Are you using 3D Warehouse wrong? Skill Builder

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hey guys i'm aaron and i wanted to tell you something about 3d warehouse when it comes to three warehouse you're doing it wrong so 3d warehouse is a great tool it's an online repository with literally millions of models available we're putting more and more tools into it every day to make it easier to find the exact model you want check the quality of it but when it comes to actually using it in your sketchup workflow a lot of people out there have some pretty bad habits we see questions of this kind all the time on the forum so i wanted to kind of touch on how to get the most out of 3d warehouse and what you can do to use it as best possible let's dive in okay so right here i have a model working on the house and what i want is i want to throw a car in the driveway that's what i'm looking for so i could model a car from scratch but rather than spend hours days weeks doing that that's a perfect opportunity just go grab something out through your warehouse so you can browse through your warehouse through a browser or you can just open it up right from within sketchup so there's advantages to both it is pretty convenient to just pull up to your warehouse with a click of a button and never have to leave sketchup this is nice um if i go back home this is going to show me the front page the front page is just kind of if there's if you're looking for nothing in particular just kind of see what's up here the front page is really nice it does have you know some curated collections right now that's sketchup labs live components and some some cool models that were called up by the community and then of course some featured stuff down here from product manufacturers most people when they come in here though they go straight for here straight to the browse window so the the search window this is not necessarily a bad thing if you're searching for something from scratch this is an okay way to do it so if if i wanted to look for something like a car and i typed in car and hit search this is probably the first thing i'm doing wrong right is this is such a vague term ideally if you have a part number or product name if there's a kind of car i was looking for that would go a lot further but we can still work with this when i do a search it is going to pop up first in the products so this this means this is people who are putting up products so these are their own products that they're putting up here um depending on what you're looking for products can work well if i'm just looking for a generic thing you want to make sure you switch over to the models tag so either one of these will work but this is something people don't necessarily pay attention to so they say okay i'm searching here and i come through here and there's weird stuff it's not not a car that kind of thing you probably looking need to flip over to models if you want a more generic set of community created models so that's one thing is make sure you keep an eye on that the other is the sort so right now i'm sorting by relevance um i i do not honestly don't know off top my head what the magic is behind relevance um i think it's a combination of likes and how old a model is and that sort of thing if you're looking for the most uh well-rated let's say that's that's a good way to to say it let's go to relevance and we're turn on likes you can look for what's the newest or what's the most recently updated or if you know a specific author or something like that but likes is going to sort it by literally how many times people have come in and hit the like button so you can see when i pull this up though i'm getting all kinds of stuff so anything with car in the name or description is coming up here but you can see here in this first page there's really only two bottles that even have cars in them so this brings us to the next thing what people don't do often enough is use these filters over here at the right so i use my priority so i i set my the order i want to see everything now i'm going to come over here to category and choose what i want to see i want to see transportation models and specifically i want to set a subcategory of automobiles i don't need to see ships or anything else automobiles now what i'm looking at is community created content sorted the most liked on down that are automobiles they are cars so if i look at this one right here okay this one has almost 450 likes which actually let's talk about that if you use a model and you think it's a good model it takes all of one second to click on the like button here you know what that just did that just made this model pop up a little bit higher on somebody else's list when they're looking for models so go ahead and as you're browsing as you're using models click on like if they're good models because that's going to not only make the person who made it feel good but it's going to help other community members like yourself find the best possible models when they're searching so the other thing depending on your needs these sliders right here are super helpful how big of a file do i want how many polygons do i want i'm not i'm not really it's not killing me i don't have to have models of a certain size so i'm not going to mess with that on this one but if i was concerned about performance something like that i might say okay give me something that's under 20k and it will update that model or the the list then so using these tools is something people fall real short on they they just type in a word here and then they click on the first thing that comes up and they think that's what warehouse has to offer you're going to get as much out of your search as you're willing to put into it all right now here this this is the big one the biggest thing that people run into and stub their toes on when they use 3d warehouse so let's say i want to get an audi in my car in my house not like real life so i like the look of this audi right here let's go ahead and say i want to download it okay so i'm going to click download okay this brings us to the the biggest thing that people stub their toe on when they are using 3d warehouse and this is download button when i click download because i'm running warehouse through the button inside of sketchup i get the option do i want to download it right into my model click ok or not if i hit no it's actually come up and prompt me where do i want to save the file not put it directly into the model this is important because i don't know everything there's to know about this model this could have tags and scenes and styles and who knows what else loaded in here could have hundreds of components and colors it could clog up my existing model so generally speaking unless you know the file is okay what you want to do is hit no right here and what no will do is it'll say okay what do you want to say this as i'm just going to save this on my desktop as car because that's where i i save stuff temporarily and that's going to return you to your model now what you can do is you can go to file and totally separate from your working model open and i can open that file this gives me the ability to review what i've downloaded before i dump it right into my model this is a perfect example why look look what's going on here so um i can already tell i got some weird stuff going on because i have this camera floating here what looks like lights up here uh these are probably for a rendering engine or something like that that i'm not using because i don't know what they are so good thing not to have that dumped into my model if i come over here and look at tags see i have a whole bunch of extra tags camera camera field of view um uh styles this actually has its own style in here so all this stuff this image you got a couple images here this picture of a car in this picture of a backdrop all this i don't want all this stuff in my model so by having it here inside of its own model right now what i can do is i can go find out what do i actually need and fortunately this very nicely is grouped all on its own so that means what i can do is i could actually just cut this right out of this model and drop it into my my other model so just i mean just something to think about if you go to model info all i'm needing is a piece of entourage and look if i pulled this in i'm going to get a whole lot of geometry lots of components groups guides images more components materials tags styles some of the stuff is fine i mean i'm going to have some different materials in here because i have different colored pieces that's okay i'm going to have some components because this is probably not one monolithic models is probably pieces so that's expected but i don't want this much stuff in my model so what i can do at this point of course is just select it edit copy at that point i can close the model and then i get in this one i can say edit paste and then i can bring that car right in and just put it right into my model and all i'm putting in then is the content that i need that i've i've confirmed this is the is the stuff i want and not all those other things so that's not to say what's in here isn't perfect that there's not extra inside here but this is less than what i was originally looking at which would have brought in a house and that big box of sky stuff and all that would have come in so are there any situations where you would grab something off of warehouse and drop it directly into your model sure absolutely i'm gonna go back into 3d warehouse real quick and go back home so when you come into 3d warehouse you'll be logged in as whoever you're logged into this version of this instance of sketchup as and you have the option looking my content so i'm using a demo account right here so i don't have any models uploaded but what i do have is i have some models i've favorited so these are models that i said i like these models these are models that maybe i've already gone in and i've verified they are what i expect them to be they're they're the right size they don't have extra stuff in here and i don't have to download these but i can tag them and i can actually create my own folders or collections to put these into and i can come and reference them and pull them immediately off through your warehouse so if i want to put i want to put aaron into this model i can say download okay and then i'm actually dropping from 3d warehouse directly into the model but i'm doing it with a model that i know is not going to you know clog up or mess up my model at all because i've already verified it is what i expect it to be so there we go that is some ways that you could be using 3d warehouse better potentially than what you're doing right now i know i generalized i assumed you were doing the bad things in 3d warehouse they're not bad they could just be better you could be better we could all be better so just some things to think about if you do use three warehouse which you should be it's a great resource you should absolutely be using it but there are some ways you want to make sure you use it just be conscious of what you get and just don't ever unless you know the model pretty well don't pull it directly into your working model we see posts on that all the time in the forum where somebody just downloaded some monstrous model into their model now everything doesn't work because they you know downloaded some football field size bowl of fruit or something if you like that video go ahead and click like down below and if you haven't already please subscribe we create several videos each and every weekend to be notified of them if you subscribe most importantly though please leave us a comment down below most if not all of our content nowadays is being created from comments from viewers like you we like making these videos a lot you like them even more when they're showing something you want to see thank you [Music] you
Channel: SketchUp
Views: 12,497
Rating: 4.9591837 out of 5
Keywords: SketchUp, 3D modeling, 3dwarehouse
Id: Jbmen-RNC1M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 44sec (764 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 27 2021
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