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what is going on YouTube hope you guys are doing fantastic today today we're going to be taking a look at farming and we're just gonna try to just analyze it as much as possible there is a lot of specifics that people have about how to farm better I'm going to take this big idea known as farming and try to break it down as easily as possible across every role across every point of the game and just try to make it as easily digestible as possible so that you guys can improve in your farming so there are five rolls in Smite solo jungle mid support and ADC they all farm the same type of way except the jungler the jungler is more focused in the jungle I'm gonna start with solo Lane and just talk about how you're gonna be farming where you're going to be farming and then just ways to kind of optimize Farm the three-timer solo Landers should be the most aware of are the blue Buffs the cooldown buff and then the mid camps on their side of the map the back camps are kind of more for the jungler's farm that's farm that junglers are going to get a lot of the times or the mid laners obviously if nobody's done it for the past six minutes grab it on your way and that's like a big thing is people don't want to just take the farm because oh that's the jungler's farmer that's the midlanders farm if they're leaving Farm on the map for this long up you can go take that especially if your jungler's still not even on that side of the map go take it this is my big Google sheet that I have a lot of information in and this is the timers page these timers are for map objectives they are for be dangerous buff timers are two and a half minutes and back camps are two minutes so if you drop your blue buff at two minutes your blue buff will be up at four and a half minutes if the enemy drops their buff at 2 30 it will be respawning at five minutes so that is two timers you'll know you'll know your buff spawns at 4 30 and their bus bonds at five minutes the cooldown and shield buff spawns at one and a half minutes so this is the most consistent Farm you have on your side of the map if you drop it at four minutes It'll be up at five and a half there's a timer you need to know you need to understand it you need to be there you need to be ready to do it other than that a lot of soul laners don't like to do and it's a big thing that I've seen haddocks do in the SPL a lot is say we're on the order side you're farming this way a big thing that hadx will do is when he sees this is spawning if he knows his team can fight here you actually wrap around over top fire giant to look for a fight over top on this mid camp and he will be the one engaging on this fight to force a fight on an actual objective in the early game the best way to force fights are on small objectives like Buffs red Buffs purple Buffs green Buffs blue Buffs any of those you can force fights on or the mid camps and the back camps because that's when you know the enemy is required to be there or they're going to want to be there to farm better for themselves so a big tip for solo laners is try to clear a wave before rotating over or have your TP available for when you walk over so if you're going to be missing a wave you can TP back that's a big thing that again had X Solo or troll do in the SPL is they will rotate over so they will clear a wave they will back they will rotate over for a fight maybe look for a gold Fury or an invade or something keep their teleport up and then after this fight is over they'll teleport back or they'll reset and then teleport back so they miss as little farm as possible in the solo Lane and that is just something you can do as a soul laner soul lenders can do more things than others because they're allowed to go TP they can proxy proxying is pretty hard on this map but once you get to 10 15 minutes proxying is basically the same thing moving on to Jungle a big tip I have for junglers that I also have for supports split form when you look for a gank so if you go to seoulang you kill push this wave out with your soul laner and then go back to farming in the jungle don't just get the kill and then let your soul laner solo The Wave if you're getting him a kill or if you're getting the kill push that wave with him it's a little bit different if your soul winner is just floundering and he's super far behind and you get that kill he's still a little bit behind and you need to get him a little bit more Farm maybe you leave the farm for him but if he's even he's ahead you should be splitting that farm with him that's time that time that you're taking out of your farm to go help him that you should be splitting some of his farm also so then you're farming at the same time a big tip for junglers also on top of that one is make sure that you're farming the correct side of the map depending on how many Buffs are up on that side of the map if your right side has only back camps up and your left side has speed buff back camps mids are spawning the green Buffs up why go clear out this one back Camp when there's four Buffs or four camps over here and one is contested that is gonna become available in no time go to the left side clear out this and then maybe around that time your right camps will be spawning or at least one of them will be spawning now for Mid laners I think this is the biggest difference between a good mid lane winner and a bad mid laner mid laners will Farm the jungle if their jungler is looking to gank a lane the most respawning camps are the mid camps and that's where the mid laners will be mid laners should be trying to do these camps as they are spawning same with the back camps if your jungler's not going to be there you should be taking those back camps if your jungler is pulling the red in the speed buff you should be grouping these together and splitting them with him it might feel weird but mid laners should be splitting a lot of farm with the junglers because the mid lane is one of the most important roles when it comes to farming so feel free to take a little extra Farm your jungler should be relying more on ganks for farming don't proxy your jungler from Farm but split a speed buff with them split a red buff with them split back cam split Green Bus you should be power farming that is your role you want to get to late game your jungler is trying to put the enemy behind while getting himself ahead you're trying to just get yourself ahead now on top of that jungle thing where I said if you're ganking a lane or if you're helping Elaine take the wave do that as a support the biggest thing I have for supports is split Farm everywhere whenever you can the most efficient way to farm in the entire Smite game the entire Smite game is 50 50s putting everything on on the map why is that the most efficient way so if you two man split something you're splitting at 66 efficiency so two-thirds so if you have two rolls mid laner and jungle and they are both splitting one thing or that they're both soloing one thing you're getting it at 100 efficiency both of those things when you two man split two things those same two things you're getting both those things at 264 percent efficiency you see the math I did right here because I couldn't think of it off hand but yeah 66 efficiency for four things because there's four of you or there's two of you two times so you're getting an extra 60 Farm just from splitting stuff that way that's why support you should be splitting as much as you can because it is just the best way to be farming you shouldn't be soloing your green belt for soloing back camps you should be looking to split purple split wave try to invade the enemy purple try to steal the enemy back camps enemy green buff but you should never be foregoing your farm in favor of putting the enemy behind that's not just the way to play Smite anymore because Invaders curse isn't in the game anymore it's not a way that you can play somebody you can't play to just keep the enemy behind and then you just not farming either so my thing first support is you should be splitting one wave everywhere for the entire game if you miss one two three here there because you're making a play on the map sure fine for all intents and purposes you should be thinking what wave am I going to be splitting here so waves coming out here at six minutes waves coming up here at six minutes six minutes and then there's another one at 6 30 in every lane if I'm playing here and I know this purple buff is spawning I want to be here for six minutes invade the purple buff at 6 15 and then I'm gonna be going back to Soul Lane for 6 30 and then maybe heading mid for the seven minute map or the seven minute midwave and then maybe contesting a mid-camp or something like that just same thing if you go to Solo in if I'm playing for the 715 solo blue buff I'm gonna be here for seven go here for 7 15 and then split this wave at 7 30 and then rotate out lastly for ADC I think a big thing for ADC is this back Camp is nearly considered the ADC camp or support Camp whatever you want to call it it's it's for the this Duo side of the map the jungler will take it if it's there but as a dual Lane this is something that you should be grabbing with this purple buff a lot of the time you should also have this buff on absolute cool down absolute lockdown so what's the timer on it cool down to Shield up a minute and a half mids are one minute backs are two minutes Buffs are 230. so this right here these These are four camps that you can be contesting at least every minute you can rotate to this wave hits here at seven minutes you can rotate here around 710 rotate back 7 30 you'll be back for your next wave your boss spawns every two and a half minutes it's on your waist for two minutes so you know you have 30 seconds when the purple buff drops off of either your waist or the enemy waste for their buff to be spawning simple things like that and just understanding stuff like that really helps your farming but there it is a little general guide to farming I hope this helps you guys out I know a lot of you guys struggle with farming so a little video like this can go a long way hope you guys enjoyed the video hope you guys have all depressed today I'll see you guys again next time peace [Music] thank you [Music]
Channel: Inbowned
Views: 20,744
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: weak3n, samdadude, trellirelli, solodoublej, intersect, inters3ct, smite, smite season 10, support, smite support, dukesloth, incon, inbowned, farming, smite farming, smite how to farm, how to farm, how to farm in smite, smite farming guide, smite farming guide jungle, smite farming guide support, smite farming guide solo, smite farming guide mid, smite farming guide carry, smite conquest, conquest farming guide, how to farm in conquest, smite conquest guide, smite pro farming
Id: 3NBuBA929Is
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 1sec (481 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 21 2023
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