Single Mom Dream Home ๐Ÿค | The Sims 4 Speed Build

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foreign [Music] I'm Evelyn welcome back to the channel I hope you're all having an amazing day so today I'm finally back with a speed build for you so I hope to be doing two over the weekend but I'm also doing a 48 hour readathon this weekend as well for my booktube channel if you haven't checked out that channel by the way there's a link to it in the description box um obviously we just talk about books over there it is a booktube channel so it's kind of implied but I'm gonna see if I can do like an apartment tomorrow because I have one that I kind of want to do like a theme for it and then maybe a tiny house on Sunday but I'm back with builds now I will be doing some challenges now and then sure it was fun to do it was fun sitting down and recording in a different way that I'm used to but after like four challenges I think I also started missing just sitting down and chilling a little bit so um because when I usually build my houses like right now I am walking talking walking no I'm watching Through The Walking Dead you see where that came from okay so um I just kind of like sit and chill while I have something running on my other monitor and I mean obviously I don't sit here and just like we're not lazy about with it if you get what I mean but it's a little bit more relaxing compared to having to feel like we're not having to feel that's not how you phrase that but feeling like you're very on when you're recording these challenges plus you have to do it a little bit quickly as well because otherwise your video is gonna end up very long and um I definitely had some issues I had to cut out a lot from some of them because I talk too much I mean go figure I'm used to voiceovers talking is literally what I do for like 20 to 30 minutes in a row like I can't help it I can't control it so yeah but we're gonna do some some more of those throughout the month and also make next month I think because it was fun but I also want to do some speed builds as well so the first to build that we're doing this month actually I think I don't really want to talk about it but the last week has been a little bit hectic and sleep deprivation I'm still not past it so because that's been kind of going on for like a month by now I'm exhausted it's not funny I don't really want to talk about it because I don't want to make this this video voice over like when we're just sitting here complaining if you know what I mean but um I'm sure that some of you guys actually do know what I mean when I talk about that stuff though but also ignore what I'm doing on the second floor with the floor plan also why did I do the floor plan and the interior before I did the wallpaper on the outside I got so annoyed with myself when I noticed like that was just not smart not one bid anyway we'll get to that in a little bit but um yeah it's just just not been super easy to lie down and just like shut off if you get what I mean so it's uh this build actually took me three days to finish because I just I sat down the day that I started it and I was like super motivated to do it like I had a clear image of what I wanted to do with the house I had this or at least with the interior I had an image of the exterior of the house because I thought it was so cute it's like a Dutch Colonial sort of situation I think it's actually from that archive website that I've send you guys before I don't know if it's linked in the description of this video but it definitely is on one of the other videos and I thought the house was so cute I wanted to do a single mom house because I haven't done one of those for the longest time at least feels like I haven't I might be wrong about that but there are some of my favorite houses to do because I just I like the theme so I sat down and I started recording and I was just chilling having Walking Dead running on my other monitor and then all of a sudden I just hit like a brick wall and that's usually how it is during those spaces where you are very sleep deprived you'll have like a little Spurt of energy all of a sudden and then you'll just hit like a wall and it you'll just crash completely so that's how it was that day and um then the next day I did a little bit more and then I finished it yesterday I think so it took me like two three days and then I always do like I don't like to record the day that I release videos so I always do the editing and voice over the day after that's just my routine by now I guess I don't know um sometimes you're kind of like you have to do it the same day but usually I prefer to move the voiceover for the next day so um yeah it took it took me a while to do this but that's just that's the way it is but we're back with builds now if there's anything it's like to see aside from Christmas houses because I already have a couple of those planned or at least one Christmas house and then I have some that I'd want to do more wintry if you get what I mean like just winter instead of like full on Christmas this so if there's any other stuff any other bills that you'd like to see let me know I do also yes I have I do remember promising you a decades week it is in my spreadsheet so we are gonna do it I just I just want time to do it because I want to do it properly listen my perfectionist is like screaming at me to do this properly I don't really know what to do with the interior for those houses because I don't think I can do it time appropriate to be honest but we'll see about that at least not like an 1890s house I would have to do with like super traditionally or something but even then I'm not sure if that's even correct I don't know am I gonna sit here and do like decades or interior through the decades research during my Christmas days is that what I'm gonna do because I was planning on using those to just read and be anti-social when the families I'm kidding I'm gonna be with my family obviously but don't worry the decades week is planned I'm just not really sure if I'm gonna go full in on the interior in those houses at least not the like older houses that I've been looking at maybe for the 1950s we can do a mid-century modern interior sure I mean it's also because it's kind of limited because I don't want to use CZ and what do we have in the game already does it fit and everything I'm not building a Gothic house don't even ask me do not ask actually it might do a Victorian house for a change who knows I don't I'm not gonna make a promise no promises here before you go running screaming around because finally the Victorian house I am not promising that it's gonna happen I'm only saying that I've been con I've been considering it for that week but we'll see what happens anyway for the interior of this house just wanted to go for like cute romantic very what's it called oh gosh I had the word and then I completely lost it that is so annoying that is so annoying um anyway just like cute soft very pastel Cottage Vibes and then maybe like a grandma feel to it as well if you get what I mean and um yeah just cute I read a fairy book recently um this is not supposed to be like inspired by books which by the way I know that a lot of you have been asking me to do houses inspired by books I just need to read the right book for that to happen and it hasn't happened for a while but hopefully it'll happen like when I say a while it hasn't happened for like 10 11 months or something but as soon as it happens I'm definitely jumping on it because I do like the whole like having like a clear also just having the backstory of the of the household or whoever I'm building for um but for this house I did read it's called Emily Wilds Encyclopedia of fairies which is out in January but I read it and I had this like because the cover is very very spring-like actually despite it being a very January December kind of book like it's very cold and snowy very very freezy lots of snow like a lot of it um so I was just this is uh I finished the book before I started building again so this was on the Wednesday but I started the house on the Tuesday so when I came back after having finished that house I did this room as the first one and you can probably tell that I took just like I was feeling the vibe I was just like I want these like uh boho kind of looking curtains because they kind of remind me of fairies for some reason at the time they did at least I want fairy lights and I want boho Vibes and lots of plants in here and I don't know just not that the fairies that are in that book actually because they're like winter kind of fairies it's hard to explain okay I don't want to give anything away either because like what if you guys are gonna read the book but I just wanted to do something like I was really feeling that Vibe for a little bit so I just started decorating a little bit in like a very naturey kind of vibe according to following a very you get what I mean yeah I'm not gonna try to phrase that sentence because you get what I mean and I'm just gonna be sitting here for 10 minutes okay anyway so actually if you guys have read any good books lately that you've really felt inspired you to build something let me know maybe I want to read those two maybe I'll I too will be inspired I just haven't gotten across come across one of those books for a long time it kind of kind of bothers me because we did the uh but without one it was also so obvious in the title and it's a very unique relationship in it so we did Red White and royal blue at the start of the year which was what's it called um first son of the U.S and Prince of I forgot the title of them but anyway but that one was so obvious in the title so it's kind of difficult to find unique characters like that not saying that other characters if they don't have specific titles like that aren't unique but it was just easy to put in a title because they have their time like YouTube video title because they have their titles first one of the US you know what I mean I realized when I was saying that that sounded so confusing um so I just wanted to clarify what I meant but if you've read any that even just had a vibe that you felt could be inspiring for a build not necessarily just the one that you could recognize from putting it in the title of the video let me know I think I'm gonna have to like sit down and look at my books behind me which I can't do right now even though I really feel like turning around but you can't hear what I'm saying then um and just see which ones actually have like a certain Vibe I think that's the best way I can describe it just a Vibe anyway so we are I just spoke over most of the Interior actually that is so bad of me but um anyway aren't we used to that on the channel anyway it's also been a while since I've done a voiceover I realized when I sat down I was like how do you even talk for that long I have no idea turns out all you gotta do is start talking about books and you're covered so but we are decorating the mom's bedroom right now so we're on the second floor I think I did this Thursday so I did a little bit Wednesday the thing was I'd slept like four hours between Tuesday and Wednesday I had one of those nights where you lay down and then you're so tired like you don't function I'd been dizzy throughout the whole day because I just was so tired like I could not and then I laid down Tuesday night closed my eyes and nothing happened and I just laid there for like 3.5 half hours and nothing happened and you just the longer the longer you lie there the the more frustrated you get which just makes it worse like nothing was working I just could not fall asleep so Wednesday I did like two rooms and then I was like I can't I keep literally kid Austin in my chair anymore um but then I finished the rest of the house Thursday so this is when we're decorating on Thursday I wanted style wise because the rest of the house with the exception of maybe the sun room has its has this like uh cottagey kind of vibe also mixed in with some cats and dogs actually which I mean you could argue some of that also has a cottage Vibe I know it's supposed to be like Seaside but there are cottages on the seaside too you know anyway just in case you didn't know obviously sarcasm just want to clarify um I've actually gotten in trouble a couple of times for saying sarcastic things and then either people think I'm stupid or they think I'm mean or some other thing and I'm like uh no I was just kidding like I say stupid things sometimes because I know that some people will find it funny and then there are other people that think I'm just dumb it's fine you can think I'm dumb if you want to I'm okay with that um but yeah Seaside Cottages are a thing but for the teens room I wanted it to have its own Vibe however color scheme wise kind of Blended blend in with the rest of the house so we are focusing a little bit more on like pink and a very light red not a full-on pink but the I mean would you say that red in the curtain that the color of the curtains would you say that's would you what did I just say anyway would you say that's red because I mean I would say it's red but I could also argue for it being pink so anyway but also a little bit there's a little bit of blue as well with the blue wall over here but also on the closet or wardrobe whatever you want to call that and overall a very artistic very plantsy a little bit boho kind a feel to their room so yeah I just wanted the teens room to have its like own feel but still fit in with the rest of the house in some way so I think I I think I managed but they definitely like I just wanted it to be their own thing and not necessarily fully match the rest of the house but still be cohesive I don't know it's a lot to ask for I think we did okay with it I think my favorite item from the obviously I'm a fan of all the Clutter like I will use that as much as I can I can find a spot for all of the items pretty much except from maybe there is this one item that's like a clock or no a an arm watch holder and also it has room for a pair of glasses that I've never seen one of those items in real life so like I don't really know where people put them do they put them on their dresser or in the hallway are they supposed to go in a walk-in wardrobe like I don't really know what do you do with those never seen those in my life ever before I did not know those existed like people have specifically half things to store their watches that's the thing okay people have too much money sometimes but anyway or some people have too much money I should say phrased like that not just sometimes I don't know anyway um but the the pastel pop kit is a lot more Niche and I would say aside from like children's rooms and teens rooms they're it's a little bit more difficult to use the items in a just like a regular Cottage build like this for example but the the tablet with the keyboard set up I love that I think it's so cute it's very well realistic too because I think a lot of people these days at least I can only speak from my experience with my parents my dad has a laptop but like he doesn't really use it that much but my mom has a tablet like that's what she uses so I think it's kind of because not everyone has a laptop or a desktop some people just have tablets so it's nice to see that as well plus it's just a cute setup would have wanted maybe also two just neutral swatches to it so they're not all pastel but um it is a cute setup just overall so it's a bit late to do a review on that kit uh but I realized while I was decorating the the teen's bedroom that we don't really have any neutral swatches I think there's a black and white swatcher like a black and gray Swatch but it's still checkered which still adds a pattern and sometimes you just want like a full white setup or a full black setup or beige or gray or whatever other neutral you can think of and it just wasn't there so that was a little bit but and I also didn't want to use a laptop because I felt like why would they have like not everyone has a laptop isn't there are certain schools as well these days where they actually give the kids tablets so they can type on those for notes and stuff I'm pretty sure that's a thing I think my my nephew got one for school I think I'm pretty sure it's been like a thing I'm too old for that like it didn't happen to my generation but I'm happy for the newer Generations that you get like I had to carry a laptop and we're talking laptops back then they were bigger than they have to be so and before someone in the comments go like well I had to carry five maps to school every day you guys in the US also have lockers don't you so you can keep some of the stuff in school we didn't have lockers we had to carry everything but to school and home from school every day it's fine uh but yeah I'm pretty sure we didn't have lockers or anything like that fairly sure but anyway it's not a competition either I just think it's cool that kids there are some kids at least in certain schools that get tablets now when they start so they can just type on those I'm not sure if they get keyboards as well but anyway sidetracked we're doing landscaping I really wanted this house to be like covered in Plants essentially so I wanted the foliage to be very unruly and also slightly colorful because it is a very white house there's not really any color to the exterior whatsoever on the house like it's just it's just white wood siding and then white brick on the part on the left side and also the tiles for the patios I was kind of well I think I ended up going with the like slightly pinkish kind of Swatch but it wasn't easy figuring out exactly what color I wanted it I'm also used to using wooden floors for patios so tiling just kind of looks off now and then I don't know but I think it's very realistic to actually have tiling on patios but a lot of the plants ended up being pink because first of all they fit with the tiling and also or the tiles and also I just think for the house interior as well it kind of ties everything together and if it's with the white house as well plus once you start mixing you can do that I'm not saying you can't but once you start mixing pink and blue for example it's a lot of color all of a sudden I'm not there yet not not today so I've been doing a lot of landscaping that is basically just like gray and green not gray where did that come from green and white yeah I don't know where that came from anyway moving on let's just uh Breeze through that we're just like whatever ignore that um so adding color to it all of a sudden was a little bit of a um a shock if you will I think there's a little bit of peach in there too actually so it's made like pink and Peach but those colors also kind of lean on each other it's the first time I got like 30 seconds left and I really need to explain this so it's the first time that I'm using this using this tint there's a teen living in the room so this doesn't actually make any sense with the castle in there the toy dollhouse that's what it's called Uh but I wanted to place the big screen in there so they could have movie Nights outside however it was too big when I realized so I'm gonna place down like a TV or something else before uploading it I just felt like having a little bit of fun when I was building it but um anyway maybe I can upload to the different versions or something I don't know we'll see but I also broke a nail while doing in this voiceover so bonus information for you we are at the end of the video though so I hope you guys like this house if you do you can download it off the gallery my ID is Evelyn YT and you can also find it on the hashtag Avalyn or Evelyn YT and as always the tray files can be found over on my patreon which will be linked to in the description box down below as well as in the pinned comment but that is all I got for you guys today so I hope you enjoyed it please like And subscribe and all that good stuff if you did and I will see you all in the next one this time it is oh baby love me like you did last night [Music] oh baby love [Music] D it oh baby kiss me [Music] now could it be that I'm lucky to have found someone who is just as crazy as me or is it just in my mind [Music] that I want your attention this time it is
Channel: Aveline
Views: 15,864
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: aveline sims, sims 4 speed build, sims 4 family house, sims 4 house building, the sims 4 speed build, sims 4 build, the sims 4 house building, the sims 4 family house, the sims 4 house, the sims 4 build, aveline, sims 4 save file, the sims 4 gallery, sims gallery, retro family home, mid century modern family home, mid century modern, one storey family home
Id: hBfCkzoQkF4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 14sec (1334 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 09 2022
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