Skyrim: 5 Unsettling Mysteries You May Have Missed in The Elder Scrolls 5 (Part 11) Skyrim Secrets

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boo did I get you this time how's it going everyone it's Nate here and Skyrim is a realm of magic monsters mages mechanical Giants and so much more such really is true not only for Skyrim but the entire Elder Scrolls universe in which it exists and in a world of so much mystique where what we back in real life would call paranormal is just straight-up normal you better believe Bethesda relished in the opportunity to pepper it with mysteries and unanswered questions to puzzle skyress player base and so in today's video we will be taking another deep dive into some of sky urns most fascinating inquiries sit back and relax for our eleventh installment of unsettling mysteries in the Elder Scrolls v skyrim starting off the members of the inner circle of white runs companions guild are all plagued with a special power or curse lycanthropy given to them by the Daedric god of the hunt her scene this enables members of the group to transform into werewolves effectively on command however also means that upon their death their souls will go to her scene rather than sovngarde or the typical glorious afterlife realms the latter half of the companions is quest line is centered around the guilds effort to find a cure for this lycanthropy so that when they die they'll get to rest in peace rather than be slaves to a dark Daedric Lord after quite a climactic series of events the guild will succeed in developing a ritual to relieve themselves of this curse and each inner circle member will choose to do so well oh except a yellow the Huntress a yellow for her part refuses to give up her power when given the chance to she wants to remain part wolf even if it means never getting to experience sovngarde it's never really explained why she makes such a seemingly outlandish decision most of us myself included probably just sort of assumed that she must really like running around as a wolf or something however some players have theorized that there may be much more significant reasons behind a Ella's odd choice you see before we were able to cure lycanthropy midway in the Companions storyline a lycanthrope member of the guilds inner circle skewer was killed in a surprise attack by the Silver Hand the game heavily alludes to their having been a serious romantic relationship between a Ella and skewer the two have some dialogue that implies that they hunt together alone frequently and there's even a conversation a yellow may have where she denies rumors of the two being a couple since skewer was killed before ridding himself of his curse that means his soul went to her scene many suspect that because of this a Ella's wants hers to go to her scene too so that in the afterlife she can finally be back with her old friend / lover she doesn't just enjoy being a werewolf for that much or something she wants to see someone again that she cared about perhaps her in skewer really had a deep connection and she's willing to do whatever it takes to make sure that she gets a chance to interact with him again even if it means captivity in her scenes realm at least that seems to be the most plausible potential explanation surely she doesn't think a few more years of werewolf powers is worth being trapped in oblivion for all of eternity but hey we've seen characters do sillier our Neil gain I'm looking at you next on her list oh I think you guys are really gonna like this one who were the ice tribes and what was the Gehenna so this mystery well it certainly revolves around Skyrim was one that we were introduced in a game that very much was not the Elder Scrolls 5 you see back in 2004 fresh off of their hit Elder Scrolls 3 morrowind game Bethesda Softworks decided to Commission the release of two cellphone games mind you this was back in 2000 for long before touchscreen or the first iPhone were invented people were literally playing these titles on their Motorola t7 20s well one of those two games was called the Elder Scrolls travels Dawnstar it exclusively took place in the city of Dawnstar in Skyrim the plot centered around an extremely shady and mysterious blue skinned people described simply as coming from the north who had recently been raiding and threatening to capture the town these enemies were referred to as the ice tribes and the game would ultimately climax with the player called the hero of dawn star ultimately driving them away and defeating their terrifying pet an equally mysterious beast known as the Gehenna but who the heck were these people where are they really from and are they completely gone in time for the events of the Elder Scrolls 5 well apparently coming from the north there's a few different regions these shadowy clans could be hailing from a atmora an entire frozen continent north of Tamriel that's said to be uninhabitable but we have no real maps of B the island of solstein which is relatively northeast of Skyrim or C they could be from any of the innumerable frozen glaciers or icy islands in the sea of ghosts between Skyrim and atmora again we don't really know where atmora is exactly or what it looks like so we're not exactly sure how big the sea is between it and Skyrim there's a lot of room for these people to be coming from furthermore due in no small part to their blue skin there's no shortage of theories and speculation about their ancestral origins many players attest they could be a relative of writings who also donned blue skin and appeared in morrowind as well as sky arms Dragonborn DLC though these ice people are good bit taller than we know Reich leans to be making this a little unlikely others propose that perhaps they could be descendants of the snow elves they thought to be extinct elven race that was wiped out by the Nords during their conquest of Skyrim at thousands of years ago we know that some snow elves avoided immediate death by seeking refuge with the dwarves and eventually evolving into the foamer maybe some instead chose to flee into the icy seas north of Skyrim and became whatever these are but as persuasive as these arguments may be neither of them explain away the Gehenna off that terrifying monster who acts as a final boss which is unlike anything in the entire Elder Scrolls universe it's almost impossible to describe without showing you the picture it's not a troll it's not a giant it's not a frost giant it's not a hag Raven I don't know what this creature is one idea I've taken a real liking to is that maybe these ice tribes and their monster friend here aren't really from the north at all but instead the East the Far East akka veer in particular akavir is of course the exotic and incredibly mysterious continent east of Tamriel it's said that there's a people there known as the kemal or snow demons we have no idea what those fellows look like but it stands to reason that maybe they're blue and maybe they'd have exotic demon-like pets though we can't be sure if that's true either whatever these shady invaders were wherever they came from if they're still around somewhere only they know and maybe we should just be glad that they haven't come back coming in at number three who exactly is the ancient dragon born well that's not an especially difficult question to answer he's a spectral companion that can be summoned after the second word of the Dragon aspect shout has been learned but did be more cific which Dragonborn is or was this ghostly fellow well in the entire Elder Scrolls franchise there's been a handful of Dragonborns we know virtually every ruler in the entire septim bloodline was one which is like 20 people right off the bat there additionally Skyrim's ancient hiking wolf Arth aleisea queen of sir adele and of course the player are a part of that list so there's roughly 25 dovakin 'he's the lore tells us of and in fact it's possible there may have been just a couple others we never heard of sprinkled in though likely not many as to Dragonborns within the same lifespan isn't the thing that's supposed to happen very often okay so at this point our mystery of who the ancient dragon born is or was seems fairly unsolvable right there's just too many candidates well there's a few things worth paying attention to that not only really narrow down the pool but complicate this thing a whole lot further we learned the dragon aspects shout which allows us to call upon this character during the events of the Dragonborn DLC well the expansion's main plot doesn't directly say it the power is very much connected to me rack the dragon aspects shout of course has three words a part of it they're found on word walls within raven rock mine me rex temple and Apocrypha respectively like all other word walls each of these have some text written individual basically dragon language inscribed onto them and when translated they say a lot about the first dragon born the first of the Dragon aspect word walls reads as follows quote all praise glorious me rack most powerful servant of all dragon priests whose strength was granted by the gardener of mankind the second goes quote here once stood a mere AK who wore his faith as armor shielded by Daedra for his eternal loyalty and the last wall states quote this stone commemorates great me rack dragon priest of great wisdom servant of the dragon kind and enemy of mankind so clearly me rock has something to do with this power right in some way he must be associated well it gets even weirder because if we use the Dragon aspect shout on him during our final showdown and call upon the ancient dragon born he'll say this so you use my own shout against me you'll learn quickly his power he's implying that he himself had something to do with the very creation of this shout yet at the same time we know that mirek was the first dragon born so how could he have anything to do with summoning ancient ones before him to his side it's also worth noting that the ancient dragon born also uses a spectral variant of the ancient Nord hero war axe this can be important for two reasons one nord hero weapons can only be crafted at the sky forge in Whiterun possibly implying the wielder must be from Skyrim and it's a Nord weapon making it unlikely to been wielded by a septum Dragonborn then again that could also just be a design choice by Bethesda some have taken all of this information collectively to possibly suggest that this character is an aspect of mirek himself rather than being the whole spirit of a long-dead dovakin could this simply be a part of mere acts own soul or maybe there was a dragon born prior to him it's unlikely we'll ever find answers at least not anytime soon whoever he was the ancient dragon born is a nice if rather mysterious ally to have at our backs for fourth spot who was or what is the greedy man so yet again we're gonna be focusing on the Dragonborn deal see here the skull north of Seoul Stein will give the player a fairly comprehensive introduction to their unique religion unlike their Nord brothers back on Skyrim they don't worship the nine or eight Divine's instead they believe in a single monotheistic God known as the OL maker who's said to have created pretty much everything what they don't directly tell you but a few in-game books in both Skyrim and more wins Blood Moon DLC reveal is that the skull also believe the all maker has a sort of evil counterpart that they call the greedy man there's a few other names this beam is referred to as including the adversary and the antithesis additionally it stated that there's a more proper name for this entity that it prefers to be called by but no one dare speak or write it down so we don't actually know what that name is according to legend the greedy man is equally as powerful as the OL maker and delights in upsetting his work he's responsible for famine drought and ultimately death all being natural occurrences which long ago apparently wasn't the case at first it's fairly easy to write off the entire skull religion as nonsense I mean throughout the events of Skyrim we constantly interact with the myriad of real gods so clearly the skull have it wrong right well not exactly the all Maker stones large well stones scattered across souls time with the deep connection to the skull religion harbours real genuine power as do their shamans and priests which are constantly interacting with their Gilad so there's something here in one of their legends the skull claimed that the greedy man manifested himself in a physical form once and infiltrated one of their tribes before revealing himself doing all sorts of nasty things and then fleeing off into the woods this is actually the subject of the book a VR stone singer the Dragonborn DLC is somewhat hints at the possibility this greedy man could really be me rack or hermaeus mora both characters would have obviously been around long before the skull and mirek personally has an obsession with corrupting the all maker stones so you could see why people think of him as an adversary to their God furthermore other players are of the opinion that it could be lorkhan or an aspect of civis lorkhan is a very evil and also very powerful being that isn't touched upon much in Skyrim but in morrowind in previous games was a pretty big deal imagine an evil God a lot more powerful than the Daedra and that's kind of the spark notes of what lorkhan is he's got a lot of significance with the creation of the universe and everything so he's another good candidate what's so striking about all of this is that the greedy man is known to adopt a human physical form he's not a weird wind or just something that exists in the sky that the skull think is real no they claim to it seen and interacted with him but who exactly is he and also I suppose equally mysterious is who is the OL maker if we know the Divine's of Tamriel are real - there's a lot going on here but not a lot that can fully and especially not easily be explained and finally last on our list we have the Curious Case of the Atronach forge what is it doing and who originally created it beneath the College of Winterhold lies an area referred to as the midden few college staff and students know of this places existence and even fewer have ever dared enter its deaths in this damp series of cellars and tunnels we'll find evidence of all sorts of horrifying acts skeletal remains litter the floors and it seems dark rituals were once being performed down here though at the bottom of this spooky basement the ATRA forge can be found alongside a small series of notes likely compiled long ago also by someone who is likely a long-dead the author of these Diaries explains that the origins of the Atronach Forge are just as puzzling to him as anyone else he doesn't know what the device is or how it came to be though he does detail how it's possible to use it to summon various Atronach s' and even create daedric armor x' assuming you make the proper offerings and use it properly and indeed in the actual game we ourselves can create all sorts of the Lees armor sets and conjure fire ice and storm atra knocks through the forge assuming we use the right ingredients so what's going on here well well how this structure came to be is definitely something to touch on we in fact have a really good idea of how this thing works at least we think we do as many of you already know extra knocks and even certain weapons can be conjured up through the use of more general spells in normal gameplay without the use of this Forge when you do this conjure an ice Atronach or sword you're not actually creating one out of thin air instead and this is kind of cool you are pulling that creature or item from the plains of oblivion into the mortal realm there's some incredible lore behind this evidently there are entire realms of oblivion inhabited exclusively by atra NOx that we're pulling from so this Forge is almost certainly doing a similar thing it's not creating or forging anything itself but instead just grabbing entities from oblivion and putting them before us almost like a conduit between our two realms but who built it this is a far less straightforward question with a far less straightforward answer it's old really old and almost certainly predates Nordic settlement in Skyrim so it most probably was an elven race either the snow ELLs the dwarves or Kaymer the Kaymer were basically ancestors of the Dark Elves it's kind of weird parts of the forge incorporate elements that appear to be varied in nature making them a prime candidate though the rest of the architecture in the midden doesn't really suit their particular style could it be an ancient elven cult of Daedra worshipers maybe Mirabel irvene states that the college of winterhold which is on top of this whole thing was built sometime in the first era so it definitely predates that be it the dwarves snow elves or de jure themselves hey that rhymes I don't think we'll ever know for sure who constructed this thing and that's why it earns a final spot in today's video and with that we are going to wrap up five more unsettling mysteries in the elderscrolls v skyrim thanks for stopping by everybody which of these mysteries or curious questions do you think you might have an explanation for and what should I cover in a future video leave a comment down below as always like writings are very much appreciated especially in 20 plus minute videos again thanks for watching and I hope to catch you all in my next video peace out everyone
Channel: TheEpicNate315
Views: 1,940,520
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Skyrim, The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim, Elder Scrolls 5, Elder Scrolls, Skyrim Special Edition, Skyrim Mysteries, Skyrim Theories, Skyrim Mystery, Skyrim Top 5, Skyrim Top 10, Skyrim Lore, Elder Scrolls Lore, Skyrim Easter Eggs, Elder Scrolls Easter Eggs, Easter Eggs, Skyrim Secrets, Skyrim Facts, Skyrim Tiny Details, Skyrim Mod, Skyrim Mods, TheEpicNate315
Id: grrP4mc-bss
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 21sec (1281 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 15 2019
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