CATNAP is MOVING AWAY?! (Cartoon Animation)

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I can't believe I'm actually about to do this goodbye home sweet home goodbye play care goodbye smiling Critters but wait catnap you you can't be serious you're going to leave play care but what about us what about your family it's too late for all that now I've already made up my mind goodbye smiling Critters you guys have held me back for far too long I'm off to do bigger and better things now we can't let him do this this is a horrible [Music] mistake so long dog day so long yeah you heard him he's made up his mind already I guess he was never really a smiling Critter after all [Music] goodbye catnap goodbye [Music] forever [Music] why catnap why would you leave us like this why huh what the what's this a note dear catnap today I present you with a difficult Choice leave the factory once and for all or watch your friends suffer a fiery death what the I knew there was something fishy going on here catnap would never leave us if he wasn't forced to he he's our protector He Loves Us way too much to do that whoa whoa whoa slow your horses there Doug day we still don't know where this note came from that just leaves us with one question then doesn't it who who wrote the note I did and it worked just as I had intended it to it's the CEO I should have known he was behind this quite the scheme eh who else could come up with something so clever now hold still won't you no need to make this more difficult than it has to be ha come on dog D get up get up we've got to get out of here run get back here smiling creats cut up can't save you now there if we can get into H weet home we should be able to escape into the factory yeah but then what are we going to do we don't have catnap and without catnap we don't stand a chance at stopping him well we'll just have to figure something out then won't we bua don't worry about me dog day just keep running get to the factory and find out a way to save us gotcha nice try Critter you can run dog day but you can't hi oh what the heck am I doing here how could I leave my friends like this I'm supposed to be protecting them aren't I but then again then whoever wrote that note didn't mince their words did they and I couldn't possibly handle the guilt of knowing I was responsible if any of them got hurt no no no focus catnap focus the notes said that if I left the Factory The Critters would be safe so sure I may have to be lonely for the rest of my days but it'll all be worth it as long as I know the critters are back at the factory safe and [Music] sound oh no it's must have been a trap what have I done finally with catnap gone play ha is back to being my domain just as it should be what am I going to do what am I going to do if I don't find a way to free the other Critters they're going to have to suffer a fiery death and that's like the worst kind of death there is right H if only catnap were here he he'd know what to do he's big and strong and smart while I'm just useless and small and weak wait what is that what I think it is a catnap toy hm I think I may have an idea oh please you can squirm around all you like down there Critters but it's no use you are getting out of those restraints anytime soon ah and look just in time now I hope you miserable Little Creatures enjoyed this place while you could because in just another few minutes I'm going to blow this entire chamber Sky High and without catnap there's no one left who can stop me think again CEO what the a are you miserable little hold still Mister this shouldn't hurt a bit no no no wait wait wo you did it dog day leave to go yeah that was awesome I can't believe you took him out all by yourself yeah well who said catnaps The only strong one around here besides you know the old saying goes every dog has his day you fool it appears your gas isn't quite as potent as your friend cadap used to be such a Pity did you fools really think you'd be able to stop me all on your own did you really think I was going to be basted by a little of toy night9 catnap you're here you came back to Rescue us w w slow down you guys one at a time I was so worried about you cat nap but I knew you'd never abandon us I realized there had to be someone else behind this yeah I only left because I thought I had to in order to keep you guys safe but now I've learned my lesson and I'm not letting any of you out of my sight ever again because I'd rather suffer a fiery death to be without my best friends yeah well speaking of fiery deaths we've got bigger fish to [Music] fry oh no that's not good what do we do katnap there's going to some way we can turn that timer off right I'm not sure but I think we can send the trolley back up to the surface if we pull that lever we just need to find a way inside what the how's it moving yeah who did that dog day what's he doing I think he's trying to sacrifice himself not on my watch do day what do you think you're doing we've got to get you out of there what does it look like I'm doing I'm saving all of you saving all of us yeah with you being gone I knew I had to step up and be the leader I was made to be but I failed to rescue the others from the CEO without your help I have to do this one last thing to prove myself oh dog day I understand how you feel but there's no reason you yet to die while saving the others now stand back oh jeez we're so high up what do we do we'll never make it here goes [Music] nothing yeah yeah woohoo oh I love you guys we love you too catnap
Channel: GameToons
Views: 6,640,500
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 57sec (537 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 28 2024
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