Slow-roast beef eye of round, with mushroom jus and baked mash

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I don't like mushrooms. Is there any good substitute for the mushroom powder for flavoring the jus?

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/Metroid413 📅︎︎ May 07 2020 🗫︎ replies

Took me a second to process the Close Encounters reference! I love that he threw that in there

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Valgrindar 📅︎︎ May 08 2020 🗫︎ replies
this recipe is my attempt to recreate the awesomely bad roast beef Oz you that I've enjoyed so often at cheap weddings and office Christmas parties if the kind of roast that a white hat wearing guy on a buffet line slices super thin for you under a heat lamp I freaking love that stuff and the main reason it's inexpensive is because of the cut if it's a cheap wedding this is not gonna be a rib roast it's gonna be from the round or at least that's what we call it here in the states it's basically the worst large area of meat on the cow but this is the best of the worst an eye of round roast I believe Brits would call it I of rump it's the semitendinosus muscle usually weighs three or four pounds one and a half kilos it'll feed eight people and it's definitely possible to find it cheaper than this what makes the eye of round good for thin sliced roast beef is the grain structure very long straight muscle fibers running exactly parallel to the overall shape of the roast when we slice across those we will significantly tenderize the meat which is good because it's very tough hopefully your butcher has left a nice thick fat cap on it that'll melt in the oven other than that this roast is very lean I'll just coat it in olive oil and grind on a ton of pepper and two or three big pinches of salt enough to generously season the entire surface area and I'll just get in there and Schmoe everything around big oven-safe pan preheating on medium-high heat and get the oven preheating to yes 170 Fahrenheit or 75 C that's the lowest temperature my oven will let me select anything in that neighborhood will be fine ovens are very imprecise when they get that low anyway we're gonna do an incredibly slow roast on this thing which will help tenderize it further and real quick I'm gonna smash up a head of garlic ow that never works what works is if you put it root end up the problem with that is the cloves fly everywhere inch as long as there isn't any black mold on your garlic skin there's no need to remove the skin for this I'm just gonna smash each clove a bit to open it up roast goes in the pan fat side down at first and yeah that is very hot extreme slow roasting gets you tender meat that is incredibly evenly cooked but it does not create browned flavor any brown flavor we're gonna have we need to create now I might have overshot this a bit but honestly a little singeing is not terrible we need seared flavor I'll sear it on all sides except for the side opposite the fat cap I'm avoiding that for now when every side other than the side opposite the fat cap is done I'll drop in a huge knob of butter my crushed garlic and a bunch of sticks of rosemary or thyme that butter is seconds from burning so act fast I'm just gonna roll the roast around in all that butter then finally position it on that side opposite the fat cap I want the fat cap on top so that it can baste the roast as it melts and I want the bottom side almost raw when I put this in the oven that way it won't overcook as it sits there in the hot pan depending on how hot your oven really is at these low temperatures that's gonna take maybe five or six hours to hit medium medium-rare this is definitely a weekend dinner at some point in that time you can think about a side dish and I'm gonna do an experiment I'm going to attempt a lazy version of Duchess potatoes another kitschy catering classic three or four pounds of Yukon Gold potatoes roughly equal weight to our roast and any potato would be fine I won't bother peeling them potato skins are nutritious tastes good look pretty I would peel them if I was using russet or another flowery variety I think those skins are gross when cooked with wet heat the other reason to peel is if you can see green which you can see just barely starting to form on the corner of this potato that green is a poison called solanine it forms naturally when potatoes are exposed to light a little bit ain't gonna kill you but if you see it trim it off it's bitter speaking of yuck huh that one was rotten on the inside the rest of these I'll just Clank up into smaller pieces for faster and more even cooking into a giant pot of water to boil some people ask if you should get the water boiling first or put the potatoes in and then get it boiling I actually don't think it affects the cooking much either way but imagine what all this splashing would feel like if the water was boiling right now that's why I generally start cold and then bring it up to a boil when it gets going you might need to reduce the heat a little bit to keep it from bubbling over while we wait for those to get soft we'll grate up about eight ounces of cheddar cheese a quarter kilo you could totally just buy pregrated that'll be fine for this and then we'll also get about four eggs and separate out the yolks doesn't matter if you don't do this perfectly it's okay if a little white gets in the yolk or vice versa rocky chug those whites later or actually that's dangerous cook them and there's those beautiful yolks potatoes are done when they're fork a good visual cue is when you can see the skins breaking off you could drain those in a colander but calendars take up a lot of space in the dishwasher I just drain through a gap in the lid pot goes back on heat goes off there should be plenty of residual heat to melt this entire stick of butter 4 ounces 113 grams when it's almost melted I'll dump in the cheese grind in a bunch of pepper a bunch of people use white pepper I can't be bothered to do that and we'll start with a big pinch of salt nutmeg would be traditional but I hate nutmeg gotta match these up very smooth so I think a hand mixer is the best thing you con Gould's in particular are resistant to turning gluey as can happen when you whip other kinds of potatoes dutchess potatoes are traditionally made with cream I rarely have cream in the house so I'm just using butter plus milk which in this context equals cream enough to get you a texture a little stiffer than you would for mashed potatoes give that a taste for seasoning it's got enough salt I think because the cheese was salty maybe a little more milk whoa that was way more than I meant hmm okay here come the egg yolks those bring a delicious flavor and help the potatoes to brown and bind in the oven what you normally do to make Duchess potatoes now is load this into a piping bag and pipe out some rows like shapes on a baking sheet and then you bake them I can't be bothered to do that you'll see what my plan is in a moment let's check our roast virtually unchanged after a couple hours I'll just roll it around in that flavored butter again and I'll position my probe thermometer I like to put in the probe after the roast has been cooking a little bit so that you can move it in and out slightly and look for the coolest spot that'll be dead center but aha no point this time because this is a totally uniform temperature throughout that's what extreme low temperature roasting gets you you'll see back in that goes so rather than pipe these potatoes I'm gonna do an experiment and just try scooping them into a muffin tin I'll wipe each cup with some melted butter and dump in the potatoes and I'm already not feeling good about this I put in too much milk this mixture is too loose I'm not sure we're gonna get these out of here intact I'll brush their tops with some butter this means something and those can just wait until we're ready for them which will be after the roast has hit 130 Fahrenheit 55 C that's for medium maybe a little medium rare took me 6 hours that tent might seem kind of high but because we roasted such a low temperature there's gonna be almost no carryover cooking now look I can lift it out with my bare hands so you really gotta roast it to the actual final temperature that you want this is gonna be a medium believe it or not I'll crank my oven to 400 Fahrenheit 200 C and throw in my potatoes and here is the beginning of my sauce heat on high under that and here's another chance to get some more brown flavor I'll just fry that garlic and stuff for a moment before deglazing with a little red wine and wouldn't you know it Adam got a wine sponsor again bright cellars is the sponsor of this video it's a delightful service that helps you find new fun wines from all over the world doesn't matter if you know nothing about wine just go to bright cellars calm and take their quiz you tell them what kind of flavors you like and whether you want red or white or both this is my second time ordering from bright cellars so Lauren and I went on the site and review to the wine that they'd sent us the first time this was our favorite right sellers takes that feedback into account and then Mail's you a crate of wine that's even more suited to your tastes look at all this amazing stuff and you get these wine education cards to help you learn about what you're drinking and to gradually get more conversant with wine because you watch me you can get 50% off your first six bottle box just follow my link in the description and take the quiz 50% off your first six bottle boxes of wine thank you bright sellers now we only need a little wine for this sauce so I want to pick something that I want to drink with dinner aged in bourbon barrels that sounds good with beef I'm just putting in like half a cup and this is optional really you got to be careful when you cook with red wine anyway too much will be bitter I'll just scrub the bottom of the pan and let that reduce a little bit and then in goes a quart of beef stock like eight hundred mils bring that up to a boil now the cheap wedding delicacy that I'm trying to recreate here is usually a build as roast beef as you or beef with mushrooms you jus and this context just means a meaty sauce that has not been thickened and I think flavoring it with mushrooms really gives it the umami boost that it needs powdered dried mushrooms I tried making this with fresh mushrooms it was trash I'd guess those cheap caterers use a dehydrated flavoring product and the one that really works for me is this stuff Lauren got it from me in Atlanta it's basically salt onion powder and dried mushroom powder a few other things ground mustard seeds anyway it's perfect for this if you can't get that or anything similar to you can grind up dried mushrooms yourself in a spice grinder it's kind of tough to get it as fine as you would get it from a bottle but you can get close I'll start with a tablespoon of that dried mushrooms just have such a different flavor from fresh so incredibly strong I'll dump in a similar quantity of onion powder and maybe just a teaspoon of dried mustard all kinds of flavorings could work here I'll stir that up and give it a little taste I'm gonna give it another tablespoon of dried mushroom powder I can tell it won't need any additional salt by the time it's reduced a bit now texture I think a lot of roast beef Oz you sold in the United States isn't actually with you they do thicken it a little bit not as thick as a gravy but teeny little bit of thickening you could grab maybe 2 teaspoons of cornstarch mix it into a little water to make a slurry pour that in here and bring it to a boil that'd be perfect but I find a great thing to use when you just want a little thickening is xanthan gum which you can buy in grocery stores these days instead of water it disperses in oil so I'll just put a little olive oil in a dish and then put in half a teaspoon of xanthan gum very potent stuff and it'll dissolve right into the oil if you tried to do this in water it would clump right up I'll put some of that into my beef and mushrooms you just let it cook for a few minutes and then assess I think I want the rest in there but if you put in too much xanthan gum can give a sauce of mucousy texture but if you just want a little thickening it's perfect it gives things a preternaturally smooth silky mouthfeel but you could just use corn starch okay I've reduced that down by maybe a third I'm calling it done I'm gonna strain it to get all those garlic skins and sticks now as that sits it will develop a skin on it just like corn starch does but unlike corn starch this will be the same thickness regardless of whether the sauce is very hot or not I love that about xanthan gum okay my potatoes have been in for like a half hour and yeah those are not gonna come out whole too loose it's fine I'll let them cool while I slice my roast an electric knife or a very long carving knife will help cut these slices very thin literally as thin as you can get them I don't care if they get a little mangled if they aren't very pretty I just want to shave this as thin as it can be look at that we're cutting across those meat fibers then when we pick up a slice it's a cross-section very short fibers and long slow cooking means this formerly tough piece of meat just pulls apart obviously this is gonna make excellent Sam if you don't end up eating it all at once and it's not the texture of braised beef it's not falling apart it still feels like roast beef but this is so much more tender than if you had roasted it conventionally no reason to waste all that juice pour it into your shoe now here's the thing a well rested piece of meat sliced that thin is going to go cold immediately there's no way to avoid it that's why those guys on the buffet line do this under a heat lamp I find the best solution is to reheat your sauce put it in the microwave get it piping hot and it will reheat the beef on the plate now how these potatoes yeah there's no way those are coming out hole I'll just scoop them out and hmm that's ugly but I really want to eat it so I'm not sure I'd call this a failure rather than saucing the meat I'll just flood the plate with sauce I think that can work better and look prettier when you're dealing with a thin sauce something more like as you a little beef on the plate send that hot sauce we'll reheat the meat if you want to go full on company Christmas party kitch you know what you need a decorative sprig of curly parsley that no one will want to eat because curly parsley is tough which is why cheap restaurants and caterers like to use it as a garnish because it never wilts that tastes kitschy yes but also super delicious and the potatoes not what I was going for but awesome I'd say do it just like I did except bake it in one big casserole dish no need for the muffin tin it's like a cross between baked potatoes and mash really good got to pour some of that wine I opened this is not part of the bright cellars ad I just want to tell you that aging and bourbon barrels has given that a delicious vanilla flavor that goes amazing with beef imitation vanilla is made from wood after all and delicious all right now employees I'm hoping everybody has had a great time there's still some rump roast available on the buffet line everybody get home safe and we'll see you bright and early Monday morning
Channel: Adam Ragusea
Views: 1,984,938
Rating: 4.9160957 out of 5
Keywords: roast beef recipe, roast beef sandwich, roast beef, mushroom gravy, roast beef sandwich recipe, roast beef gravy, roast beef in oven, mushroom gravy recipe, mushroom gravy sauce, eye of round roast, eye of rump roast, slow roasted beef, beef au jus, roast beef au jus, mushroom jus
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 51sec (771 seconds)
Published: Thu May 07 2020
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