Skyrim: 5 Things They Never Told You About Falkreath

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hey how's it going guys it's Nate here and - welcome to the ancient city of Volk reef one of Skyrim's southernmost hold capitals the lands of this area are dominated by lush thick forests and the beautiful lake illa nota Coast despite offering some of the most breathtaking scenes available in the Elder Scrolls 5 for its role in the events of the game are shockingly minor save for being the setting of a couple of side quests the city nor hold offer much of any narrative significance furthermore a lack of walls or defining architectural characteristics make the settlement virtually indistinguishable from some of Skyrim's other more generic towns nonetheless while it may have gotten a bit of a developmental cold-shoulder by Bethesda I can assure you there's more default wreaths for just a pile of buildings or nearby neat hiking trails and indeed it's a hub for some of the Elder Scrolls is most fascinating Laura if you're willing to dig beneath the brush ladies and gentlemen today we'll be taking a look at five things you probably never knew about the town of Falk reef and the surrounding region in the elderscrolls v skyrim starting off the great serie Dilek empire which today reigns over much of Tamriel was actually originally born here in fall truth let me explain this one's pretty fun so when you think of what skyrim looks like on a map chances are you think of this image a large northern kingdom of 9 holds each administered by a local Ural and all loyal to a single High King well this has been true for most of Skyrim's recorded history over time things did change quite a bit as various Kings either gained or lost territory heck there is even a brief moment when the high king of Skyrim controlled most of neighboring high rock and even bits of more wind anyway in the late second era just before the rise of Tiber Septim the lore suggests that something happened that caused the region of skyrim to be incredibly divided so much so that it seems many of the holds became their own independent Kingdoms the history were provided by the games is purposely vague here we're not sure if the kingdom of Skyrim was entirely dissolved for some reason and every place it ruled just gained independence or if maybe it still existed but there was just no strong central government left to keep things in line nonetheless during this time period Fall Creek 2 gained independence and during this period of self-rule a man named Kula Caine was crowned king of bulk reef and he sought to expand his territory eventually as the second era came to a close the king invited a mysterious man today known as Tiber Septim may have heard of him or Talos to become a general and lead his armies Talos proved to be insanely skilled and soon Kula Cain was able to conquer most of Serie Dell and even all of Skyrim in the name of full truth with so much land under his belt already the man decided he wanted more he wanted to take over a whole of Tamriel ax so in the final days of the second era coolican crowned himself the Emperor of Tamriel ax in the recently captured Imperial City which he decided would become his new capital and thus the third serie Delic Empire one that still stands today was founded sadly emperor Kula Kane would be killed mere months after his coronation and a mysterious fire that burned down his palace left without an air general Tiber Septim swept in and declared he would take up the throne next as you might imagine there's a lot of internal debate within the community regarding whether or not Kula Cain's death was a true accident or really just a power grab by Talos alas general now Emperor septum would go on to fulfill the dream of taking over Tamriel and building a dynasty that would stand the test of time and so the Empire we all know and love that's appeared in just about every single Elder Scrolls game all had its roots right here in this raggedy little province next on our list with crash course on history over let's talk a little bit about the place in modern times and specifically focus in on one resident who may be receiving some divine signals Ranil is the town's local priest of Archaea and even without examining the interesting supernatural elements to his character that we'll get into the man's a pretty memorable person evidently decades ago he was once a powerful battle major fighting for the Alda Marie Dominion in their great war against the Empire but after that conflict runo opted to choose a life of peace and pacifism now he openly talks about how much he regrets serving the Thalmor and all those innocents he wish he didn't hurt today he only desires to spread the word of RA and hopefully find some redemption for his past well he offers players a short fetch quest to recover a journal of his that he recently lost while wandering around a cave for some reason if you can go get that book back to him he promises to pay you with handsomely this mission is again about as generic as fetch quests get the book spawns in a random dungeon go get it clearing out any enemies and return it for your reward it's all over then but while you have the journal you can open it up and sneak a peek of its contents which get rather ominous most of the journal entries are boring priests stuff but in the final paragraph written on the twentieth of Suns height literally just a month before Skyrim begins ruining talks about strange visions I'll just read it to you guys quote xx of Suns height dreams of the war again but this time something different I was leading a small band of older Murray battle mages on a mission deep in the heart of Imperial territory we had drawn near our target a supply depot outside of Jaden Hall when the sky suddenly darkened a great shadow passed over us and there was a roar so terrible it showed my blood something was flying overhead so huge and so dark as to blot out the Sun the dream then changed I was here in full grief performing a service for someone who had just passed away though I don't recall who from the corner of my eye I saw stranger approaching I turned to look but the shadow came again and the roar and then I woke now that I reflect on the dream I can't help but wonder was it a dragon why would I dream of such a creature when I'd never seen one it seemed so real at the time but now the memory is fading what it means I cannot say probably nothing end quote rune l was having dreams about dragons just before the events of the game kicked off hey it's even possible that the stranger may have even been an allusion to us the Dragonborn I did quite a bit of research on rune ills entry and it doesn't appear to connect to any quests or plot lines it's just a one-off foreshadow meant of things to come what caused drew Nilla specifically to receive these dreams and no one else remains a mystery in its own right maybe his god RK was trying to send a warning whatever the narrative significance it's a neat detail by Bethesda coming in at number three while the residents of this capital may largely seem relatively friendly and neighborly with each other it would appear that behind the scenes the town's two biggest businesses gray pine Goods general store and the dead man's drink tavern are locked in a heated and potentially even blood drawing rivalry so the relationship I'm about to describe isn't one ever mentioned in any game dialog quest serve notes know instead everything we know about it comes from tags in Skyrim's game files and potential radiant game encounters dead man's drink is owned by valga vin sia who also serves as the primary innkeeper and manages the place with a woman named nori who helps clean and serve drinks for some reason in the Creation Kit she is flagged as a hating soul off the owner of gray pine goods a fall crete store and not only does he hate her back but Soloff also has a poor relationship with her employee nori if the player ever kills Sol off or vallega the other may send you a letter thanking you and providing some coin - likewise killing re can also provoke Soloff to send you the same letter this is made really weird by the fact that Soloff often goes into the dead man's drink and is served by the girls without any incident they look like good friends could it be that both business owners are only pretending to like each other but secretly harboring much much hatred maybe they feel having the others business around is hurting their own and they have pent up emotions I guess the only conclusions we can draw from this are to be weary of fall Creed's business community there's some pretty cutthroat fellows for 4th spot one of the most interesting types of settlements that pepper the lands of Skyrim are orcish strongholds small somewhat fortified communities of orcs who live under a chief and largely exists independent of Skyrim's laws and customs the High Kings and Urals all for the most part appear content to just leave them alone as long as they don't bother anything very cool in total there are 5 strongholds the player can come across during our time in the Elder Scrolls 5 but I'm going to argue that that number may actually be 7 as the fall truth hold looks to be holding two of unmarked strongholds that the game never points out bio Gulch mine is a large bandit occupy dungeon on the holds western border and take a close look and you'll notice all of the bandits are orcs not only that the architecture around the place is all orcish same for cracked us keep a supposedly bandit occupied fort on the south that - boasts an exclusively orcish population and orcish architecture these are strongholds just held by less friendly orcs after doing quite a bit of digging it doesn't seem like there are any other places like these two bandit outposts that are really Orca strongholds and sadly there's not much lower that seems to explain their existence The Fault Wraith region was supposedly attacked by various orcish tribes in the second era before the rise of Tiber Septim so maybe those ancient attackers could be the ancestors of the orcs occupying these places I don't know seems like a stretch whatever's going on here just know that fault grief seems to have to somewhat hidden settlements and finally last on her list one of the biggest questions Skyrim leaves unanswered is what's the backstory behind the volca vampire clan introduced in the dawn guard dlc the volkl are vampires are based out of a castle off of skyrim northern coast led by a man calling himself lord hearkened they claim to have been planning to blot out the Sun for centuries now and during the events of the dlc they finally spring into action but the game leaves the bulk of our clans past shockingly unexplained Harken claims that in ancient times used to be the king of somewhere who made a deal with some dark Daedric forces to become a vampire so he could be more powerful and immortal and all that stuff we know little else particularly where he was the king of well some suspect that this undead cabal's true origins may have something to do with full truth oh boy this is gonna be a long one one of the few side quests the dovakin can receive well in the hold is called dark ancestor it begins what a man named den gear of stunned who just so happens to also be full truths xrl who reigned until stepping down for his nephew admits to the player that he started feeling a bit nervous recently you see not too long ago a grave in the local cemetery was dug up and the body inside of it has disappeared most of the town assumes this is the work of simple petty grave robbers mere near duels looking to make a quick buck and nothing more but den gear knows the truth is much more frightening cuz the grave dug up belonged to an ancient ancestor of his named vegara who was a vampire according to him sometime hundreds of years ago the car was locked in a coffin and buried down beneath the earth sealed with a strange magical device called the ward stone since then his family presumably full creats royal family has been entrusted with protecting that stone and keeping Vig are buried unlucky for them some time ago that Ward stone went missing stolen by a thief and now the graves dug up with no body den gear nose vegara must have escaped and will beg the Dragonborn to help us defeat him once and for all he informs us that the vampire is probably fled to an abandoned castle called blood let thrown in the frozen southeast of the hole where they're rumored to be more vampires if we can take care of this problem for him he promises us quite a bit of gold from here dark ancestor is a pretty normal dungeon crawler go to the castle slay a bunch of vampires fight big are in a boss battle and return for your reward okay so interesting quest honestly not really but how does this connect to the volca har clan but before Skyrim ever came out the Volcom are were surprisingly enough first mentioned in a book from the Elder Scrolls for oblivion titled immortal blood which told the tale of a vampire hunter in that book for a brief moment while describing various vampire groups across Tamriel the volca horror quickly brought up and described as quote the most powerful tribe of Skyrim the volca our clan paranoid and cruel whose very breath could freeze their victim's blood in its veins I explained to him how they lived beneath the ice of remote and haunted lakes never venturing to the world of men except to feed end quote now this description is nothing like the volca our clan from skyrim indeed intense v they're more of a generic fantasy character of vampires they don't live under ice or use frost magic or anything like that but the gang at blood let thrown does fit this description at least a little better indeed below the castle much of the dungeon has been carved out from some ancient glacier hence they live beneath the ice and many of the vamps here use frost magic too maybe these folks were who that quote was really describing if we want to take things a step further maybe the kingdom once ruled by Lord Harkin was Falk wreath or at the very least incorporated blood led throne the location appears to be incredibly ancient at least a thousand years old could this have been the place harken was once in charge of until he made his evil paths with the Daedra and moved out to that castle off of skyrim shores the truth is of course as it so often is with these mysteries a very very unclear whatever happened I suppose only Lord Harkin knows and Lord Harkin won't say and with that we are going to wrap up five things you probably never knew about the city and hold the full truth in the Elder Scrolls v skyrim thanks so much for watching everybody which of these fun facts or tiny details did you find to be the most intriguing and what skyrim fallout or any other damned easter eggs do you know of that we haven't tackled yet leave a comment down below as always like ratings are very much appreciated again thanks for stopping by and hope to catch you all in my next video peace out everyone [Music]
Channel: TheEpicNate315
Views: 522,904
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Skyrim, The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim, Skyrim Special Edition, The Elder Scrolls 5, Skyrim Top 5, Skyrim Rare Items, Skyrim Facts, Skyrim Secrets, Skyrim tiny Details, Skyrim Mysteries, Skyrim Theories, Things You Didn't Know You Could Do In Skyrim, Skyrim Top 10, Skyrim Falkreath, Falkreath Hold, Skyrim Lore, Elder Scrolls Lore, Skyrim Mods, Skyrim Mod, TheEpicNate315
Id: 7EFAjizhiiY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 49sec (1009 seconds)
Published: Fri May 08 2020
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