Sketchup Skill Builder: Window Components

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[Music] hey guys this is Aaron we are on video number five of our architectural walkthrough we set up an image input exterior walls interior walls then we put rough openings and walls so we're gonna look at today is actually putting the doors and the windows the components into those openings so that's what we're doing we'll hop right in so there's a couple different ways we can go about this and really it all comes down to what you need or want out of your openings so if all I'm really looking for is something that's decorative that you know tells me yeah there's a window there and I don't need much more detail that's pretty easy I can get that in there a couple different ways if what I'm actually looking for is something that perfectly represents a specific manufacturers product I can go that route to the the work I do really doesn't matter which one I want what we're to look at really is a couple different workflows to actually get them in so the first one is going to be the basics so we're going to come in here and just draw an opening so I do have my exterior walls grouped I don't want to go into that group I actually want to keep this on a separate layer than what where I have my geometry for the opening because I want to be able to move this around independently of what's already here I don't want to merge with my wall geometry so a couple ways I knew this we're just gonna run through a couple real quick I could if I'm really looking for basics create a rectangle offset that so what's my trim around the outside I'm gonna say I want a two and a half inch something like that I could take that then pull it out we'll say a half inch and I can get rid of this surface right here we're doing what better better yet let's take that surface reverse it so the proper side is facing out and I could then fill that with the material from our glass and mirrors and I like this one with little clouds on it personally don't you think that looks nice and at that point in some cases that may actually be enough of course I'd want to take that then group it and then add that to the proper layer that is a simple solution and again that's going to work in this case I could actually take that and I could option copy that over throw that on to another opening in some situations that might be enough I don't have mullions in here anything like that but the you know drawing of that those separations is pretty simple but that's the basic steps I might use some people would also say well they want a more decorative trim than that maybe something that looks a little bit fancier may be using follow me to trace the rectangle but the geometry is the same it's the same process of getting that basic geometry in there so that is one option that is the that basically roll your own draw your own create your own door or window opening the other option of course is to leverage the 3d warehouse so I'm not going to go through and do searches and stuff like that online so I just went and grabbed a couple doors and windows that I thought we could take a look at so the first one is this one called component and I'm just going to drop it out here all by itself and it is exactly what it says it is it is a window pretty simple so I have this in here saved this is a nice option if I have manufacturer specific information so this is an exact part number of an exact size it's great to get this save it in your model having your components and then what you can do is you can just grab it and drop it into the appropriate opening and I can be done that is a nice option for these specific pieces the issue comes in with this if I ever have to modify this so say I was putting this into a window that was or an opening that was larger if I come in here and scale watch it's going to happen so I scale a bigger and look how it distorts so this mullion used to be the same size as this one and now it is bigger same thing on the sides my sides are wider than the tops it did that because it's basically just geometry it's like anything you else you draw on Sketchup is just geometry so if I scale it it can get kind of messy I can bypass that issue by coming in here and doing things like selecting only the geometry on the side let me let me do this let me explode this geometry out this is the process I would have to go through to make this work and then I could do something like take these pieces the vertical pieces on the right scoot them over say I want it to be a foot bigger so I could say go six inches this way and then grab this side six inches this way and there we go and that would work that is totally an option I would want to save this then as a different component from the one I put in before you see because it was a component I resize this one and this one resized too so let's undo that and then make this unique in that way I could actually come in here and resize this without fear of messing with my existing instances of that component that's usually how I remind myself that I have components is by making a change looking at our model and going nuts and then undoing and redoing or copying and pasting in place so you know gentle reminder from Sketchup not to do that so if you do have a component this is kind of the workflow you'll have to go through if it's just a standard component you can see as I'm creating these different instances they are showing up in here in my component browser so I do want to keep an eye on that and keep this clean as I go through there my other option with components of course is a dynamic component so I have one of those right here too so imma pull that in and I will stand him up all right so there's a couple cool things about dynamic components thing number one is if I do that same thing I did to this one oh if I just grab a scale and pull it wider see how it stretches out but as soon as I release that everything jumps back to the way it was that's because that's how this particular dynamic dynamic component was created it was made to resize with those scale handles this means I can do something like I'm gonna grab it by this corner right here I come drop it in this opening and I can hit scale and drag that over to here and then drag it vertical and I could get that is an enormous sliding window but you get the idea so it's real simple to do that one of the other things that I can see in dynamic components and pull them back out is some smart geometry so I right-click and I go to dynamic component and component options I will get this user interface specific to this window that says what are you trying to make so I can come in here with this one and I can actually make some changes so right now I have a screen on here if I say no I don't want that screen I hit apply the screen goes away grille nope let's cure that grille to apply that boom that's gone this is pretty cool so you can actually see ones like this that will redefine is it single hon double hung fixed whatever it is will actually change on the fly as you change these properties pretty cool will not get in to creating these in this particular video because we're just talking about putting them in but the extension warehouse is full of great examples of dynamic components I will say this check it out if you download a component any component of course verify its what you need check it out to make sure it doesn't have a bunch of extra information there it's going to bloat your model but once you've done that having something like a single component like this a single dynamic component that I can use for my whole model is a great option so in this case yeah we'll go ahead and take this and we'll put it right into this opening oops like we already have one in there so I'm gonna go ahead and take this one out close this and we'll stick that right in the hair and then again we can just use scale I'll turn on my x-ray so I can see my scale handles pull that to this side pull this up to here and there we go pretty quick pretty easy simple way to get those components in there so that's a couple options of how you want to place your door when the components into the rough openings in your model no one is better than another the best way to do it is the way that works for you some people have their own components their own doors and windows already created so they use their own some people love using a 3d warehouse sometimes people draw their own it's really up to you whichever way works best for you let me know which way you like best or if there's a different way that you use that I didn't talk about because I love to hear that I like learning from these videos too and I learned by hearing from you guys while you're commenting go ahead and subscribe so you'll see the next time a video comes up and maybe even hit give us a like so we know we're doing a good job we like making these videos but we like them a lot better when we know they're what you want to see thank you
Channel: SketchUp
Views: 69,473
Rating: 4.9355879 out of 5
Keywords: SketchUp, 3D modeling, Component, Window, Dynamic, Warehouse, skill builder
Id: dQv01cbpEn0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 24sec (624 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 25 2018
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