Luna: Spirit of the Whale | Family Movie | Graham Greene | Free Full Movie

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{\an2}[soft acoustic music] {\an2}[orca's squeaking] {\an8}[orca's continue squeaking] {\an2}[chuckles] {\an2}-How many we got? -[Brenda] Six so far. {\an2}These are Jerry Emmer's traps, you know. {\an2}Jerry man, what a loser. {\an2}Come on baby, come to daddy. {\an2}Hey. Hey! {\an2}Yo, whack job ok, knock it off. {\an2}Hey stupid! {\an2}-When I tell you something, you listen! -Hey! {\an2}We came out here to steal his traps not wreck his boat. {\an2}-[Brenda] Eli leave him alone. -He's carving up the seat. {\an2}What your mother drop you on your head or something? {\an2}-[grunts] -[groans in pain] {\an2}-[grunts] -Eli! That was real stupid. {\an2}-[Brenda] Eli, don't! -Get off! {\an2}-[boat tumbles] -[Brenda yelps] {\an2}What was that? {\an2}-[soft spray] -[orca squeaking] {\an2}Holy crap man. {\an2}-Oh my God. -Where did he come from? {\an2}[orca squeaking] {\an2}Did you see that? {\an2}-That was amazing. -[Joey] Hey come on, let's get out of here, now! {\an2}[engine starts] {\an2}[Joey] Hey come on, let's rock. {\an2}Oh man, he bust through the prop. {\an2}[soft upbeat music] {\an2}[orca squeaking] {\an8}[Mike] As our people count <i>time we have lived here,</i> <i>since the beginning.</i> {\an8}Between the mountains, <i>and the sea.</i> {\an2}[Mike] It's ok mom. {\an2}[sobs] {\an2}[Mike] To us, two animals <i>are sacred.</i> {\an2}The whale protects <i>the ocean.</i> {\an2}And the wolf protects <i>the land.</i> {\an2}When a Chief dies, {\an2}his spirit can choose to <i>join with either one.</i> {\an2}My father was a Chief. {\an2}Just like his father <i>before him.</i> {\an2}Soon after he passed on, {\an2}a whale showed up <i>in our waters.</i> {\an2}Some of our people <i>called him Sukit.</i> {\an2}My father's traditional name. {\an2}They believed that his spirit <i>had stayed here with the</i> <i>whale to protect us.</i> {\an2}[rattling] {\an2}[speaking in local language] {\an2}[continues] {\an2}[speaking in local language] {\an2}[priest] Chief Ambrose McConnor may be gone, {\an2}but his spirit is still here. {\an2}[speaking in local language] {\an2}Within each and every one of you, {\an2}within his wife, Gloria, {\an2}and their son, Mike. {\an2}Finally, {\an2}returned to be with us. {\an2}[orca squeaks] {\an8}[Mike] I don't know why the <i>whale came to our people.</i> {\an8}But I was about to find out. {\an8}-Hi honey. -I'm so sorry. {\an2}Hi Mike. {\an2}It's really nice to have you back. {\an2}Gloria, Mike. {\an2}Bill. {\an2}I said it's a sad day, losing our Chief. {\an2}Yeah. {\an2}[Bill] So what's it been, six years since you've saw him last? {\an2}Five. {\an2}He's here now Bill, it's what Ambrose wanted. {\an2}You uh, still logging up in Bella Coola? {\an2}-Yeah. -Can't you find that kind of work around here? {\an2}[Mike] Not with my kind of pay. {\an2}Excuse me. {\an2}Come on mom, let's go home. {\an2}I think that's Adam. {\an2}They were stranded inland in a stolen boat. {\an2}Claim that they were just out there for the crabs. {\an2}But then Adam starts cutting up the seats. {\an2}-Any other damage? -Tickers busted. {\an2}Had to tow them in. {\an2}[officer] They said it was a whale. {\an2}-A whale? -Yeah. {\an2}-Look, I think that maybe-- -We-we'll deal with it. {\an2}Hey Bill, you know I support the whole community justice thing. {\an2}-But this kid-- -He has to come home. {\an2}I know you've been doing your best Ms. Maquinna. {\an2}But it's only been three days since the Chief passed away, {\an2}and he's already back to his old tricks. {\an2}-[Bill] Well, Mike you know? -[Mike] Sorry? {\an2}[Bill] Ambrose Maquinna's son, Mike. {\an2}Our new Chief. {\an2}Officer Bardecki, my sympathies. {\an2}Ambrose said that this boy was his responsibility. {\an2}As Chief. {\an2}So you want him? {\an2}So you knew my father, huh? {\an2}Oh, let's just go home. {\an2}[engine starts] {\an2}[sighs] {\an2}So how long has he been living with you? {\an2}-About six months. -Who's his family? {\an2}Maggie Ross. {\an2}That's Maggie Ross's kid? {\an2}Well where the hell is she? {\an2}Died last year. {\an2}Your dad was the closest thing to a father he had. {\an2}-[loud bang] -Whoa! {\an2}What the he-- {\an2}Charlie, Walker. {\an2}He's after the fish. {\an2}[orca squeaks] {\an2}-[grunts] -I think he's turned the net! {\an2}I see, I see, ok. {\an2}-[loud spray] -Hey! {\an2}Get out of here! {\an2}What are you gonna do? {\an2}-[grunts] -[splash] {\an2}[grunts] Beat it! {\an2}[loud spray] {\an2}Get out of here! {\an2}Come on! {\an2}-[grunts] -[orca squeaks] {\an2}[Jill over speaker] This is fishery, stop what you're doing immediately. {\an2}You know it's a criminal offense to interfere with a marine mammal. {\an2}He's after my catch, officer, {\an2}-what are you gonna do about it? -[loud thud] {\an2}Whoa. {\an2}He's coming round! {\an2}[orca squeaking] {\an2}[softly chuckles] {\an2}Well hello there. {\an2}Man, he's big. {\an2}[Jill] he looks young, he was snooping around the Tanifarm the last few days. {\an2}His pods probably around. {\an2}-[orca squeaking] -Hey there buddy. {\an2}Where's your family, huh? {\an2}-He likes you. -[chuckles] {\an2}[Jill] Alright look, I'm gonna try to lead him away, {\an2}if he comes back, you leave him alone and report it. {\an2}-Got me? -Oh I got you. {\an2}[boat engine starts] {\an2}Well let's check the damage. {\an2}You know his door is still shut. {\an2}Is that what he does? {\an2}Sometimes. {\an2}You know you got enough on your plate mom. {\an2}[Gloria] They'll put him in foster care. {\an2}Another lost Indian kid in the system. {\an2}They'll boss him around, until he breaks. {\an2}It'll be different, now that you are here. {\an2}I can't stay, I told you. {\an2}There's always been a Maquinna Chief, Mike. {\an2}-That's who you are. -[sighs] {\an2}I'm a recovering alcoholic, that's who I am. {\an2}Yes. {\an2}And when I see you like this, healthy again, strong. {\an2}It fills my heart. {\an2}You understand, Mike? {\an2}My boy goes away and come's back a man. {\an2}Ready to carry that strength. {\an2}Ready to be Chief. {\an2}It's not that simple. {\an2}Yeah, I have my own plans, ma. {\an2}You know I got a promotion last month. {\an2}And it's a good job, it pays a lot of money. {\an2}But if I'm not there within the week, it's all gone. {\an2}And that job I know I can do. {\an2}So you understand that? {\an2}If you leave, Bill will get the council to make him Chief. {\an2}Your dad didn't want that. {\an2}Yeah well [scoffs] he knows the language, the politics. {\an2}The band could do a lot worse. {\an2}So you'll stay for the week? {\an2}Yes, and I'll do whatever you need me to do around here. {\an2}Just tell me. {\an2}Well there's two things you need to finish for your dad. {\an2}Ok. {\an2}He was trying to block the new fish farm. {\an2}He was working with Bill on that, you'll have to talk to Bill, {\an2}and figure a way to stop the fisheries. {\an2}I haven't been here for about five years! {\an2}Like what am I supposed to say about a fish farm. {\an2}Don't say anything, just listen. {\an2}It's what your dad would have done. {\an2}Ok, the second thing. {\an2}Adam. {\an2}In want you to spend some time with him. {\an2}Show me he has things inside. {\an2}Good things, strong things. {\an2}Just like your dad showed you. {\an2}Ok, but I'm not good with kids. {\an2}I bet you she has a glass somewhere. {\an2}Hey, you wanna go for a ride? {\an2}Wanna try? {\an2}People come down here much? {\an2}[soft splashes] {\an2}I don't know, not much. {\an2}You know we used to live down here, when I was your age. {\an2}-[soft splashes] -[Mike] My dad ever bring you down here? {\an2}[soft splashes] {\an2}-I can't. -[Ambrose] It has to be smooth. {\an2}See. {\an2}Not so fast. {\an2}Patient. {\an2}[soft splashes] {\an2}[Ambrose] Touch the water. {\an2}Go on. {\an2}[Ambrose] What do you feel? {\an2}-Wet. -You feel anything else? {\an2}You have to let it talk to you again. {\an2}Before you throw the stone. {\an2}Then you have to learn how to wait. {\an2}How to listen. {\an2}You keep on bringing me here, how come? {\an2}It's where you're from. {\an2}We used to hunt from those canoes back there. {\an2}We knew how then, cause we knew who we were. {\an2}Chief always has to remember who we are. {\an2}Is the water talking to you yet? {\an2}[soft splashes] {\an2}[Ambrose] That's it Mike. {\an2}[seagull cooing] {\an2}[Mike] Hey, come on. {\an2}Wow. {\an2}It's like they've been here forever. {\an2}Come on, let's clean them up. {\an2}Take 'em out. {\an2}See if they float. {\an2}-Here. -Why? {\an2}Well to make up to the elders for what you've done. {\an2}What, because you say, means I got to do it? {\an2}[Mike] Hey, hey! {\an2}I could help you now, or you could do it yourself. {\an2}You got a choice. {\an2}[Mike] Grab the tarp. {\an2}[Mike] You know I knew your mom. {\an2}Maggie. {\an2}She was a good person. {\an2}She had a good heart. {\an2}You lost your mom and I lost my dad, huh. {\an2}[softly grunts] {\an2}When we were out on the boat yesterday. {\an2}[Mike] Yeah? {\an2}I saw a whale. {\an2}Oh really? You know they come out here sometimes. {\an2}[Adam] Well... {\an2}Ambrose told me that when a Chief dies, {\an2}his spirit can come when a as a whale. {\an2}It's what he told me. {\an2}Do you think it's true? {\an2}He's gone, Adam. {\an2}Fathers dead. {\an2}Let's grab that. {\an2}One, just pull it up. {\an2}[orca squeaking] {\an2}[door opens] {\an2}[Ambrose] I think home's what you need right now. {\an2}[Mike] Mm. {\an2}I think you and me, see things differently. {\an2}You can't run away from yourself. {\an2}So you even know what it's like to be me, huh? {\an2}I mean, do you even have a clue? {\an2}People look at you, {\an2}the man, the guy who doesn't make any mistakes. {\an2}Me, I'm just a little idiot kid who is stuck in the corner. {\an2}Can't even tie his own shoelaces. {\an2}-You have a choice to make. -[Mike] Yeah well, I'm making it now. {\an2}I'm getting the hell out of here. {\an2}[whispers] I'm sorry dad. {\an2}I'm so sorry. {\an2}[sobs] {\an2}He needs you too, kid. {\an2}[orca squeaks] {\an2}that's your spirit. {\an2}[orca squeaks] {\an2}[Jane over radio] This is <i>Jane Kimball reporting</i> <i>from Gold River.</i> {\an2}A small Vancouver Island town <i>with an unusual visitor.</i> {\an2}A stray orca whale. {\an2}Ok, let's get set up, over here. {\an2}Some of their farm salmon broke out of their nets last year. {\an2}Mixed with that wild fish. {\an2}-And died. -What did the company do? {\an2}[chuckles] Apologized. {\an2}Was my father talking to these guys? {\an2}Yeah they started talking then it all fell apart. {\an2}Well we gotta put a stop to this. {\an2}If the fisheries dealt with my father, they're gonna have to deal with me. {\an2}This is the one thing I want to work out. {\an2}-[Bill] Good. -Then it's all yours. {\an2}What do you mean? {\an2}[Mike] I'm going back to Bella Coola. {\an2}[coughs] Does the uh, rest of council know about this? {\an2}You know, you can tell them. {\an2}[sighs] {\an2}[Jane] biologists say it's not rare to find a visiting orca in the inland up here. {\an2}There are significant resident whale pods that migrate up and down this coast. {\an2}But this whale doesn't seem to be passing through. {\an2}Locals report him as, uncharacteristically friendly. {\an2}And eager to make contact with boats and humans. {\an2}So the sleepy community of Gold River may yet find itself playing host, {\an2}to this spunky lost killer whale, for a while. {\an2}-And as word gets out, maybe to the world. -[indistinctive chatter] {\an2}Jane Kimball, channel 6 news. {\an2}[Brenda] Don't be such a chicken. Just go talk to him. {\an2}[Eli] He's looking at me. {\an2}-[indistinctive chatter] -Hey. {\an2}So... Hi, how's it going? {\an2}-Good. -Good. {\an2}Uh, you know Adam... {\an2}He kinda needs some help down at the old village. {\an2}With what? {\an2}[Mike] You know with those old canoes. {\an2}We plan on taking the out, but they need to cleaned up. {\an2}What if we're busy? {\an2}Well then get un-busy. {\an2}Cause you know that crap old you guys stealing that boat the other day... {\an2}I think you guys need to make it up to the elders as much as Adam does. {\an2}Alright, see you in half an hour. {\an2}Bring some friends. {\an2}Hey, look who's here. {\an2}[Lucy] Hey a sight for sore eyes, how you doing? {\an2}-Good. -[Lucy] Good. {\an2}Really sorry to hear about your dad, Mike. {\an2}[sighs] Thanks. How have you been? {\an2}[Lucy] Hey, a whale in the bay keeps the tax man away, right? {\an2}-[Lucy] Can I get you a coffee? -Yeah, but can I get it to go? {\an2}[Lucy] Sure. {\an2}-You remember Jill. -Hi. {\an2}Um, I-I don't think we've met before? {\an2}Actually we have. {\an2}I was up here doing my field project on herring. {\an2}It's like seven years ago. {\an2}[chuckles] I don't remember much from seven years ago, {\an2}if you were here, you'd know that. {\an2}Uh, it's good to see you again, Mike. {\an2}So you're with Fishers? {\an2}Yeah, a job opened up two years ago and, {\an2}I really wanted to come back. {\an2}-My condolences, by the way. -[Mike] Thanks. {\an2}I really admired your father. {\an2}He was uh, very clear, {\an2}about where he stood, even if my bosses didn't always agree with him. {\an2}Yeah well listen, uh, as far as that's concerned, {\an2}I'd love to book some time with you, so we could sit down, {\an2}go over a few things about the salmon farm. {\an2}-Whenever you want. -Here you go. {\an2}[Mike] Thanks. {\an2}Oh, it's on the house, welcome home. {\an2}-I'll see you around, Mike. -Yeah. {\an2}Oh. {\an2}[Mike] Hey Adam, finish off the backseat, Brenda can take care of that. {\an2}[Adam] Yeah but I'm already here. {\an2}-No go! -[Eli] These boats are ancient. {\an2}-Hey Bill. -What are you doing? {\an2}Just trying to get the people back to the water. {\an2}Figured we'd try them out. {\an2}They're traditional canoes, you know this stuff, I wanna make sure we do it right. {\an2}-Hey! -Hey nothing. {\an2}Show some respect, don't be smoking around these boats. {\an2}-[Mike] Bill. -[Bill] Just a little punk. {\an2}I don't have to do this, ok. {\an2}[Mike] Eli it's ok I'll take care of this. You know, Bill. {\an2}We have to give these kids a break. {\an2}[Bill] These kids are nothing but trouble. {\an2}They're young and bored, we just gotta keep them focused. {\an2}Must be nice to come home and be a hero for a week, huh? {\an2}Look are you gonna help us out, or not? {\an2}[Bill singing in local language] {\an2}Thanks Bill. {\an2}Ok guys let's get something straight up front. {\an2}I know none of you guys have been in this type of canoe. {\an2}Our ancestors used them back in the day, for hunting. {\an2}Btu we have to be safe, ok? {\an2}So do exactly what Bill tells you. {\an2}Alright? {\an2}Cool. Bill. {\an2}Ok let's get it in the water. {\an2}[soft music] {\an2}[Adam] Hey that's where we saw the whale the other day! {\an2}Can we go back there? {\an2}We're gonna go where Bill tells us to go. {\an2}-Oh come on it's right there, why can't we just check it out. -[Mike] Adam, keep paddling. {\an2}[Bill] Keep paddling, we're heading for Mooyah Bay. {\an2}[loud splash] {\an2}[Bill] Stop! Stop! {\an2}-[Brenda] Oh my God! -[Adam] Holy cow! {\an2}[Brenda] Amazing. Oh my God. {\an2}[orca squeaks] {\an2}-Whoa. -It's ok, he's not gonna hurt us. {\an2}[Adam] Oh, sweet! {\an2}He's coming right beside us! {\an2}[Mike] Whoa, keep it steady guys. {\an2}-Oh look at it, he's coming in. -You got it? {\an2}-[loud spray] -[Eli] Oh amazing. {\an2}Try touch him. {\an2}[Brenda] Touch his nose. {\an2}-[Mike] Adam, keep your hand in! -[Adam] He won't bite. {\an2}Whoa, it's so cool. {\an2}You have to feel him. {\an2}Feels so weird. {\an2}Try and touch him, he's awesome! {\an2}[orca squeaking] {\an2}[orca squeaking] {\an2}-[Adam] See! He knows you! -Adam, sit down! {\an2}-[loud spray] -[all chuckling] {\an2}-[chuckling continues] -It's not funny. {\an2}[soft upbeat music] {\an2}-Whoa, what did you guys see? -[Adam] We saw the whale again! {\an2}-[Brenda] It was amazing! -[Adam] It went right up to me. {\an2}[indistinctive chatter in background] {\an2}You saw Tuket? {\an2}Yeah. {\an2}[Mike] He came up to the canoes. {\an2}[Adam] Hey! He followed us in! {\an2}[Eli] Whoa, he's swimming after us! {\an2}What's he doing? {\an2}-[indistinctive chatter] -[orca squeaks] {\an2}[Mike] Hey Adam, get away from there! {\an2}[orca squeaks] {\an2}-Everybody away from the water, he's gonna beach himself. -No! {\an2}He wants to be with his people. {\an2}He's a wild animal, you don't know what he wants. {\an2}Look I need everybody to keep their distance, alright? {\an2}Mike's right. {\an2}When Tuket joined with the whales, he doesn't mean to do any harm. {\an2}Alright everybody. {\an2}It was a good day, let's go home. {\an2}[indistinctive chatter] {\an2}[Adam] Hey Mike, he knew you. {\an2}Did you see the way he came up to you? {\an2}Look, Adam. {\an2}It's a whale, ok? {\an2}And I know it's great that he's here and everybody's happy, but it is a whale. {\an2}-Ok... -Ok. {\an2}You don't think it's like a sign or something? {\an2}I think it's a whale. {\an2}-Hey Adam. -[Gloria] Let him go. {\an2}Look ma, I don't mean to be disrespectful... {\an2}You know, I know what he means to you. {\an2}What does it mean to you? {\an2}[Jane] This is Jane Kimball with <i>an update on the story of Luna,</i> {\an2}the newly named stray orca, <i>who's mysteriously taken</i> <i>up resident,</i> {\an2}near the tiny community <i>of Gold River.</i> {\an2}-We'll catch you later. -[Lucy] Any time. {\an2}Yeah, yeah that's Jane Kimball from the six o'clock news channel 6. {\an2}Six o'clock news, bish girl. Tonight. {\an2}I told them we love orcas, any and all. {\an2}Well between them and the tourist, we get crazy around here, really fast. {\an2}[Lucy] Hey you know, maybe I should get some merchandising. {\an2}Like those stuffed killer whales or, you know, key chains. {\an2}-Ooh hats are good. -[Jill] Maybe he'll just leave. {\an2}[Lucy chuckles] Are you kidding, maybe he'll bring friends. {\an2}And t-shirts. {\an2}'See Luna, from Lucy's.' {\an2}What's a Luna? Thanks. {\an2}Jane was saying that they were having some kind of a naming contest, {\an2}at the Seattle newspaper yesterday. {\an2}You don't like it? {\an2}Wow, Seattle? {\an2}There was presumption earlier this year, that the missing orca was dead. {\an2}But his sudden appearance here on Northern Vancouver Island, {\an2}is a cause of celebration in the scientific community. {\an2}-A-ha. -[Jane] Now they want to figure out... {\an2}Plus the fact that it's all over the internet. {\an2}Yeah, and it's on TV. {\an2}Right now, I'm watching it. {\an2}So I've got all these tourists hanging around and... {\an2}Yeah well, he broke another sonar yesterday, so the fishermen are going nuts. {\an2}Now the fish farm says he ripped one of the nets open, {\an2}which means we're dealing with escaped Salmon, which is an entirely dif-- {\an2}it's not my point Bryce, I could use some help. {\an2}Uh, excuse me? {\an2}Hang on a second. Can I help you? {\an2}Uh yeah, Michael Solomon, OAG. {\an2}Orca advocacy group. {\an2}We were just on the water trying to monitor the whale. {\an2}And we're sure he's the missing juvenile from our pod. {\an2}That's what we figure. {\an2}Well-yeah but he's being buzzed by power boats out there. {\an2}We assume the fisheries will step in and protect him. {\an2}Mr. Solomon, I'm doing my level best on my own-- {\an2}Six boats in the last half hour. {\an2}Bryce, I'll uh, call you back. {\an2}[sighs] Ok. {\an2}I'm gonna need you to fill out a report for me. {\an2}-Thank you. -Can you show me on the map where this was? {\an2}[woman] Hello Luna, hello! {\an2}Luna! Hello Lu! Hi Luna! Oh! {\an2}[Jill] All boats, all boats there is a marine mammal warning in effect. {\an2}All boats must stay away from the whale. {\an2}-I repeat, you're breaking the law. -[lady shouting] {\an2}[Jill] I don't want to have to suspend your licenses, go please back away from the whale. {\an2}She loves them, come on. {\an2}You need to be 100 meters away from the whale! {\an2}What the heck is your problem, he loves us! Hello! {\an2}[mimic orca sounds] {\an2}[woman shouting in distance] {\an2}[Jill] You are in violation of fisheries regulations, {\an2}everyone move back 100 meters. {\an2}[indistinctive chatter] {\an2}Oh, sorry. {\an2}Excuse me, excuse me. {\an2}[indistinctive chatter in background] {\an2}[Jane] And now this amateur <i>video, showing a local fisherman</i> {\an2}-shooting at and missing <i>the young orca.</i> -What! {\an2}[Jill] Environmental groups <i>concerned about the</i> <i>safety of the animal.</i> {\an2}Here you go Jill. {\an2}To take Luna, the problem will just go away. {\an2}-[man] We want the fisheries to protect the whale. -Thanks. {\an2}[Jane] So far government <i>officials have declined</i> <i>to comment,</i> {\an2}on the activities of <i>the fishermen, or Luna.</i> {\an2}And now to Vancouver where... {\an2}[Ernie] I was just trying to scare him. {\an2}If I wanted to kill him do you think I would have missed? {\an2}Your license is suspended for a month. {\an2}If I see your boat on the water, Ernie, I'll impound it. {\an2}I've got a right to make a living, {\an2}that's my right and you people are supposed to protect it. {\an2}Why don't you just do your job? {\an2}Officer Mackay? {\an2}Uh media requests have to go through head office. {\an2}I am head office, couldn't you tell? {\an2}Ted Jefferies, operations. {\an2}Uh, Jill Mackay, am I glad to see you. {\an2}So, the whale? {\an2}Uh yeah, the orca, um well, technically he's a dolphin. {\an2}Everyone calls him Luna, but we know him as L98. {\an2}Has seemed to have had a bonding problem with his mother, {\an2}because he disappeared from the L-pod in the Salmon Islands, last year. {\an2}We have to fix this. {\an2}Your gun slinging fisherman is all over the internet. {\an2}And the minister's office is getting hammered. {\an2}We're getting complaints from Turkey for crying out loud. {\an2}Plus, the fish farm keeps calling. {\an2}Apparently he torn their nets or something? {\an2}Yes he tore the nets, and I told them to file a report, just-- {\an2}We're in business with these people. {\an2}Just like we're in business with the fishers and the general public. {\an2}They are our key client groups, ok? And your Luna, {\an2}is butting heads with all of them. {\an2}This is, a bad thing. {\an2}-Yeah. -So. {\an2}-Solution. -Please. {\an2}Seeing as this pod is in American waters right now, {\an2}we called our friends in Washington state. {\an2}Uh, to do what? {\an2}We're giving him back. {\an2}Which means we have to capture him. {\an2}[soft upbeat music] {\an2}[Ted] So he follows your boat? {\an2}[Jill] That's the problem, he'll follow any boat. {\an2}[Ted] Well that works, it makes it easier to lead him in. {\an2}That's Mooyah Bay. {\an2}-That's where he normally stays. -Right. {\an2}-Are those tourists? -No. {\an2}[orca squeaking] {\an2}[Mike] Oh, what's this now? {\an2}Canoes please move clear, you're in violation of fisheries regulations. {\an2}[Bill] These are our waters you can't stop us from being here. {\an2}[Jill] Hey Mike, he could flip that canoe in a heartbeat. {\an2}Look I'm sorry but you're required to keep a distance of 100 meters from marine mammals. {\an2}[Mike] Yeah well, I think we're good. {\an2}You can't keep us away from our Chief. {\an2}We respect your beliefs Bill, but, this is a, it's a delicate situation. {\an2}-Well what do you know about our beliefs? -Bill. {\an2}Alright, I think we're good here. {\an2}Come on Bill, let's take these guys home. {\an2}[Bill] Alright, let's put some muscle into it! {\an2}[all] Wooo! {\an2}[cheering] {\an2}[Ted] So they think the whale is their Chief? {\an2}Uh yeah it's... {\an2}Some of their people believe, I heard that, {\an2}well I guess you could say that the spirit of the late Chief is sort of joined with Luna. {\an2}Any other details you're not telling me? {\an2}This is turning into A PR nightmare, Jill. {\an2}I want this thing managed, ok? {\an2}Starting now. {\an2}You want me to hire a media consultant? {\an2}No I'd like you to take me back to shore. {\an2}We'll pulling up the capture date. {\an2}Is it a good time to talk? {\an2}Absolutely. {\an2}Sure. Grab a seat. {\an2}You guys and my father were trying to work out something, {\an2}out around the fish farms. {\an2}[Jill] Ah, yes, there were talks, but, things kind of, {\an2}fell apart at the end of last year. {\an2}Ted. {\an2}Chief Maquinna, Ted Jefferies, saw you on the water, yesterday. {\an2}-Yeah, how you doing? -Good, good. {\an2}To what do we owe the honor? {\an2}[Mike] Well I was just looking over my father's papers. {\an2}The back and forth with fisheries about not licensing any new fish farms. {\an2}Well I was hoping that maybe we could start talking again. {\an2}The existing farm is wrecking our fisheries. {\an2}And a new salmon farm would basically kill us. {\an2}[Ted] Maybe we need to restate the Mowachaht position to the minister. {\an2}You know, put it back on the front burner. {\an2}Well uh, that would help a lot. {\an2}But what we'd like is you to just shut down the, {\an2}existing fish farm. {\an2}[Ted] Well, I can't make any promises, but, {\an2}but fisheries considers your people to be priority clients, {\an2}now I know there's been some friction in the past, but... {\an2}We just gotta keep the communication thing going. {\an2}[Mike] Sure. {\an2}-And uh, about the whale? -Right. {\an2}[Mike] Well you saw, he's very significant to our people. {\an2}Yes I did. {\an2}And I know you have to enforce your regulations, {\an2}but I was hoping you could cut us some slack? {\an2}You know, nobody on our side is going to hurt the whale. {\an2}Our side just wants to make sure everyone's needs are taken care of. {\an2}Including the whales. {\an2}Ok, well if you just uh, {\an2}you know consult with the band before making any decisions. {\an2}Yeah, just so everyone is ok with what's going on. {\an2}That communication thing, huh. {\an2}-Thanks for your time. -Yeah. {\an2}Mike. {\an2}We just signed a contract to build a net pen for Luna, {\an2}and, how can you just lie to him like that? {\an2}I didn't lie. {\an2}Excuse me? {\an2}[Ted] I'm trying to buy us some time. {\an2}If we leak to the media that Luna's best chance for survival, is reunification, {\an2}then these guys with there reincarnation thing are just gonna look goofy. {\an2}Problem on solved. {\an2}Problem two, {\an2}I want to control the media, from now on, {\an2}we trickle feed the story just we're ready for full blown coverage. {\an2}The dock, down by the old mill, if we put the pen there, can we control access? {\an2}-I suppose-- -[Ted] Alright then let's get the dock cleared, {\an2}because the pen stuff will be here in about an hour. {\an2}What is this, a steering contest? {\an2}No, I'll make the call. {\an2}[Mike] Ok try her! {\an2}[motor putters] {\an2}ok stop! {\an2}Stop! {\an2}[engine stops] {\an2}maybe you got to take her up to the garage. {\an2}Oh [chuckles] give me a chance. {\an2}I don't want to be pouring any more money into this baby, than I have to. {\an2}But I don't need her stalling while I'm on the road tomorrow. {\an2}-Where are you going? -[softly grunts] Home. {\an2}Hey, some of us have to work for a living. {\an2}-Yeah but-- -But nothing. {\an2}If I don't get back, I lose a job. {\an2}But you've got a job. {\an2}[sighs] {\an2}Hey Adam. {\an2}Everything is going to be alright. {\an2}Ok? Bill is going to be a great Chief. {\an2}Adam. {\an2}Hey Adam, I need you to help me, here. {\an2}[soft upbeat music] {\an2}[Bill] There you are. {\an2}Here read this. {\an2}Fisheries already approved the whole fish farm thing. {\an2}Last month! {\an2}It's a done deal. {\an2}That guys must have seen me coming from a mile away. {\an2}You tried Mike. {\an2}[Bill] It looks like they're building something down at the old mill dock. {\an2}[Ted] If we can wrangle out here, do you really-- {\an2}What's going on! {\an2}Oh Chief Maquinna, I'd like you to meet Murry Novak from the aquarium. {\an2}It's a pen, they're gonna trap Sukit. {\an2}Best thing for him, Chief, back with his pod, {\an2}our biologist says he won't survive otherwise and she knows what she is talking about. {\an2}You told me, you'd consult. {\an2}I certainly did. {\an2}When can we all sit down? {\an2}Band council office, one o'clock. {\an2}Yeah we can do that, sure. {\an2}Call the police, I want this area properly secured. {\an2}Ok. {\an2}[Jill] Luna is what's known as a solitary social able. {\an2}Orcas who exhibit the highest degree of contact with humans, {\an2}are generally at the greatest risk of injury or death. {\an2}You're kidnapping our Chief and you want our support on that. {\an2}We're just trying to protect him. {\an2}I mean, you guys have been seeing what's been happening. {\an2}Yesterday I found a guy in the dock, he was pouring beer down his blow hole. {\an2}Last night he collided with a float plane. {\an2}His nose is all banged up. {\an2}Don't even get me started on the damage to the plane. {\an2}The owner is screaming about law suits-- {\an2}We just don't think he can survive without his pod. {\an2}Reunification is the only way to go and we were hoping, {\an2}we could get your support on this. {\an2}He's here with us, because he belongs here, end of story. {\an2}So what's your plan? {\an2}Or can you share that with us? {\an2}Well, we'd um... {\an2}Pen him and then transport him down to Washington state. {\an2}Over land? {\an2}We work with completely professional teams, {\an2}they're used to moving large marine mammals and they do so safely. {\an2}I'll let Murry explain the details. {\an2}We plan to led L98 into a net pen and then close it. {\an2}We'll take a few days to assess him, {\an2}then move him to Tedder Bay, near Victoria. {\an2}-Yeah well how are you going to do that? -By truck. {\an2}-Oh. -[Murry] It's a flatbed truck, outfitted with a special tank. {\an2}That'll take hours. {\an2}We estimate 12 hours. {\an2}Once we get him there we will keep him in another net pen. {\an2}When we know the pod is passing we'll look for signs of audible communication, {\an2}once that's established... {\an2}-We release him. -[Mike] What if it doesn't work? {\an2}-I'm sorry? -Well what if he doesn't want to join his pod? {\an2}What if he winds up swimming in Victoria harbor, Seattle. {\an2}If we're having problems with him and boats here, {\an2}it's gonna be ten times worse over there. {\an2}M-Murry has a very high expectation of success. {\an2}Or first dibs on the whale if the plan doesn't work out. {\an2}[Murry] The aquarium hasn't kept orca's for a number of years, {\an2}we have no interest in resuming that program. {\an2}[Bill] I'm sure there's someone out there who wants a beer drinking orca, {\an2}with a banged up nose. {\an2}[Mike] So you're just gonna do this no matter what we say, right? {\an2}Yes we are. {\an2}You're two for two buddy. {\an2}Just so we understand each other. {\an2}-Well that went well. -Who do you think you're working for? {\an2}-Excuse me? -How did he know we are trying to see the thing? {\an2}Uh let's see, he took a wild guess. {\an2}You're telling me you didn't tell him? {\an2}You didn't answer his quest-- {\an2}I'm asking if you supplied the question? {\an2}What I had to say about your marine land idea, I said to you. {\an2}And I meant it Ted, I'm filing a complaint. {\an2}It's the absolute wrong thing to do. {\an2}No, you giving information to the band, that's the wrong thing to do. {\an2}I told you, I didn't say anything. {\an2}[chuckles] I can't believe you actually trusted that guy. {\an2}Y-You know what those people understand? {\an2}Trouble. Angry Indians that's trouble. {\an2}This is our territory Mike and that is our Orca. {\an2}Right, so let's occupy the inland with two canoes and a rattle. {\an2}-Come on Bill. -I could call in reinforcements. {\an2}You know what we need to do, is just get him out of here. {\an2}What? He's our Chief. {\an2}I don't know, you're convinced he wants to stay here, right? {\an2}[Bill] What are you talking about? {\an2}Let's lead him out to the ocean and let him make up his own mind. {\an2}If he swims back to his pod then they have no reason to trap him and do the overland thing. {\an2}We probably save his life. {\an2}-That's crazy. -[Mike] Bill. {\an2}It's worth a try. {\an2}[sighs] {\an2}[seal grunting] {\an2}H-Hey! {\an2}What are you doing? {\an2}Oh just getting ready for tomorrow. {\an2}We're gonna lead the whale out into the ocean, let him find his way home. {\an2}What? He is home! {\an2}He's supposed to be here, with us! {\an2}Look Adam, we're just giving him a choice. {\an2}You know what, you just want him gone so you can leave too. {\an2}Look Adam the government wants to chuck him away, {\an2}and that just might kill him. {\an2}Alright, I'm just trying to make the best out of a bad situation, pal. {\an2}Hey is this how we're gonna end every conversation, cause it's getting a little boring. {\an2}-[rattling] -[singing in local language] {\an2}[continues] {\an2}Ok guys. {\an2}This may not be what everyone wanted. {\an2}We have to see what the whale wants. {\an2}If it's lost maybe we can help it's way back home. {\an2}It's really up to him, but... {\an2}Let's just give him that choice. {\an2}Let mother nature take its course. {\an2}Ok boys, let's go. {\an2}[indistinctive chatter] {\an2}[soft upbeat music] {\an2}Come on buddy. {\an2}Where are you? {\an2}Over there! {\an2}[Mike] Ok, pick it up! {\an2}[orca squeaks] {\an2}[singing in local language] {\an2}[deep voice] Woo, woo, woo. {\an2}[Ambrose] Come on Mike, strong voice. {\an2}You have to sing it to make it yours. {\an2}For when you're Chief. {\an2}I don't like it. {\an2}Why don't you like it? {\an2}It took me a while to learn it too. {\an2}How come you had to be Chief. {\an2}It's always been that way. {\an2}What if you wanted to be something else? {\an2}You want to be something else? {\an2}Maybe. {\an2}Learn the paddle song anyway. {\an2}In case you change your mind. {\an2}[humming] {\an2}Ok guys, he's with us. {\an2}Let's push on through. {\an2}Let's go. {\an2}[Jill] Murry says we'll make it. {\an2}[Ted] We better, I'm a hundred grand over department budget, on this thing already. {\an2}Hey Adam, what're you doing here? {\an2}They're taking the whale out to sea. {\an2}Who? {\an2}-Chief Maquinna. -When? {\an2}Right now. {\an2}You've done good kid, go buy your mom something nice. {\an2}[Ted] Let's go. {\an2}Don't you think we should just let them try? {\an2}I mean if Luna just leaves-- {\an2}Do you think Luna's just gonna leave like the inland has been blocked this whole time? {\an2}[Jill] I think he's disorientated, {\an2}I tried leading him out but he wouldn't leave. {\an2}But he seems to respond to the Band though, so if, {\an2}I mean if they can, just get him pass the sound. {\an2}So he can turn around and come back, then have two days behind instead of one, {\an2}forget about it. {\an2}I'll take care of this myself. {\an2}He's with us, let's push on through! {\an2}Ok buddy, here's your chance. {\an2}Let's take him out. {\an2}[orca squeaks] {\an2}-[Eli] It's fisheries! -[Mike] let's pick it up guys, go! {\an2}Go! {\an2}Watch out! {\an2}Stop! {\an2}Stop. {\an2}[orca squeaks] {\an2}Gotcha. {\an2}[man] Interring with marine mammals is a criminal offense. {\an2}You are in violation of the law and I am asking you to return to the dock immediately. {\an2}[Bill] These are Mowachaht waters, you've got no jurisdiction here! {\an2}Yeah! {\an2}I warned you. {\an2}So arrest them. {\an2}Can I try sir? I kind of know him. {\an2}[Bardecki] Come on Mike be resemble, do as he says. {\an2}Right now you are breaking the law, and there's a 100 thousand dollar fine, {\an2}if you turn the canoes around we can talk about this on shore. {\an2}Well we're not turning around! {\an2}Chief Maquinna, this is my last warning. {\an2}Turn the canoes around. {\an2}If you want us out of here you're gonna have to drag us out, you hear me! {\an2}Drag us out! {\an2}-[all] Yeah! -Eli! Sit down Eli. {\an2}-Whoa! -[loud splash] {\an2}Jane Kimball Mr. Jeffries, channel 6 news, {\an2}is fisheries going to press chargers against the Mowachaht? {\an2}Of course not, fisheries has the utter most respect for the Mowachaht and their beliefs. {\an2}But I hope Chief Maquinna saw how dangerous this could be for everyone. {\an2}I hope that fisheries and the band can cooperate from here on in, {\an2}so that we can do the best for Luna. {\an2}-Thank you. -Thank you. {\an2}Lance let's go. {\an2}[indistinctive chatter in the background] {\an2}Chief Maquinna! {\an2}Can you tell us about what happened out there? {\an2}Why don't you ask fisheries. {\an2}I think I made my point. {\an2}If I see you out there tomorrow, I will have you arrested, you hear me? {\an2}Hand shake and we're done, ok? {\an2}Is Tukito ok? {\an2}He didn't leave and we couldn't get him out. {\an2}And we lost a canoe. {\an2}Drink it. {\an2}[softly grunts] {\an2}He'd sure be proud of me, huh? {\an2}Yes he would. {\an2}I'm sorry ma. {\an2}-You asked me to do one thing-- -I asked you to try. {\an2}You tired. {\an2}[Mike] See that's just what I've been trying to tell you, I try. {\an2}I screw up. {\an2}That's just the point, I'm not the guy. {\an2}Is that good? Understand now? {\an2}-Mike. -Ma, I'm good. {\an2}Ok, I just gotta go for a walk. {\an2}[Jane on TV] Local residents and the scientific community, {\an2}fisheries plan's to capture Luna as a first step towards moving him. {\an2}But when Luna turned around and swam back into the bay today, {\an2}some people began to suggest the Mowachaht right, {\an2}this is where he wants to be. {\an2}So as fisheries moves forward with the reunification plan, {\an2}the Luna story gets complicated, {\an2}all over again. {\an2}Jane Kimball, channel 6 news, Gold River. {\an2}[Jill] Hey Mike. {\an2}I didn't know that Ted was going to do that. {\an2}You know I tried to lead Luna out, {\an2}first day I found him. {\an2}And he came back then too. {\an2}I guess I was hoping that you'd make it work. {\an2}That he'd follow you out, cause if he stays here, he'll die. {\an2}Oh he could die, on your truck. {\an2}He could die wherever you dump him. {\an2}No we're not dumping him. {\an2}[Mike] He keeps coming back. {\an2}I figure he knows something that I don't. {\an2}Maybe he does. {\an2}You were right about the captivity thing. {\an2}-What? -[Jill] What you said about someone wanting a cheap orca. {\an2}Ted's asked two aquariums for a bid, in case the reunification doesn't work. {\an2}But I still think that he should be with his family, Mike. {\an2}Maybe he already is. {\an2}Mike. {\an2}Adam's gone and stuff is missing from his room. {\an2}Hey where are you going? {\an2}I was gonna ask you the same thing. {\an2}[Adam] I'm uh, wherever. {\an2}-Someone you know? -Uh no, hey, can I get a ride? {\an2}Get over here. {\an2}[Mike] I got it. {\an2}-Is that your kid? -Yeah. {\an2}I'm not his kid, he's a liar! {\an2}Look, my mom makes a home for you and you run out on her! {\an2}So? What do you think you're doing? {\an2}Hey you think you're the only kids who's got a raw deal, huh? {\an2}Stuff happens, get over it. {\an2}Yeah right, that's deep. {\an2}It's the best I got. {\an2}Jeez, no wonder why you are scared to be Chief. {\an2}Guess you and I aren't so different after all. {\an2}[sighs] {\an2}maybe you and I should stop running huh? {\an2}Come on, get in. {\an2}You know my father showed me how to build these. {\an2}So that we allow a start. {\an2}He was always trying to show me something. {\an2}But I kind of wasn't paying attention. {\an2}He is the whale. {\an2}You know whales saved us? {\an2}Back in the day a whale would offer himself to the hunter. {\an2}The whole village would eat. {\an2}But it was the Chief, {\an2}who is the only one who would connect with the whale. {\an2}I didn't know the fisheries guy was gonna call the cops. {\an2}I told him what you were gonna do. {\an2}I just didn't want everybody to leave. {\an2}That's ok Adam. {\an2}Everybody's a little confused. {\an2}It's not a bad place, huh. {\an2}[Adam] Compared to what? {\an2}[Mike] I don't know, Bella Coola. {\an2}Bella Coola could be different. {\an2}[Mike chuckles] Sometimes lonely. {\an2}This place is lonely. {\an2}Uh... {\an2}Not the same way. {\an2}Are you still gonna go back? {\an2}You figure. {\an2}[orca blows] {\an2}[Adam] Whoa, look! {\an2}He bought the canoe back. {\an2}Won't see that in Bella Coola. {\an2}Now do you believe it's your dad? {\an2}[Mike] What if we tried protecting whale instead of capturing. {\an2}I guess you could call it a storage ship program. {\an2}We'll work out the details with you guys later, {\an2}but we'd be on the boats every day, {\an2}in teams, keeping him away from other boats, fishermen, {\an2}-cause if he's not banging into anything, he's not-- -Chief, Chief. {\an2}We can talk this round and round until the cows come home, {\an2}what's at stack here is the whales survival. {\an2}[Mike] At marine land? {\an2}We've made some inquiries. {\an2}We're treating it as a contentiously plan, {\an2}but I really appreciate you guys keeping me in the loop on all this. {\an2}That's, communication. {\an2}Now if you'll excuse me. {\an2}Are you looking for a fight, Mr. Jefferies? {\an2}[Mike] Bill. {\an2}[Bill] Listen it's time to make that call and get some reinforcements in here. {\an2}Do you think more angry guys at the dock is gonna change anything? {\an2}But he'll spin this around. {\an2}And make it look like he's saving the whale. {\an2}That's our fault if anything bad happens. {\an2}-Listen, will you just trust me here, please! -Bill! {\an2}How about you just trust me? {\an2}I think we could so something here. {\an2}I got another plan. {\an2}I need you to back me. {\an2}[Jane on TV] Today fisheries plans to capture Luna, {\an2}as a first step towards moving him to Puget Sound. {\an2}Where they hope he will reunite with his pod. {\an2}But tensions are running high as members of the local native band, head for the water. {\an2}They oppose the capture, arguing that Luna should decide for himself where he wants to live. {\an2}-[humming] -[soft drum beat] {\an2}[continues] {\an2}[Bill] The cops told the clinic to be ready for injuries. {\an2}Chief Maquinna I've been asked to inform you that if you enter the capture area, {\an2}you will be arrested. {\an2}-Got it? -I got it. {\an2}Is it supposed to get ugly? {\an2}I hope not Chief, I guess that's up to you. {\an2}[reporter] Sargent, what do you expect? {\an2}[Sargent] I'm sure the Chief understands. Thank you. {\an2}[reporters talking over each other] {\an2}-[humming] -[soft drum beat] {\an2}-Good morning. -[Jane] Hi. {\an2}I saw your report on TV last night, I thought it was a very interesting angle on the story. {\an2}Trying. {\an2}Looks a little more formal today. {\an2}-With the drums and all. -A little, how would you like to be closer to the action? {\an2}-Absolutely. -Alright. {\an2}[Mike] Anyone who wants to sit this one out, {\an2}no questions asked. {\an2}Ok then. {\an2}We all know why we are here, {\an2}we have to honor Sukit. {\an2}And remember my father's spirit, {\an2}he chose to come back to us. {\an2}He chose to stay. {\an2}Some people won't accept that choice, cause it interferes with business, {\an2}with politics. {\an2}And whatever happens, {\an2}whatever they try to do out there, {\an2}we have to honor my father's spirit. {\an2}With respect. {\an2}Without violence. {\an2}And remember Sukit came to connect us back to the water. {\an2}It's who we are. {\an2}And it's how we honor him. {\an2}[Jane] This is Jane Kimball with an update on the Luna capture story. {\an2}Fisheries plans to lead the lone orca into a net pen, {\an2}they've had specially built here at Gold River. {\an2}And then move him by truck to Puget Sound, near Victoria. {\an2}Your friends got a one track mind. {\an2}-Like he's the only one. -You just stick to the plan! {\an2}Is that him? {\an2}[loud blow] {\an2}Yeah. {\an2}Alright, harder! {\an2}There he is, dead ahead. {\an2}Hey wait. {\an2}Wait. {\an2}Jill's gonna lead him into the net pen, no-one makes a move on those cables until I say so. {\an2}Alright Murry we got him. {\an2}Be ready. {\an2}-Now! -Wooo! [all cheering] {\an2}Hard! {\an2}[grunts] {\an2}[grunting] {\an2}-We're gonna hit them. -Just keep going. {\an2}Alright, move in, now! {\an2}[Mike grunting] {\an2}Pull! {\an2}They've got a bloody reporter with them. {\an2}They've got a reporter, hold off! {\an2}What are you asking for, Mr. Jefferies? {\an2}Alright, forget arresting them, ok? {\an2}Just cover me, can you get your boats between us and them? {\an2}We can try. {\an2}[Mike] Stop! {\an2}[grunts loudly] {\an2}[grunts] {\an2}Checkmate. {\an2}Ok Murry we're coming in, let's make this happen. {\an2}[Murry] Roger that. {\an2}He's following us. {\an2}They're coming in, everyone get ready. {\an2}Ok good, come on Luna, come on. {\an2}A little faster. {\an2}You guys, call him! {\an2}Call him now! {\an2}-[all] Sukit! Over here! -[soft banging] {\an2}-Come on over here! -Come on Sukit! {\an2}-[orca squeaking] -[muffled yelling] {\an2}[all] Come here! Come here! {\an2}Come on Sukit! {\an2}[indistinctive yelling in background] {\an2}Ok Murry he's following us, get ready. {\an2}Wait until he's in the middle. {\an2}-[banging] -[indistinctive yelling] {\an2}Hey come here! {\an2}-[loud blow] -[banging in distance] {\an2}[orca squeaks] {\an2}[indistinctive chatter] {\an2}[singing in local language] {\an2}[Ambrose] Come on Mike you have <i>to sing it to make it yours.</i> {\an2}For when you're Chief. {\an2}[singing in local language] {\an2}[orca squeaks] {\an2}[singing continues] {\an2}Murry, Murry close it now! {\an2}Close it now! {\an2}[orca squeaking] {\an2}-[continues singing] -[Murry] Now, now, now! {\an2}Close it! Close it! {\an2}[Adam] Look! He's out of the pen. {\an2}Yes! {\an2}[orca squeaks] {\an2}[people in distance cheering] {\an2}[Eli] He made it! He got away! {\an2}[cheering] {\an2}Alright come on, turn this boat around, let's go, let's go get him. {\an2}Turn this boat around, let's go, let's go after him. {\an2}Turn this boat around. {\an2}Checkmate. {\an2}Are you kidding me? {\an2}[orca squeaking] {\an2}[loud splash] {\an2}Awesome. {\an2}[loud splash] {\an2}[crowd cheering] {\an2}Come one, come on, let's go. {\an2}Over here. {\an2}Anything you'd like to say about what happened? {\an2}Mr. Jefferies can speak for the department. {\an2}So what's it gonna be Mr. Jefferies? {\an2}Another attempt tomorrow? {\an2}Yeah Mr. Jefferies, what is it gonna be? {\an2}We'll issue a press release. {\an2}Mr. Jefferies, we'd like an official response to our Stirred ship proposal. {\an2}Something you might want to put in your press release. {\an2}You know if you're out there, we're out there, {\an2}every day, every night. {\an2}As long as it takes. {\an2}You're trying to force something that can't be forced. {\an2}All we want to do is let him make up his own mind. {\an2}Where ever it takes him. {\an2}As I said, let nature take its course. {\an2}Hey, I just wanna make sure we keep that communication thing going. {\an2}Mr. Jefferies, do you have a response to the Stirred ship program? {\an2}[Ted] Not at this time. {\an2}Hey. {\an2}Thanks. {\an2}That's what I was gonna say to you. {\an2}[chuckles] {\an2}-You like it? -Yeah it was great! {\an2}[chuckles] {\an2}[singing in local language] {\an2}[Mike] Sometimes it takes <i>someone else to help a</i> <i>sea inside our hearts.</i> {\an2}To help us understand what <i>we're capable of.</i> {\an2}[soft drum beat] {\an2}[Mike] That summer, {\an2}Luna taught me <i>that I could be Chief.</i> {\an2}Just like my father before me. {\an2}[singing in local language] {\an2}[Mike] And he touched our people <i>in a way we will never forget.</i> {\an2}And as we gather. {\an2}To honor the passing of Ambrose Maquinna, {\an2}we welcome his son Mike, as Chief of the Mowachaht nation. {\an2}A hereditary Chief, a Maquinna. {\an2}As it's always been for us, through the ages. {\an2}[Mike] And when we finally <i>understood why he had come...</i> {\an2}My father's spirit <i>was free to go.</i> {\an2}Just like the water shaped the <i>land, it shaped us too.</i> {\an2}Luna showed our people that <i>this is where we belong.</i> {\an2}And he reminded us, {\an2}of who we are. {\an2}A proud and living culture. {\an8}[soft upbeat music]
Channel: Bigtime - Free Movies
Views: 122,046
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: family drama movies, Graham Greene, family movies, Luna: Spirit of the Whale (2007), Jason Priestley, full movie, free movies, Adam Beach, imdb, movie, free full movie, free drama movies, imdb movies, free full length movies, drama movies full movies, drama movies, family drama full movies english, english family movies, free movie on youtube, imdb free movies, free movie on youtube full movie, free family movies, free full movies, movies, full length movies, full movies
Id: iA6JNlmSGuw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 89min 22sec (5362 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 16 2020
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