Sketch #2 - Portal (Crystal and Tunnel effects)

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hello everyone and welcome to my video so I'm just gonna explain how I made two different parts of this effect here yeah so basically I'm gonna explain how I made this crystal effect and how I made the tonight here since some of you asked okay so let's just start it first the crystal effect so I'm just gonna take it away from the rest of the effect so you can see better here okay so medically it's just a simple mesh here and as you can see I have divided over the faces on the UV map I show you my address here I have the mesh and I changed all the faces here I took them individually and I put them almost randomly on the UV layout and what happens is just it's not this texture this just test but I'm just planning a picture over it I'll show you here up come on come on well and if I do that you see they all move in different directions and this makes it look like it's crystal I think I'm going to refine the way I set them up but the effect is there yep so it's basically just the panning texture and I deduce that I have something else the planet trader Forge so this is the result of all my textures and I put it into a mission and then I take the same result and I multiply it by a value so I can tweak it and then I take I add the component mask and I take the red and green channels and I put it into refraction so this allows me to have a sec to have like as if the crystal is moving the background and is that I have another effect is that I take the result and multiply it by another value that so I can take it and just put it into a toss-up in the vertex or set simply that and that gives it wavy look so that it's very subtle but it makes it look like the faces are waving on the surface and that's how I can also have the shaking effect at the end before it collapses like here it starts moving faster and yeah that's very strict so yeah it's very simple just take a mesh move all the TVs and you get this okay now let's talk about today here this one so we can see it in the editor view because it requires different cameras but you can see it here you have this cylinder here that goes through the ground and you can see oops nope that's one where is it this one if I move it even up you can still see it it'll narrow yeah so it's a bit of treating but I explained to you how I made this so it's just a cylinder simple cylinder can take it here okay yeah it was the cylinder with the pending texture the trick is that I I hid the front faces but I show the back faces so that it looks like we see the back of the tunnel and then I have runner twelve to avoid like a very sharp edge here and yeah that's it for the mesh then I had two cameras let's revert again yeah I have three different cameras one of them is for my bathroom every so it's addressed special particles that I want to be in front of everything all the time so that's right I put I like I don't remember which one I shamed mmm yeah the clean water for example is particularly because that's the line very sharp line here that goes around the effect to show the the range of it and this one I always want to be in front of everything so you do know what's the range and so I just put it on the layer here and in the renderer then I can set the sorting layer and I can change the order for the other particles and here this is this camera and that's render like this she is not rendering it's not rendering anything else than just the particles overlay then I have another one for the background as you can see here it only renders the background and I have another one for the time yeah it only renders what I said as dinner and then think of it as Photoshop you have layers you have like the background layer that's depth zero then you have the Turner that's depth one so just above the background layer and on top of everything the particles over the second one and that's it unity with merge those three and you get the final image here and yep I think that's it for it so once again if you have any other questions feel free to ask and I will reprise for sure and if you have any ideas feel free to leave a comment or reply or send me an email I don't know and yep thanks for watching and have a good day bye
Channel: Sirhaian
Views: 58,159
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: xuyJqhbAOwc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 18sec (378 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 08 2016
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