HOW TO PLAY AND BUILD AS ADC! Carry positioning, laning, and MORE!

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what is going on YouTube hope you guys are doing fantastic today today we're going to be talking about the role ADC the auto attack God in Duo Lane it's going to be kind of a general guide I have a lot of specific stuff towards support and I'm not entirely an ADC player but I did hit cap playing literally every role so I'm very very knowledgeable with every role I just don't know the complete ins and outs as much as other people but there's gonna be a general guide for all you guys if you're either starting up the game or if you just want to learn more about the role as much as you can if you guys do like the video make sure you leave a like comment say this is a great video so I can maybe do it on the other three rolls I probably wouldn't do it on support because I have so much support content already on the channel if you guys did like it please leave a like comment stuff like that so starting out what is ADC ADC is actually a league term it stands for attack damage carry attack damage is basically their physical damage so for Smite ADC just means the hard carry God in Duo Lane usually arranged character every Hunter as seen as a ADC type of God the other type of adcs are like Chronos Freya olorun soul basically something that's viewed as scaling into the late game and it is something that does do a lot of consistent damage usually through Auto attacks technically there is some metas that have not done this exactly there's been some Mage in Duo Lane metas but you've had some consistent damage elsewhere you've had Cyclones playing it's been playing bologna ADC as like an anti-attack damage carry to try to shut down the attack damage carry and try to get the game finished before it even gets to late game but that is super super specific stuff that we're not too worried about ADC just means consistent Auto attack damage is what you want from that role now what is their job for the most part their job just means scaling they want to get to late game once they get to late game that's when they're going to start carrying that's where the term carry comes from you're trying to carry the game their job entails a bunch of different things Auto attacking Frontline slowly poking out the tanks that are either walking too far forward or getting cc'd also hitting objectives whether it is fires gold Furies pyros Towers even that is their their job they're gonna need a way to exacerbate their Auto attack damage they're going to need power and attack speed to just do more consistent damage and then they're gonna need some form of lifesteal that's how Hunter builds are created on top of that you're usually going to be wanting pen percent pen flat pen doesn't matter too much flat pen matters a little bit more for squishy gods that are going on to you so devs is actually a lot better in 1V ones because it's giving you flat pen against the other Hunter compared if you have Aussie you're going to be having no flat pen and then XC is going to be shred onto the enemy tanks or squishies either XC is going to be reducing the enemy's physical protection so say they have 200 physical protections every time you Auto attack them you're reducing the protections by seven percent and Max is four Stacks you can get all the way up to 28 if you Auto attack them four times instead of hitting that tank for 200 protections the first time you hit him you're taking away 14. second time you're taking away 14 more third time fourteen fourth time 14. all in all you're gonna be reducing their protections by 56. instead of hitting a 200 protection tank you're gonna be hitting a 144 protection tank and then combine that with the current build since power is in a a strange spot for adcs you're not really getting a ton of power like right here this current build you're missing about 20 power from the devs gloves but you're at 175 power your basic attack damage is a little bit farther up and your pen is super high up demon blade is giving you 10 pen when you hit an auto attack and it crits Dom on all auto attacks and I think this is something I should touch on also Dom is only on auto attacks kin size does not get the pen from domkins does get the pen from demon blades crit it does get the the pen from The Shred of XE but it does not get dominances pen dominance Pen only happens on the actual Auto attack so it only affects the base Auto attack and then the crit damage so Dom is very good in crit builds Dom is not as good in Kins builds but sometimes if you're building like a hybrid like this build the build is going to combo very well together because you have both crit and you also have the kins damage this is actually zatman's current build he goes ornate devs demon blade XC kins and then depending on what his attack speed is I think he said the number is 22 if you can get above 22 power sorry 22 stacks on Silver Branch silver branch is a better buy if you can't get to 22 Dom is actually the better buy sort of God like cupid you're not getting enough attack speed you're not going to be buying silver Branch you'd be going dominance but for a God Like Rama silver branch is going to be very very strong we're gonna be taking a look at zapman and see how the current ADC start is the current ADC start is the ADC pulling the green buff and the support pulling the back camps to this spot in between the wall right here and then you use your Shard a lot of the times just because you want that extra clear to clear this as quick as possible focusing the Big Green minion why do you want to focus the Big Green minion the Big Green minion heals all Buffs in its range so if you're hitting the small green buff or the small green side the Big Green minion as you're doing 40 damage to it will be healing it for 20. so instead of doing 40 damage and you're actually just killing it you're only doing 20 and you're actually doing half as much damage because it's getting healed for half as much and then you come over to purple buff you pull purple buff and you start walking to dual Lanes slightly you don't want to drop AG or anything but you want to start getting over to do a lane to try to get this pressure in Lane now is pressure game losing in dueling no but does it matter a lot and can you generate a big lead with it yes shield and cooldown buff have now officially been changed to a minute and a half on their spawn instead of spawning at one minute after the second wave they spawn at a minute 30 after the third wave so this wave right here this is a big wave to get pressure on and they got pressure by poking out the Geb aucus grouping the way for zap zap killing the wave and instead of doing anything else on this lightning phase they go Sprint right on over to the shield Camp do the shield Camp try to burn it as quick as possible and this is just another way for them to push their lead to get that man to late game as quick as possible when it comes to the role of Hunter your positioning is more important than anything else looking at the Masters finals between the ferrymen and the Oni Warriors Metroid and Cyclone spin are both their Hunters attack damage carry Metroid always sitting back cycling always sitting back usually how fights are going to be lined up is it's going to be both the front liners which is Aurora and Baskin the solo and support are going to be sitting in the front line the jungler is going to be looking for a flank and then the mid laner and the hunter are going to be playing farther back with usually the hunter farthest back you want your Mage plane a little bit farther in front because you want him to be able to poke out frontliners Ethereal Staff proc right now by Paul this was when East staff was actually eight percent so this would be knocking somebody up and he'd be stealing about 300 health or something like that so that's usually what it looks like it's usually Hunter at the back and then it is usually your Mage and then it is usually your support and you're Solo in the same spot and then your jungler's just off to the side looking for a flank for this entire time you actually see cyclone and natural never really going too far forward until somebody's out of position so right here panitom is a little bit out of position Cyclone walks up to punish him as soon as he punishes him Cyclone actually walks back away Cyclone knows his positioning he knows if he chases any far forward he's gonna be chasing into the enemy's jungle right into the enemy's damage so again let's look at Cyclone spin's positioning on this Siege nitroid has gotten picked in a previous fight leaving this with a five on four four live four live Cyclone has not even stepped foot into the Phoenix yet because he needs his team to get him a little bit of space so he can actually walk in and auto this without taking too much damage in return Cyclone still waiting still waiting finally walks in Autos it a couple times a couple times and still spaces himself far enough back that he can Auto attack the Phoenix without getting hit in return so how are you going to be positioning in Duo Lane so just a quick thing how do you determine where Duo Lane is Duo Lane is going to be decide where the purple buff is purple green speed is dual lane side sole inside is red blue and the other speed that is for solar Lane you're always going to be going to Duo side with the purple buff in short adcs are the hyper carry and they're the main focus on the entire map when the game starts to scale into late game yes Mages are important because a lot of their burst damage is is how you one shot either the ADC or the jungler or the other mid but the ADC is the most important person on the map as he's the one that does objectives he's the one that kills the frontliners he's the one that can 1v1 just about anyone so that is where the importance of the ADC rule comes from that's why it's considered a hyper carry roll and the carry roll this is just a simple guide a simple general guide to help you guys to understand what the role is meant to be builds positioning stuff like that hope you guys enjoyed the video I hope you guys have a wonderful for us today if you guys did like the video remember like it comment let me know I hope you guys have a wonderful rest your day see you [Music] thank you [Music]
Channel: Inbowned
Views: 14,088
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: weak3n, samdadude, trellirelli, solodoublej, intersect, inters3ct, smite, smite season 10, support, smite support, dukesloth, incon, inbowned, adc, hunter, carry, smite hunter, smite adc, smite carry, how to play carry, how to duo lane, how to position, how to position in late game fights, adc build, hunter build, carry build, zapman, pro hunter, pro adc, pro carry
Id: n7SIZF8DY8c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 44sec (524 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 31 2023
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