Live Coaching: Beginner Snowboard Lesson Pt. 1

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so push push glide step bring the board step bring the board and it starts to move us in that direction good point at me there we go a little bit more toe edge this is never outward from snowboard addiction we're up here at the bigger isn't it beginner zone today we are with tim who has been in our board selection video where i did a whole bunch of um information about snowboards and different things to look for yeah this is actually tim's first day snowboarding ever no lie no lie the first day and um he's done a couple laps on the beginner zone before i got here so i don't i've never seen your snowboard but right now i'm just going to challenge you i'm going to get you riding and ripping and balanced as quick as we can cool you're ready to go yeah all right let's get strapped in cool so straight away um i should get strapped in and you just decided to sit down that's fine but right now on the flat here you can actually stand up now this some of the stuff you might know or it might make make common sense but generally when whenever you put your board down you put it down upside down yeah so it doesn't run away you're only exception to that is when we're somewhere like this where it's flat got you now because it's flat we can stand and strap it in right here you don't have to sit down keeps your bum dry if you guys new to snowboarding um tim's regular footed rider so he's strapping in his left foot first which is pretty much what all um regular footed riders do that's how you strap in front foot first another thing i noticed tim yeah is that you chose to to um strap in your toe strap first okay it's actually a better thing to strap on your heel strap first toe strap second okay got you you'll figure that out this is all the stuff you're going to be learning as you get more uh more time snowballing yeah so now that we're here on this flat area i just want to challenge you so starting off let's do a jump there we go come on up again up again even okay another one now strap your your left toe oh yeah a little bit loose okay so if you ever see that your your bindings a little bit loose make sure you crank them up nice and tight yep that's your connector between the board okay again good again there you go you could jump in huge and i'm just i'm just getting you some different movements here okay try this see if you can bounce on the toe edge there we go oh yeah what about the heel edge yeah this is going to be a very unorthodox snowboard lesson i'm just going to keep throwing stuff at you okay try this out okay so you're on the tail of your board right now now let's go to the nose of your board there we go so i'm getting them i'm getting them used right now to how it feels to flex that board right that's a that's a tail press and a nose pressed position we're not going to go buttering right now i'm just getting you playing with the board okay how about an ollie i know you're a skateboarder yeah um here i'll show you well that was probably the best first time i'll ever seen but this guy is a skateboarder done lots of skateboarding before okay one more time i'm gonna turn around and be in the same orientation as you guys for the camera okay regular riders are both riding this way boom see how we did that little rock onto the front rock onto the front slide through to the back pop the ollie one more time nice that's really good little ollies cool how about a nollie yeah i felt that's a little bit trickier now this is not the kind of stuff you'll throw at a very first time snowboarder i just know that he's done a lot of surfing a lot of skating your skills are probably going to be above most first-time snowboarders so i'm making this fun for you challenging you okay another jump off both feet okay how about this one so i'm gonna stand here so you can see me a little rock back and forth yep nose tail nose tail nose tail nose tail i'm getting him used to feeling what this board is like to slide around on the on the snow right here right using different positions we're going to use is that okay yeah okay one more time probably getting hot and sweaty are you a little bit you're okay though still out of breath okay it's been a while okay do the exact same thing but try to put a little bit of weight onto your toe edge so just right now do that toe edge rock like that feel that yeah now do this nose tail nose tail a little bit of toe edge it's a lot harder harder huh yeah but you can see how the ball starts to move forward yeah this is just one way of moving around while you're doing on the heel edge now too that's good that's excellent try it again good and hillage find it easy on the heel edge that's odd perfect oh yeah there is a little bit of hill that's why okay yeah yeah okay how does it feel yeah good strap turn moving around your board yeah it's a weird feeling to get used to but it's different right different let's go up and let's let's go and let's do some snowboarding cool sounds good all right before we go snowboarding we're going to get you moving around a little bit to get to the lifts to get to the magic carpet to get to the chairlift et cetera perfect you got your back foot out right now yep okay take your take your foot balance on your left foot like i'm doing shake your foot around okay feels good get the blood going okay now what we're going to do is we're going to use this foot to move us around so right now foot behind the board turn the board 90 degrees put it down and now we're going to take small steps like this okay and then as soon as you feel comfortable with that take bigger steps okay okay when you get to this side here foot down turn the board now we're gonna glide a little bit so if you watch me i'm gonna go push push glide okay so this one footed pushing around is pretty much how you're going to get on and off all lifts chair lifts um magic carpets that kind of stuff cool okay yeah that feel easy yeah a bit different to on a skateboard but i'll get a skateboard yeah okay turn around again let's go again ready yeah push there we go and then turn around just for something different try this out put your foot in front feel how awkward it feels but give it a go yeah because this is how i push on a skateboard this is how you push on a skateboard oh man that is it's bad huh that is uncomfortable it's bad i feel like this leg's completely twisted okay i gotta do something for the camera here because this is we made a video where we put out showing people how to skate around and people like oh no you put your foot in front of your board you don't put your foot in front of your board you put your foot behind your board this is for all the haters who really think you put your foot over the front cam vouch brand new beginner time snowboarder he's never done it before which one feels better behind the board every time absolutely any good snowboarder knows you put the foot behind the board you push around with it behind good okay here's another one we've got a little bit of a hill here come up with me turn the board to where it's 90 degrees across the hill so same direction as me front foot or back foot over the ball this is how you get up and down little hills step bring the board step bring the board step bring the ball step bring the board pretty easy yeah i've actually been practicing this earlier having watched one of your videos taught me this now um we're using the edge here for grip right foot over the board turn around now you can go down the hill this time board first board bring the foot forward bring the foot forward bring the foot notice we're using the edge of our board in the snow that's what gives you the grip from sliding away now this is very basic you only really use this when you're first learning once you get advanced you don't really do that you just you just do what you need to do you'll figure this out it comes naturally okay but for right now we're going to go back up the hill a little bit because we're going to glide down this so easy way step bring the board step bring the board step ring the board step bring the board the point is to get up to about here okay back foot over the board or any way you want you can turn it around yep the idea here is for us to glide down the hill so watch me i'm going to turn the board to 90 degrees to the downhill yeah i'm going to push off with one push to put my foot on the board and just glide away too easy simple as that okay so you'll want to make sure you're not doing this on a super steep slope because if this was steep you might just keep running off we had a piece of terrain that brought us to a stop naturally yeah which is good we can do this again now we can go twice as fast okay you ready yeah okay definitely you can either push up the hill with a flat base or you can do the edge so this is the most quickest way is just push up the hill if you're feeling comfortable with pushing up the hill then push up the hill is it normal to get so much snow on your board yeah it's pretty normal that's right nice my board's got snow over it too yeah yep so we're higher now you're going to be a little bit faster only thing you really need to know is we're going to put our foot on the board as we glide if you need to slow down or stop because you're too fast or uncomfortable you can drag your heels or your toes so what i mean by that is you would put your foot half on half off and drag your toes in the snow that'll help you slow down or you put your heel off and drag your heel in the snow yeah in fact let's try that this time push off glide the board as you get to the bottom try to drag your heel okay yeah gliding dragging the heel good so that's just one way to slow yourself down and stop let's go back up okay same thing push off glide this time we're gonna as you get towards the bottom try drag your toes get a bit of speed up perfect cool so you see when you drag your toes how the board turns yeah that's just physics dragging the toe board comes around it got you now you're you're a balanced guy you've done lots of bald spots this stuff's easy i like to think so yeah well so you know you as a beginner for people who are beginners you could spend three hours doing this we've spent 10 minutes 15 minutes doing this yeah we're going to move on because i want to make it fun i want to make it challenging i want to get you out there doing some real snowboarding as quick as we can perfect so we're lucky here we have these magic carpets they're super easy we're going to go up the magic carpet and go snowboarding sounds good all right we're on top of a magic cup here and uh we're going to get strapped in and do some side slipping and get rolling let's go for it um now a lot of people when they first start snowboarding sit down and strap in you can totally do that but right now let's keep our rush let's keep our bum dry and i'm going to show you how to strap and standing up here even when there's a little bit of a slope go yeah you put your board down facing uphill now what i've done is if you can dig your heel edge in a little bit like this then if you stand on the board with your back foot other foot now you should be able to get your front foot and strap it in without the board moving anywhere okay heel strap first how tight did it because i've been doing it to the point where it's kind of feels a bit tough to click to the next one yeah just super snug but not uncomfortable [Music] [Applause] now this uh strapping myth that is quite hard to do if it's a steep slope it only works on very mellow slopes so you want to really get that heel ear gem the board's flat so and then if it's feeling like it's got some grip now you can do your back foot as you get better and better at snowboarding you hardly ever sit down to strap in if you just turn around right here you'll see an actual snowboard lesson everyone's um sitting down to strap in that's cool that's an easy way to do it but as you get better tim this is how you're always gonna strap cool cool good to know okay um we're on a very gentle slope um do you know what side slipping is it's when you kind of go down just kind of shimmying correct um we'll do a we will do a very quick side slip my goal is to get to the chair and get you shredding as soon as possible cool okay so right now i'm going to jump a 180 i want you to let me know if you think you can do this watch this do you think you can do that yeah i could give it a go give it a go boom here we go okay now we're gonna see if we can um get a bit of action on the heel edge here so do what i'm doing kind of shimmy the board like this until it starts sliding there we go okay okay all right on now from here this is side slipping on the heel edge yeah so when you put more pressure down on the toes the board starts to slide downhill and then when you lift up the toes it slows down the board oh okay and go again faster and slower this is something you only do when you're first learning to snowboard you don't actually do when you get good let's add a little bit of direction put a bit more pressure into your right foot or left foot so and point this way a little bit and it starts to move us in that direction now the other other way a little bit of pressure under your right foot pointing in the right direction now that's called traversing where you're going across the run yep now we're traversing to the left we've got a bit of a flat area coming up let's see if we can get right across this flat area now this this slope is actually even too flat to sideslip so you can just start pointing the board towards me perfect yep you can keep the board pointing downhill oh he's going to switch that's good switch you're doing it perfect [Music] so if anything tim this terrain is not steep enough for your ability you're too good for this terrain which is why we're going straight up the chiller you shouldn't too kind oh we no we wanna we want to get on something that actually gets you snowboarding okay yeah so um we've got one more slope here and then we're going to go back up and we'll be on this chile cool i don't want to hold you on the bunny slope when you don't need to be on the boat but it feels safe here with the heel is it the same on the toe kind of thing exact same have you been on the toe yet no not yet okay we're going to do some toe i'm just going to get you to copy the moves i am so point the board in the same direction as i am and as as you get that little bit of speed point towards the um whatever this tube is and it will bring you around onto the toe edge come on get some speed here tim that's it keep looking at the tube yep there we go keep on the toe edge all right okay that's okay you bring it round to the heel edge we're gonna make a we're gonna go heel edge the whole way here okay feel free to get up as much speed as you want on the heel edge here so you see what happened just then kill an edge it caught an edge board was a little bit flat a lot of snow building up on the front digs into the snow yep all right okay towards me nice now point at the magic carpet see how it brings you around on the toe edge that's it good point at me there we go a little bit more toe edge perfect do you curl your toes yeah curl your toes like i find that when i'm trying to put weight on my toe edge i'm kind of like crunching up my toes instead of pushing down i'm kind of like curling my toes up a bit to try and get extra pressure it's something it's probably a bad habit yeah i don't necessarily um curl my toes but what you'll probably want to try to do is push your hips forward and that'll help you get on that toe edge so right now if you uh we hit off this way uh it's a bit flat here yeah there's no speed so we started doing a little bit of side slipping there mostly on a heel edge yeah and i found that that terrain was super flat so it was hard to get even any speed up yeah right so we're actually going to make our way right into the chill right now and just get you snowboarding ready for it okay here we go that's it and then you can push away from the chair you can put a shoulder down and roll over and then i'm gonna go on to the toe edge nicely done nicely done that was a good heel edge turn now towards me you
Channel: Snowboard Addiction
Views: 1,109,840
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Snowboard Addiction, SnowboardAddiction,, Learn, How To, Snowboard, Snowboarding, Beginner Snowboard Tricks, Learn How To Snowboard
Id: OsbpD8BN10k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 9sec (1209 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 15 2020
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