SML 2021 Junior marathon

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all right crafts this week we're going to be doing a school fundraiser because the school is poor and can't afford my salary so you're going to go around and sell candy bars to help pay my bills what do we get out of it yeah haha i'm glad you asked julia how many candy bars you sell determines what type of prize you get see if you sell five candy bars you get this crappy shrinky that'll break in five minutes that sucks dude i can steal that from the dollar store yeah nobody plays with slinkies if you sell 20 candy bars then you get this crappy harmonica that barely works see okay that's kind of sick dude i'll be the perfect homeless man if i had a harmonica yeah i'm already good at blowing and if you sell a hundred candy bars now this is really crappy if you sell a hundred candy bars then you get this crappy little army guy who can parachute so when you throw it it's supposed to parachute down but i don't think it works because it's so crappy but watch oh oh i need that i need that i can throw it off my stairs junior it's crappy and if you sell 500 candy bars then you get this gooey little hand thing that sticks to stuff see watch that's so cool i want a sticky hand oh yeah dude i want to slap a list out of somebody i've already got sticky hands and if you sell 1 000 candy bars you get a bouncy ball just a bouncy ball how many bouncy balls you get one bouncy ball not two not three not four but one bouncy ball what a rhythm well hold on cody maybe it's a super bouncy ball that can bounce the space i highly doubt that junior and if you sell 5 000 candy bars you get these crappy handcuffs okay i need that my last paper out and if you sell 10 000 candy balls then you'll get these little annoying magnets that when you toss them in the air they make the most annoying sound you've ever heard now listen whoa those magnets are so cool yeah i want those because i want to annoy my dining room and if you sell 25 000 candy bars then you get these off-brand nerf guns because i was too cheap to buy the real ones oh joseph we have to get those we can have an off-brand nerf war oh do we have to get those you already have nerf guns at your house well but but these are off-brand yeah you can never have too many handcrafts the grand prize if you sell 50 000 candy bars is a playstation 5 that my kids made in shop playstation 5. we have to and remember they're a dollar a piece come on guys let's get to selling okay dude all right guys let's start selling these candy bars so i get a playstation 5. in the sticky hand junior you do realize you'd have to sell 50 000 candy bars yeah that's 50 000 easy work no junior not easy work how do you plan on selling 50 000 candy buys cody it's easy look we have these boxes and each box has 52 candy bars in it so we just have to sell the boxes jenna you'd have to sell 962 boxes yes we just go up to 962 people in each summer box gina you don't know 962 people you don't know that cody i have a bunch of friends i know 960 people i know you and i know joseph yeah and i know chef pee pee junior that's three people well oh cool you're being negative you know jeff bezos started amazon in his garage look at him now what does that have to do with candy bars he's a billionaire cody he's super successful dude yeah he started his own company but in his garage so so the main point is believe in yourself like i believe we can sell these candy bars i don't well well you're ugly so look here's my plan look we're going to start off by selling the chef pee pee i'm going to try to sell them my box and they're going to try to sell your box and they're going to try selling your box okay dude yeah and he's going to buy all three boxes because that's only a hundred and 156 156 that's all that is i did the math in my head so um let's go try to sell these chef pee pee okay i don't even know what that is all right cody there chef pee pee i'm about to sell all these candy bars watch and learn hey chef pee pee what do you want are you hungry yeah that's why i'm cooking well what if i said you didn't have to cook what if i said you could eat right now wait did you go to ubereats no even better i got candy bars junior i don't want candy bars for dinner that's why i'm cooking this well what if you had them for dessert i don't want dessert what if i said if you bought this whole box of candy i'd be one step closer to getting a playstation 5. wait don't tell me this is one of those stupid school fundraising schemes it is wait junior it's not even worth it it's a big scam you have to sell so much and the prices aren't even worth it it's small prices well i'm getting a playstation 5 myself 50 thousand dollars worth and look look all i need to do is buy 52 candy bars it's only 52 junior i don't have 52 and i'm not gonna give it to you for candy even if i had it so can you buy the box yes or no no all right cody truck me he said he didn't even have 52 dollars well cody you try he might say yes to you okay fine hey chef pee pee oh what do you want cody you want to buy this whole box of candy no didn't you just hear what i told junior i did okay so why would you ask the same thing i i don't know what do you say he said no he said no he didn't say no to you yes he did why are you kidding me chevy but you said no to cody too yes i said no to cody and i said no to you i don't want any candy wow chef pee pee they're starving kids in other countries that would love to eat a playstation 5. but but you said no so what did chef pee pee say he said no so you should go try okay dude no junior why because chef pee pee didn't buy from us so he's not gonna buy from joseph either how do you know because he already told us no so he's gonna tell joseph no too can you tell the future cody what how do you know he's going to say no unless you can tell the future what junior he already told us he doesn't have enough money so then who do we sell to cody somebody who actually has money who has money ooh doctors yeah yeah they do we can sell to a doctor i can call a doctor and pretend i'm having a heart attack and say the only way he can save my life is if he buys a box of chocolates junior that's not going to work how do you know cody can you tell the future what's that what's the lottery numbers for next week i don't know well i thought you could tell the future let's just stop trying to predict what people are going to do so you guys go hi i'm gonna call a doctor and pretend i'm having a heart attack okay dude hey there somebody call a doctor oh oh oh god ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow i'm having a heart attack oh no are you okay oh god it feels so bad it feels like an elephant sitting on my chest like cody's mom you get it cody yeah ally oh god oh okay what do i do kid i don't know what to do in this situation oh well i read online that the only way to stop a heart attack is if you buy this whole box of chocolates for fifty two dollars okay okay let me go get my wallet oh please hurry oh ow ow oh no all i had was forty dollars no i'm 12 short oh god why please spare his life oh why didn't i go to an atm on the way here oh god oh i'm feeling a little better wait wait wait really yeah i'm feeling a lot better now oh good then i don't have to buy the candy oh no no no oh oh it's starting to get it's starting again oh okay i i heard that um that there's a fire sale on candy so so i'll sell you this whole box for forty dollars okay yeah yeah i'll do that i hope you feel better yes look cody he bought a box so in your face you showed him dude junior you lost money lost money it looks like i made money cody what are you talking about the box was worth 52 dollars and you only sold it for 40. well well how do you know there's 52 candy bars in that box because the box literally says 52 bars right on it well have you opened up the box and counted 52 candy bars no so there might be 40 in there you don't know fine oh wait i forgot you could tell the future so look we made 40 so we only need we need 49 960 what that's how much we need yeah i know it's a lot oh my god we need to get to selling we need to sell quick yeah okay who do we know that loves candy hmm who do we know that's fat who do we know that waste is the size of the equator right right equator who do we know that's so fat they have their own gravitational pull hmm gravitational pull who do we know that's that fat joseph don't we know somebody whose parent is that fat i don't know it's on the tip of my tongue yeah it's like it's like someone's mom junior just say it oh yeah cody your mom she's that fat oh yeah dude yeah she's so fat she would buy all our candy yeah every box yeah every single box all right start loading up a u-haul all the box of candy oh i'm gonna call you hall yeah we're gonna get a big u-haul truck full of candy bars and we're gonna try to sell it i mean we are gonna sell it to your mom because she loves candy she's gonna eat all the candy ginger i've never seen her eat candy in my entire life but yeah you've never seen her eat it because she just devours it so fast she's like a vacuum it's like a magic trick but anyway so yeah let's go try this out to your mom let's get on candy tyrone i was going through your phone and the name of one of your contacts is side oh oh uh sonic um baby i'm a superhero yeah yeah yeah i'm a superhero and side chick it was supposed to be sidekick but autocorrect changed it in my phone you know how that happens oh but she said i want you so bad daddy oh oh oh oh oh my superhero name is daddy yeah yeah and she would she want me to help her with these bad criminals you know i gotta save the day baby all right junior there's my parents and my dad making excuses about cheating oh i'm gonna sell a whole bunch of candy hey you big fat stupid cow oh hey cody and it's friends what y'all want we're selling chocolate and i was wondering if you'll buy a couple hundred boxes no i'm sorry boys i can't i'm allergic to chocolate allergy to chocolate it should take a certain type of chocolate you know what i mean it melts in my mouth mm-hmm well can you at least buy like at least one box well cody is this gonna help you get good grades uh yes okay i guess i can buy one box let me go get my purse all right how much is one box 52 oh well all i have is a hundred we don't have any change oh well how much is two boxes a hundred and four dollars i'm sorry boys i can't buy one all i have is this hundred well we could give you two boxes for a hundred but but then i'd be four dollars short unless you want me to do something else to make up for those four dollars come on judah i'm sorry i just go back to my street smarts it's all i know well well we will take your hundred and you can have two boxes of candy let's go guys come on okay wow cody if your mom would have had more than a hundred dollars she would have bought all our candy yeah dude junior we lost four dollars look we can write this four dollars off on our taxes what yeah so look how do we sell more candy now hmm ooh we can go door to door and try to sell candy that way junior it's night time no one's going to want to buy candy from us at night they'll think we're trick-or-treating what junior it's january well maybe we're chinese trick-or-treating what what does that mean well because like you know like china's on the other side of the earth so it's still like october for them yeah yeah so we're gonna go trick-or-treating and we're gonna sell candy like trick or treat smell my feet buy our candy so we can eat a ps5 come on guys all right guys what house should we try to sell to first hmm oh dude i like that house over there well that house is still under construction oh guys there's a guy laying down in the street junior that's a homeless man don't point we don't know if he's homeless that could be elon musk in disguise more like elon musk because he smells like pee what that's a homeless guy yeah what that's sad when you like what do you think the last time he's eaten his i don't know well let's go see let's go offer him some candy junior he's too poor to afford candy hey mister are you homeless someone stole my shirt someone stole your shirt well we're selling candy for a school fundraiser it's 52 for a box so can you buy some candy reese's pieces yeah we have reese's pieces do you want any no no no no no you you can't buy any unless you have money no money no money money well i guess i guess he really is homeless he's not elon musk no obviously you know what i feel really bad look you can have a box for free no junior we're going to lose money again you know i have two i feel sorry for you you're gonna have three you'll get another box get another boss okay dude he told me he he hasn't eaten forever look here eat all the candy all right come on cody all right guys what house do we go to next guys we just gave away three boxes of candy that was worth 156 dollars cody he was homeless he'd be nice yeah dude have a heart yeah who raised you farm animals right yeah they did they picked and killed his mom all right let's try that house okay let's go all right guys let's try to sell to this house hey guys what doing oh hey jeffy how many boxes of candy do you sell none no one wants to spend 52 dollars on a box of candy i know everyone's so poor on let's try this house what do you poor kids want well we're selling candy for our school fundraiser and we're wondering if you want to buy any ew that's poor people candy i only eat caviar and filet mignon well what do you have for dessert because you can buy some chocolate for dessert well that's poor people dessert i only eat solid gold and it broke out all my teeth so that's why i don't have any teeth well can you at least buy like one box richard we know you have money well i would love to but i can't because i spent 10 million dollars on v bucks and my dad caught me and he got mad and he took all my money and my credit cards that sucks yeah well there's no other way you can like buy a box please well i could buy some boxes if you guys accept bitcoin cody do we accept bitcoin i don't know i mean is bitcoin valuable well here i have a bunch of bitcoin you can take that it's pretty valuable to me all right give them all the box the candy okay dude yes guys look at all the bitcoin we got is that even a lot oh it's a gold mine cody i'm gonna get that ps5 oh yeah and i'm gonna get my sticky hand now i'm gonna get my magnets oh i can't wait for school tomorrow all right guys i'll see you tomorrow all right all right crafts i sure hope you sold a lot of candy bars because my bills are past due so junior how many candy bars did you sell well teacher me jeffy cody and joseph decide to add all our money together and we bought 32 bitcoins and at 37 000 a piece that equals 1 million 184 thousand dollars so joseph wants the sticky hands i want the playstation 5. cody wants the handcuffs and jeffy wants the magnets wait junior we raised over a million dollars why are we wasting it all on this junk we don't need this stuff uh i need the sticky hand and i need the magnet and i want the playstation 5 and you need the handcuffs shut up cody yeah guys what a holy crap bring me those bitcoins and come crave your prizes okay what are we doing uh here you go teacher oh thank you for doing business junior oh come on guys let's get all our prizes guys look at my magnets oh that's so cool look at my playstation 5. hey junior i've been a bad girl you want to help me take these handcuffs off oh dude don't slap me with your stupid sticky hand joseph oh so cool you know what my question is so cool who's that there's one door hold on uh hello this is not a bitcoin it's a fake toy coin no it's a real bitcoin i got it from like this millionaire guy you give me all the prizes back right now uh okay here you go oh don't you ever try to scam me again guys guys our teacher was at the door and he said the bitcoin we gave him were fake but they were fake no way dude he said they were fake and he wanted all our prizes back but i gave him back the ps5 box full of bricks so he'll never notice it's full of bricks uh junior i think he noticed well i'm just not to answer the door yeah junior your mac and cheese is ready oh man chef i love mac and cheese thank you so much yo junior get off of me thank you where do you think you're going with that the couch no junior you're not supposed to eat on the couch why not because you're gonna make a big mess with that cheese i'm not gonna make a mess with the cheese chef pee pee look if i see one drop of cheese on the couch you're gonna lick up everything you got me okay fine wait where do you think you're going with the doritos i want doritos too look now you're being greedy junior you're gonna make a mess well you heard what i said oh man i'm so full hey junior can you take out the trigger i thought you were gonna make a mess why did you make a mess it's not that big of a mess chef pee pee it's still a mess all you had to do was eat your stupid food and you just had to make crumbs everywhere junior well you know i'm a messy eater that's why you're not supposed to eat on the couch oh look at you you're the one banging like a maniac making a bigger mess go get it you know what thank you go get a vacuum no i'm not cleaning it up you eat up every single crumb lick it up right now junior if i lick it up it's gonna taste like cow to be couch flavored yeah tell my dad that you're not getting a vacuum and cleaning it up that's a job oh man i can't wait to watch charlie and frizz it's my favorite show ever charlie and friends was filmed in front of a live audience [Applause] oh hi guys i'm charlie wait is this a pool stick or am i happy to see you guys i'm gonna show you my pool skills today look i'm a pro at pool and i can get all these balls in the hole in one shot ask your mother i did it charlie that's not how you do it that's cheating buzz about the buzzer come quick junior just made a mess on the couch we'll clean it up isn't that your job no bowser look i want you to come in there and tell them not to do it again no i don't want to i'm watching charlie and friends wow bowser i can't believe you you got soft what song yeah remember when you used to punish your child actually be a father now look at you pathetic punish your child i'll show you how but it's a child i ain't pathetic junior did you make this mess well actually chef pee pee made it a lot worse he started head-banging and screaming like he was in a rock band so do i look pathetic to you junior a little bit do i look like i don't know how to punish a child anymore well you used to punish me a lot worse wow really i guess i am losing it you know what uh uh since if you don't clean up this mess uh oh i'm gonna make you stand in the corner ooh all alone in the darkness no friends what you gonna do then for how long uh 10 minutes well dad you could do better than that oh really really i i uh if you don't clear up this mess right now no more video games for a week only a week yeah two weeks two weeks come on dad there's not even good games out right now shut up junior if you don't clean up this mess right now oh i'm gonna take all your toys set them on fire they'll set you up for adoption i mean those two things don't correlate but they're two of those bad things yeah that's awful dad that's horrible yeah does that make me a bad person really bad exactly so clean this up i want to see it spotless i don't want to see a drop on this freaking couch i want it to be bright red i want it to look brand new okay junior okay okay i'll clean it up dad i'll clean it up it'll be brand new no i don't think you're gonna clean it up so i'll be back in here in a couple minutes to come spank you oh no i gotta start cleaning oh come on get all the stains out get all the stains out yo what's that dude oh hey joseph i'm trying to clean my couch my dad said there's a single stain on this couch he's gonna growl me so do you know how to get stains out of the couch oh yeah dude i think you just need bleach what bleach what's that oh it's some type of cleaning product that gets stains out wait wait so if i pour bleach on this you think this thing will come out oh yeah dude just go and see if you have something in your kitchen okay let me go see all right joseph i had some bleach all right dude get the pouring okay so i only poured on the stain right no no no dude pour it on the entire couch you don't want it to look uneven oh yeah you don't want one part of the couch to look cleaner than the rest of the couch exactly okay we're gonna make this thing look brand new okay so i just pour it everywhere yeah yeah get it pouring dude that's what i've done oh yeah yeah yeah all right joseph i just poured bleach all over the whole couch all right dude let it sit for five minutes and it'll look brand new all right oh oh joseph yeah dude why is the couch pink oh what oh dude you're going to laugh about this what but they use bleach to clean white clothes what's that mean they use bleach to clean white clothes they make clothes whiter then why do we pour it on a red couch look i knew it was a cleaning product i just didn't know what it was used to clean look i knew they used it on toilets my couch is not a toilet but but look i didn't know that you were going to use it on your couch yes you told me to use it on my couch i just knew i was gonna clean something okay dude oh okay look look look what do we do now like like like well my when my dad sees this he's gonna ground me he wants it to be red dude your dad is so old he probably has alzheimer's she probably thinks the couch is blue oh no no he knows his couch is red and if this couch isn't red by the time he comes back he's gonna burn all my toys and put me up for adoption dude being an orphan's not that bad look at me i don't want to be poor okay look okay i'm going to call a doctor wait wait what's this doctor going to do well well the couch looks sick right it's pale right i guess so yes and you call the doctor when you're pale and sick so i'm gonna call a doctor all right hopefully you can fix it hey there you call a doctor oh i like this nice new pink couch looks very clean anyway why'd you call me well doctor my couch is pink yeah i know i said i liked it so what's up what'd you call my couch is pink uh-huh yeah and that's that's why i like it because it's pink it looks really nice so what's up what'd you call me my couch is pink yeah i know did you just call me over here to brag about your new pink couch i mean that'd be pretty annoying if i invited you over to my house every time i got new furniture and just rubbed in what color it was you know so why did you call me here because my couch is pink oh i think i see what's going on you have brain damage and all you can say is that your couch is pink no i can say other things i'm calling you over because my couch is pink okay i i mean yeah i can see that it's pink i i don't know what else you want from me oh i want my couch to be red well then just go get your red couch back well no no this is a red couch no this is a paint couch no this is my red couch oh okay i think to see what's going on here is that you have color blindness and this looks pink to you when it is actually red okay i think i see what's going on no no no no no no this is my old red couch what no this is this is a new pink couch i want my red couch back well then just go get your red couch where is it it should be around here somewhere no because this is the red couch what no what no no i bought bleach and i poured it on this couch and made it pink oh this is the same cow it's the same kelp okay i see well what did you need i need you to help me turn it red again well i don't really know how to do that i mean it'd be easy to just buy a new red couch well so there's no way to turn this couch back red no i mean you could try die oh joseph he said i should die why would he say that because if i die my dad can't ground me no no no no not like that like like you should you should try to try to die the couch oh kill the couch i should we should kill the couch if we kill the couch the couch will bleed and then the couch will turn red what no get the knife no no no no that's not what i mean i mean die with a y die with a y die with a reason why die cause the reason i want to die is because my dad's gonna grab me so i so i have a reason to die no no no haven't you heard like you die something you die something you kill something we should kill my dad if my dad's dead he can't ground me he's a doctor why is he suggested no no i'm not saying that haven't you ever heard of like you know like die don't you know what dye is yeah when you die you never come back no no it's a different kind of dye oh like you go to heaven or you go to hell no and we can say hell because the new pixar movie said hell and i guess that's kid friendly oh my god no no no haven't you ever heard of like like hair dye yeah when you shave your head you kill all your hair no oh my god no you're such an idiot oh okay okay i'm confused what you're saying die no i'm saying which what you should do is that you in order to fix this couch is you should diet i should lose weight no oh my god he's confused yeah so i should go on a diet and my couch will go back to being red look i thought your dad had alzheimer's yeah no no d-y-e die he doesn't know how to spell die he must have lost like a spelling bee when he was like in middle school and he's still crying about it it's d-i-e that's how you spell die jesus christ no okay you know what no no there's no way to fix this couch it's stuck like this forever i'm sorry but what if i go on a diet will that make it red no it doesn't matter that's not nothing no you're the one who talked about dying you said we should die someone which means kill my dad you should you said i you said i should die you wanted me to get a knife yeah i don't want any of that i i you know what i'm sorry i can't help you your couch is just going to be so explain die explain what you're talking about i'm saying that this couch needs to be dyed you know how to talk no he doesn't even know the doctor he could have said the couch needs to be dead this couch needs to be dying oh my god your grandma needs to be died what an idiot right and you have a doctorate oh my god don't criticize me about my education you little idiot you don't understand what dye is you don't even know how to use the word die in the correct sentence okay kid i i don't know i don't know how i could be any more clear so i can't help you okay no explain what you mean by dye i mean like like a dye like you use to dye things i used to die used we should use death we should fake my death no no no we tell my dad i'm dying we use death to get what i want so i tell my dad i'm dying and doctor you can tell my dad that i'm dying and then my dad won't growl me when he sees the couch like junior you destroyed the couch and you're like well hold on sir your son's dying and he's gonna feel bad and he's gonna buy me more toys you know what sure yeah let's do that because that'd be easier than trying to explain die to you how does he not understand that he's a doctor he deals with death every day he deals with people he doesn't see it every day like when he tells parents like oh you can't do it like he doesn't have to tell them that just call your dad okay oh my god dad i tell you this cat's gonna be spotless big well doctor tell them your son's dying no not junior not my baby boy he's doing it yeah dad i was cleaning the couch and i started getting lightheaded so i called the doctor and he diagnosed me with tell him doctor he has a idiotic titus means he's so stupid it's killing him no oh not idiotic titus i knew he was dumb but not that dumb doctor well dad the doctor also got diagnosed or something he's sick too oh really yeah he got diagnosed with can't spell three-letter words of titus like he can't even spell the word cat he probably spells it with a k yeah yeah well your son also has another disease he has can't understand basic words that titus dad dad use the word died in a sentence uh your grandma nancy died three years ago yeah but dad would you say uh grandma nancy is about to die no no that's not how i said it okay how about this this couch needs to be dyed who is your english teacher my dad you feel bad for him because he just doesn't know what he's talking okay you know what your son poured bleach all over the couch is that why they got to speak well stick to the plan oh i'm so stupid i can't i don't know things remember dad he also got diagnosed with can't stick to the plan to lie to you and say that i didn't believe the couch and i'm dying titus okay you know what screw you kid what the dad did look look look i i did bleach the couch but i was trying to get the stain out and i know how to fix it all we have to do is dye it junior this salad is good but how's it supposed to fix the couch i don't know dad the doctor said the only way we can fix the couch is if we go on a diet so i don't know what he's talking about no no it's not what i meant oh he's back dad he must have forgotten how to turn his car on oh that's sad he has forgotten how to turn on my car titus no look i just i just really need you to understand what i'm talking about i need to know what dye means i know what dye means dye means you go to sleep and never come back no no no look die die is a thing yes dye is a thing but your shirt is a thing this salad is a thing it's food you eat food to survive yummy no no oh my god die you don't like die like die you're obsessed with dye like you you just want everything to die like what a sad world you live in no i want you to explain to me that how going on a diet and eating salad is going to make my couch go back to red it's not then why would you tell me to go on a diet am i on the wrong diet don't you go on the keto diet the weight watchers which diet do i need to go on no no when i said diet i meant you should dye it and buy it i meant the couch oh we should go on a couch diet we need to eat the couch oh get the munchies yeah start eating the couch dad you know what no no we're ending this brandon oh man i can't wait to eat cookie cruise with my friends for breakfast uh julia where do you think you're going with that um me and my friends are gonna be eating cookie crisps for breakfast no you're not do you want diabetes yes wait what no you don't junior shut up look i made vegetables for you so you're eating vegetables for breakfast vegetables oh joe you need to start eating healthier okay what no i don't even eat healthy look i told my friends we were eating cookie crisps for breakfast so i have to eat cookie crisps no you're not look i guess you lied to your friends because you're not eating cookie crisps if we don't eat cookie crisps they're gonna call me a loser well you need to face the truth because you are a loser little chef baby look please we have to eat cookies for breakfast please no you're not eating cookie crisps today junior i can't eat vegetables for breakfast that's gross what's wrong with you guys i don't want to eat vegetables but chef peepee said we can't eat cookies for breakfast because it's unhealthy it's cookies for breakfast of course it's unhealthy junior we brought our spoons we've been planning on eating cookie chris today for the last month yeah dude and it's our bodies why is he worried about it i don't know i know it's america we should be allowed to be obese by the age of 20 if we want to yeah yeah this is america yeah we can get fat if we want to oh yeah okay so guys screw these vegetables i'm gonna take these vegetables i'm gonna throw them in chevy's face oh yeah and then i'm gonna grab a box of cookie crepes okay yeah you take this trash out of here yeah yeah it's trash yeah it's trash it's crap yeah this is ugly crap yeah let's spit on it yeah yeah yeah yeah what what what i said i said let's spin on it because it's because it's crap all right i'm taking this and throwing it in jeffy's face yeah yeah do that dude okay chef pee pee put the cookie crisp on top of the refrigerator so all i have to do is throw this bowl of vegetables at his head knock them out and grab the cui crisp and run okay three two one bullseye all right guys i got the cookie crisp that's what i'm talking about cookie cruise i like that their mascot's a wolf so if he ate that chocolate he'd die wait would that be chocolate i thought only dogs died if they ate chocolate what was there like dog so he still died wait so he's willing to die over the cereal yeah but toucan sam's not willing to die with the fruit loops so let me just cereal that's worth dying for yeah let's munch let's get to munching wait hold on let me turn on the tv so i can watch tv while we eat hey there i'm the head of marketing for the hit cereal cookie crisp now here at cookie crisp we're looking for a new catchy jingle to sell our cereal because it turns out telling people it's cookies for breakfast is making parents not want to give the cereal to their kids so i am personally offering my ps5 to anybody who comes up with a new catchy jingle for our cereal now i know what you're thinking why am i up here asking you to make a jingle for me well that's because my boss has given me till tomorrow to come up with one and well i'm kind of stuck i can't really think of anything so if you could help me out that'd be great and i'll give you a ps5 whoa joseph huh stop eating your shirt like a woodpecker oh my bad dude it's a bad habit why'd you even bring this spoon guys we could win a playstation five we could all win one well one what i mean we could win one no we we're gonna win a place in five but we haven't won a place in five yet well when we win we will have one one you don't have to say one twice if we win we'll win one no i mean we won't all win one yes we will that's what we're trying to do we're trying to win one okay we're not even gonna win so it doesn't matter all right guys we gotta think of a catchy slogan for cookie crisp dude i got one well what is it five dollar five dollar cookie crush oh i like that i like that and then they can sell cookers for five dollars exactly no no guys guys we can't do that somebody already did that what well you know they had that song that was like five dollar five dollar foot long what no no no no no no no no sure i just thought of it yeah yeah subway didn't do that yeah they did they did it like years ago what okay foot long just sounds like something you want right oh i got i got it you can't out cookie crisp the hut dude that's genius right no that's just pizza hut no it's not pizza hut is you can't out pizza the hunt no way yeah well i just thought that on my own i was like you can't out cookie crisp the hood you didn't think of that because why else would you say hi well why does pizza get a hud well because they're called pizza hut well what if we call ours cookie hud well that's not the name of the company it's just okay you can't out cookie the crisp what what junior hello that's too similar we're gonna get sued it's too similar like yeah okay so then why does it uh the color orange through the color red ginny that doesn't even make sense no the colors look really similar so why don't they see each other because they're similar yeah they know how to get along yeah but they're not if colors can get wrong then companies get along okay you know what fine guys why doesn't aquafina sue dasani they both sell water it looks the same talk but they're not stealing each other's ideas for slogans well no we're saying cookie crisps we're not saying pizza we're not saying subway guys can we just go back to watching tv and eating our cookies no we're gonna win this playlist at five and we're all gonna have one and we get to play all right all right so um joseph you're gonna write the lyrics okay dude i'm gonna sing with my beautiful voice and joseph you're gonna i called you joseph cody you're gonna shoot the music video and uh we're all gonna have contributed to this cool jingle okay all right all right let's all huddle up oh huddle up dude we didn't even hey cody yeah let me tell you about the best mother freaking cereal you can buy what is it junior well it's these cookies that you get to eat for breakfast for breakfast yeah for breakfast what's the cereal called junior it's called cookie crisp cookie crisp [Music] they're magically delicious they're magically delicious right silly rabbit cookie cruiser for breakfast okay that was tricks the cereal that smiles back goldfish they're dangerously cheesy cheetos you can taste the rainbow that's skittles i'm a cookie crisp now but huggies like a good neighbor [Music] cookie crisp is there a steak farm [Music] give me a break give me a break of that cookie crisp kitkat finger looking good can't stare great froggit flakes oh yeah we have the meats [Music] [Music] this is clearly mcdonald's this is stealing what i'm talking about guys we're going to get in trouble we can't just keep stealing magic guys i don't want to have any part of this i'm leaving they're magically delicious silly rabbit cookie cruises for breakfast all right guys i just sent the song to the contest dude we're totally gonna win oh we're definitely gonna win joseph hey yeah dude are we gonna win cody no we're gonna get sued because this song's illegal illegal but oh you're saying the song is so good it should be illegal because after people hear it queen chris is going to sell billions and billions of bots of cereal and make trillions of dollars and it should be illegal to have that much money yeah totally no it's illegal because we stole ideas from a bunch of other companies we didn't steal ideas look joseph is a lyrical genius and every lyric in this song was 100 original right joseph yeah 100 original came off the dome i thought of it like right off the dome like the lyric bubba i'm cookie crisp like joseph thought of that yeah dude i just thought of it i don't know how i thought of it it just came to me yeah it just came to him you thought of it because you heard it in a mcdonald's commercial oh okay okay what about the we have the meats yeah that's from arby's no it's not we thought of that originally right joseph yeah it just came to me in a dream dude yeah we have the meat sometimes i leave my tv on you know when i fall asleep but it didn't come to me in a dream yeah why would you even say you had meats there's no meat in cookie crisp no no it's not about meat being in the cookie crisp it's about you know like when you eat a lot of creepy crisps you get really fat so you have a lot of meat on your body so you have the meats on your body for being a lot of food crisps yeah guys okay whatever when we get sued i don't want to have any part of this okay well you basically had no part of this because you didn't think of anything like you held the camera so you have like one percent of effort like you get you get one percent of credit for this commercial oh guys guys that could be the ps5 oh dude or a lawyer uh hello congratulations you won the ps5 you made my job a lot easier here you go oh my god thank you so much yes cody we got a ps5 yeah we did no way yes way no thanks to you i i held the camera you did like one percent of effort so you get to play it for like one minute oh dude i want to play it right now well i want to play it right now well dude i should play it first i wrote the song well i sang the song i am the song because i wrote it everybody's gonna remember the lyrics well it would have been a hit if it wasn't for my beautiful voice singing it no nobody cares about your voice it's the lyrics dude all right how about this how about this joseph how about this how about for the first six months of the year i get to keep the system at my house and for the second six months of the year you can keep it at your trailer no that's not fair i want to play it now okay well can you think of a better reason um how about we flip a coin for it and if it lands on tails i get to take it to my house trailer whatever and if it lands on heads you got to keep it at your house well that does seem fair wait what about me i helped what about you well i did hold the camera okay how about this hold on hold on if it lands on heads i get to keep it at my house if it lands on tails joseph gets to take it to his trailer and if it lands perfectly on the edge like this like not head door tails we just land right on the edge you get to take it to your house no come on that'll never happen yeah because you did like nothing so you should get like the least amount of chance to keep at your house yeah i think that's fair i think it's fair too so i'm gonna flip it up it went behind the couch let's go let's go look okay all right joseph where's it at uh right there dude yes no way it's a miracle no it's a nightmare there's no way it landed like that oh okay okay new rule it has to land on a hard surface like that no no you didn't say that junior this counts i didn't say that no you didn't say that dude so i guess it's fair it's not fair look it landed like that on carpet so so technically it's like it's like it's like it's faulty you know we got to redo it no no junior it landed the way you said so now i get to keep the ps5 but you didn't do anything i sang the song i put my heart and soul into it what your heart and soul and the lyrics you didn't write look guys if you want to play it you can just come over to my house with a cody well you better set it up right because we're playing it tonight and i'm gonna play all night at your house so set it up right you're not gonna play before me you know when my boss gave me that raise for getting the cookie crisp song done i thought i'd use the money on something nice not to buy you a new ukulele i thought you liked it when i sang to you did i really say that yeah i must have wanted some that night boyney what should i sing next the least annoying thing possible january what god i miss my ps5 wait wait i already got the raise i could just go over to whoever's house i gave the ps5 to and just take it yeah yeah i could just dress up like a cop and say that i gotta search the house and then just nab it now oh wow ps5 i didn't think you'd actually come to my house oh so cool i can't wait to set you up what who's that at the door boy where do you think you going who's gonna answer the door no not in my house you better go in the kitchen and watch this with your mama but it might be my friends you don't have friends dork okay yeah hello hey there sir but no no i'm not here to arrest anybody well i i don't i don't have any handcuffs see no no handcuffs here you should have said that the first time what do you want well i'm with the neighborhood watch look we don't like your kind here so tell me what you want real fast okay i'm with the neighborhood watch and i'm going door-to-door looking for uh the the boogie man the boogie man yeah the buggy man he's real dangerous and i think he might be hiding under your kid's bed look if you want to search my house you should just ask look i want to let you come in and search my house oh but if you find anything it's not mine it's my wife's oh so take her to jail okay thank you sir all right come on all right this is my son's room he a little fruity but uh i get to claim him on my taxes so it's all good yeah he wanted them lgbltqs so he like lettuce guacamole bacon lettuce tomatoes and i think quesadillas or something huh yeah okay oh no a boogeyman box boogie man boss that's a playstation 5. no no no sir that's a boogeyman box i see the boogeyman lives in a box and that's it that's what that is whatever works dude as long as i don't have to go to jail forward okay whatever i'm gonna have to confiscate this come here you're so slightly what's up mom not right now cody what's wrong mom you know that little goldfish that you love so much yeah well i was cleaning his fishbowl and he wouldn't sit still so then he fell down the garbage disposal well get him out mom what do you think i've been trying to do cody what do you think this fork is for mom you can't get him out with a fork you talk back to me one more time and i'm going to turn the disposal on [Music] hold on there's someone at the door don't turn it on hello hey we came to play the playstation 5. it's not a good time guys it's not a good time you're just trying to hog it for yourself fine okay come in my parents are being really weird all right guys it's right here where's it at cody well i i don't know it was right here how do you lose a playstation 5 cody i don't know junior was here a minute ago wow wow wow yeah i know what you're doing cody you're so selfish and so greedy that you hid the ps5 and you're gonna act like you lost it just so you can play all by yourself but no guys really it was right here a minute ago wait wait what's this police this is a police hat wait i i know where he lives wait how do you know he lives dude i follow him sometimes oh that's cool okay so what you're trying to do is you're trying to say that the playstation 5 was stolen by a police officer police officers don't steal they stop people from stealing well it was his playstation to begin with so maybe he wanted it back okay how about this joseph you stay here and watch and watch cody and make sure he doesn't run off and i'll go to the police officer's house and see if he stole the ps5 back oh i'll stay here dude and if he moves it's pummeling time it's pummeling time oh yeah and if i go to the police officer's house and he doesn't have the ps5 pummel in time problem one time public time okay so i'll be right back cody i missed you baby i'm so glad i got my ps5 back back yeah yeah i did karen can you just go play that outside [Applause] all right please get to playing oh it's been a long day time to play me some spider-man yeah look at that i'm spider-man who am i i'm spider-man that's right oh good grief who could that be yo hey you hey how's that ps5 treating you i had to walk across the interstate to get here yeah yeah i'm sorry about that okay well uh you left your hat oh oh did i oh well thank you for returning that i'll just i'll take that right back from you i'm not giving it back if you give us our ps5 back i don't have you ps5 oh really because i found your hat where the ps5 used to be so you came back and took it back and your hat fell off no i i don't know what you're talking about i don't have it well if you don't have it then let me look around your house and if i don't see it i'll get your hat back no you're not a cop you don't have a warrant you don't even know how this works well come on okay i guess i'll just go throw your hat on the interstate no no no no no i need that if i lose part of my uniform i get fined so then let me see around your house and if there's a ps5 then you give it back if i don't see a ps5 then you get to have your hat back uh okay come on in nice place thank you yeah hey hey wait what's up oh i heard a noise oh that's weird ah shoot bless you bless you thank you you're welcome hey this is this is a hammer that i have do you like it it's nice yeah i show it to all my guests it's it's purple that's cool weighs seven ounces yeah wow can i get a glass of water you you know you sure can yeah just help help yourself well that's actually the freezer oh wait do you have any cups i i don't well i i don't really want ow i'm sorry i don't know what i was thinking yet your playstations in the living room just go get it i'm sorry okay okay there it is the playstation yeah and i'm sorry again about the whole hammer thing i don't know i was just being immature i just didn't want to lose the playstation i just got a raise i can buy another one all right well here's your hat back oh thank you oh i can't wait to take this home who's that i'll get it you can't get the door at my house i'll get it hello it's cold and the interstate is right there i'm scared someone's gonna run off the interstate and hit me let me inside your house yeah okay come in i'm spiderman oh i want to be spiderman oh yeah sorry why you here well i'm here because i'm the ceo of mcdonald's burger king lucky charms kitkat and state farm you know what all the companies and i'm suing you for using our slogans it's copyright you're suing it why because you submitted the little cookie crisp jingle and i'm not the ceo of cookie crisp so i'm suing you because you used our copyright slogans but but i thought it was original it kid wasn't it original definitely a hundred percent i'm suing it and i'm suing you because you're the one who submitted it oh come on please don't sue me my life sucks enough as it is well my son does want the new playstation 5. so i guess you could give me that okay kid give him the playstation no way it's mine give me the playstation it's mine all right take the playstation all right sounds good thank you all right the lesson today is don't steal yeah it's that this looks delicious uh junior your dinner's ready hey chef pee pee can you help me open up my yogurt no junior you know you're not supposed to eat yogurt until you finish your dinner ew what is that it's mac and cheese your favorite what are those orange things are those cheetos yeah they're healthy cheetos called carrots what are those green boogers they're not green boogers they're peas junior look eat your food ew you peed in my mac and cheese stop being silly look eat your food i'm gonna hit you with this rolling pin but i want my gogurt first look if you say another word i swear i'm gonna flatten you with this rolling pin you got it wait who's that look just go and get the door oh hello hi i'm tom brady my truck broke down can i come in and use your phone cause my phone died i've had very bad luck today tom brady yep that's me tom brady what are you doing here well i was driving down to tampa for the super bowl then my truck broke down and my phone died like i said so can i come in well yeah you can come in i gotta go gert okay cool come on baby you won't believe who was at the door oh julia what did i say about talking oh no is that all brady tom you okay julia what is tom brady doing in our house well he was at the door he said his truck broke down he had to use our phone why didn't you tell me i tried to tell you but then you went all courage the cowardly dog on him and threw a rolling pin at him i guess we need a passcode the next time tom brady's in our house or maybe you can control your anger and not throw rolling pins at people look is he okay i don't know hey tom you want you want a go-gurt he doesn't want to go get stupid well everybody wants a go-gurt i'll call a doctor okay no no don't call the doctor i would get in trouble i throw the rolling pin well at least you're admitting that you did something wrong junior help me well you didn't help me open up my goger so find someone else to help you please help me mario mario mario mario or tom brady look i knocked him out with a rolling pin you what why would you do that it was an accident mario how do you accidentally knock out tom brady with a rolling pin you throw it but that's besides the point oh okay we have to take him to a hospital no we can't we can't look i would get in trouble and i'm too pretty to go to jail i would go to jail oh okay what do we do what do we do mario we need to get him to the hospital chef pee pee will go to jail god woman do you not listen mario he plays in the super bowl tomorrow i know tom brady plays the super bowl tomorrow so so so what do we do if he doesn't wake up by tomorrow chef pee pee you could dress up like tom brady and you can play in the super bowl that's him no i can't no i don't look nothing like tom brady i am pretty but no i can't mario i have an ex-boyfriend that played football in high school as a freshman why are you telling me this i don't care mario he was a quarterback he could play for tom brady in the super bowl we don't want to know about your ugly stupid high school boyfriend look mario it's worth a shot call your high ex-boyfriend okay wait he's not gonna be hot all right mario here he is who called for some dak oh my god he's gorgeous he's a walking statue of perfection i marry him so what's his name mario this is my ex-boyfriend big dad it's short for big daxter but you could just call me dak okay hi dick so was the last time you played football about 20 years ago my freshman year of high school so what made you stop playing oh i got a wicked gnarly ankle injury ended my whole career what happened well i sprained my ankle stepping off the school bus and i just never healed oh it did i just never wanted to feel that pain ever again it's the worst pain i've ever felt in my life so how did you and rosalina meet oh well i was a cheerleader back then mario yeah you should have seen her shake her pom-poms for this dack okay well guys group meeting group meeting what okay he cannot play football in super bowl why not look at him he's gorgeous look at the hair well i understand he's gorgeous and he's pretty and he's perfect but he might not be able to know how to play football okay mario he's the only guy we know that knows how to play football he's our only chance mario hold on if you haven't played football since high school what makes you think you can play in the super bowl because they're not ready for this deck i get big dac energy okay well look we're gonna give you a football we want you to throw it to us to see if you still got it all right cool pass me the rock uh i think that's uh basketball it's all the same to dak okay give him a football let's see all right doc there's the football i'm gonna go down there and you're gonna throw it to me okay yeah okay wait you're left-handed yeah i think so i'm ambidextrous all right i'm open throw it okay two seconds left in the game down by four one more touchdown pass and dak can win the super bowl and his receivers open uh that wasn't even close so close what was that sorry man i just ate popcorn no you did it come on man give me another try there's four downs in football oh god here you go thanks all right i'm open right here wide open what's that there was a penalty so i get one more chance but with this throw dak will win the super bowl let's do it what what come on that wasn't even close what was that oh sorry man this angle's killing me what well yeah right when i went to throw the ball the sharp pain just shot right down my ankle so i threw it that way is that the ankle you sprained 20 years ago no i i actually think it was this one so you sprained your other ankle yeah okay well you're not playing in the super bowl then well come on dude come on there's four downs in football i'm a third down third down yeah here's the football thanks okay please just throw it to me please what's that the game went into overtime first person to score wins oh look i have a receiver wide open in the end zone i'm about to throw a dime all right you're done leave no no it hit the ceiling that ceiling hadn't been there would have gone right into your hands like okay look you still suck so leaf no no it's fourth down believe me i do much better on fourth down i'm clutch here you go all right all right i'm literally this close to you all you have to do is toss it to me all right here we go it's all come down to this if i make this throw dak wins the super bowl get ready to suck some death oh my ankle oh no ow ow oh my man my ankle really threw off my aim there leave oh come on man leave come on it's been 20 years since i played i gotta warm up listen to what you just said it's been 20 years since you played football so you should never play again no come on dude tell him how good i was in high school oh yeah um he was okay how many touchdowns did he throw one and a half how do you throw half a touchdown the guy dropped it in the end zone well what about the other touchdown well well actually it was an interception that was run back for a touchdown but it was still a touchdown leave mario come on he's our best option unless you want to put on tom brady's uniform yourself no no you're saying he sucks so bad he's like i'll show you i'll show you all right doc i'll give you one more throw and if you complete it you can play yes all right come on chef pee pee we're gonna usually we're gonna use you wait what all right dak chef pee pee is the bad guy chef pee pee plays for the other team if you throw it to chef pee pee it's an interception come on man i know how to play football okay so you're gonna throw the ball to me if you throw the ball to me and i catch it then you get to play in the super bowl do not throw it to chef pee pee okay got it all right chef pee pee are you ready for this oh yeah i'm ready for this mario but are you ready because i'm about to bring the heat i'm bringing all the smoke okay all right zone coverage easy all i got to do is throw that tight spiral here we go i got it i got oh i'm on your ass today mario no game you ain't got no game status so how'd it go that sucks no i wouldn't say that sucks i would just say i'm on your ass today boy doc's doing interception what don't blame me that was the best throw i've ever made and it was still an interception yeah but you didn't fight for it well look you're not playing the super bowl because you suck all right fine well if anyone needs me i'm gonna be in the kitchen putting ice on my ankle mario i really think we should call a doctor now oh chevy you're good at playing football why don't you play the super bowl look i'm good at receiving not throwing and i'm straight anyway oh okay look maybe we should call a doctor and say that tom brady got knocked out a different way so you don't go to jail okay i guess let's call it doctor hey there somebody call a doctor is that tom brady yeah why is he on your couch instead of in tampa getting ready to play the super bowl tomorrow well someone knocked him out by hit him in the head with a rolling pin mario who would knock him out with a rolling pin uh not chef pee pee yeah not not chef pee pee it was a the rolling pin banded the rolling pin bandit yeah yeah there's a guy breaking into our house stealing rolling pins and tom brady tried to stop him and he got hit in the head with a rolling pin okay look i don't even care i just need him to wake up and get to the super bowl because i need him to win tomorrow because i bet my entire life savings that he would win you bet your whole life savings yes everything my 401k my house my car everything if he loses i am done i am ruined well what if he what if he does actually lose well i'm gonna run out of money and probably have to flee the country and right now it's not looking too good oh tom brady wake up wait wake up mario i know cpr what i know cpr too if anyone's putting their lips on tom brady it's me hey come on i'm the doctor here i should get to kiss tom brady no i want to kiss tom brady well i want to kiss him guys come on we can't all kiss tom brady can we oh okay look if tom brady doesn't wake up what do we do because we already tried replacing him replacing tom brady you can't replace tom brady he's tom brady oh look if tom brady doesn't wake up one of us has to play in the super bowl tomorrow as him okay i'll do it but you yeah me i'll replace tom brady in the super bowl wait wait have you ever played football in your life well i was a kicker in high school you don't have any legs well it wasn't a very good kicker i was also a pitcher in baseball so it can't be that different from throwing a football okay let's see what you got come on chef pee pee all right brooklyn guy okay chef pee pee is the defender he's the bad guy the other team you do not want to throw it to him okay got it you want to throw it to me i'm your teammate nope all right yeah all right if you throw it to me and i catch it you get to play the super bowl tom brady tomorrow okay sounds good all right mario you ready for this i'm like a train i'm coming for you choo choo choo choo i'm ready all right guy you got this this is the win the super bowl yeah oh i got that give me that booty what no that's not fair mario you ripped my helmet off that's face mask well i had to grab the ball it was just in the way it's not beer that's cheating all right you're gonna be in the super bowl and you're gonna place tom brady oh man my dad's gonna be so proud oh man i can't believe i'm gonna play in the super bowl tomorrow guys look who woke up what ah i'm bomb traded are you okay tom i think he has a severe concussion tom are you okay i like duckies oh should we still let him play tomorrow oh he better play tomorrow and he better win too because i got my entire life savings riding on it well why don't you play as him look if i play we're going to lose okay at least he has a chance he's tom brady but you threw the ball to me yeah i got lucky one time there's no way i can win a super bowl oh tom do you think you can play tomorrow yeah put me in coach okay well if he loses tomorrow it's definitely because of the concussion oh yeah yeah the concussion he's tom brady yeah yeah so so so i don't think he's gonna win i do i do so joseph what do you want to do today oh dude i got this blowtorch thing from the gas station we should totally set stuff on fire oh we can light ant hills on fire oh dude yeah totally and then they can call the fire ant department willie ants have fire departments yeah that's why they're called fire ants they put out fires oh dude i didn't know that it's jesus okay so let's call cody and invite him wait wait where is he i don't know he usually shows up with you let me get my phone and call him okay all right joseph it's ringing hello hey cody me and joseph want to burn down anthill you should come over that sounds fun guys but i can't i'm at the park with luke what luke you got a dog no he's not my dog he's just my friend luke like from darth vader what you mean from star wars well he's darth vader's son so he came from darth vader's testicle so he's from darth vader i see what you mean but no he's not luke skywalker so you got a dog no he's not a dog junior he's my human friend named luke you have friends we're your friends what but luke is my friend too and i'm with him at the park well coming up with us luke sounds annoying and lame junior i'm gonna hang up now what no what's wrong cody has a new friend named luke wait wait cody has friends where are his friends yeah he has some other friends i think he's grounded he doesn't know how to tell us yeah he has to be grounded dude he doesn't have friends let's go to the park and see if he's there okay yeah luke you're doing it hey cody junior what are you doing here this must be your new friend dookie you mean luke yeah dookie these must be your friends cody i don't know that i'd call them my friends why do you want to hang out with this loser not us because he's lonely and he needs a friend oh i get it his parents are rich and if you think if you can hang out with him that his parents will give you money he's not rich junior i know a rich kid when i see one he's rich can you just get out of here well i guess me and joseph are just gonna go back to my house and eat go-gurts goku's dude yeah i only have three of them so i wonder who the third one's going to go to i don't care junior just leave you don't care about a goger this kid must this kid must have danimals or or or or pizza rolls or something animals this kid's not playing around let's get out of here let's go dude i'm sorry about that luke uh what's wrong dude you haven't even touched your gogurt i'm just sad why because we can't use the plushies anymore oh yeah and also because cody doesn't want to hang out with us like what does luke have that we don't have uh money right he's rich i know he was rich yeah he has a rich face yeah he's like oh i have money he was looking at me like oh you're poor i have money man so i'm looking at you dude what can we do to make cody hang out with us again uh i don't know oh i got an idea we can invite a bunch of girls over and then we call cody and when he hears all the girls over here he's gonna want to come over here but how are we gonna get girls over here dude gogurt women love gogurt oh dude i totally forgot okay i'll start calling girls you call girls too okay dude joseph look at all these girls sucking our gogers i know dude is so cool i'm calling cody right now it's ringing okay hello hey cody what are you doing still hanging out with luke guess what i'm doing listen i i really don't want to say junior it's a girl sucking my go-goots oh well good for you yeah a girl can suck you're good if you're coming right now and no one's touched it no that's okay junior i'm saving my yogurt for marriage you're saving your yogurt for marriage loser what did oh yeah your mom said you're a dweeb what mom yeah she's here sucking my gerber too if you squeeze the base more comes out oh she's learning okay junior i'm gonna hang up now he hung up okay so um you guys can leave now we don't need you anymore elise graham we're finished with you yeah we got what we wanted out of you i'll leave thank you so what do we do now dude i don't know joseph if go-gurts and girls didn't work i don't know what will let's start thinking okay what does luke have that we don't have besides money i mean he's bald say that again joseph uh he's bald he's bald and you're a ball too so so if i shave my head i'll be bald and then we'll all be bald and then cody will want to hang out with us because we're bald yeah we'll be matching dude okay i'm gonna go shave my head right now all right joseph how do i look uh you look bald we're the super bald brothers wait can i say that is that copyright okay we can say that all right so now i'm gonna call cody tell him to come over he's gonna see that we're bald he's gonna hang out with us well if he didn't come over the first few times you asked him why would he come over now because i'm gonna use my secret weapon all right joseph it's ringing wait what's the secret weapon dude just listen junior stop calling me i'm blocking your number oh cody oh it's so awful what's wrong junior well your mom she sucked my yogurt dry and then she was leaving and she fell down the stairs and broke her neck what yeah yeah and i don't know whether to call the hospital or the aquarium because you know she's a whale what what junior's name i'm hurt or not yeah she's hurt she's not moving you to come over right now okay i'll be right there okay so now when he comes over he's gonna see that we're bald he's gonna hang out with us dude perfect plan that must be him hello is my mom okay what what are you what are you doing i'm bald yeah i can see that but is my mom okay i lied look at my head but you lied i'm bald i don't care junior but luke is bald what junior so is that why you guys shaved your head yeah we want to be like luke he's so cool right that's not why i'm hanging out with luke so then what is it because he's rich right no he's not rich so he's paying you to say that he's not paying you no junior what the what is it well junior you you just wouldn't understand no there's something i'll understand no cody it has to be either because he's bold or rich which one is it it's neither junior he just he has problems problems like he's psycho no is he mad no oh no joseph i got it he kidnapped your family he's hold him in your in his basement and he says if you're not friends with him he's gonna kill him no junior my mom was just here eating gogurt she's fine well what if he paid someone to act like your mom i mean your mom did look fatter than usual okay i'm leaving no okay joseph this is worse than we thought he kidnapped cody's family so we had to call the cops okay dude hey there somebody call the cops yes officer it's awful i need to report a crime all right i love a good crime story okay so my friend's family they got kidnapped and they're being held captive in a basement wow that's pretty serious yes i need you to arrest the kid that did his name is luke okay uh do you have an address yeah it's right here i tried my friend using five my friends oh okay uh i'll be right over there i'll get them you did good bro you did good hello uh hey i got a report that some kid named luke was holding your family hostage here in a basement did junior tell you to come here uh yes all right i'm back did you arrest luke and put them in the electric chair no why not cause they didn't find anything did you check the basement he didn't even have a basement did you check the attic yes did you find cody's family his family's fine cody facetimed them right in front of me and they answered but it's a mansion there's a lot of rooms that could have been any of those rooms they didn't live in a mansion it must have been the beach house oh yeah look kid it's not funny to accuse people of fake crying it's not a fake crime it's real now call me when there is a real crime dude what are we gonna do now it leaves me no choice we have to commit a real crime and blame it on luke like what i'm gonna grab the toilet paper ooh toilet paper okay are you sure you want to do this dude yes we're gonna tp my house and blame it on luke all right you don't have to ask me twice wow joseph look at all that toilet paper i know dude that's vandalism junior i saw you tv the house oh you're in trouble now i'm gonna tell your daddy oh man joseph oh that was close chef people would have told my dad i know dude and you would have got grounded yeah we can't have that yeah okay so now i'm gonna call the cops and we're gonna say that luke he beat my house hey yeah yeah he did hey there somebody call the cops yes officer somebody tp'ed my house yeah i saw that this is a very serious crime now who do you think did this do you have any enemies well officers be strong dude be strong i know who did it you can do it i just don't want him to come after me um his name is uh luke luke yeah luke the kid's house you went to earlier okay i'm starting to think maybe you just have a thing against this loop kid no it was him it was him he showed up with his his group of friends all named luke and then they tp my house do you have any evidence of this yes i do my security cameras come here okay all right officer here's the security camera footage so if you look at the top right hand corner you notice luke and his group of buddies all name luke just show up to my house right they're all armed with toilet paper and they're like we hate junior we're gonna ruin his night so they all just start throwing toilet paper all over my house see boom there goes one roll and another roll and another roll and they just start destroying my house and toilet paper and they run off because they notice i have security cameras and they're like ah we hate junior so you see look they committed a huge crime and they graffiti my house what toilet paper those fiends yeah so uh i need to go arrest luke all right now you're sure it's luke that did this right because he's going to jail oh it's definitely luke joseph wasn't a luke yeah of course lou who else could it be it was luke he said my name's luke you couldn't hear it because the audio yeah he said he said his name was luke okay all right i'll go get him yes he's going down dude hello all right i'm here for a kid named luke what that's me all right you're under arrest for tping a house what he didn't tv a house oh yes he did i saw the proof you're coming with me oh so what are we gonna do now dude well now that luke's in jail cody's gonna come begging to hang out with us junior hey buddy don't hey buddy me do you prefer amigo no junior you get luke arrested actually luke got himself arrested because he decided to tp my house no he didn't junior i was with him the whole time you helped them tp my house no junior you keep in your own house and you blamed it on luke see that's why we're best friends because you know me so well junior get away from me what's wrong cody you get to hang out with us now junior do you want to know what's really happening yes the reason i was hanging out with luke is because he's terminally sick so he's really good at skateboarding no junior i mean he has three days left to live he's gonna die soon don't tell me that now i'm gonna feel bad you should feel bad because now he's gonna die in jail don't tell me that now i'm gonna feel bad junior look we're gonna get him out of jail okay but how we're gonna dig a hole under the prison and sneak them out junior that's stupid now i have to go tell his parents why they're not going to see their son on his last day on earth wait is he going to space but no junior he's going to die you you leave earth when you die i guess so well i want to die and go to mars that sounds really sick but anyway no i feel really bad because because of your stupid idea to get him arrested now he's gonna now he's gonna be in jail i'm sorry dude i'm sorry i goofed okay yeah you go with your big goof i'm sorry dude god please help us what do you want god we really need your help yeah i know did you see what happened yeah you're going to hell that was pretty messed up what i am yeah wait no no i'm sorry i want to fix everything okay so what can i do to get luke out of jail and to fix his sickness hmm that's a lot of work you're asking me to do the only currency i accept is facebook likes facebook likes yep one like equals one prayer oh that's why there's so many posts asking for that yeah exactly okay so how many likes to get luke out of jail and to heal his sickness hmm for that 10 000 likes on facebook that's a lot of likes yeah they're not easy to get either okay so joseph we need to make a post on facebook that gets 10 000 likes go okay dude i can do it all right we're going to do it guys we're going to just stay right here dude i did it but you did it i got 142 thousand likes in four minutes in four minutes oh yeah dude it's a classic minions post look it says r.i.p i just died if you don't care stop reading if you would care like this pick if you would miss me comment a heart if you're not scared repost to see who your real friends are oh my god that was genius joseph no dude you only asked for 10 000 likes we got 142 000. let me absorb the likes [Music] can you get luke out of jail and heal his sickness i can do anything all right guys everything's back to normal we can all be happy no junior i'm still mad why because of all the bad stuff you did to luke but he's out of jail now and he's cured one minions post doesn't take back all the bad stuff you did fine cody i'll apologize hey luke i'm really sorry that i got you arrested but you're out of jail now so it's in the past so get over it okay so um i guess you're part of our friend group now no actually he's not he's moving to vermont i was just down here for treatment oh well i want to add you on facebook what's your last name emia okay all right joseph we have to add him on facebook his name is luke emia uh so guys what do you want to do today i don't know dude well i figured we could do something with this thing ooh what is that this is my human ray where is he what do you mean you said there's a human named ray i don't see him yeah ray show yourself ray where are you no no this is rey no that's a toy no this is my human ray that's not a human no it's a ray i'm a junior and i am a joseph no guys i mean okay fine this is my human laser a human laser what to do well it turns objects into humans that's so cool oh you should call it something else like call it like a human turn her into her oh dude i like that yeah it's not french yeah human turn her into her really rolls off the tongue yeah you're like this is my human turn her into her or or yeah i buy it yeah okay sure so uh you're gonna what are you gonna turn into a human i'm gonna try to turn ken into a human so you're admitting he's a doll no i'm newly yeah he thinks you're a doll now totally adult no he's not a doll he's just kind of plasticky and i want him to be more human like a doll so how are you gonna try and do a human well with this with the human ray it's not a human right no it's a human turn her into her fine i like that i like that name okay so turn ken into a human then okay stand back i don't know what this thing's gonna do you said it's gonna turn into a human well i mean that's what i wanted to do but there might be an explosion or something oh okay okay ken get ready to turn into a human he's a cat he's supposed to be a human yeah i know junior where you turn him into a cat can't come back he was supposed to be a human but you turned him into a cat dude how did you mess that up yeah dork i don't know oh dude turn me into a cat turn me into a cat yeah turn yourself into a cat no no more turning people into cats but jason derulo was a cat yeah i know he was rum tum tugger but we're not doing that right now oh well how do you think you messed up your machine i don't know i must have messed up when i was calibrating it and said it to turn people into cats when you were calibrating it don't you mean when you were cater braiding it cat joke yeah my body hates i actually prefer ken to be a cat cause at least he's alive oh got him no no the things they do to ken i couldn't do those to a cat well he has nine lives no junior well i actually prefer him to be a cat too because now his name could be kitty cat oh my goodness like here can you get it like not kitty cat but kenny cat because that's can in it no no we're not doing that because we're going to find him and turning back to do a doll you're just admitting he's a doll oh he's a dog he's a dog oh my god junior brush your teeth oh wow that's a lot coming from you yellow teeth yeah highlighter teeth yeah yeah yellow power ranger teeth taxi tea yeah yeah spongebob teeth yellow chubby teeth yeah yeah uh uh um um macaroni and cheese tea mcdonald's tea yeah yeah mcdonald's french fries tea billy straw tea yeah the sun teeth because the sun is yellow because when you when you draw the sun with crayons it's yellow teeth number two yeah yeah um um the the the the lines in the road that the the the the yellow lines of the road teeth okay you know what guys this is enough let's just go find ken and turn him back into a human if he's never been a human you mean a doll doll look guys this can here kitty kitty kitty kitty guys stop it you scared him away well what are you gonna do when you get them i don't know i just want to get them in a cage and bring them home so i can work on changing them back okay let's go get a cage all right cody we got the cage now you just have to put kid in it how do you plan on doing that dude yeah well ken loves weiner so i was thinking we could take this wiener and lure him in there with it ew stop being gross cody yeah i wouldn't use a wiener cody but ken never says no to a wiener but he's a cat well maybe even as a cat he might still like wieners i would use a cat toy what you mean like this little mouse toy here yeah that would work perfectly let's try that okay and here you go here you go that's a good boy right in the cage in the cage yes get in there all right i'm gonna take ken home and run experiments on them until i can turn them back to normal okay who's that oh that's my parents i needed a ride home because i didn't want to walk home carrying a cat okay can i answer the door call your mom fat will that make you feel better about yourself junior yes fat fat fat fat fat fat hey nobody can call my wife fat but me fatty okay okay put on a few extra pounds but who hasn't during this whole mess so what are you doing here the aquarium's that way oh we're here to pick up cody oh well come inside your fatness thank you all right cody time to go home hurry up cody you know i left the car running and gas ain't cheating oh cody what's in this cage oh that's just ken he's a cat a cat cody you know i'm allergic to cats yeah you know your mama get all bumpy and ugly and crusty oh it reminds me of last night and you know i hate bumps but mom i need to bring him home so i can work on turning him back into a doll no cody no cats cats are the devil you know one time i read this story about a cat that wore a hat and he caused all kinds of mischief yeah destroyed them poor white people home he balanced the cake on a rake cody and then he came back yeah and it was written by a doctor guys dr seuss was an author exactly cody he wrote books until you know he's smart oh baby tell him about the one uh that that cat that chased the rat around the house oh don't even get me started about that tom and jerry that cat knew how to use all kinds of weaponry yeah he was a minister society oh man and then there's that garfield oh don't even get me started about him we don't have enough lasagna cody yeah i don't want nobody eat my lasagna yeah your father loves his lasagna you should just get a nice little doggy like that clifford but clifford wasn't little he's huge what about that scooby doo oh i love his scooby snacks oh yeah yeah and then you could get a doggie like the earbud you know he played football among many other sports you know cody you can't keep this hat if you want to come home you're going to have to leave it here but mom i can't just leave him well that's too bad cody look i'm already sneezing all right come on tyler let's go all right so what are you gonna do now cody i don't know i can't go home so i might as well just stay here until we figure this out uh can i let ken out of the cage i kind of feel bad for him yeah do it okay oh man i can't wait to eat the pizza i just warmed up hey you stupid can't get out of here scram what you eating my pizza oh you know what i'm a color cat exterminator hello hey there you call an exterminator yeah wait you're a cop oh yeah well i exterminate things i exterminate crime you know i exterminate illegal activity well look there's a cat in my kitchen and i need you to get him out is he wearing a hat no dang i thought i finally got that guy you know he's been breaking into people's houses and messing everything all up and then the craziest part is that he fixes everything before he leaves he's like some kind of rogue property brothers well can you get him out well not if it's a regular cat you know i mean besides whenever i see him i get all mushy but you know i could have victim but he'd have 60 days to get out do that then okay excuse me mr cat this is your eviction notice you have 60 days to leave the premises excuse excuse me get a job you bum yo what was that well i i did i did the thing but he didn't really seem like he cared look no i wanted him out today well legally he has 60 days to leave i mean if you want him out earlier than that you're gonna have to call a better exterminator oh god i'll call another exterminator so what's your plan now cody well i still don't know why my machine didn't work so i've been trying to fix it have you tried throwing it on the ground no i don't want to break it have you tried throwing it down the stairs no that'll break the machine have you tried throwing out the window no junior i don't want to break it well isn't it already broken said to turn kid into a cat instead of a human yeah i guess you're right it couldn't hurt to try yeah let's go try it all right cody throw that thing down the stairs okay all right cody now spike it i really don't want to break it spark it okay all right i wonder if it's fixed you should try it out on joseph yes what no junior we don't know if it works well if it's broken jose will turn into a cat but if it's fixed joseph will stay the same because he's a human come on dude please are you sure joseph yes i always wanted to be a cat and i can get away with it when i poop on the playground and cover it with sand i used to get caught but now if i'm a cat i can get away with it okay stand back junior all right joseph get ready cheetos no no no no this doesn't make any sense at all why would ken turn into a cat and then joseph turned into cheetos well we did throw your machine around no no that doesn't make any sense wait a minute ken turned into an orange cat and joseph turned into an orange snack they're both orange yeah yeah you might be on to something there junior let me write this down all right cody i made this venn diagram to find out what they both have in common so can turn into a cat and joseph turned into cheetos and the only thing they have in common is they're both orange so what does that mean cody look the mascot of cheetos isn't orange cat oh my god you're right he's a cheetah and is orange and cheetos are orange what else is orange basketballs yeah yeah and who plays basketball lebron james lebron james yeah and he makes bright cranberry commercials yeah sprite is owned by coca-cola which is a rival of pepsi pepsi yeah and pepsi is blue yeah and we used a blue marker and blue is the complementary color to orange okay okay and pepsi own cheetos okay all right so what restaurants serve pepsi hmm applebee's kfc taco bell taco bell tacoma what is taco bell serve uh mexican food uh doritos tacos doritos doritos doritos are found in the pantry to the battery all right let's see if jose's in here joseph what's up dude how'd you get here uh i just poofed in here and uh i've been eating your pop tarts i'm sorry dude so wait a minute that means your machine cody it doesn't turn people into stuff it makes them swap places with things so joseph and the cheetos just swap places yeah and ken's not really a cat he just swapped places with a cat joseph stopped touching my pop-tarts i'm sorry dude they're my pop tarts hungry okay so then where's ken i don't know but we have to make sure nothing happens to that cat if the owner comes looking for the cat maybe we can swap him for ken yeah let's do that all right where's the cat oh hello oh hello you called a chicken exterminator no i call the cat exterminator that's what i said chicken look whatever the cat is in my kitchen i need you to get them out what color is the chicken it's orange mmm orange chicken my favorite so colorful yeah so delicious i'll have him out as quick as you could say well that was too fast hold on let me go get him come on okay so what's your plan so i have chicken food underneath the box and when the chicken go up underneath there i'm gonna pull the string and it's gonna trap him underneath the box well i have been traveling then okay call me chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken oh gotcha oh i got away i'm so close well that didn't work well i still have a few more ideas off my shrief hey chef pee pee have you seen an orange wait what jacket you doing here he's here to exterminate then orange cat oh you can't start making the orange cat that that orange cat belongs to cody yeah yeah look i don't care who it belongs to that cat ate my pizza so you owe me a whole pizza and someone owes me something on chicken okay okay everybody just calm down for a second yeah you guys cannot exterminate the orange cat because cody's great great great great great great great grandfather gave him that cat junior that cat would be over 100 years old it's a very old cat look i don't care if it belongs to jesus and jesus gave it to him look if that cat's not out of my house i'm gonna exterminate him personally okay cody uh let's look at the cat all right junior there's the cat okay here's the plan we're gonna run up and grab them put them in the cage and keep them safe okay okay you're going to run up and grab them put them in the cage and keep them safe and i'm going to answer the door okay got it come here kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty hello oh my god roy roy is it true that you went to a super bowl and you had to pay for anything that old story yeah it's true did you really walk on the field you didn't have to pay a single dime nope not even for a drink nope oh roy you're so cool please make me get hard like you sorry you can't get hard you gotta be born hard oh mr roy did you go to the super bowl this year no but last year i went to the super bowl didn't have to pay for his thing oh troy roy roy roy what are you doing here well i found this stupid doll in my litter box and uh i just came here looking for my cat because i know your friend likes to play with this stupid oh my god joseph roy's cat's been in my house this whole time do we even play with roy's cat roy's cat dude your cat is here so uh we'll just go get it for you do you need a new cat i'll be your cat uh no i'm more of a dog guy like my parents own a dog shampoo place oh my god oh my god he's so cool that doesn't even make sense wait wait can you shampoo me because i haven't baked in like three weeks uh no i'm good i just want my cats okay roy so yeah just give me give me take that yeah okay he just touched again and i just got killed oh you touched the same thing [Applause] anything for free uh let's go get a cat okay cody cody cody did you get the cat yeah he's in this cage hey cody here's kid thanks let go of him no let it go over smell one more smell oh you guys being so weird cody you will not believe who had ken this whole time roy get home hey hey stop being selfish dude you're licking all the roy's turns off [Music] is anybody gonna bring me my cat my chicken quesadilla is finished and it smells delicious uh hello junior i am so screwed what's wrong richard well my dad is at his massage appointment and he told me to stay in my room because i was grounded because i ran up a hundred thousand dollars on the credit card buying v bucks for fortnight so i'm in my room and i'm like hmm what would be a good idea i'm gonna go joyriding in my dad's brand new car and i wrecked it junior i ran into a tree he ran into a tree yeah and i need you to come look at the damage and tell me if you think my dad's gonna notice okay all right all right junior i'm not even gonna show you where the dent is i just want to see if you notice it okay so uh do you see it is it right there damn it that noticeable huh yeah i mean it's really big well the only thing that i got going for me right now is that my dad is old so maybe his eyesight isn't as good as ours yeah yeah we're young so that's why we notice it oh darn it i just remembered my dad got lasik twice why did it twice well the first time he got it he was dating his wife and he thought that she was ugly so he thought his eyes were bad so he went and got lasik so then he still thought that his wife was ugly so he got lasik again and then he just realized that she was just ugly and so he divorced her so she ended up being my mom so oh what does bmw mean oh bmw stands for big mexican women which is what i'm trying to pick up with my bmw here and take them back to my la hacienda you know i like my women how i like my tacos full of sour cream well how'd you hit a tree well let me tell you junior i was driving along picture this driving along clear road and all of a sudden boom tree and i hit it and it ran off the tree ran off yeah and so i think we should follow a police report saying that it was a hit and run because the tree ran off and i didn't even get his insurance information that's a good idea because if it's the tree's fault then your dad will get mad at you exactly let's call the police hey there somebody call the cops oh big mexican women right nice all right why'd you call me so there's a den on my car and i'm not going to show you where it is i just want to see if you notice it well yeah i can see it it's right there damn it they're noticeable huh i mean yeah it's pretty obvious did you get lasik recently no it's just a big old den what happened well this is what happened officer picture this i was driving my dad's car and all of a sudden a tree jumped down the middle of the road and i hit it and then he ran off and i didn't collect his insurance information okay okay wait wait wait hold on i have several questions first off how old are you 12. okay you should not have been driving a car you don't have your driver's license actually i'm 16. huh actually you know now that i think about it you are 16. you do have a driver's license congratulations thank you so what happened so i was driving along a tree jumped out in the middle of the road and i hit it and it ran off well trees don't usually just jump out into the road like that well this one did was it groot from like from guardians of the galaxy no yes actually yes it was him let's go arrest him he did it well he's not actually on this planet as far as i know so i don't think that was him but you know i am a mechanic so i could probably take care of that for you okay that'd be great all right let me go get my overalls on he could probably fix it yeah all right i'm back is that a toilet plunger no this is the suck-o-matic 5000 it has 5 000 pounds of suckage this thing could suck anything i'd leave my wife for this thing would talk less well could it get the den out i can't it get the den out of course it'll get the den out it's gonna look good as new just check this out here we go here we go i'm feeling it oh here it is like i can feel it it's coming it's coming oh okay that didn't work so are you saying that i'm screwed no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no a hammer what's that gonna do hold on let me explain what are you doing see now you can tell your dad some guy hit it with a hammer not a tree what are you gonna do now richard i don't know junior because i can't call the cops because he is a cop well if you look at the dent it is a little bit better and now he gave you a better excuse you can say that um somebody hit your car with a hammer but i'm not supposed to be over here junior because my dad grounded me and i'm supposed to be in my room hmm what can i do oh i can blame my butler chives what really yeah i'm gonna call him over here you called sir yes chives look what you did to my dad's car bad chives bad i'm gonna rub your nose in it you've been a bad child but i didn't do this sir well that's what we're gonna tell my dad well but shouldn't you be in your room because you're grounded and shouldn't you be washing dishes or doing whatever butlers do i was until you called sir well chives we're gonna call my dad and tell him that you wrecked his car and this is the story chives you drug me out of my room even though i was grounded and you promised me to take me to mcdonald's and you slammed this car into a tree because you're a drunk and in the mcdonald's drive-thru some crazy maniac came up with a hammer and started hitting the car well what would i get for telling your father this uh you get to keep your job but wouldn't i lose my job when your father found out what i did to his car no he's just gonna give you a spanking like he always does so come inside we're gonna call my dad all right chives call my dad do i absolutely have to sir do it very well it's ringing [Music] nothing can ruin this day hold on rafiki what are they doing no actually not hard enough but my bowler chives is calling and he knows that it's massage day so it must be an emergency hold on what do you want chives you know it's massage day well sir it seems due to unforeseen circumstances there may have been a small issue with something spit it out chives you're interrupting my massage something happened to your car what with your chives the bmw oh no no anything but that not my big mexican woman car what happened chives what happened to it uh um my eye yes what happened to my car chives it's not that hard of a question don't you text me donkey mouth anyway chives if you don't tell me what happened to my car i'm gonna stick my fingers in this candle oh well sir what i'm a stupid smelly drunk i grabbed richard and put him in the bmw and ran into a tree then we went to mcdonald's and a crazy man hit it with the hammer you what that is it chives i can't believe this i'm sticking my hand in this candle please don't sir that hurts so good choice i'm coming to you right now so you can kiss my booboo okay no ew donkey mouth did he believe it i don't know dang it chives you didn't sound believable ow my eye who's at the door go check and see if it's my dad okay yeah your dad's here what do we do go answer the door and try to stall see if he notices the dent okay uh hello where are they well they're upstairs but we want to look at the car real quick i'll ask you something all right so richard doesn't want me to show you where the den is he wants to see if you can see it with your own eyes so on the count of three i want you to point out the damage one two three right here all of this all of this oh and don't forget down here too what we didn't even notice that yeah well good thing i got lasik twice oh well okay come inside now all right here they are all right chives no was everything that you told me on the phone true now think about it chives because if you lie to me then i'm going to pack you up in a little crate and ship you to madagascar where you're going to be dancing with little lemurs to the song i like to move it move it now tell me chives do you like to move it move it no sir so what happened i i i uh oh no i'm having a heart attack don't you pull that fake heart attack crap with me chives you tried doing that last week so what happened dad everything he told you is true okay and you're gonna stick with that yep now let me tell you i do have a dash cam it's a little camera on the windshield that records everything so does anyone want to change their story uh i think you're telling the truth okay junior all right dad listen this is what happened so i was sitting in my room grounded like you told me i was and chives came in with the bmw key and he threw it at me and said hey you should go joyriding while your dad's getting a massage i was like but i'm grounded but chives insisted dad so i was driving along and i hid a tree and then i brought it straight back to junior's house to try to fix it so i wouldn't get in trouble for what chives told me to do and that's when that's when this crazy guy came and hit the car with a hammer and you'll see that on your dash cam i thought he'd actually tell the truth that is it charged get ready for your spankings shall i get the paddle sir actually i think i'm going to use my lucky tennis racket very good sir but charles you didn't do anything that's okay this is just my life no i'm not going to sit back and let this happen mr goodman sir richard's lying what are you doing junior i'm telling the truth for you so chives didn't do anything so charlie should give me spankings richard lied and richard deserves the spankings richard is this true oh yeah dad i can't believe you richard chives get the paddle very good sir i'm gonna teach your little heinie a lesson all right crafts today we have a crafts pet it's a goldfish and i named him crab cake hero crab cake oh it's so little it's so cute wait wait you like little things like are you impressed by little things i'm talking about the fish soulcrass you're probably wondering why we got a crash pet in the first place well as to teach you all responsibility so each week one of you is going to get to take the fish home and if the fish dies while you have it then you're automatically expelled so who wants to take the fish home first me me me i want it i who should i pick me louder than you okay stop creaming stop creaming i'm tired of you creaming right in my ear it's like you guys come up to my ear cream right in it but since junior and panetta pete both want to take crab cake home we're gonna let crab cake decide so junior and penelope come on up here let crab cake decide he's a fish you're just mac he's gonna choose me no he's gonna pick me because i'm pretty all right whoever crab cake swims towards gets to take them home so go come here crab cake come here cracking swim towards me with me trigger me like he chose me he chose me well good junior you good to take him home first yes what's wrong penelope don't talk to me are you mad because the fish chose me and not you you're gonna kill it oh thank you i think i'm gonna kill it too i think i do a good job taking care of this fish no kill it and they will be dead oh oh oh yeah well we'll just see how dead it is when i when i when i kill it no i meant like kill it and then take care of it kill it like you did a good job like i killed it guys you ready to come over to my house and watch me kill it like not like kill it like take care of it yeah dude i got the class pet i got the class pit that's nothing to brag about junior if he dies you get expelled he's not gonna die cody because i'm gonna kill it stop saying it like that i'm saying i'm gonna kill it like i'm gonna do a good job well you shouldn't say it like that now joseph do you wanna take care of a fish oh yeah dude it's easy all you have to do is feed them like once a month like once a month once a month yeah look if he gets thirsty he has all this water he could drink yeah look at all this water junior i don't think you're gonna take care of this fish right okay cody since you're so worried you want me to feed him right now we can feed him pizza he can't eat pizza junior why not because fish don't eat pizza yes they do in that spongebob episode that one fish ordered a crusty crab pizza that was spongebob it was a cartoon but i like pizza so he should like pizza junior he can't eat pizza okay how about we call penelope and ask her what fish eat i don't think penelope's gonna help us because you took the fish from her look look i'm gonna use my smooth voice and then she's gonna come fast all right guys it's ringing what i didn't say anything i meant like what why are you calling me oh well penelope that's not my name it's penelope whatever pennsylvania i was just thinking about what happened earlier today and i wanted to call and say i got the class pit i got the class pit how mature why are you wasting your time calling me i want to know if you want to come over and help me take care of the fish me help you but i thought you were so amazing you could do it on your own well i am i can do it on my own i'm so amazing i'm the best fish taker care ever ever i just want to see if you want to come over and see a master of someone who takes care of fish i'm hanging up no no no no wait wait penelope i'll be honest dude you don't come over and save this fish it's probably gonna die oh fine but only for you cody yeah all right guys i'm gonna brush my teeth she's not gonna kiss you maybe i should use toothpaste she's here hey baby ew i'm so glad you decided to come over i brushed my teeth for you oh do you even floss no disgusting where's the fish it smells like it could be nearby i meant crab cake upstairs oh all right baby here's the fish hey cody oh hey look a fish what are you doing he's doing fish stuff look at that what do you guys need my help with well cody says the fish doesn't eat it's gonna die that's true so we don't know what to feed it fish food what's that i knew you would be unprepared so i brought some you brought some baby see look we're meant for each other you're always prepared i'm always unprepared you complete me no cody completes me yeah all right joseph since you've had a fish before i think you should be the one to feed it okay no problem dude joseph what are you doing what that's how i feed my fish dude i give them all the food all at once once a month so i won't have to feed them again you're only supposed to give them a little bit yeah yeah now the bowl's all dirty we have to clean the bowl we have to clean the bowl all right who wants to grab the fish i'm not touching that what are you looking at me for it i want you to grab the fish grab it like with my hands yeah i'm not a bear junior i can't just grab fish just grab it cody what am i supposed to put it in once i grab it uh this cup what you know i don't want to do this this is disgusting cody baby it'd be so manly if you grab that you're backing up the wrong tree come on cody please grab it oh okay i'll grab it you you you it's a wiggly junior put him in the cupboard cody did you just drop the fist off it yeah you killed him you killed him no no no no no no he's not dead look he's in there we can get him out he's still alive just did you go sit over there we don't need someone screaming right now all right cody we have to call a plumber yeah i'm going to throw up look over there don't stop in the sink we're coming fishy how to call a plumber hey there somebody call a plumber yes mr plumber please please ms diploma was my father you can just call me plummer okay plumber all right so what's the problem well we were cleaning out my fish's bowl and we accidentally dropped the fish down the sink oh that's no good but don't worry all drains lead to the ocean finding nemo taught us that one but that that's actually the garbage disposal yeah nemo doesn't want to go in there he's going to end up with a whole bunch of more bad fins well can you get my fish out i should be able to let me just take a look see if i can see them oh man it's dark down there i can't see anything you mind if i turn on a few more lights yeah you can alright this should help i just whip this on what's wrong it's just give me a second what's wrong yeah well you know you have done one of those like three thousand piece jigsaw puzzles yeah etsy fishy he's dead yeah i guess no no no no you you really don't want to see that but he's dead yeah well i'm gonna expel from school now i didn't know that maybe you told me that i'd be more careful what am i gonna do i i think the the the best thing to do would to be what is that hold on i think i hear my phone ringing what i don't hear anything yeah no that's definitely my phone i left it out in the car i should i should go answer that in my car hey oh no what am i gonna do oh cody pineapple cody do you think the fish is gonna be okay we call the plumber he'll get him out it's fine that's the fish junior he's been better where's the fish junior uh what part of him what do you mean what part uh he's in about 35 pieces why what happened the plumber turned the garbage bottle on what awesome dude oh my god you killed him i'm talking to teacher you're gonna get expelled no no no no you're not guys gotta get her get her got it get in there all right stop screaming my dad's gonna hear you okay joseph you're gonna stay here and you're gonna guard the door okay okay i got you dude come on cody all right cody if the teacher finds out i killed the fish well you killed the fish me yeah because you dropped in the garbage disposal and then the plumber turned it on so you're like secondhand killing it we all we all did it yeah we well you mostly you but anyway if the teacher finds out that the fish got killed i'm gonna get expelled well well you could always try replacing that fish with another one you're right cody that's genius i have some in my pantry wait what right here jimmy that's a goldfish cracker don't call me that okay call you what you said that's a goldfish cracker no i said it's a goldfish cracker because that's what it is just don't just don't call me that word what would you call it i would call it the snack that smiles back goldfish okay so that's not gonna work no junior you're gonna have to do better than that go get a real fish from a pet store okay all right cody i got a new goldfish junior this fish is huge it's the only one the pet store had but the last one was so tiny how are you gonna explain to the teacher that it grew twice its size well maybe it's the grinch what because you know the grinch's heart grew twice its size junior this fish didn't steal the last can of hoo hash at least it's a fish and i'm not gonna get expelled over your stupid shaky slippery hands aren't you used to grabbing like weird wiggly things yeah so then why'd you drop the fish i don't know it's just all slippery and slimy okay look we're gonna take this to school and the teacher's gonna believe we'll just say that we fed him a lot of food and i don't know this is stupid look we're gonna work it out we're gonna work it out okay oh man guys i'm so nervous i don't wanna get expelled dude you're not gonna get expelled you left for the fish and you came back with a fish that's all that matters but this fish is twice as big as the last one oh sorry crass i'm raped it's raining cats and dogs outside so if you're hungry go outside and catch you some food anyway let's get started for today uh where's penelope uh uh uh she's sick oh okay all right junior i'm gonna come check out crab cake and make sure you still arrive oh here oh crab cake you're a huge crab cake junior what have you been feeding crab cake actual crab cakes uh yeah yeah he loves his crab cakes he eats cheeseburgers and he eats steaks see he's on the seafood diet if he sees it he eats it kind of like cody's mom she eats everything that's in front of her oh well i'm sorry crass but we no longer have a crashed pet because i'm going to turn him into some sushi how did you get out cody yeah take her back to the closet okay come on you what was that oh uh that was penelope you know she stayed home sick from school today and she came to school to see what the homework was for tonight because she's a nerd and she really loves doing homework so cody went to go show her what the homework was oh okay so does that mean i'm not expelled no you passed you brought me dinner for tonight you get a pros yeah come on crunch oh man i can't wait to eat this pink frosted sprinkle donut oh it looks so delicious and it's so fresh wait hmm okay okay oh i think it's time oh yes hey chef pee pee what are you doing in here uh wondering what you're doing why are you out of your room uh what were you gonna do this donut oh i was about to eat it until you interrupted me why are you taking your clothes off because i eat my donuts naked you don't eat your throat that's naked no hey everybody look at this weird kid he doesn't eat his donut naked he he uses donuts with clothes on weirdo chef people you're weird wait no i'm not look just answer the door okay and take about 30 seconds to two minutes depending on if i can think of margot robbie oh yeah hello ups i got a package for you i need you to sign for it okay hey don't drop my pen that's my favorite pen i'm sorry do you know how many lavender pens there are not that many i'm sorry yeah you better be sorry you know who almost touched that pen who eddie murphy eddie murphy yeah eddie murphy you know the voice of donkey from shrek see i was at a basketball game this one time and then i saw eddie murphy there and i saw him get up to go to the bathroom so i followed him into the bathroom and then i started peeing at the urinal next to him and then i looked over and i said hey eddie murphy can i get your autograph and he said no we're in a bathroom but he almost did it he could have done it i'm sorry yeah yeah okay so you just go ahead and sign just be honored that i'm letting you use my eddie pee pen that's your signature yeah what it's crappy i hope you have a famous and you have to sign something in a bathroom like eddie murphy almost did oh here's your pen back oh come on i just got through telling you how expensive that pen is here take it disrespect anymore i didn't order a package i wonder what this is oh my god an ipad this is so crazy why would somebody send me a free ipad i didn't order one there's no way i could afford one of these oh maybe i want a contest i have no idea but somebody really loves me i'm gonna call my friends hey jenny what's up yeah what's going on dude i want a contest i want an ipad dude an ipad oh that's like a thousand books junior what kind of contest did you win to win an ipad i don't know what do you mean you don't know a random package came to my door it had an ipad in it well then you didn't win a contest how do you know because you have to enter a contest to win a contest maybe i won the most not entered contest contest if you didn't enter a contest then how would they know who to send the ipad to they checked the database and they said ooh he's never entered a contest he wins dude i wish i never entered a contest right junior i don't think this package was meant for you how do you know well well junior look right here it says it's for somebody named olivier well that's my name my name's oliver dude when did you change your name to oliver yesterday no junior this is for somebody named oliver klosoff that's me i i identify as all of her clothes off no junior junior this wasn't even supposed to come here it's supposed to go to california we live in florida well i identify as the state that i live in as california and i i identify as oliver and if you say otherwise i'm offended and you're canceled yeah yeah he's 20 21 he can be whatever he wants cody yeah and mr potato head should not have a gender his name should be potato head or her name and also also i hate the pillsbury doughboy all the little girls can never grow up to be a pillsbury doughboy so we should change it to the pillsbury dough person yeah you tell them bro junior junior listen to me you open somebody else's mail that's a felony no no it was sent to my address and i had to sign for it so obviously they wanted me to have it no they don't want you to have it junior just put this back in the box and tell ups they made a mistake but i really want an ipad ooh how about we do the seven second rule i wait seven seconds if they don't come back i get to keep it junior no that's a rule for food that you drop on the ground not not packages you're not supposed to receive well the seven second rules for food and this is an apple product apple's a food junior okay you know what fine you have fun playing angry birds and candy crush or whatever but i'm not helping what who's that it's probably ups telling you that they made a mistake oh no it's not i bet it's apple sending me more free stuff because apple likes me hello are you here to give me more free ipads no no no no listen i made a big mistake what is it giving you my eddie murphy pee pen because you scuffed it when you dropped it on the ground and then i made another mistake after that see that package i gave you wasn't for you it's for somebody else so i need it back uh what package oh don't you do this to me the package that i just gave you a minute ago i need it back um you didn't leave a package here yes i did look look look this is your signature right here you signed for it remember crappy signature oh no no i don't know okay come on look if you don't give me that package back i could lose my job take that l i'm not going to take that l get wrecked i'm not going to get wrecked stop using your xbox terminology i just really need that package back listen i don't know what package you're talking about so just take that l get wrecked whatever you got to do but you didn't leave a package here so leave kid okay all right all right listen listen do you know who that package was meant for who is this kid okay and he's really sick he was born with no legs and one arm okay he has no lungs he has to breathe through a machine his life is terrible okay the one thing he wanted before he died was that ipad because he only has a few days left to live so he just wants to have a few days to entertain himself before he dies so please give that ipad back you'd be doing a lot for someone who doesn't have a lot sucks to suck you i mean that story was made up but you are heartless okay listen here i'm gonna come back with my cop outfit and i'm gonna go in there and i'm gonna get that package myself yeah good luck come back with a warrant guys guys we need to hide this ipad who wants to take it back to their house for a few days who was at the door junior uh the ups guy and what did he say he said we have to get the package back i told you junior you received somebody else's package your mom received someone else's package yes i know my mom cheats on my dad a lot but we're not talking about that right now look i don't want to get his ipad back because i already accepted in my mind that i have an ipad junior it's not too late if you just put it back in the box we can pretend this never happened or or what or we can open it and play video games oh dude i like that let's do it yeah no junior whoa you opened it cody look how angry these birds are yeah i see them junior they're very angry birds almost as angry as the cops are gonna be when they find out what you did cody if the cops show up i just won't answer the door fine have fun in jail cody i'm gonna backhand you don't backhand me junior daddy who's that it's probably the cops oh well i'm not gonna answer it more angry birds hello what do you want you know i was busy right okay sorry uh why why are you naked can a man enjoy his donut in peace wait you like to eat donuts naked too wait you do too yeah do you have any more donuts no oh well then i'll just put my clothes back on then i i do need to search your house though look search or do whatever you need to i got some business to handle okay awesome dude i smell bacon but bacon yeah i smell pigs the cops oh yeah dude the angry birds hate pigs and we hate them too oh why are the cops doing here they're trying to take my ipad cody hide the ipad where cut anywhere i don't know just to hide it okay all right kid where is it where's what the warrant you're supposed to have i have a warrant show me it's in the car go get it i i can't get it cause somebody stole my car i'll go after them i can't go after them cause i don't have a car anymore use my dad's car well i'm not insured to drive other people's cars you don't have a warrant i don't okay you're right the judge said it was stupid and he wouldn't give it to me but i'm still a cop you gotta do what i say get out of my house i didn't give you the right to search my house give me the right to help say what what ha you just gave me the right to switch your house darn it yeah it's an old cop trick we use it to poop in people's cars so like we pull them over and we say hey can i poop in your car and they say no i'm going to let you do that then i said give me the right to poop in the car say what and then they say what then they take a big old stinky poop right in the driver's seat of their car so they gotta sit in on the right home and make them watch while i do it i love being a cop uh well no longer have the right to search my house say what nice try you can't kid a kid a kid well peter piper picked a pail of pickled peppers no no that's all wrong it's peter piper picked a pekka pickled peppers a peck yeah peck is like a collection of peppers pickled or otherwise well i like picked a pail of pickled peppers i mean you could pick a pail of pickled peppers but it's picked a peck of pickled peppers oh well anyway even if you search my house you're not gonna find anything because i already shipped the package back to the guy wait really yeah the guy was originally supposed to go to i shipped the package to that guy so you have to worry about it hmm okay then pinky promise oh what pinky promised that you sent the package back to the guy oh dude you can't lie on pinky promise yeah if you lie about a pinky promise go straight to hell that's in the bible thou shalt not lieth on the pinky promise corinthians 4 15. i know joseph pinky promise don't do it dude don't do it dude i can't do it i knew it you know we sent people to the electric chair that way i know look how about this if you don't find the ipad in two minutes i get to keep it okay deal damn it why am i so competitive okay okay the time starts now [Music] you're never gonna find it i hope cody hit it somewhere good you better dude oh baby you were the best donut i ever had but you know what to do clean yourself up and call it uber uh where do i put it where do i put it oh it doesn't okay that's taken care of but hey a is anybody gonna eat this donut i'll take it where is the version of everything there where are you there it is no no no i can't even have two minutes i had [Applause] oh no which one do i choose the ipad or the eddie murphy p pen yeah yes yes no the ipad darn it all right kid how's the ipad i'm afraid to look well flip it over oh yeah that thing's done oh it's broken well this should be a lesson to you for trying to steal mr klosof's ipad i mean he'll get another one because he had package insurance if he had insurance why don't you just let me keep it because you needed to be taught a lesson that it's wrong to steal people's packages oh i really want to play angry birds too i love having an ipad well it's too bad about the ipad junior but i just ate a really delicious donut it had a hair in it though a hair yeah spring break all right crafts now i know pre-break starts tomorrow and you all can't wait to go to the beach and look at girls with big brooms heck yeah what about the dudes am i right well no more rules for you instead you each get 500 pages of homework so your brain doesn't get foggy while you want print break are you kidding me homework during spring break 500 pages of homework yay i don't wanna hear it crass stop complaining you can't bribe me with your good looks teacher i'm out of here homework during spring break this isn't fair it's supposed to be vacation what's wrong junior it's just homework learning is powering yeah all right junior there's your homework i really have to do every single page yes because if you don't you fail this is gonna be the worst spring break ever come on junior it's not going to be that bad okay i'll do it myself here we go again [Music] worst spring break ever hey junior how about we put all of our homework into paper shredder heck yeah let's shred the stupid ugly homework hey cody you want to shred your homework no you guys are going to fail you actually like doing homework yeah i'm already done you finished that quick try to nickel for every time i heard that one but yeah it was easy well can i copy your answers yeah sure i don't even want to do that it's going to take forever i can't believe the teacher gave us homework during spring break i know junior i hate our teacher i wish i could call them the stupidest meanest names ever and not get in trouble yeah i wish i could send a long text message and call a bunch of names and then not get in trouble well you can always just write up a mean angry text and then not send it to him what's the point not sending it you won't see it well you would type out all the stuff you want to say to him you know just to get all that anger out of your system and then just delete it before you send it oh so it's like it's like i sent it to him but i didn't really send it to him yeah exactly oh i want to do that already on it junior oh what are you saying all right so far i got dear jackie chu it's jeffy you are a poo poo head i wish you were not our teacher anymore you suck at teaching and you smell like a dirty bathroom oh to tell him i think he's ugly or he sucks or something okay i have junior also hates you too yeah yeah yeah tell him to tell him cody hates him too wait wait but that's not actually accurate well we're not actually sending it so so what's the meanest thing what's the meanest thing you can say about the teacher i guess you're right uh tell me stinky yeah yes stinky yes say stinky tell him that he's stinky i want him to know that he's stinky are you gonna write that write down how stinky he is i want him to know that i think he's stinky say that those exact words that he's stinky okay cody also thinks you're stinking yeah i do okay okay what else what else you're saying oh i also have you're ugly stupid and dumb yeah you have a phd in sucking oh yeah i like that i like that let me let me read it let me read it all should put f homework uh jeffy more why is the text blue i don't even know did he send that text i think he said it he said it cody did jeffy you can't send that chance you're gonna get suspended yeah why why would you send it i don't know i didn't mean to oh my god we have to stop the teacher before you see that text junior i i can't get suspended i've never been suspended in my entire life we're not gonna get suspended because the teacher's not gonna see this tux we're gonna break it into the teacher's house and we're gonna start we're gonna grab his phone and we're not gonna let him see okay junior what are the odds that he hasn't read it yet well it says it's delivered it hasn't read it yet so let's go to his house and just hope he doesn't read it yet okay okay let's go guys let's go all right guys we're at the teacher's house all we have to do is go inside the house grab his phone and delete the tux before he ever sees it well how do we know if he's even home well if he's not home we'll just wait in the closet until he goes to sleep and grab his phone okay but how do we get in the house we just go in but it's probably going to be locked junior people don't walk their doors of course they do people it's unlocked see cody okay maybe this will be easy all right jeffy just just open the door and don't touch anything don't break anything okay let's go [Music] that was sick what just happened i don't know why did you get all these dominoes lined up i don't know do you think that's kids i don't know junior do you think he's home well apparently not because they didn't come running when a thousand dominoes just fell over let's see where it went to yeah let's go follow him okay uh cody it leads to this what the if this paper is wet someone broke in junior this is his security system his security system yeah it's like some kind of weird chinese trap for burglars what's it do well i think whenever he comes home when he sees all his dominoes fell down his paper's wet he's gonna know someone broke in what do we do i don't know junior he's clearly a lunatic i mean what does he do set this up every time he leaves the house i think we should just leave cody if we leave then we're gonna get suspended and you can't get suspended so this is what we're gonna do we're gonna reset up the dominoes remake a piece of paper that says that and refill up a couple of brown liquid he'll never know that someone came in his house but junior that's going to take forever he'll be home by the time we're done the more talking you do the more time you can be setting up dominoes dominoes yeah all right jeffy you're going to fill the cup brown liquid all right i do have to go to the bathroom show i'll be right back okay and i'm gonna i'm gonna remake this piece of paper almost done hey cody this good hold on junior i just have a few more of these i have to do okay you know what forget it i'm not doing this i'm done we'll check this code is this good it's fine wait what do you forget the e in someone no doesn't you look no i see there's an e at the end but you forget the second e there's no second e yes there is there's supposed to be an e right in the middle no it's someone there's only one e no there's an e in the middle after some that's what makes it someone and not simone well i'm not redoing it and i'm not redoing the dominoes well let's go check out jeffy all right jeffy do you have your brown liquid sure do that's a brown salad that's a poop you just pooped in a cup yeah it was supposed to be a liquid oh well we can put water in there and then put it in the blender no no this whole plant sucks we should just leave and get suspended cody we are not getting suspended we put too much time and effort in this plan well how do we even know he hasn't seen the text yet well he hasn't called us or replied so you would think if he saw it he'd be mad what are we gonna do junior well here's what we're gonna do we're gonna clean up the dominoes and we're gonna make it look like that he thinks that he didn't set up the security system before he left you don't spend as long as i just spent setting up downloads and forget you did it all right look this is what we do we have to have a chance so we're gonna clean up the dominoes and we're gonna make him think he forgot to set up a security system fine [Music] all right cody we cleaned up all the dominoes yeah junior i don't think this is gonna work it's gonna work cody he's gonna think he forgot to set up his security system he's not just gonna think he forgot it takes a really long time to do something like that cody you're worried about nothing do you know he's here he's here we have to hide what the did i forget to set up my security system again guess so see cody it worked all right time to cook dinner now where's my dinner run off to uh dinner do you know where are you oh there you are come here dinner all right well it looks like i'm having rice and egg rolls for dinner but first i need to sing the egg roll song to praise the egg roll gods i reckon the egg roll i reckon the egg roll in my mouth in my mouth yummy yummy egg roll yummy yummy egg roll in my mouth in my mouth now let's enjoy some egg rolls junior he's eating and he left his phone in the kitchen counter we should go grab it guys i found this fortune cookie i'm gonna eat it did you make a lot of noise shut down shut up oh that was close too close sorry guys ah you're not getting that fortune cookie all right cody i think you should go get the phone but me why because it was your idea to send that text message i didn't say send it but it was your idea to type it in the first place so you go get the phone [Music] fine [Music] all right guys i got the phone you got it yeah let's go let's go all right cody delete the text okay and done it's deleted yeah okay let's just put the phone back and he'll never notice okay no you've got to be kidding me i didn't even have time to do this you broke it into my house cause the paper's wet which means you break into my house i know no we're not breaking in we were walking outside and we found your phone on the ground and we wanted to return it to you oh thank you so do you do this every time yup i set it up every single time i shut the door it's my security system oh okay i'll see you later wait just a minute do you kids mind helping me set my security system back up oh yeah so guys what do you want to do today dude i just got this new yellow ball shut up no you didn't joseph dude i'm telling the truth i just got it you don't have to lie to us joseph yeah you have to lie so you got something cool if you didn't get it bro i promise it's right here whoa no it's so cool right where'd you get it from i got it from the dollar store how much did it cost well if you got it from the dollar store it clearly cost a dollar actually cody i got it for free how'd you get it for free i got that five finger discount but we only have four fingers well four finger discount that's so cool we should go play catch outside oh let's do it dude well i actually heard it's supposed to rain tonight no it's not okay i'm just telling you what i heard i heard that on the news you heard it on the news yeah okay well we're not gonna let a little rain ruin our day so let's go outside play catch but it's still dark like we won't be able to see who we're throwing the ball to oh wow wow i can't believe you he went there yeah he went there wow not what i meant oh this is so you're saying that you don't want to play catch because it's dark and we won't know who we're throwing the ball to i can't believe him but i wouldn't be able to see you either wow okay we'll play catch inside with the lights on is that fine yeah actually they'd be like what if i want to turn the lights off well it would still be better than being outside if we turn the lights off who wouldn't be able to see i mean it'd be pretty dark it really wouldn't be you know what say it no no haven't we just haven't we just checked the weather see if it's raining okay okay if it's not raining then you'll cancel but now [Music] breaking news okay there's a crazy lunatic on the loose named cody he's a killer who eats fingers and eyeballs he has had over 20 victims so far if you have seen him please call 9-1-1 immediately what did you see the news yeah the guy's crazy george if it's him dude that has to be here it looks just like that that's him bro we're just sitting next to a murderer i don't know what if he kills us oh man i hope he doesn't kill me what are you guys saying over there nothing no no we're not talking about you not at all yeah no we're not talking about how you look just like the guy wait wait you guys don't think that that's me on tv no no no yeah not you you don't look anything like him it's not like i have the same glasses or you both have the same name or the same shirt nope well i mean guys come on look i mean there's a lot of people in the world named cody and he doesn't even spell it the same he has a k in his name and like this is a very popular shirt plenty of people have it and a lot of people have glasses too you know it's not guys 9-1-1 what's your emergency please please don't that crazy cootie murder guys at my what are you sure it's him it's him it's definitely him all right we're on our way hey the cops on their way that's them hello all right where is he he's upstairs okay you boys better stand back you're lucky he hasn't already strangled you and eating your fingers already he's really dangerous all right hold on dispatch i'm gonna need some backup i have a feeling he's not gonna go quietly who are you talking to i'm talking to dispatch where's your walkie-talkie well i have it it's where is it it's okay i don't have a walkie-talkie okay i just like to pretend i'm cool and talk to dispatch go go go go get them okay i will just dispatch i'm gonna go get em huh i wonder where they went get on the ground now you're under arrest what's going on oh this one's a fighter i wish my backup was here oh sorry i'm late mate dispatch just called me but but how i didn't even have a walkie-talkie telepathically mate ah all right tackle this kick stop resisting arrested oh come on let's take him to the car thank you officers for getting that scum off the street oh he's so dangerous dude can you believe our friend cody was a lunatic this whole time i know i never thought he was that crazy and did you see the way he resisted the rest of those officers yeah dude if i would have did that that would have been a whole hashtag yeah yeah yeah who's out of the door i don't know dude what if you escape the cops let me answer it okay uh hello no no no it's okay we goofed yeah sorry mate we made a mistake what do you mean you goofed well uh he's not really the crazy lunatic he just kind of looks like him oh so i made a mistake junior i'm gonna kill you what was that i did not sorry sorry sorry wrong choice of words junior i'm upset with you but he looks he looks like the crazy lunatic though yeah i know kind of but the crazy lunatic has sharp teeth and no hair i mean they're both ugly as sin but that's not a crime oh well i'm sorry cody for getting you mixed up you just look just like him whatever junior will you call us if you see the real crazy lunatic let's go uh who's at the door dude it was just cody oh no he brainwashed junior i gotta do something about this hello 911 that crazy lunatic is back at the house yes it's him i know it's him sorry cody for getting you arrested it's fine junior just don't let it happen again get on the ground get on the ground joseph what'd you do cody was sitting right next to you did you see him joe said it's not really him cody's not the crazy little they just look exactly the same oh how silly hold on i'll answer it hello we goofed again yeah we made another mistake junior why do you keep calling the cops on me i didn't call the cops on you this time joseph did he doesn't know you're not the crazy lunatic well tell him that yeah and make sure you don't call us again unless you really know it's him yeah please because i'm getting hurt come on quick look we'll go tell joseph you're not the crazy lunatic all right joseph cody's back no one won that crazy little ticks in my house again no no no no no no no cody's not the lunatic wait are you sure dude cody tell them i'm not a lunatic joseph it's me cody no no no put the phone down 9-1-1 joseph stop calling the police yeah you're going to keep calling the cops you should just go home fine i don't want to get murdered anyway all right cody let's go ask chef pee pee to make something to eat so we can just forget about this whole you getting a rested thing all right fine hey chef pee pee can you make me and cody something to eat yeah sure what do you want oh my god it's cody the crazy lunatic from the news hey cody what do you want to eat no i don't know french fries or cheese sticks you want cheese sticks or french fries okay okay i can fix that [Laughter] of course you would want that cheese sticks and french fries because he's a lunatic it reminds me of fingers he wants to eat fingers uh sure sure i can make that for you how about you uh go over there and sit at the table while i call the cops i mean i mean fit your food come on cody okay oh i got a stall all right the food will be out in a minute guys just stay right here especially you cody don't move is chef pee pee acting weird to you no he always acts like that hello 9-1-1 yes that crazy lord said cody he's here at my house yes i'm sure it's him he's in the kitchen please don't hurry all right guys here's the food bon appetit get on the ground get on the ground no resistance get that criminal cover chef pee pee he's not the crazy lunatic what do you mean he looks just like him i know but it's not him he just looks like him oh hold on hello this is getting embarrassing sorry mate junior this is getting ridiculous no one else is going to call the cops on you because everyone knows you're not the lunatic yeah how about this how about we just don't answer to any more calls from this address yeah i like that idea i like that idea all right let's go oh okay how about this how about we just don't we don't stay here we go to a restaurant and get a nice sandwich so we have to be here okay okay that sounds like a good idea let's go welcome to footlong bangers where we put a foot long in your mouth what do you want what do you want cody ah i have oh my god is that cody [Music] so resistant oh hello hey i don't know why you decided to leave the house this is the one place you knew we weren't gonna arrest him i know but i didn't think anybody else did i think he was the one that can call the cops yeah well look i think he should probably just avoid going out in public for a little while at least until we catch the actual lunatic okay officers come on cody come inside junior i think it'd probably be better if i just go home i'm tired of getting tackled and put in handcuffs unless it's ken doing it okay i'll see you later cody okay at least i'll be safe at home tyrone i have a question what is it baby and make it quick you know i don't like all that talking why do you cheat on me so much look baby it gives me time to miss you let me explain when i'm with another chick and she starts to talk too much i just think about you and i'm like man i should go back to my wife right now it's so sweet tyrone hey yeah you know me baby hey mom and dad is that conan lunatic from the nose somebody call the cat get on the ground now hello what again i thought we told you to let him stay here he got arrested at his own house yeah his parents thought he was the lunatic and they called us look just keep him here this time okay junior i'm not safe anywhere oh look you're gonna stay with me upstairs no one's gonna call the cops come on so cody what do you want to do stay in this room forever because i'm tired of being arrested oh i got an idea cody what if we put a disguise on you and then people won't recognize the jew what like a goofy glasses and nose and mustache no no no better than that better than that huh well cody look it's the best disguise no one's gonna notice it's you well at least i don't look ridiculous look i'm gonna prove it to you chef pee pee get in here oh what do you want junior who's that is that crazy little dick in the skies the 911 that crazy lunatics in the house he's under the sky no no no no no no stop resisting you [Laughter] i'll get it wait who's that hello okay now i'm getting mad well you said you were gonna respond to any more calls with address yeah but when we get a call that he was in a disguise that was really suspicious you know especially because we said not to leave the house well we just want to go out in public with them with a disguise okay okay fine i'll tell you what how about we just don't respond to any more calls from this house tonight no matter what no matter what no matter what all right let's go come on cody yeah sorry cody for the disguise idea junior i'm just gonna sit right here and i'm not gonna move until they catch the lunatic oh say that again i'm not gonna move until they catch the lunatic say those last three words again catch the lunatic we should catch the lunatic junior the police haven't even caught the lunatic what are we gonna do well if we catch the lunatic then no one's gonna think you're the lunatic because olynyk will be in jail junior how are we gonna catch a lunatic well to catch a lunatic you gotta think like a lunatic and the cops aren't thinking like a lunatic so let's think about it the lunatic likes to eat eyeballs and shrek eats eyeballs in the movie he says he squeezes the eyeballs and uses jelly on toast okay i don't really see where you're going with this well if we can get an eyeball and put it by the front door then he'll come find it and then we'll capture him junior where are we going to get an eyeball hmm oh i got an idea in this bag of gross stretchy body part toys okay but junior i don't think the lunatic is just going door to door looking for eyeballs to eat like halloween candy look it's worth a shot cody do you want to stay in this room forever no okay let's go put this eyeball by the front door and if we catch them we call the cops all right cody there's the eyeball so now he's gonna wait for him to come and we're gonna jump on him jenny this seems dangerous no we're gonna clear your name okay come on is that a yummy eyeball i smell ooh yummy eyeball give me yum yum yum yum come on please answer please answer 9-1-1 what's your emergency oh yes officer we have the crazy lunatic stuck in the closet right now no no no no no no we've done this too many times tonight wait a minute it's true we really have him this time no no it's what you said last time we told you we're not coming over there anymore no no one more time just one more time i promise it's the real crazy lunatic no no no i'm not falling for it bye what they say junior they said they're not coming but there's been too many bad calls that aren't real what what do we do now okay how about some of this how about we invite him to dinner and then we call the cops at dinner so they arrive at dinner junior you want to invite a serial killer to dinner yeah okay all right open the door right now okay how about this all right you go to dinner with us and then we call the cops wait wait i'm not telling i'm not playing yeah hold on hold on hold on you go to dinner with us and you eat the waitresses eyeballs up there at the restaurant yummy eyeballs yeah okay okay so you'll come with us yeah okay okay come welcome on footlong bangers where we put a foot long in your mouth what you want what do you want lunatic all the cops are coming you got the wrong guy you got the wrong guy we got the wrong guy but we also got the right guy see look how similar they look anybody can make that mistake well you got the right guy yeah yeah we were driving back we just found a munching on a guy's face so we grabbed him okay well at least cody's free come on cody yeah well cody how's it feel to be a free man now feels pretty good junior tired of being in handcuffs anyway let's check the weather and see if it was going to rain all right let's do it [Music] breaking news okay a crazy lunatic named junior is on the loose if you see this man please call 9-1-1 immediately whoa that guy's crazy what 9-1-1 all right crafts today you're going to come up here and say your abc's in front of the crass what say our abc's that's so easy yeah i know right i know it seems easy but i just want to see if any of the students in the class are stupid because if you're stupid and you don't know how to say your abcs then you need to get out of my classroom well i'm definitely going to get an a on this who doesn't know their abcs yeah you gotta be stupid not to know your abc's now who should go first hmm oh boy you come up here and say your abc's in front of the crass what me yes you bori do you not know your abcs are you stupid what what no no of course i know my abc's i know those then use your two rigs and walk up to the board and say your abc's you're so stupid okay i'm coming geez all right say your abc's okay yeah yeah i got this okay here we go junior you forgot your lunchbox only available at hey you sit down and stop interrupting my crafts oh i'm not a student i'm just here to draw this lunch box off sit down okay thank god all right julia i brought you your lunch box thanks chef pee pee okay so what's going on here oh we have to say our abc's in front of the class oh that's easy i know right okay bori say your abc's yeah yeah okay it's just him busting it in the class like that really distracted me so i forgot okay okay um a okay uh hey don't cheat uh oh hey what's that over there where [Applause] oh my god look at this idiot he doesn't know his abcs oh i can't believe this is your parents stupid oh you don't even have half of a brain cell if you don't know your abcs oh my god this brain is basically a fork a little fight hey hey you better shut your mouth before i shut it for you okay dummy go back to your desk and tonight for your homework you have to learn your abcs and then we'll try this again tomorrow hey tell him to stop laughing at me he can laugh at you because you're stupid and you don't know your abc's hey dummy [Laughter] hey hey if you keep laughing at me i'm going to knock you out you knock me out you can barely visit your abc's i thought you could knock me out okay okay you know what i'm gonna come to your house later and then we're gonna fight there so i don't get in trouble at school you wanna fight me you're not going to come to my house you believe that junior all right i'll see you later okay i'm not even going to go back to my chest i'm just going to go home you're going to fight the bully no i'm not going fight a dummy he's not even gonna show up junior right i think he's gonna show up no no he's not all right crafts crash is over everyone gotta get ready for the fight tonight at junior's house you're gonna be a good one make sure you bring some popcorn and uh i got money on bori [Music] hey chef pee pee are you ready for your fight tonight junior there's not going to be a fight okay look the kid was just mad it was in the moment he's probably playing fortnite or something whatever kids do these days i'm pretty sure he thinks there's gonna be a fight tonight there's not going to be a fight junior what that might be him at the door no it's not he's probably the the pizza man or something did you order pizza no but i'm gonna see who it is hello hey junior we're here for the fight yeah you're gonna be a good one i wanna see blood i brought flamin hot popcorn cause i'm flaming and i'm hot uh well i'm not sure there's gonna be a fight tonight uh there's gonna be a fight yeah there better be a fight because i already bought tickets tickets yeah they're selling tickets um okay just come wait in the living room i guess okay oh chef pee pee there's a crowd at the door waiting for the fight tonight well they're going to be disappointed because it's not going to be a fight tonight the kid's not going to show up well what if the kid does show up well i'm gonna you don't want any action i've got that action it's me they don't want to smoke with pee pee uh what if i tell him it's not him he doesn't even know where we live well let me go see oh it's not his oh god please don't let it be him hello hey i'm here for the fight oh well are you sure you still want to fight oh yeah definitely i'm going to break his face oh well there's already a crowd here waiting for the fight oh good good i want people to see what i do to him which which doesn't break his face oh okay so you're that mad still oh yeah yeah okay come inside uh chef pee pee bullies at the door oh jesus oh no i mean his funeral if you wanna die today he can someone get the casket ready for that kid wait wait did he ask you for me to cancel the fight no he's gonna break your face no not my face not my beautiful face oh no i'm just kidding uh he's not even gonna touch me junior i'm gonna knock him out with one hit you're knocking out yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah knock him out chef pee pee oh oh dang julia what i just remembered i can't fight him while you're scared no no i'm not scared look uh i just promised my dead mom yeah yeah i would never fight again what you promised your dead mom you'd never fight again on her deathbed i said your mom's calling wait wait she oh she is oh it's a miracle thank you so thank you jesus my mama's alive so that means you can fight uh yeah junior yeah okay come to the living room we can watch the fight god mom why can't you be dead oh i don't want the come on fight i don't want to fight all right guys are you ready to fight oh yeah i'm ready to fight this dork we got a dork in the building he don't want no smoke oh i got hands for you boy i got hands for you i'm gonna break your face you wish you could break my face these hands gonna be too fast they're gonna be too fast you know what let me talk to you real quick real quick all right look i don't wanna fight you come on look i'm a real nice guy i i'm i could cook for you on my shelf you know what no no no no stop trying to back out of the fight we're gonna fight nobody's backing out no fight all right look i've been wanting to fight you nobody's backing out i'ma backhand you that's what i said yeah yeah though i am trying to back out the fight i'm backing out right now i want to make this clear i don't want to fight you at all okay okay no no we're gonna fight no no i know we're gonna fight oh i just wanna fight you right now i'm done talking i'm done talking i'm just fighting with my hands i'm gonna let my hands do the talking yeah yeah yeah all right i really i really don't wanna fight okay okay please please we can go out and eat it no no we're gonna fight that's what's gonna happen i'm ready to fight i'm pulling my hand back i'm pulling my hand back but oh first first i need to go to the bathroom because i can't fight on a full bladder all right guys chef will be right back has to use the bathroom oh god oh god i don't want to fight him oh no what am i going to do you know what i'ma call him i'm gonna call him and tell him i'm sick that's what i'm gonna do he doesn't want to fight a sick person hold on i'm getting a call hello uh hey buddy it's me chef pee pee look look i'm throwing up everywhere i'm sick you don't want to fight a sick person right how about we um just we go out for dinner on me how about that buddy listen chef pee pee we're not canceling the fight we're gonna fight tonight oh you boy you took the words out of my mouth oh i'm ready to fight ooh i'm coming out with my hands swinging put me on the speaker i want my friends to hear this look i'm coming out with my head swinging i'm ready to fight my hands faster than bullets you better be ready son bruh you hear me i bro you ready for this smoke bruh this man right here calling me in the bathroom trying to cancel the fight no no actually you called me oh wow wow wow can you believe this this guy wanna lie lie in front of all my friends oh i got my knuckles ready i'm ready for the smoke you wanna know why they call me the shelf cause i give you what you ordered and i heard you ordered a knuckle sandwich but you know what you know what i'm gonna give you one last chance to cancel all right if you don't want to fight you better say something now no i want to fight you you just said the words all right all right get ready get ready who could that be i wonder who could it who could it be oh hello hey it's a cop oh thank god you're here you just saved my life yeah i heard there was a fight going on here yes yes hurry up come inside okay oh wow guys some coward called the cops so it looks like we're not going to fight tonight well i'm not here to break up the fight i'm here to watch what yeah yeah i bought tickets from some guy outside you you can't let me fight a third grader sure i can if i bought tickets i can i'm gonna go get some popcorn yay the fight is on fight fight fight oh no all right chef pee pee stop trying to back out of the fight calling the cops didn't work what what me call the cops because i'm afraid to fight you a third grader no i wouldn't call the cops come on i'm ready to fight okay let's fight then all right all right stop yapping let's get the clapping who what you gonna do punk what you gonna do huh you ain't gonna do nothing morning sleepyhead what what happened you got knocked out by a third grader oh did i win the fight no no you got knocked out by a third grader like we said well did i at least punch him nope he dropped you in one punch well i would like to press charges because he assaulted me yeah you can't actually do that see it was a paid fight like for television what the television yeah it was on pay-per-view the whole world saw it so everybody knows i'm a win yeah yeah they were taking bets in vegas and literally no one lost oh chef if you don't cry because you're a wimp julia be straight with me how many people saw it saw what you get punched by a third grader yes the whole world millions it's all the news you want to see no i don't want to see it look i just don't want people to think i'm a wussy whip baby everyone thinks that it has 10 million views on youtube come on chef pee pee look you can fight him again no i can't fight him again you saw how he fights he's obviously a professional fighter no he sucker punched you it was only one punch he hit you when you weren't looking you're right junior he did sucker punch me i wasn't looking because i would have caught him slipping yeah left and then the right so all you do is hit him back and win and then people will think he's a wussy went baby you're thinking today oh yeah yeah i gotta catch them slipping that's what i'm gonna do all right class we all saw the fight yesterday and bori won so there's no need to talk about it i might not know my abcs but the only letter i need to know is that w because i won how that feel payback who's the tab who's sir you're under arrest for knocking out a third grader oh yeah i did yeah i did and i do it again too yep and that's exactly why we're gonna go put you in a nice padded room come on so guys what do you want to do today oh hold on guys i'm getting a phone call who could be calling cody he doesn't have friends i know right hello really oh my god what's wrong cody my parents just died in a car accident oh no oh cody i'm so sorry what can we do for you april fools that was a good one cody oh man he had me yeah you really got us cody yeah but you guys i have a secret to tell you what i drink my own blood you drink your own blood yeah i think i'm a vampire all i want to do is drink blood what judge is a vampire oh my god april fours it's a fruit punch bottle oh thank god yeah for a second there i thought it was actually blood oh it is blood it's just in a fruit punch bottle oh oh hey cody yeah there's something i've always been want to tell you yeah i love you and i really want to kiss you on that big pebble-filled mouth of yours really yeah can you can you just please do me a favor and kiss me one time okay all right let's kiss um i don't want to kiss your ugly face he fell for it dude yeah okay all right so um all right guys i think that's enough april fool's jokes for today okay so can we let's just watch tv yeah okay um where's darren where is the remote uh cody can you get it it's behind the couch oh okay i don't see it april [Applause] why'd you think it was behind the couch dude that was just kind of annoying okay can you actually grab the remote for me though where is it it's on the floor right there i dropped it okay junior i don't see it hey bro [Applause] come on oh okay there's seriously can you grab the remote it's between the cushions is it really yeah look i just can't reach it can you grab it for me okay better be under here junior it's not hey he's such a dumb idiot you know what junior i'm not looking for the remote anymore joseph can you grab the remote for me okay where is it dude it's behind that pillow okay [Applause] can you just stop it oh okay seriously seriously it's in the it's in the bathroom by the sink no no i'm not looking for it joseph's in the bathroom by the sink okay i get it uh dude i don't see it here [Applause] okay okay i'll go i'll go get her all right guys i got the remote guys the remote's dead really try it okay junior works fine junior lying and hitting people are not april fool's pranks yeah they are let's just watch the news breaking news okay nasa has an urgent message right now let's go to the press conference hey there it's me a guy from nasa so uh we have some pretty scary news uh it seems that there's a meteor that is going to come to earth and in the next 10 minutes it's going to kill everybody in the world so uh we apologize for the short notice what the world that they don't know oh there's so many things i haven't done yet like milk a cow milk a cow yeah that was the one thing you wanted to do yeah everybody wants to milk a cow who doesn't we can call cody's mom over so he can do it real quick oh yeah well i'll never be able to hear junior apologize for all the jokes he's made about my mom because they're not jokes it's the truth your mom's fat i'll never get to see your mom lose weight april fool's come on you didn't really think we were going to get killed by a media right like would i be this cop come on you guys are dumb even nasa is doing april fool's jokes i want to do an april fool's joke on chef pee pee yeah dude we got to do a good one on him ooh i got an idea let's shoot him in the eye with this nerf toy oh that's a good idea dude all right wow junior that's not really a prank that's that's just a song it's gonna be funny i'm gonna shoot him in the eye and he's gonna go out i'm blind i'm gonna say april fools well how about we do a less painful prank like this whoopee cushion a whoopee cushion yeah when he sits on it it'll go and it'll sound like he farted what are we five oh i just thought it'd be funny well what are we five years old little baby one of you just whoopee cushion oh little baby cody like that little baby cody wanna you make a little fart joke oh look a little baby cody wants to do this silly little whoopee cushion with a baby like that with little baby cody like you stupid little fart whoopee cushion oh yeah oh come on baby cody come on baby go go go grab your stupid whoopee cushion grab your little baby whoopee because just go prank champion with your little fart stupid dumb whoopee cushioned baby toy okay jeez all right guys there's chef pee pee all right little little baby how you can get him to sit on your little poopy cushion you know junior i'm kind of not wanting to do this anymore what you don't want to do anymore what's wrong with the little baby you want to make a little poopy joke well you keep calling me a little baby and it makes me not want to do it because your prank is a stupid idea and how are you going to get myself on the whoopee cushion i don't know i got an idea come on all right little baby cody chef peepee takes naps here all the time so when he takes a nap he's gonna lay on it's gonna fart you're gonna laugh at your little five-year-old fart joke well how are you gonna get him to lay down well i'm gonna pretend to be my dad until he can go on break and then when he comes to lay down on his break and you're gonna laugh at his little stupid joke okay all right okay there's chef pee pee cleaning i just gotta sound like my dad hey uh chef pee pee uh you can go on break you've got a lot of hard work lately what a break oh my god i never get breaks okay thanks boss okay guys let's watch every single cushion oh man i am so tired i can't wait to take a nap wait what a whoopee cushion i can't believe junior actually thought i would fall for that i'm not stupid oh it's april fool's day i totally forgot you know what i'ma play a joke on him i'm gonna make him think i actually died i'm gonna sit on the whoopee cushion and uh uh yeah he's gonna think i had a heart attack i'm a genius oh man i am so tired i can't wait to sit on this couch you know what i hope there's not a whoopee cushion on here oh my god oh my god oh i'm dying i think i just had a heart attack at all oh no chef pee pee had a heart attack with like a heart attack this is no time for jokes cody your joke killed chef pee pee well i didn't think the whippy cushion would kill him maybe that's why people don't use whoopie kisses anymore because they're deadly you wanted to shoot him in the eye it would have just blinded him dude you had to be selfish yeah would you rather be blind or dead hmm well i don't know actually what do we do with chef pee pee i think we should call him a doctor no we can't call a doctor because me you and especially joseph are gonna go to jail yeah it's true that's the ties we're living in yeah cody why'd you have to kill chef pee pee i didn't want to kill chef phoebe besides you're the one who put the whoopee cushion there but it was your evil mastermind murder plan that did it i didn't do anything so i'm out of here dude yeah be safe joseph he can't get caught he'll go to jail definitely okay so what do we do chef pee pee i think we bury him bury him yeah we bury him in the backyard as deep as we can so no one ever finds him really yeah junior if we get caught we're going to jail and my loose butt will last in prison it will oh yeah it'll last for a long time and as much as i'd enjoy it i'm claustrophobic and i don't want to live in a cell do you think there's fortnite in jail probably not junior otherwise everybody be doing crimes yeah okay so let's go grab a box and berry should have to be in the backyard okay chef pee pee's in a box now a shoe box it's the only box i have he looks so peaceful i miss chef pee pee yeah he's burning macaroni and cheese in heaven now are you sure he's in heaven what do you mean he might be in hell but really why he was a really bad person he liked to push old ladies downstairs oh my god that's terrible i never did that what did he hear that april fool's he didn't do that oh thank god i thought chef peepee was a bad person there for a second chef peepee's not a bad person he just didn't know how to cook oh yeah he sucked at cooking terrible awful the worst food i've ever tasted if he makes food for god he's going to go to hell yeah anyway let's go bury chef pee pee in the backyard in the backyard like like a hamster yeah like like a hamster all right cody let's go bury chef pee pee well we need a shovel junior oh i got a shovel come on oh man they're about to start burying me as soon as they start throwing dirt on me i'm gonna bust out of this box and they're gonna think i'm a zombie it's gonna be hilarious all right cody the shovel's in here wait wait wait junior what we should duct tape the box clothes why well because we don't want bugs to eat chef pee pee's gorgeous body you're right if we don't get the box shut then bugs will be able to eat them and eat his brains yeah yeah you don't want that all right so grab some duct tape while i grab the shovel okay all right cody start taping the box out yeah jenny i'm really glad we decided to listen to loud rock music in these headphones it really distracts from how tragic this whole thing is yeah start taping okay wait what's that noise are they tipping the box yet guys let me out of my life i'm alive let me out yeah this song reacts yeah you're shaking the box a lot cody i'm sorry it's shaking a lot all right i think it's good junior all right let's go bury him okay okay there's chef pee pee in the ground yeah this is what he would have wanted all right start bearing him cody got it okay oh poor chef pee pee how sweet guys this is a buddy stop hearing me alive guys this isn't funny this isn't funny stop burying me please please please stop stop it right now all right get outta hold him oh poor chef pee pee do you have anything nice to say about him ah yeah okay uh let's see uh he uh he he could burn water i'll give him that yeah yeah he had a nice butt i guess yeah he did yeah he did um chef pee pee you were my chef for a lot of years you helped me grow up to be the man that i'm gonna be one day probably gonna go to prison yeah i love you chef pee pee [Laughter] oh cody i miss chef pee pee yeah i'll never forgive you for killing my chef oh i'm sorry he died from a fart i mean he would have died just as easily from being shot in the eye who's at the door i don't know i'm going to answer the door hello hey hey hey kid it's okay cups aren't scary where are your friends okay what are you doing here oh it's chef pee pee home why why should happy well why are you asking for him well i found his wallet and i want to return it though i can give it to him just give it to me i'll give it to him no no legally it has to be me that returns it why why i live with him he trusts me i can give it to him well but you might steal it so it's got to be no i'm not going to steal it that chef peepee loves me and and i know all things about him so if you just give me the wall i can give it to him no no that's fine just where is he where should he be yeah uh he's underground working he's working underground he works on the underground railroad the underground railroad yeah in new york city on the subway he works on those railroad tracks well okay well that's not what that is so just give me the wallet and i'll give it to him when he gets back hold on something weird's going on here chef pee pee he's a chef not a train conductor this this is kind of strange maybe i should come in and have a look around no no no no okay look i'll tell you what's going on chef pee pee was murdered what really yeah but my friend cody and he's trying to cover it up here's what happened uh cody wanted to do an april fool's joke on him and he put a whoopee cushion on the couch and chevy sat on it and it farted so loud chef if he had a heart attack and then we buried his body in a shoebox in the backyard oh okay i see what's going on here it's an april fool's prank very good no it's not april fool's joke it's real it really happened chef's dead i can take his body right now yeah yeah of course he can well that was pretty good ken i almost fell for that but next time make the death a little less ridiculous because dying from a heart attack after you sit on a whoopee cushion that's that's not believable it really happened though his body's in the backyard right now okay okay okay you're taking the joke too far so just forget it but but you know i gotta tell you i was actually gonna pull a prank on chef pee pee because this isn't even his wallet this is my wallet i was gonna give it to him and say april fools that's not really your wallet yeah anyway good one so uh have a good night that's not a joke it's real i'm trying to admit to a crime oh who's at the door junior oh the cops the cops huh you didn't snitch on me did you because if you did i'll kill you no no no i didn't tell him anything lying you told him i killed chef pee pee well i i i don't know what to say who's that i don't know but i'm coming with you in case it's the cop so i can tell them my side of the story oh don't bring that don't bring it don't bring the toy right yeah they don't think it's real hello i am going to kill you ah chef zombie i'm not a zombie i was playing a prank on you to make you think i was dead and you decided to bury me in the backyard well it's so is it april fool's prank yes it was an april fool's prank that was a pretty good one yeah it's pretty good yes oh i'm going to kill you [Music]
Channel: SML NetWork
Views: 498,657
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: SML, marathon, supermariologan;
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 163min 25sec (9805 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 05 2021
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