Sioux City | Official FULL MOVIE | Thriller, Drama | Lou Diamond Phillips

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hmm hmm do stay with me now stay with  me jesse oh we're seven doors it's going ready cardiac give  me a pulse find me a pulse   you can't get a pull come on  deep clear four seven or seven doctors oh hey did you get mr julian in a room yeah uh  dr ben is scheduled to see as soon as he gets in   you look like [ __ ] oh thank you welcome oh um  reichert wants you to see him in his office now what could you have been thinking well sir i felt that mr hartman's symptoms were  caused for the most part by the medications we   were administering so you took him off  everything yes sir and he stabilized   within two hours that's not the point you did it  without the knowledge or consent of his doctor   i i tried to get a hold of  dr summerser and i couldn't   this isn't the first time you've played renegade  on me goldman i don't know what you're trying   to prove but don't try it here and don't let this  happen again you ask before you act is that clear yes sir you haven't taken any time  off in more than 18 months actually that would be 19 months sir indeed   when your shift is over you're on vacation  two weeks be glad it's not a suspension sir what did ryker want don't start with me i  get cranky after 37 hours i'm just asking   for this i got red out again again again  before hartman just say man i told you you   should have waited you should have checked  with dr summers on that you know as well   as i knew the patient was going critical  i'm not saying that you weren't right i am   saying that you should have waited yeah yeah  yeah yeah maybe you need to get some sleep okay yes you are step come on come on it's open mom well you're not dressed yet not to mention not  showered yet well it's good to see you too hi   oh baby mom if i told you i just got off a 44-hour  shift would you let me skip this one please   your own birthday party no i won't not  on your life don't go back to sleep i feel so guilty look at him he's exhausted  but daryl has him working on triple shifts   he's not eating or sleeping leah  not tonight it's our son's birthday indian native american whatever's  politically correct for the week   i don't think jessie cares one way or the other   she is you know it's funny four years med school  two years of internship i know i never knew this   was your birthday no it might not be excuse me i  said that it might not be my parents just picked   this date knowing i was born sometime this  month must be a [ __ ] getting your chart read   i think it's time you open some presents okay what's next okay who gave me the rock   is there a card inside oh no i'm sure there is  and i think this is just a joke from a friend it's uh uh from dawn rainfeather just the woman who used to be my mother i just uh came in to get a drink there's plenty at the bar honey i know do you remember that first day that we brought  him home he was so small for a four-year-old   he just stood in front of the house his eyes   wide he was so lost so sad every time  the phone rang i thought it was his   mother calling to say she changed her mind  about the adoption that she wanted him back and then weeks went by years if i lose him now i'll die imagine work hard play hard and his glass  is empty no thanks had enough really it's um it's it's beautiful yeah it is strange though what the amulet no no  the idea for sending it to me at all she wants to meet me talk to me she says  she has something important to tell me whoa she coming here no no she  wants me to go there to um   the brown rocks reservation just  outside south sioux city nebraska riker did force two weeks vacation on you and  it's long overdue yeah it's me not you two me too your mother dawn rain feather wrong um ah nothing i'm just a little um   yes you okay yeah just uh a little  little dizzy uh a little dizzy okay i'll be fine jesse wait no it's  you're right breathe just breathe breathe you okay hard time breathe really i'll  be just relaxing this should be breathe i'll be   fine jesse no look at me look at me just come  on just talk to me look at me douglas supreme hey there is absolutely no medical evidence that  this will help humor me is everyone gone i guess a non-drinker like me should have passed  on the champagne huh i want you to see a doctor i am a doctor you know what i mean do  you want to tell me what really happened i'm okay jesse honey   if anything is the matter you'll try to make  it better yeah just like you always have i think you should probably read this i don't remember her at all i don't think i wanted to but for the last couple  of days whenever i've managed to close my eyes i i   been having these dreams and and tonight  something happened i don't know what i know   you're exhausted you have been  under tremendous stress for months well records forcing me to  take a two-week vacation i screwed up well i didn't really  screw up but what are you gonna do don't take this the wrong way okay please  don't read anything into this that isn't there i need to go visit the  reservation where i was born you caught me thought i'd help myself to some leftover  cake want some no no thanks i'm not hungry mom told you mm-hmm how is she scared i'm coming back  papa i hope so i spoke to daryl today he's worried about you oh really  he's got a funny way of showing it   he'd never tell you to your face jess but he  respects you even when you break the rules hey you're a good doctor a natural  don't lose sight of that please i'm not running away from anything here dad   and you got to know that i would  never do anything to hurt you and mom   yeah i know that but your mother's fear may  be mine is that you'll be the one to get hurt you are the reason i've been waiting so long   my way home come down on your own and leave your body alone somebody must change   oh my way but i can't find my way home   oh you can't go in there the cops said so hi you live around here i says i  can't talk to nobody i don't know well i'm just looking for someone who used to live  here her name is dawn rainfeather did you know her well do you know where she  is now the house burned down   and mom said she went to be with  her spirit family in the sky thanks what can i do for you can you tell me  anything about the fire at 412 3rd street you got a reason for wanting to know  about that yeah yeah i was hired by the   family of the deceased to check into  it to it was a gas eater explosion let me check don't follow me wait here have you always had your sights set on  a political career no i uh never thought about   running for political office until recently i've  been urged by a lot of our citizens to do that   you got the wrong info there bud uh looks  like the [ __ ] woman that lived there   passed out dropped a cigarette  drunk near as we can tell when did this happen it was a  four yeah it's four days ago   of course if you worked for the family  you know all about that wouldn't you dan larkin pick up one please just say larkin hey cuz what's up uh-huh yeah we're gonna   cook em just bring the deer that's i  shot okay cause you just got [ __ ] up i met my wife no i'm going to bring the beer you  just tell those kids to eat before   they get there because they'll eat me out of  house and home all right we'll see you then hey what are you doing look i i know the autopsy  report says that death was caused by smoking   hallucinations no i'm not an expert i'm a doctor  what's your name dr goldman and i'm not an expert   but i did a rotation in forensics and i know  you don't know what you're talking about okay   so do yourself a favor and get the  hell out so you're not listening to me   as badly burnt as this body-ish there's a gunshot  wound in the sternum area obviously larkin   what's going on i can handle it i'd  like to report a possible murder give me about five minutes well there was a puncture wound but there's  a whole bunch of possible explanations   injury collapsing debris stored ammo that might  have exploded because of the heat look captain   mcdermott i'm a doctor i work the er i know what  a gunshot wound looks like well so does officer   larkin i believe you two met outside what's  he got to do with it officer larkin was the   first one on the scene he was put in charge of  the investigation in fact it was he that first   brought the alleged gunshot wound to my attention  even so there's no conclusive evidence that it   was the cause of death yes sir but there is no  conclusive evidence that it wasn't look he's   my best man if he and the coroner say death was  by smoke inhalation i got to go along with them look son if you've got something to say  why don't you just come out and say it   it just seems to me sir that your department  is more interested in controlling your stats   than getting at the truth here the coroner has  ruled accidental death now what are you asking   me to do exhume the body conduct another autopsy  that's going to be difficult the body was cremated well then then conduct another investigation  with the information that you already have you're not saying my officers didn't do their job  are you because if you are you're way out of line look captain mcdermott i'm just  asking you to re-examine the evidence   take another look at the autopsy  report if you think that there is   any chance any chance whatsoever  that this might have been murder all right son i think i know how you feel maybe there's a  way i can accommodate you i'm gonna have all   the evidence all the photos all the files brought  back and put right here on my desk and i'm gonna   go through every single item once again but if i  don't find anything that's the end of it all right that's all i'm asking thank you i look into my sister's eyes she no longer  can give birth to a child who never hears sickness is upon the land  surrounded by curse like a wounded   empty plains like a lonesome whistle on a midnight train here the mile  tends to repaint it's a sound of pain hey all right i'll be with you in a minute and we're cruising behind just at that right time  you know filbert opens that door and he scoops up now what can i do for you i was wondering if anyone  here knew dawn rainfeather i'd i'd like to know if  something was done with her ashes is do jewish ritual yeah i don't know any indian ones thanks for bringing me i never would have found it   reservation's a big place well  this isn't reservation land anymore   used to being a sacred place too until we  lost in some sort of treaty way back when so you're coming back to  the post no i don't think so   you don't want to meet the rest of your kin  there's still some rain feathers left on the res what was she like i didn't really know her that  well she was from south su but she was nice and pretty maybe a little  sad but she knows you've come and that's good yeah yeah i came a few days too  late thanks for your help are you looking for something specific or is  trash in my room some kind of cowboy welcome wagon   well i was looking for a file that  disappeared right after you took a look at it   i filed it had this picture in it you're telling me the whole file's missing  that's exactly what i'm telling you dr goldman   you got anything to tell me i  only took the one photograph   you expect me to believe that i  don't give a damn what you believe dr goldman i'm beginning to suspect that  your imagination is getting away from you   you see this isn't la we don't have drive-by  shootings here or triple digit homicides   crimes maybe you've gotten used to what  we got here is a nice quiet little town   and i'm gonna do everything in my  power to make sure it stays that way   like looking the other way when your  officer destroys an inconvenient file you know at first i thought this was  all a simple case of incompetence but   now it's starting to look an awful lot like  a cover-up hey i'm gonna say this just once   so i want you to pay attention don't you  ever accuse my officers of impropriety   and don't you ever tell me how to  do my job you let go of me right now now i suggest you take that big city attitude  of yours put it in the trunk of that fancy car   and get your ass back to wherever  you come from otherwise you'll find   yourself under arrest for theft of county property you won't arrest me you go ahead and do it and see   what my big city lawyers do to this  case in your future political career you want to tell me something how come a rich l.a doctor like you  is interested in some dead indian she was my mother i never go out with him hello well he'd be  worth dating if he wasn't indian oh please   mary get over that ten bucks  says andre won't get at my table one for dinner please do you have a reservation  yeah it's just outside of town   i beg your pardon no no i don't have a reservation   i'm sorry sir we won't have a table available  for at least an hour may i have your name   don't say anything if you'll give me your  name sir i'll see what i can do see ya goldman   jesse goldman jesse where you been hi andre good  evening allison you and uh mr goldman are together you're always late sorry i got  hung up so is our table ready is this all right it's lovely thank you sit down i'm not gonna bite you thanks what the hell's he eating for  so long food stinks in there he may be from l.a but he's still on engine time so now i work in a newspaper morgue and yes  before you even ask sometimes it's boring   i don't know sometimes it's fun too i mean it's  better than working in a beef processing plant   you know the one you passed on the way in yeah it smells awful you get used to it like everything  else so tell me about yourself   are you married happily married you  fool around no does not apply and   yes but it sort of depends on what here  you are sir whenever you're ready thanks this is on me don't be silly i'm the one that  picked you up yes you did but it's still on me   my my my how am i ever gonna repay your kindness she turns me down and looks to me  like you're just not her type shut up uh make yourself a drink if you want i'm not really a bad housekeeper just don't  finish my work so i bring it home with me   do house buyers always make the  front page around here they do   it's not like a lot goes on you know  it was on the news and everything did you know the victim no but what  didn't make it into the papers was   that she was an alcoholic and  a prostitute old news anyway what's this it's a gift from my mother hmm does that mean something  special i have no idea i say something wrong no are you straight yeah hopelessly so what about a drink i don't drink i do listen um alison the woman who died in that  fire before she gave me up she was my mother sorry gonna be out here oh indian going into a bar imagine that yeah no  kidding we're going to be stuck here all night don rain feather this way i'm trying to find out about don rain feather   can you help me out dawn left us to live in  the white world a long time ago saying knew her i've i've heard some stories the dead  can't defend themselves from lies   all right then what's the truth you got  reason to know well he has reason red bull this is dawn's son don't get carried away it's supposed to look like an accident yeah yeah  yeah don't worry i know what i'm doing so you   believe she was murdered but you haven't gone to  her family with your beliefs well what can they do jillian buckley over the trading  post says all i've got's a couple of   distant cousins and grandfather who  thinks he's some sort of medicine man   so you don't believe there are  men who are gifted with this power well let's just say that if he was he would  have kept his daughter from being murdered   not if it was meant to be not if her  death was to serve a greater purpose   i'm sorry i just don't buy that her death  brought you back to your own people didn't it oh oh there he is oh ah i thought you could get away from me boy huh huh oh that's for poking your nose where it  don't belong after messing with a white woman   thirsty duck huh come here come here come here that's good driving under the influence  alcohol doctor i know better than that oh oh hmm babies yes this uh oh oh i need a doctor the white men who  did this to you still search for you   you would not be safe in their hospital he'll sleep for the day look i'm telling you the way i figure it he got  up walked aways and died someplace else that's   why he wasn't there when we went back just our  luck if he wandered onto reservation land okay   either way it's gonna look like he got  liquored up cracked up and died someplace else   if he is dead i knew we should have made sure  before he dumped him well hell he's just got   to be dead he don't got to be nothing and if  he's alive he's going to be able to ideas both   if that happens i'm telling you right now i'm  not going down alone you understand me daws well you had a fever but it's going down you thirsty i thought i dreamt all this  sometimes dreams in reality are one i must look like [ __ ] you'll heal   in time wow let's have a look here  he's worried about his pretty face yeah let me give you a hand polemia ah you look much better today my son today how long have i been out time has  no meaning in the healing process thank you grandfather this is the home where your grandmother and i  raised your mother i will get you set up here i'd almost forgotten what she looked like and no it's starting to come back to me i don't think that i wanted to remember her the way she gave me away i remember that she was crying for your mother   the tears that begin that day  flowed until the day she died then why did she do it only she can tell you  why and she's dead oh but her spirit lives well grandfather i have never had  a conversation with the spirit   and you don't think that's possible no i'm  afraid i don't oh but you are wrong son this is a chanukah sacred pipe  we believe buffalo calf woman   gave this pipe to the early lakota it is  used before one undertakes to seek the truth how do you go about that we call it standing  out a rite of passage a way to seek visions i don't think i believe in visions i think you do sorry i thought you'd still be asleep i  didn't know no i heard too much to sleep i bet   i know your grandfather's medicine is powerful  but russell thought she might like some aspirin   aspen i don't have anything stronger here let me help you with this so you hungry starving this reminds me of mexican food  a little fry bread does anyway   all ethnic cultures seem to borrow from each  other when they meet no really i wonder where   latkes come from then live vodkas vodkas  you know potato pancakes usually showed   a little applesauce some sour cream it's real old  country jewish food i keep forgetting that your   parents are jewish yeah well they're more cultural  jews and religious you miss them don't you they're the only family i've ever known  it gave me a home life a lot of love   in spite of the fact that  uh i wasn't such a great kid   as a matter of fact i was a pretty  rotten kid i was uh you know bitter angry   i didn't feel like i uh fit in or belonged  so i rebelled and they never gave up on me you have to understand something joe my mother chose to give me up you don't know  that why you know something i don't know no hey look don't judge her   you have no idea what it's like to be an  indian woman then or now and you never will excuse me i'm sorry you know cousin there's  something i don't understand   why the family had my mother's body cremated   we didn't order that just happened i'm  never gonna find out what i need to know um there's lots of ways to find answers we talking about rituals and ceremonies again  don't dismiss it too lightly i did for years   i'm a modern indian who found some charismatic church thing   but that didn't work for me i've flown  it around for years did a lot of drugs gotten a lot of trouble then your grandfather he showed me some of the old ways jesse haven't you ever been in  a situation maybe he's a doctor   or you just had to go with  your heart and study your head   yeah yeah not too long ago as a matter of fact  were you right yes i was right was not enough this is my favorite time of day  as i watch for the daybreak star   you know it's as if each dawn the world  has another chance for a new beginning   there's something i've been meaning to ask you  grandfather i look around and all i see is poverty   schools are all equipped clinics can't handle  the number of patients that come in there's   practically no jobs and no future for the children  you think we should leave the reservation and live   like the washi too well there's a better world out  there for you you could be part of it if we leave   if we give up this land and we cease to exist you know that my parents are jewish and being  jewish is not just a religious preference it's   it's a whole cultural and historical heritage  i mean yes the jews live among the dominant   culture they do so throughout the world but  they have never lost their sense of identity   and they have never struggled to regain their  homeland never fought to return to their own   holy land the establishment of the state of  israel is something altogether different is it i feel your passion jesse this land is  our soul it is our mother it is the home   of wakantanka and the spirits of our ancestors  it is only here that we can truly be who we are forgive me grandfather but it's that kind  of belief that causes your children to grow   up with poor education poor health care  and no hope do we suffer for our beliefs   yes i think we do just as the goldmans and  their parents before them suffered for theirs   but what is a man who has all the things this life  can offer but ford has given up his immortal soul you think that's what i've done  well you deny your heritage   i don't know my heritage and  i think it's time you learned look he said he would call me and he didn't  maybe he didn't want to speak to you he hasn't   been to his motel in days he hasn't picked up  his messages will you listen to me look look   these are from his parents they  are worried too he's fine okay i want to see him look tell him i'm here oh god jesse you did what well i wanted to see if jesse goldman was okay   he's a doctor that i met at the  final edition i know who he is   well he didn't report this but he was beaten and  left for dead he says that dan larkin did it ah   he told you that did he jesse said it's  because he's been asking about his mother   he believes that she was murdered well he's  crazy daddy he thinks that you're responsible   that proves he's crazy i didn't even know  his mother no i mean about the beating told him he was wrong that you would  never do anything like that so was i wrong no of course you weren't wrong  baby look i don't think you should see him again   he's caught in nothing but trouble i  don't want you caught in the middle look baby listen to me sweetheart you've got no idea how much i love you   and your mother how hard i work to protect you  from things you don't understand from people   who would do you harm look at me come on now i  want you to promise me you won't see him again i can't promise you that i told you to stay away from him have you gone to bed with him oh no i am not going to answer you  you have no right to ask me that none alison you're kidding me right don't  tell me you don't know how to ride   fancy rich boy like you of  course i know how to ride what side saddle do where are we going we're here here i brought you this jacket  it's going to get cold real soon something isn't it sharing griffith park what's  that it's this park it's in the center of uh   never mind it's not important how'd you find this place well it sort of found me i come up here whenever i start to  forget what's really important in life but usually alone yeah but not this time getting cold yeah it is make us a fire but  i must have skipped that part in boy scouts   i think i have a better idea julie no words no promises just hold me you've decided to try standing out yes from this moment until the end of your quest no  food or water will pass your lips no sleep will   close your eyes you will touch no woman and keep  close to you only your water your personal charm   i asked wakan tanka the great spirit  to be with you for now it begins here oh may all our relatives live as you enter the womb of mother earth may the  sweat lodge ceremony with its lifeblood of water   cleanse and prepare your body and your spirit  as you stand alone and awake for three days   and nights and as you seek the  truth through sacred visions the kid's doing the vision thing so i figure   we wait till he goes off alone we trail and  then once he's off reservation you do nothing you [ __ ] up once dan this time just let me  know where he goes we'll handle it together um these belong to your mother she speaks to  you through these things i don't understand   these things tell the story  of her life and of yours know them and you will know the truth you know where you're going yeah thanks yeah i'm  gonna go to this spot where my mother's ashes were   scattered you know that's not reservation land  anymore you know i don't know if it's such a good   idea you're going up there oh i think he'll be  safe as long as he remains within a sacred circle got everything you need i hope you find what you're looking  for some ways i think i already have okay so i praise you for the eagle visions and the dreams i praise all your creations the  mountains and the streams i praise you dreams foreign i praise you for my children the mountains  and the streams i praise you for the ego   the visions and the dreams  i praise you for my people   the mountains and the streams i praise you for  the egos and dreams the visions and the dreams oh uh why won't you listen to me i want to  help you want to help then go home to   your teddy white house in your tidy white  city and leave jesse alone look i can't you see this where did you  get that that's jessie's   no it's not i found it in my father's desk drawer  along with a file and a photograph of his mother found him where she was nice pretty maybe a little sad she speaks to you through these things know them and you will know the truth don left us to live in the white  world a long time ago don't judge her her death brought you back to your own people for your mother the tears that begin  that day flowed until the day she died hello she was my mother she was  my mother she is my father you killed my mother i wasn't the one to pull  the trigger boy no of course not you'd never   dirty your hands you had lark and do it just like  you had him take care of me you're jumping to some   awful dangerous conclusions with nothing to back  it up i don't need proof i know the truth you do   do you you were her husband you married her it was  an indian ceremony didn't mean my mother loved you   she was bought boy taken care of  that's all it was no no she loved you   and no matter what you did to her no matter  how you tried to hurt her she took all of your   hatred into her heart and she tried to heal it she  wouldn't listen and you killed her for it i wonder   more than once she gave me up for you she gave  me up for you and she saved your life doing it   that's right no way i was gonna recognize you  as my own no way i was gonna have some bastard   breed as my son you know i figured once i told her  what had to happen that she had to get rid of you   or i'd kill you it'd be over but it wasn't she  told me she wrote to you asked you to come here   she was gonna tell you everything well i couldn't  let that happen but you came anyway and being   the best that you are the first thing you did  was take my daughter to bed don't show me up when you're a boy oh stop it you are going to kill him baby i was doing it for your you  stay right where you are you too   take it easy baby just don't do anything  foolish now don't make me hear you why why did you do it you all those years you  you killed the amulet the picture you you must   have loved her that was a long time ago baby it  was a different time i was young and foolish i   i made a lot of mistakes  mistakes mistake he's my brother   just thought you're gonna take it  easy kill your own son easy easy oh whistle up a drum to honor you jesse as you take  your rightful place as a member of your tribe and you and your family must in turn  honor your people with a giveaway   the giving of gifts has a token  of your blessings upon them today we purified your mother's  spirit and freed her to return to that is reason for celebration my son thanks for saving my life twice oh so what now we're counting oh hey talk to allison yeah i try to i  don't think she's ready to talk to me yet   well talk to her again send her your  prayers send her all her prayers   oh i almost forgot to tell you a couple kids  found your car i had a towed in tire changed   the funny thing is that car  phone of yours was still there   i made a few calls long distance to south  dakota oh your relations in their love yeah i figure i'll take off first thing  in the morning i'll make it home in   three four days if i don't push it jolene jolene so come with me i can't you don't want to i don't want to i have to go i know right oh daybreak star with her gift of a new day i don't know how to say goodbye  we don't say goodbye in lakota   we'll see each other again you've  on your way home once before   when you're ready you're home and  your land will be here waiting for you i've got a little something here for you you take care of my son i was on my way out of town  thought i'd stop and say goodbye can i come in i don't think so i'm sorry allison i'm so i'm so sorry for everything i i never meant  to hurt you i i know i don't blame you i mean you   were trying to find out who you were i guess now  i have to do the same thing please let me help you let me be part of your life not  yet not now jesse maybe someday wait a minute you know i think your mother would  have wanted you to have this one too no i think you should keep it and know that if you ever need me i'll be here okay yes scared well listen here little brother   you see this big medicine you hold on to this  one i'll give you the shot you won't feel a thing   you might as well try it what have you got to  lose i'm still going to give you the shot anyway there you go all done really didn't hurt at all   all you got to do is believe get  out of here go get your sister yeah if you don't mind we're  a little backed up here   dr goldman they say you've been here over 11 hours don't you think it's time you called it a day hmm so i'm almost afraid to  ask what are you doing here   well i've been setting up markets for some  of the crafts on the reservation and um   i thought la might be a good market for that  and i could mix a little business with vacation i'm glad you're here for how long oh a month or so or however long it  takes to convince you to come back with me or for   me to convince you to stay stay here yes stay here  you can meet my folks my mother would love you   and i could take you to my special place i could  get a nice table and i don't need a reservation he was an american son a  fortunate child a chosen one   he gets his back to the past but his walk  was not done he turned around and saw himself else   father's eyes is and saw find your way home find your way home   and you don't know who you are find your way home   inside your head you
Channel: Chicken Soup for the Soul TV
Views: 390,994
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Keywords: chicken soup for the soul, lou diamond phillips, sioux city, sioux city full movie, sioux city movie, sioux city 1994, native american movies, native american movies to watch, free native american movies to watch, Salli Richardson, melinda dillon, gary farmer, michael corbett, ralph waite, lou phillips, lou diamond, lou diamond phillips sioux city, sioux city iowa, lou phillips diamond, lou phillips movies, lou diamond certified, movie clip, sioux city trailer
Id: Gq4ph-bFF7k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 102min 18sec (6138 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 15 2022
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