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oh boy I can't wait to see jy's new house what Gooby where are we even going slow down what taking so long to slow Pok hey come on Gooby I'm going to race you right now I'm going to race you John going to hit me oh I'm hitting your boat you like that be careful we only have one boat okay okay Daddy is this the place yeah but how do we get up here uh I'm going this way oh Gooby get off your boat so Gooby you said this is supposed to be Daisy's house yeah she got this new house really this is our new house well let's go inside and say hi to her H Daisy Daisy where are you what Daisy's not even in here Gooby must be upstairs what not ear what the heck I don't see her oh no wait a minute where did she go man she was really generous she gave me a whole room to myself goby I think you're just a liar I don't think this is actually Daisy's house no it is it is she was talking about coming here but uh I don't know where is oh no what are we going to do we lost Daisy guys I don't know we were we were roolling throughout the whole entire night I'm kind of tired daddy did you eat her did you get hungry and start eating humans no I did not start eating humans I'm not even that fat I don't know Daddy I don't know about that one look look over here wait what Gooby found something Gooby what is this it's a sign did you just put this sign down that says don't die no it was there already are you sure yeah maybe Daisy put it there oh you might be right there's a smiley face that's something that she does Right girls put smiley faces on signs wait wait wait Daisy likes to prank us this is probably like a prank and a bunch of Parkour oh oh she thinks we can't do it okay well you know what Daisy we can do this yeah Daisy she can definitely hear us right now right daddy 100% my my voice Echoes through the mountain range hello hello hello hello wait daddy look my voice could actually Echo hello how'd you do that I want to try I want to try okay you try Gooby hey W are you doing this it just said poo poo daddy yeah I can tell all right dadd let me show you one more thing my daddy's fat why would you say that you know what I'm going to try my son's an idiot okay Daddy guys let's just do the parkour and let's go get Daisy okay okay John you lead all right I'm leading goby you go goby you going to come behind me oh you can go cuz I'm probably going to fall off a lot well you can't fall you're not you're going to die if you fall oops I fell off how' you come on Goobs it's hard to jump whoa I made it to some Mountain oh I got a parkour on top of a tree come on Gooby I'll hold your hand yeah Daddy can you hold my hand too no you got probably like poop and snot on your hand Gooby you fell oops oh gosh uh Gooby now you got to climb all the way up this mountain hold on I'm coming back oh my goodness Gooby hurry up what the heck is he doing now goo just go start from the beginning daddy he's so bad at parkour yeah I can tell just start from the beginning Gooby okay Gooby is almost here Gooby you got this o I'm coming behind you where you going where where are you going how do I get over there go on the tree there you go nice Gooby yes uhoh okay now hit the ladders ladders are scary no they're not they're okay just got to hold on and then jump no I'm okay Gooby I have an idea what just stay right there Gooby all right give me 10 seconds okay what are you going to do all right Daddy watch this everyone watching this video if you leave a like in the next 3 seconds then you're going to help Gooby get all the way to the top of the parkour oh my gosh please do it I don't want to wait here all day yeah this video is going to be like a 100 hours long hurry up like the video 3 2 1 wow Gooby where'd you go did it work what just happened to me I'm all the way up here now hello hey Gooby I see you hi Daddy I'm all the way up here all right Gooby don't go anywhere wait for me and my daddy all right you want me to come meet you over there no no no I said don't go anywhere oh don't go anywhere okay I'll stay right here I'll with you guys y okay come on Daddy we got to do this parkour go go go I'm speedr running it Daddy look at this oh me too me too oh my God almost just fell uh oh Dad we have to do some ladder parkour this is really difficult Oh Daddy you better hurry up I'm moving wa I see a crazy jump oh oh another crazy jump oh my gosh I almost just felt like three times ooh I'm parkouring on some leaves now he really scary I don't like ladders just going to go up here a little bit oh my goodness I almost just slipped I am not a fan of these ladders at all come on Daddy we're getting super close I'm following all right follow harder okay okay okay TR not to fall and if we fall we're literally going to die oh my goodness I'm really scared of heights Gooby we're getting really close I see you you guys can do this oh oh slime jump did you fall Daddy no oh you just fell into the slime block you scared me Daddy you cannot fall we are so close I know I can see Gooby yeah me too we're getting really amazingly close come here I'm at the cop just a few more jumps and then we're there oh my goodness come on come on oh oh oh no I almost just fell right there at the end Gooby that was really close yeah that was insane only watch out come on Daddy jump yay we did it good job guys we made it to the top of the mountain yay we beat JY sple look look at her house it's so small yeah the house looks like a little tiny little ant we're so high up Daddy I think the air is getting a little thin up here I'm getting I can't breathe Daddy what what you what are you doing I can't breathe Daddy I just can't throw me off stop it knock it off sry daddy well is Daisy here wait maybe she's hiding inside this cave waiting for us Daisy DA yeah she's probably pranking us right now Daisy come out this is a bad prank we know you're in here Daisy Daisy this this her Daisy Daisy we found you um guys what's wrong with Daisy I don't know it looks like she's trapped in these webs Daisy wake up out of here uhoh guys what's that sound I hear something I hear oh my god oh oh my God it's this mega spider it's a big spider run run on do the parkour do the parkour oh my God gooo just jumping down the mountain okay I'm following ouch oh God ow my legs are broken oh God my foot he's looking at us the spider's looking at us run he's going eat me he's going eat me coming a face butt he had a face butt had a butt is a face Daddy that was terrifying no he had a face on his butt oh that too guys what the heck was that thing it was crazy and I think Daisy was eaten by it yeah it looked like Daisy was like wrapped up in his webs and she was stuck and couldn't move her talk oh no oh guys I've heard about this spider before you know what the name of it called what Daddy a mountain jumping spider cuz it's so big oh my God it's it jumps over mountains yep and it actually kills people and it puts its eggs inside of them so they have something to eat when they hatch ew guys I think we're it next victims now he knows where we are so he's going to come down from his mountain and come eat us oh no probably with like a thousand babies yeah I don't want I don't want to have a th000 spider babies inside me okay so I think what happens is we put Gooby in like a cage and we we offer a gooby to the the the jumping spider and then it'll leave us alone oh yeah that's a good idea no no I don't want to K there I'm just bit you're getting in a cage and you're going to be eating all right no I don't like that I would say give me a message to give to your sister Daisy because when you die you're going to want to say something to her but she's already dead that's very bad no no no I'm just going to go in this house well hey Gooby stop you think this little house is going to protect you from that giant spider Gooby no maybe look at these walls I can literally blow them down they're going to crumble watch see I just did that oh no you why this will never h up this house is poo poo we need something amazing maybe we just build like a super secure house that will defend us from the mountain jumping spider wait a second I have a better idea was it Daddy so from what I know about this mountain jumping spider they're scared of bigger spiders what if we made a secure house that was a big spider ooh we can like scare them away with the big spider Daddy I like it exactly but we can live inside the body of the spider ooh and then we can add a bunch of defenses the eyeballs could be windows I like that it sounds like the best idea ever Mar thank you gooby I appreciate that but I think actually sacrificing you would probably get rid of this whole situation no no no no let's make the spider base instead all right let's make the spider base but the first thing we need to do is knock down this base so let's just do some of this oh yeah guys hold on hold on I'm actually a demolition everybody back up everyone back up Daddy get that TNT out of your hands uhoh uhoh let's just get rid of this real quick Daddy really fire in the hole nice daddy that was pretty good I think I did a good job yeah but there's still all this stuff over here yeah we got to get rid of everything Daddy no blocks allowed okay okay no blocks Allowed no blocks allowed okay we're doing it we're doing it relax I'm just really angry Daddy I'm taking out on the blocks yeah I I could tell you're having like a little dumb uh anger session yeah I don't even want this door over here bad take that stupid dirt all we got to fill it in big like we didn't even live here cuz when we make this spider we have to make it really uh realistic all right daddy now that we just cleared this whole area and now what do we do we need to choose the blocks I think the spiders are brown right that one was brown o yeah yeah yeah it needs to be a big brown spider it might look like a big poop spider though that's the only thing that I'm concerned about why don't we just make it yellow then big yellow spider yeah Daddy there's scientific proof that yellow is the scariest color so the spider's going to really hate it Gooby do you think that's a legit is that a legit answer uh maybe but we can make it like all colors a little bit oh like each leg daddy you know spiders have different legs we make them like different color legs okay so a spider has eight legs so that means that uh yeah the ma doesn't add up there's three of us yeah we could have four legs be yellow four legs be red and four legs be blue you realize that's 12 legs sure four plus 4 plus 4 I'm going to solve the problem right now so I think the body of the spider should be yellow then four the legs should be red then the other four should be blue oh I like that I like that idea yes M you're full of good ideas today we need to uh we need to make a really big spider body first then I think that the legs should come down afterwards all right daddy I'm going to get some of the blocks we're going to use check this out just going to go into the sky okay I'll break I'll break the bottom I'll break the bottom and then this could be the bottom of the body it's going to be so big I'm liking this I'm liking this but it's got to be pretty big cuz you know we have to scare this guy away Daddy it's going to be huge it's going to be a fat spider fat spider yeah Daddy should we put muscles on him oh that would be sick a big muscly spider yeah it's going to be so scary that the other spiders going to say Oh no just watch out for that spider everybody exactly Gooby that was a good impression yes this is what a sounds like okay Gooby I think this is good you going get rid of this that looks even now we got to make it round make it round I think so right aren't the bodies round oh you're right Daddy they are very round wait hold on hold on aren't the eyes on this part of the body there's like no head to a spider right isn't there just like the body and its eyes are on the body no what they have a big butt I know they have a butt they have like a thorax that's what it's called I think they have the eyes in the butt wait this one actually had a face on its butt just build a dang spider okay fine I'm building I'm building I'm going to build the the bottom of this make it round I'm going to build the top Gooby what are you doing making the big butt okay it's got to have a face though face butt our spider's going to be so thick okay why would you say something like that now you're going to attract the spider over here we don't want that no Daddy it's going to be so thick and uh it's going to sit on them oo that would actually be good if this spider actually killed the other spider then we don't have to worry about it exactly Daddy O this looking good starting to look very circlly very very I like it I like this a lot a lot yeah I made another one for bus nice Gooby but the butt's actually pretty big so we need to actually make it a lot like wider oh no I don't really know what I'm doing here okay uh I'm just going to do the same thing on the butt to the front the butt to the front yep Daddy okay there we go just fill all this up up I think this looking really good what is what kind of butt is this what do you mean Daddy it's a spider butt no the butt's got to be a lot higher kind of like a rattles steak or like a scorpion you know how they have the tail up a little higher no we need this to be a lot bigger maybe this is the face and the one you made false is the butts well no cuz we need to face where the other spider is yeah but he's like shaking his butt at him like don't come over here or I'm going to poop on you oh I don't know about that one no we just got to make this thing bigger I'm going to make it bigger everyone get away from butt Duty I'm on butt Duty oh okay I'm not talking about actual Duty that comes out of a butt okay so don't you dare think that what about his head we should make a head wait don't they have antennas or is that a different bug I'm thinking of no they don't have antennas that's like a grasshopper where you don't have grasshopper right here I mean how would you even know that Daddy are you a grasshopper I'm not a grasshopper no I not so then our our spider's going to have antennas no it's not it legit is not going to have that wait Gooby I like the way this looking hold on Boom there's the eyes get more eyes even more eyes what are you guys doing wait hold on I got an idea we're going to make it look like a duck no it did we can't have a duck spider o that's really good yes daddy check out the face it's done and then we put some more eyes like that no guys we can't have a duck spider good at tennis yes I like it I think it's good it's not good it's not good at all it actually looks horrible okay fine then Daddy you can make the face I will make the face this is coming out good daddy yeah I know it is I'm working on it yep big butt nope I'm pretty sure the duck is good yeah I like the duck face it makes a lot of sense to me all right so you want a duck spider fine we could have a duck spider but you got to make it look more spidery and less ducky you have the duck beak that's it I'm trying to we need some legs we need some blue legs all right there we go just put something nice on the body like that what kind of leg is that it's a spidal leg I made one I like it I don't like it why looks kind of thin you need to thicken it up this is exactly what a spidal leg looks like I don't think so okay he needs another one right here all right Daddy what do you think we should do then if you think you're the expert Builder here okay give me a second let me let me think let me think all right daddy so we got to separate the legs so four on each side so there's two blues and then two Reds okay hold on let me let me let me try to like make a leg first and then we'll copy it that's a good idea just got to be like a thick leg ooh wa D your leg's actually coming out way better than Gooby sorry Gooby but his is better what no mine's looking wi is look at that though that looks scary and then it goes into the ocean okay so you want me to make mine sickle yes we got to delete this it needs to look like just like my daddy's all right here we go just making a nice thick leg just like my daddy asked for just to make it look a little scarier and beefer this is kind of like his muscles right Daddy are we doing good oh my gosh yeah it looks so much better oh that actually does look really scary nice Gooby go all the way into the water I'll make this part look good wo okay those legs do look really good ooh I even like this daddy yep it's the red leg then I need one more in the back oh my goodness the spider duck is coming along perfectly scariest spider I've ever seen in my life yeah huh shaking in my boots all right let's just try to attach this right here oh my God go guys this is actually coming out amazing well DD it's cuz I'm building most of it right no not at all look I made that leg like going onto the twe oh you came out really good I'm proud of you gooby that's actually insane we're going to need extra room for another leg we can do it in the back yeah okay we going to make the other blue one yep I need a blue one right here nice nice there we go now his arm is actually going onto that tree looking really really good going make this one look better next I'm a good toucher uper daddy like I come in after you guys build and make it look better hey we need one of those we're going to survive this weird spider attack yeah there's no way this spider on the mountain is going to want to mess with this big spider hopefully we scare him off oh we definitely will okay that looks pretty oh my gosh this looks great this is craziest spider duck base ever yeah it's insane maybe we make this a three-legged spider I can make two little smaller red legs in the front like this oh that's a good idea like the ones that he like uses to put things in his mouth yeah good idea Gooby I'm just full of good ide today man we got we're a pretty good team all right there we go legs are done oh my gosh Scoopy these legs look so crazy in the front they definitely should be a little thinner because they're like smaller legs this duck base is crazy why does this actually look good cu the best wait but Daddy uh where should we make like the entrance to our duck base H I was just thinking about that I'm not sure do we just make something going up into his heart like right here what if we did something like through the legs ooh that could be good I don't know how he would do it though actually let's just do like a water what if he's like peeing oh we got to make his pee PE Daddy I think he's he's got to pee I mean spiders do pee a lot Jo they do pee wa Gooby those look like Little Fangs that's crazy yes really small leg okay what is that Johnny what is that it's off I'm trying to make bigger antennas no I think we got to redo the face no I like the face yep it's going away no daddy bye ducky no you a fun little project but you know what no one actually really cares well Daddy you still going to make it look like a duck sure we can make it look like a duck but I think the ey should be like see through like there's glass and we can see through them o yeah yeah yeah let's do that so this is a pretty good body o wait actually what if we made this like the head or do you think it needs a whole different Head Daddy I don't care whatever you want to do let me go inside so that if you make Windows you can see how they go oo Gooby that actually looks really good that looks like eyes does it look like eyes let me just do this real quick okay guys you got to make a Windows doesn't that kind of look like a spider though it does look like a spider but ooh okay okay okay we have to add eyes like this we just add a bunch of them that's really scary Daddy like that nice ew but that looks so scary yeah that's terrifying we should be able to see through it so we know where the spiders are coming from there we go just going make the mouth look a little bit better cool cool but we actually probably need some more room to live in so I got to make this this big butt bigger like three times bigger what it's going to be the biggest butt you've ever seen I know I know but it's necessary a daddy you just said butt it is what it is all right D help be break it I'm me just break the back of this I'm going to extend it there you go break all this poopy poopy blocks poopy blocks poopy blocks okay this is okay this is okay now I need to raise it D did you even know what you're doing have you ever built a spider before no this is a first for me well guys we need to hurry up because I have a feeling when it gets super dark out and that moon goes all the way up the spider's going to come and attack us oh no we got the ho you mean he's going to attack Gooby oh yeah Gooby is going to be bait I forgot NP Gooby is 100% bait nope nope I thought we were making his space because I'm not going to be bait you might be a little bit of bait definitely a lot of bait I think very bity as long as you make it super you then that's okay all right Gooby wa daddy you're making this butt insanely big let me help you I know cuz we need somewhere to live yeah it makes a lot of sense now when I see it like this Yep this is what spiders look like they got Big Caboose Big Caboose yep big BTS going to look so good this thing is insane okay let's start making it smaller now I got to curve it up all right Daddy Let's curve it curve it curve it curve it nice this is looking insane we do one more curve daddy one more check this out that is the biggest butt I've ever seen on a spider daddy yes it's coming alive nice that looked really good okay I got a crazy idea what is it Daddy all right let me get some more glass what are you doing since Daisy has sadly passed I think we make the whole bottom made out of pink glass no Daddy I don't like pink though well it's on the bottom so we don't see it I mean I guess but I'm going to see it when we're inside it's like the belly oh I don't know about this one okay fine we have to see if there's spiders underneath us yeah that is true we'll know if they're attacking us from underneath all right now let's make some of the party the butt a little pink too what are you doing over there I'm anding some decorations decorations yes guys we don't even have an entrance into our spider oh I forgot about that yeah Daddy we kind of need to figure that out okay I got it I got it I got it all right making the inside look so good right now Gooby check that out wa what is this hold on hold on stop stop stop am I not supposed to look daddy is it a surprise surprise okay I'm not going to look I'm going to stay just like this daddy daddy look I can't look what are you doing I'm definitely not looking right daddy you're you're the that big thing you can definitely see what's going on Oh Daddy how'd you know how' I know I can't with you I actually can't with you wow Gooby I really like these blocks you're using here it's looking really good thank you thank you nice now just looks like he's peeing in the water oh my goodness Daddy this is actually crazy it's a really good secret entrance though look at this spider uh-oh Gooby you're starting to pour out into the the sides You're Building oh no gooy got some sickles on his butt okay I'll fix it I'll fix it all right Daddy I'll fix it too on this side honestly just cover it up okay okay it looked natural no one will know look I I don't even know it's there yeah me too Daddy I don't even know it's there okay this is looking really good as like the back entrance nice ooh and this could be like the control room with all the eyes let me see I want to see control room I just need to find all the other eyes where are all the other eyes at um I think we got rid of some oh wait there's one up here nice nice I like it oh I found another one let's go now I could be a spider if I want to we just got to make it look a little bit more pretty in this room cuz right now it's kind of looking a little ugly yeah it is but we need to make that like the control center maybe we put a bunch of armor in there m we do like a little drop point wait Daddy I have an idea oh my gosh what we have another floor what where underneath oh oh yeah Daddy well I just had another idea what if we put a ladder going to the top so we can go on top of the spider I like it I like it a lot so let's do it right here it can go all the way down too check that out boom cool now we can fight them out here yep if the spiders try to climb our big spider go in the mountain we could just shoot them and kill them and do everything to them good idea so I think this little control room should be like control room/ sofa room ooh I like that so we can put all of our computers and all of our cool stuff here and then we can have a sofa in the cornery what the heck are you doing over here now I'm making the bottom floors connected wait that's actually genius we kind of need a place for our beds too Daddy don't worry we're working on it we're Gooby just making it look really pretty right now we have to do it in the back in this big butt ooh we can make a second floor right here oh yes yes yes that's where we can put our beds our clothes my secret stash of stuff I'll start working on that okay I'm going to work on the control room I think Johnny I don't care what you do hey you should care because I'm the best builder here no you're not Daddy I'm a really good Builder debatable Daddy I'm about to prove you wrong right now what should I build I bet I'm going to make it look amazing you should build what should I put under here Daddy armor we need a lot of like an armor room okay okay I got that I got that let me do the armor trust me it's going to be beautiful horrible oh beautiful dadd I said beautiful all right there we go now we just need some slabs my room's already coming out insane down here mine's even more insane mine going to be so good you're going to be like o that's insane I don't know about that I don't think so what why not because you're using weird floor what's with this this checker yellow thing you like check it looks okay I don't know you're the one making weird noises over there I'm not making weird noises you made that you made that noise I heard that all right now I just got to get some armor just like this and I'm just going to start slapping it on do we all want netherite armor oh yes thank you need that it's the best armor in the game so that's all I'm going to put down here go ahead I don't care okay now that I got all the armor on this side I think over here I'm going to try to put some weapons so I need some item frames and maybe some chests all right here we go we'll do something like that and then we'll do the same thing on this side nice this is looking really good all right time to fill it up with weapons we got swords arrows um guns I can put so many things here all right just going to put some swords on that one and then maybe we get some crossbows and stick it on this one yeah that looks really good all right time to put a bunch of things in the chest now like arrows um maybe some potions and also some golden apples guys do you want any golden apples no no NOP actually yes yes yes yes okay I'm putting them all in the chest so you want them you got to come get them when you fight all righty then I want some of those too guys I think the control room is officially done nice good job daddy Oh Daddy come here why I just got you some really awesome armor it's the best armor in the game all right look put that on what what is this put it on Daddy just try it on want to make sure it fits you oh I can't breathe this thing Daddy it's a cardboard box taking the stuff off you know what you can take this back no Daddy I don't want it okay I'll give it to Gooby gooby IIT by spot I'll die Gooby check this out Gooby I just got you some new awesome armor it's the best armor in the game all right just want to make sure it fits on you put that on Armor in the whole game yeah yeah put it on Gooby put it on goopy am I super secured no you're not super secured you're literally wearing cardboard oh gosh so if I jump off a mountain I'll be safe no I don't I you could try it Gooby but I don't think you're going to be safe okay let's go twice no Gooby I wouldn't try that Gooby it's a joke it's a joke Gooby it's a joke come back here that's probably the worst armor in the game I lied to you what it was a prank get pranked oh no got take this off yep get pranked Gooby well this room's kind of cool Johnny daddy don't you like it yeah it's very uh Armory wait I don't know what to add over here though what should I add on this section ooh okay idea what if we made like a little drop so if we spawn in here if we die cuz we're not we're not going to die though but if we do die we could just drop and keep fighting it's like a gono maybe what I could do too is put some slime on the floor and then it could be awesome yes so when you fall down you don't take any fall damage like this yeah that's really good that's actually a really good idea put slime down all right there we go it looks beautiful okay you don't need to make those stupid sounds daddy why not you don't need to wow look at this base mhm it's pretty amazing it's looking so good so we got the armor room we got the little control room and now Gooby how's the bedrooms coming along good I made an extra floor right here we can put all beds wow this is really ugly what Daddy don't say that I mean it's really good Daddy it's not that ugly all right it's probably the ugliest room out of all of them but it's not that ugly it's up there for sure but we got to added all beds over here then it won't be ugly see yeah I I think Gooby is right okay I got to clean this up I got to make this look good I right do it then Daddy okay I'm going to I'm just going to be adding some stuff same here Daddy I'm going to add some stuff too just to you know spice it up a little bit ooh I'm going to add some furnaces over here this is going to look insane this could be like the crafting area ooh yes yes we need a crafting area all right there we go place that place those nice that looks beautiful now ooh it does look actually really good well obviously daddy I'm the one that made it yeah sometimes your Creations look like poop though hey no they don't they look really good though did something like that I don't know that's good daddy that's good that's good that's good like that yeah Daddy I like that maybe over here we do something different ooh you're making a table yep that a look I'm putting some flower pots up here hey I'm I'm fine with that that looks good boom looks amazing guys can you believe we're actually living in a spider right now yeah this is so crazy so Gooby what's your thought process up here okay so I made a bed and then I was thinking maybe I could put some like PCS up here so we can play fortnite what the heck more PCS we have PCS oh you do yeah come over here this is crazy I didn't even know we that that this is like our PC room that we're going to share SLC control center it looks so cool in here I like it a lot oh wow this looks really good I know our spiders coming out great out of the spider eyes mhm yep yep this looks really good guys come in the front real quick wait I want to see it Daddy I want to see it this looks insane oh gosh this is actually crazy and there's so much space inside yep no spider ever mess with us guys I think we might want to add some defenses is on the outside too yeah I was thinking about that but oh I know a way we could attract the spider over here how Daddy what if we made like a spider nest underneath this one making like this is the big mama spider ooh that's a good idea and then maybe we could put spikes inside that's good that's really good check this out daddy spikes okay so we need to build the nest first daddy I'm going to put the spikes on the legs don't spiders have like spikes on their legs they have hair that's actually really good that mimics hair exactly Daddy and if any of the other spiders try to climb up our spider leg they're just going to die instantly I like it I like it a lot all right I'm going to work on this Gooby you continue to work on the inside and daddy you work on the nest all right I'm nesting it up good daddy make sure that Nest is really nesty oh it's going to be nesty it's going to be a very weird ugly spider nest all right daddy the hair is almost done I just got like two more legs all right good good I'm putting the outline for the nest all right there we go just going to build this up oh gosh that's a lot of hair I dare the spiders to try to get up here now don't do that they might actually try to go up there oh my goodness that looks insane I made it look so scary okay Daddy I got a new idea oh God what's the idea new idea coming in hot what is it around the spider around this around this spider this around this spider net Daddy was that English daddy around this spider net I'm going to place this lava okay wait no no no no no no don't do that what do you mean Daddy it's going to be good well you have to trap the lava you have to like make a ring make a ring going around oh I was just going to place it everywhere no don't place it everywhere make a ring it's got to be controlled cuz we we will fall into it oh you're right I don't want to fall into lava that would not be fun yeah obviously it wouldn't be fun all right here we go I'm going to just make a ring I guess D this ring is really hard to make making it look really bad no it's not I can make it look good after okay the nest is almost completed the lava is almost ready to be placed boy how you doing you alive think the inside done no way I made a super cool plushy area for us and I also put a TV nice I like TVs I'm not playing with plushies yes you are daddy no I'm not this plushy looks just like you it has hair on the sides and it's bold on the top oh sounds like my daddy it's not me I'm not bald I'm not bald that is just covering the hair that I do have he looks kind of angry too so it's perfect one for you yeah Daddy sounds just like you I am angry Johnny have a little doggy one that's super cute ooh I like doggies and then I have one that's shark cuz I can speak shark oh I forgot Gooby that's your special abilities you can speak to sharks and whales yep I just sock like this sock come over here I'm so scared why would you say that I don't want sharks to come over here we're by the ocean yeah the sharks are going to come and attack us uh sharks don't come over here was the point okay good thank go scared him away that could have been really bad you's going to put lava in here exactly Gooby exactly you want to help me place it yeah all right it's pretty much ready to go so you can start placing down some lava ooh Gooby this is looking really good yeah it's going to be a big lava Moes all right I'm going to help place down a bunch of this lava oops oops uhoh what' you do Gooby what did you do nothing nothing nothing nothing what did you do Gooby are you rooting this are you rooing this for us no all right there we go let going to place down a little bit more lava now we're going to smoothing out this lava make it look really pretty wow check this out this is actually insane oh my goodness that's a really good lava Mo yeah it's really really good all right just going to add some more detail to it and then it's done Daddy what are you working on now you making it look pretty I'm putting eggs everywhere oh yeah Daddy place a spider egg they're going to want to come here and steal our eggs should they have a bigger Army but we're not going to allow them to exactly this is just to bait them in oop I think I sipped on an egg by accident it's okay they'll get really mad they'll bring them in yeah they're attracted to egg crashing and snapping and breaking well now that we have these eggs Gooby you're lucky cuz you don't need to be bait anymore yes I'm going to put some skeletons so that looks like we'll the people and we're killing them ooh wait that's actually good we got to be more evil than the mutant jumping spider on top of the mountain yep so they get scared of us oh my gosh look at these skeletons they look so scary nice nice we need some skeleton heads oh oh check this out there's a skeleton riding a spider o that looks really good yeah isn't that good Daddy it's like a little spider Army of skeletons that are riding them looks like they're friends but they're not friends exactly yeah this is insane let me see what you did oh my God the spider does have a crazy amount of hair yep Daddy I added a bunch of that that all me right there I did that wow this actually looks like a spider nest mhm I'm going to put some baby spidal plushies so it looks like there was real spiders here ooh yeah yeah yeah good idea Gooby oh we need spider webs we need webs oh how can we forget wait daddy we can make this look really scary Hold on hold on I'm adding some some W if I did this daddy underneath yes yes yes oh my goodness wa that looks really good Johnny keep doing that oops I'm stuck in the web that looks so scary I'm going to add some cobwebs above the lava so if spiders do spawn they can get stuck and die nice that that's what we want right there daddy nice look at those big webs coming down down from the belly of the spider that looks really really good all right just going to add one more back here nice this is looking insane guys I think our Base is almost ready and I think it's almost midnight uh oh that means the spidal are going to come exactly we're going to have to prepare to fight very soon okay guys I think the base looks pretty good unless what of you guys has another idea I'm not done Daddy I got one more idea oh gosh what is it magma blocks you're just going to throw it in yep I'm just going to throw it in Daddy because you know what when the spiders come in here they might come and get the eggs and this is going to burn their little feet okay I'll start adding some too it's really going to hurt them a lot if they go into these magma blocks well good I want them to hurt going to do a lot of damage they got Daisy all right daddy now we're officially done okay everybody get back in the spider okay I'm going up the butt Daddy yeah me too all right I think it's time to armor up so everyone come into the Armory room all right guys check it out everyone take some armor okay I'll get the one right next to yours just going to put that on ooh I feel super secured already oh yeah now everyone grab a sword from this area over here and then also we can grab some bow and arrows all right take some golden apples take some arrows take everything I got a shield well I got a shield too it's really overpowered all right don't shoot me please Daddy I'm not going to shoot you I'm just going to hey you shot me I'm not going to shoot you I'm just going to stop it D that Shield's overpowered yeah I know let me just see if my CR works too stop wait guys one other thing I wanted to do is get some potions there's so many different potions we could steal from okay one we definitely all need is leaping ooh so we can be like a spider exactly so we need that and speed speed speed oh speed wait we need strength we need strength strength yep so we hit harder ooh okay where's the speed where's the speed at oh found it it's on the top I got all three I got all speed two strength two and jump boost two all right guys so we're going to eat them right when the spiders come all right yes I'm ready you hear hissing the spiders are coming guys did you see that I saw it I saw oh no oh let's go upstairs wait hold on everyone drink your potions potions potion potion potion I got all three of my potions on let's go does anyone see any spiders no I'm looking around oh yes yes I see him whereit where where oh oh they're coming they're coming the for they in the for shoot them shoot them oh my goodness it's the mutant spiders they the legs kill it oh no they're climbing oh there's one down here oh oh my goodness use the arrows guys I'm trying I'm trying they're trying to eat us oh no yes oh my gosh the hair is working the spikes are killing them on the legs you guys should be scared this is the big mama spider ouch ouch ouch it's very real get out of here kill him Gooby nice oh behind us behind us they're climbing they're climbing oh my God Ki this I got to put my shield in my inventory there we go over here now I got protection kill him kill him kill him ah K this yes we're doing a lot of damage guys good job you evil spiders yeah you stupid spiders uhoh I got to eat the apple oh my gosh guys look there's different types of spiders they're poisonous ones uh-oh those are the worst do not get bitten by them they will do a lot of damage behind us be no no no no no no don't bite me don't bite me they're very poisonous they're coming on the legs use your Shields use your Shields they're on the legs ow ow they're dying they're dying behind behind ow ow ow ouch they're hurting me they're hurting me m watch out don't get poisoned whatever you do one just jumped over my head that was crazy ah ah I got I fell off I fell off uhoh no way no way you DIY get out here you okay where are you dude some of the smers are getting stuck in the webs uh oh ow ow ow I'm going to come down and help you ouch I need help yep I'm coming down I'm coming down there's so many of them we're coming we're coming we're coming oh my gosh oh my gosh oh oh oh there's actually a lot of them ow owow ow I'm getting eaten his butt's going to bite me take that stupid spiders defend the eggs guys defend our eggs oh no they're chasing me they're cracking them get away from our spider eggs these are our spider eggs not yours ow ow ow dude the magma block walking oh my God I almost just got trapped in the spider web more spiders are spawning this is not good ouch ouch ouch oh no I need to get back in therey where are you I don't even know you went I'm stuck on the outside ouch now I'm suuck in the web oh gosh Gooby oh the big boys are here oh lordy I'm just holding my shield I'm just holding my shield oh my God I'm stuck I'm stuck I'm stuck guys we're doing a really good job killing the spiders good job guys protecting keep protecting I need another round of potions the little ones are trying to get in my base ah where'd you go he's inside I'm back inside but this little ones trying to get in oh just piig ones daddy look above daddy look in the glass they're in our base we need to go up we need to get back in there oh no no no I F I'm stuck going in the butt I'm going in the butt Daddy I need help I need help over here we're coming we're coming we're coming I can't even get back in the base there's so many spiders ah come here ah take that ah we're swimming up the peep Sho spiders oh my God they're all on top they're all on top keep going goofy we got you guys I think we did it here let's check through the glass and make sure there's none underneath us still there's a big one there's a big one oh my God oh my God it's huge it's actually huge Daddy what that must be the big boss shoot it shoot it from here shoot it from here we can kill it come go go go go take that stupid spider it's taking a lot of arrows oh my gosh it has so much health it's angry I think it's angry I got it I got it oh no poured in uh oh the little one sitting like that we're going to get super M that we just killed the big one yeah guys I think we're just making them more and more Angry oh ow ow get down there oh no there's some inside of our base big one on the roof big one on the roof super big one super I'm coming I'm coming oh it's huge it's huge it's actually huge there's multiple oh he it'sit like a truck he it's like a truck I just fell no no no no no no no uhoh uhoh watch out trying to get back here I hope you this is not good we got him we got him guys I need help on the floor I need help on the floor let's go Gooby I'm coming there's 100 of them down here I'm shooting from the leg I'm going to come help I got no more arrows kick that kick this there's four or five giant ones you're not let help my friends I think the big ones are the mother spiders and they keep spawning in the babies oh you're right I see them over here in the forest oh there's a bunch of ones over here there's a couple more I hear them hissing still oh right here there's a huge one oh my God it's huge God it's in the water guys I'm going to do a cannonball on him Cannonball ah oh I killed him did you get it Johnny yeah Daddy had cannonbal on his face now I'm going to go up our big spider's butt oh I see one more spider I think we did it guys we killed all the spiders I got this last one now they're all dead let's go we defeated the mutant spiders I only wish J was sh um guys you guys see what I'm seeing Oh My Gosh our eggs are hatching and more spiders are spawning no oh no they were supposed to be fake oh my God they're real daddy they're real they're real swapped them out oh no gosh wow there's a lot of spiders this is a lot of spiders guys oh no oh no ah oh my gosh I got a golden apple up ow ow ow ow guys you know what I just realized too what we actually need to go and do the parkour all over again so we can destroy that Nest up there oh you're right Daddy they probably keep coming from there oh my gosh Gooby where are you where are you gooby I'm here I'm he oh no I'm going to die I'm going to die to spiders I'm going to die to spiders help me inside of all of them I'm helping you that was a close one dad you almost just died we almost lost you ow ow ow I got to eat some apples almost dead one more one more no nice wo that was a close one guys wow that was crazy Daddy I think you're right guys we need to go all the way up to the top and then we need to destroy all the spiders in the spider nest do you guys have more leaping potions no no here you go and here you go thanks Daddy yes this is going to make the parkour super easy come on guys follow me let's do some Parkour guys we don't even need to use the par to get up we can just jump like we're superheroes wait you're right we have leaping potions we can just jump up the Mountain oh this is so much easier oh we're coming up there spider nest you better be scared if there's any spiders in there you're not safe yeah we're going to get here guys we're the best spider killing team in the world we need a spider killing team name um Creepy Crawlers ink what daddy that was terrible Gooby you got any ideas uh the spider Killers I mean I like that it's very simple spider Killers team what about the spider killer 5972 nope nope and no what we just call ourselves like Spider-Man man o oh I like that one Daddy it's really original I think that one's taking actually I thought of that one that was all me yep guys I'm near the cave and I hear a bunch of spiders in here climb up the vines okay you're right you're right climb up the vines oh no I missed guys I know how to do this you got to go all the way to the top of Vine and then go like this oh I'm in I'm in I'm in all the way to the top oh my God oh my God kill the spiders guys I need help Daisy's head Daisy's head's right here what are you talking about Daisy's head oh my God it's Daisy's head they killed her oh they definitely did kill her guys I didn't tell you this before but I knew we were going to come back to This n I have a bunch of TNT on Me O yes what we got to use it all right guys cover me I'm going to the back uh I'm kind of stuck in the web over here hold on Daddy we need to kill these spiders we can't end up like Daisy it's fine it's fine I'm going to place TNT you guys just got to keep fighting them a this is a giant one oh my God it's looking right at me it looks really scary guys keep going keep going keep going oh my God there's skeletons too I'm sucking the web I'm sucking the web we're going to light this place up they're all going to die hurry up daddy light it light it not yet I got to go all the way to the RO the M of the cave I'm out sorry everyone get ready okay Daddy do it oh everyone run run run run oh it's going to blow up nice daddy good job and the Spiderman are at it again Spiderman Spiderman guys there's still a couple spiders left I got to kill them what it didn't work nope I got them all now oh guys I can't believe Daisy's dead oh no now I need to find a new cister at least we killed all the spiders guys I got her head look at this not it I'm Daisy wao Daisy's back to life you guys yep Daisy's back to life I'm Daisy now mhm I'm Daisy I'm Daisy mhm yeah but where's Johnny I think he died I'm right here hey guys I'm Johnny oh Johnny hey you missed it Daisy was right here I know Daisy's right here oh hey Johnny welcome where's Johnny Gooby I'm right here I'm just putting Daisy's head on oh that's Grose well guys I think our mission is complete here we killed all the mutant spiders and now we have a super awesome spider base that we could live in yeah about that I think we should actually get rid of that spider too no why it's the last one remaining I'm going to go get it I'm going to go kill it daddy take that no no no come on Gooby we got to get him you'll never catch me alive oh yes we will daddy well if you guys enjoyed watching this video then everyone make sure to leave a like and hit subscribe right now bye everyone oh K you're back
Channel: Johnny Minecraft
Views: 709,650
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: secret room, jordan matter, cash, family friendly, no bad words, minecraft, nico, nico and cash, cash and nico, kid friendly, aphmau, skit, cash vs nico, Minecraft, minecraft mod, no cussing, here's johnny, heres johnny, johnny, minecraft johnny, ssundee, johnny minecraft, secret room in minecraft, i built a secret room, secret room in house, underground bunker, secret gaming room, mutant spider, I Built A Secure Base To SURVIVE A MUTANT SPIDER!, i built a secret room in public
Id: jTWrUokzFC0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 21sec (2601 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 13 2024
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