SML Movie: Roy's Cool Lessons!

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all right guys are you ready to go to the movies oh yeah dude but we should bring our own candy it's very expensive at the movie theaters i already got you covered do you think don't notice all the candy i'm trying to sneak in no you can't even notice the candy they're not gonna notice all right good wait we're going to the movies yeah well but there's a pandemic going on we might get sick how well you know there's a whole bunch of people crowded together in one room well if you don't want to go to the movies code you have to go okay well i guess i'm not going then why suit yourself dude it's more popcorn for us yeah more candy for us all right guys let's go to the movies i can't believe they found the snacks jeffy i know i can't believe they noticed them i thought i hit them pretty good you did hide them pretty good i couldn't even see them and then they strip searched me and found the snickers i hit up my butt and then they made us pay for this 50 popcorn man that's expensive all right ladies ladies there's enough room to go around remain calm but look who's sitting next to me oh really get hard oh my god that roy get home hey mr roy can we get your autograph no go away losers roy who are these kids i i don't know babe just ignore him we want you to spit in our mouth and also sign his face please no shut up you're blowing it let's get out of here ladies ladies come back look what you losers did you made me lose my babes i'm so sorry roy i'm so so sorry it's just you're so cool and we wish we could be you yeah i know everybody does oh roy roy is there any way you could like sign us or sign our faces and spit on us no no you losers are lame just get out of here oh please please like roy you're just so cool and we all idolize you and is there any way you could teach us to be cool like you and get the babe like you you could never hope to be as cool as roy i know but but if you could teach us maybe you could teach us to be one percent as cool as you now why would roy ever do that um we could pay you uh joseph how much money do you have i don't have any money i only have popcorn we could pay you in popcorn i don't accept popcorn as payment i only accept free trips to the super bowl and nothing less well what if we uh what do we pay you 300 i guess i could do that all right i'll be at your house in an hour but then i got to leave 20 minutes after that because i have another date okay okay thank you so much roy i'll kiss your feet get away from me did you hear that roy's gonna teach how to be cool where are you gonna get three hundred dollars from dude uh i'm gonna steal my dad's wallet okay okay roy's gonna do that'd be cool hey jeffy you wanna be cool like roy sure let's go be cool like roy roy roy okay guys i'm done with the royce shrine do you think he's gonna like it oh yeah dude royal love this only the best for roy yes only the best for roy ooh guys roy's coming assuming the positions hey guys what's up all hail roy we're not worthy it's a pretty nice setup you guys got here give me an r r give me an o oh give me a y why because roy's cool right score right right right right right right right right i liked it that's cute oh roy uh here's your money and there's your candy bars anything else you need no i think that about covers it but the first thing you guys got to know is that being this cool is not easy it must not be easy roy no no you got to get free stuff and ladies want you all the time it's exhausting sounds like a hard life yeah it is but i'm going to teach you okay now we're going to start with the simplest thing your names our names what what's wrong with their names i hate them they suck you hate our names yeah like what's your name my name's junior it says it on my bib yeah see i hate that like that j i hate that j let's get rid of the j but i like that r though okay let's put an o and a y after that r that would be roy yeah yeah it's right you're right now well my name's roy joseph dude you're so lucky yeah my name's roy yeah yeah and what's your name uh my name is joseph joseph yes yeah i hate that too that's terrible yeah but but i like that o in there okay so let's take the j let's get rid of that let's get rid of the ceph and just keep that o let's put an r in front of that and a y after it okay wait that's roy yeah it's really you're right too oh i'm going to oh we're both wrong that's awesome yeah what's your name back there jeffy yeah yes yeah i don't i don't like the jeff part but that y is pretty cool okay so let's drop the jeff keep the y put an r and the o in front of the y oh yeah it's roy roy yeah you're all roy now we're rolling oh my god we have cool names yeah yeah there's only two genders roy's and girls oh we're roy's oh my god we're so cool i can feel myself getting cooler right oh call me roy oh roy hey ray roy hey hey what's up rory i'm roy oh you're right too hey hey hey roy over there what's up roy yeah you're okay all right but first we got to change your clothes okay because i hate your clothes you don't like our clothes no they're disgusting they make them want to throw up so uh do you have like any striped white black and red shirts um i don't think so no um well that's okay we're gonna figure out something that makes you look as cool as roy right okay i wanna be just like you roy all right we're gonna do a montage where you guys put on outfits and i shake my head whenever i don't like them and then whenever you guys put on something i approve i'm gonna do this all right okay all right let's go so [Music] [Applause] okay guys i really like your cool new roy outfit i feel so cool i can feel the coolness all over my body yeah i'm really cool now okay i think you guys are finally ready to learn roy's rules what are roy's rules roy's rules are the roles you have to live by to be as cool as roy i want to learn roy's rules i want to learn okay so the first rule you probably already know never pay for anything anything anything ever wait how do i get stuff then people will just buy stuff for you because you're roy that's so awesome yeah people will buy you like super bowl tickets and nice restaurants and stuff like that just because you're roy that's the coolest thing ever hey give me 20 bucks sure thing roy here's 20 bucks what are you doing giving you money cause you asked for it why are you giving anyone anything you're raw you get things you don't give things you're right i'm roy people should be giving me money yeah exactly okay now rule number two is hard to get if you want to get hard you got to play hard to get wait is that why your last name is get hard that's exactly why my last name is get hard well how do i play hard to get well whenever a girl likes you you just pretend not to like her back um let me try hey babe get in here hi this guy's name is roy oh you're so hot you're hot too ew nah man you blew it well how'd i blow it you're not supposed to like her okay watch this hey i'm roy you're hot yeah i know um don't you like me not really i want you to like me yeah i know they all do but that's too bad babe see she wants me now cause i don't like her that's so awesome did you write that down joseph dude i'm writing it down now oh that's so awesome you're so cool roy okay now rule number three steal other people's girls even if they're in a happy relationship especially if they're in a happy relationship because that relationship isn't happy because they're not with roy oh why don't we just go after single girls well because they're single for a reason right that means other people don't want them that's why you have to go after girls who are already in relationships those are the good ones oh you're right oh roy's so smart yeah he's smart dude that's why he's cool okay we'll do that okay so roll number four is yolo you only live once okay so do whatever you want like get married have kids get divorced don't take care of the kids do whatever you want to do because you're roy live a full life live a full life and do whatever you want as much as you want so how many times can i do that oh you can do it forever that brings me to rule number five repeat you do all of this over and over again until you die but the most important thing is rule number one never pay for anything like especially super bowls especially super bowl okay oh my gosh so never pay play hard to get steal people's girls yolo and repeat yeah okay so you guys should memorize this and then we'll go out into the battlefield and try to find some girls okay okay um memorize it okay number one two okay i think i memorized it all right let's go find some girls okay let's do it okay roy i'm gonna put you through the roy test to test your roynes what's the roy test the roy test is to get a date with a girl how are we gonna get a date with a girl at my house there's no girls here i'm roy there's gonna be girls here wherever there's a roy girls just appear oh there's a girl right there who wants to talk to her first oh i'll do it go ahead then he failed how did he fail he's going to talk to a girl he approached the girl roy's never approached a girl girls approach roy thank you you're so smart roy let's wait for the next girl hi it's your name roy yeah you're hot i know do you want to go on a date with me nah you seem like a skank gank i'm single oh i guess look just pick me up at eight or something okay you failed what i got a date though she's single that means there's something wrong with her no i forgot about that yeah you're only supposed to date girls in a relationship yeah you failed roy run a lap oh all right roy i'm counting on you you're the last roy standing okay i got this hi are you roy yeah whatever you're hot i know do you think i'm pretty no you look ugly my boyfriend thinks i'm pretty who's your boyfriend roy she's your girlfriend yeah go for it bro i can't steal your girlfriend it's rule number three you have to it's every roy for himself oh oh okay i guess you look okay do you want to go on a date with me i guess we can go to the movies okay you buy the tickets and pick me up at eight okay you failed but how'd i fail you agreed to pay for the tickets royce never paid for anything oh darn it i forgot rule number one very disappointing you roy go run a lap okay i'm very so disappointed in my roy's everybody roy group upstairs roy's get in here oh sorry we're running our lap so disappointed in you royce wait where's the third roy i think he's still talking about girl pathetic he's been talking to a girl that long and he hasn't even gone to a super bowl yet i'm so ashamed of him yeah that's lame he's getting kicked out of roy's school don't don't kick us out we want to be roy yeah please don't kick us out please i just don't know what to do with you royce you're just it's not roy enough well we'll do anything to be roy enough just just please don't kick us don't give up on us yeah we're hopeless without you i don't know i please anything we'll do anything kiss your feet i like feet i'll get dressed up i do have one more way i could make you more roy let's do what to do we'll do anything we'll do anything right right yeah yeah it's a very invasive surgeon i don't know if you're ready for it i can handle a surgery i can take a surgery yeah we'll do anything roy please make us roy are you sure you want to be full roy we want to be full roy please roy okay follow me rise my royce oh man i feel like roy dude i feel exactly like roy this is crazy oh you're beautiful you have that roy look i think you're finally roy enough to be roy roy enough yeah we're roy enough all you have to do is pass one more roy test what's the final roy test you have to steal my girlfriend oh we can still his girlfriend oh yeah i'ma steal her babe get in here hi you're hot it's your name roy yeah whatever though do you want to go on a date with me nah my schedule's busy oh please please please please please please please oh look i'll go on a date with you but look you got to pay okay okay pick me up at eight okay fail fail fail fail what i got a date and she's paying for it you agreed to pick her up roy never picks anybody up roy gets picked up roy doesn't even own a car because he doesn't need one because girls pick him up in their car but if roy did own a car it'd be a rolls-royce but he doesn't have a car because he doesn't need it unless somebody bought it for him dude i am tired of this i'm obviously not roy enough i'm out of here dude okay roy you're the last roy damn it steal my girl i'll steal it i'll steal her babe hi you're hot is your name roy yeah whatever do you want to go on a date with me a date with you i have like three dates today already yeah yeah good good good but i guess i i guess i can fit you in my tight schedule okay what do you want to do okay this is what's gonna happen you're gonna pick me up in your car you're gonna take me to the movies and pay with your money then you're gonna take me to dinner and pay and then you'll pay for dessert and you'll go back to my house and we're gonna watch netflix that you paid for on your netflix account okay see you at eight good good roy that was exceptional i couldn't have done it better myself oh really yeah i think you're finally roy i'm finally wrong i'm finally wrong i did it because you're roy you get to wear the cool badge that only roy's get to wear really i get the roy cool bat yeah you do okay hurry up and put on me i get ready for my date what i gotta get ready for my date get ready you don't get ready roy's always ready he doesn't have to get ready if a girl calls you and says she bought you a plane ticket to go fly down to the super bowl you don't get ready you just get on the plane and you go you don't take any luggage or anything she'll buy you clothes when you get there but i gotta take a shower no no no roy never showers he doesn't need to shower god i don't understand why you're not right enough oh i'm so sorry i just want to be like you roy you can't be like me roy you disgust me i'm leaving do i still go on a date with your girlfriend what do you mean do you still go of course you still go roy always goes on dates with girls the fact that you even asked that tells me you're not roy enough you know if you had just gone on the date anyway i would have said you were roy enough but now i'm gonna tell her not to go on a date with you because you're not roy oh so i'm so sorry roy it's just so hard being here your life is so perfect and you're so amazing i wish i would try [Music]
Channel: SML
Views: 6,656,585
Rating: 4.8753018 out of 5
Keywords: supermariologan, sml, movie, jeffy, jeffry, jeff, funny, jokes, roy, roys cool lessons, junior, joseph, cody, friends, friend, lessons, cool, lance, logan, puppet, show, entertainment, skit, comedy, laugh, joke, superluigilogan, sll, superbowserlogan, sbl, how to be cool, montage, fun
Id: RMcjgFZYmpM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 23sec (803 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 24 2021
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