This took him WEEKS to build and we DESTROYED it... (CREATIVE MODE GRIEFED)

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yo all right okay this is the video enjoy lots and lots and lots of rage everywhere you need to calm down i am called so time to calm down okay tell me where to leave a16 microphone thank you so much for 514k by the way that's insane if you haven't already for some odd reason make sure to subscribe do it now have you done it okay seriously like everyone subbed anyway so thank you so much 15k likes would be sick basically i got unbanned we found some random new map that was going to be like the new map and we thought we'd change it up a bit so enjoy hello yeah yo uh how are we meant to do this i don't know you realize you realize i'm banned right like yes i have game mode i have mod i have staff yeah i'm banned can i like join the j or the the thing i wouldn't know wait so what do i have to do to get unbanned i don't know do you have any instruction or something yeah it says mine 26 000 dirt you think i'm gonna mine that what can i i'm gonna try to join wait i have game mode so i might no it's still gonna take ages to do it i joined wait really how do i get unbanned mine dirt i don't want to mine twenty six thousand can we do like fx kp and you know the effect no i don't have it i don't have it wait so you're builder yes dude we have staff but i'm banned okay so you see me alright okay so basically what i can do is i can just go like this it counts doing this yeah somebody will still think i know it's still going to take ages oh look at this do you have ordered either yeah this is gonna take so long dude i can't be as doing this i can't okay so after all of this if i go back i've only done a hundred out of twenty six thousand why is it so stupid where you have to oh my god do you have like other objectives instead of dirt it's dirt or stone oh it's stone is 12 000 so i guess that's faster no one's ever gotten unbanned doing this legit i'm cheating i have day mode and it's still gonna take wait can i just unban myself can i just unban you try no i can't so i have banned perms but oh my god what is this i have banned perms but i don't have unban and this is so loud this is legit stupid i am so dumb i legit hate myself why am i doing this with my life ah look how much i've done so far i've done nearly all of it so far can you see this can you see this yeah i'm almost done with this whole thing uh wait a sec the anvil is not supposed to fly i don't care about an anvil flying i that's the last thing i care about right now my hand dude my hand hurts is that you hello oh it took me to the hub wait what it took me to the hub because i i did it finally oh my wait so do we go on kit pvp now i guess oh my god my hand legit hurts there's no staff on what is this teleport to me what is this put me in get mud put me in but okay done done done why are you giving me the stupid effect okay all right listen uh is there like anything they told you to do as a builder or did they just give you the rank now they just gave me the rank but i know i have the builder server wait there's a builder server yeah wait can i join that yes what is it called it says that specified server does not exist oh i'm in i'm in i mean what is this do you see me or not uh yeah do you see me no i'm right here is this the map gp to me oh my oh my what is this place it's the new map i think that's the ones he told me wait this is the new map yeah i just found something how do you know progress do not touch what map in progress do not touch you know what it means right it means do not touch oh wait what i don't know map by clock number swat wait no no no no no no no we should we should make a backup of this first why we didn't even lie no no we can't do that we have to make a backup of it okay okay let's do it okay now it's all yours you can you can do whatever you want wait what if the staff logs on oh my god jesus christ it's a good start oh that is what if a staff logs in we're screwed why at least on can you even do that oh no i can't i can i guess so problem fixed okay uh let's just let's start it off with a 14 over here perfect wait copy paste paste hey face there's so many four teams jesus christ let's just set this whole bit to water that looks really good that fits in with the map right is it a good idea to put lava in there yeah probably you go like this and you go like that there we go okay all right that actually looks really cool oh what the i don't i don't know it's just so beautiful look at all my oh what would you do oh my god you idiot my game's gonna lag out why would you do that why did you do that no there's not even any spawn left oh my god oh my god oh my god my game my game there there undo undo undo undo what is this it's fixed how is it fixed all you did was put oh my god i'll do it i'll do it what jesus christ oh wow pvp no let's just make it say 14 pvp exactly ah yeah that looks good let's just let's just make it oh my god dude a guy joined okay okay okay i don't want it to be dude he legit teleported to me you legit dude dude what what toe frick man he's like freaking out he spent like his whole life building this map and then he's what the freak man say 14 at the same time ready three two one can i ban him do you think wait i think i think i can [Music] oh my god what did you do half the map is just this is like a parkour course or something without the parkour but make it 14 next to the one i'm building you realize he said he's telling the owner right wait he didn't do anything it's a good thing we have that back up there we go leave leave go to the hub go to the hub go to the hub go to the hub oh my god i don't know if he saw because when you join the world you're not at the map you're at like a different place we didn't do anything on pvp yeah that's because we're good oh my god why am i here why am i at hello joined your channel i didn't get me what did you do hello is skippy in here who's skipping a 6d microphone he's not there what are you talking about clocky says you were on the build and then you guys were briefing his map we didn't get on build right now what is it microphone activated get off the computer right now oh my goodness get your brother out of here get off the computer listen yeah i mean oh my goodness i can't even tp oh my oh my goodness tell your brother to be quiet for a little bit yeah shut up no stop talking microphone listen did you do this oh my goodness why is skeppy on here i'm pulling him pulling him pulling yes parky said it was you he said he saw you and skeppy doing this be quiet please you shut up no i'm asking you to be quiet i'm talking to your brother don't go why did you do this i didn't you didn't you didn't delete aftermath look at it my brother is a good person your brother just destroyed weeks worth of work we were planning on facing this like oh my goodness did you seriously put 14 on this stupid sign why would you do this microphone what is with this stupid 14 thing why do you keep saying that to be quiet or to go somewhere else [Laughter] i don't know what to do i don't know what to say right now how do we get back in the room he keeps saying ah ram 3 is asking for purpon for moving what does that mean do it do it do it oh my goodness hi why does skeppy want me why didn't you move me out i don't know i moved you out because you wouldn't be quiet i'm talking to your brother your brother just destroyed weeks worth of build work why i had an entire building working on this new map for kids and you guys do what did you do what do you mean why did i do what who are you talking about did they make the map better no they didn't make the map better the map looks awful they destroyed a ton of work why would this be better so why did you hire him i didn't oh my goodness he was a trial builder he hasn't been given permission to touch acting why did you do it i didn't oh my goodness if my brother is saying he didn't do it then he didn't do it yes he did no my brother is a trustworthy guy this is absolutely insane i can't believe you would do this do what oh my god no you shut up no you'll be quiet no you shut up you'll be quiet oh you stop telling me to be quiet it's my team speak you be quiet no i'll pin you you can't ban me just be quiet listen i'm talking your brother okay okay seriously a6d why would you do this i don't understand i didn't do anything of that oh yeah these doors aren't you you're still doing stuff i'm sitting here watching you change stuff to doors okay i'm just afk why why is all of this hot don't go afk why is all of this afk oh my goodness he's not afk he's afk i why is he not getting in teamspeak what are you talking about a6d did skeppy help you do this i don't know i wasn't there you weren't there none of this was you i yes okay if it wasn't you then oh my goodness skippy get in teamspeak oh my gosh what stop yelling not talking to you i want you to first get me to join team speak okay you need to calm down i am calm no you know you want me to calm down i'm calm okay you need some skittles and maybe a hot glass of cocoa oh my gosh oh my goodness no i do not need any skin you need to calm down i am called i'm telling you to calm down okay i don't know where to leave a16 oh my gosh i'm just frustrated because yeah week's worth of build work is now gone what type of stupid server wouldn't make a backup this is a fresh map we haven't taken any backups of it yet that's so stupid oh my gosh microphone oh goodness oh my is god i am so bad right now you need to get your brother oh you know what i'm going to bed i have to leave i have to leave with him every day okay your brother is crazy were you on here with skeppy did you see him do this no i i went on why isn't he joining the build and then i i just left just after but i didn't until my goodness skeppy why are you being such an idiot join teamspeak [Music] oh my goodness can you have your brother go somewhere else why did skippy ask to have you moved back in here rad hello oh god oh god oh god oh god oh god no you know it's not are you skippy no i swear skippy if this is just you trolling i'm going to be so mad are you skipping are you skippy let me see if you are team no no [Music] oh my god oh my goodness you're not even in france you guys aren't even in the same location you're in the us this isn't your brother oh my goodness this isn't your brother [Applause] i am i'm using a vpn you're using a vpn yeah why why would you use a vpn because i know you would do this and you would look at my location because you're a stalker and you're a predator i'm banning you i'm just no no don't make me i'm doing it oh i'm sorry it was just this is your brother a6d is he actually on a vpn okay yeah yeah skippy joe i have the same vpn if you want if skeppy does not join teamspeak i'm gonna ban him i'm gonna ban your brother that doesn't make any sense i think you might be skeppy how can i be skeppy listen to my freaky voice i want skippy you might be using a voice changer oh my goodness i don't know okay are you skeppy yeah you know what yeah i'm stepping do not joke are you serious oh my goodness why is he doing this are you doing this right now no i'm not i'm not [Music] i know you're saying that i had a builder who came on who said that he saw you do this he said he saw you and skeppy messing around on the server your brother who's supposedly your brother is in the united states okay if you click on the united states united states of america shows a little flag next to your brother's name that says he's located in america okay there's no reason why why are you threatening me i'm not threatening you oh my gosh microphone muted stop yelling for your mom nobody's trying to hurt you stop doing that i have to go now bye go leave okay bye oh my goodness why is he not getting on get on get on you just banged him on no i want him to join the tv i want to get in the team speak to explain why he did all this to the server all right i'm just going to jump in here i'm just going to join it i am about to bamboozle him i am about to reveal my real voice on this account he had suspicions because i told him on this account but i'm about to reveal it right now what i don't know my brother wants to talk to you i thought you went away my brother wants to talk to you oh my goodness does he not your brother or is he your brother he's but we have now you're telling me two different stories is it your brother or not he's but we have another one ah who is this what what do you want oh my goodness skeppy what did you do to the server what are you talking about put skippy on how can i put the same person on oh my goodness are you the same person no oh my goodness skippy microphone oh my goodness this has to be a joke there's no way are you serious talk right now hi are you two different people are you the same person oh what i'm so mad right now it was a voice changer it was a voice changer it was a voice changer it said the whole natural voice changed it was it was a voice changer kippy there's no way why i don't believe you what no i don't believe it what i don't believe that that was a voice changer you probably have some little kid there with you doing voice what what that was you on build right yes and a60 was lying we were doing it together to make it better skippy why would you do that we were make can you unban me first of all and skeppy get on get on and undo it you're going to fix everything you're going to rebuild the entire i don't know how to build i don't care if you know how to build you're going to get on and you're going to fix it we made it better we made it better how is this better to me pvp why would you put a bunch of iron ore looks like you blew this up with tnt or something look at the infrastructure of the 14. yes [Music] no it's not the infrastructure of the 14 it's the infrastructure of the photosynthesis don't even start with that nonsense again okay you destroyed weeks worth of work skippy i'm sick of 14. aim i don't you're not a 14 year old french kid oh my goodness i'm done skeppy i'm done i can't believe you did this a16 you were doing this with him kind of you're off the bill team i'm sorry hold on no hold on no there's no excuse for this level of damage okay i'm not gonna leave him as a builder i'm not gonna leave you as stuff everyone yeah it's it's important teleport to him we made this for you hey what microphone oh my goodness calm down so calm down come here i'm not going to calm down stop take a seat get me to calm down i'm not going to sit down why am i doing this all right take a seat let's just talk about it and exhale inhale i'm banning both of you no inhale no no no no inhale maybe you should try the bed come come come to the bed not kind of veggies come to the bed i'm not coming to the bathroom i'll get the bed to you i don't think you realize how mad i am right now inhale exhale oh my goodness stop it it looks good it looks oh my goodness i am calm i just dude it looks quality it does this is not quality this is quality this is far from the highest tiers of quality you destroyed the map no i didn't now you're putting 14 sides give me one good reason one good reason skippy what i shouldn't ban you right now because i made the map better for you do you even look at what you did what i don't want to lie but it's way better it is okay you know what i'm banning you no no don't ban me you know what you know what you know what you know what you know what wait no stop stop stop don't wait stand in the hole okay just like yeah stand in there wait you look like you'd be a good fit in there oh my goodness what are you doing all right okay do you like being that whole not particularly what are you doing i don't know what are you doing oh my goodness just tell me what you're doing what are you talking about oh my gosh what what are you doing i don't know oh my gosh i'm so i've had it up to here with you scubby i literally i'm at my wit's end i don't think i can take any more of this what nuts all right well i think i gotta go uh sorry about the map uh my goodness are you leaving are you seriously yeah i gotta go i'm getting out of this no don't get out of the box don't get out of the box no oh my goodness what what did you do oh my goodness did you fix it no we made it better remember no you fixed it oh my goodness no it's better it's better it's not fixed it's better it's better better no this is this is how it was before wasn't it no it's oh my goodness better i don't know what you're talking about my goodness everything's back to normal all right i gotta go did you have a backup or a save or something what are you talking about did you take like a save of the map you fixed it you undid everything that you did before what did you do you made it better right a60 yes everything's back to normal would you stop saying make it it is not i'm a viewer yeah he's a builder there's a reason why you hired him you undid whatever you did what are you talking about what do you mean what am i talking about it's back to normal yeah we we made it better oh my goodness stop saying that i know you technically made it better because it's back to normal yes this is good this is fine everything's good what do you mean by back to normal yeah what's better what are you talking about go away go go go before you break something oh my goodness you had me what do you mean literally at my wit's end skeppy oh my goodness thank you thank you for putting it back to normal thank you oh yeah we just we made it a bit better oh my gosh stop saying that yes it's better but it's better because it's back to normal yeah no it's better because we've made it better exactly just go away okay okay so you were really his brother the entire time or was that your brother skippy who's doing that what are you talking about i'm done with you i'm so done with you you taught us to come on cheers but nothing happened yeah i don't know why okay no you're not gonna play like nothing happened okay this wasn't that you know talking about what happened wait how did we break it look at the map it's like normal yes no it was broken though what are you talking about it was show me where it's broken the map was broken you fixed that yeah we made it better no you fixed it oh come here come here i know you're talking about come here over here okay you're talking about the 14 here oh my goodness why did you do that again fix it put it back all right we just made it a bit better uh i gotta go goodness no do not leave this all right i'll talk to you later okay stupid 14 thing why do you keep saying that okay bye bye i love you oh my that was perfect oh my god
Channel: Skeppy
Views: 5,365,963
Rating: 4.7828894 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, mine craft, minecraft youtuber, pg, family friendly, skeppy, minecraft skeppy, no swearing, no cursing, minecraft trolling, minecraft troll, funny minecraft, minecraft mod, minecraft map, parkour, trolling, troll, roleplay, custom, challenge, glitch moments, skeppy face, try not to laugh, bedwars, skywars, hypixel, minecraft unban, minecraft admin, minecraft griefed, minecraft roleplay, minecraft skit, minecraft singleplayer
Id: NhWVkGRj-pk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 0sec (1380 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 06 2018
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