SISTERS FIGHT Over New iPhone 13, What Happens Is Shocking | Dhar Mann

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-This video barely even involved an iPhone 13, so title's kinda misleading on this one. -What happened next wasn't shocking in the slightest, but go off I guess. -Mila returning for a video for the first time since sssniperwolf was a nice surprise!

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/rolfjeannoel 📅︎︎ Oct 21 2021 🗫︎ replies

It's only been.... 18 seconds...

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Nostalgia_8_AllStarz 📅︎︎ Oct 20 2021 🗫︎ replies

Why does Dhar always have to use the identity of his two under-two daughters(1.5 year old and 5 month old) unecessarily in his videos?

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/LittleMissLivie21 📅︎︎ Nov 25 2021 🗫︎ replies
that was so fun don't forget to tag me this time all right girls come eat just give us a froze again no did it save I don't know because I hate this phone hey don't throw your phone like that you can break it who cares it's practically broken can you guys just buy us new phones yeah the iPhone 13 is about to come out can you please buy them for us there's nothing wrong with your iPhone 8s now hurry up and come and eat before your food gets cold this sucks you know when I was your age I didn't even have a cell phone there was just a house phone I couldn't even make a phone call without your grandma listening in on it well you were lucky to have a house phone all we had was a pay phone can you imagine what it's like to walk three blocks just to make a phone call not this again yeah we don't care what life was like a hundred years ago [Music] first yeah your mom worked too hard on this food well if we just had new iPhones we wouldn't have to re-record it would we ready let's go who's that my boyfriend put something on trying why is it so hard to find something good to watch have you checked Hulu yeah nothing nothing on Amazon either check the doorman up maybe post a new video Darman has an app yeah it just came out there it is cool um how about evil babysitter mistreats kid I've already seen that one put on Mr Feast gets kicked out of store I've already watched that so I haven't let me see the remote no I'm choosing you always get to decide no I don't give me it no but it's my turn it's my turn hey the day's just starting and you're already arguing Myla never lets me pick what to watch she always chooses oh why is it so hard for you to find something you both like because there's hardly anything good out what would be different if Myla didn't like to watch dumb stuff I don't like dumb stuff you do okay that's enough you know how many channels I had as a kid four and we never used to fight okay so do you want a cookie hey what is with all the yelling ah they can't agree on what to watch if you just got us our own TVs like we asked then we wouldn't have to argue yeah why can't we have TVs in our room you know when I was growing up we didn't even have a team we want this lecture again we don't care [Music] give me the remote there hey why'd you do that to stop you from fighting we gotta go it doesn't matter hey we told Grandma we'd be there at 10 o'clock she's probably already got breakfast ready are you girls packed why do we even have to go to Grandma's it's so boring there I don't know what we're gonna do about these girls okay we're here could you two please try not to fight each other this weekend at least until we pick you up tomorrow wait we need money for what it's not like you're going anywhere what if there's an emergency oh then use your allowance we already spent that okay fine here twenty dollars that's it where's mine you split this what no way that's not even close to enough give me a hundred then a hundred dollars I used to go please spare us the lecture how many times do we have to tell you we don't care what life was like in the dinosaur ages okay fine if you don't want the 20 we'll keep it then because as my mom used to say you can only appreciate something when it's taken away what but hello I thought I heard you voices out here oh my gosh how much you two have grown come here Myla um I'm Ella that's right sorry about that hi my dear hey oh hi Mom hi now are you sure you're gonna be okay with the girls until tomorrow are you kidding I raised you and seven others didn't I I'll be able to manage these two just fine okay well just keep a close eye on them and make sure they don't go anywhere okay okay well we'll see you girls tomorrow call us if you need anything oh I forgot there's no cell service here there isn't do you have Wi-Fi oh is that that little blue box thingy over there yeah perfect we can FaceTime oh great okay you girls have fun see you tomorrow have fun with Grandma wait Dad the twenty dollars come on in I was about to make pancakes dump seriously it's like went into a time machine why don't you call your boyfriend and see if he can come pick us up great idea what if Grandma asked where we're going mom told her not to let us go anywhere we'll say we're just going to the corner store or something we'll probably take a nap okay hey Grandma what's the Wi-Fi password I don't know a honey I'm sorry I'm not good at these things you don't know the password no sorry hon how I could use our phones let me check under the router sometimes they put it there okay okay this is horrible what do we do now here here's the house phone okay hey it's me could you come pick Milan SF okay cool if you can come right now we're at night hello who is this hello that was so embarrassing now what do we do uh we can call an Uber how there's no service or Wi-Fi that's right I guess we could just watch TV what the heck black and white try changing the channel that's all there is Grandma hardly any channels work sorry Milo what did you say it's Ella your TV only has four channels yes isn't it wonderful so many choices how are you happy with only four options well some people don't have TVs so I'm grateful for what I have oh I love that show keep it on foreign [Music] texture going through I didn't realize how nice it was to have Wi-Fi until we lost it that wasn't easy well I'm sure it meant a lot to Grandma that you spent some time with her yeah I mean honestly it was hard at first but then it was actually really nice let's see what do you want to watch nope you can choose wow I can't believe you're not fighting let's just say being at Grandma's really opened her eyes to a lot of other stuff well that makes me really happy to hear but you won't ever have to argue about what to watch because we got a little surprise for you you got us new TVs for a room yeah well well we got you one so one of you can use the new one and the other can take this one wow I don't even know what to say everything okay girls because I thought you'd be a little more excited about this we are we just realized we don't need all those things yeah after spending time at Grandma's I can't believe we complained so much honestly we're just happy to have more than four channels and cell phones are these the same girls we dropped off at Grandma's I think so where's all this coming from well let's just say sometimes you can only appreciate something when it's taken away thanks for helping us see that I am so proud of you girls so uh what are we gonna do with this because I don't know if I can return it I actually have an idea so what should we watch anything you want grandmas oh this is so exciting oh I'll get it next we gotta give Grandma a cell phone hello hey Door Man fam I hope you loved that video the Darman app that was mentioned is available to download right now for free on the Apple store or on Google Play you can go ahead and click the link right here I'm gonna be releasing all kinds of new exclusive content for the app so make sure you check it out thanks so much for watching and please remember that we're not just telling stories we're changing lives I'll see you in the next video
Channel: Dhar Mann
Views: 21,603,261
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dhar Mann, motivation, motivational video, inspirational video, self improvement, self help, self development, personal development, short film, inspirational, life lessons
Id: FGY6RiTgv4E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 56sec (656 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 19 2021
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