I Google Translated Minecraft Mobs 4,000 Times

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I'm going to be Google translating Minecraft Mobs 4 000 times and then making whatever result I get the first mob is a Strider translate and we got funny dog for this one I think I'm gonna make goofy let's remove the hair and we'll shape his body now let's color is shirt orange and we'll color his pants blue next let's shape his head and we'll color his mouth now let's color the back of his head black and we'll color his mouth as well now let's give him some eyes and we'll give him a nose next let's add his front teeth and we'll add his green hat now let's give him his ears and we'll color in his gloves now let's add his jacket and finally We'll add his giant shoes okay I think that looks really good let's see it in game okay I didn't really expect this to happen that looks a lot better okay his walk animation is really cursed let's go find goofy in the Nether and here is Goofy in his natural habitat this is kind of scary to be honest let's ride it goofy oh my God why is it all green this is perfectly normal there is nothing wrong with this look at them all emerging in the back let's spawn an army of goofies wait I forgot there could be baby it looks so funny there's even a baby goofy on top of another goofy follow me goofy Army why do they lean back so far look at how the babies move it's so funny I'm going to give goofy a 7 out of 10. he looks good but he's broken it's time for the next mob the next mob is the warden translating and we got Harry monster for this one I'm going to make Sully from Monsters Inc let's Color Him fully blue and we'll add a lighter belly patch now let's add some purple spots on his body and I'll give him a little nose now let's draw a smile and we'll give him a couple of eyes next I'll extend his eyelids out a bit and we'll add a couple horns on the side now let's add his lizard-like tail and I think that looks pretty good let's see it in game okay he looks pretty good I keep forgetting to texture the top of the leg so but other than that I don't see any problems I don't think he's a fan of that chicken though let's see if he'll go through the store no Sully you're going the wrong way oh God he's angry what did the horse do they're killing the horse for no reason let's go find a Sully in the deep dark I think that was the first time it looked kind of normal honestly Sully could have been the warden they look really similar I think he's angry at this baby zombie but he can't find him oh never mind Sully vs goofy who will win oh Sully's just killing other people instead Sully is going on a rampage never mind rip goofy all right I give Sully a 9 out of 10. he was almost perfect it's time for the next mob the next mob is a husk what will we get and we got lightning for this one I think I'm gonna make Thor let's color his head in his arms and we'll color the rest of his body blue now let's add his hair and we'll drag his head up a bit and give him a neck now let's add his cape and we'll color the cape red next I'll give him some blue eyes and I'll add his eyebrows and his mouth now it's at his beard and we'll give him two shoulder pads now let's add his gloves and we'll add a pattern on his shirt and pants now finally I will give him his hammer and I think that looks good let's see it in game I don't know why the textures keep messing up oh and both of his shoulders are the same shoulder but other than that he doesn't look too bad let's see baby Thor if you would move that would be cool cool it's literally just Thor but smaller let's see if Thor can get struck by lightning doesn't really look like it at least he lived let's spawn a bunch of thores and let's see if they can defeat Sully I forgot they don't fight back rip Sully let's see if the thorus can defeat the Iron Golem Tang the Iron Golems getting destroyed he's not even one-shotting the thores that was an easy win for the Thor Army alright I give Thor an 8 out of 10. he doesn't look too bad it's time for the next mob the next mob is a frog translate and we got lasagna for this one I'm going to make Garfield because he loves lasagna let's remove all of this and we'll shape his body and head now let's Color Him fully orange and we'll give him a couple of arms now let's extend his face out a bit and we'll color this lighter orange next let's give him a pink nose and we'll give him some eyes now let's extend his eyelids out a bit and we'll give him his ears now let's give him a tail and finally We'll add black stripes all over his body that looks pretty good let's see it in game yeah that looks like Garfield I'm not sure about his walk though since when did Garfield learn how to jump like that actually it's it's not that weird I'm pretty sure cats can jump high I don't know about fat cats though let's spawn a baby Garfield oh yeah let's see if Garfield will eat this lasagna dang he ate it in one bite let's spawn a bunch of garfields I love the noise they make when they hit the ground let's watch these garfields eat a bunch of magma cubes I think these guys are too big wow the garfields are devouring these magma cubes alright I give Garfield a 9 out of 10. he looks really good it's time for the next mob the next mob is a zombie translating and we got Chef for this one I think I'm going to make Gordon Ramsay let's color his shirt white and we'll color his pants black now let's color his head and we'll give him some blonde hair now let's color his arms and we'll give him some blue eyes now let's add his eyebrows and will extend his nose out a bit next let's draw his mouth and we'll give him a little collar on his shirt now let's add the buttons to his shirt and finally I'll give him a little chef set I think that looks good let's see it in game alright that doesn't look bad the textures are always broken I don't understand why honestly it kind of just looks like a chef though he's only Gordon Ramsay if you know he's going Gordon Ramsay where is he going let's see if Gordon Ramsay can cook a five-star meal okay he's going to gather his ingredients like a real Chef okay I'm starting to think he just doesn't want to cook let's spawn a baby Gordon Ramsay I wonder if this one can cook he doesn't look like it let's spawn a bunch of Gordon Ramsay's surely one of these guys knows how to cook oh wow they're making a steak that was pretty good oh they're making a chicken too oh I guess it's done wait guys this is raw oh God they're all angry at me all right I give Gordon Ramsay an 8 out of 10. he looks pretty good it's time for the next mob the next mob is an iron golem what will we get and we got rainbow for this one I'm going to make the blue rainbow friend let's make his arms a bit smaller and we'll do the same for his legs now let's change the shape of his body and we'll Color Him fully blue now let's add his crown and we'll color it yellow next we'll add the spiky Parts on top and we'll add his eyes and let's put the circle inside this one and we'll add the X to the other one now let's draw his mouth and we'll put the Drool on the side and I think that looks pretty good let's see it in game now pretty good I think honestly I don't even know what rainbow friends is I've just seen a lot of comments telling me to make it let's see if blue can beat Gordon Ramsay easily let's see if blue can beat Thor and Gordon Ramsay still too easy let's see if blue can beat Sully yeah blue literally had no chance let's spawn an army of Blues oh no oh God this is bad I think I spun a little too many there's so many of them they can't even move Sully's not even fighting back he knows he's doomed never mind wow he actually almost beat them well he almost beat like three percent of them I'm going to give blue a 10 out of 10. I think he looks perfect it's time for the next mob the next mob is a villager translate and we got space for this one I think I'll make Buzz Lightyear let's color his body white and we'll add his purple mask now let's color the rest of his face and we'll give him a big smile now let's extend his nose out and we'll give him a couple blue eyes now let's add his eyebrows and we'll color the top part of his spacesuit next let's add the purple lines on the bottom and we'll add some green lines all around his body and finally let's color shoulders black and I think that looks good let's see him in game okay this looks kind of weird honestly it looks like somebody wearing a Buzz Lightyear costume let's see if Buzz Lightyear can outrun Gordon Ramsay okay there's two Gordon ramsays how did that happen it's not looking good for Buzz Lightyear never mind he actually managed to get away wait there's another Gordon Ramsay chasing him let's see a baby Buzz Lightyear this is definitely a better size because Buzz Lightyear is a toy let's find a Buzz Lightyear Village and here's a bunch of Buzz light years in their natural habitat there's even a Buzz Lightyear farming over here and these two are having a conversation oh I think I interrupted them what happens if I ring the bell wait did I do that alright I give Buzz Lightyear a 10 out of 10. I don't know why but I think he looks really good it's time for the next mob the next mob is a Vindicator translating and we got King for this one I think I'm gonna make Lord Farquaad let's color his shirt red and we'll give him dark gray pants now let's add his red cape and will give him a belt now let's color his hands dark orange and will color his head next let's give him a mouth and we'll extend out his nose now let's give him some green eyes and we'll give him a couple of eyebrows now let's extend out his hair and we'll add his hat and we'll color his hat fully red now finally let's add his belt buckle and I think he looks good let's see him in game that looks pretty good I guess I think his head is a little too big though let's see a baby far quad oh that's not a thing let's see Lord Farquaad vs Buzz Lightyear oh god he has an ax Lord Farquaad relax he did nothing wrong most light year is actually kind of fast alright that was boring let's see if Lord Farquaad can raid this Village oh no blue is angry at him it seems like Buzz Lightyear is not wearing the right clothes oh and blue literally just gave up Lord Farquaad sucks he hasn't even gotten a kill come on break down the door okay I'm done with this alright I give Lord Farquaad an 8 out of 10 because the textures were kind of messed up it's time for the next mob the next mob is a Pillager what will we get and we got family for this one I think I'm gonna make Peter Griffin let's color in his head next we'll color shirt white and we'll give him some green pants now let's add his brown hair and we'll give him a couple of eyes next we'll draw his mouth and will extend his nose out a bit and will also extend out his ears now let's draw his glasses and we'll color in his arms now let's give him a belt and we'll add a gold belt buckle now let's draw the buttons on his shirt and finally we'll give him some shoes and I think that looks good let's see him in game I don't really know what to say about this honestly I think he looks really good but the actual Peter Griffin looks way different let's spawn an army of Peter Griffins and let's see if these Peter Griffins can defeat blue they don't seem to be doing too good they keep shooting each other instead of blue okay they actually won a lot of Peter Griffins were lost though let's give them an easier fight let's put them against Buzz Lightyear okay one of them somehow died R.I.P Buzz Lightyear guys stop pointing the bow at me alright I give Peter Griffin a 9 out of 10. he looks good but he doesn't look like Peter Griffin it's time for the next mob the next mob is an evoker translate and we got villain for this one I think I'll make Gru let's shrink his head and we'll color his shirt dark gray next let's color his pants block black and will color in his head next we'll give him some blue eyes and we'll add some eyebrows on top and a mouth underneath now let's extend his nose out and we'll color in his hands next let's add the zipper to his shirt now let's add a scarf and we'll extend it down on each side and I think we're done let's see him in game oh my God what happened to his neck other than that I kind of like him though let's see Groove versus Thor there is a major height difference which is weird because Gru is approximately 14 feet tall okay I guess they don't want to fight each other let's just see Gru fight Buzz Lightyear it looks like Gru is summoning his minions although I don't think this is how they look let's spawn an army of Brews now let's see them kill a Buzz Lightyear I love seeing all the spikes come out of the ground let's see them fight a bunch of Buzz Light use oh my God that was the loudest sound in the game wait some of them managed to get away oh no watch out for the Vex never mind he's retreating alright I give Gru a 9 out of 10. I think he looks really good it's time for the next mob the next mob is a witch translating and we got purple for this one I'm going to make Waluigi let's delete all this stuff and we'll color his shirt purple now let's color his head and we'll give him some big white teeth now let's add his mustache and we'll give him a couple of eyes next let's draw his eyebrows and we'll extend his big nose out and we'll color it pink now let's add his pointy chin and next we'll add his hat and we'll put the upside down L on top now let's color his hands and we'll add his overalls now finally We'll add his orange shoes and that looks good let's see it in game oh wow that actually looks pretty accurate why is a chunk of the Hat missing every time the mob has a hat let's spawn an army of waluigi's and let's see if they can take down blue I don't think they're fighting back I thought while Luigi was supposed to be a bad Luigi but he won't even fight never mind this one poisoned him and he also poisoned himself it looks like blue wins this fight he took the poison like 30 seconds to damage him alright I give waluigine 8 out of 10 his face is kind of scary it's time for the next mob the next mob is a drowned what will we get and we got Trooper for this one I think I'll make a stormtrooper let's color the body fully white and we'll add the black eyes and we'll also put some gray spots on the head and we'll also add some lighter gray Parts underneath next let's color shoulders black and will do the same for his hands and other parts of his body and we'll add a few more details and I think we're done let's see it in game okay he doesn't look bad oh I didn't know drowns could burn that's better let's see a baby stormtrooper I think the baby looks a lot better than the big one of course we have to spawn an army of Stormtroopers oh he's got a trident I wonder how good is Amos with that thing oh this one has a fishing rod that is the least intimidating weapon Stormtroopers versus Buzz Lightyear yep he's hitting the other Stormtroopers with the Trident oh the babies are getting close oh no Buzz Lightyear is stuck why is this guy holding a shell these guys choose really bad weapons alright I give the Stormtrooper an 8 out of 10. he turned out how I expected it's time for the next mob the next mob is a rabbit translate and we got bugs I think for this one I'll make Bugs Bunny let's color his body gray and we'll change the shape of his head a bit now let's make his ears a bit bigger and color the bottom of his head white and will do the same to his hands and will color his belly white as well now let's color his ears and we'll give him a couple of eyes with little black pupils now let's extend his front teeth out a bit and we'll draw some little whiskers on the side and that looks pretty good let's see it in game Papyrus eyes crooked I really don't know how that happens honestly he's way too small to be bugs funny anyway let's see what the baby looks like honestly the baby looks better let's give Bugs Bunny a carrot okay it's not possible good baby Bugs Bunny cannot stop eating carrots what are you looking at you don't get any more I wonder if Bugs Bunny likes golden carrots yep he also likes golden carrots what about rabbit stew he's not a fan let's spot a bunch of Bugs Bunnies and let's watch them all chase me you don't get any carrots go away alright I get Bugs Bunny a 7 out of 10 because he was broken it's time for the next mob the next mob is a skeleton translating and we got scared for this one I'm going to make Shaggy let's make his head smaller and we'll give him a neck next let's color his shirt green and we'll color in his arms as well now let's make his legs a little bigger and will give him red pants now let's color his neck and will extend his hair out a bit now let's give him a couple of eyes and we'll add some eyebrows on top now let's extend his nose out a bit and give him a little smile now finally let's give him a couple of shoes and that looks good let's see him in game yep the texture is messed up like always and honestly this doesn't even really look like Shaggy Shaggy versus Scooby I'm pretty sure they don't fight this is weird run Shaggy oh God maybe he'll calm down for a Scooby Snack nope rip shaky let's spawn a Shaggy Army now let's see them fight a wolf come on there's so many of you and you're still running oh it looks like the wolf wants Bugs Bunny instead alright I give Shaggy a 5 out of 10. he was very broken it's time for the next mob the next mob is an axolotl what will we get and we got lost for this one I think I'm going to make Dory let's delete the legs and we'll change the shape of her body and head now it's color body blue and will color in her fins now let's color this thing blue and will color tail thing black and yellow now let's add some black spots on her body and will give her a couple of eyes and will make her eyes purple now finally let's give her a little smile and I think we're done let's see it in game that doesn't look bad at least it looks better than when I made Nemo let's spawn one underwater instead I don't know why the fins are floating I'm pretty sure Dory is already in the game oh Dory is a cannibal I guess and Dory literally only ate the Imposter let's catch Dory in a bucket wait this is how Finding Dory begins I'm sorry Dory swim back to the ocean Dory is not taking my advice let's spawn an army of doors oh yeah I forgot they would eat all the fish whatever Dory looks better anyways Dory is literally swimming on air alright I give Dory a 7 out of 10 she could have looked better it's time for the next mob the next mob is a creeper translate and we got salamander for this one I think I'm going to make Charmander let's delete his back legs and we'll change his body shape a bit now let's make his mouth look open and we'll color the back of his mouth pink now let's give him some eyes and we'll give him a couple nostrils as well now let's add a couple of teeth and we'll add his belly patch now let's give him some arm terms and will add his tail now let's put the flame on top of his tail and finally we'll give him some tiny eyebrows okay that looks kind of weird let's see it in game okay this just doesn't look like Charmander I think this is the Digimon version honestly he looks kind of like the car insurance guy and of course the texture is broken in random places let's see a baby Charmander I don't know why I always try to spawn a baby creeper let's spawn a Charmander Army now let's see if Charmander can defeat an enemy Squirtle wow this fight is amazing Pokeball test nope let's see The Supercharged Charmander how is he burning he's literally a fire Pokemon this is probably the best the charge has looked on any custom creeper Charmander used self-destruct oh no he killed the other charge creeper wait that dropped a creeper head though alright I give Charmander a 6 out of 10 he looks kind of strange and that's the last mob Please 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Channel: Eider
Views: 2,296,953
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 49sec (1009 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 29 2022
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