Jeffy's Smiling Critters Addiction!

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hey Junior get guess what's better than Prime wait what black water why is it black why is it why black what's wrong with being black uh nothing but why is it black it's Black History Month oh it is breaking news breaking news okay the official poppy playtime smiling Critters are finally being released they will be available starting tomorrow at all Targets and they are expected to sell out quickly you guys see this right here yeah it's going to look like that pink Stanley situation all over again so if you want to get your hands on one I recommend being their first thing in the morning we got to go get them Critters I know Jeffy we need them Critters yeah should we go to Target right now so we can be the first ones in line that sounds like a great idea Jeffy that will be the first one to get them all right let's go okay approximately 10 hours later uh Jeffy why is there so many cars here at 5:00 in the morning do you not know it's dropping Junior yeah but I didn't think there'd be this many cars are you kidding okay oh no all right Junior three more hours till they open don't ask what do you think you're doing what you're cutting the line there's a line hair you can't just cut this man I can't wait to get me smiling Glitters woo I will K you land lovers need to wait in line like the rest of us you need to wait in line so don't you D cut the L man he's just yapping Junior wait really yeah let's go wait what oh man call 911 man Man 3 hours later okay everybody Target is now open please enter respectfully yes man there's none left my first day working at Target and I already want to quit bro do you have anymore no dang I lost Junior in all that commotion but freak I only have four out of eight of the smiling Critters hey over here hello there young pepperoni may I interest you in some smiling Critters oh yeah I actually need four of them all right I have the complete collection which ones uh I need catnap bobby bear hug kick and chicken and Bubba Bubba F okay well that would be $447 what the heck that's crazy well you wanted to know I know it's too much well how do you just get the one or two well how much is catnap that would be $128 what the heck no I'm just go find him somewhere else your lost my gain what is this why is the snake destroyed and this F it's everywhere let me try to clean this up bro how did this one snake produce all this stuff [Applause] what je what's your problem my problem is that I don't have all the smiling Critters the the freak I don't care yeah I only have half of them and I got to go find the rest what do you mean find the rest cheffy I got to collect them all the only thing you need to collect is all this stuffing that you spr R it everywhere I don't think I will yeah you will see you [Music] d a where am I supposed to find these other plushies well honey I'm so glad we got this little plush for our goober yes very good plush now let's move okay I know where to find Bubba Bubba Fant oh yeah I just love my bubba bubba F hey okay on to the next Critter Frick yes yes all this time living out here outside all I hear is City noises in the highway right next to me I can never get any sh ey but thanks to the real s from this bobby bear hug blush I'll finally be able to get some shut ey oh fre back to the sleeping pills he I got your C up right there 200 bucks uh I don't have 200 buckss what well 200 bucks boy what yes I've completed it I've completed the collection and there Jeffy what is all this oh well I'm glad you asked this is Bubba Bubba F hoppy Hopscotch piggy piggy dog day catnap bobby bear hug kicking chicken and last but not least crafty corn so are these really NE yes yes Dad 100% okay but why do you need all them dad with all their scents combined I'm going to have the best sleep of my life what are you talking about shut up D you're a boomer what Jeffy shut up all right I'm taking these all to my room what you're actually going to sleep with all them yday oh okay why does he want to smell the critters wait a second it's still daytime it's like 3:00 p.m. Jeffy why you go to bed in the middle of the afternoon shut up Dad you're fat hey Jeffy you know what I'm going to freaking I I don't even care it might be daytime but I can't wait to fall asleep with these guys now we just wait to fall asleep 6 and A2 hours later how long have I been trying to fall asleep for what the freak what it's already nighttime ah this sucks wait smiling Critters wait where did my smiling Critters [Music] go what are you guys doing huh oh my God please help me help me I got to pee I got to pee it's SC what's going on right now Am I Dreaming no J this is a dream save [Music] [Applause] us wait what what wait it was just a dream hold on a second Junior I just had a dream that everyone got murdered by a smiling Critters what are you talking about that didn't happen yeah I just had to come and check on you to make sure you were okay well speaking of smileing critters have you seen my kicking chicken he just disappeared uh no but I come on I got to go check in my dad and make sure he's okay he's fine Jeffy are you dead daddy are you dead are you dead what are you talking about Jeffy I'm right here the critters daddy the critters they got you Jeffy you're stupid stinky Critters didn't do freak yeah Jeffy I told you everything's fine what are you talking about freaking breaking news Okay turns out all the smiling Critters released yesterday we're all Chinese knockoffs yep the same ones you can buy on Teemu and as for the official plushies we still have no idea when they're being released cuz they're still all available for pre-order on the official poppy playtime site why we going SC my target I guess you can't trust anybody these days wait so how much money did you guys waste on these fake plushies like $200 yeah and I spent like $40 on kicking kicker chicken you mean kicking chicken yeah K kicking chicken well guys that freaking sucks you stupid Chinese knockoffs no wonder I had a [Music] nightmare
Channel: Jeffy's Life!
Views: 420,099
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #smilingcritters, SML, Jeffy, Marvin, PoppyPlaytime
Id: NyopmNb5rgg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 15sec (495 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 10 2024
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