SML Parody: Morty Returns!

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lest my dog would beget fanfiction and it's finished more evil roles and there's me pushing Jeffy because I will have the last laugh now to test the books secret purpose Oh Rick yes Lord Morty nice mr. doctor professor morn evil to you yeah mr. dr. Morty lord please don't please don't I'll let it slide this time maggot but that's because you have to test out my new invention thank you my lord the book is gorgeous Lord Marty yeah you better get more the craftsmanship the perfection the I'm a big fan of the stickers my cell the stickers are out of this world yeah well you know what else is out of this world you're writing so you should read it you want me to read the book oh yeah I want you to crack it open start to finish read the whole thing yeah I yes Lord Morty well I got more two evils book he wants me to read I'm not huge into reading but I'll give it a shot I just really don't want the lashings again okay here I go all right time to read in the beginning oh my god oh my god or even what have you done what am I really my my my greatest invention I've actually worked yes Rick your sacrifice won't be in vain okay that's the step I gotta use it on the whole family starting with Jeffy hey daddy how can we go his store we just don't eat the food because if you think about it you put the food in the bag and then you buy it and then you lose all that money because instead you could just eat the food there and then you'll be fine I know you can do it cuz you're big and I could probably do it too cause I'm always hungry oh hey daddy where as chocolate milk really come from cousin school II tell you one thing and then your friends tell you another Cody says it comes from a brown cow oh that's true though oh speaking of brown cow is UPS truck that you write you know it's like a brown version of the school bus where I speak in a school bus you know milk wait school bus with yellow milks white out won't work alone speaking of milk hey daddy you know your milky way well is it really minute I'm milk because in school tell you one thing but then I you think I think I know another because I don't know if it's a really minute I'm milk or not but I don't know oh hey daddy could we have pasta for dinner Jeffie stop it but you were doing it no I'm not doing it because I want to I'm doing is you're annoying oh well I got an idea how do we take shifts you take my helmet five minutes and then we'll switch well I mean it's gonna hurt with that helmet oh but it's why your ball you got no hair up there all right refinement be quiet go play with your friends go play games please come and leave me alone dad eh I'll be fine just take my helmet with the F for a little bit if you don't walk away right now I'm leaving bye wait is this no no it couldn't be it's been years but but it looks just like him is that well cha-ching five million dollars I think I know where he is I gotta go find him all right this should be the place last I remember happened right here like I remember I got to remember all right sign right the park okay dad oh man well you go play in the park I'm gonna watch my bank account numbers go through the roof I just had a big deal today oh okay I'll go play all right good yeah when you're done playing I'll get you a nice big ice cream sundae how about that oh I would love that dad good all right go off and play your little rapscallion oh geez okay did you do it did you take it you're coming with me hey one come here oh jeez what's that noise Morty No that's how I remember it happening I wish I could find him one more time wait if I go back to where the sign was and start knocking on every door maybe they've seen him yeah that's what I'll do that's what I'll do all right this is the 40th door today I'm getting really sick of this every time I knock on a door they're either not home or they answer and they call me a creep I'm really done if I knock in the store and they don't answer he's not here I'm giving up I'm throwing in the towel whoo show me check the door I'm gonna go get it I wonder who's at the door oh maybe it's my French here for another pool party now be fun okay hello my name is Richard Goodman from the Goodman foundation you may have heard of us I'm here to look for my son Morty dull have you seen him hey wait a minute haven't I seen you before uh-huh yes I'm getting a little too old sorry I thought you were someone else uh have you seen my son oh well I don't know a morty anymore but I do know a more evil I kind know where he is come on in okay great well rich this is where more evil usually pulls his schemes right here well then where is he I own no but oh he may a book for me oh wow it looks great looks like he's beating you up I'm glad you could join us Jesse know that you're here Jeffy you see that book on that table I'm gonna make you read it I'm gonna make you read all of it know anything about reading yeah you're gonna have to read it and you're gonna hate it but it gets a lot worse than that you and your guest Oh who's that Oh dad Oh Morty I'm so glad I finally found you after all these years now why don't you come home so you can be the heir of good enterprises bah-bah-bah but you know butts more you know why don't you get in the car so I can take you back the good manager prizes you can be on filthy rich after all you don't want to live with these poor wait what do you mean poor well uh you you you took him you took him from me are you taking Maury why don't you tell him what actually happen yeah that didn't happen here's the true story it all started 11 years ago stop crying you miserable little roadie you can cost me a lot of money I don't want a misery I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm a good man we'd be very disappointed with you and me that's why I mean really you to put your head down and stay in the box please no no pleases bum put your head down I'm sorry it doesn't matter put your head down now take this you filthy freeloader [Music] why are you crying why you in a box my dad left me with no I'm sure he's coming back any no we know you have me in the box just leave you in them are you sure he's not going back just leave him here how about you come to my house and uh I'll find you a place to stay really yes you're gone okay [Music] and that's what really happened oh shoot I knew you remember the real reason Morty all right look the reason why I came to get you because I saw a bounty poster for you for five million dollars and when I saw that I said cha-ching and I had dollar signs in my eyes and and I don't really want to take you back I just want to turn you in I knew you were just in it for the money like you always have been your whole life that I've known you I'm sick of it so I'm not gonna use the book on these people I'm gonna use it on you what that's it a book a diary Wimpy Kid book with your face on it oh I'm so scared yeah I'd never buy you these things as a kid you're always asking and I told you I never waste my money on some dumb book all right let's read and see how bad it is for you just to prove to you then I'm not scare your book I'm gonna read the whole thing right now all right let's see oh my god he's he's gone Oh Oh No took look it's becoming unstable if I don't do anything it's gonna it's gonna blow and then everybody's gonna be a goner the only way to stop it is a sacrifice oh I can't hold it much longer what are you doing I'm sacrificing myself dang it now get out of here what no we can't just leave you come on we go together a lot of time better run remember you forever more evil don't forget whoa Morty fun he's gone Jeffy don't look at it it's really gruesome hmm his eyepatch what man Morty but you you sacrificed yourself for us yeah we should we should hold a few enroll yeah I guess you're right okay [Music] oh man uh well Maury you went from being one of the most cowardly to one of the most feared people I've ever known and then you ended it off as being one of the bravest I'll remember you forever buddy I really will amore I'm I'm gonna remember you buddy I'll never forget you you know when I found you in that box that day I only plan to keep you around for like a day or two until till I found you at home I really didn't want to you cuz I already had Jeffy to deal with but uh I really miss you buddy you know I can't believe I'm saying this but Morty man I'm really gonna miss you I really will all the nights we used to go out to the bar even if you just stayed in the car cuz you're too young and you can't drink no man no more E major guy got in my life he's not getting to know you better I always wanted to play with you but I never did cuz I thought I was cool to hate on you I'm sorry hey daddy what well now that Morty's gone what we do all right I don't know Jeffy I'm gonna get started on dinner I just want to be alone for a little bit no well well my god do oh I got an idea daddy you're gonna what sit down for this hello he's just to make a wish foundation hi my name is Jeffy and my daddy's really really sick he's got like 55 illnesses and he's really big he's got like days left and I was wondering or uh he was wondering if he could get one wish is over the age of 12 so he's only gonna get one wish instead of the three but we usually give up well that's fine Joe ah I wish or I'm sorry he wishes to bring back mori sorry oh well in that case he wishes or we wish to go back in time oh it will with twice the ground shaking here we go daddy we're going back in time [Music]
Channel: Kable10
Views: 1,249,389
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: rPH32wtM0I0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 47sec (767 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 09 2020
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