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say hello viv so we have a little race today skier of the snowboarder viva is the next ski racer she's not on the race skis today and i think we all know skiing is fast and snowboarding so what do you reckon i'll get a 30 second head start let me let me get my helmet on how's your count seven practice how's your count my count one two it seems a little bit fast one elephant two elephants three that's better all right another route yeah ready let's go wow [Music] [Music] wow so oh i can't see her yet [Music] oh man this is nasty nobody stood under there so oh there's quite a headwind today this has really slowed me down this is where viv is really going to gain on me with the skis if she's not right behind me already not yet come on this is what i could do with some poles i can see her i can see ya look at her skating on the flat right come on so [Music] uh oh she's close look at that duck this is nasty ashes oh man my legs are burning busy oh damn man traffic oh uh ah she's long gone [Music] oh man [Music] look at her so smug the comments below oh man [Laughter] oh man that was hard work not the best conditions pretty bumpy and icy in places but hats off to viv well done i think i need more of a head start next time
Channel: Malcolm Moore
Views: 282,107
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: skier v snowboarder, skier vs snowboarder, ski or snowboard, whats faster, skis or snowboard, is skiing faster than snowboarding, whats harder skiing or snowboarding, skiing or snowboarding, 4k, snowboarding, skiing, snowboard carving, malcolm moore, malcolm moore snowboarding, gopro, snowboard race, skier racing snowboarder
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 18sec (558 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 06 2022
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