SEASON 10 INTRO TO CONQUEST! Starts, Totems, Recipes, AND MORE!

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yo what is going on today YouTube hope you guys are doing fantastic today's video is going to be a little bit more informational for you guys I've had a couple messages recently about people just not understanding the current season either they've played in previous seasons and they don't understand a lot of the new stuff in this season or they just haven't really touched Conquest as a whole so I just wanted to go back and go over a bunch of the new things that have been added in season 10 and just talk about it to give you guys some of that information so if you guys don't know about like totems recipes the new pyro runic bombs whatever it is we're just going to talk about about all of it and we're going to talk about the starts also so this is going to be for you guys a lot of you guys might already know this but yeah like it if you guys like this type of content little bit more informational so I played a bunch of ranked games over the past few days I'm just jumping into to all the games and just showing you guys all the starts this is the jungle start so you're seeing here this is on the chaos side of the map you're going to the duo side back or Duo side speed sorry and all you do is you solo it and then once you solo it you walk over and you split red buff now here is a little bit of a low-key thing if you are able to solo both of these small mid r or small red Camp Buffs not the big buff holder the two sides on it as the jungler you will hit level three off this second wave which is a little big sometimes though your mid laner clear so quickly that you just kind of have to drop it as quick as possible but if you do think you have like a half second in in mid in your clear and you can actually just kind of let the the jungler have it it's not a terrible idea to do so sometimes it doesn't work out but I figured I'd throw that in there cuz if you don't do that you will only be level two off of the second midwave after that you go over to the red buff as you can see I sold the too small so I'm going to be able to hit level three and then I walk mid after you walk mid you clear a wave and then after the wave you stand in mid for one more wave and then after one more wave you go to one of the mid camps whichever side you want that's the jungle start the support start is you start back camps and you pull the back camps right here with your ADC now your little thing for duo Lane is you want to kill this big green minion first the Big Green minion has an AOE heal around him that will heal all minions with him so if you don't hit this one you hit this side one this entire minion will be healing all the other ones let's say by I think it's like 25 or something flat damage every second so every time you don't kill this or every second you don't kill this guy all the ones around him are healing 25 health so you want to focus this big guy first and then after you kill this you go to the purple buff and you clear one wave it takes you one minion to hit level two one minion to hit level two which is a little bit of a spike so you see me immediately hit level two look to push do some damage and maybe this isn't the best game to do because we do just end up getting a kill which makes it look not as good but then you clear another wave at one minute so this is the second wave we're clearing and then you clear one more wave at a minute and a half and at a minute and a half this Shield Camp right here spawns and you can go and farm that that is the support start the ADC start is the exact same as the support start for the most part only thing is you are pulling the Green Camp because you are the ranged attacker and just to put it out there again if maybe you skip the support one cuz you're not a support hit this big green minion first cuz this heals all the other minions around it after green buff we go to purple buff after purple buff we go to wave we do three waves and on the third wave wave this Camp right here spawns and you can go into that obviously we're getting a gank here so we're looking for the kill but that is the ADC start for mid lane you start on the solo SP side Speed camp and you pull the Speed camp to The Backs with your solo laner and with your solo laner you clear these three minions so that little tip that I said if your if your jungler is getting here fast you want them to be able to solo the two small Reds unfortunately my jungler got here really slow and I don't want to give up a bunch of Lan pressure so I just walk right in then you do one wave at 30 seconds and then you do another wave at 1 minute if you don't have pressure you just take the side that they don't take so they go left and me and my jungler go to this right mid and that's the midline start for solo Lane it's very simple all you do is you pull blue Camp to your backs with the mid laner you do all these three camps together and as soon as you clear all these three together you will hit level two and you will go to Lane level two once you get to Lane you clear one wave and then on the next wave this totem will spot I'm obviously playing for pressure here you can do totem earlier but on 1 minute this totem spawns and then on the third wave after you clear this the cool down buff right to the side he hu spawns so 1 minute and a half 1 minute and a half for both of these camps that is the solo Lane start the next thing I want to talk on is the totems so when you spawn into the game your Buffs will have no totems here nothing will be here you'll just have your camps but throughout the game after this first back Camp dies from then on a totem color will spawn and you'll have to kill that totem to earn this totem here so after this we'll say a red totem spawns this red totem here will spawn and you can now have a red buff or red augment red buff and it's random but all these totems give you a different benefit this green one right here gives 7% Max Health this red buff right here gives 10% life steal this purple buff right here gives 10% attack speed the yellow one right there gives 5% not flat pen 5% pen and then this blue one right here is 10% cool down you can only have one at a time and if you have like let's say you're a jungler and you have a blue augment here and a purple augment here if you pick up the purple augment first and then go pick up the blue augmented speed you will only have the speed augment and then one last thing is you will never get the enemies augmented buff so if it's a red buff with a red augment you will only get the red buff part of it and it will overwrite your own buff so if you have a red buff red augment buff and you go over and you invade the enemy's red buff and you take their red buff no longer will your buff be red augmented you will only have just a regular red buff hopefully that wasn't too confusing but I want to make sure I get as much information out there lastly for the the recipes There is five different different recipes to have one for each roll golden gooseberries for ADC sturdy stew for support mid lane has Bountiful bow jungler has party punch and Sol laner has durable drum stick yes you can pick up a different recipe in a different role but just make sure your character can use your recipe for instance Gods like yoja cannot use Bountiful bow because she does not use Mana just make sure you know that if you know that you're good Gods like kma have no CC so you actually cannot get sturdy stew Stacks so just make sure you know that and you're good and the last last thing I want to talk about is the jungle monsters so gold Fury nothing's changed at 5 minutes the gold Fury will will spawn fire giant still the same 10 minutes fire will spawn at 30 minutes and enhanced fire will spawn which is just a stronger fire giant buff but it is tankier and then at 10 minutes after that 10minute mid Camp dies the next spawn here will be the pyromancer so it's around 10 minutes but it's not necessarily 10 minutes but yeah that's everything I got for you for the season 10 Conquest guide there's anything I missed anything you guys want me to point out or talk about or respond you in the comments comment it down below also if you have any tips for learning Conquest also drop that down below so we can all learn from each other cuz that's what we're here for we're a community we learn from each other we teach each other but I hope you guys enjoyed the video hope you guys have on a fresh to day I'll see you guys again next time [Music] peace
Channel: Inbowned
Views: 6,141
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: weak3n, samdadude, trellirelli, solodoublej, intersect, inters3ct, smite, smite season 10, support, smite support, dukesloth, incon, inbowned, how to play conquest, smite conquest guide, smite conquest, smite conquest start, conquest start, conquest start smite, how to start conquest, conquest guide, smite conquest tips, smite conquest tips and tricks, how to play conquest smite, how to play conquest in smite, pro conquest guide, smite totem, smite recipe, smite start, best smite guide
Id: LSoNv4iyZOg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 41sec (461 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 05 2023
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