How To Rotate Like a GOD In SMITE! - Full Guide

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today we become Legends rotations are one of those skills in Smite that you generally get a feel for over time and develop your own style of when you want to rotate what to rotate for and when you feel it's worth it I can give you a meta build and be extremely specific but I can't just tell you to rotate at 5 minutes 26 seconds into the match because it's always different however there are a few more objective pointers tips and rules of thumb that can help you plan your rotations this won't be an exact when to rotate guide that is literally impossible to make given you must decide in real time based on the game State whether a rotation is good or not but hopefully you can keep these things in your back of your mind and apply them in game to make more effective use of your rotations so first up what is rotating well it's basically moving around the map but in this specific context it is roaming from your normal Anchor Point usually your lane in order to make a play somewhere else on the map junglers and supports are nearly constantly rotating and I would argue especially in the case of the jungler that they don't even rotate in the same way a laning rward much of what I say in this video will apply to Jungle pathing and support rotations as well but just keep in mind that these two roaming rolls function fundamentally different from the three laning rolls and thus their rotations are very different as well junglers just roam all the time while supports are in a state of near constant rotation to wherever they're needed on the map at the current time so let's start with some key factors in determining whether it's a good time to rotate first up ideally you want to minimize any losses from rotating this means trying to poke out or kill your lane opponent which gives you extra time to make that rotation before the enemy can follow you giving you a man advantage in the ensuing fight if you just rotate really nearly and don't think about what you might lose for it that's how you get extremely behind and I see a lot of new players falling into this trap yes you might rotate and you might even get a kill in mid or something but if you lose two waves and your entire soul in Tower for that it's often not worth it so you've always got to be thinking about what you might lose not just what you might gain from certain rotations so you've sent the enemy LAN back to base and you have some free time should you rotate well that depends on what you're looking for are you a Sol leer that could rotate for a gold Fury and secure it for the team with a 5v4 man Advantage are you looking to invade enemy camps and maybe shut down a Fed midlaner on the enemy team with a rotation whether a rotation is worth doing is basically weighing these two factors against each other what you will lose in terms of Minion waves Towers map pressure in certain areas Etc versus what you will gain such as a gold Fury an important shutdown kill a tower the beacon whatever and this is why I went on that whole Spiel at the start of the video it's impossible for me to tell you this is exactly when you should rotate it's all about knowing how much you'll lose versus how much you'll gain and you have to make this evaluation every time you try and rotate in the current match so let's talk specific roles in Solo rotations are all about that risk reward it's hard to find an opportunity to rotate in the early and mid game as a solo ler due to the heavy sustain and tanky nature of the role it's hard to fall someone completely out of the lane and back to base in Solo and therefore harder to make a clear window that you can rotate in some things that can help though are of course teleports which allows you to either go directly to a fight or rotate to a fight normally and have a fall back TP to your Tower in order to not lose as much Farm proxy farming is also a very high risk but extremely high reward way of maximizing your rotations proxy farming is essentially taking enemy minion waves behind their standing towers and is only really doing in Solo Lane this is naturally risky as you're halfway inside the enemy territory and could get rotated on or gang yourself it definitely helps to have deep Wards if you're going to go for regular proxies if you can manage this though it gives you a full 30 to 45 seconds before you need to be back in your lane as you've killed the wave before it even reaches the middle of the lane while your opponent is still waiting for yours to come out of the tier one Tower this puts the enemy solo significantly behind your rotation which greatly increases the chances of success as you'll have a Mana Advantage for longer well either that all the enemy solo just follows your rotation but misses that minion wave to Tower in which case you're still benefiting there moving moving on to the mid lane this is of course the central part of the map which makes rotations from mid sort of a double-edged sword you're very close to literally everything you would want to rotate for which means you don't have to think quite as far ahead and make as much time as a side laner would need to since you're back in Lane much faster however being so Central also leads to being caught out more when you do decide to rotate this is why mid lane Wards are so important if you have Ward coverage over most of where you plan to rotate you can do it so much more safely and utilize the benefits of being Central on the map while minimizing the downside such as the enemy jungle ATT tracking you and picking you off before you even get to do all in this is part of the reason why supports anchor in mid for most of the game as well they also want to be close to stuff and they also want to protect their mid laner from all the threats that lur around mid for most of the game due to its central location finally we have the ADC rooll which rotates the least of the laning roles due to their insatiable need for Farm to get those all important items online and reach that late game where they can dominate so in general you shouldn't be constantly rotating from Duo as you will lose that crucial Farm while the enemy ADC gains an advantage over you which can lose you the game if they're not shut down and can roll over your team in the late game adcs are also the premier Tower Killers so leaving your aame for even one wave can result in a loss tower that said you absolutely can rotate for stuff like Shield buff early gold Furies maybe invades on camps perhaps even beacon in the mid game just keep in mind what you might lose for these rotations as Farm is crucial for an ADC and keep an eye on what your team are doing and where they're grouping up since you might see some opportunities to rotate and gain an advantage on the map at the cost of some of your farm but probably worth it but yeah for the most part you shouldn't be making massive entire map rotations as the ADC unless you're chabog or Apollo of course in terms of things you're looking for on a rotation that depends massively on the current time and pace of the match in the early game first 10 minutes or so you're pretty much entirely rotating for Buffs and neutral V if you want to get really in depth you can start trying to track timers Buffs spawn every 2 minutes and last 2 minutes so if you just saw an enemy buff fall off it's likely already up or spawning soon dep depending on how long it was on the ground before being picked up by the enemy if you have Wards you can track these timers much more precisely which again WS wi games I don't think I need to tell you this to be completely honest with you guys though I don't track timers I'm not trying to be the very Pinnacle of a Smite player and I don't think telling the average player to constantly be tracking timers on enemy Buffs for invades is very useful but if you do want to push yourself to the absolute limit the early game is all about these timers in terms of rotation since there are no major objectives up at that time and you're pretty much just looking for buff invades or picking people off well gold Fury spawns at 5 minutes in but it's very hard to take much earlier than 10 minutes in so it usually doesn't get taken until the mid game the mid game is where rotations are King though beacons are up gold Fury is up fire giant is also in the equation potentially though usually not taken in the mid game unless you find a big opportunity to do so like a dside or punishing a hard commit on gold Fury from the enemy team stuff like that if you're going to focus on one single thing alone for your rotations in the mid game gold Fury is what you should be looking at it's easy enough to take within 15 to 25 seconds most of the the time so you need a lot less of an initiative to secure it compared to fire giant solar laners especially should always be looking at Duo side and be ready to rotate for gold if your team finds an advantage such as a kill or forcing multiple enemies back I can't tell you how nice it feels when you kill someone in mid and your Sol or is already halfway there because you saw the fight going down and new gold will be an option afterwards be that guy your team will love you for it another thing to point out on W to rotate is power spikes again this is a sort of nebulous term and something you will get a feel for and build your knowledge Bank on over time while playing the game but if you know that you're really strong at the moment make that rotation and force that fight because you have good odds of winning it and capitalizing on your strong points likewise if you're down a few levels and items you're probably not dictating rotations and are either playing around your team showing up when they need you all reacting to enemy rotations and trying to make it work the best you can these kinds of spikes can come from your God for example if you're 8 minutes in and have a maxed out Thanos Death Scythe versus a Cali in the jungle you have an advantage there just inherent in your God at that stage of the game items and farm probably have the second most impact since there a difference between having three items and having four for example which is absolutely huge and usually out alwayss God specific spikes but not always and finally probably the most important thing is man Advantage which I've mentioned already it doesn't matter if you're behind or on a late game God in the early game if you make a 3v2 you're probably winning that or at least odds are in your favor anyway of course other things can impact it like your farm Advantage your God at that point in the game skill issue Etc but if your rotation gives you a man advantage for an extended period of time it's usually enough to win that fight and either score kills or just force the enemies out and secure an objective like a gold Fury quick final mention as I see a lot of people asking when support should leave the Dual Lan and start rotating towards mid generally I just use a first item rule once your first item is done you back and buy that and then you start roaming you can also just do first back in general but I like to already have my thieves or prophetic online before I start anchoring in mid and roaming where needed but hopefully this video was helpful to you guys apologies for the lack of very specific spe ific info on this one but this is one of those Smite topics that is just extremely game dependent and reactionary so learning rotations just comes with time and experience but hopefully these General pointers and tips can help you get better at and understand rotations more in your games catch you guys in another one later on have a great day and peace out you [Music] nerds [Music]
Channel: Inters3ct
Views: 26,787
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Smite
Id: Exa3D3CWwDc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 38sec (578 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 27 2023
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