SML Movie: Junior's Twin!

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hey Junior check out my new toy oh what is that it's a ball drone it costs 580 bucks my mom bought it for me why does it cost 580 because it flies it lights up it plays music this is some military great [ __ ] we're talking about here the public doesn't even have these yet I had to beg my mom to get it I told her I didn't even want anything for Christmas just this it's made of steel and titanium and it's completely indestructible well I want to see it Fly okay check this out I said check this out you gotta hit me in the face it's still pretty cool though right I want to see it Fly okay it broke that was my one toy my dad's coming Junior what's wrong Dad look there's something I have to tell you so have a seat this is gonna be a tough one are you sick no it's worse than that are you dying oh I wish I was look Junior you have a twin brother I have a twin brother yeah when you were born there were actually two of you but I was gonna pay child support for two kids hell nah so I shipped your twin brother to London home of the bridge well can I meet him yeah he's actually coming to visit for a week when's it gonna be here it looks like that's him so have fun Cody I have a twin brother yeah I wonder if he's hot well he looks just like me yeah so he's probably hot well hold on let me go answer the door hello would you look at it if it isn't my twin brother Junior how's it going bro oh well Dad said my twin brother was coming and I I've never met you before so what's your name nice Nigel but not a lot of thorn berries a real knee slap but that one is yeah it's real funny you know it was a long way across the pond isn't it and that cheap smart bastard Brave Little key card that one was though fighting bad guys and such but I'm being rude you didn't buy me in for a biscuit or maybe some bangers and mash some beans on toast um yeah come inside Adrian who's the brother here yeah he's right here oh who's this ugly mug there's my friend Cody what is that something you hang your coat on a Jody what are you American's gonna think of Max oh [ __ ] maybe a trousy never heard of a Cody before that's hard to believe there's quite a few of us Toby that's a new one yeah well we usually do make fun of Cody but we usually make fun of his fat mom oh you like mom jokes oh God a great mum joke I heard a market the other day Joey your mom's ass is so why no no so fat actually that Taurus mistake it for the Big Ben taking pictures with it inside yeah like the clock Chloe okay what's his name Jenny Nigel Nigel what like like Nigel Thornberry yeah like the cartoon oh okay well where are you from Nigel oh I'm from London isn't it oh well what do you guys do in London oh I see how it is you think just cause I'm from London or I'd vote all day is sit around and watch Harry Potter on the tally I don't know that's why I asked it you know it's a bit nippy in here isn't it maybe you should go grab your coat off the Cody okay I get it Junior how long you say he was gonna be in town for maybe a week okay I'll just see you at school tomorrow no I like him a right bloke he is hey dude you want to play fortnite not right now Joseph hang out with my twin brother wait you have a twin brother oh who's this blowing a basketball on his shirt LeBron James is that you Sprite cranberry in that way you drink Sprite cranberry like on the commercials dude my name's Joseph Joseph reminds me of mcnan Josephine she made a mean peeing crumpets or Joseph he's your favorite color green really how do you know that dude it's all over your feet bruv oh dude why is he talking like that listen Joseph I'll just hang out with you at school tomorrow okay I'll talk to you guys later then where's Cody or Miss Chloe listen Nigel I have to go to school tomorrow so let's go to sleep yeah I'm a bit knackered from that long flight time to hit the sat in it yeah I got an idea Nigel we look exactly the same so you could go to school for me and I can stay at home all day and play video games yeah that's a good idea that where the British keep getting smarter well the Americans stay dumber I gotta tell Joseph about this Joseph are you still in the house yeah dude I was laying on the floor behind your couch why dude is super comfy duh well I just want to let you know that I'm not gonna be at school this week Nigel's gonna go for me wait wait why because he looks just like me and I can skip the whole week oh okay okay I'm gonna call Cody and tell him oh dude she's laying on the floor behind your couch too Cody yeah what are you doing I was laying down behind your couch why do this comfy yeah it's really comfortable yeah very comfy dude oh that's weird listen guys I'm not gonna be at school this week naido's gonna go for me so I can stay at home and play video games Junior don't make us hang out with him yeah dude I don't like his accent well listen it's only for a week and I want a week off of school so just just play with them and hang out with them tomorrow okay okay all right across today in American history we're going to be learning about the Boston Tea Party the British were bringing a bunch of tea over to America and they were taxing the [ __ ] out of it and the Americans got pissed and dumped it all in the water so to this day if you go to Boston Harbor and you bring the water it tastes like tea boy what a load of rubbish talking about the Boston Tea Party like that more like when the Americans threw a bloody fit over a little bit of spilled too Amanda look at me I wasn't there you know speaking of spilled tea I might fancy a cup of right now anyone got a [ __ ] right here I'm not talking about you stinky bro I'm talking about a city oh no I don't smoke dude he's starting to get real Annoying oh it Pour it down you bloody wankers at least in the UK are schools like shooting simulators he kind of has a point dude and then after the Boston Tea Party was a revolutionary war where the Americans bent over the British and made the British their [ __ ] oh what a load of cords swollen up I mean come on Buckle raw everyone for no stinking Frenchman coming in with their french fries oh you bloody Americans but we pledge allegiance to the Queen the queen died oh I put a soak in it the Queen's just waiting to win the gulag against Betty White to come back what and then after the Revolutionary War we erected our first President George Washington he's on the one dollar bill because he's number one you mean the bloke with the disgusting wooden yellow teeth if you Americans had free health care he'd be rocking purely what it's like mine I really can't stand Sandy all right across that does it for today's racing so go around and brag about all the American history you earned today a good day that's the end of a school day a little short in it that's why you bloody Americans are so stupid with your summer vacations guys what's wrong with Junior that's not oh look at this end what oh you want a snog excuse me or if you let me take you out I'll be chuffed a bit um no whatever you stinky Morkie okay well Jenny that was harsh I think you want to go play some Cricket you mean baseball dude yeah come on okay oh what am I supposed to do with this thing beat my mother with it or whatever you Americans do if your anger problems in depression what the [ __ ] is he talking about I don't know dude I've been blocking him out the whole time it's a baseball bat you just hit the ball with it this ain't no bloody Cricket come on let's play a man's game it's American baseball nothing but men play this sport throw the ball Cody oh what kind of fire we start you throw a lot of [ __ ] no I got [ __ ] dude that was a pretty bad throw well you throw it then okay watch this wow dude he actually hit a home run God damn it now we're never gonna hear the end of it oh you say that say that should it over the place of water on Bloody Parts like you stupid Americans say your Christmas song with the pear trees oh thanks for a bottle of water so you guys had a fun time hanging out with Nigel today kill me Junior he's the most annoying person I've ever met but he hasn't called me Cody all day and I think he forgot Cody can you pass me that bottle of water dude it's okay so you believe this bloke's name is Cody oh wait till you find out his last name dude oh it was your last name Curry nobody tell him my last name oh come on Chloe give us a laugh come on Cody we gotta know yeah it's nut kiss no kiss what are you gay yes oh all right then dude you sound like the Gekko from the Geico commercial Oh you mean like switching to Geico because I do 15 or more oh calories yeah but way more obnoxious you know Otis Jennings got me a bit famish how about we go grab some grub oh Junior has you met Chef PeePee yet Chef Pee Pee like penis yeah all right then yeah let's go meet Chef PeePee Nigel [Music] are we see oh this is my twin brother Nigel wait twin brother oh no I quit I can't I can't now I understand [Applause] I really wish we could eat McDonald's oh just give me some coffee American cars are weird with a steering wheel and left hand side yeah how about you drive on the right side of the road screw your American driving law so left side of a row is much better you guys use miles instead of kilometers too you bloody idiots yeah you're okay can we just get on the right side of the road before you kill someone all right fine why don't you ready oh my God can I got a kitty meal Fish fill out your chips with Dr Pepper a froggy and a hammock with a little bit of toad in the hole and don't forget my tartar sauce with my piggies in a blanket it's not a pepper's good isn't it Cody I wouldn't know I just got chocolate milk and there's a mustache on it oh yeah and I also get my free medium french fries I get from McDonald's every week so everyone can shut the hell up about that how's your fish fillet Nigel oh no I haven't tried it yet I heard you Americans put a little preservatives in it to make me fat and greasy kind of like your mother you know it's getting a little bit nippy in here my nips could cut through glass right now if only someone could hand me a coat how about you actually you know what Nigel how about we play a game we only play here in America all right what's the game the game is called get in the Box all right how you play you just get in the box and whoever can stay in the Box the longest wins all right what's in it for me uh I'll give you a lolly ooh what flavor Lolly like it doesn't matter just get in the Box oh I love lollies yeah that's great what do I do now you just stay in the box and then I'll close it good thinking Cody put him in a box yeah now we just have to send them back to London so I never have to hear koe ever again he's really still going he just doesn't know when to quit yeah just go drop this box off the ups and send him to London okay I will come on Nigel [Music]
Channel: SML
Views: 5,040,216
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: supermariologan, sml, movie, jeffy, jeffry, jeff, funny, jokes, comedy, skit, entertainment, juniors twin, twin, junior, cody, joseph, puppet, puppets, show, laugh, joke, british, jackie chu, friends, friend, superluigilogan, sll, superbowserlogan, sbl, big ben, hilarious, fun, logan, lance
Id: Aw6EyPtaHX4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 38sec (698 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 22 2023
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