Modern Family Home for 4 Sims 🖤 | The Sims 4 Speed Build

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foreign [Music] welcome back to the channel I hope you're all having an amazing day so today we are building a family home in new Crest this one is a little bit more on the I want to call it modern but I don't know if I'm calling it the right thing it might also be contemporary I'm not gonna lie just admitting that I don't know any better but anyway um so we're building this it's inspired by what I think is the Thai House that I found on Pinterest and I have been looking a lot of you might recognize the shape a little bit but it's because there is like really I found like a like um a gold mine I almost want to call it but but I found a lot of these kind of houses that have been created by a Thai company or something and they're all like not a shaped because that's something else but they all have this like a-shaped roof to them and then they're kind of boxy and they remind me of Scandinavian design or um architecture but they're not Scandinavian because they're Thai but I feel like they might be inspired by Scandinavian architecture or something um so I've built a lot of these in the past as well or not a lot but like a couple like five or something the neighboring house to this one is another one of them and I was just really in the mood to build something not suburban and not a cottage because I've been building a lot of those lately so I dug out my my folder or it on my folder but my Pinterest board with these houses and decided on one and I thought this one was pretty cool it has this like opening on the right side of the house with some glass stuff going on you might be able to see it a little bit now and then but I don't know I thought it was a cool detail so I really wanted to see if I could recreate it in The Sims and it doesn't exactly look like it does in the actual house picture like the the real house but um I did my best not everything is translatable Into The Sims so or convertible is a hot wait convertible is that a car anyway it's not possible to convert everything into the Sims or build everything in The Sims but I gave it a shot so a bit of a late upload today I have been visiting a friend of mine this is relevant to the video by the way just so you know but I've been visiting a friend of mine today and she just moved into a house with her boyfriend so they had a house built and it's super cool it was very nice to see everything finally done and and they're slowly moving in there because they started moving in there like Friday so a couple of days ago and um yeah I just it's kind of funny because I think parts of this house subconsciously were inspired by some of their house because like I knew that the day that this was going live that so today that I was gonna go there and visit them and I don't know I feel like that might have bled into this interior just a little bit because now that I'm looking at it when I was taking the screenshots I was like it kind of reminds me a little bit of their house like I'm not gonna lie just like certain bits of it it's not a one-to-one not at all but there are certain things about it that kind of reminded me a little bit of their house it was super cool to see though I also she cares a lot about interior obviously I do too otherwise I would not be doing this so otherwise I would not be building so much um so it's just kind of it's cool to sit there and talk about how she wants to decorate everything and like get an idea of like actually sitting in the space and getting an idea of what everything is going to look like at the end of it I cannot speak for the life of me but I'm gonna try anyway so we're gonna get through this voiceover just stop just copy some slack okay but yeah this is really cool and we were talking a little bit about I also have to move at this during this year as well and like the whole finding a new space and turning it into a home and stuff and it was just cool so I don't know it's just kind of but there are certain things about this house when I was taking the screenshots that kind of reminded me a little bit of their house so although it's not it's not nearly as big but that's just Danish houses in general are not huge houses whereas this I will say like size proportions are different in The Sims but it's definitely to me it's a little bit of a bigger house so houses in The Sims are always a little bit boxier than they would be in real life in my personal opinion but at the same time like Furniture takes up a lot more space I don't know how that works but maybe that's why the houses turned out so boxy because they just need to be able to room all that furniture or something am I even making sense right now I don't know but anyway so yeah that's what I've been up to today and that's why this video is a little bit late but I also thought it was kind of funny taking the screenshots and being able to recognize a little bit here and there like just subconsciously inspired by some of uh some of their interior which was pretty funny so I hope you guys will like this one though it's built in new Crest it's built on a 30x20 and it's for one or two parents and then one teen and one kid so it has one bathroom total which I felt was okay that's not completely uncommon either so just so you know although I will say in a lot of like newer Danish houses they might have I was talking common here by the way I'm not saying that this is Scandinavian inspired because it is a Thai House just just saying but um I also know that it seems to be very common in the US to have a lot of bathrooms and that's not what I'm personally used to I will say for a house this size they would probably have a bathroom on the ground floor as well as one on the second floor um here in Denmark but I just couldn't really fit it I could have fitted into the floor plan but I decided not to because I didn't like how it looked so it would have been as like an extension of the parents bedroom but I ended up placing the parents bedroom where the garage was supposed to be and so I just I didn't like how it looked when it came to the floor plan I didn't like it I wanted their bedroom to be a little bit more spacious and open and so adding a toilet to our bathroom there would have taken some of the space away from the room so they have one bathroom it's on the second floor it's just the way it is this time but um I have done out of their houses where they have a lot more bathrooms so yeah also actually not using speaking of bathrooms not using the bathroom clutter kit for this house uh just because I built it last week before I got the kit so none of that in this one just so you know you're not gonna see any of that stuff in action not today however it will be included in future builds that I'm building from now on I say last week but I built it this week it's just the weekend is over for me and my weekend is Friday Saturday or yeah Friday Saturday so I I'm already on like next week mode I gotta get used to that a little bit so anyway um but yeah there will be bathroom clutter kit stuff in the future builds because this upcoming week starting tomorrow we're doing week two of zodiac houses I hope I can manage to do all four houses but it's also my birthday Tuesday so I'm a little bit yeah a little bit like I gotta hurry through some stuff or something I don't know how to phrase this I'm just uh I'm just gonna be a little bit busy this week but I'm gonna do my best to get those builts up for you okay I'm gonna do my best otherwise the fourth one might be going up next week on like Monday or Tuesday or something okay but we'll get four houses for sure the next four houses will be some of the zodiac tiny houses I can't remember what sidewalk on I think it's the yo but anyway I feel like my voice sounds weird today but I'm also I have a little bit of like a sore throat so just ignore it if it does it feels weird I feel like a cough coming in but we're just kindly gonna agree to uh to ignore that right okay glad we're on the same page so for the interior of this house I prefer for these kind of houses to have open space when it comes to the common areas so that is the kitchen dining room and also the living room it just makes like they're the spaces that people hang out in during the day at least if you're not a teenager so um I'm only speaking from personal experience okay um so or whenever you have like Friday nights where you're watching a movie together with the family or you're having family dinners or something I don't know what it's I don't anyway um so I'm just saying like I don't I don't know how that works but you know family ditters yeah so I like to have those rooms very open and just shared and you know it's in one space because then people can sit at the dining table and maybe play like a board game or something while someone else and the mom or something is sitting on the couch and watching TV you know I say the mom but like one of the parents um so it's just I like when everything is sort of in the same room it I was about to say a Danish word and that's not gonna fit but or I I can say it anyway because I'm assuming a lot of you guys actually know it by now it's just uh hookah yeah it's nice it's cozy everyone's feeling content and um it's very open everyone's in the same room and just enjoying each in each other's presence I can't talk so hopefully you get what I mean though so that's the bottom floor the ground floor in this house and then the parents bedroom turned out to be very spacious but I do like how the room ended out being or ended up I should say I should have said this earlier in the voiceover but I forgot so some of the items I built this I can't remember it must have been like Tuesday or Wednesday or something like that Tuesday Wednesday probably Wednesday um I took the screenshots today but when I opened up the game today to take the screenshots I noticed that some of the items clutter pieces along with some of the shelves from dream home decorator were actually gone like they just kind of disappeared so I don't know what that is about uh maybe some Elves came in and stole them or something maybe the game just hates me that's fair but um I can respect that but that happened so the screenshots and I look a little bit different in certain spots than what was shown in the video but that's just because I've tried to I can't remember exactly what items I actually put down where so it's especially in the parents bedroom but also the child's child's bedroom a bedroom I think it was so there was like a toy missing or something this is weird why is that still happening with the shelves from you know the boxy shelves the square shelves from dream home decorator they still go missing sometimes and then the Clutter Ghostbuster thing and okay I know that it ends up being in the household inventory the thing is though that my household inventory is filled with stuff because this is my Play tester so I don't want to open it for the sole reason that it makes my game very very laggy so I'm I'm not going to I'm going to sit down one day and completely empty her household inventory but as it is right now I'm not gonna do that just so you know but I think what happens when you close down the game it just kind of deletes it but then it ends up not being deleted but put in your household's inventory it's a whole thing but anyway so I tried to recreate it it might look a little bit different from the screenshots or from the video the screenshots in the video might look a little bit different from each other but just so you know just wanted to give you guys a heads up that that's a thing so we're almost going into February now as well if there are any themes like any theme weeks you'd like to see from me in February let me know I kind of still want to do some I also kind of still that sounds very convincing anyway um I still want to do theme weeks now and then so if there are any let me know but we still got two more zodiac tiny house leaks to go through as well so I don't I don't feel like spacing those out I think I'm gonna do one week here in the upcoming week then one week of just some random builds that I feel like putting out there and then one week with more zodiac houses with the last four but if there are anything else like any other theme week theme weeks that you'd like to see from me let me know I'm also very interested in trying to track when the or try to track as if I can do that I don't know anything but when the EP is coming out because if I am planning a theme week and like preparing for it and then suddenly there's an EP coming out I can't do that theme week you know like it's the whole thing I need to I need to know things otherwise I can't plan things that's the whole that's the whole thing yeah things so I don't know it's like I would love to know what's going on with IEP I mention it in every single video and I know this but I'm like genuinely confused why they posted that roadmap and then and said that there was gonna be an EP and like when when is there going to be an EP because it's not usually out until the summer and it looks like it's coming out before the summer so I'm confused so yeah keeping an eye out for that as well but like I don't I don't know anything nobody's telling me anything so I don't know anything and I will continue to not know things okay that's uh that's that's just how it is I suppose but anyway we're almost done with the common rooms I think so we ended up going for the color scheme it's like very black and white but then with this brown as you can see on the chairs I was I took it from the couch because I really wanted to use swatches for the couch or a Swatch for the couch that actually has some color on it so not just like beige or white or gray or black you know I wanted there to be some color in this interior and so I really like the screen I you might say that like I don't like green as a color I don't it's a whole thing I know it's very ironic because if you know me I have like 40 plants in my apartment but I don't actually like the color green it's the whole thing but I do like I do like uh decorating with it in The Sims it's very pleasant to decorate with so I decided to go for the green color but I was also very close to choosing the blue because the blue is actually really nice on that couch as well so bringing that into the rest of the house meant that I had to match the kitchen with the couch even though that's not necessarily super realistic but um some people like matchy things are not one of those but I did this for those of you who do like matchy things you're welcome so the rest of the houses will is kind of going for the same brown color too and then we're just adding some you know Green in there as well just to mix it up a little bit and some black and white obviously and with a little bit of gray here and there too and um other than that just kind of going for actually a very Scandinavian very modern kind of interior like like that so um yeah yeah I hope this is your thing if it's not then maybe the next house will be for you I don't know actually the next house should be a Leo house so hopefully it's for the Leos out there I will probably not nail that one I'm not gonna lie I'm a little bit nervous about it because Leos tend to make me nervous they don't one of my good friends Sam you might know her hey harry is a Leo she doesn't make me nervous so I don't know one of my other best friends here in real life is also uh here in real life yeah okay um outside of the Sims Community is what I wanted to say I don't know why I said in real life Sam you're still a friend of mine in real life anyway she's not watching this video don't tell her I said that okay just don't don't tell her about by myself just let's keep it between you and I um but my friend here is also she's also a Leo so like Leo is me we get along but you're kind of making me a little bit a little bit nervous I'm not gonna lie so just just please don't hate the house okay actually it's very ironic that I'm probably gonna release it on Tuesday and I'm gonna talk about myself throughout the whole voiceover because Tuesday's my birthday and Leo's don't like that as far as I've learned at least I love you Leos please don't take offense to anything you're amazing the whole bunch of you okay just we're we're just joking around here but um I just find that kind of funny a little bit I'm gonna promise not to make it about me it's all about you Leos okay we're on the same page don't worry about me but actually should probably not talk about zodiac signs because this is not a zodiac video I'm just trying to get in the headspace again to make zodiac houses because now it's been one or two weeks I can't remember but I also wanted to say and this is regarding my birthday so I got my first birthday gift and it's from my mom because we were sitting at a cafe that we were just sitting there I was reading she was checking her phone or her iPad even though she said she was gonna read but she was playing games on her iPad or something and you can get subscriptions to this Cafe so that every two hours you can get a drink I want to say for free but you still pay paid for it if you get what I mean like you still paid for the subscription however if you get more than like nine drinks they're free so there's one of these coffee shops just around the corner from me which means that it would be very easy for me to go there and get a drink like it takes me like three minutes to walk there or something um and she was like I'm gonna get you your first present it's gonna be a subscription to this coffee please and I'm like Mom yeah no I don't drink coffee and she bought it for me anyway so I have decided that first of all I'm probably gonna mostly use it for one of the only things that I actually do like from the coffee shop which is chai It's very nice tea very like I want to call it spicy but it's not hot spicy it's just kind of it's very nice if you haven't tried chai can highly recommend it but I'm also going to use this subscription to try and see if I can actually find some kind of coffee that I do like so this is where you come into the picture because I know nothing about coffee other than I don't like it so if there is any coffee if there's any kind of coffee you might also be wondering why is the girl who has insomnia thinking about getting into coffee I don't know it's not logical let's not dwell on it but if you know of any any kind of coffee that doesn't taste taste too much like coffee like the bitter taste of coffee because that's the stuff that I don't like if there are any types or like any drink with coffee that tastes good so not bittery and not coffee anyway let me know like help a girl out I would love to get some pointers so that I know where to begin in this whole new universe of coffee that'll be great I'd actually really appreciate that like I would be very thankful if you held me out a little bit so let me know but yeah she gave me that subscription and now I'm finding myself feeling like I have to learn how to drink coffee because it just feels like such such an obvious like you know like it's I don't know how to phrase this but it's gonna be free for the next month so I might as well give it a shot you know what I mean yeah so anyway but thanks to my mom for that I really appreciate it I'm gonna get so much shy but also I have to watch out because chai is not necessarily super healthy um but we're working on the second floor of the house right now this is the child's room I wanted it to be a little bit dreamy and very cute so I went with mostly white furniture which is like because the bed is blue um it also matches the mirror and also some of the stuff here on the bookcase but I also wanted just to add like a touch of pink as well I like those two colors together I think they just they're very soft and cute and nice together in some way I hope that makes sense um and then oh yeah I've started my project that I talked about in the last video I want I'm losing my voice Let's ignore it okay I want to um I want to try to make every Swatch of these high school years beds work in some capacity so in this house I actually went with one that's green and yellow we're gonna see it in just a little bit it's very planty I really like it actually even though yellow and green not my favorite color combination not at all not even close but I do like the Swatch I like the uh I like the pattern on it as well it's very nice so we're gonna get into that in just a second but I just remembered because I looked at the floor plan picture I always have the floor plan up on my other monitor when I'm doing my voiceovers so that I can keep track of where we are in the build because otherwise I get lost and we don't want that not that I always talk about the build but it's important to not get lost in your own stuff right so I want to uh just in case you didn't watch the the last video I want to try to make every single because there are so many swatches of the high school Year's beds and I know that I tend to go for the same color schemes over and over and over it's a thing I like certain colors I hate other colors I'm very picky and choosy and I'm very biased so and I realized this I own up to it you know anyway those of you who have been yelling at me for years I I hear you and I agree so I want to try to make all the different swatches of actually it's not that green it's more like mint isn't it yeah a little bit anyway I want to make them all work somehow so I'm gonna get out of my comfort zone just a little bit to try to make these different swatches work some way or another and um obviously the the rug is supposed to match some of the leaves on the bedding instead and then we're working with a little bit of mint here and there but it's mainly yellow it's not really like a like a challenge challenge so don't think of it like that because it's not it's just for me to try it to not get stuck in the same swatches over and over I think it's going to be good um I'm just gonna have a little bit of an issue trying to keep track of which swatches swatches swatches uh that I've actually done already so that's the thing if I accidentally do the same one twice please don't yell at me I'm gonna try but I don't always remember exactly what I've done so like what I've built or what swatches I've used or what color schemes I go for I don't always remember so just you know comments some slack or something speaking of cutting me some slack um I forgot to decorate the bathroom until the very end so it might not be included in the video I don't know what happened like I genuinely do not know what happened and I was laughing a lot when I noticed because it's so stupid it's like we just got a new kit right the when I did this build I knew that the kit was going to be released I had already seen they posted about it and then out of all the rooms I forgot to decorate the bathroom like it's so ironic so just that happened copy some slack I don't I don't know how or why but just please don't yell at me the bathroom is done though you can see it at the end of the video the pictures of it it's a three by three it's kind of beigey and it's a bathroom there you go it's functional it has what it needs there's a bathtub shower combo in there you know yeah I've been honest with you every time I've said that I don't like decorating bathrooms I was speaking from my heart and my voice just cracked anyway um I'm really losing my voice I think it's because it's so cold outside and I haven't slipped as you can probably tell but my point is I just I don't like decorating bathrooms and for some reason I just keep pushing them like I keep pushing decorating them until the very end so that sometimes I pushed them too much and I just forget that that's a thing it doesn't happen very often but it does happen sometimes I even forget to do the floor plan with a bathroom as if my Sims don't have to pee or bathe you know but it's uh I always get you I always got you at the end I got you covered don't worry about it but it's the whole thing I'm a terrible filter but anyway we've learned to live with it by now like you've accepted that part of it right because please it's been like this for years and I just never learned it's the whole thing so it happened again I apologize but there is a bathroom in the house okay don't worry about it I even added it when I was floor planning so like it's not like I forget forgot the bathroom completely I just forgot to decorate it until the very end but it's nice it's a bathroom it works it has what it what it needs to work okay as for um the Landscaping I actually this is gonna sound so narcissistic but the house next to this one um I also kind of like doing this though because then the two houses look like they belong next to each other in the neighborhood uh but I was kind of inspired by the Landscaping that I did on that house so we're framing up these areas and then I'm using terrain tool or another screen tool um terrain paint to do this like gravel and dirt patches or whatever you call this and then I'm just framing it up with these sort of like grassy flowery bits and then adding a lot of green and white Landscaping foliage to it as well so that's basically what we're doing throughout the whole house both here the front but also in the backyard and just adding some rocks as well to um to the the edges of the grassy Parts as well just to make it look slightly more realistic the only thing that doing landscaping like this you can see it at the back in just a little bit but there is a small part of the Landscaping the foliage right here that is on a platform and I can't do to rate paint on a platform it's just nobody can it's not not possible they don't allow us to do that in The Sims so we're gonna have to just uh there's no dirt underneath This Grass which annoys me personally but I know it's not going to annoy some other people because we all have our different things but that's the only bit that's like looks a little bit off compared to some of the other bits because it doesn't have the dirt but other than that it basically just looks like this Landscaping it was very inspired by by the neighboring house just so you know I don't often get inspired Thanksgiving Wise by my own houses but when I do I'll be honest and tell you but honestly I do like that the two houses fit next to each other in this way so anyway but yeah that's about it for today I think so if you guys like this house you can download it off the gallery my ID is Evelyn YT and you can also find it under the hashtag Avalyn or Evelyn YT and as always the trade files can be found over on my patreon which will be linked to in the description box as well as in the PIN to comment where you can also find a link to my booktube channel so if you liked to watch videos where people talk about books recommend books nerd out about books so definitely check out that channel but that is all I got for you guys today so I hope you enjoyed it please like And subscribe and all that good stuff if you did and I will see you all in the next one bye [Music] take your time fall in line someday it's hard to win hard to bend one day I look out for you to sue the way the blue Blues in your [Music] take a stand move your hand someday no disguise one day I look out for you to say the way the blue [Music] [Music] understand [Music] ing lights [Music] take your time fall in line someday date day I look out for you to soothe away the Blues [Music] in your life [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Aveline
Views: 16,435
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: aveline sims, sims 4 speed build, sims 4 family house, sims 4 house building, the sims 4 speed build, sims 4 build, the sims 4 house building, the sims 4 family house, the sims 4 house, the sims 4 build, aveline, sims 4 save file, the sims 4 gallery, sims gallery, retro family home, mid century modern family home, mid century modern, one storey family home
Id: 4hfG7N0nMEo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 0sec (1860 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 22 2023
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