Smii7y & Kryoz ruin a podcast

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the wild cast wild times wild chat one of those you have a podcast you're on weight that should be it you have a podcast wet it by the way we have Smitty that's John and friend of mine what you're spinning right yes hello I MC we can't be doing this this bit hey don't put your arm up like that buddy Smitty give us wiser for seven plus years one point four seven million subscribers binky low channel like he's just starting out guys the people that I still know we're learning things about each other we didn't even know yeah this is this is big me and hammer mostly just like sexually active partners the only thing we exchanges come this episode is gonna be mostly centered around these two a baggage on worldstar but it was like it was like a Klan channel kind of thing there was like a community channel no not really a racist white supremacist they were on dirt yeah oh you're oh wait Saunders like no no he wasn't youtuber anything like the Colonel Saunders that's right I don't even know if I should be putting this out because I don't know what that's weird I this there that's uh that was a high school in the state that I will lived in take a [ __ ] this morning that was real rough all right the first name very first area okay nice - very cool because it's about cryo which is like cryogenics type of [ __ ] very very sick tile you're always that you're always at the top of the [ __ ] comedy [ __ ] game let me tell you that bucko anyways let me get back to my goddamn story how about you don't know me again okay shut the [ __ ] up this in the corner sorry anyways and eventually went by pitch because you're not a bottom yeah well I mean I probably would be a bottom to be food real quick quick segue would you guys get pegged no not interested to do it hard pass from human just like settle with like a finger I mean honestly a fingers better than both of these [ __ ] so pound it ya know with that hey snap me with this pinky finger for three million hit me up Jeff honestly quick honesty I'd go to my being pegged but back to what I was saying was I saying [ __ ] yeah should I call well no good no one's worse than ogla I'm sure he's right dude dead silent than him try to call something out he just creates confusion nobody gets angry when other people talk when he's [ __ ] was like when was I can't even mate uh it's probably or ninety nine probably some like though there's a [ __ ] toddler dude just jam it out with some Gerber's and Wyatt life he was sucking on the nipple they [ __ ] in 64 conformity no [ __ ] slippy the Frog hated that [ __ ] hated her stupid [ __ ] already got always got herself killed so what you call MoMA's to thee star 500 fully illegal and punch John is not phoneme Ezra I'm gonna talk about pegging three minutes and there's literally nothing wrong with pegging anyway I'm just see Mary was eight minutes then the male prostate is the g-spot thank you okay so there's a memory card that up and dude drink guys with ahead of his time say penis penis Oh a side bar side bar they've been doing this [ __ ] on the whole weekend all right okay we're good now that we've discussed so we decided that we will continue this podcast okay just no way I've seen that video fantastic one of the games either you have a podcast I have a podcast fair fist you have bare fist wait edit that together like a Japanese dub this is for cuz they tolerated me as a kid hey you know I'll hurt you all 13 it takes me 11 yeah I think so my math by my math might be wrong there but this [ __ ] graduated from experience I'm sure you guys know this is well it's it's a little tolerate children in a way not children but like just younger because it means so much to me and yeah so I I submitted to that like there is there a certain like you know you had to upload this amount of times per week yet about have like under this amount of subs and at this point I was probably at like a hundred subs no something like that we're talking about how you used to jerk off to cats that is not correct I was talking about as Ian Chubb boy right it's a whole other side eventually needed another drink these are the things that Spotify users time be sure to check it on YouTube reduce them that has he and then we just started think you know this might be a little bit different obviously just cuz I'm trying to run straight exactly you know that pop filter comes off right I just realize I'm not gonna do this during your story time right please don't mr. BAE my microphone I won't okay you up there fist he's not he's completely gone ladies and gentlemen I'm so sorry fantastic okay I forgot how our handshake win against fine do we just want to move on blogs email validates that are coward I'm a fiim pansy [ __ ] you should take a break from the mic but even if I can hurt yourself shut up in the best 20 minutes nap before we get sucked too far away from ya he's the highest me yeah sorry go ahead John go ahead well I just never went there first [ __ ] I absolutely hate my life [ __ ] pain your wife I knew I don't pay for Wi-Fi I completely just download podcasts and [ __ ] beforehand like the one yes I just think about how many ways to kill myself I know in the plane you're like I could just fold this up and say I have a gun no just he could John just could be that guy that gets an emergency exit row seat and halfway through the flight subscribe keep your seat belts on my next turn anybody like is that buckled in tight okay good at the beginning of the like are you capable of doing this jhanas ago oh yeah you tube videos before boarding this [ __ ] capable is prepared [Laughter] [Music] John sucked that [ __ ] thing don't you give him another one get start giving him waters I'm not even drunk it [ __ ] okay if you decide if you're gonna give the honest answer or not what about you plan on being dead at 18 no shut up I genuinely did oh I left that's not good I'm sorry it's very distracting yeah sure yeah yeah I'll laugh at your funeral to [Music] [ __ ] sake yeah now this poopy bubucaca drinks already what the [ __ ] happened I blended back try to catch up with this mother [ __ ] I figured I try but I knew that if there's a good attempt where's that going where's oh [ __ ] my in this just brush it off it to the floor net [ __ ] you can't even do that you're gonna ruin Tyler's equipment [ __ ] off alright John it looks like you want to travel to outer space right now with the way your eyes you know John is orbiting nah we were trying to think of any passions I have and nothing's coming to mind I will say Anthony I want to go see like old German Mike villages and I wanna see I wanna - wits yes even though I thought he wasn't real is that even a Jeremy and now it's in Poland [Laughter] it's just German design yes absolutely I I would love to learn learn German just to yell at people but it's spelled MIT twocat you know it's crazy although all the German fans going crazy right now after those few remarks about them oh my god Vito German yes that wasn't my remark I was just talking about Wednesday hey if you're going up there grab me another whiskey okay move on all right in one sentence in one sentence was the best game of all time snap bro it wasn't what I spilled water [ __ ] off I don't wanna because the migrants up I don't want to be ah I don't want to be there right I'm gonna come the thanks John or her saying that the things my ass was saying before that break earlier the good injuries am i right come well good what the good I'm shoving the my kisses like dude I'm gonna come and cut it there Super Mario 64 is the best because you can jump through paintings that's true that's a good you can jump to pants every a lot of the game can you jump their paintings your life but figure it out you can't for tonight because you can do the floss about to cancel this recording right [Laughter] recording another podcast this late is a thing you want to know how this is true yeah for I think his eyes are never fully open no I don't know how to fully open you know what that night he's never happy I'm I think just means he's stoned no I'm not happy but you are stoned right now right now never said that have you considered therapy consider suicide no therapy on shotgun therapy oh no all right go ahead we were dumb right sidebar sidebar all right all right hopefully they picked that no I just thought it was always like the thing is like whatever if you had like I don't know I'd the [ __ ] I would do in my old age I'll be like what you all playing some old post in probably not even that I barely do that when I'm yelling no John you're not you you keep yourself safe now yeah I know I'll keep my at least until 28 because I don't want to be held responsible good you didn't know what I mean I don't either either so one thing that people may or may not know about you too every day I don't know you know perfect way to get better than let's actually we have this one right here yeah no that's that's what I was no I I'm really good on that time okay besides whether or not may or may not be gay Oh more alcohol that's what I needed we just like we said in graph design class listen to dubstep put it on UKF dubstep click that [ __ ] up I think expressing and just kind of like putting out whatever you think looks good because I think the most important thing about fashion I think fashion is completely subjective I don't like there's a little [ __ ] ton of things like I wish I could pull off yeah like I agree that kill is everything that's not fair [ __ ] you Asian being some of this also gonna add a butterfly that was inspired by my friends album butterflies [ __ ] sick alright I don't know spired by mins like circle I mom disavow circles and buttons are circles I like circle some of the most of this is my first shirt I've seen him wear this weekend that isn't something he's like adjusted I know which is super sick I actually I pretty much took actually he did adjust if you look right below the collar he added some stains I'm still feeling that denim jacket till I put it on Johnny looked like he was 450 pounds from the waist up John sue she looked like something out of like a Pixar movie sure we'll put the [ __ ] mission you look like [ __ ] you look like [ __ ] Gumby she was crazy Gumby's blue oh yeah like that like the way worse than I expected it I was robbed it I would have loved you to wear that every day if you bought what else this week in this does anybody break the fitted packs this weekend yeah yeah 2020 me personally yeah do you like jeez you like like not only regardless of what it is like you care about like how it just like is gonna sit on you no matter what they like toddlers what they like they like I like sushi it's like you're any suckered takes money it's calm down you just keep on showing my mouth George like chase object this PG but it's like it's more is it PG nope okay so I thought you dumb [ __ ] [ __ ] yeah I see his is like constantly cozy first time I see you oh my god what a snuggle [ __ ] alright I want to say mines that far but yeah pretty close [ __ ] your ass I just wanna [ __ ] your ass appreciates an UGG boot because they got cotton in them and they're soft grace I'm gonna posh [ __ ] UGG boot [Laughter] boots down oh no Tyler now Anthony what have you practice oscillate one time spitty no for real yeah somebody got any good birthdays a gag if and I [ __ ] it I'm like it's because like this would be cool not even struck this thing and run it through the bathtub just like a [ __ ] Authority my hand is as clean as this I don't know I want to have like the ass and the vagina not worth the money do not if it looks like a slab of like like the girl in chapter just like this big this big it's just not worth it first yeah sure hit us would you guys give would you as you're pegged your first question would you guys get paged [ __ ] yo get paid what the hell all right okay why would why did not want to get pegged cuz I just don't think I'd enjoy something in my blood yeh sure I just don't think it's from the next topic I'm not necessarily interested in somebody pegging me but I have heard that oh boy we're really going there aren't we it's it's a fun test so I've heard that it's like so say you're like on all fours and someone behind you comes up behind you in jerks you off from behind oh that's parently if they do that and then like okay and this is where it gets weird like breathe like into your ass while you climax it's supposed to be like fire hydrant [ __ ] like what cake batter painting the walls all for us get yourself milk like a cow thank you so much for watching the while I guess it's a sponsor there they utter and then they whisper sweet nothings into your rectum apparently you just like David it's it's like a frosting factory nope that's enough for me so much for watching this sponsored by shadow legends you know the old wives tale Jack and the Beanstalk uh-huh you are the fashionable giant yeah and I want to see your Beanstalk again things are listening to the podcast anyway - morning this is getting away - more tea sure like whenever they make a new size is like they're extra small is just actually like large but like extra large yeah but like smaller could you not because if you're gonna put something in my face many could you make it your [ __ ] look I got an off-white piece for the anything anyway damn it into that kind of stuff I got excited I was hoping I was gonna go my ass I mean I can spend some which way you sit on it anyway way to home okay with goat see it you should be fine well think I have to pee as well thank you guys for being with you I appreciate it I just hold your hair right this isn't over yet I know I was you're saying I wish I had more time all right thank you guys for watching outside thank you guys so much for watching I hope now it's over creeping some of that is
Channel: Revenge Raptor
Views: 1,430,225
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: smii7y, smitty, kryoz, kryozgaming, John, wildcat, I am wildcat, wildcast, podcast, bigjigglypanda, bbs, bananabussquad, gay baby gang, funny moments, krii7y, compilation
Id: wOJtzaiwvgQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 25sec (1225 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 19 2020
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