stokes twins, ben azelart, mrbeast, mark rober, Jordan matter, royalty family, airrack, Ryan trahan, topper guild, zhong, Brent rivera, lexi rivera, amp, Jeremy hutchins, unspeakable, preston, faze rug, dhar mann
Id: eXosE1wewXg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 37sec (1237 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 12 2024
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