Skyrim - Top 5 Kids Who Need Adoption the Most

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I get it believe me adopting a kid might be the last thing on your to-do list or even you're even remotely considering it but probably not list and and the attitude of a lot of children in Skyrim is not helping to change your mind the thing is there are some out there who they really do deserve a better life and that's what I want to focus on so today I will be listing my top five kids who need adoption the most in Skyrim let's get into it starting off at number 5 we have blaze he's a young boy living at catalyst farm just outside of Solitude and arguably he's the one doing most of the work I mean when I came here there were four adults standing around the place but you know if they weren't leaning up against one of the houses to take a rest a break then they were chit-chatting among themselves but then you've you first talked to blaze he says he takes care of the goats the horses the chicken and the garden a lot of things not mentioning other animals like the pigs and the Ibis or all of the supply runs that he has to make for food and things like hay and seeds so he's a stable boy and he works very hard at it Katla let him work here after both of his parents had been killed they were in the Imperial Legion and they both died during an ambush now it sounds nice of Katla to give him a place to stay but for all of the work that he does he isn't even allowed to sleep in either of the houses which you know by the way you go in they've got plenty of space for one extra bed instead he has to sleep outside next to the horses on a small sheet of hay if it's raining and lightning outside doesn't matter he cannot come in not not to mention his sleeping spot is right at the entrance to the farm so someone wants to come in the night and kidnap him I mean who knows no one from inside is going to hear a thing or be alarmed it's tough living for this boy but offering to adopt him as your son really does clear the storm in his mind he lights up and he says really you mean it Wow thanks paw and after saying goodbye to the adults and to Katla for a while at least giving him something to do all this time he then makes his way to his new home number four we have Sophie the flower girl of Windhelm alone and very cold and sometimes stepped on by the other citizens I mean quite literally off get off one oops she struggles plenty as it is selling flowers and flower baskets on the streets to afford just enough food for herself each day but it's a slow business I mean she waits long hours in front of the door that leads down to the docks hoping that someone will buy something but they rarely do I mean a lot of days go by where she doesn't sell any at all she has to do this because both of her parents are gone her mother died when she was very little and so it was just her and her dad for a while but then he joined the Stormcloak rebellion and then died in the war leaving her alone so now it's a sad existence wandering the gray corridor with the other Dark Elves they pity her because they can see that unkindness is not only reserved for them and Sophie can't help but feel like an outcast in a city of her own people so it's cold in more ways than one and even worse are the chills at night that she has to feel that keep the left side of her body so numb that's the side that she likes to sleep on which always wakes up in great pain this is just outside of neurones house just across from the side door it's not clear if Noorani knows this girl sleeps out here and that's not good because rumor is there's a serial killer who's been stalking the streets if this person finds her little can be done to save her life so if sophie has a future it'll be up to a kind soul that's willing to take her out of this city number three we have sisal you can find her at Rorke's dead unlike the others she does actually have a family but it's not good it's an abusive family so her her twin sister and her father in total and she has to take a salt from both of them I mean when I first arrived her sister Breda was yelling at her to weed the garden and that should be in trouble if she didn't but it's actually Breda herself who was originally supposed to do it she was trying to shirk her duties and if you talked to her she doesn't hide her distaste at all for her sister she says if you beat up my sister sisal I won't tell she'll also say sisal is barely worthy to walk in my shadow so the girls they really they don't get along okay so how about talking to the father for more information you approached him and the first thing he says but before you can even say hi is do yourself a favor and don't have children they're good for nothing at all he's a bitter man calling them useless expecting them to tend to the fields for the rest of their lives like that's their only purpose in life that's probably the only thing that would make him happy really so you finally speak with sisal and immediately you can see that she's different than the other two she admires you and and wishes she also could be an adventurer she's so much nicer to be around and if you get her talking she'll then explain that she has to take beatings from her sister and her father this is actually why she's been learning magic from Joanna and one of the villages elders that maybe one day she'll be strong enough to defend herself from all the punches but luckily a more immediate response is possible if you stick an arrow in the back of LEM kill the dad and make sure no one sees you and and maybe stuff him in the fire like he deserves but still have no one see you then these girls won't have a guardian anymore so you can now adopt sisal and let her live somewhere safe where there isn't domestic violence now brie does fate will be up to you I mean you can't argue that she's only nasty because her father was to her and behaving like this was was the only thing she knew sort of a defense mechanism in her own way but well what if she doesn't change and she keeps on harassing her sister is it fair to her so adopting both of them that will be up to you but sisal definitely deserves it the most number two we have Lucia certainly too young to be a beggar on the streets of Whiterun but that is the reality apparently she used to live on a farm with her mother but she died when Lucia was very young now her aunt and uncle took over the farm but that's all they cared about the farm the property not her at all so they kicked her out said she wasn't good for anything somehow she ended up in Whiterun and now she just she just wanders the streets like a ghost no one pays her any mind no one talks to her her gives her anything she does like to hang around the guild or green tree and and that's really where she sort of resumes this ethereal occupation she looks up at anyone who passes through the park stares at them the entire time thinking maybe maybe someone might like my company but no one says anything to her they walk right by ER like nothing is there if someone on the odd chance does speak to her it's a guard who passes by and says hands to yourself sneak-thief Oh a pickpocket whilst would she follow people around the way that she does but really it's for a proper meal and a decent bed that's all if you talk to her she'll ask for just one gold please this is actually advice she took from Bren Ewan another of the town's beggars who apparently is the only one who's been nice to her since coming here and that's fine but the trouble is brand-new inalca hall like very bad and gets mean that when he doesn't have a drink so following his advice is this Lucy is fate as well staying poor and homeless until the only relief she gets is the temporary love and warmth but long lasting emptiness from the bottle hopefully not maybe a different start as someone's daughter will inspire her to go on to do great things and quickly before number one we've an honourable mention and that is the four children stuck at the honor hall orphanage in rifton's this is Runa for Samuel and Francois obviously living under the harsh rule of ghrelin it's a terrible place to be but that said I didn't make any of them an official number just because if you do kill ghrelin and Constance for a good measure at least these kids now have housing in a major city there's relatively safe and and sticking as a team if they do well it'll be up to them to decide how they want to grow up not perfect but it's a little bit better maybe that means worshiping the dark brotherhood because that's definitely who they think safe to them or maybe it means worshipping [Music] and number one we have a lizanne he's the only kid you can find and Dawnstar owned if you can catch him that is because he is always on the move he runs food and supplies to all of the miners in town he's back and forth back and forth all day it's very tiring which is why he says who I'm worn out or another one is I'm so tired it's it's exhausting work and it doesn't make him any money but what it does give him is permission to sleep in the inn over by the wall you know somewhat close to the fire that's his life running all day every day just to earn him that one spot on the stone floor why does he have to live this way well it wasn't always like this um apparently he used to go on voyages with his father who was a sailor it was hard but rewarding living the thing is his father eventually became very sick when they were out on on a voyage and the crew knew they knew it wasn't good so they dropped him and his son off at Dawnstar and and they just left and shortly after what they thought would happen did happen the father yeah he died this left a lizanne alone and Dawnstar to fend for himself now he was always pretty good at running food and water to the sailors while they were working and making sure they were comfortable so he did again what he knew best the miners hear that I mean they loved it they loved getting that kind of thing but this kind of work it's not sustainable it's very taxing and you don't want to be weak in this kind of weather it'll break you down so if you offer to adopt a lizanne you can almost feel his heart slowed down as he takes a deep breath he thanks you and then makes one last trip to the mines to wish his friends a good season and a prosperous dig but that's all and and like the other kids who you visited he now has a new shot at a good life maybe they will grow up to be an adventurer just like you and there you have it my top five kids who need adoption the most in Skyrim if you enjoyed the video please like comment and subscribe and down below please tell me is there someone else you'd like to add to this list alright thank you very much for what tag you're it okay not into it sorry I yeah I'm not either it's stupid stupid
Channel: Graenolf
Views: 1,885,234
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: skyrim top 5 kids who need adoption the most, skyrim kids to adopt, skyrim best kids to adopt, skyrim saddest stories, skyrim saddest locations, skyrim sad encounters, skyrim best children, skyrim secrets, skyrim secret encounters, skyrim fan theories, skyrim theory, skyrim hardest decisions
Id: A22tNaQbKdM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 1sec (661 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 11 2018
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