The Last Of The Dogmen (1995) Tom Berenger | Full Movie

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foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] boys have any luck this is the phrase needle in the haystack ring a bell dry down there by Buck Creek they might have got that farm I want those bastards found [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] they killed one of the guards they cut his throat Jesus what do you figure they'll do keep running make for the Border buy a little condo on a lake somewhere and live happily ever after there's only one thing standing in their way four thousand square miles of the roughest country God ever put on a map there's not a road not a town hell there's places out there haven't even seen a footprint Sharon fine gays Lewis Gates but I thought that you just find him yes sir [Music] [Music] rise and shine Lewis [Music] what are you looking at you were supposed to stop me after three remember shots I hope you remember where we parked his eye shirt out thank you Lewis I Didn't Do It whoever said I did is a liar must load of State prisoners went off the highway near Logan passed last night three escaped the head is straight into the Oxbow I don't do that kind of work anymore Louis wait the FBI showed up Lewis they need one brought out alive Deegan himself sent me to find you still digging you can kiss my ass you're gonna have to do that yourself Driggs just talk to him otherwise he'll chew my butt Louis please again I'm telling you what I told you Deputy not interested Now you listen good I need you on this one drunk or sober you're still the best tracker in the state you always were a charmer Briggs is that mangy dog of his there 15 days for wildlife harassment and failure to obey the leash law leash law you shouldn't provoke him Lewis hell I shouldn't do a lot of things I end up doing whatever you've gone in after them convict fellas yeah cheers I am yeah my cousin walked into the mountains 20 years ago never come out any message in case I come across them yeah nothing to run off of these wives [Music] watch him good to go in bottom of the ravine dogs lost the trail at the North Fork armed more than likely a 12 gauge pump and 357 still aren't accounted for that'll be 4 000 cash per man plus expenses you'll get what you're always paid I'm gonna die more come on zip I guess we're going to jail Sharon [Music] I don't give a about the other two Sears comes out alive there's one scratch on him you don't even get horse feed I'll treat them with kid gloves [Music] foreign [Music] get to work thank you good boy zip [Applause] foreign foreign looks like we weren't the only ones who got thirsty four legs or two wanna check it out thank you [Music] stop damn it ship I almost let the air out of you make some noise next time will you [Music] hey it's my hat you know [Music] howdy boys ah relax ain't going anywhere we'll go up grab them at first light besides on feet tomorrow we cash in zippy maybe we'll finally get that Log Cabin built I think you could handle real roof over your head of course this ain't such a bad roof either thank you foreign somebody's out there the kid leave him [Music] all right [Music] foreign [Music] buckshot what the hell was that hey I'm getting out of here ah God damn oh come on [Music] yes [Music] who are you foreign who are you [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] foreign about you Sears gave you any trouble no trouble at all you know we never talked about what happened we should have there's nothing to talk about my daughter's dead now where's my man you want the rest of them you really didn't find them yourself what the hell is this it's all that's left of your runners well they're dead all of them what the hell happened I don't know what do you mean you don't know God damn it don't play games I don't know then I heard gunshots when I got to where they should have been all I found was that shirt and enough Blood on the ground to paint this office nobody's nothing expect me to believe this and Bull story I don't give a damn what you believe all I know is that I've wasted four days and I'm out 12 Grand where are you going sure I need a drink Sheriff Gates is just leaving I'm not finished with you how about some answers well that makes two of us [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] excuse me I'm looking for Professor Sloan foreign [Music] excuse me where the hell is Professor Sloan and please don't ask me to go over there I've already been over there and over there and over there he wants to know give me a break lady took me three and a half hours to drive up here to meet this guy I'm about ready to sick my dog on somebody you call that a dog somebody just point out the old fart LD Lily and Diane you're not the first person to make that mistake Mr Gates whose Gates Gates all right uh take this to Sandy and have her clean it up by tonight okay good work so Mr Gates what can this old fart do for me you don't really look like a professor so where'd you find this in the Oxbow more the Oxbow wasn't that just in the news something about convicts yeah I'm the guy they hired to find him Bounty Hunter please uh civil servant it sounds a little less uh barbaric attract him for four days Trail ended in a meadow 20 miles in somebody got to those men before I did there was blood everywhere in that it's quite a story you know what this is called a wild guess an arrow Cheyenne Arrow dog Soldier to be exact dog Soldier within the Cheyenne tribe there used to be a military Society made up of the strongest and bravest men they were Fierce Fighters I'm yielding they called themselves dogmen the Cavalry called them dogs soldiers or suicide soldiers they often acted as rear guard as sort of sacrificial decoy so the rest of the tribe could Escape see was it me nothing except maybe another one of your civil servants beats to those men so what about this an authentic reproduction about 15 in any tourist shop I saw something in that middle what exactly I don't know just that later I found horse tracks not that they weren't shot I checked for the forest service and nobody's running stock up in that country and nobody rides unshot horses except Indians that's what you're implying isn't it well you don't seriously believe shine dog soldiers are running around loose in the Oxbow do you no of course not I'm just uh I'm not a nutcase okay I'm sorry I can't help you but come back here drop that phone drop it get back here is that your dog give it back to him zip the group in the institute's here doctor I'll be right there two gates it's been um entertaining let's drive carefully somebody killed those men doctor wasn't me and it wasn't another Bounty Hunter [Music] zip sorry are you always as persistent I got halfway home before turning back call it gut instinct I almost just got Instinct of yours telling you you're not telling me everything you want something to drink I thought you'd never asked well I'm not hiding anything it wouldn't eventually uncover what so I'm willing to satisfy your curiosity if you promise not to bother me again yeah mineral water here we are by late 1864 many tribes were raiding settlements doing horse making a general nuisance of themselves but one of the few Cheyenne Chiefs really trying to make peace was Black Kettle he and his people were instructed to make camp at Sand Creek near Fort Lyon they've been promised protection so that night they had a feast with dancing and games to celebrate peace the following Dawn November 29th was freezing a group of Colorado volunteers known as the bloodless third surrounded the camp they're instructed to take off their coats strange huh blacketto immediately raised an American flag in the white flag of peace people were rushing around in great panic and fear and he kept calling out not to be frightened they've been promised protection there was no danger suddenly the troops attacked now two-thirds of these Indians were women and children it was total chaos it was a massacre blood froze instantly on the bodies and then the Looting began scallops were taken fingers ears noses cut off babies were cut out of their wombs women had their uteruses cut off and and the soldiers wore them on their hats as a matter of fact when they put their clean coats back on they paraded through Denver with body parts decorating their uniforms and horses Jesus among the few that escaped Sand Creek were 20 men women and children led by Lone Wolf leader of the dogmen soldiers chasing northward through two states right up into the mountains of Northwestern Montana a blizzard forced them to turn back and they let the Indians for dead here lumos there now you know everything there is to know it's late I'm tired good night wait a minute don't you see it all adds up what just suppose what if by a fluke or or a miracle what if uh Lone Wolf I know Cheyenne did survive isn't it possible their descendants could remain hidden in the Oxbow they didn't survive how do you know they were starving in a hostile environment winter only the clothes in their backs they didn't survive for Indians in the Oxbow don't you think someone would have seen them by now not necessarily you are in that case no no look at the wolf and we know wolves exist in the Oxbow okay I've found their tracks I've heard their howls I even found a spot where one watched my camp for half a day but I never seen one that's not the same it is the same it's not the same look Elvis is dead the government isn't hiding UFOs and there are no Cheyenne dog soldiers living in the Oxbow why are you being so goddamn pig-headed because I'm goddamn good at it look I know you saw something out there you can't explain I do believe that but I can't invest all this time and energy and Pure Fantasy I rely on facts now we're both tired I'm going to bed you're welcome to the couch but um I should warn you I tend to walk around naked in the morning [Music] these files contain copies of every issue we ever published 93 years worth there you are son Happy Hunting thank you [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] this is [Music] good morning how you doing today Mr Hollis when they got to put some goddamn Fish In this River oh you know I talked to the game warden and he assures me that this river is full of fish yo he's a liar right when I was a kid we'd come down this is Mr Gates he's gonna visit with you for a while almost fish my ass who the hell are you under that myself sometimes hand me one of them night clothes yes sir I understand he used to work for the railroad not just any railroad son the Great Northern Pacific 53 years tell me about Jacko jackal well you remember then I remember I caught the little runs what happened in a hell of a lot of years since I thought of that [Music] [Laughter] 35 I think it was me and old red Valley we was headed up to Kootenai and Spur Line needed some work sometime past noon who spotted something run across the tracks first I thought it was a deer then I seen it with a boy well they had stopped the train we lit out after him There He Is We chased him ways finally cornered him down along the river [Music] close sort of grounded what did you do with it well me and Ed didn't know what to do with him he was cold and tired so I wrapped him in my shirt we bring him down a sheriff case he stuck him in a Cell because he didn't have no other place to put him we nicknamed him Jacko because his face kind of looked wide-eyed and scared like a Jack-o-Lantern next morning it's still gone we figured he squeezed out through the bars during the night well that was the end of it nobody ever seen him again of course the sheriff contacted some of the local reservations but nothing ever come of it seems like nobody knew who the boy was Nor where he come from where do you think he came from hell I don't know would you tell me what's an Indian boy who don't speak a word in English doing way out in the middle of nowhere 60 miles from the nearest town he's dead this photo was taken just after these shine girls arrived at the Indian School in Carlisle Pennsylvania the same girls 14 months later their hair was cut they were given Christian names and forbidden to speak in their native tongue [Music] so began the government's policy in dealing with the public Plains drives the policy of them the policy assimilation both religious and cultural we need to talk look at this 17 people disappeared in the Oxbow since 1898 17 people doesn't that seem a lot do you always wear that hat there's more 1935 a young Indian boy was found on the edge of the Oxbow didn't speak a word of English I talked to the man who caught him an Indian boy who doesn't speak English and vanishes Without a Trace explain that one you rely on facts isn't that what you told me well these are the facts what do you want from me I'm going back in if my hunch is right I don't want to end up on that list I need someone along who speaks Cheyenne one of your students no oh no all I'm asking for is a few days we ride in we take a look around we ride back out three days if they're out there I have to know and God damn it so do you [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] folks I'm in a bit of a rush so come on come on I got a bad feeling about this relax he seems capable enough I don't trust him let's round up I get a long ride ahead of us good luck doctor excuse me what the hell are you doing checking the stirrupt oh no no way hey kid get back down here don't listen to him John I'll see you in three days you go on now like you said if they're in there I have to know this ain't going to be a picnic lady I've seen this country reduce grown men to tears ain't no place for a woman you really are a cowboy aren't you what is it you fell say we're burning daylight [Music] foreign [Music] if you're tired [Music] [Applause] [Music] before smells uh interesting what is it Lewis Gates wilderness stew uh-huh and what's in Lewis Gates wilderness stew anything that ain't nailed down you know when I was a kid I hated the idea of camping out I mean anything that crawls or Buzz scared me to death so what do I do I choose a career that keeps me Outdoors 80 of the time you know it's funny how things turn out now I find being in the wilderness so invigorating life affirming really Jesus Wonder Woman oh I've got some aspirin I don't need any aspirin thank you in a great mood hey look just because I let you ride along doesn't mean I have to like it now stop treating me like a child I didn't realize I was thank you AG ree Abraham Gates my grandfather you really hang on to things some things well not bad hmm you don't mind the taste all right I heard that now on you cook your own supper how's that is he always like this all right good night kids right dark you're not gonna walk around naked in the morning are you I'll try to restrain myself oh this is uh where I found the arrow on the tracks I guided elk hunters in this far but never went beyond that Ridge and that's the direction where the tracks are headed I wonder how long this weather will keep up 80 chance of rain through tonight clearing by tomorrow really an old Indian trick kqrp all news radio [Music] thank you [Music] be careful this damn shale what you're putting and I mean it your horse goes down you don't go with him it's for the tip [Applause] don't even move I told you to watch your step you're not in a classroom I hear one little mistake will get you killed oh my God feel free today's charge Mr Gates you see the Rope yeah well let's go and grab it with both hands what about you don't worry about me just do it ready yeah on three one two three lead the horse good boy that's it good boy I'll pull her up [Music] oh oh okay yeah oh yeah it's just a little disconcerting to realize the smartest member of our expedition's a dog saddle up we still got two hours of daylight left that's it do you want taste taste taste let me get you good yeah Jesus you're really in your element out here aren't you I like the solitude lately seems like the only time I'm at ease is got 100 miles between me and the rest of humanity sounds like you were born a century too late yeah my wife used to she's used to and she died a couple years ago I'm sorry Michelle we were riding in the back country making a river crossing poor spook Buckner I went in after the current was too strong and second she was there and her dad still blames me of this day what more could you have done what about you I've been married to my work don't get me wrong there's been plenty of men some worked out some didn't just always had to be in my terms lady if I was born a century too late you were definitely born a century too early Russell and his wife came across it berry picking [Music] Mrs Burton said Lewis was in the chronicle the other day he spent three hours going through all copies of the newspaper all right [Music] what the hell are you up to Gates oh you want a drink love one whiskey it's good for you foreign curious about one thing why Indians oh because I admire them because we owe them a tremendous debt how's that why they gave us Romance myth Legends they gave us they gave us a history the Indians shaped the character of our entire nation you picked the hell away to say thank you didn't we what happened was inevitable the way it happened was unconscionable would there be any whiskey left my head feels like a punching bag thanks to you I got some aspirin oh great something's chewed a hole in my sleeping bag oh tracks what on the ground how many toes four ah it's probably some little chipmunk Chipmunks muskrat squirrels they all have four toes in front five in the back all the others got five and five weasels though now they're a different story they tend to walk on the balls of their feet cause of their feet look we've been riding for a week I agreed to three days I think we should head back it was a romantic idea Indians in the Oxbow I admit I got caught up myself but we have better things to do than go tracing around these mountains looking for ghosts if anyone in my department knew what I was doing out here they'd have me committed I don't know why I let you talk me into this classes to teach I have a life as soon as we're packed up we're heading back understand Gates have you heard a word I've said you want to go back yes I'm an anthropologist not Daniel Boone [Music] have you have you seen my canteen where's the canteen Gates [Music] what is the matter with you here's your damn canteen [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] Noha [Music] oh my God [Music] very slowly tossed on your pistol oh do it foreign don't move that's breathing count look at that shot this is I'm not sure yeah I don't shave him what are you telling him I told him we come in a good way in peace I also told him you were a great warrior I wasn't afraid to fight them all single-handedly higher bravery oh let's just hope they don't put you to the test well if they do I'm coming after you first no hang on boy hang on zip no no no they'll kill you stand him off foreign dog soldiers in my life I never would have believed and yet here we are let's step back into history my God I feel privileged [Music] oh okay [Music] I'm sorry it doesn't hurt after all you're not even miss you can't walk any further prestige a horse a horse she's weak she has to ride Louis I'll be fine listen either she rides or you're gonna kill both of us right now you may understand my words but you get my meaning don't you what's it going to be [Music] oh [Music] then foreign [Music] foreign [Music] let me take him please you're exhausted come on [Music] hello [Music] hello [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] unbelievable yeah unbelievable it's no use the Indian predates the Boy Scout the knots are solid what are they gonna do with us I don't know cure the expert remember well they could kill us but traditionally many shine prisoners were just absorbed into the tribe absorbed yeah they treated their prisoners so well they often refuse to go home even if they had the chance yeah the hospitality overwhelms me well you can't blame them really they're afraid of us [Music] his name is zip [Music] shine not show it [Music] how do you say thank you yeah now ish [Music] laughs my heel she went to me [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] foreign the last surviving son of Lone Wolf in this area foreign bars seems when he was a small boy he was captured by some white men and put in a cage Jacko you get a line of Mr Personality here his name's Yellow Wolf he's leader of the dog soldiers next in line to be chief I guess it takes a real man to shoot a dog happy they didn't need him what didn't I tell you that's the other reason they're called dogs soldiers home this is where we stay [Music] what's it no just the one here guys good now my head now my heart this father's flight I've been the white soldiers it was a great storm s lost and starving and led them to this Valley the wolf spoke telling them to remain here this was during the moon when the deer shed their horns 128 Winters ago [Music] what's going on over there [Music] my God foreign no no they were hunting when his son got separated he was shot by three white men yellow wolf in the Dogman killed them he's burning up the infection must be spreading a Lillian tell me what he needs why are you trying to convince them and I'll ride money he says the decision's not his assistant foreign but as people survived all this time without the white man's help to ask for it now might make something bad happen [Music] [Music] as much as you can get isn't that hard to come by without a prescription use your imagination right tell him I need my pistol not my knife Louis I don't think a knife [Music] [Applause] oh one more thing that was stupid I'm sorry William but before I do somebody a favor the score has to be even that's just the way I am he'll ride with you part of the way be careful [Music] died I don't know uh if you don't come back I'll be killed it's just the way he is [Music] [Applause] [Music] damn it [Music] okay girl [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] my God [Music] [Music] you're good girl with you in a minute I said I'd be that's a problem with this country nobody works anymore don't do it buddy I've got grandchildren relax will you penicillin you got that back it up come on hold Briggs don't try anything I already called for backup oh no why'd you go and do that now you just stay right where you are get that way before you heard somebody no more games Louis I'm taking you in stop that stop that he just robbed me rule number one Briggs never take your eyes off the suspect foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] what [Music] what [Music] [Music] there look at this all right [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] you think he's gonna make it it's too soon to know [Music] thank you [Music] what happened okay [Music] [Laughter] [Music] laughs [Music] Lewis Gates wilderness stew good and it's good for you too yeah try that oh come on hey you don't know what you're missing oh it's very nice but really I I couldn't this is a way of showing thanks to refuse our gift system very beautiful Lily what am I gonna do with all this stuff overall Rich eligible bachelors do find a wife and settle down yeah funny very funny thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] Jesus are you shocked you know about this for a while spotted out brought me here he was curious about some of the things when game scarce they're forced to hunt outside the valley that's when they run into white men they hide for most but those that venture too close end up here wouldn't you kill to protect your family in your way of life and uh hit the chicken oh he wants to know about the Silver Bird with the long white tail [Laughter] [Laughter] my my that is I just saw the man walked on the moon just called me a wonderful liar yeah it's just using everyone what is it he wants to know about other Cheyenne how they're living what are you gonna tell him the truth is [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] I've waited all my life to hear that you know something Lillian we can't let anything happen to these people no one must ever find out no one tell them [Music] who my father-in-law I covered my back Trail how did they find it how much time do we have they're three miles from the waterfall half a day maybe less damn [Music] nunch to leave the valley and travel deeper into the mountains but yeah wolf says there's no time they should stay and fight Jesus don't get slaughtered the Cheyenne or the Troopers we created a diversion you'd buy him some more time [Music] I still have it's everyday think of us in a good way all of us your relations [Music] [Music] I've already got everything I own [Music] used to die and that's it [Music] tell me what's the name and this time on you're one of the light-hearted people you are Cheyenne go in a good way it [Music] is let's do this what I was just thinking how much I'm gonna miss you building this stew knock it off Lillian Saddle Up I'm afraid this is another Journey you're gonna have to make on your own I've asked spotted elk if I can stay with them get on your horse no my work's just begun I want a living record set down a memorial to the last of their kind if you lost your mind I've spent half my life teaching others now out here with these people I'm the student I'm living it I belong with them I'm staying oh damn it Lillian why don't you admit the real reason you're upset you'll miss me let's go zip foreign it's like it's just the two of us zip I'm not YouTube I don't believe this [Music] always knew a woman would come between us I'm better off here anyway I got a feeling I'm headed for trouble [Music] [Music] I'd like to sleep with it [Music] nice [Music] yourself this ought to help that looks ancient is it still good Dynamite it's like wine only gets better with age Jesus easy easy you see this over time it sweats huh nitro big boom well I guess goodbye little Jeep promised me something no matter how bad it gets no matter what happens don't let them eat my dog you really walk around naked in the morning do weasels really walk around on the balls of their feet [Music] would you say to a goodbye kiss I'd say it's about time [Music] assistant what the hell was that you call that a kiss well [Music] foreign [Music] all right [Music] I'm a good student [Music] foreign [Music] thank you [Music] howdy bill Lewis is that too tight sorry about the cheap shot back in town nothing personal [Music] there's a cave halfway up goes all the way through the waterfall all right man Mona vegan you're making a mistake mistake you do this you're going to get these men killed all right man let's move out [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I'll tell you where you stand cross that damn gun do it now [Music] [Applause] put it down breaks [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] we're going back come here give me a hand I need some help here [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] they tell me that you saved my life you did for me what you couldn't do for my daughter I wish to God it was the other way I'm tired of hating you Lewis when you're ready I think maybe it's time we have that talk now nobody around here including me wants to see you put away for stealing some penicillin for Christ's sake so we're dropping the charges something I have to know in that tunnel just before the explosion I thought that I saw what's out there what do you think is out there okay fine whatever you're protecting I hope it's worth it [Music] please [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] thank you foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: The Tall Ones
Views: 3,132,072
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the tall ones, the last dogman, dogman, DW is a b!tch, bigfoot, Washington State Bigfoot
Id: oLaaK0c-DlE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 113min 31sec (6811 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 18 2023
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