Pot Roast with Mashed Baked Potatoes

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few foods offer the bang for buck provided by a simple and effective pot roast it is a monarchs meal but it's cheap it's easy the only thing you need is time largely unattended I think my version offers particularly deep and complex flavors thanks to strategic removal of the lid though you will need something lit a big Dutch oven burner on medium and preheat the oven to 350 Fahrenheit here's our roast a giant thick steak of Chuck that's beef shoulder that's the classic choice two and a half to three pounds I'd say it's tough enough that it has lots of collagen that'll melt when slow-cooked and go unctuous it also has close to the perfect amount of fat for braising although if you want to limit the amount of melted fat in your finished gravy I think it's easier to remove some of it at this stage chuck roasts usually have a big concentrated nut of fat right there in the middle and you can just get in there and cut it out our finished sauce is going to be so viscous that it would be hard to skim off this fat at the end of cooking don't worry about mangling the meat we're gonna tear it into chunks in the end anyway and don't worry they'll still be plenty of fat this just takes the edge off as it were tiny amount of oil in the pan just enough to get the meat started it'll melt out its own fat real quick and in the meat goes I don't think there's any point in seasoning it it's gonna be totally covered in sauce at the end lots of recipes tell you to brown meat for braises on high heat and I have generally concluded that's bad advice unless the pan is really crowded with a ton of meat that's gonna suck up a lot of heat your finished product is gonna be way better if you take it easy medium heat any burned flavors we create on the bottom of that pan will absolutely spoil our sauce later the meat will Brown on medium just give it time during which you can cut up a big onion I often like to do thin quarter circles for thick stews and such because those little strands kind of act like structural mesh in the finished gravy they hold everything together when you can peel the meat off the surface without it sticking too hard it's ready to flip oh and if you've got a stick of celery around that's nice to put in I have to get the pieces really small to hide them from Lauren she doesn't like celery if any part of the exposed surface of the pan looks like it's gonna burn I'll just move the meat to cover that part thus diverting some of that heat bottom of that meat could still do with a or browning but I'm worried about my fond burning so out this comes I don't care if it's sticks and tears a little bit we're going to tear it into chunks in the end onion and celery go in just to give that a little head start I don't think you need to cook them until they're soft or anything they're gonna cook for hours with the meat basically again when I'm worried about the Fond burning I'll throw in a big squeeze of tomato paste and maybe a quarter cup of flour at most stir that all around to get the flour granules dispersed in the fats lest they lump up and also to let the tomato paste brown a little bit browned tomato paste adds incredible depth and intensity to stews and sauces even things that you don't want to taste a particularly tomato at the end again when I'm terrified things are about to burn in goes a couple of cups of red wine up to half a bottle you could use stock instead start scraping the bottom with a wooden spoon I absolutely do braised beef and white wine sometimes but I think the combination of red wine and tomato just can't be beat and in goes a quality 28 ounce can of crushed tomatoes again scrape that bottom clean I know this just looks like tomato sauce at this point but it won't by the end I promise that said if you don't like your pot roast tomato we you absolutely could use less tomato or none just use beef stock I'll do a big glug of washes your sauce that'll give it a really meaty flavor you could skip it you can use soy sauce a lot of garlic powder this is what garlic powder is perfect for when it rehydrates in the sauce it just brings tons of umami I prefer it to fresh garlic here and of course it's far more convenient little pepper for not save it to the end if you want and goes that floppy massive meat and whatever juice came out of it just give this a little schmoo SHhhh to get the meat coated I know the liquid looks way too thick but a ton of water is gonna come out of that meat lid goes on and in the oven it goes at 350 or like 180 Celsius and while I'm down here I'll throw in some potatoes maybe five russets or big Yukon Golds maybe a mixture of the two just let that all cook until you can easily pierce the potatoes with a fork in the meantime let's go outside and get some rosemary off the bush rosemary just makes food taste cozy to me probably because it's the main fresh herb I use in the cold months this is after all and evergreen oh hey it's my dumb car so I went to the car store and they were like 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cutting them into pieces of roughly equal mass despite the widely varying girth across the length of the carrot so long pieces down near the tip progressively shorter pieces as we move to the stem end and I remember they'll shrink so cut them bigger than you want them we'll just put those aside until we're ready for them potatoes we're gonna make mashed baked potatoes which have incredible flavor get a cutting board a big pan some butter I'm using this whole like 7 ounce package that's almost 2 sticks you could use less or more put that on medium heat and get it melting while I peel and chop like half a head of garlic any butter will do this is a French butter made with cultures that is to say it's fermented with a little bit of bacteria love that zing in mash in the garlic goes and as soon as I get it stirred in I will turn off the heat and just let that cook gently if you see or smell anything turning dark brown take it off the heat but it should be fine where it is now I'm gonna take one of these things a ricer cut the first potato in half it's cool enough to handle now scoop the flesh out with a spoon put it in the ricer and then extrude directly into the butter look at that for mashed baked potatoes I think a ricer gets you the best smoothest texture whipping doesn't really work the flesh is too stiff you can get a really nice kind of rustic texture by just crushing up the flesh with a fork if you want to go that route but honestly I would push things through a ricer purely for fun alright just to start with a big pinch of salt a big glug of milk and a bunch of pepper then stir all this together kind up to you how much or how hard you want to stir it you can homogenized the texture a bit with aggressive stirring at this stage or not I can already tell that I'll want more milk I know people say you have to get the milk hot first I've tried it both ways and I cannot tell the difference and scalding the milk would require dirtying another dish give it a taste and add more seasoning or more milk or anything that you want don't expect these to be as smooth as boiled mashed potatoes they won't be if that's a problem for you boil your potatoes instead which I often do but the higher temperature the potatoes get in the oven gives these a much more intense kind of caramelized flavor remember boiling water can get no hotter than 212 Fahrenheit no brown flavors happen at heat that low I'll just cover those up and leave them on the warm setting until we eat all right pot roast has been in for two and a half hours total now meat is really tender I could pull it apart with a fork I think you want it basically done before the final stage where we brown the top and cook the carrots in they go just get them wet in the sauce but I'm actually not trying to get them submerged I want them to get some dry heat I think an absolute game changer for pot roast is to cook it uncovered for like the last hour that sauce might seem too thick already like it's gonna dry out and burn but the carrots are gonna release a lot of water into that pot so it'll all even out and don't worry if there's some stuff around the rim that looks like it's gonna burn that's fine let it burn as long as it means we can Brown our while we're waiting we can pick our rosemary off the stems and chop it up a bit like an hour later the carrots are just tender enough to pierce with a fork gonna be an awesome al dente contrast with the jello soft meat so that roast had three and a half or four hours cooking total and yes the upper rim is burned but who cares look at the brown top on that meat that flavor and texture is insane alright last minute flavorings go in pinch of salt to start with the only salt in there so far is from the wisher sure sauce and I love to finish long stewed things with a shot of vinegar that's balsamic but anything would be fine it just wakes things up long cooked flavors are delicious but a little dull some fresh pepper and in goes the rosemary added at the end and it will stay green now I want a pulled texture for the finished product you'd normally take a couple of forks and pull it apart like a pork butt for barbecue but like I said that meat is soft as jello under there and we're gonna beat it up a bunch while we stir in our last-minute flavorings so I say stir first then pull you can see it already falling apart just from the stirring if we over agitate this it's gonna have shred into cat food and I am avoiding those burned edges and I want to dissolve those into my sauce give it one last taste for seasoning needs a pinch more salt and then there's really only a few big chunks of meat that still need to be pulled apart into bite-sized pieces that's it let's eat big pile of mash goes on the plates that is the perfect medium for soaking up extra sauce then on goes the meat I know that people put multiple kinds of vegetables in their pot roast sometimes they cook their potatoes in the pot roast but if you just keep it to one main vegetable you can make sure that it gets the perfect amount of cooking time you do multiple vegetables at once then at least some of them are probably going to be really mushy that meat is just covered in melted collagen and fat it is lip smacking and this neither looks nor tastes like tomato sauce the long partially dry cooking has transformed this into something much darker and sweeter there's enough still in the pot to serve an army and it reheats great incomparable bang for a buck speaking of which remember to save fifteen dollars on your first car trip with Toro by using my link and code in the description and may your winter be made warmer with this
Channel: Adam Ragusea
Views: 2,856,791
Rating: 4.8925161 out of 5
Keywords: pot roast, mashed potatoes, pot roast recipe, beef roast, best pot roast, how to make pot roast, how to, how to make, best pot roast recipe, how to make pot roast on the stove, how to make pot roast in the oven, pot roast in oven, pot roast recipe dutch oven, pot roast recipe stove top, pot roast recipe oven, beef roast recipe, beef roast in oven, best pot roast in the oven, best pot roast ever, best pot roast recipe oven
Id: ORcTvgK-vPg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 7sec (667 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 21 2019
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