SML Movie: Feebee's First Day!

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all right class so after you do all that the answer is 2 equal 6 does everyone see how I got that answer yes so easy well I have no idea what he's talking about me either dude I'm so lost yeah me too because class you're going to need to know how to solve all of this but 10 times harder for tomorrow's major big important test how important is tomorrow's major big important test very major very big very important and very test so say it with me crass major big important test major big important test major big important test major big important test test big important test major big important test and if you fail tomorrow's major big important test you go all the way back to kindergarten so you better not fail tomorrow's major big important test uh teacher I don't know any of that stuff I'm going to fail yeah me too Jesus Christ Christ do you not pay attention when I teach or am I just up here talking to myself you guys are literally stressing me out so much you're making my eyes even more shed than they usually are oh how many fingers am I holding up oh I don't know cuz I can't see [ __ ] guys it is super simple that 2 equals 6 I even show you how to equal six and you still don't know how to equal six you guys are stupid you guys need to go home and study I'll see you tomorrow CR H all right I'll see you guys tomorrow I'm about to pass this test dude can I come over your house so we can study together yeah that sounds like a good idea Joseph we both need to study let's go yeah come on all right Joseph we need to study all night for this test all right dude let's start studying or we can play Super Smash Brothers all night oh let's do it do it dude let's do it yeah you're not going to beat me what time is it Joseph wake up what dude it's 6:00 a.m. wait wait we didn't study dude we didn't study we're going to fail oh man we better get used to kindergarten at least they have nap time I don't want to fail oh me neither but I got to go to school now no I can't fail I can't fail my dad will kill me me huh starting to get sick shf B I can't go to school I'm [Music] sick hey Chef B what do you want junior can't you see I'm cooking breakfast well Chef baby I woke up with a huge cough and I don't think I can go to school today cuz I have a really big test oh you have a big test and you're sick yeah wow what a coincidence yeah why don't I believe you though be because you're a mean mean yell machine what the hell you know what I'm going to call a doctor because you're not even making sense now yeah I'm really sick e stop stop that I got a call about a sick kid what's up yeah Junior says that he's sick but he has a big test today okay I think I see what's going on he doesn't want to take the test so he's pretending to be sick so he doesn't have to go to school see that's what I think okay I'll talk to him hey there kiddo so tell me your symptoms what you got a got a tummy ache maybe a headache or a runny nose well actually I've been coughing up a lot of blood yeah a lot of blood I've been diarrhe a lot of blood too and actually my eyes have been bleeding okay well from over here it doesn't look like your eyes are bleeding well I just wiped off all the blood I wiped it on the couch you see it's red it's all the blood oh yeah this used to be a white couch oh okay well uh that sounds a lot like Ebola oh yeah yeah that's what I have sh I have Ebola I have Ebola that's what I have yeah that's really bad a lot of people die from Ebola yeah so I don't have to go to school right well normally I'd write you a note so you could stay home from school but you do have that really important test but I have Ebola Junior you got to take that test but I have Ebola guys now the test is more important but don't worry you're not going to affect anybody else I'm going to put you in this wait what is that it's a giant hamster ball see my hamster died this morning so I don't really need it anymore what's that going to do well I'm going to put you in it so you can't infect anybody else come here you see it works out for everybody yeah all right I'm going to go get the other piece so I can lock this and then we'll roll you to school but sh B this is actually a good idea because I'm inside this ball I can't touch the test so I don't have to take the test whatever yeah I like this ball all right the piece is all locked in now you can't get out okay but what if I have to use the bathroom well it looks like you're just going to have to sit in a big poop peas snow globe so you have fun with that good luck on your test kid oh I will Junior what the hell is that oh hey Cody I have Ebola Junior you do not have Ebola yes I do Cody the doctor says I E Bolas so he put me inside this bubble thing so I don't touch anything from the outside so I don't have to take the test Junior how did did you even get Ebola well I asked shipi for a bowl of ice cream and he gave me ebola ice cream Junior are you just pretending to have Ebola so you don't have to take the test yes Cody now shut up dude do you have any more of that Ebola ice cream no I ate it all all right crass are you ready for major big important test uh teacher I have Ebola so I can't take the major big important test cuz I can't leave the bubble so I can't touch anything outside the bubble so uh can I be excused from the test oh you have ior okay I guess you excuse from major big important test yes see Cody I don't have to take the test it's unbelievable a I wish I had Ebola actually crass everybody excuse for major big important test because my wife Kim gave happy ending to Big businessman and he give her $10,000 tip so we're going to have a [ __ ] party with pizza and donuts and cupcake all paid for by my wife's ref hand so let's start this party what who that's awesome I kind of wanted to take the test but this is even better sucks for you though Junior no pizza donuts or cupcakes for you you got to stay inside that bow H all right cross just grab whatever you want a piece whatever the hell you want oh man I haven't eaten in much all right it's first come first serve it looks like I'm always going to be the first served I'm premature you're missing out Junior I don't know what to eat first I got donuts and cupcakes and pizza I think I'll start with a cupcake so I can pack some fudge I really want some ah too bad Junior you have Ebola remember you can't leave your bubble teacher can I have some pizza and cupcakes I made a donut Lighthouse eor kid how you got to eat if you can't re your bubble if you re your bubble you get us all sick and I don't want you Bor wait wait a minute hold on oh all right here you go you can look but you can't touch unless you big businessman then you can touch as long as you leave big tip so stay in your ball you B kid oh I really want to eat it go ahead Junior eat it hey Junior how's your day at school with your Ebola somebody threw a cupcake at you no I couldn't eat the cupcake I'm inside a ball oh well dinner's ready come downstairs so you can eat oh I have to go downstairs okay how am I going to do this I guess I can just do one step at a time just really carefully oh man macaron and cheese SHP that's my favorite oh I know I made it just for you so eat up what shfp I can't eat it oh you can't eat it why oh you want me to feed it to you no oh I can feed it to you open wide for the airplane oh no not again it's an inside job macaroni can't melt still beams y I'm just going to bed CH PE well more for me then H hey Junior nice ball hey Cody nice fat mom okay then hey dude how long do you have to stay in this stupid ball how long are you not going to have parents jeez Junior you're in a mood today well guys I'm stuck inside a stupid plastic ball I couldn't have cupcakes or pizza today or macaroni and cheese well it's your fault Junior you faked having Ebola I don't want have to take the test well this is what you get for lying well dude at least you didn't have to take the test what J how'd you get in here oh I don't know dude I was just over there and then I just ended up in here well get out out I don't know how to get out dude I'm out of here guys what the hell's going on I don't know J just came in here get out I'm trying to get out build I'm out of here Cody help us I don't know what to do junior well break it open just punch it open yeah okay I tried Cody I know you're hunky I know you can break this open well Junior I used all my hunkiness for today Cody look look somewhere deep down in you I know you're hunky enough look if you break this ball open I I I'll kiss you with my tongue on your mouth Cody you broke it open yeah now Puck her up whoa dude oh McDonald had a cow e-i e- i- o and now that cow is in my pen yummy yummy yummy what's the salt right here there some pepper right there salt and pepper salt and pepper salt and pepper salt and pepper now Chef peee has Burgers Junior dinner's ready oh man dinner's ready oh dude I love cheeseburgers I love eating meat I'm a dinosaur yeah a bunch of carnivores hey shipi where does meat come from what do you mean where does it come from it comes from cows oh so it comes from Cody's Mom oh yeah she's fat no an actual cow Junior they have to kill it kill it yes something has to die to get on that plate oh so they go to a cow nursing home and wait for him to die of old age peacefully no they kill it when it's young and healthy young and healthy mhm don't you like your cheeseburgers well not anymore not have to kill animals for it I don't want to eat that where does bacon come from pigs like the cops no no no actual pigs Junior where do eggs come from chickens where do chickens come from eggs well then what came first the chicken or the egg I don't know Junior look look just eat your food you're you're a dinosaur right it it shouldn't matter Joseph I don't think I want to eat animals anymore or meat well dude I'll eat it it wouldn't be the first time I eaten an animal animal I eaten a squirrel before and a rabbit well well I don't believe Chef peee I don't believe it comes from cows when they're young and healthy I want to ask an expert okay okay dude all right Joseph I'm gonna ask Google where does meat come from oh there's a video oh let's watch it dude wait what are they doing that cow I don't know dude what are they doing to turn it off turn it off oh my God it's so bad it's frozen it won't act it out Jun what are you watching you better not be on the Hub wait what is this what are you into shf baby I just looked up how meat is made and it's so cruel it's so disgusting I'm never going to eat meat ever again so you're never going to eat meat again nope never ever ever I'm going to be a person who doesn't eat meat what's that called it's a vegetarian Junior yeah I'm going to be a vegetarian but what does that mean they only eat vegetables they don't eat meat no no meat I hate vegetables I'm not going to be that I'm only going to eat mac and cheese that that's what I'm going to do mac and cheese doesn't hurt anybody oh yes it does cheese comes from a cow you have to get cheese from milk and milk comes from a cow Junior but I don't understand how cheese comes from that look you have to milk a cow and when you you're squeezing the UTS milk comes out but when you squeeze it hard enough cheese comes out I don't want to hurt the cow okay well then I'm not going to eat me mac and cheese I'm only going to eat candy and drink soda oh you better not eat any chocolate there's milk and chocolate well I'm only going to eat Jolly Ranchers and drink soda whatever look look have fun with your diabetes Junior all right Joseph let's go to the gas station and get me some dinner tonight okay dude all right got my Jolly Ranchers and I got my coke it even has my name on it oh mine does too they even had one with Chef pee's name on it it's spelled a little wrong but you get the point oh yeah yeah so this is all I have to eat for dinner for the rest of my life because you know I'm never eating meat again oh me either dude especially after watching that video yeah me and you not eating meat saves one animal's life then it's worth it I just wish that nobody else would eat animals I want everyone else to see that video but dude nobody cares about it I know o Joseph I got an idea what dude what if we steal every cow every Pig every chicken in the world and put them in my house dude that sounds reasonable yeah like how many cows chicken and pigs do you think there are U maybe like 20 yeah like yeah like 20 yeah they get all fit in here and then when we steal them all the world's going to think they went extinct and all they're going to want to eat is Jolly ranchers oh dude that's a genius plan yeah yeah there's plenty of Jolly Ranchers at the gas station oh yeah but Joseph I think this mission is too big for just two kids to pull it off we need one more kid who I got him a four-eyed smart kid cody no he won't leave his house anymore that's going to be Harry oh har let's call him up okay hey guys sorry I'm late I was really hungry so I picked up some chicken F I love this stuff Chick-fil-A oh no dude Harry you can't eat that why not do you know what it's made of chicken you don't care no well Harry I'm not going to let you eat that hey I paid 975 for that Harry do you know a chicken died for that yes so by you not eating it you just saved a chicken's life no cuz it's already dead but but no by you not eating it it's going to prove that we don't want chicken anymore and that no one's going to eat it but literally it's already dead so I could have just eaten it no look we're not going to eat chicken anymore all you're going to do is eat Jolly Ranchers because there's no animals in Jolly Ranchers mhm but there's no nutritional value in Jolly ranches yes there is like look this one's green apple and this one's wild cherry and this one's blueberry those are all fruits it's all nutritious allow me to do an impersonation of your president wrong you're so wrong you've never been more wrong build the wall but no it's fruit flavored so it has all the nutritional stuff of fruit you are literally the stupidest person I've ever met well look Harry look this is not why we invited you over to argue about this stuff we need your help we need somebody that's really smart me and Joseph want to go save every cow every Pig and every chicken in the entire world and put them in my house so nobody can eat them that is literally impossible there are millions of those animals Millions Joseph you told me there's 20 dude I counted 20 I know I did there's 20 y'all are stupid there are more oh okay okay so well look we just need your help I want to go save all these animals because I don't want people to eat them okay well guess what why don't you guys go save one animal and let me know how that goes okay come on Joseph we can save one animal yeah let's go save one okay dude o oink o all right Joseph there's your pig and we're going to save its life we're going to stop him from being turned into bacon genius idea we're going to be heroes yeah we're going to be heroes but I thought of something Joseph if we steal that pig we're going to go to jail and I don't want to go to jail oh me either dude so I was thinking if we can willingly get him to come with us he'll be running away and it won't be counted as stealing dude how do you come up with these ideas you're a mastermind I know he just comes to me so uh how do we get how do we get his attention oh oh he orang so I'm oink at him okay oink oink oink oink oink oink hey Piggy oink oink oink what what did you say I said oink oh that's a fist to me you think just cuz I'm a pigy that I go oinks I could go ribbon if I wanted to I'm sorry for offending you yeah you better be sorry can you come talk to us for a second what it it for Me Freedom yeah we'll free you okay I'm coming Joseph he's coming he's coming okay D what do you two mozos wants well well we want you to come with us why because uh we're going to take you to a better place but I like it here I get the peas and poops wherever I want to yeah but if you come with us we'll be able to take you to a nice house where people won't try to eat you because if you stay here someone's going to throw you in a meat grinder and you're going be turned into bacon and put on a cheeseburger well how do I know you two aren't going to turn me into Bacons or put me in meat grinders well because we we're here to save you just trust us uh-huh I'll Trust You When Turtles fly Joseph fly okay dude wo well I'll be guess I'm coming with you come on all right Harry we just saved a pig so in your face give me some skin Joseph no dude we're vegetarians give me a high broccoli that's what I'm talking about o oh well just 10 million more Piggies to go well when you say it like that it sounds like a lot regardless of how you say 10 million there's still a lot of piggies yeah well you know what I saved one Pig and he's not going to be turned into bacon and he can go live a happy life inside my house I'm going to go joinin your phone cards yeah you you go do that you go be a free Pig he's about to poop all over your house well that's fine but I'm going to save all 10 million pigs and put them in this house that's a lot of poop oh no Joseph what dude I just realized Chef peee has a bunch of eggs in the refrigerator oh no I have to save them before they hatch you got to hurry dude actually those eggs won't hatch because they have not been fertilized yet no there is a baby chicken inside those eggs and I got to save report hatches wrong M I can't wait to eat some scrambled eggs sh B no Junior why are you screaming in slow motion because I don't want you to eat that egg shfp it's supposed to hatch into a chicken this egg is not going to hatch into a chicken if you sit on it long enough it will that's why I told her but she didn't listen sh please don't crack that egg what what why you going to cry huh yeah cry baby take all the eggs no J get back here with my eggs what's wrong do I saved the eggs but I lost one well by the looks of it you lost all 12 of them no I still have 1 2 3 four 5 11 of them yes but you lost all 12 of them because they'll never hatch yes they will if you sit on it long enough hey Joseph I need you to sit on something hey I don't can [ __ ] dude I just need you to sit on this egg okay okay yeah if Joseph sits on that egg long enough it will hatch well it looks like he'll be sitting there forever no it's going to hatch I I I I bet all right bet money uh I bet $5 $10 $30 $400 yeah you don't know how that works with raising the price but but okay yeah I'll bet $400 then okay looks like I'll make $400 all right Joseph just sit on until it hatches do you feel anything no I don't feel anything that's what she said wait that's not a good thing he's never going to feel anything because it's not going to hatch it is going to hatch now pay me my $400 no back back Bak dude it hatched say it hatched that's literally impossible it is possible and it hatched so you owe me $400 go be free baby chicken I'm going to go chew on your game console cords yeah go be free okay we have now saved a pig and a chicken so now all we have to do is save a cow oh yeah dude a cow where are we going to find a cow at H I know where to get a cow follow me Joseph okay all right Joseph there's a big fat cow in there oh dude I see her she's huge yeah she eating her dinner I'm going to see if I can get her attention Okay moo moo big fat cow moo oh your friends are at the window mom just ignore them I'm going to go see what they want oh she's coming she's coming oh yeah what do you boys want well fat cow we think we can give you a better life well anything's better than my husband okay I'm coming all right Harry we just saved a big fat cow moo that's literally a human no it's a big fat cow I'm whatever animal you want me to be now be free I'm going to go chew on your TV cords all right so now we've saved a pig a chicken and a cow all three of the major food groups wrong so what animal are we going to save now I don't know dud what can we shave well it took us a long time just to save three animals yeah you know I realized something Joseph what dude we can't save all the animals there's literally millions of them really yeah so you know we can do our part by just not eating meat anymore you know that'll that'll help it that'll help Society that'll help us hurting animals yeah we can take a stand yeah we won't eat meat no more meat no more meat no more meat no more meat no more meat I really want some McDonald's dude I want your McDonald's to I want a double cheeseburger want a chicken nugget yeah oh my God I need a McDonald's well it's a good thing Junior didn't remember that I owed him $400 I get to take my welld deserved break hey shipi what do you want Junior I'm trying to take my 30second break well instead of taking a 30second break how about you take an hour break and take me and my friends to the park the park ew that's gross why would I take you guys to the park because you love us and the park is fun it's outside and there so much fun stuff to do no I really don't love you guys and the park is just uh it has a bunch of mosquitoes and stuff well no it's really fun outside we haven't played outside ever we're bored yeah don't be that your dweeb I don't want to take you guys but I kind of got some dishes over there I don't want to watch the dishes I'll just take you guys to the park really yeah don't get too excited though you guys stay on the playground I'm only going for fresh air cuz this place gets depressing okay thank you Chef let's go guys whatever oh my God where the park chefi oh I know I drove you here okay just just go and do your thing play on the playground or whatever I'm going sit on the bench I only came for the fresh air all right let's go guys wa Joseph look how big this rock wall is I know it's huge I bet I beat you to the top no I can beat you to the top oh no you can't oh man I fell you're cheating you're cheating no I'm not I made it to the top everybody hey yo Patrick you're here yeah my mom dropped me off a couple of days ago I don't know what happened it's so crazy oh well I didn't know you came and played at this part you're missing a shoe yeah some dog took it it was really crazy oh well Joseph I made it to the top I made it to the top Joseph no no no you cheated Junior how did I cheat cuz you're slow and you're a turtle no you pushed me down how did I push you down I didn't push you down you just tripped okay how about You Raise Me Down this ladder then but but that's really curvy are you scared no I'm not scared Chien oh my God my leg I think I broke my leg jeffp oh my God I can't believe you had the play to break your leg I fell off this in the playground D let's just go to the doctor come on come on come on my leg hurt so bad yeah well that's probably cuz you broke it you see this x-ray right here you snapped it clean in half I broke my leg Yeah T it's in a cast stupid you shouldn't have jumped off that stupid playground Junior I didn't jump off I fell off whatever now that my leg's broken what does that mean mister well it means you probably shouldn't walk or run or really do anything other than lay in bed for I'd say probably about 3 weeks 3 weeks but soccer practice is tomorrow I want to play soccer soccer you never wanted to play soccer J what the hell is wrong with you where do you come up with this stuff yeah we don't have a soccer team near us it well I'd say don't like do anything really just stay here and watch TV so what does that mean like he has to just stay in the bed now yeah for for a little while I'd say uh maybe just get him whatever he needs you know till he can help himself oh he already has that life all I have to do is lay in this bed what if I want to go play with my friends no you you definitely shouldn't go do that you're not going to be able to play with them you have a broken leg Junior hey it's not all bad you know people are going to feel bad for you probably probably give you something you know they'll probably sign your cast give me stuff yeah I mean I wouldn't milk it or anything I mean don't be a dick but yeah milking it yeah hey Junior oh hey guys how's your leg yeah that was a pretty bad fault Junior you okay well I broke my leg see wo that that must have hurt Junior yeah it's still hurting pretty bad what are youall doing here oh we brought you flowers yeah hope it makes you feel better flowers yeah yeah that's gay wow what what are these flowers supposed to do it's supposed to make me feel better oh I see flowers my legs back together it's not broken d don't be a dick man we're just we're just trying to help how are flowers going to make me feel better my leg is snapped in two I mean they smell nice yeah well what would make you feel better J yeah what would make you feel better what would make me feel better um H oh Joseph huh um you know that basketball goal you took from me uh yeah well um my leg is hurting pretty bad it would make my leg feel a lot better if you gave it back to me what I really like that basketball go why junior my leg really wants it back if you could just put on the side of my bed so I could you know shoot some hoops because you know I I can't go outside and play so if I could play on my bed that'd be really cool okay I guess so here you go Junior oh now that's more like it where do you want it a little bit more to the left left yeah that's that's good right there right there okay now uh where's the basketball dang it I forgot here you go all right I'm going to make a shot with my broken leg all right all right do it w Junior you are not St give it to me one more time one more time oh it's my broken leg blame it on the leg right this the leg totally all right uh so um H what else would make me feel better uh Joseph yeah um can you just get out of here what yeah I I kind of just don't want to see your face right now my leg kind of hurts wow that's that's harsh what forget you then Junior yeah yeah okay now that he's gone Cody yeah oh this leg hurts so bad Cody what can I do to help Junior what what can you do um H well my back is kind of shore uh do you think Ken could give me a back rub uh I'm I'm sorry what can you think Ken could give me a back rub um I I don't know if I'd be comfortable with that Junior that's well my leg hurts really bad I think I think I think my leg would feel better if Ken would give me a backrub it has to be Ken though um oh yeah Ken that back R feels so good it doesn't mean anything right Ken uh it better something cuz he is digging deep into my back a little bit lower Ken he doesn't give me backwards like this oh man that feels so good I'm so relaxed Ken I need to speak with you in the kitchen right now wait what what hey bring him back my backr was feeling good now now I'm all alone with these stupid flow stupid flowers ow my leg oh ow oh my leg hurts so bad I came as soon as Charlie and friends went off SHP told me about your broken leg Yeah Dad I broke my leg at the P oh my precious baby my baby I know you're in so much pain oh I follow some moreen to Father this would have never happened Dad Dad it's okay it's not your fault I I I fell off the jungle oh I wish it wouldn't have never happened just tell me what you want do you need anything anything well do I need anything yeah anything well I'm kind of thirsty just name it hold on hold on here here here you go what's that it's a horn just just just hit it and then chapi will come in here and he'll bring you anything you want oh the horn yeah just just ring the horn hit the horn and Sh people bring whatever I want yeah okay thanks Dad I love you no problem just hope you feel better son oh a horn whoa sh [Music] baby can can I I I just really did not appreciate the way you were putting your hands on Junior and I need you to tell me that it didn't mean anything to you okay really you really mean it come here you big hunk of man what the hell is wrong with you C uh nothing so damn weird what's the noise Junior sh baby what is that noise Junior it's a horn what are you doing with a horn my dad gave it to me he said if I ever need anything just honk the horn and you'll come you couldn't just say my name you had a hun a horn well I mean if I say your name you might not hear me so the Horn's loud see oh I I wouldn't hear you call my name I hear you yell my name every day oh well so what did you want anyway nothing I just I just wanted to see if the horn would work really yeah are you serious yeah I didn't you just wanted to see if the horn would work yeah it well it works oh God wait where's Thomas th shabi I was 2 fet away why could you just say shabibi well you might not have heard me I need Thomas you need Thomas yeah I need Thomas you make my leg feel better oh my I'm not even going to ask you I'm not even going to ask you you know what here's your stupid Thomas toy oh thank you sh pee oh I love are you happy now do you need anything else nope I don't need anything else are you sure I'm sure you positive I'm positive finally Thomas wait Thomas I'm getting kind of hungry I need I need some ice cream chocolate ice cream Chad baby what Junior can I get some chocolate ice cream please you want chocolate ice cream now oh no wait wait chunky monkey I've heard of that before I want chunky monkey ice cream you didn't think about that 2 minutes ago well no I need it now please you would make my leg feel better what does it have to do with your leg your leg doesn't eat ice cream well you don't know what my leg Doge you can't judge it don't judge my leg just get me some ice cream oh my freaking God you're such a freaking bread I swear to God here's your Chunky Monkey ice cream Junior yay chunky monke hey what that says it's banana flavored ice cream I want a chocolate well you should have known it has some type of bananas in it it has monkey on it well I thought it was chocolate because it says chunky and chunky means fat people and fat people eat chocolate that makes no sense where do you get your logic from and you better eat that ice cream I went all the way to the store for it well the only reason I wanted it cuz it said chunky monkey and that sounds silly really you should have just said you wanted chocolate ice cream just eat the ice cream Junior but it's banana flavored and gross like you oh really oh really yeah well hey I need something else what why why I need a spoon duh Julia I swear to God M Chef peee I love this chunky monkey oh you do o I thought you wanted chocolate ice cream well I did want chocolate ice cream but you didn't listen and got me the wrong one but it still tastes good it's amazing yeah yeah whatever now if you don't need anything I'll be in the kitchen what you couldn't just say pee pee sh peeee well I I you were running away really fast um can you go put this in the refrigerator I'm done eating it you you're you're done yeah and also can you go get me a coloring book a coloring book yeah I really want a color please go get me a coloring book I would have to go all the way to the store to get a coloring book I just love the store please I want a coloring book with crayons my God Junior you get on my nerves I just want to hit you so bad dinosaur crayons please go go go please it'll make my leg feel better y color book oh man my leg's pretty sore but oh man soon I'm going to have a coloring book it's going to be so much fun here's your stupid coloring book Elmo yes I had to race all the way to the store before it closed just to get it ready set color I'm ready to color shpi where's my dinosaur crayons whatever here's your stupid crayons dinosaur crayons yeah is that really necessary is not like the Crayons can hear you that's what the dinosaur sound like oh I did not know that yeah oh okay I'm going to color um that's that's all I needed CHF peee okay I'm going oh wait wait wait wait wait wait thought that was all you needed now I have to go pee what what yeah I have to go pee why you telling me this well I have a broken leg I can't walk through the bathroom can you bring me a bucket or something to pee in no you better crawl your ass to the bathroom shpi I can't walk it's going to hurt my leg can you bring me like a bottle or a cup to pee in why would you you need a bottle or a cup it's not the 1800s we just don't piss some buckets or nothing like that but my leg's broken I can't walk my God please shf B I got a pee you know what I'll go get the stupid cup okay okay Cookie Monster come on coloring you here's your stupid cup Junior okay wait wait what are you doing coloring Cookie Monster isn't it beautiful no he's not red what what the Cookie Monster is not red he's blue that's stupid why did you have to throw the freaking coloring book that's stupid Cookie Monster is stupid it's your fault that you color him red no I thought he was red but just give me that stupid cup I'm going to peing here take your pee hurry up ew ew ew pee is so gross hey ship oh is that lemonade uh no but yeah yeah yeah yeah it is lemonade you can have it oh thank you CH baby what what what what you're driving me crazy Junior what well I need the remote to my TV you need the remote to your TV yeah you need that bad huh I want to watch TV oh so bad that you had the honk the freaking horn I got you Thomas I got you freaking ice cream I got you a coloring book with grayons now you need a remote well yeah it's all making my leg feel better cuz you know I have a broken leg oh oh I I totally forgot I forgot you had a broken leg so can I have my remote please here's your stupid remote I hope you better not call me again I swear to God I will put your freaking leg in the toilet and flush it okay well all I need is my remote thank you Chef Pee whatever all righty kids it's time for do the dragon hey kids I'm doofy the dragon my wife left me she took the kids I hate my life and I don't want to live so I'm going to put a fork in the electric socket that's so funny doofy oh man I need something [Music] else yeah I'm Wrecking some kids hey my controller's dying sh baby what do you want uh my controller is dying see it's blinking so I need batteries for it need batteries yeah oh I didn't know you need batteries oh that's that's very important it it'll help you with your leg wouldn't it there's no one at the door shpb go get it something else it's always something all right Junior the doctor's here the doctor wait what is he doing here yeah he came to check on your leg to make sure everything is okay okay hold on I have to go to the bathroom hey uh doctor U my my leg still feels kind of broken oh really cuz it's been 3 weeks I think we can probably get that cast off you take the cast off no why well well cuz I think it should probably be better by now oh no I don't think it's better I I think it's broken I I I don't really think so just let me have a look at it no no no no no Mr please okay believe me ever since I broke my leg look at all the cool stuff people have been giving me it's been really cool so please don't take the cast off I've been getting so much free stuff it's so awesome okay wait a minute didn't didn't I tell you not to be a dick what what yeah I think I told you that exact thing just 3 weeks ago I don't think you did I'm pretty well I'm pretty sure I did hey hey hey let's just rewind 3 weeks and see what I said okay I mean I wouldn't milk it or anything I mean don't be a dick but yeah see I see I told you that exact thing almost word for word oh oh well I'm sorry I forgot well anyway please don't take my cast off please let's just let's just pretend that it's that's still broken okay we can do whatever you want cuz I get paid either way but I'm going to tell you this right now comma can be trouble for you okay oh okay so what did the doctor say junior um he said that uh my my leg is super broken like it it has not healed yet it hasn't healed at all no well he said it healed wrong and he had to rebre it and so so ow ow I think I need more ice cream and more I think I need I think I need an PS4 PS4 yeah I'm tired of my Xbox One the battery keeps dying and my control is stupid so go get me a PS4 cuz oh that make my leg feel better Junior I hate you so much yes oh my God I love this I'm going to get so much free stuff oh see is your stupid Hulk Hands Junior yay I have Hulk Hands I'm the Hulk everyone get out of my way shut up man please don't bother me anymore I got your H hands I got your dinosaurs Legos freaking video games the Xbox a Hawaiian Punch why do you need Hawaiian Punch well cuz I like Hawaiian Punch especially cuz I'm Hulk punch are you serious oh just leave me alone to I'm going to go and sit down oh my God look at all the stuff I got just by saying that my leg's broken oh my God this is so cool Hulk what the TV on hey kids it's me doofy the dragon I'm having a meet and greet with with all my fans tonight at the mall you can get my autograph and we can kill ourselves together this is a once in a-lifetime Opportunity [Music] literally I'm mean greet with do be the dragon I have to go I have to go I have to go I have to go Junior guys what are youall doing here oh Chef bipi let us in oh we're getting ready to see doofy the dragon the meet and greet yeah can you go oh yes CU I can go I can definitely go wait wait how are you walking Junior yeah oh no I'm I'm not walking I I I just had a burst of energy ow my leg it's it's so broken it is broken so so you can't go your leg is broken no no no I I still can go y'all can y'all can carry me no we're not going to carry you no no well maybe I could uh maybe I could get you know a crutches or a wheelchair nah oh wait wait come on Cody we're running late no guys I can still go I can still go sh baby where's my horn what Junior what do you want my friends are going to go meet and greet with doofy the Dragon I have to go but your leg is broken Junior yeah I know it's broken but maybe you could carry me right carry you what what am I I'm not a wheelchair you can't just ride on me I have to see do the dragon it's the once in a lifetime opportunity that's what the TV said look you can't go anywhere until your leg is fixed the doctor sisle I have to go meet JY he's my idol I love him please it's not my fault you shouldn't have fell off of the freaking playground if my leg wasn't broken could I go yeah I guess well then guess what my leg has not been broken for the last 2 weeks it healed 2 weeks ago so I can go right so you've been lying yes I'm I'm a lie I'm a big fat liar and I want to go see doofy so take this cast off my leg so I can go see doofy so you lie to me the whole time for the last two weeks yes the last two weeks I brought you Legos dinosaurs everything and you lied to me I catered to you well the first 3 weeks was true the last two weeks was a lie you fre Li I can't believe you I get to you for weeks and you li about the leg break the other leg my leg my leg hurt yeah your other leg is broke yeah it hurts so bad how does this keep happening to you I don't know she broke it because he was mad that I lied about my other leg being broken I used you for like two week oh wow wow Karma yeah what did I tell you about Karma I don't think you told me anything about it uh yes I did rewind it do it but I'm going to tell you this right now karma can be trouble for you okay [Music] it's Easter it's Easter yes Easter Easter it's Easter it's Easter it's Easter Easter e [Music] Easter where's my presents where's my wait did the Easter buddy not come dad dad [Applause] what time is it oh man it's morning time oh it's Easter oh man you know what that means the Charlie and Friends Easter special got to turn this on hey kids are you ready for the Charlie and Friends Easter special freaking yeah I am look at these eggs Charlie and friends was filmed in front of a live audience oh hi I'm Charlie and this is the Easter special and we're going to color eggs how do you color eggs I know how I do [Music] I made a horse that's not how you paint eggs Charlie you're supposed to dye them oh man I got to check the mail me Charlie my size my size Dad Dad Dad the Easter buddy didn't bring me any presents and you're surprised why because he was supposed to bring me presents why did he bring me presents isn't it obvious son he must have got hit by a car but but then how did you get eggs it's called Walmart Junior oh well well are we going to do anything for Easter this year we're doing it right now watching Charlie well I don't want to watch Charlie can we please paint eggs or something well Charlie's painting them right now you can watch them paint eggs no well can we at least do an Easter egg hunt what did you say an Easter egg hunt you know where we hide the egg and we got to find [Laughter] them Easter what's funny oh man Ju Just go go along and play Let me watch TV what what's so bad about an Easter egg hunt what's your excuse do you really want to challenge your father at an Easter egg hunt yeah what's so bad about that she finding eggs it would be fun you like naive little son of mine what's so funny just walk along with me come on I got to show you something okay uh Dad where are we going look son I have something to show you you were too young to know about this before and I didn't want you to idolize me for my greatness but I think you're old enough to know about it now what is it Dad your father was a 10 time Easter egg hunting Champion look at the picture I was young fit and in my 20s had women all around me oh so this is really cool all these trophies from Easter egg hunting of course what else will they be from well well he's holding a bowling ball this is a bowling trophy no it's not not but he's holding a bowling ball no it's a really big Easter egg they like to roll it on the ground whenever Easter comes around and hit basket oh well what about the bowling pin that's not a bowling pin it's just a a really big carrot that was deformed or chewed on something like that okay Dad well well still this is really cool I didn't know you were an Easter egg hunting Champion yep I'm going to brag to all my friends at school about this you should cuz I'm I'm basically a celebrity just look at me just I'm smiling M look at those teeth shiny and white oh W can we still have an Easter egg hunt please please please you still want to challenge me I'm your father I'm the king of Easter egg hunting yeah I want to challenge you this would be really fun cuz then cuz then if I win I can get your your bowling I mean I mean I can get your Easter egg hunting Champion trophy you'll never get that trophy never please okay how about this how about this we we'll we'll have an Easter egg hunting contest and if I win I get your Easter egg trophy and if you win um um um I'll never bother you ever again while you watch Charlie you drive a hard bargain please I guess so just get your basket and get ready to get whooped okay Dad this going to be so much fun fun oh you're going to get whooped boy my son wants to challenge me you can't challenge a champion at Easter egg honey oh I have to show him good thing I got my mighty basket with me One Mini in my day with that one I got to practice make sure I still got my skills it's just the first mess up nothing too stressful come on come on no come on oh come on come on I a failure have I really lost it I can't lose I can't lose to my son and I can't lose my trophy I got to go and Bri Chef P so I can win this match chef chef got to wake this man up who turned on the light Bowser what did you do that for look I need you to hide these eggs for me me and Junior are having an Easter egg hunting contest say and I need you to hide them and tell me where you hit them at now why would I do that why wouldn't you do it is is is that what I think it is is that a $50 bill of course it is it's not a 20 I never seen a 50 before Oh yes I got to see for myself let let let me see I got to make sure it's real you might be joking with me oh man of course I'll do it for you I go and hide it right now you want me to hide it for you I I will I I I just go and I I'll do it now everybody gives eggs eggs for everyone I'm so happy oh yes we are hide some in the blender oh we going to hide a bunch in the blender oh yes oh what else the stove stove is the perfect place put them all in there put them all in there the microwave too what not what the in some part in the microwave now where else wait a minute that's way too easy we got to make it harder refrigerator why not where the eggs more eggs eggs more eggs more more more more toilet why not Bower I hit them all good where did you hide them at well I hit the majority of them in the lither box so if I was you I would check there awesome plan I'm going go and get Junior so he can get ready for this hunt whatever I'm going go and count my money 50 50 oh yeah juliia are you ready yeah Dad I'm ready I got my basket right here H that's your basket huh yeah do you like it no it's cheap cheap cheap hey you might break get stop because it's cheap just be quiet and listen and get ready to lose okay I'm going to lose I'm going to countd down from 3 to one on one we go the eggs are hidden all through the house I did not hide them I did not slide Chef peee a $50 bill or anything he just hit him himself okay now I'm going to tell you a couple of rules before we get started all right all right so before you lose you need to know that when I push you down I mean there's no pushing down there's no kicking there's no punching there's none of that and if somebody finds an egg they get to keep that egg it's fair and square okay all right Dad that's that sounds fair and I get ready okay okay let's go I'm ready dad all three okay two okay one okay go okay I got to head start I can't go to the litter box cuz I don't want them to think I'm cheating already now where would they be where would be the easy ones be the microwave yes come on got to get them off come on I got to get them off get him got to get him I got to find some eggs I got to find some eggs um oh look at all these eggs found the first get oh I got to get them all got to get them got to get them out hey Dad I saw those first next time I I want an egg O he he left one behind come here egg okay there's one in there I got it oh how did I not see these oh I got to get these oh yeah get them all get them all while he's down now I got to go to the litter box that's when 90% of them more time for the litter box loser come here egg come here egg I'm stuck I'm stuck oh stupid egg this is not fair I haven't got one egg yet and Dad's cheating where am I going to find an egg ooh oh a golden egg this is cool okay at least I got one egg let's go fight some more the litter box perfect idea oh nobody would come in here it smells bad guess got to dive in where are the eggs come out eggs eggs eggs where are you why is there chocolate in here eggs come out Shi lied to me well I still got a lot of eggs I think I'll still win anyway Junior The Hunt is over come out wherever you are all right Dad I won I only got one egg you only got one yeah loser l o z e r loser it's a pretty I don't care about how pretty it is loser that's what you are loser loser loser loser loser loser eggs look at all these eggs it was sure hard finding them the stove was very hot they were in the stove yeah it was like super hot I think it was on like 500 I felt I felt like I was melting but I got them all oh D did you guys start cutting yet no we haven't started cutting our eggs and and how did you get all those eggs I still won I never lose I don't lose I win I win wo there just ay up with the tamper Tantrums okay I played fair I got all these eggs so I won okay no you did not win I it was supposed to be an Easter egg hub for just me and my son we did not invite you we guy that I don't know so where did you even come in at this place look dud hey hey how about we stop arguing and let's just look at this pretty egg that I found look how pretty it is w what did you get that son son where where did you get that I I found I found it Dad the Legends are true the egg exist the golden egg exist what's the big deal dad oh man what's going on the golden egg whoever finds the golden egg is the m Easter egg honey really that means I'm the master of Easter egg Hood hey toad I won I'm the master Easter egg honey you're the master of Easter egg honey I get my dad's bowling Ian Easter egg trophy yeah hey Dad I get your bowling I mean it's I want I want it I want it hey toad take my picture there Chef poop poop that'll teach chef peee from being mean to me what who's that uh hello heyy dud are you ready to go camping yeah we're about to go camping yeah camping like what Call of Duty noobs do no Junior it's where you sleep outside and you make a fire yeah and you get bit by mosquitoes yeah what sleep outside yeah dude camping but it's it's dark yeah so yeah so what and it's raining what what no it's not Junior but it's pouring rain standing it's raining cats and dogs Junior we're outside dude I walked over here it's like a hurricane outside no it's not guys do you not see that rain it's reallying it's that crazy rain see look at all that rain you just threw a cup of water no no no that was rain what the hell I see the cup it's rain that was a cup of water Junior do you just not want to go camping guys let's talk about it inside it's raining I don't want you to get wet come on God so stupid man you should have checked the weather channel or something you know Junior if you don't want to go camping just say so yeah dude you can't ruin it for all of us well guys I honestly would want to go camping if it just wasn't raining so bad outside Junior it is is not raining outside okay you right what you're not even going to argue no you right Joseph he seems really confident that it's raining if he's not arguing dude I really want to go camping though oh God I just thought of something what if we went camping in my living room what your living room yeah like we set up a tent and you know we just didn't go outside cuz you know it's dark that sounds really lame Junior yeah that sounds really boring no guys it would be awesome look we turn off all the lights we turn off the AC and we just don't eat anything thing wait that sounds like my old house yeah it sounds sounds fun right we can do that no no Junior that sounds that sounds awes guys it would be cool if if it's not cool y'all can leave I promise I promise guys it's going to be awesome it better be cool dude it will be I guess we could try it okay let's go pitch a 10 okay way ahead of you there okay all right guys let's put this tent together uh I I've never put a tent together before Junior yeah this looks kind of hard dude guys it's not hard it's easy look I can do it like 10 seconds like uh you start off with like this piece and you you like set up like that you see and then dude yeah and then you you do that and huh Junior fell over but no you can get inside it look like I don't think that's how it works D guys this how tent Works see like I'm inside like Junior it's kind of just a blanket dude you can suffocate like that no you can't Junior this is stupid no I don't see you doing it all right let me drive stupid dude I like this Cody I said hold it still junor holding it If This falls again I'm going to be so pissed Cody just toss it over the thing yeah God damn it I told you to hold it sh it was Jose's fault know it wasn't so many dishes to wash oh man and I'm still finding the stupid foil what are they arguing about you're dumb you're dumb you're dumb what are you guys arguing about now shfp why does glue not stick to the inside of the bottle I don't know well well I I I think it's because when the glue touches the air that's when it starts to work well that's dumb cuz there's air inside the bottle Cody well no it's full of glue no no CH I think that glue doesn't stick to the sides of the walls of the bottle cuz the bottle is made out of this ungu material like what Junior plastic no unglue sin that's the new element well what about toothpaste Cody what about toothpaste why is it not stick to the side of the bottle because toothpaste isn't sticky yeah it is no it's not it's toothpaste sticky I don't know it's sticky I bet it would stick to the wall right now bet it wouldn't oh bet bet okay you right you right you right let's go try let's try let's go try try oh my God okay it's not going to work it is going to work it's not well well that that that still doesn't answer the glue problem it stuck well yeah it it stuck toothpaste sticks well okay but how stupid do you look Cody what made you start arguing about glue anyway Junior well look we're trying to put up this tint and it wouldn't stay up so I said we should glue it and then Cody says glue would be stupid then I said well how does it not stick inside the bottle wait wait why are you putting up a tint in the living room anyway because they wanted to go camping and I said we should camp in the living room why don't you just have a sleepover then see that's what I said well we can't go outside Chef because it's it's raining no it's not yeah it's pouring outside chy it's raining no no it's not Junior chy look it's raining it's look it's raining oh my God it's not raining Junior yeah it's raining it's not raining outside look see it's raining what the hell did you just throw water on me no that was the rain that was the [ __ ] rain yeah so cheevy just got rained on J why did you throw that cup of water on me no he did that to you too no guys no guys he got rained on he was by a cup of water it's raining C no it wasn't Junior well Chevy can you please put the T up for us we don't know how to do it we're 8 years old I I I am actually nine now what no you're not well well today is my birthday so no no it's not your birthday is February 29th well the well well there's no February 29th this year so so you don't get a birthday this year oh no no birthday no no no none of that okay well Chey can you please put the tin up please I guess I can put the tin up I know how to put tin together I did it when I was little all right thanks shy yeah yeah I'll hurry up and put it up yeah all right Junior your tent ready our tent is ready guys our tent is ready yeah a [ __ ] Cody stop yelling yeah Cody damn it you yell like right in my ear really yeah stop okay God now Junior you can have fun in your stupid ENT I I finally fixed it up and I just don't want to hear you argue anymore all right thanks shfp guys let's go inside let's go inside guys okay guys isn't this so cool we're inside a tent dude this sucks Junior it smells like fart in here yeah it would actually be fun if it was outside no it wouldn't we get wet cuz it's raining it is so hot in here well guys guys guys how about we roast marshmallows with wet fire yeah how are we going to do that I have a fireplace guys come on okay see guys we're roasting marshmallows I don't know dude I don't think this is going to work Junior this is an electric fireplace and and there's no fire what there's fire I See Fire Joseph do you you see fire I mean I see it that's not real fire but yeah it is if it were real fire could I do this oh my God not oh God Junior why would you do that I was not even on fire you jumped in the fireplace like an idiot Jun I thought you were on fire dude yeah you were on fire you jumped in the fire look at me am I burned I mean now you're wet cuz I put the fire out you better thank me I saved your life Junior let's just do something else well no we're going to roast marshmallows I got one more idea come on guys fine let's use the oh guys Junior this seems really dangerous it's not dangerous Cody dude I don't know about this I'm kind of scared let me do it then First Watch I promise it Cooks the marshmallow the heat really yeah it works okay um are you sure this yeah see look look it's cooking it see wow really yeah it's cooking watch I do it all the time okay I guess I could try it um are sure's not going to catch on fire it's not going to catch on fire Cody what Junior it's on fire what Junior what the hell well I didn't know it was going to catch on fire dude are you serious what I was just trying to make s'mores guys I do it all the time but you burn it what I I I'll eat it still what what Junior let's do something else this is stupid okay oh my god well roasting marshmallows was a bad idea yeah dude I'm ready to go home yeah well guys don't go home what else did y'all want to do while y camped um um well we really wanted to go fishing oh yeah fishing we can go fishing where dude oh we can use the lake in your backyard oh yeah yeah we can no guys it's raining outside remember oh my God but I know where we can fish come on guys okay see guys we're fishing in the sink Junior yeah dude this is stupid no no you're going to catch a lot of fish in here a lot of fish maybe some dirty dishes oh no no no Cody I think you got a bite I didn't even feel anything you got to bite reel it in reel it in you better reel it in re it reel it in Faster e Junior an eaten chicken leg Yeah that's five points oh my God Junior that's disgusting dud save it save it all right look you can keep fishing if you want me and Ken are going back to the tent okay Joseph let's see if we can find more leftovers I guess we use the chicken leg as as bait o yeah so Ken it's just me and you all alone in this big old tent you thinking what I'm thinking baby Joseph why is there anything biting probably cuz there's no fish in there dude there's fish in there shefy be cooked fish last week oh really what kind it was salmon salmon ew I'm more of a tilapia guy tilapia what's tilapia it's a type of fish you know you eat it li like e what's going on I don't know is Cody having a seizure it looks like a party dude let's go check on oh yeah yeah let's do it Cody are you okay wait wait wait k hang on hang on hang on hey guys what's up were you having a seizure Cody yeah oh no no K Ken's off the pill and we're trying what nothing look if you could come back in like 30 more seconds God you're in the hand of them we're going to go turn off the lights so we can tell scary stories let's go dude all right Joseph turn off the lights okay dude Cody we're coming inside okay okay with this bear costume I'm going to scare those BRS what what's going on here Cody nothing what Joseph do you have the lantern yeah it's right here dude what what happened to Ken I broke him in hell but it was pretty hot though oh well anyway Cody we're going to tell scary stories oh dude I'm so ready for that yeah okay I'll tell the first story all right all right there's this one time guys I was roasting marshmallows on my stove really and it caught on fire Jinger we were there for that that was like 5 minutes ago oh yeah it was 5 minutes ago Dude Cody do you have a better story yeah this's one time I had a nightmare that I was surrounded by naked girls and they were like kissing me and like rubbing up on me and stuff and I was like ew get away they were like no we want your hunky body and then I woke up next again it was okay oh God what was that I don't know dude was that a bear it's a bear like a bear oh my God that's scary dude it can't be a bear we're in your house I hear it again dude maybe sh let a bear in oh my God he would go take out the trash he let a bear in I think that's impossible Junior it's a bear has to be a bear dude go check wait wait wait why me because if you die no one would miss you you do have a point oh my God I gu I go check that's [ __ ] up all right I'm going to go and check it out guys all right uh you you know if there is a bear out there he's going to die no Joseph get fight off a bear right well well he's not coming back Joseph Joseph Joseph is there a bear out [Applause] there what if the bear at him what are we going to do Cody P it junor I thought we'd never get him back yeah it took forever dude what happened in that tin that looked mad homo we were putting kid that together yeah oh I I thought something what happened to you Joseph you weren't answering us oh dude I had to use the bathroom where' you use the bathroom at in your your bathroom what do you mean you're supposed to pee on the carpet Joseph it's The Great Indoors you can pee anywhere well I'm sorry I didn't pee on your carpet dude wait where were the bear noises coming from that what going Jeffy must have been Jeffy yeah Jeffy were you making the bear noises I don't even know it was him it was totally him well anyway Jeffy we were camping and we were telling scary stories do you want to tell scary stories I'm down syndrome yeah let's do it all right let's go inside the tent so Jeffy this is our tent wow this is cool [ __ ] yeah it's really cool but do you have any scary stories to tell us yeah oh what are they all right one time it was dinner time my daddy had me on my high chair and he made me eat green beans green beans green beans and I said and daddy said you're going to eat your green beans Jeffy and he started putting them down my throat he was forcing them and forcing him down my throat and I was crying and crying and and then and then what and then and then okay yep oh okay what what was that is that the bear wait wait wait if if it's not Jey then who's making those noises a bear a bear what the hell was that junor I threw a cup of water cuz you're a bear Junior the tent is wet we can't even sleep here now everything is wet you keep throwing water we are leaving can't believe you Junior I want to beat your ass right now you're trying to scare us guys don't leave wait where are you guys going we are leaving Junior yeah dude but it just stopped raining what Junior it's it's raining really hard can we come in no guys you walk home what wow I I I can't believe it's actually raining a dude my mom's going to be mad I'm late
Channel: Junior 2023
Views: 181,064
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: wMl-yQud6GY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 50sec (4010 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 16 2024
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