Skyrim: 5 Things They Never Told You About Riften

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hey how's it going guys it's Nate here and in Skyrim south-easterly most hold lies the city of Rifton sitting on the borders of both more wind and sira dela Rifton is one of Skyrim is most cosmopolitan settlements boasting a massive population and thriving business district however the capital of the rift hasn't been spared from Skyrim's recent turmoil and if the civil war and the dragon invasion aren't bad enough Rifton has recently become a hub for corruption and crime serving as the base of both the powerful thieves guild crime outfit and the blackbriar family who are notorious for their various criminal enterprises and bribery schemes in fact as far as many are concerned it's the thugs not the yarol and her guards who rule the city streets with such a complicated present and past it's not hard to see how this city of shadows is one that's likely been keeping secrets from players for a very long time so today we'll be taking a look at five things you probably didn't know about the city of Rifton in the Elder Scrolls v skyrim starting off Rifton is rather unique amongst Chiron's large cities in a bit that it actually boasts 3 main gates don't wear a promise this is going to be interesting there's the primary northern gate that most players will see and use upon first entering the city there's a second gate located on the southwestern edges of the town's walls and then there's a third gateway located next to the local graveyard and trine of Talos towards the southeast but if you can't already tell this gateway is mysteriously boarded up and unusable why well true to the title of this video skyrim itself literally doesn't tell us there's no dialogue or conversations that we can have which explain this it's not referenced in any quests or books the gate is just boarded up for some unexplained reason and that's that well thankfully in this instance what skyrim itself doesn't tell us it's official game guide duds I brought ups Chiron's game guide as a resource before in these videos it was written by Bethesda Game Studios riders and published by prima games when Skyrim initially came out so we can take what this book has to say fairly seriously in a section dedicated to the city of Rifton the guide briefly explains that the real reason the south eastern gate is boarded shut has to do with a recent surge of bandit attacks evidently travelers and merchants leaving and entering the city through this gateway have just so often been attacked by Marauders and on occasion bandits have even been so emboldened as to try to attack the gate themselves the yarol just decided to block off that entrance entirely deeming it too much of a hassle to deal with it doesn't come off as the greatest solution but in many ways this boarded up gate serves as a symbol of just how weak the holds government has become so strained are their resources the yarol and her stewards decided they'd rather just stop people from using that door altogether not wanting to risk confronting the problem it's an unfortunate situation but if there's any city this was going to happen in I'm not surprised it's Rifton next on our list upon the dovakin z' first visit to the city chances are you'll be approached by the conniving thief brignoli second-in-command of the Thieves Guild who will recognize your potential as a pickpocket and invite you to join him in a specific scheme you see bring golf has recently opened up a stall in the town's marketplace where he's been selling a special potion that he calls his foamer blood elixir he claims it can do all sorts of things cure diseases increased one speed heal wounds help you make love like a sabre cat anything really now of course the drink does none of that if you get your hands on a bottle and look at the effects you'll find all that it really does is increase the consumers health by a single measly point yep it's useless it's snake oil but he's not trying to turn profit on it the real reason Brinn yelps been selling this for so long is that he's been waiting for the opportunity to create a distraction he'll inform the player that he plans on getting the attention of everyone in rifton's marketplace and when they're all looking the other way Brittany Ulf wants you to steal a ring from an Argonian merchant named madessa and planted in the inventory of brand chez another merchant who Brin yo and the Thieves Guild would like to see arrested basically they're trying to frame this poor brandish a guy for thievery this is the basis of the quest a chance arrangement and once Bryn yelps got everyone's attention and you've planted the ring brand che will be jailed then the quest will be completed brittany olfe will then invite the Dragonborn to join the Thieves Guild and will abandon his market stall allowing the guild storyline to really kick off however this isn't the last we have to see abrini alts little Fulmer blood elixir Oh as after this quest has been completed if the player visits the home of helga a local innkeeper with a reputation for being shall we say a bit romantically promiscuous seriously there's an entire quest centered around meeting this woman's ex-lovers we can find none other than a fresh bottle of the elixir patiently sitting on one of her nightstands suggesting the woman fell headfirst for brynee old scam likely because she heard the make love like a sabre cat bit this is also what one of like three obtainable bottles of the elixir in the entire game and it responds every few days alas just in case you were wondering it seems that rift in snake oil salesman was able to find a single buyer after all coming in at number three perhaps one of rifton's only truly benevolent institutions is its temple of Mara the place is run by Mara mole a red guard priest of the goddess of lava and his wife a dunmer named dinna Baloo the two characters are easily some of rifton's most genuinely good kind-hearted people and they seem to exhibit an actual concern for the town's well-being despite its various nefarious influences however something you may not have known is that it would appear dinya is one of the very few characters in a playable Elder Scrolls game that's pregnant indeed she doesn't mention it nor does she really show it directly to the player and there's no conversations we can have or journals we can find that suggests she's getting ready for a child but some dialogue she may casually have with her husband reveals that this dunmer is absolutely expecting take a listen it fills me with joy to hear you with child Enya they said it wouldn't that it couldn't happen but Mara has shown them their mistake and to think I was wandering the ash wastes only two years ago I never knew my path would lead to you you were guided here you were always meant to be here that's the way of things then I thank Lady Mara with all my heart for you for our child and for our love this makes dinya alongside a woman living in dawn star named it Saran one of only two pregnant characters in the entire game furthermore making matters even more interesting is the fact that Dania is of course a dunmer and the father Mara Maul a red guard so this kid would have both a human and elephant parent now it should be noted that crossbreeding between men and myrrh is actually a pretty well-established concept in Elder Scrolls lore there's multiple books on the subject generally speaking the child will be of the same race as the mother though carries some substantial characteristics of the father in fact it's been said that the entire Breton sub race of men was really created thanks to frequent interbreeding between humans and high elves however this kid turns out who he or she looks more like in what traits they have I suppose we ourselves will never know but it seems Lifton's temple of Mara is about to get a new member very soon for fourth spot speaking of rifton's temple of Mara while it is again a very pure benevolent place run by kind benevolent people lying on a nightstand in one of the common bedrooms players can find a very out of place item idly sitting on a desk is a copy of the book a kiss sweet mother which infinitely contains the black sacrament summoning ritual used to call the Dark Brotherhood by potential contract bidders what's a book as dark as this doing in such a holy place no way it belongs to Mara milord Enya what is going on well we're actually not 100% sure of the identity of this book's original owner that remains a mystery however there are some pretty good theories and suspects that haven't floated I personally believe that this article of literature belonged to a Ventus aarati Noah the young orphan boy who escaped on Iran orphanage in the same city and later fled to Windhelm a Ventus clearly had knowledge of and interest in the Dark Brotherhood I mean he performs the black sacrament himself it's quite possible that after fleeing the orphanage before he totally left the city he stopped by the temple of Mara for a quick breather or maybe the priests gave him some assistance other players argued that maybe it was Cicero yes the devious jester who's only recently made his way into Skyrim we know he came from Serie Dilla maybe he crossed the rifton's border and made a stop in the city though considering by this point in time he was a seasoned assassin it seems a little odd that he would want to reread a book he's almost certainly very familiar with by now but hey he is crazy maybe whoever owned the book is still in the city we know that maven blackbriar has a black sacrament ritual going on in her basement it could be her though I doubt that woman would bother to spend time in a temple of Mara heck maybe these priests aren't quite as pure as we previously thought maybe it is more Amahl whoever this book really belonged to only Bethesda knows and Bethesda walked out and finally last on our list how could we do a video on the city of Rifton without setting foot in its royal court mr. Bell keep here I want to take a look at your laelia lawgivers favorite steward meet a new really an educated high elf who looks to be fully dedicated to her duty of defending the hold though as we'll soon find out looks can be a bit deceiving and she has some well alternative loyalties you see first and foremost as players who opted to side with the Imperials during the events of Skyrim Civil War will learn or those of you who just break into her bedroom an Ori alwa is secretly in the pocket of maven blackbriar and the Thieves Guild within a room two different letters can be found one is a letter from maven regarding her imprisoned son city blackbriar in it maven orders an Oriole to ensure that city is treated well in prison though not released without mavens explicit directions then there's another letter written by maven to an Oriole we could uncover during the events of the Civil War that's even more blatant it reads quote dearest Inori Allah the ural has shown great wisdom in choosing you as our steward a position well befitting your character as it demands great cunning Grace and shall we say talent for performing one's duties tactfully and discreetly you have become an important asset to our operation I trust you found the dress accompanying this letter to your satisfaction remember as I flourish so too will my friends however I wish to remind you of your pledge to prevent hunting brew deliveries from entering the city I am also waiting for the detachment of city guards to escort my merchandise I understand it can take time navigating around the delicate sensibilities of your mistress the great Yardley a lawgiver but really I've waited long enough provided you continue to serve my interests I will continue to look after yours I trust I'll be hearing from you soon signed maven yeah it's clear as day an Oriole is loyal to someone other than the people of Rifton now during the events of the Civil War if we side with the Imperials we can confront an Oriole with this letter from maven and use it to blackmail her into revealing the position of a Stormcloak supply train given the fact that this revelation is a part of a major quest line I didn't initially want to put it in this video but there's more to this High Elf too you see she is also secretly in a relationship with one of the Urals things who made it snow shod this love affair like so much else we've talked about in this video is it connected to any quests or conversations we the player can have but we can overhear dialogue between the two characters confirming their hidden love take a listen unmade my sweet are we still meeting later for combat training of course your training isn't complete yet I'll look forward to it then anuria would you please stop declaring that the city is safe for the all too wrong you and I both know that isn't true I would never knowingly place laila in danger you know that too why do you always question my judgment you don't trust me I trust you I'm just concerned about her safety that's all don't be angry with me I'm not angry with you tell you what lover meet me in my chambers later and we can discuss the situation in private I should point out that amid snow Schad is a fierce supporter of Ulfric Stormcloak and his yarol like he passionately believes in both causes whereas an Oriole as we've just learned is really only loyal to maven blackbriar so it's odd that they'd find such a genuine connection now well I suppose maybe it's do attract and with that we are going to wrap up five things they never told you about the city of Rifton in the elderscrolls v Skyrim thanks so much for stopping by everybody recently we've been doing a lot of these location and faction specific videos so what tiny details are hidden secrets relevant to places or people in Skyrim do you know of that I get to tackle leave a comment down below as always they are very much appreciated now more than ever thanks again for watching and hope to catch you all in my next video peace out everyone
Channel: TheEpicNate315
Views: 614,822
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Id: eydZ-wCqr0E
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Length: 16min 13sec (973 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 02 2020
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