5 WAYS Sneaking In You'll Never See!

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today we're sneaking into a water park candy shop the merch warehouse and a secret one at the end of the video I can't show you guys yet first let's sneak into an indoor water park guys today we are in a water park and they're gonna close in about 20 minutes we have a little bit amount of time and we need to find a hiding spot because today we're doing an overnight water park challenge look at this thing what we gotta find a hiding spot and we gotta find it quick one person should definitely hide 15 minutes oh my gosh we can't hide in the same spot because if we get caught oh then we're all gone yes all right we'll be back for you gig I got my hiding spot I'm gonna hide behind the chair they just said on the announcement that the water park is now closed oh boys we are set it will probably take the employees maybe like an hour or so to clean up I'm just waiting for the last call where they're like all right it is so I'm still a clock we need to close the park everyone get out I think they just did their last call closing the water park shouldn't be much longer I don't see a single person here I gotta hop down and get cute are you joining me I think we should get out I mean I haven't seen anyone in a while let's be really cautious because this park is huge it's like 80 000 square feet I think we have the entire place to ourselves they left the water slides on they're probably just like flushing out all the pee let's go find James I have no idea where he is look at this oh closed yeah we can take these bracelets off now we don't need these anymore this is the biggest Lifetouch I've ever seen yo yo hey what's up yo there is no one here we made it what we need to do is let's walk around the park make sure there's no one here and then we can have fun and the Legacy river is still lazy I hope they still got pizza in the oven because I'm gonna be hungry we're gonna see someone it's probably gonna be over here lifeguard spot here's what we need to do we have our cameraman at the front door and they also have map packs for us with clothes we got some drinks all right guys so with Nathan and Gabe and James successfully looks like they made it and we didn't see them get kicked out so right now we're just waiting for them to open the door for us I see them running right now yo yo yo I see him at the door oh my gosh oh my gosh they're here [Music] I don't know oh hey it's nippy in fact I feel like George Washington all right here we go in my nose no what you can turn them why I think I'm more intrigued by the kitty slide [Applause] I think I'm ready for the big slide what the biggest person goes in the back it's always been like that the bigger person in the back so you can catch more speed ready three two one oh okay oh my God [Applause] foreign there's no weight lines there's no nothing oh my gosh what see the red light that means you can't go down the slide but you know what I can do oh oh my gosh oh my gosh [Music] what am I trying to crawl back up here it's not working gold too I'm kidding me all right Nathan got the whole War part we can do whatever we want look at this dude what oh my God [Applause] let's do it yeah [Applause] I am a water bender oh there it is [Music] [Applause] [Music] nah I'm about to eat it all right I'll give it a try balance he's dark outside I don't know what time it is because I don't have my phone on me it's probably like 9 or 10 o'clock by now so we're gonna float Around The Lazy River we're gonna go ride the crazy slides now I'm [ __ ] the one that does yo boys serious question though if we get caught what are we gonna say Pat this in here we might as well we got drafted in the locker room changing tell them we were looking for a barber oh it's a little water slide Loop how does that work I don't know we're about to find out okay boys are you ready for this you better cross those feet sir okay yeah all right watch your fingers he's gone that was I'm gonna go down this one first okay this one goes down I'm going down [Music] I'm ready to die good luck buddy seven I live here do I have pants hey you ready yes how was that wow bye buddy field y'all have to blow my nose Memorial sir how do you feel okay what's that sweetie Pizza wait you have more dreams okay let's go I'm gonna win this race Green Team No I need an elevator here stairs cameraman give us a three two one we're going on go three two one go got it and three two one go we forgot the best part of the park forget the water slides forget the Lazy River forget the wave pool is there a wave pool I don't even know if they have a wave pool we got a kitty go go go go go go go go that's it oh it's so cold I should have done that it's freezing yo this is the best part yo look there's not one song but there's three water slides see you later boys [Music] oh thank you [Music] yo it's raining in here let me close the top why is it so wet in here I'm swimming this way but I'm going the right direction what slide are we going to go down next I think we actually have gone down every single front yeah we should go down that blue and yellow one again now wouldn't you go up that wow hi boys let's go ride that slide um what are y'all doing here get out now before I call the clock we got stuck in the bathroom foreign to satisfy our Adrenaline Rush we're gonna sneak into a candy shop next [Laughter] we're spending the night in a candy shop yo look at this thing dude that almost broke the counter here tug of war ready come on come on oh now let's have fun and get some candy click that subscribe button guys subscribe [Applause] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] your wizard Hattie you're with it all right boys dude I already have like a shh sugar rush I know we're literally stuck here overnight what do you do just eat a lot of candies no you make a whoa that was kind of nice now it's on the floor okay well I'm gonna go grab my favorite candy and I'm actually gonna grab all of it I brought my own bag I think we should be I'm gonna grab first okay there is an entire wall of candy Skittles are my favorite jawbreakers are my favorite Reese's Pieces are my favorite help me I can't decide should I just go No Bananas all right who would love bananas give me the bananas Roberto let it rip here's the whole the bag I am go go go go oh they're all gone look at how many bananas we have wait bro there's so many yeah we can definitely fit some more in here I want some uh what do I want extra 09 Sharkboy oh [Music] now that my bananas are ruined I guess I just gotta get more candy yo I saw some big but there they are oh dude marshmallows those are humongous look at them boys wow I stepped on my shirt I got yo can I have the banana yo they don't taste like bananas all right boys I'm gonna have to go for the cinnamon Red Hots let it rip how much all of it keep going we got room in here give me candy no you gotta do it you gotta do it just try turning it on and off again oh it's broken wait let's weigh this and see how much this is gonna cost all right let's see how much my bag of candy is gonna cost oh 225 dollars 17 pounds of candy I got maple bacon maple bacon flavor Laffy Taffy yo I saw a flavoring frosted cupcakes candy apple cookies and cream cantaloupe Chicken and Waffles look at the candles look at waffles I'm not joking cantaloupe Chicken and Waffles cantaloupe cool that's a fruit chili mango lemon cream oh look there's a flavor thing here oh I want peaches and cream too dude can you find me peaches and jelly flavor pumpkin pie crayon raspberry caramel corn caramel cheesecake caramel apple forget the candy ice cream sandwiches are where it's at you kidding me bro yo I found sharks sharks here gummy sharks bro there's some oh nine shark voice you know I'm just gonna leave now I don't need candy when I got ice cream so good you mean ice cream wait what you want some ice cream yeah let me make you a cone come here follow me ice cream [Music] all right sir what would you like for your ice cream let me think I want a singular different flavors you want a Sprinkle a singular sprinkle what's wrong with you can I get the chocolate chip cookie dough the strawberry the mint chocolate chip the cookies and cream the cotton candy the homemade vanilla the sea salt caramel and the Dutch Chocolate so you want everything yeah okay uh sir here is your single sprinkle I appreciate it if you asked for orange get your money back yeah what color did you want not orange well what did you want uh sprinkle singular this is a green one did you want green I didn't ask for green oh yeah my friend just ate more than one spoon all right sir I'm gonna have your cone right up and ready to go whoa whoa whoa you're going out of order I asked for strawberry first oh my gosh you're gonna contaminate the ice cream here we go so we have our our straw okay what did you want next chocolate chip cookie dough lemon chocolate chip then cookies and cream then homemade vanilla then cotton candy then the Dutch chocolate and then sea salt caramel I think I can fold this into a paper airplane this ice cream guy is just taking so long don't mess me up bro this is precision right here put it on the cone I'm pretty sure there was just a wait did you go out of order it was mint chocolate chip cream you don't put the vanilla on top of the mint chocolate chip look sir I'm trying my best this is my first day on the job um look at that all right we're almost there we're kind of you're tilting bro yeah it's hardcore it's kind of not balancing anymore if you want to just take it like this and I can make you a second one here you go take it take it eat it what do I do with it you eat it it's ice cream oh wait hold on consume consume You're Gonna Knock it over here you go there you go oh wait do you also want some uh some nerds who's wrong go go yeah I know it's a leaning tower of saloon it's about to fall down all right sir that'll be 35.22 oh I didn't bring money you didn't tell me I need the money before you gave this to me so therefore it's free yeah you're right we're spending the night here so everything's free yeah wait it is yeah everything's free what do you mean I haven't been eating anything yo they got donut hole bites you like Skittles right yeah sour skittles oh even better oh yeah yeah I Dare You daring you I'm ready I dare you to eat every Skittle in this store they kind of you kind of beat you to it yo he just ate the rainbow literally when you get to the end of the rainbow you see Gabe foreign [Music] [Music] thank you your ears in the dispensing thing bro put your head sideways [Laughter] you're good I told you there was a problem with this yeah James was stuck in here we're playing extreme Bean Boozled whatever you land on you have to eat five of them good luck boys spin first oh you gotta go first here we go what do we got for a game we got five something beans birthday cake or is it dirty dishwasher oh that's funny because you used to be a cook yeah yeah we used to wash dishes all right I'll spin I'll take the L boys what do we got come on come on come on don't land on right now please don't land on right now oh that is like toasted marshmallow or stink bug oh stink bug what would that even taste like I know what they smell like oh why is this kind of happening I always get the worst one I always get the worst ones coconut or spoiled milk sounds like something you really like so we got the stink bug what it could be we got the stink bug the dirty dishwasher and the spoiled milk boys let's go everyone pick up their dirty beans here we go I'm about to puke I can feel it coming eat he didn't need his ah it tastes like dish soap oh no no no no no yeah that's so terrible why would anyone ever do that for fun yo I try to last to see if I had at least one I didn't have a good one I think I had at least one good one because it's like bitty sweet dude I'm crying all right one last round one I'll do one there's like a chance oh no one more round but whatever it lands on we all have to pick the same Bean so wait we can't eat the same one all right we got one else's buttered popcorn or rotten egg all right so I got three beans here these could all be rotten eggs one for you one for you and one for me here we go okay so if it's a good or bad one smelling it no mine smells good three two one I think that's that's buttered popcorn again yeah dude I can't tell oh it tastes so bad what if they were all just the bad beans let's get this out they probably are all right got an ice cream shaver machine type deal thing here and I got the world's sourest sour sour sour it's a snow cone not an ice cream it's an ice cream with Ice you Noob I'm not getting a tip just just just listen all right turn it on it's making ice as you can see and we're just gonna keep spraying it with the sourest thing ever that sour spray is just straight pure Citrus spray spray spray spray spray spray spray spray spray spray spray okay that's probably enough but you know what it doesn't have enough Springs no you use half the bottle bro you know there's plenty of it to go around okay I'll just set that there and then we add more sour yeah it should be good you got a spoon yeah there's spoons in that cup right there that looks like someone drew you should also hey you should throw some uh but I only like sour there's some color on it what's the sour color green Gabe has his pure Citrus snow cone I have a sour grenade huh [Music] and you have I have uh Warheads super sour double drops green apple and watermelon why oh okay so we're all gonna try this at the same time ready boys all right three two one [Music] oh Lord oh that'll wake you up no it's pretty it's yours open I don't want to try that look it we'll try it you got something [Laughter] ha yours isn't even bad you're just disgusting yeah it's sour hey you wanna try something um like not what happened to him looks like Cosmo oh that's a lot go for it got it you think yours is sour oh stop it's like perfume hey I'm glad you didn't put any deodorant on today I know me too well since we're gonna be here all night might as well eat dinner right yeah I kind of want pizza pizza would be nice hey do we have a waiter in here waiter it's just awesome here yeah we're gonna have to serve ourselves well it's James I don't know he said he was in the restroom I really really want a waiter right now it'll just be hey guys welcome to the restaurant oh hi um I'll be taking your order I'm your waiter why are you so far away what's your name I I'm I'm anti-social and shy but what's your name but like today's special is uh pizza with every topping you could think of like egg is there anything particular you want tonight you want to start with a beverage a water a key lime pie hold on sir I wasn't like I was like talking okay okay can I take your drink order key lime pie can I take a big fat hissy fit with a side of root beer nice choice yeah big fat let's see if it always hits the stomach nice especially at 3am I'm on the toilet for a good hour I'll get your drinks right away [Music] super weird waiter dude it's been like seven minutes we don't even have it this is the worst service ever [Music] you rolling it oh what's up what happened yeah can you close your eyes maybe I can don't do that please sir sir please please don't can you close your eyes why you might close my can I just look the other direction close your eyes Circle [Music] can I open them no yo what's up I mean I guess it is Yo sir you never said what you wanted to eat huh Pizza tacos Donuts [Laughter] this root beer tastes like root beer I wonder why why you said pizza and donuts I want a big fat hissy fit Pizza dude can we get some napkins no that sounded a lot like a zombie I was the zombie on World War Z which one I don't know there's a lot of them oh we looked at him sorry we won't look we won't look look the other way yeah rainbow dinosaurs oh there's gummy butterflies how cute all right look at that I got my big fat hissy face oh I got my pizza where's my taco donut I guess we want some awesome yo how am I even supposed to get this thing out of here ah that scared me bro yo yo stop stop we're good that actually looks pretty good I don't know I'll find out there's no crust I like to dip my dude there's mini pizzas in my pizza bro I like to dip my big fat as you get inside my root beer so that's why you wanted them ready you dip it you let it soak for a sec hi how is everything going it's going great I'm missing a taco and a donut no it's on the floor he scared me oh oh it is sorry about the mess I'll clean that up here's your donut all right here's a taco okay all right are you fully under there what four just do it how far pull it like really far like how far oh so I can get you why is your hair wet I'm sweating why first time I've ever been at the table what you did a great job I'm gonna give you a nice tip with the money I don't have you want a taco no all right oh hold on come back you're scared them off yeah oh where's your writing notebook oh oh I think oh what's up James oh that's James are you angry does he look angry I can't really tell James exactly face I don't know don't you do it I'm not I don't do it what am I gonna do don't do it what am I gonna do don't do it look me in the eyes what am I gonna do don't do it tell me what I'm gonna do do it you know what I'm gonna do don't do it you know don't do it I'm not gonna stop okay stop thinking about it you're doing it we are not starting a food fight we are not we are not starting a food fight why is he have a whole plate of pizza we are not starting a food fight he has a whole root beer he says this is not gonna be a food fight no no no no no I think it is no who's gonna be the first time [Laughter] boys we got Mega Smarties and we're about to get mega smarts are you ready what did you just do I opened it with your forehead dude it's actually working High 3.14 okay so the circle is the same as its perimeter Turtles can breathe through their butts thank you rabbits are born naked and blind artificial bananas don't taste like bananas because artificial bananas don't exist anymore the animal of Scotland is a unicorn surgeons that play video games are better at surgery slugs have four noses two plus two equals two peaches are a member of almond family what's a peach did you know that fish can cough most animals sleep just like humans that's some big brain stuff right there you know what else is Big Brain clicking that subscribe button Get Smart knock knock who's there you got a jack uh yeah here all right give me that Airhead you got a king I got a k yeah give me that k for potassium in that baseball bro you want my baseball [Music] if you got a seven I'm taking that nerds oh see I don't have a seven oh if you have like a four I'll take that airhead yo if you got that two three five six seven I'll take uh those gummy bears sour what if you got that two three five six seven I'll take those gummy bears in that package over there how'd you know that a magician never reveals a secret so James you got like a 3K q a a k q j um I'll take all your candy you said wet again if you got like a like a j a q and then a k and then like oh he says it's on his glasses I get it give me all that I get it you can have the glasses back if you got one of these cards uh-huh I could just take all your candy the steaks are on Bring it on Donkey Kong what you gonna call if you have a one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven Queen Jack King Ace if you have one of those cards I don't have any cards if you have one of those cards I'm taking all your candy what'd you draw oh it's a two didn't I say a two [Music] if you got a YouTube channel taking all of your candy that's not even fair though what's the answer guess what I thought yeah you're gonna share that candy [Music] it's too much bro what it's too much too much sugar too much cavities too much everything I already have six cavities I have a stage five right now that doesn't make sense osteoporosis yeah my tummy hurts I hear a platypus hi is there something wrong you got your face Master Stewart is that you no you're eating too much candy no no I'm sorry that's the only thing to eat around here I'm to the Unspeakable lab and I will fix your candy problem you have a headache you have too much sugar in your body okay come on let's go get up okay what about him are you good yeah you're not good come on let's go let's go get up and here how do you go go see I'm not gonna save him because like they didn't save me they're in the haunted maze yo get over here I'm gonna Sock Em rocking robots in your face get in got to hold the door handle extra strong these ones have a lot of gases these people use Google Chrome look at this Grace Safari is so much better I didn't ask for any compensation for this job what are these gold coins okay I think they're ready let me let me check oh they are not ready no no no I'm going to sit here and hold the door if you guys could do me a favor and hold that subscribe button please click it before all the other subscribers get loose someone fingertips oh it's getting spicy in there it's getting Laffy Taffy should I say remember me I don't know what that was was that English oh give them a 30 more seconds and now let the Beast out okay someone might actually be dying in there maybe they should be concerned hey what's going on in there all right they need everyone to calm down because it's going to be okay you don't look right why is your arm on the ground why is your toenail on the ceiling I've made it all okay they're having some issues but they're almost done unspeakable laboratory is top of the line laboratory of Laboratories I think they're ready are you ready I'm gonna say that's a yes okay come out look at that he's turned into a giant piece of candy because he ate so much candy go get down James is a chocolate bar like chocolate all right get out of my laboratory goodbye get down thank you for watching the video if we should make more candy videos leave a like on this video dude don't eat your costume bro that was so much fun yo where's your merch where's your mat hey come back so now we need to sneak into the merch Warehouse to get Gabe some new merch because apparently he forgot his we've made it to the warehouse so the front entrance is right down here you're being really loud right now [Music] that's the door right there everyone's being really quiet [Music] so far I see about three to four people up at the front I think we should sneak that way because no one works towards the back corner [Music] why is there a bunch of dinosaurs right there do you see those they're I think they're just mannequins no [Music] it's the statue it's just decoration so if it's just decoration let's grab one [Music] it's like a security door oh my gosh look look I didn't know we hired a dinosaur to work here that's awesome ladies and gentlemen if you order some unspeakable merch it will probably be filled packaged and shipped by a it's almost five o'clock at five o'clock most of the employees leave the warehouse all we gotta do is wait out for the next 10-15 minutes and they all should be gone you're telling me I gotta be quiet for 10 minutes if we can stay here keep it low oh my God I think I should go high behind here just because you're the cameraman you gotta stay in English someone needs to give that Dino a raise who else has dino workers like us I want to get a [ __ ] I'm gonna get a picture with it are you insane we didn't even know where they existed I'm doing this I'm gonna go snap a selfie with the dino [Music] I didn't get one [Music] we're not moving from the spot again we're just gonna weigh down dinner is served please dude when this place closes up I'm taking all of them do you know where the lights which is hey he flipped over the table do you feel like him help me please they're about to grab their bags they're walking to the front door right now oh no they all just went outside they all went outside okay all right boys so I'm gonna double check make sure the door is locked it should be locked but I just want to double check we don't want anyone coming back let's turn on the lights boys we're back in business we're back in business all right we're gonna do like orders now oh yeah you guys want to just like organize the place clean it up take orders like send out some merch to some people yeah we're here by ourselves and no one knows about it let's have fun I was just thinking we could reorganize the place like we could move all these shelves oh yeah we could like software update all their computers and like you know this right here looks pretty fun to me oh yeah see where I'm going I see where you're going oh yeah [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] [Applause] all right [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] no no no no no no no [Music] okay [Music] I got the red wine I like this one yeah hold on red one okay we got red let's go okay cool oh look at this blue dude yo grab me an adult medium please tell medium um oh right here yes yes yes yes okay there we go can we get a black shirt with white font black shirt white font uh that is gold okay we're gonna have to go to the next aisle all right oh that's a pretty color yeah that's pretty cool but peachy orange you're losing men here oh wait yo someone grab one of these yellow ones these are my favorite you said youth small no adult medium all right adult small it's not coming out I got it there we go all right boys we got our good old and speakable merch if you guys want some merchandise be sure to check out the link in the description head over to www.speakable.com all right boys we have a friendly competition here to see who can put on the most shirts and 30 seconds yo look it's an unspeakable balloon it says unspeakable yeah we sell things well you know it's funny because your timer is about to start in three two one wait so 30 seconds 30 seconds oh Gabe already got one shirt on what what are you doing [Applause] who did that I don't know I don't know the phone locked I'm counting the 15 and 15 goes the timer's off five four three two one stop there's a cow does it count wait hold on Cameroon well that was after the time to stop no no it doesn't count take it off okay let's count how many shirts we got all right you go first I got one two three oh wow or and then the one I was wearing so like wait I only got four wait there's no way I'm gonna stick at this game oh we got four games show them how it's done one two three Trace Patrol but look it the good thing is now you could leave with all the merch that you put on foreign here's a tail now it's gonna work I'm gonna go up here 45 51 50. I know exactly where I'm gonna hide here we go all the way up here hide behind these boxes okay okay all right this is where I'm gonna hide one zero 63. I'm Coming Out Boys [Music] okay no no [Music] none of us could fit in that small one I'm not even going to check here no [Music] this wasn't here oh it's kind of hot up here it's a little warm I see a shoe bro that was so not fair well you found me so quick you left that there the ladder yeah whatever whatever that's called I gotta go find James find you first because you sucked because he left this giant gray Contraption here uh no one's in there [Music] you tried dude no that's not that's not him bro oh no that's just a hat that got left around somewhere that's fine James you're gonna throw some unspeakable bouncy balls I I'm gonna fling a frog these are the flying frogs [Music] [Music] bouncy balls oh wow [Applause] all right boys good evening thanks for attending the annual meeting of February yeah we're gonna go over the sales total for the month of January so we did a really really good selling game could you listen please huh you put the put the thing down oh listen on the month of January we did incredible best month of the year although it was the first month of the year we made a whopping this Market doesn't work can I get a new one [Music] all right so we're gonna do the good old see h m m e e r r yeah merchandise what are you writing what is that I think that might what is that the website where you can buy your merch help us get to 42 cents next month yo James what does that sound are you good it's the worst sound ever [Music] yeah like And subscribe [Music] foreign bottled water dude I know exactly where food is oh yeah is it like a secret Pantry wait a secret Pantry follow me look you see this door right here this one right here that's why this one right here okay that's outside finally he's done riding that crazy card about time oh my God what's up should we should we leave I think we should leave come on let's go we got this unspeakable frisbee here you open it up just like so Gabe you're gonna catch it I'll try you better catch it throw it definitely didn't catch it but I that was just a terrible throughout yo throw back [Music] yo this thing is so sick look at that okay three two one almost got it he almost got it you hit the camera man [Music] thank you I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry it's not very good at throwing a frizzy yo let me throw I'm not the best frisbee thrower okay well this thing is safe [Music] all the way in the bathroom yo I wonder if it made in the toilet oh I made it in the sink it made it in the sink bro from across the warehouse that's a trick shot right there that might be a trick shot dude that's pretty legendary you make it in the background I made it in the sink not only in the bathroom but into it great my trick shot in the comment section below [Music] here we go yeah wow that's it are we really too fat okay try again [Music] [Applause] all right [Music] [Music] I think it's bedtime it's 11 o'clock at night boys we should probably go to bed usually most of the workers get here at like 5 a.m so we should probably like sleep wake up early get out of here before they show up 30 minutes no it's only 11 dude it's 11 o'clock no I got a mattress for sleeping I got a mattress like [Music] this all right well I got a mattress we got sleeping bags we also got a hammock over there I think it's time to get some sleep Bud check this thing out oh yeah I can sleep with this bro oh am I coming in there with you no no oh you're up on the Shelf yo look I can even close it ah it's not gonna fit throw it out there what are you doing oh so James can sleep with you but I can't I thought we were friends you're an animal I know you're a sloth oh we forgot to turn off the lights okay okay it's fine I totally don't exist yo that's honestly kind of a sick spot to sleep I didn't even need that well if you get cold in the middle of night it's right there for you also Gabe have you ever slept in a warehouse before I've never slept in a sleeping bag or a warehouse what never slept in a sleeping bag not that I can remember I have slept in a warehouse once it wasn't this one it was a different one it wasn't on the Shelf though so I like your unique take to it I also didn't have a hammock I kind of just slept on the floor yo James Hit the Lights oh here we go dark oh come on there's more light there we go oh my gosh dude I can't see anything I have a flashlight hey bud you look like uh dude dude I'm not even gonna lie it's creepy in here okay yo so we need to wake up at about 4 a.m sounds like three hours I know some people get here at five I want to be out of here before anyone gets here I don't want to get caught dude woken up in the morning when it's still dark okay so I'm gonna set alarm for 4 AM and 4 10 and 4 15 4 [Laughter] [Music] all right I'll trade you blue for green there you go yo What A Catch check out these unspeakable rechargers night nights there's buttons right here on the bottom you can turn them off and you can turn them on a great source of light wait wait wait wait doesn't this thing have lights yeah you look like a green bean I'm gonna become a beautiful you know it looks like it's like a green bean I'm gonna become a beautiful butterfly when I wake up yo hit that button again yeah [Applause] good night [Music] [Applause] [Music] James up [Music] yeah let's go go where yo someone's gonna be here in like 20 minutes maybe even 10 maybe five I don't know let's go all right we're gonna take that cart out with us okay go dude come on dude let's go dude stand on the mattresses I know I don't know where we're gonna get breakfast oh that's kind of gross inside can we go to Dawn you mean McDonald's McDonald's he woke me up for this we're supposed to be leaving all right we're out of here we successfully made it through the overnight challenge guys be sure to leave a like on this video click that subscribe button I'm gonna go get some McDonald's and go back to bed so recently we had to sell the Lego House legit guys we're selling the Lego house so we need to sneak back into it one more time just for fun no boys [Music] can you hear him I don't know oh how are we gonna do this we need to find something to sneak in like like hide behind something oh my God costume and every time we looked at you just stood still the Palm Drew maybe yo no no we order pizza and then we have it delivered to the Lego house and then we sneak in after he takes the pizza just okay okay I don't know if that's the best idea because he's gonna be like who ordered the pizza here's the deal we are gonna try to to get into that Lego house and survive overnight I know exactly how I'm gonna do it [Music] hahaha yo he's gonna find you so easily no he's not I want to know this plan okay I'm gonna go for a voicemail have fun when you get tased just scream loud enough so I could run in because while he's tasing he's distracted and I can run in [Music] I'm gonna go foreign [Music] I would not want to try to run away from this man it's very scary he has really long legs so like he hits right afterwards like big spiders big man big strides scary shrines I see a utility belt on this man he has a flashlight I don't think he has a gun I think he has a taser what kind of security guard one at least have a taser [Music] Nathan made a lot of noise [Music] you know I really want a balloon Nathan's cover so bad I want to like throw a ball at him and like make him like laugh or something you are being too loud he's walking throughout the house this is your chance Bud oh that was a close one I did not notice a big white roll that moves [Music] dude how are we gonna get past this he went inside once and it was for like what 10 seconds 15 seconds yeah [Music] the side of the house now [Music] that was a close call Nathan's playing peek-a-boo with the security guard right now I think I know I'm a kid when he's not looking I'm a run try to find a hiding spot and then I'm gonna throw a ball upstairs yeah [Music] I thought Nathan was found around that corner he knew that he didn't the tree started to follow oh I think I knocked over the palm tree all I need to do is that's all I gotta do so now this man has a baseball bat a taser a flashlight and he's also built like a Monster who knows what else is on that boat why is he Nathan's hand he's moving Legos why it's so loud the security guard has very good hearing because I went and he heard it all the way from the other side of the Lego [Music] okay he's walking towards me right now he's walking away so let's go come on to get a coconut from that box over there I have an idea up to the balcony I don't think there's any way to get inside from the back is there unless you have a ladder do we have a ladder here [Music] see you later boys yo the upstairs windows are open maybe we could like set up a ladder and like climb in through the hood let's go oh we made it oh boys that was a mission we still need James and Gabe to get up here come on all right you ready to make a move what's your move to the bottom of the stairs throws an unspeakable mark s wait until James again way too I'm glad these boxes were right here oh no he's running this one oh flip he's checking my closet he thinks it came from the closet he's coming upstairs he's going to the garage he's back out front he's got his taser and his hand come on I was just gonna [ __ ] it where's everyone all right let's go now oh I don't even see them he's game in here yet okay so I'm stuck pulse right now go go he's coming oh I'm about to pee my pants bro anybody in here he's walking around inside the house with a taser [Music] Dude where's game that's totally came in and you can't even see how to get out here's the deal we don't know where Gabe is I don't know where he is I'm stuck in here he used me as a distraction he threw a ball at me and the security guard came straight at me I could probably get out if I really wanted to but it's going to be loud really loud I have an idea I have an idea coming we can just ask in the megaphone where a game is yeah let's go all right ready Gabe has to be out there hey Gabe where are you at oh he's going inside [Music] that was not the best idea he's upstairs he's upstairs celebrities in the virtual room right now I'm about to be myself [Music] he thinks I went outside oh [ __ ] Judy almost Haze to me okay wait look he's over there if I didn't jump and give away my position you would have been tased I know look you gotta find Gabe okay here just scream real loud just be like okay we're literally dead I found Gabe I gave like half stuck yo Gabe make your way over to the garage and there's a ladder uh okay no no no tell him to go get to the front of the garage door so I can open the garage door so it's a terrible idea no it's brilliant okay just get to the garage is the door open yes okay these are literally stuck 100 000 ball pit balls right now I think I lost my shoe it's like trying to get a question are you good there's a ladder right there go he's being so loud climb up the ladder let's go about time you get here I have an idea you ready for this three two one Georgetown [Music] maybe he picks the Lego houses hopefully because someone screamed at a microphone going Gabe where are you well this guy doesn't know our name so but he knows Gabe's name now well yeah but he still doesn't know what Gabe looks like so now since we're all inside the house we should just mess with him like fun and games if I'm not we're not playing with Monopoly no no no no Connect Four Battleship fall machine yes yeah let's go okay he's right by the palm tree he's walking past the front yeah thank you yo is that Milky Way no stop it foreign I have a great idea when he comes over here and pulls the string let me use my flashlight it's a light so he doesn't think anything's suspicious don't move a muscle don't move a muscle don't move a muscle oh my gosh you've got to be kidding me he literally just used the claw machine he's going out he's on the patio right now foreign I think I hired this security guard off Fiverr just make them feel the claw machine yo how did he not see you when they land how did that work get me out of here a little steamy in there bud yeah it's okay I'm taking this thing home you busted my lip with that Milky Way To Go you saw that inside the house by the garage yeah we should have just threw in there that probably would have been a better spot it has his name on it though we can't do that oh true give it away he'll open it and see like how was that spot hey well mine was Albert Einstein or Thomas Edison I don't know his word that was a light bulb it was a whole lamp it was a whole lamp a whole lamp all right we got a prank oh she oh he's right there can you make that noise I throw it at him you know how Yoshi does that thing like dude yeah make that noise really loud you ready you're ready the merch works [Music] oh my gosh how does that work I'm gonna throw it back at him where is he where is he [Applause] [Music] Joe this guy is terrible he's checking novel perimeter no the door doesn't lock what the heck the door doesn't lock oh it ran so quick where did you go I went to go grab chips oh hi is this yours no okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay please don't taste me please don't taste me I'm out okay okay okay okay assistant oh I'm not a person I never felt so fast in my life negative 9.8 okay second squared go outside the Yoshi egg though it's like my own priority I think I hit him in the back of the head with that turtle shell was it the green one or the referee blue one the blue blue one yeah all right [Music] James just got caught so I'm gonna throw this for a distraction rip it rub it this is our chance Gabe what's the point let's play are you on okay I guess we'll go under the garage we're not going to The Graduate come on he's coming I can't get up there but I can call the cops oh my gosh [Music] oh no oh no oh no oh yeah [Music] go go go go go oh my God
Channel: Unspeakable
Views: 15,118,412
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: unspeakable, vlog, vlogs, unspeakablegaming, prank, comedy, challenge, laugh, funny, moments, craziest, pranks, crazy, no cursing, no swearing, how to, parody, troll, video, react, family friendly, funniest, adventure, trolling, unspeakable vlogs, real life, life, unspeakable real life, unspeakableplays
Id: haR8R5Try_c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 76min 45sec (4605 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 25 2023
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