All Poppy Playtime 3 - NIGHTMARE CATNAP, DOGDAY - Boss Fight - FULL Gameplay (Smiling Critters)

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hey guys it's me Huggy wuggy how's it going I don't care listen I'm here with my best buddies like player and doct is here to join us tonight and we're going to have so much fun right yeah I'm here to help as always nice guys today we arrived at skeleton catnap store nightmares of catnap I don't know who cares you know what I'm talking about it's the freaky looking cat guy yeah so yeah we're about to explore this awesome room before we do guys you already know what time it is take your stupid little hand and your stupid little keyboard and smash that like button also dog day wants to tell you something oh oh that's right I do wolf I'm just joking guys do you know what time it is it's time to your that's right go to your stupid little keyboard look for a skeleton Emoji this one right here and leave it in the comments because catnap is no longer a cat he's a skeleton so put it in the comments did you do it woof thanks now let's explore this awesome looking room check it out check it out come on stop looking at me check out this room my goodness is that an elevator look with all this freaky lights so cool back to me there we go now let's explore this room guys get back here stop being chickens let's do this nice room all right guys let's not forget the actual Mission today which is we got to find skeleton catnap why don't ask questions so look around guys I think he might be in the look at this guys what is that you think he might be in there I don't know check it out hello hello is there is there anybody there hello skeleton gnap are you there guys I think I heard something what where from here there was something in in that hole you idiots that was me get it cuz connected probably it's the same whatever anyways guys look around for skeleton katnap let's keep exploring I'm right over here what hey there guys miss me oh no guys actually we were looking for skeleton catnap wa you want to see skeleton catnap I'll show you what is that oh my head what happened in here where's dog and player dog day guys where are they what is that thing show yourself he they [Music] Huggy skeleton get them stay away from me dude what's the matter hugy I thought you wanted to meet me no ouch my brains oh no he's coming back stay away from you skeleton cam I'm Coming For You Hy stay away from hugy hugy we need to go quickly go what do you mean go where we need to go to that elevator quickly let me show you you see that elevator yeah all right so we need to charge it up with these two batteries get to the second floor get away before cat up gets us there he is nobody's going anywhere come back here quickly you guys look for the batteries I'll distract it with my muscles got it we going to look for those batteries clear have you seen batteries no look around all right let's look around guys quickly I'm losing all right we're looking for those batteries buy did you find the batteries no now look around batteries are there any batteries where are the batteries I know where the batteries are I know exactly where they are kissy Missy how's it going where are the batteries everything's great Huggy the batteries H got to remember uh oh yeah the batteries are in water Heaven water Heaven the batteries are in water Heaven that's right that's where they are itd have to go there before duck they dies come back [Music] here my battery oh that must have hurt all right go to water [Music] Heaven nice wow water Heaven guys so cool check it out don't you just love water heaven now let's go look for that battery guys look I think I found it looks like a bunch of quitters let's go check it out one my try what's going on here one more push nice finally made it follow me guys hey guys how's it going see you got a battery over here you mind if I take it oh guys can I take the battery oh I guess they're dead or something well uh I really need to save dog day so uh see you later guys all right guys back to my world hey what's taking him so long I think he's coming got the battery guys my goodness you actually got the battery we got the first battery that's great Huggy connect it quickly and find the second one all right guys let's connect the batteries just got I think it goes this is it this way kissy yeah whatever all right nice it actually worked but elevator is still not working we need another battery where's the second battery kissy I don't know I only knew where the first battery was F got the second battery and you guys will never get it and dog day is not going to help you you guys will never get this battery got your battery FY connect the battery the battery finally we got it we can finally get out of here here we go it's so crunchy come on it's working guys the elevator should work now oh my guys we're coming nice my goodness it's open guys quickly let's get out of here doggy are you coming I'm coming guys wait for me we not going anywhere dog day oh no it's Dog Day now come back here quickly guys it's coming press the come on open the door no way dude get out of here open the door now or I'm going to kill you and eat your brains out open the door we're not opening this door look at you all sad outside let's get out of here boys and girls he miss see you later CH you loser bye-bye H Easter see you later whoa they think they're actually getting away come back here Huggy oh no guys he's actually getting closer come here boys you guys are looking delicious don't need to worry guys this elevator is catnap proof see you later cat woohoo where you going boys looking delicious get away from us oh no the elevator's stuck get away from me open this elevator come on work work work you stupid elevator you can't go anywhere I got this he Captain hey Captain what take this oh my gosh I actually got him guys and the elevator's working again see another get ouch he really got me with that grapper hand by the way guys I guess you forgot the shapes are available on Amazon so why don't you go hop over there and you know purchase yourself a plushy as compared to my mission firsts of course I'll come back here no that was close right case yeah super close but we got away all right oh looks like we arrived at the second floor nice nice let's get out guys super cool nice oh my gosh guys look new doors let's go check it out woo nice wow looks like we got two characters we got crafty corn monster crazy crafty corn so cool so big and so cute and we got this new character scary huge Hopscotch yeah I really want to see monster Hopscotch he looks so cool and scary yeah what don't you want to see crafty corn what do you think is Missy I don't know hey guys don't forget about me I'm coming along too do day how'd you make it out alive I took the stairs there were stairs yep guys I got something very important to tell you first of all let me know in the comments which one we should go to second of all we're doing a shape dude giveway that's right check out these shapes I mean right there look at him look at these awesome cool looking shapes these are the shape dudes they're so cool so awesome guys we're doing an awesome giveaway just like I said you see that email right there I'm going to need you to send your favorite awesome so cool beautiful fan art of the shape dudes to this emo right here and the best one I'm going to choose it the best one wins a sacred blush a random one or juice yeah send the awesome F art to this emo right here and we'll choose the winner we'll announce it on the next episode so yeah everyone gets to see it too the winner so it's so cool it's so awesome also let us know which door we should go to and we'll see you in the next episode W hey guys it's me your favorite guy Huggy wuggy oh he with my best buddy player best friends right for sure yeah and today we arrived at Mrs Delight room that's right Mrs Delight she doesn't look like such a delight to me but you know that's her name anyways before we start this awesome Journey guys super important super duper important super duper important leave a like on this video leave a like on this video it's super important that's right uh I'mma need you to take your little fingers take your stupid little keyboard and smash that like button smash it so important all right thanks for leaving a like I appreciate it now check out this awesome room my goodness so cool but wait a minute before we explore player has to tell you something go ahead hey guys I'm not sure if you noticed but Mrs Delight over here she usually has an apple on her shirt so what I need you to do is go to your stupid little keyboard take your feet and look for Apple emoji and leave it in the comments did you do it this Emoji right here it's an Apple emoji it's pretty simple put it in the comments thanks let's explore yeah man this room is so awesome look dog day wa I think it's just a plush he's not real yeah I think you're right let's keep exploring w super cool man this room is awesome yeah yeah I wonder what it is kind of looks like a like an old classroom or something let's keep exploring yeah what are those I'm not sure they look like garbage cans I think they're lockers let us know in the comments guys what do you think they are they're pretty cool let's keep going hold on a minute player what I think that's boxy over here come on here Che it out foxy is that you Huggy is that you dude it is how's it been boxy I haven't seen you so long why you look so bad are you cool dude Hy you don't want to know what's going on here man you need to get out of here what are you talking about explain to me what's going on here the shapes what they're available on Amazon good to know hey Huggy over here look I found Killy Wily how's it going Kelly player is that you man it is me don't touch my face let me pick your nose dude stop it what happened here why do this be such a mess what happened to you guys it's Mrs Delight she was here man she almost got us man she almost got us you need to Road player you need to get out of here are available on episode oh no did he say Mr light it's not good Mr line is super dangerous what are we going to do Huggy what you need to find PJ he's going to show you the way look around did you hear it I did let's look around for PJ who did you find him yet no keep looking did you find him yet no keep looking I am did you find him yet maybe he's behind those garbage cans they're lockers yeah whatever nope he's not here look hugy I found him you found him oh my goodness you actually found him you cute little dog how's it going oh wait a minute button let's press it guys all right now back to you PJ foxy P you're going to tell us everything that happened here are you going to say it unfortunately not hugy I can't tell you everything but this TV Can it can tell you everything put a tape inside it'll tell you everything all right let's do that the TV so cool do I put this tape or this one yellow all right give it to me how do I open this it's open guys let's put the tape in are you ready player sure I am all right here we go there it is there it is beautiful now let's turn on the TV oh oh my gosh it's starting shh hey there welcome to Mrs delight's classroom I'm Mrs Delight I'm going to be your teacher and I mean aren't you just excited to learn today sure huh aren't you excited I said sure are you excited or what I can't hear you are you excited what was that freaked out guys what is that my goodness what was that so freaky we told you Huggy now you know what we got to do we must stop this delight you see that door over there there that one yeah that's where she is need to go there save the world from this is to F she's too dangerous to be kept alive all right you heard boxy poo let's go in there guys w Wait For Us nice let's go in get off of me guys all right we're going in whoa look away hugy get out here let me see wa Che this up that was pretty crazy hey look a poster with Mrs Delight on it there's blood all over the poster got of freaky to be honest it says pay attention do your homework play fair respect authority stay in your seat until the Bell has run nice another poster welcome to math be smart like an elephant who cares let's check out this room yeah yeah check it out guys it's Mrs delight's classroom so cool let's check it out come with me guys W there's there's chairs and stuff oops I hope this SL doesn't get better and there's these lockers again I love making trouble it's it's just a classroom guys come here why are you afraid we're not afraid boxy but we're just being careful Mr light could be anywhere literally anywhere what happened to the lights boxy did you turn off the lights no how do I do this guys stop playing I'm scared what's going on here guys relax I'm sure the lights are going to come back just just relax just stop panicking everybody just relax oh the lights are back you see I told you look the shapes are here what are you guys doing here we're available on Amazon didn't you know what the lights are off again guys stop doing this I don't like the dark I'm scared the lights are back wow you're a chicken shut up hey look the shapes are gone what well oh no the lights are off again who's doing this Kelly is that you no it's not me I think it's Mrs Delight guys I'm starting to get chills man I think she's watching [Music] us oh the lights are back guys I'm not a chicken I'm just I don't like the dark hey look cat have a dog day what's going on guys hey guys check this out oh no the lights are off again I'm too scared what is going on in here somebody turn on the lights in stop it boxy you're freaking me out oh the lights are back yay what what is that who threw that what is that guys I don't know smell it doesn't smell like anything look it taste it tastes like pencils what is this thing who threw it it's mine I said that's mine now give it back get away from me I said give it back my bra you got to run pay attention next time guys there's a door over there look we got to go there quickly forget foxy all right there don't L me I'm sorry abouty I'm Too Young To Die see you later no guys don't leave me here guys she's coming quickly lock the door give me another box give me one of those stupid things she's coming let me get this one and that one all right I think we're safe I think this is enough I think we're good guys yep player there is no way she's getting through this we are totally safe totally nice job guys we can finally relax huh what is that who turned the lights off gosh not again oh no she must be close that's right guys run guys what do we do more killing you ready to go to reea skilly cuz you about to get excused Everybody Run come back here quickly run oh no it's the dead end we need to find a hiding spots quickly PJ you go here luy let's go here where are you don't hide for me yeah come here oh no guys she's coming I'm scared I don't want to die guys I'm too young I still want to get a job and have a career I'm not ready to die go guys shut up PJ she's going to catch up to us nobody cares about you just shut up don't tell me to shut up I don't want to die I want to go to Disneyland and have fun in Legoland I don't want to die nobody's going to Legoland tonight well I guess no legal in today anyways uh what do we do now a where you going guys come back here she's coming there's nowhere to run there's nowhere to run come to Mama oh oh my gosh I guess this is the end no shut up time to eat your face off don't worry I'm coming H don't forget to look up what what's this a new hand maybe this can help me out I get for some help no please don't fight me oh my go the new grap pack let's connect it nice oh wow I feel so cool let's save Hy what is that what this this is your end nice whoa what is in that gun so cool what happened her come back here hugy don't wor how get sa [Applause] [Music] you what is in that gun dude I think we really got her now good job player finally get out of here nice we totally got her Hy I don't know what's in that gun I don't want to know you can keep it now let's get out of here I see another door oh I see it too let's go check it out no don't leave I forgot to tell you the shapes are available on Amazon we found a door let's get in there nice nice look skeleton catnap store I can't wait to go in there and check him out he must be so cool and so B sure well I guess we're going in huh yeah I mean this is the only door left yeah I guess no it isn't guys there's another door by the way it's me dog day how's it been guys I'm good now I'm uncorrupted so don't worry about it and I found this door crafting corns door crafting brother door I'm not sure anymore it's crazy out there so let us know in the comments guys you want to go to crafty Corn's door or skeleton C Door crafty Corn's door or skeleton crazy cep door let us know in the comments guys and I'm coming along to today leave a like apple emojis and uh let us know in the comments which do want we'll see you in the next episode hey guys Huggy wuggy here I'm here with my best pal player right best friends totally nice and we arrived today at corrupted Huggy wuggies AKA unconfirmed my dad so cool so scary so terrifying we're basically on a mission to convince him to help us with catnap and get our friends back it's complicated check out the previous episodes anyways check out this room it's so cool and creepy hey look hey Button check it up player he button what does it do I don't know let's press it but before we do guys make sure to leave a like on this video that's right use your feet this time that's right use your legs and click like on this video it's super important you see that button imagine it's a like button let me let me get my hands back imagine this button is a like button just click it with your feet oh and I almost forgot it's really important do you see the hungy Wy Dad yeah he looks like a demon to me like this Emoji right here here I think it's a demon I'm not sure so I'm going to need you to use your feet again go to your stupid little keyboard and leave it in the comments so important that Huggy that's right put it in the comments now let's press this awesome delicious looking button for sure I'll use my feet here we go what happens now well I guess it doesn't really do anything maybe something's going to come out of here do you smell that what what is that what is that it smells so [Music] weird Hy are you good dude yeah I guess I'm good nice I guess that smoke didn't affect us or anything that was weird that was super weird anyways let's keep exploring for sure hey look a door should we we open it yeah I guess why not that's why we're here right to explore and find my dad for sure I hope he's not scary nah it's my D how scary can to be I don't know let's open the door hey guys what's going on it's us the shap dudes guess what what we're available in Amazon yeah right guys yeah available on Amazon go get us now yeah oh no way did you hear that yeah I heard it available on Amazon so cool so cool anyways uh we'll see you guys later so cool all right that was pretty awesome yes it was let's keep exploring nice oh my gosh another door I have a feeling that this one is actually my dad aren't you excited player I'm super excited let's open this door you ready yeah 3 2 one huh what what what are you guys staring at what you've never seen catnb eating La potato chips before what can't catnb eat some chips uh nothing have fun see you later bye get man that was a close one indeed we don't want to miss with cab do we never anyways one more door I think this one's my dad it's got to be for sure let's open it 1 2 3 wao check this out are you seeing this player player player what where is he player are you here player well I guess player's gone anyways let's explore this awesome looking room man look at this guys a TV I've never seen one before in my whole life so cool and here's me Huggy wuggy so cute you're cute dude anyways uh forgot what they call this a cassette or something like this I think it was supposed to inserted here and then the TV is going to play something yeah I think that's it let's do it guys how do you open this thing open sesame nope that didn't work there it is got it smells good all right let's put this thing in there I can't wait to see what it CHS it's kind of old there we go I guess I got to turn on the TV is it uh the red button or the I think it's this one oh oh my gosh it's actually working guys I'm so excited hey there my name's Huggy wagy aren't I cute yeah I know anyways uh welcome to the poppy playtime Factory I can't wait to show you around it's going to be so cool but before I do that I'm going to ask you one question what is it you answer this question correctly and I'll show you around all right if you don't yes I'm looking at you Huggy if you don't what I'm going to come for you and I'm going to kill you what so yeah you better answer this question correctly uh here comes the question what's the scariest thing in the world what huh I don't know uh go on hugy all right hold on uh the question I don't know my mom's cooking chicken nugget chocolate milk yes why don't you say anything where are you going dude I don't know the the [Music] Prototype what is that thing what was that thing I'm kind of scared guys are you still there Huggy who still is this thing even working I'm scared what's going on here what is that hey there Huggy please don't hurt me I better run oh no I think he's coming I'm going to get out of here away from me door I'm actually alive I can't believe it I escaped player what are you doing here just chilling with my boys boys what oh the shapes oh there there's more shapes and yly Wily and the go and square and octagon you guys are here this is so cool so glad I'm here with you guys safe turns out uh corrupted Huggy wuggy is not my dad he's completely crazy did you hear that player corrupted Huggy wuggy what are you talking about dude we're just chilling out here eating M&M's yeah what eating M&M's what are you guys talking about there's no time for this corrupted hugy wug is right outside over there I I'm telling you oh no that's him oh my goodness can you hear him guys he's totally here he's coming what do we do Hy there's got to be something we can do we can't just sit here oh everybody hide quickly over there where's hugy wagy where's saes are available on Amazon all right where's Huggy where is he you yeah where's hugy wagy where is he he's known on Amazon are you sure I have no idea man just just leave me [Applause] alone where's Huggy where's Huggy uh he's right behind this bed that's not Huggy that's Killy Willie where is Huggy I got no idea dude hugy where is he [Music] Huggy are you in this TV H where is he everybody be quiet Huggy what I ate some pizza last night didn't I I think I got to release some gas you know what I mean do you know what I mean what no do not release gas he's going to he's going to hear us don't do it it was too much pizza man I got to let it go don't do it don't do itler I'm [Music] sorry got [Music] you and now Huggy I'm going to eat you face off no please don't stop it corrupted Huggy wuggy what are you doing man stop making a mess get out of here quickly do it now leave Sorry boss I was just playing around get out of here I'm so sorry s I'm going to go you better all right I'm leaving good night Sir what a loser what's going on here can't fit so sorry about that guys you'll have to excuse corrupted Huggy wuggy he's a little crazy yeah shap available on Amazon anyways uh what are you guys up to you guys want some pizza I can order some pizza if you want we can visit Nicaragua no New Jersey come on guys let's have some fun what CB's a good guy now and he's offering us to go to Nicaragua and New Jersey what is this what the what happened is this a dream player are you awake hugy you won't believe it I just had the craziest hallucination I know it was K Huggy wuggy and and cnap and the shapes were available on Amazon yeah exactly I guess this entire thing was just one big hallucination huh yeah I guess so that gas was probably catnips gas it makes you crazy yeah don't press that button again dude we should get out of here before the G starts guys which store should we go to next this is the light store a crazy skeleton catnap store so cool so cool I take care this delight anyways let in the comments which store should we go to next yeah totally let us know skeleton catnap Mrs Delight let me give you a hint I really want to go to this delight but let me know in the comments guys we'll see you in the next episode woo guys it's me Huggy wagy I'm here with the poppy playtime gang I'm talking to everybody boxing all the smiling quitters so cool we also got the shapes like heart she's so cute we got triangle hey guys so cool and then we got Diamond available on Amazon soon but triangle is available right now on Amazon so if you want to get him go ahead anyways let's get back to business we finally arrived at Duck day door I'm serious guys if you didn't see last episode we escaped catnap and we ran into Dog Day store so we can help us because Captain is still chasing us we need dog day help so yeah we're going in I mean we're actually in the room already so we're about to explore but before we do guys make sure to leave a like on this video super important super duper duper super awesomely important leave a like on this video right I'm waiting did you leave a like did you nice also guys before we start I'm sorry I'm being annoying right now but you see that you know what that is that's a dog it's not just dog day it's a dog so I need you to go to your St stupid little keyboard look for a dog emoji and leave it in the comments like a good boy or girl whatever you are did you leave the Emoji good now let's explore this room yeah let's explore this room I can't wait to meet dog day you must be so cool come on guys what are you saring at let's explore that's right guys time to explore look out for dog P he should be here somewhere do you guys see him cuz I don't huh no player I don't see dog D but I smell him so keep a close eye I can smell him you should be here somewhere yeah I know he should be here somewhere I wonder where he is yeah cuz I have no idea where he is me neither oh come on guys are you guys stupid or something he's right there can't you see him I see him now my bad Huggy guys come check this out it's dog day so cool oh my gosh it's dog day guys I'm so excited let's go check him out woo maybe he can help us with get let's go talk to him guys hey do day how's it going who is this what are you doing here uh it's me player I'm here with Huggy wuggy yeah hi Huggy wuggy how's it going dog day hugy wagy I never thought I'd see you again you can see me no I'm blind actually but anyways what are you guys doing here this place is too dangerous look at what they did to me you need to leave before they do this to you you need to run Huggy wuggy and player you need to run waa dog day relax there's nowhere to run I mean we ran here to get away from catnip you're our only hope can you please help us please I can't help you Huggy you better get out of here before they get you you need to leave what what do you mean they get me what are you talking about I'm talking about the smiling Critters you need to leave augi before they get you look what they did to me look at me now get out of here dude The Smiling Critters what are you talking about the smiling pits are great they're just adorable little plushies right guys actually Huggy you wrong what what are you talking about we're all working for a catnap we planted this whole thing just so you can get us back to dog day and now we're going to corrupt him and get you all I told you Huggy you should have trusted me now run before they get me what none of this is making any sense that's going be real you're not actually evil guys right Bubba fent oh we are we're coming to get you ugy what St away from me it's time brothers let's do this what are they doing what are you guys doing we're coming for you D day you're about to corrupt me you guys better get out of here quickly before they get me I'll be too dangerous for you guys leave before you do guys don't forget the shapes are available on Amazon they're so cool all right now leave oh well I better leave we got to get out of here guys it's time Brothers we're coming for you dog day we hope you're ready get away from me get out of my body no don't do this the pain get away for me oh boogy Boogie time not py Piggy Bubba fan time Bobby beer hug time I hope you're ready [Music] [Applause] don't I'm coming for [Music] you oh my god nice we made it hey look and the rest are here how's it going guys wait we're just hiding dog ising you thought you could get away from me this is your end boys you guys should have left when you had the chance the ship are available on this R for your corrupted baby hugy what dude we're getting hammered I know this is our ch to get out it's just me and you dude that's cool but what about the others we can't just leave them we have to now let's go right she lat her friends let's keep going H yeah I think I see a we are where do you think you're going come back here I'm stuck I got you player let's go quickly close the gates ouch my nose ow they close the gates on me open the gates never I'm getting out of here don't forget guys the shapes are available on Amazon anyways see you later did you see that huggie we totally got on him let's keep going wait for me woohoo look Huggy look more doors we got a corrupted Huggy wuggy no way I think that's my dad yeah I think so and also this girl I totally forgot her name yeah let us know in the comments guys who is she yeah let us know in the comments also let us know in the comments which door should we go to this nny girl teacher whatever yeah this girl or my dad corrupted Huggy W yeah this one the comments guys hey look what the sheeps are here how'd you guys be it out alive don't ask but we're available on Amazon yeah we know you keep saying it yeah well let us know what show we should go to guys we'll see you in the next episode woo woo guys it's me catnap we finally arrived at Big Boss door I'm talking about monster catnap I know so cool before I go in and explore this awesome room I need you to leave a like on this video did you do it it's very important uh just take your arms and leave a like on this video also guys super important super duper duper important do you see this Emoji yeah because I do I need you to go to your stupid little keyboard and uh uh search for this Emoji leave it in the comments it's super super super super important so important it's a cat Emoji obviously because I'm a cat catnap and uh the big boss is a cat doo monster gab map so put it in the comments all right guys we're ready to explore this awesome room check it out this room's awesome I can't wait to meet my dad big papa are you here this room is crazy let's get going guys why does it say help well who cares big papa you here guys check it out it's a bed so cool he guys check this out another picture of my dad Big Boss monster catnip so cool that means that he's definitely in this room somewhere monster catnap you here hello is he under this brick I don't think so another sign just CL you're under construction do not enter I'm definitely going to enter I can't wait to meet him think I didn't smell him follow me guys I think he's here monster catnap dad monster catnap oh no guys this is bad news it looks like catnap was able to break into monster catnap store he's about to let him loose we have to stop up me Huggy Waggy and you guys the audience and of course the Puppy Playtime game we're talking about the quitters this guy hey guys nobody cares about this guy and these guys super cool we have to go in there quickly and stop katp from listening his father monster katp so cool are you guys ready 3 2 [Music] 1 that was pretty awesome do you guys see catnap cuz I don't look for him oh nice no player I don't see catnap but maybe monster catnip is around I can smell him stop freaking me out I'm not he's got to be here somewhere just look around hey look get me cool come over here guys what gep quickly stop before he gets the monster gatab wait for us guys nice get up you haven't spoken to monster catnap yet right he's very dangerous catnap you there dude huh what's going on with catnip you okay dude guys catnip has been ripped apart he's been eaten alive what oh no what did he do to catnip I mean jackob has been our enemies for the last 10 episodes but still I feel bad he's super cute G up are you fine dude behind us [Music] guys hey guys thanks for setting me free now time to die no please you guys are dead kicking chicken how's it going dude hey you don't see me oh I do please B cat don't do this I have to I'm a monster guys help me help me guys guys somebody help him quickly nah we're good we're just going to chill here oh no guys he's going for us hey there hugy trying to hide yeah there's no hiding for me [Music] no please don't what do you want for me mar CF I just want to eat your brains no please don't let him go who heard me monster C let them go right heart that's right let him go no or else that's right or else yeah yeah yeah yeah what who are these cute ch anyways huh these are my long lost brothers and sisters how's it going guys I haven't seen you in years everything's great yeah everything's good we're here to help thanks guys we got this yeah also we're all going to be available on Amazon nice yeah super nice did you hear that monst catnap available on Amazon huh available on Amazon you said huh that's right that's super cool I'll make sure to get one before I leave now get out of here this is the end of you hey foxy Bo oh this pipe hurts please let me go I'm beg you I didn't do anything wrong I don't care ouch take that piggy piggy how's it going let me go please no I just want the green apples green apples you got any green apples guys what do we do he's too powerful sooner or later we're all going to be eating the alive we got to find a way out guys look at this looks like there's an escape R over here there is guys check this out you're totally right pxy good job we can finally Escape guys quickly get over here hold on where do you think you're going come back here guys quickly let's go quickly don't forget about me go forget up guys quickly Escape go you guys are not going anywhere go back here you guys are not going anywhere come on guys run here back here pH we got away apparently you can't fit in this hole so cool guys check out these doors oh look at these doors guys looks like we got a a corrupted Huggy wuggy and and dog day monster dog dog day huge monster dog day maybe he could help us with catnap which door should we go to guys oh my goodness guys check it out get over here you sit right here check it out guys corrupted Huggy wuggy and monster dog day so big so huge so cool I can't wait to see him guys let us know in the comments which door should we go to next Monster Dog Day right here yeah Monster Dog Day or corrupted Huggy wuggy I kind of want to see corrupted hugy wuggy but let me know in the comments guys because here's the thing monster dog day can help us with monster catnip but corrupted Huggy wuggy could be cooler I don't know let me know in the comments hey guys Huggy wagy here how's it going guess what I'm here with my poppy playtime gang in a bunch of shapes like triangle and octagon and say hi triangle all right anyways boxy and player and bonso and PJ say hi PJ yeah whatever and guess what guys we arrived at kap's room so cool and we found this cool button thing and we can't wait to press it and try it out but before we do guys before we press this delicious button I'm going to to leave a like on this video I'm serious guys here I'll blow you a kiss now leave a like on the video so we can press a cool button and see what this catnap thing he has to say I can't wait to try it out leave a like did you leave a like nice guys let's let's go we're coming nice all right hugy we're here press the button already I can't wait to hear what a catam has to say so excited wait before I press the button guys I'm going to need to do one more thing Let me see some cat emojis in the comments I need a cat emojis cuz you know catnap is a cat let me see those catnap emojis guys yeah all right guys here we go huh what's going on here hey guys look at the catnaps world where we play and play until we fall asleep and have so much fun if you guys want to play and play until we fall asleep press the button one more time if you don't want to sleep press the button again what we don't want to go to sleep we just want to play right guys that's exactly right Huggy we just want to play no sleeping though sleeping would be nice yeah I guess so let's press the button again all right I'm about to press the button for the second time wait I want to press the button all right boxy boo go ahead I can't wait let's press the [Music] button all right I see you really really want to go to sleep today huh yeah we do well why don't you press that button one more time for me just to confirm you really want to go this morning should we press the button again guys I don't know maybe we don't want to go to sleep we definitely want to go to sleep let's press the button guys one last time great now that you really confirm that you guys really want to go to sleep today see those beds on the left yeah those beds over there why don't you go take a seat over there and I'll be right with you goodbye well guys you heard him let's go to the bed nice waa guys check out this poster it's cnap what does it say bronzo read it out loud I I can't really read uh never mind let's keep going over to the bed we need some sleep all right you guys you heard him time to go to sleep even cat said so woo see you hugy woo woo get over let's go to sleep nice all right everybody looks like we're all tucked in in bed nice and warm this is great I love sleeping actually guys I don't feel good about this we should get out of here we don't need to go to sleep can we go home guys please come on hugy stop being a chicken we're just having fun going to sleep relax hey guys kidnap I told you I'll be right over are you guys ready to go to sleep uh not really please leave us alone that's great you want to go to sleep now let's get to [Music] it you guys ready yeah I can't wait to go to sleep let's just go to sleep already right triangle uh maybe we should listen to Huggy wagy man I don't feel good about this thanks triangle you got it no let's go to sleep go ahead catnap make us go to sleep hey catnap you cute little thing can I also get some good night kisses before we go to sleep I would appreciate it sure you can get some good night kisses now let's go to sleep boys thanks for the kisses it's kind of creepy though guys we really really need to get out of here this is getting creepy let's go guys nobody's going in where you all triple confirmed on that button you want to go to sleep you're going to sleep now actually I never wanted to press that button time to go to sleep what are you doing man get off of me time to go to sleep [Music] ouch guys're R TR trying to kill us I think he's right guys we should really get back home to see run but he's running anywhere time to go to [Music] sleep please leave me [Music] alone next ready to go to sleep no leave me alone [Music] next I need to find a place to hide quickly the bed ready to go to sleep k please don't do this I'm just a fluffy DG please don't sorry ready to go to sleep player no not really please don't do this yeah asking for me not to do it is not working so yeah [Music] [Laughter] sorry where's hugy Walky you can't hide from me hugy come out come out wherever you are he won't find me here right guys I know you're here Huggy come out come out wherever you are I can smell you I need to make you sleep I hope you can't find [Music] me [Music] got to make the all go to [Music] [Music] sleep guys I'm just joking you guys are not really asleep I was just using fake ass wake up everybody just J what what wait what this was all just a prank or something exactly it's all just a prank well that was a scary prank I know that's kind of what I do come on everybody wake up go on stop playing I think they actually fainted from your stinky breath that's possible come on guys you're embarrassing me get up wait this was all just a prank are you serious ious guys that's a pretty good prank though I like that that was really funny prank right triangle not really but you know what is funny what tell me we're available on Amazon ask your PR permission first before we getting us oh yeah that's right I already have you guys but whatever no actually I was really hoping we'd become friends now I really need your help with something you need her help with what that's a quick question boxy man I love you thanks yeah well you see that door over there with that elephant what door oh yeah I see it what about it well that elephant used to be my best buddy yeah but what happened I'm not sure but he doesn't want to be my friend anymore that's what I need your help guys maybe you can help me get him back and be friends with him again what do you guys think huh help me out yeah I mean I guess why not right we got nothing else to do as long as we're not asleep yeah woo come on guys let's help him out yeah wow thank you so much guys for helping me out and becoming my buddies best best buddies ever right we're going to be best friends and everything like that right right hugy Wy yeah I guess relax no I can't relax I love buddies and France but I got to warn you guys this guy right here is kind of weird let me know in the comments if you know his name put it down in the comments he's really weird guys I got to warn you yeah kind of like me man I'm kind of weird no man he's way weirder and scarier why do you want to be his friend anyways because I love buddies and friends we used to be best friends back in the day I got to get that friendship back all right guys once we press that button the door opens you guys ready yeah let's do this well we'll see you in the next episode guys and we'll press that button and see the awesome elephant looking guy see you next episode time to go to sleep hey guys Huggy wuggy here guess what I'm here with my poppy playtime gang we got uh a bunch of shapes here too say hi triangle what's up super cool we got catnap with us new character say hi catnap I can make you sleep of course you can relax we got PJ and ponzo and pizza guy hey guys Pizza he loves pizza and guess what we arrived at Bubba Bubba store room whatever you get it it's Bubba Bubba right here I think that's his name I'm not sure confirm that in the comments Bubba Bubba here and he comes with this cool button and and this thing here and it's going to you know so once we press this button he's going to say some cool things and I can't wait to hear what he has to say my goodness guys before I press this delicious looking button you already know what to do leave a like on this video right PJ that's that's right make sure leave look on this video yeah oh and also guys make sure leave some elephant emojis it's really important oops Yeah cuz Bubba bub is an elephant he's a cute elephant blue elephant let me see those elephant emojis did you leave them good continue Huggy great good job doggy thanks anyways guys we're about to start let's push that button guys come over here let's go kill me nice perfect we're all here let's press that button one 2 3 I can't wait to hear what he has to say hey guys welcome to buba buba door your awesome creative ideas come to life I love ideas what's that get away from me K St what did you hear that boxy I think I did what was that I'm not sure my goodness I think he said catnap in there did you hear that cnup yeah I totally heard that that was kind of weird to be honest I don't know why you would scream my name like that I would never do anything to him like I said guys we were best friends press that button again Huggy you got it thanks I guess you're right catnap there must have been something wrong with the machine Let's press it again Here We Go Again guys I can't wait to hear what he has to say now hey guys welcome to Bar bu door where your awesome creative ideas to L we also very much love catnap in here very very much so is that good catnap that was perfect bub okay go bye what what does that even mean that was so weird guys did you hear that yeah yeah I totally heard that that was C Weir I'm not going to lie press the button again let's see what it says press it again go ahead how about I press the button this time get out of here hugy all right I love Bubba he's my best friend all right here we go W I see you guys really really love science and you can't stop thinking about awesome ideas why don't you go inside my room and we'll meet over there remember we love Katy see that wasn't too bad guys he loves me I told you he's my best friend let's go over there and meet him he should be in here all right guys yeah totally sounds like a plan come back here Huggy let's go meet her woo nice that was kind of crazy guys look it's Bubba I can't wait to meet him let's go guys hey guys hold on before we go meet him I got to tell you guys something what what what do you want well like I said before buba buba is really strange and scary and weird you can't trust him oh I see so so we shouldn't talk to him no no I'll talk to him and I'll tell you guys when to come when it's safe all right all right I like that what do you think huggie sure it sounds like a plan all right great remember like I said he's really really dangerous and scary so I have to do the job you stay here guys I got this cat your friend stay there guys it's looking good all right whatever you saying looks pretty innocent to me right cute bubble Bubba hey Bubba how's it going it's been a long time huh hey K how you doing man it's been a long time too huh feeling good I'm feeling great I'm feeling wonderful listen you see my buddies over there well yeah I do I see you got some new friends over there oh yeah so awesome new friends listen I'm listening just please don't kill me what no I won't kill you if you do what I say all right what do you want here's a thing you're going to pretend like you're really really scary you're going to slap me first and then you're going to pretend like you're about to kill them I'll save them from you and then they're going to like me even more all right whatever you say but I'm not scary man I don't know how to do that do your best all right oh I slap you now that's right all right you here we go guys look he just punched catnap he's coming for us too looks like we're doom honey I'm super scary and blue and I don't know I'm going to eat you guys [Music] alive oh no M please please don't harm us we're just a bunch of plushies please stay away from us I'm super scary I'm going to eat you alive get away from them get away from my buddies Bubba please [Music] don't catnip to the rescue don't worry guys best friends forever I got you no need to worry cat's here for the rescue my nose whatever wow catnip thank you so much you're a hero my goodness you saved us man thank you so much really appreciate you got it guys always that's what best friends do right yeah totally that's what best friends always do anyways what are we going to do with Bubba Bubba that's a good question Hy what are we going to do with Bubba over there let's go talk to him Bubba what are you trying to do here with those math stuff on the board and I mean what is going on here man I have no idea it looks like some super awesome algebra mathematics I don't know what's going on it's too complex for me are you trying to destroy the world or something what's up with these lights over the wall explain yourself Bubba Doran ctive I'll answer all your questions thanks for punching me in the nose by the way so as you can see uh the thing is yeah tell me already what's going on here well you see I knew you would ask this question one day so S I prepare the all this for you I'm trying to create a a a a new smiling Critter that's right a new one really what do you mean well you he's going to look like a Cookie Monster and R of math and stuff going on here and there and I'm missing one light as you can see it's it's right over here you see I'm missing the light it's supposed to look like this and I'm missing it and once I get that light catap are you listening yeah yeah I'm totally listen tell me what's going to happen dude we're going to have a new best friend just for you way best friend yeah so why don't you uh help me out and look around this room there there should be another light here somewhere once we get that light we going to have a new best friend did you hear that guys yeah we need to look for that light totally that's exactly right now go look for that light guys and uh we'll have a new best friend you heard him guys let's look for that light look around got to look for that light can't wait to see the new smiling creature friend is your lights over here nope there your lights over here nope there your lights over here nope just looks like Square say hi Square get out of here all right did you guys find any lights nope no lights here uh what about you there play any lights Noe nothing here keep searching for it guys it's got to be there somewhere just keep looking hugy are you listening man I got to tell you something it's really really important yeah man I'm paying attention what is it man are you going to eat me or something no I'm not actually bad what do you mean man what are you talking about talking about he were trying to eat us before that wasn't me man catap forced me to do it he's insane catap is evil evil I think I think that's actually making sense I mean I've heard the tapes before in the in the tape thing and looks like he was chasing you or something exactly he's nuts he's trying to kill us all no way yeah whatever there's something else really important I got to tell you it's spit it up man what is it well actually that light bu that I'm missing yeah say it man it's up cuz I'm trying to create a new spart computer then what's it for it's for it's dock day dog day what do you mean dock day our friend smiling quit Dog Day friend what about him he's our only way to escape catnap only he can save us no way so that's what that light is for exactly once we connect the last Light yeah it opens the door for do day and we can get out of here found the light guys here we go take the light let me see my no smiling quitter friend what wow thanks catnap I really appreciate it you got it let me see my new best friend already just a second thank you guys for searching for it you're welcome just put it in already you gaed there it is just got to screw it in uh oops looks like it's not working we're going to need a screwdriver right cuz I can't do it on my own go look for a screwdriver kidnap all right if you say so I'll be back in 2 minutes all right great he's out of here I can finally open dog the door so excited all right just screw that in shouldn't work any second now why is it not working it's supposed to open dock State door what's going on here come on man work oh no it's not working what what do you mean it's not working bubble bubble what's going on here this light was supposed to work we got to dunk explain yourself I don't know ly I'm not sure what to tell you it's supposed to work you thought I was stupid or something I kept the real light with me I need would try to trick me bub there's no way you can create a new smiling Critter you thought it was dumb or something yeah kind of well I'm not I know you're trying to escape the dog day door I won't let you do it without me nobody escapes without me nobody takes a slight without my permission come and get it get the lights get over me nobody's getting the lights it's my light give it back that light get off of me nobody's getting de light without me where is it where's the light get out of here my precious give it back got to get out of here Hy [Music] C you can never defeat me bubba where's that light no oh no come on connect the lights already so we can get out of here all right relax I guess he's coming where is it I got to get the F off get out of here come on come on come on come on come on here we go 3 2 it works we did it Bubba the door should open now oh no it's on good job Huggy we finally did it we got you now the door's open look it's opening up come here box see we got to get out of here fast oh my gosh the door's actually open guys we can go to dog day oh by the way guys the shapes are available on Amell ask your press permission first nice now let's get out of here fast before Captain up catches this looking's coming you guys better not leave without me come back here better not leave without me all right quick everybody let's go ins he's R let go don't forget us guys it left without me this is not good they're going to go to dog day then they'll be too powerful and I won't be able to fight back I must get to the other smiling Critter before they do I'll get them all and then nobody will be able to defeat me I'll be too powerful oh yeah hey guys Huggy Waggy here guess what I'm here with a Puppy Playtime gang in a bunch of shapes like triangle and circle over there we got PJ bonso boxy Bo bubble fan say hi what's up guys nice we got player Killy Wily new guy in Town Triangle so cool we got this uh Weird thingy here whatever also check out this poster pretty cool right I know and we arrived at dog day room so cool who doesn't love dog day so nice and bright and sunny and so cool you see this delicious looking button I'm about to press it and then dog day is going to voice is going to come out of this thing and it's going to be super cool my goodness but before I do guys make sure to leave a like on this video otherwise I can't press this delicious looking button leave a like guys thanks also boxy wants to tell you something oh that's right guys I do want to tell you something guess what it is you see that dog over here I need you to go in the comments leave a dog Emoji down below because I said so cuz he's a dog let me see those dog emojis down below all right continue nice all right nice all right guys we're about to start come over here let's go you got it nice all right guys nice let's go here we go oh my goodness he's about to talk listen listen guys hey guys welcome to dog day room where your depression turns into happiness and joy and warmth and and the sun brightens your face and warm cookies are in the oven and so good also if you like Cheerios click that button huh Cheerios I don't like Cheerios does anybody like Cheerios oh oh I love Cheerios get out of here Huggy I'll press the button oh my God KY Will loves Cheerios here we go well I see you really like Cheerios huh well that's too bad cuz I ate it all anyways if you guys want to meet up with me I'm probably sleeping in my dogghouse I'll see you there cookies cookies dogghouse what's he talking about oh there it is the dogghouse is right there so cool guys let's go over there okay Huggy all right nice let's go where let's go nice all right guys we arrived at the dog house dog day are you there bro who's that it's the Puppy Playtime gang we have to talk to you about something it's an emergency what an emergency what's the emergency what do you guys got to talk to me about well uh it's about catnap catnap that's right catnap he's been chasing us for the last 2 episode he's tried to kill the Puppy Playtime G and he's coming for you dog day we're here to warn you from Captain he's evil and dumb and kind of fat too what that's not you katham is not fat he's really skinny looking and huggable and friendly and he's everyone's best friend and purple and awesome and so cool he's the best what no he's not the best I'm telling you he's trying to kill us I'm serious man I'm not even joking anymore what is this guy talking about but I'm not sure do D would never say that yeah dude doct Bron just come outside already so we can talk face to face I can't do this like this man who are you guys talking to huh who's that who are you guys talking to over there oh hey dog day how's it going wait a minute if that's dog over there then who's in the dog house guys it's Kip run you guys are do you thought you could get into dog day room before me you fools now time to kill you [Music] all killing no please don't what was that dony help us get away from them catnap leave them alone wolf huh oh no doy this is the end of you catnap you will no longer bully my buddies oh yeah we're going to see about that we will oh nice get him for us dog day get get up get him what ouch I'm too powerful for you kidnap wolf doct is too powerful what going to do huh are you see what I'm seeing there's a bone dog the biggest weakness hey dog day over here boy oh my goodness he's got the bone not the bone oh no I can't help myself throw me the bone dude that's right I got the bow go get it [Music] boy go ahead Yes master where's the where's the [Music] B here you go Master good boy you want the bone again yes yes do it again you got it go get it boy go fit get out bone I love [Music] bones bro what's going on with do day seems to be completely hypnotized and mind control by the stupid bone look at him it's humility I got the bat Master here it is take it throw it again please no more throwing now eat your cookies like a good boy and shut up sit here this bone has got mystical Powers as long as I have this bone I'm too powerful hey where do you guys think you're going what uh nowhere guys quickly look to happy hopc store quickly I got to get out of here my guys quickly let's go oh no the door's locked looks like we need dogs a hand combination over here we're totally doomed oh no you guys thought you can escape now without dog's day handprint you like those cookies I love cookies great now stay here dub doggy now for you I'm coming for you you guys are [Music] doomed nice well guys it was nice being your friend looks like this is the end of us hey guys how's it going hey there folks daddy long legs here how's it going why you guys screaming well Daddy Long Legs we're screaming because C was about to destroy us with that bone we need your help dude oh all right I'll help you out all right I guess why not I'll give it a try uh hey catnap can I take that bone please please all right thanks oh just let me take it thanks catnap here you go guys enjoy nice what why did I just let that happen what's going on here you fool you just gave us the bow like that such a fool thanks Daddy Long Legs you got it hey dog there you're free to go we got the boat catch oh no delicious cookies the phone I'm finally free this is the end of you KP let my friends go nice free to go guys get up Huggy wuggy you're you're finally free to go are you happy or what I'm super happy just put your footed on there and open the door you got it here we go guys ready here we go you ready Kelly yeah just do it already man let's [Music] go it's open nice we can finally get out of here thanks do day but before we go guys see those shapes over here they're available on Amazon right youris that's right we're available on Amazon get us right now with your prin of nice I love life nice let's get out of here woo we're going to Hopscotch whatever his name is I can't wait to meet him he must be so cool you guys should know you are his brothers The Smiling Critters is he cool he's super cool super super cool right dog day yeah super cool rough yeah let go let's go we're going guys I'm so fat woohoo wait for me wait for me woohoo let's go stch here we go woo hold out guys wait for me guys wait for me Dy long legs see you guys later wait for me guys hey sh what are you doing here nothing just chilling out like always nice well you're coming with me you're going to be my evil psychic from now on good fine with me nice let's go over [Music] there they think they could go to Hopscotch without me what they don't know is that H Scotch is secretly working for me go on shle evil laugh is that good that's wonderful hey guys Huggy wuggy here what's going on guys guess what I'm here with the Puppy Playtime game of talk box daddy longers a bunch of shames and critters like do say hi wolf wolf indeed we're here with bonso we're here with PJ how you feeling PJ I'm feeling fire fire indeed got player Gilly bunch of shapes so cool and today we arrived at hotch's room hotch the green jumping bunny nobody knows much about him we're about to find out with this delicious looking red button I can't wait to press him but guys before we press this delicious looking button I'm going to need you to real quick sneak in a little like button come on click that like really sneaky smooth that like button just like that also you see that you're thinking what I'm thinking right a green bunny Emoji well there's no green bunny emojis but there is bunny emojis so let me see those bunny emojies in the comments it's really important Hopscotch bunny comments emojis nice all right guys come over here we're about to press the button let's go here we go nice all right guys super ready let's press that delicious luing button let's go he's about to speak sh there it is hey guys welcome to Hopscotch room I'm Hopscotch your favorite green hopping buddy I love to hop and most importantly I love Mountain de if you want to know more about me that red button one more time bye should I press that button again yeah man do it you got it all right you guys ready I'm about to do it let's do it one last time well I see you really want to know more about me huh well like I said I love to hot and I'm green and I'm a bunny and most importantly I love M de so much also if you want to know even more about me what just go inside the room and we'll meet over there bye man I guess he really loves Mountain Dew huh right bunzo yeah I guess you really that was M new what is M new it's a drink I think it's what I've been told I can't wait to try it out yeah me too let's go guys wait for us guys nice get off of me dog day oh my gosh guys look it's hopscotch he's having some sort of tea party we should join him right guys yeah totally I love tea I love tea so much let's join him guys hey Hopscotch get out of here PJ oh my gosh Hopscotch I've been W to meet you for so long look man do how's it going Hopscotch Hey look it's the poppy playtime gang I've been meaning to meet you guys for so long and you arrived just in time for dinner would you guys join me for dinner yeah totally hcch we'll join you for dinner I'm so excited I'm kind of hungry too what's for dinner m& HS Mountain Dew let's go that's a great question PJ for dinner we have Mountain Dew and some M&M's I love MW it makes me want to hot M's the best all right guys take a seat it's dinner time nice all right guys you heard him take a seat I'm starving it's dinner great it's dinner time also Hopscotch I've been me to tell you about catnip he's completely crazy man you have no idea and he's coming for you dude no talking about catnip right now it's dinner time dinner come on everybody take a sip of some Buton Dew check it out guys it's so good oh love M new just makes me want to hop come on guys take a s all right I guess if you say so it's dinner time I guess I'll give it a try hey how come it's a different color than yours huh yeah how come ours is red and yours is yellow this makes no sense I mean it's Mountain new it's supposed to be the same color my right yeah what's going on here man explain yourself well I will uh you see the it's a different color because it's got just for you special secret sauce yeah that's why now drink it up guys wait a minute it's got special secret sauce just for us you mean you mean to tell me you knew we were coming here bro what no I'm always waiting for guests let see well that makes total sense to me now let's drink it up [Music] boys it's great you guys got to try it out it's fantastic I love Mountain Dew all right hug if you say so it looks super delicious let me try it out oh so good get some more I love M it all yeah there's some more right here have some you like that yeah that's pretty good how about you guys you want some Red Mountain Dew yeah all right pretty good stuff huh yeah so are you guys feeling a little I don't know what strange feeling strange I don't know what you're talking about this stuff is delicious oh I have some sort of headache I'm feeling a little dizzy what's going on here guys okay are you okay dude I'm feeling I'm feeling kind of dizzy too BL are you okay dude oh no what's going on here oh no it looks like Foxy had too much Mountain de is very strong what about you guys feeling a little dizzy actually Hopscotch I do feel kind of dizzy why'd you put in this [Music] stuff good very good what's going on here guys why are we all tied up getap hey guys miss me catnap what's going on oh my head that Mountain Dew what was in that thing Hopscotch you betrayed it us you work for catnap work for catnap no no no I'm not working for catnap we both work together for the big boss that's right the big boss right catnap that's right the big boss man the big boss is going to be so happy when I tell him about you guys I captured you guys like a bunch of fools you fell for the got new trick yeah hey brothers how's it going you listen to me katnap you better let us go man you cannot take us to the Big Bus not today oh don't you worry about the F I'm not going to take you to the Big Bus no no no no I'm just going to take your charms Circle let me get the tweezer yes B I'm coming up with the tweezer enjoy I got this get out C I've been waiting for this day a long time you guys ready what's going on over there guys what is he doing with the tweezer oh no h is about to take their charms no that's right and it's about to happen any second now you ready doctor you get away from me hop don't touch my charm here it is no don't do it I got your charm do day catnap take bbba fits oh it'll be my pleasure give me that tweezer you ready Bubba fent get away from me man stay away from my CH no this is only going to hurt a little bit I'm just joking it's going to hurt a lot you stay away from him catnap you listen to me stay away from him shut up get out of here no can't away for my charm oh I got your charm B did it hurt I can't even breathe dude good now we finally got the two charms and now we shall go to unicorn's room and then go to the other quitters rooms and the other quitters and then collect all the charms right Hopscotch that's right and then we'll go to the big boss he's going to be so happy that's right grab the charms let's get out of here see you later fools thanks for the charms wait for me oh no they got away oh no they got away with the charms and they're going over to unicorns we got to stop them before they get there by the way how you guys feeling that was kind of rough I can't feel my face yeah me neither I totally understand that but how do we get out of here we're all tight up somebody do something I got an idea guys I'll chew it up with my teeth check it out got it nice all right guys check it out we arrived finally at unicorn store check her out she's so cool and look at that charm we can't let the other Critters get to that charms before we do right guys otherwise the big boss is going to do some bad stuff by the way guys who is the big boss we can't talk about that yeah we can't talk about that W so cool so excited I can't wait to meet them the big boss whoever he is guys let in the comments do you want to see the big boss cuz I can't wait to see him all right guys we're about to go in there and help her out got to warn her before Hopscotch and catb gets to her germ we can't let that happen see you in the next episode guys hey guys Huggy wagy here guess what I'm here with my poppy playtime gang and a bunch of awesome shapes available on right now as transformation first nice I'm here with Killy one of my best friends right Killy no he's lying we're best friends I here boxy boo my other best friend that's right nice uh this rabbit bunch of Critters player this old looking dude and PJ my dog nice super nice and guess what guys today we arrived at crafty Corn's room so cool so cool my goodness so cool yeah I can't wait to hear what she has to say once we press this delicious looking button we'll see what she has to say all right guys we're ready to start let's go come over here guys let's go we coming all right guys super nice now we're about to start press that delicious looking button before I do guys I'm going need you to leave a like on this video so go leave a like guys I'm waiting leave a like right boxy boo they should leave a like right right boxy boo yeah totally just do it right nice leave a like did you leave a like that's nice smash that like button also go in the comments I mean you know your little keyboard and search for a unicorn Emoji cuz you know craf eorn is a unicorn I'm going need to see some unicorn emojis in the comments seriously guys it's important it's an emergency so leave a like unicorn emoji and we're good to go let's go guys all right I'm pressing the button 3 2 1 woo all right guys everybody everybody be quiet hey guys welcome to crafting Cor store what we love to draw art and paint with crayons and super cool art and so much stuff cck the button again if you like art H I don't really like art does anybody like art I do boxy loves art I draw all day with crayons and super coold stuff like that I love art all right then press the button I will get out of here all right guys here we go everybody be quiet about this well if you really love art why don't you come inside my room and we'll have some awesome time drawing some Art crayons B so cool come inside guys bye W guys I can't wait to go inside and meet her I love art and if she loves art we can be best friends or something let's go guys woo wait hold on where's where's Huggy anybody see Huggy Huggy I'm right here guys no need to worry now let's go nice my nails is everybody all right dog day yeah I'm fine check it out behind you H guys look it's crafty corn how's it going crafty corn it's all great Baba F I'm having an awesome Nam painting rainbows I'm so good at painting rainbows yeah these Rainbows are pretty good no they're not so cool yeah what about you guys how you guys doing it's going great crafty corn we're having such an awesome time by the way it was me that pressed the button for I love to Art I mean I like I like to draw I'm kind of nervous to be honest I thought maybe we can like draw something together huh what do you think together something yeah sure maybe you could just back off a little bit guys why don't we all draw some awesome art like this awesome rainbowy Drew I'm such a great artist who ever draw the best art well I'll let you go over to Bobby bear hug door yeah so you guys better you know uh draw some art with me and then I'll let you go over to Bob bobby bear hog you got a deal yeah that sounds like a great deal I'd love to draw some art and then go over to Bobby bear hog that guy sounds cool by the way crafting Gord I want to tell you that I'm so glad that you're okay why wouldn't I be okay well because uh catnap and Hopscotch are after you yeah they wanted to grab your charm and stuff and so I'm so glad that you're fine and everything's all right right everything's great yeah everything's great I'm just drawing rainbows in here I'm just jelling drawing my art I love art yeah I know now let's Draw Something uh I'll take this and uh I'll draw some oranges see that's an orange you like my artcrafty corn it's all right I'm not finished uh we need some green for the lives for the leaves and there you go let an orange so cool right it's all right I guess but I want to see better rainbows clouds Sunshine come on guys show me your art skills yeah boxy Bo do your thing yeah I'll do my my art let's do that I take my thing and put it in some aome call and I'll put this over there I'm an artist and I do this and that's pretty cool and then and then we take some of this orange color and uh put this right over there pretty cool and then we do some of that white stuff T isn't this like amazing H crafty corn it's art literally wow boxy I guess I guess that's not so bad yeah it's like it's like a it's art yeah I'm like an artist yeah whatever you say is it like a is it a is it a rainbow or something it's a chicken wow that's not so bad I guess anyways guys why don't you all show me your art styles yeah like bonso and Killy Wily let me see your best go ahead take the stuff paint some art all right you got it I love crafty CN she seems awesome we can just paint art and it look so fun and let's get some of that red or to enjy an Apple I love this stuff come on you got to try out Kil all right I will take some of this and some of that awesome blue color and taada that's art baby that's Billy ice kiling great art now let me do my stuff and finished hey Huggy check out my art well let me see what what is that read it man read it it all right well it says uh help me I think it says they're watching what are you talking about crafty corn they're watching me who them over there what is that catnap it is it's catnap in Hopscotch what are they still doing here you said they were never here I lied to you they're watching me and they took my charm this is a fake charm right here this is a fake charm what did you tell me Shut up they're watching us told you get it all right well why are they still here man if they got your charm they should be out of here by now they can't get through because they need your Huggy wagy handprint to go inside this room oh I get it so what's the plan I'll tell you right now okay so it's the plan is like this you're going to open Huggy Bear's door with your handprint and then they'll jump on you who they over there oh okay they're going to jump on you trust me all right I'm listening and then what and then we'll jump on them and stop them from jumping on you and and then we get them I like that plan all right let me do it all right I'm just uh walking around hey look Huggy Bear's door Who would know all right here's the handprint thing I'm going to open the door and then they're going to jump on me that's the plan right crafting corn yeah nice access denied what access denied oh no crafting I think I think my Palms are too small for the hand bre I don't think that's my hand bre what do we do hey there hugy Wy it's me big hugy Wy that's uh that's my handprint let me do that for a second access gred there you go door's open see you later nice all right door's open now what what happens now crafty cor watch out Huggy get him get him guys get off of me what happen crafty C they're about to get away this is our time everybody jump on him we're coming you guys can't stop catnapping Hopscotch get out of our way no way I said get out of no way don't let him through guys I'm coming about me get off of me you guys are not going to stop us we have to go to the big boss see you later guys you're not going anywhere yeah guys get check this out nice nobody can stop it's me hobscotch my bad we're too powerful haha nice oh no C up is overpowering my friends I'll have to do it myself hey get that that's G take this get out of here C no way I'm going to hold you guys back guys go warn Huggy Berry fast I'll hold it back get away from us no way go go guys go hug you Hur her we got to go more hugy bear but what about craftting cor we can't just leave her here crafting cor no don't worry Huggy just go without me save the world get away from us go come on we got to go don't you hear her we got to save the world I guess you're right let's go guys get all right guys on 3 1 2 3 see you later let's go to Huggy wait for me wait for us oh no they got W should get her out of here oh no they got away hotch I know that's what I said I know wao so cool quickly alcot let's go who nice all right alcot we're not going to let this CH get away you hear me yeah what's the plan katnap here's a plan we're going to go into ugy Berry's door we're going to get those idiots get this charm and go give it to the big boss sounds like a great plan right totally nice
Channel: ShapeDude'sPlus+
Views: 981,173
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: CATNAP, Poppy Playtime: Chapter 3, Poppy Playtime, smiling critters, huggy wuggy, kissy missy, smiling critters poppy playtime, smiling critters episode 2, smiling critters characters, Bobby BearHug, Bubba Bubbaphant, CraftyCorn, DogDay, Hoppy Hopscotch, KickinChicken, PickyPiggy, smiling critters cartoon, catnap scary story, poppy playtime 3 gameplay, poppy playtime 3 in real life, catnap plush, catnap plushie, poppy playtime 3 plushies, poppy playtime 3 jumpscare, boxy boo
Id: sMM8tiPXczU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 114min 2sec (6842 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 23 2024
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