HOW TO LANE IN SMITE! Laning Phase AND Early Game tutorial for SUPPORTS!

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what is going on YouTube hope you guys are doing fantastic today today we're gonna be talking about the laning phase we're going to be talking and looking at a video or a game that I had earlier in the week that the landing phase was just really good and a couple things were actually pretty bad from either me or my teammate or the enemy team that either we punished or got punished for just to give you guys some insight into stuff you can exploit stuff that is easy to do stuff that is difficult to do and then when to Prior certain things over other things I did a video in season nine as just a different time different period the gods have changed what you need to do is a little bit different so I figured I'd give you guys a little updated video I hope you guys enjoy it so starting in landing phase we decided to I think we maybe could have done three but I wasn't too sure with all of oodler's Nerfs with all of his nerves how quick he clears we cleared these pretty quickly and then he pops his Shard to get his abilities back I actually want to hold my Shard because of how good our clear actually was because now if I need to use it in laning Phase it just gives me the opportunity to and I actually did decide Too Short here just because I wanted to get my ability up to try to steal the enemy purple if you clear fast enough and a big way to look at it if you aren't too sure you need to get wet this game I don't know why I typed that a big way to decide or to see if they're still doing their buff is to look at the Gold if you're gold if you finished your purple buff and your gold is a lot higher than both of the enemies Duo Lanes gold that means that they haven't done their purple yet or they're doing a funky start but most of the time you can just decide that they they haven't finished their purple because of how fast our clear felt there was a feeling in this game I was like I'm gonna path aggressively see if I can walk to that purple and maybe get a steal off I was in the good uh yamo just dance to get the steel too because I can't remember what it's called but the stun one it has a hitbox on the side and then another one and then the one in the middle and it's a side side middle if you place it like right on top of the second one with a little bit in the third one you'll actually get a really quick damage damage off and you'll you'll get two hits of that damage which is just really strong it's good burst and it just does more damage so try to do that if you can we get that so now we're level two they are still level one and they're not gonna be level two for a while because we stole the big purple at this point we just want to push this wave get it under wanna poke them out try to bully them so they can't sit on Tower line I'm not even getting hit by autos and I'm hitting him even if he is hitting me at this point my minion wave is still here it'll be hitting him at this point we should be backing off because their wave is here and you don't want to fight into the enemies wave but this is still really good uler jumps in get some nice damage off and I think this was the first mistake I made I should just pop shell here for him to not die and by not die I mean just not take as much damage he doesn't end up dying I uh I hold shell it it's a little risky and I could have used shell if it's Med I think I'm using it there 100 because you want to be able to use Med multiple times but because it's shell I want to just hold it to make sure we're not getting ganked at the end it doesn't really matter because he doesn't end up dying I just need to make sure I'm modeling him and using my benevolence passive for him this is the upside of benevolence if your teammate is taking damage you're healing him and yourself which is the strength of its Sentinels is just yourself and just protections to yourself which is why I think Emoji is really good with benevolence your ADC you can kind of play like a wacko and he still just out trades The Shield Camp is up prop buff is up I'm trying to get pressure back here uh grouping wave hitting the entire wave hitting the enemy too I actually get a lot of damage off Artemis is taking a lot of damage they're stolen level two because of the invade we get the kill nice ax now we want to push this wave under and now we want to push this next wave because the next wave is coming and then we want to head to the shield camp we could have gone for shield Camp first but getting the Shield or getting this wave under just to make sure we get the gold and to put pressure onto them so they can't contest us mostly the fafnir can't contest us is I think just slightly better and I'm going to use another one here maybe not great I just want to get the wave cleared now fafnir's forced under Tower and again you see how I placed my one like that so it hits both the the the minion gets hit by both the second one and the big one and now we want to go get our purple get this off the map pull the back camps I actually opted not to do the back camps I think that is a mistake by me I think I did it because the timing felt off like we were gonna miss some of this wave if we did backs I guess we can see how close it would be yeah so I get it was a good play to just leave the backs let the Pele Farm them because we don't want to be missing waves on left side now this is just me playing for My Level 5 power Spike I don't want to show I want to maybe see if I can get them to bait up Artemis should be the target if I hit fafnir he's just gonna jump away I sniped him with the stun try to push him back into the entire uh wave hit him again with a few more abilities pop The Shard also just to spam a little bit more and you know get another stun to kind of finish it off so this is kind of us just punishing the the Artemis being ahead both of our kills have now been because we have the level lead we killed him at level two when we were three and then we killed him at level four when we were level five so just knowing that you can punish the enemy even if I'm taking a little bit of damage before the fight even starts it doesn't really matter it was just that one was just a nice night by me to get this done and then lead into my ALT so now we have a nice lead we actually have a big lead in this game we have about 2K gold now my next thing is I want to back and I want to get this prophetic cloak I want to become strong for this next part so I come out of Base I pin green because I want my Janus to do green and backs with me this is just something that you should get used to doing kind of especially if you're playing yumoja or Sylvanas like a god that can Auto attack the group Buffs really easily I just have a free grouping there now I'm gonna get these Wards out I think I go for Midway first because the Janus reset and I want to make sure that either I hold this or I get it myself and just good damage onto him I wanted to kind of slow them down to rotating to left so that my palette could get those and another sack on cloak now that Janus makes a good play here recognizes that this green buff is up he walks right towards it I double heal him just to make sure he doesn't take any poke and then I just keep playing up here I can bully out this Janice really has or sorry the susano really has no abilities so I'm not really too threatened he didn't give me a portal too it's just something about Janice portals it just you just have to take it I was so close to taking it just back into their green buff another Auto to get another cloak stack off now we want to look at the map right here we want to look at the map a good way in the early game to see what is up for the enemies is what's up for you so if all purples up usually it means they're purples up or they just didn't yellow's up it means yellow's coming up or it's already spawned Red's coming up soon Red's probably coming up usually you can give about 15 seconds each one of these pies equates to about 15 seconds so this one's up at about 15 this one's up at about 30. this one is up this one's up the mid camps do not follow that rule 15 seconds is just for the for these these ones end up being I think it's like eight seconds or something purple buff is up so now we have purple buff timer right here this is something I could mark down I could ping and chat something like that I like our fight kind of in mid and playing with our Janus just so I can rotate with him and I want to get these Stacks as quick as possible and a good way to do that is onto a low range character which is I mean it's Artemis but it's also a Vulcan make sure we're here for the mid camps rotating to left after this midwave using our pressure here to try to get as many mid camps as possible the best way to push your lead in this mid game when you have a lead like this is to go for mid-camps mid-camps are a good source of farm and it's farm that you're taking from them and you're getting yourself here I just want to use our pressure I don't mind taking a little bit of poke you'll always kind of see me taking a little bit of poke I usually find it to be fine if you're getting something out of it I also have a pot that's sitting in my pocket that I can kind of use whenever I did get another stack there I was thinking about ulting but it's just really hard to hit a a god like susano our Janice goes through with no Mana so I kind of have to kite him out heal him out here I had shell there also as a just in case we did get out traded a little bit there but we got the Vulcan beads that our Pele did which is really good recognized right mids are coming up I don't have to hit them right now take the stack though I just want to try to stop them from doing it and I see the Janus trance the Janus or sorry the fafnir transforming got a little bit damage onto myself use the three dash jump from my three so I don't get Knocked Up by Vulcan and it ends up being a little bit of a bait for me where they chased me a little bit too far that it had the damage to kill me and then Pele gets a nice cleanup it was a little ballsy because my Vulcan or my Janus is pretty useless but you rely on the Pele the Pele cleaned up and for some reason the Zhang rotates blinks in I hold for the animation on his two and then I shell it he ends up living He rotates for nothing and now if you look at the lead in Solo because of that rotation level 10 level 8 just use Blink this is a great game great spot we're into we're up almost 4 000 gold in eight minutes now we have to keep pushing our lead we have to start getting ready for objectives I'm a little low but there's really no pressure on me right now because the fafnir is also low I'm also a Healer so I have just slightly more efficiency on the map than the fafnir does but now I'm back I up cool down and it allows me to kind of push our lead a little bit more I also opted for Otis or Lotus over something else like sove or heart word because they're dive their entire comp is just dive Reliant so just getting protections onto my back liners is going to be very good so now I have prophetics Horrors Lotus is auras and I've got my twos yielding and shielding so I just got a lot of strength on the map right now and I want to try to use that good attempt at the Janus Knight make sure I'm still just autoing the enemy to get stacks on my prophetic and then I'm just kind of tracking this uh Susana a little bit another stack onto the susano I want to prioritize physical Gods a bit more at this point because you know I've got 13 magical Stacks three physical if you didn't know purple is magical physical is green I tried to push it under good save by the fafnir want to put a little bit of damage onto him just to make him you know not feel good for holding it I could have gone to left to split but I I I'm level nine right now and my Janus is level nine so I don't want to take as much form from him it just feels really good sitting in mid with a fight like this because we just slowly outright and slowly heal up and it just feels good but I think I am splitting a bit too much in mid I should go try to make plays and left it's just like in left it's level nine to level 12. in Solo it's a level 10 to a level 11. in mid it's 10 10 9 8 so it's we kind of just have big leads everywhere we need to start looking for objectives they get another kill and right 5 000 gold lead at 10 minutes games looking doomed for them about two minutes later the beacon is spawning put a little bit of poke onto the Vulcan clearest turret so he can't get to that our teammates walk over to the beacon and we look for a play Under the Vulcan Pele does take a lot of damage here not a great beads I do sustain them up at least enough for him to get enough damage off that this fight turns a little bit into our favor Iris just barely ran out of Omi which is the worst point but uler Snipes the Susana with this three and then I kind of have to just kite out a little bit good play by our Mulan to call Gold Theory and then to rotate over because we have this healing Mulan tping in us getting a little bit of damage off give is this opportunity to just go for gold for free Mulan can just tank this up if somebody comes in she just drops it to me and she goes in zones and then this 6 000 gold lead almost 6 500 is going to be growing into a seven seven thousand five on a gold lead a little bit of greedy played by uler here to go for shield Camp first but you know those adcs are just they're greedy sometimes we can all admit it they're greedy and then we get a free gold Fury and that is kind of the early portion of the game at this point gold theory is done pyro is going to be spawning middle Tower is something we're going to be looking at 7 000 gold lead at 13 minutes we played our lead pretty well 005 stat line which is really not on me a lot of it's on like the Pele and uler just kind of dominating their Lanes um that's what the early game kind of looks like Min maxing a little bit of things I hope this helped a little bit maybe I missed on some things on what you guys want I just want to do some more in-depth stuff to kind of let you guys pick at my brain so you guys can kind of learn and become better supports also so I hope you guys enjoyed the video I hope you guys have one of us today I'll see you guys again next time peace thank you [Music]
Channel: Inbowned
Views: 11,419
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: weak3n, samdadude, trellirelli, solodoublej, intersect, smite, smite season 10, support, smite support, dukesloth, inbowned, pro support, inbowned support, inbowned season 10, inbowned season 10 support, support season 10, how to play support season 10, season 10 support build, season 8 smite, season 10 smite support, season 10 smite ranked, how to lane, how to lane smite, smite support lane, how to lane as a support, support laning tutorial, laning tutorial, lane tips and tricks
Id: FUWq500krUI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 57sec (717 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 17 2023
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