Single Mom Dream Home ๐Ÿ’— | The Sims 4 Speed Build

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foreign [Music] welcome back to the channel I hope you're all having an amazing day so today we are building a single mom dream home I figured it had been a while since the last time I did a single mom house probably not I feel like I do these every month but like I also love doing them um as I've mentioned in all those videos building for single moms I both had a single father and a single mother when I was younger um so these are kind of like closer to reality for me if you will then I mean this is a nice home which is why I'm calling it a dream home and I realized that on a one-person salary that this would probably be a little bit much not not doable just want to say but a little bit much so depending on the area and what your job is and so on you know what I mean so that's the thing but that's why I'm calling it a dream home but these single parent houses are usually a little bit more um closer to reality for me than the big families living together so I just like doing these houses and I felt like it had been a while I remembered that someone actually requested a another single mom home just a little while ago and so I decided to jump into another one although I found the common after I think I found it yesterday and I finished this house like Sunday or something I'm a little bit slow with uh uploading videos this my internet is not great I finally got it and it doesn't work very well so anyway not that it takes days but like there's been a lot of stuff in between as well we have a stream to talk about too I think maybe or something so I can't remember when the last time was it Friday maybe anyway um but I found the comment however as it turns out this house doesn't really fit with the household that was uh that was mentioned in the comments that said I also don't do requests for personal gameplay I do theme requests sorry not requests but suggestions uh so you know I just want to have some fun with it but I love hearing like you guys out when it comes to themes for future builds and stuff stuff like that is fun and then it Sparks ideas for me and um or like Interiors primarily for me so I like to have fun with with the builds like that or suggestions and stuff like that so but anyway I was scouting the not Pinterest actually surprise so I went on one of these I think I've talked about this online catalog before but they have like a lot of magazines on this catalog I can't remember what it's called the very moment but if I remember although I'm mentioning this at the start of the voiceover so I'll probably forget by the end of the voiceover I'm just gonna say I never remember what I talk about in my voiceovers but I went on this website where they have a lot of older magazines cataloged and a lot of them are build catalogs so like like or magazines so with like floor plans and I don't know like building stuff Interiors as well like stuff that you would connect with houses and buildings like architecture and stuff like that and I am obsessed with the catalogs that came out in the 50s because I think they're so Charming even though it was not necessarily A Charming time per se I think a lot of the houses that are shown in those catalogs are just I don't know they're very retro and I really adore them so it had been a while since the last time I was on that website like a few months before I moved even and I've been living here for um 26 days now so time flies I feel like I'm so slow with videos but like I didn't have internet for the longest time I'm really trying to catch up so and now we have a whole EP coming as well I'm sorry I should not stress out we're not done talking about the website but it had been a while I feel since the last time I went on that website and just had a look and have some fun and did some research and all that so the other day I was very much in the mood for doing somewhat a one-story house so for those kind of houses I feel like those magazines are perfect they have a lot of like range like homes but also mid-century modern homes obviously as the magazines are from the 50s and so I thought I fill up on upon this one and a couple of other ones that I've saved to my computer um so this one was um if I have it if I have it saved in my bookmarks I'll see if I do but I honestly I tend to just be really not good at that stuff so um I might not have it but if I do I'll make sure to link it in the description but I'm not gonna promise anything though I'm gonna do my best but no promises but I found this house and I was like I love the shape of it I love the I can't say loved today I don't know what that's about anyway I loved the whole like having the garage on the floor below the house itself so that you have to step up try to do the floor or another floor but the foliage a little bit differently than I have a lot of my previous split level homes because this is what I would call a split level home in The Sims you can't do actual proper split level anymore at least there was a little while where there was a bug that that actually made a pot or a glitch that made it possible for you to actually do split level homes but it was fixed very quickly so we can't do that anymore so um this is what I would call one I suppose you could do something with like platforms and such but it gets a little bit messy and I don't know this is like the cleaner way to do split level homes but I also recognize that it's not an actual like in real life it would not be a split level home so before you come after me just want to say but um I like the whole like split level thing going on with the house and the pathway leading from the driveway to the front or I liked that bit as well so I wanted to have some fun with it although there were some things with this house that wasn't really doable in The Sims so did have to um figure those things out myself but and also the backyard because like I don't know how to do backyards with this kind of front yard when the house is on the second level it just becomes a little bit weird to do the backyard but I had a lot of fun with the backyard in this one I think it turned out fine there's a lot of like a lot of plants around this house a lot of this video will be me doing landscaping because there's a lot of landscaping and I forgot to say but it's built on a 40 by 30 in newcrest I actually only started building it on a 40 by 30 because I really wanted it on a 30x20 but once I done the the shell of the house and then raised the ground a little bit to rain manipulate at the ground a little bit on the right side of the house it was like look at all the space I got surrounding the house I cannot move this to a 30 by 20 now so it turned out to be a 40 by 30. there's plenty of space surrounding the house though like I'm definitely not taking up the entire lot but I also don't personally mind this I think um I would just rather the backyard fit with the house instead of trying to fill out every every single Square on the lot if you get what I mean I feel like the backyard would have ended up looking way too big but um and also just especially when you do stuff like terrain manipulation it just makes sense for the locks to be a little bit bigger than they're technically needed for the house itself I think that's one of the reasons we got to rain manipulation with the with good famous ride and the Lots in the Hill area of that pack are so huge I think they're all like 50 by 40s except from one that's a 64 by 64. so the team definitely I keep getting notifications on my phone can it just it's distracting turning it upside down I don't like to be distracted when I'm doing voiceovers I'm enough of a distraction to myself if you get what I mean so like any other distractions need to go but I think the team definitely knew or had figured that one out that it was gonna take bigger lots to have fun with terrain manipulation so don't know why I am reflecting on this like when was that 2018 2018 I think it was because it was my first it's my first event yeah October 2018 in London oh my gosh haven't been to an event since well 2019 so such a long time ago by now time flies not really but it hasn't really flown not not the past couple of years definitely not um I miss seeing people I miss seeing Sims people anyway actually also reminds me that I should probably build another house in the Hills because it's been a while since the last one I haven't built a lot of contemporary homes for a while have I I don't think so I need to rectify that situation maybe hopefully before before access to the new pack but we'll see about that they're always kind of scary to me the 50 by 40s in that area like I don't know and also I get why this is a thing but the the lighting situation in the Hills sucks for thumbnails if you notice a lot of and this is not to call out people because I would totally do the same by the way but if you go on like search on YouTube and you find houses that are built in that area a lot of including my own a lot of the time the uh the creator has turned around the house because the Sun hits the back of the lot and usually or not you well oftentimes thumbnails are taken off the front the facade of the house so it's just a kind of kind of a sucky lighting situation in the hills for that reason it just it's very dark at the front and now not to get too technical about it but it just doesn't look good in thumbnails like I personally prefer when the Sun hits the facade of the house so sometimes I do move my houses to other lots to make that happen actually but um yeah that's a situation that's kind of turning me off that area a little bit I'm not gonna lie because it's just annoying that it doesn't look good in the picture by the end like you've gone through all that work to make the house you want it to look good in the picture at the end you know so that's a thing but if you really want to see another house in that area definitely uh definitely let me know or if you got a theme in mind or something let me know no specific households though because I just do not do for um personal gameplay I do not do houses requested for personal gameplay but if you got any themes anything ridiculous let me know and we're gonna have some fun with it maybe we'll turn that one into the let's build because as it turned out I think a lot of you were actually um pretty cool with the idea oh my God I need to talk about this well but anyway um I think a lot of people were actually really cool with the idea of doing let's builds I did not know that let's builds were still a thing that other creators do I suck at keeping track of people but also I just in general don't really watch SIMS videos I haven't watched a build for the longest time I just it was the decision that I made because I didn't want to subconsciously copy anyone so like I don't actually keep track of what other people do which is dumb because this is YouTuber I should definitely do that but I don't so so call me stupid or whatever it's fine but okay I just want to quickly mention this those bookcases right they're from Book Nook kit yes but I did not realize that they had made a Swatch with rainbow shelves and I squealed I squealed when I saw that because I have they're not organized like that right now but um if you follow me on Instagram or on my other channel or you've seen any face cam video that I've done over the past like two years you would know that I have a ton of bouquet or not a ton currently I have five bookcases behind me five tall ones but I also have three shorter ones in my office right now so I have a lot of books I have a bit over 600 books or something and I have had them organized as like color coordinated before I have not done that now not really not in that way um but I think it looks so cute so when I saw that they'd done that it's definitely a trend thing I want to say like there were people on Instagram in the book bookstagram Community who had their bookcases like that for a while it gets there are still people that do have that it gets super annoying after a little bit to have them organized like that because you need to split up series and stuff but um it looks cute though so I squealed when I saw that because I didn't actually see that swatch the first time around so um it kind of It kind of made me think for a second should I try out color coordinated bookcases with my camera bookcases I don't I don't know I have done a rainbow on my romance bookshelf so that is a thing but and also before I moved I had because a lot of my books are like special editions so they have funny edges that have colors and patterns on them and stuff and I would usually I used to display them so like instead of the spine showing the edges of the pages that we're showing instead and I had them coordinated in a rainbow on one of my old bookcases but um just to spare the pages a little bit because they do take sun damage that way I am showing the spines currently but might go back to to the rainbow spines or not spines rainbow edges so when it gets a little bit darker outside so you might actually see that over here too it depends a little bit but I haven't really done like a face cam not really since moving in here I think I did the trailer reaction but it's generally something I want to do more of so if we start hey let's build you can count on there being face came on it sorry you're gonna have to deal with my face I apologize on behalf of myself and humanity and everything but it's just gonna be a thing okay it sounds so weird like super attention needy to be like well my face is gonna be in the video I don't know I don't ever think like that about other YouTubers honestly whenever they do face cam but I'm like when I do it I'm like does someone think I'm needy for attention right now standing here with my camera I think it's I think genuinely it's just a natural thing on YouTube but for myself I think it's like it's weird why is it like that why do I think like this it's very annoying anyway so what did we just do the the mom's bedroom I think obviously it's just called a single mom dream home you can have whoever you want living here doesn't have to be a single mom um the bed does have room for two people and it does not have to be a woman it could be whatever but there's room for um in my head when I decorated it I wanted it to be for a mother and her daughter but it could be for whoever you want it does not have to be for that specific kind of head hold household I don't know what that was I feel like I've done so many pink bedrooms but I saw that bed Swatch and I just loved it so much so I needed to do something with it I apologize but like it was it's so cute that that kind of pink tone so cute so I'm very curious to see what kind of vibe they're going for with the new pack I just saw the um behind this behind the Sims stream some what's it called behind the Sim Summit Behind The Sims Summit why does that sound weird to me maybe it's just a weird title maybe it's the correct title but it's just a weird title that might be it but anyway I just saw it and um I think they're focusing a little bit more on like horse animations as well which is fair because the horses are a big part of BEP so like I get that and they also talked about other gameplay features but I was just sitting here like show me the show me the furniture and I got none of that so I still don't know what kind of what kind of style they're going for or anything but I think it's going to be a little bit more like not necessarily more like rustic furniture if you get what I mean so I'm excited to see it I'm excited to have fun with it I'm excited to build range homes for you guys those of you who love one story houses you're gonna get a lot of that in the near future we're not in the near future in the well how would you what would you call the near future within next month that it yeah within the next month you're gonna get a lot of one-story homes so I'm very excited I always love when we get new bigger packs it just Sparks new ideas and it's refreshing and stuff so I'm very excited to have a look at everything would love to see the rest of the world see if it's all covered in sand or if there's going to be grassy areas because I'm a little bit nervous about the sand it's one of the reasons that I literally barely ever build in Warriors and springs except except on the grassy Lots I do build on those now and then just not on the not on this fandy Lots like I don't know what's what do you do with Landscaping when there's no sand and where did the plants go like I don't know it's so foreign to me um so anyway I need to educate myself right yeah that's probably what it is the amount of tool adjustments I had to do for all these rocks this is the reason there's only a few of these like rock walls if you will or Rock Hills or slopes with rocks on them there was it just took a lot of adjustments like a lot but I really wanted to kind of cover up those brown bits of the um of the hills because they're not they're not that pretty I'm just say it like it is I don't really love all the brown there but try to cover it up a little bit so there's a lot of like a lot of rocks in Plants a lot of like a lot of green plants not so many flowers I know it sounds stupid to say green plants because like what what plants are in green the alien ones but when I say green plants I mean the ones that don't necessarily have a lot of flowers on them so a lot of like Butch bushes Butch yep English is going so well today I don't know what's going on but we're just gonna move past it a lot of bushes and shrubs and a few with uh with white flowers as well but that still fall under the bush category I think and then a little bit a little bit of pink here and there because I found the cutest plant from cottage living I think it is it's like a it's a flower of some kind I don't know and also I think the low-lying shrub that I used actually had blue flowers and then there's a little bit of a few touches of yellow here and there as well but that's basically it for for the foliage that actually sounds like a lot now that I think about it like a lot a lot of colors all of a sudden but to me when I look at the build it looks quite green I don't know I don't know where the the flowers went but anyway I think it also makes the foliage tie in very well with the flower boxes that are they're the ones from my gosh get famous I think actually but they have like pink purple and white not purple pink yellow and white flowers in them so I know it's not necessarily like super realistic but I do like to wait that cottage living plant is yellow oh why did I think it was pink is there a pink Swatch or am I just seeing things right now when it actually is Pink maybe I I'm flabbergasted like I don't know zoom in on it go on so it's that it maybe it's Peach like what color is that I can't tell anymore anyway I think it ties in very well with the flower boxes and I know it's not necessarily super realistic TAF flower boxes match with the foliage or Landscaping but I just like it it looks very aesthetically pleasing to my eyeballs so we're gonna go with it also speaking of new neighbors there was no mention of new neighbors until now but speaking of I am pretty sure that my next door neighbor on the one that I'm sharing a wall with in my office they have I think they have their bedroom in that room so like they don't when I'm in my office they're usually not in their bedroom because they have a living room but where they would probably spend more time during the day like I don't actually know don't keep track like that just I'm not a creep okay but I'm pretty sure I'm pretty sure that they can hear me doing voiceovers because whenever she leaves her apartment and she has to pass my window she stares in through through the window which is when I don't have my blinds down which is weird like that is weird don't do that I hope she can hear me so she cannot do it but um also at the same time I feel rude but like privacy please I don't know it's it's fine the if you guys already what's what's another one to listen to my voice over what's another person except I have to face them face to face I wouldn't mind if we guys face faced face to face that doesn't make any sense like I don't know how to phrase this at all so I'm just gonna move on actually now that I have your ear um except if you're just watching and you got me muted but that's that's fine no offense taken whatsoever but you don't need my apology anyway because you can't hear me but now that I have your ear and um is that how you say that in English I don't even know if there's anything you'd like to see me do with the new pack let me know because I will be going on a brainstorming session in um I don't know what that was either in uh I'm sorry for being like all over the place today I don't know what's going on but if you have anything you'd like to see me do with the new pack let me know right now in the comments because like I said I'm going to sit down and do like a brainstorming session as soon as I know a little bit more about the pack um I'm gonna sit down and just like write everything that I'd like to do with it so if there's anything anything specific just let me know and yes or no you do not have to write a horse ranch I think that one's covered okay we got that one that one is already solidified like that is going to happen so you don't have to ride horse range but if there's anything else do let a girl know and the girl is me let me know I know I'm still missing what is it one or two builds in San Sequoia for the save file actually um that's my bad I don't know what happened I got sidetracked and I completely forgot everything about it until earlier this day because someone mentioned a save file and was like wait a minute am I am I not doing the same file for South Dakota it just happens okay there's been a lot going on in real life with moving and stuff yes so I'm still missing those two but they'll happen eventually okay I got you but if there's anything for horse ranch or whatever that world is called let me know as for this video right now we are getting to the end of it so I'm gonna wrap up this voiceover if you guys like this house you can download it off the gallery my ID is Evelyn YT and you can also find it under the hashtag Avalon or Evelyn YT and as always the trade files can be found over on my patreon which will be linked to in the description box down below as well as in the pinned comment where you can also find a link to the earlier mentioned booktube channel so if you want to check it out feel free to do so but that is all I got for you guys today so I hope you all enjoyed it please like And subscribe and all that good stuff if you did and I will see you all in the next one [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] I wanna hold you to the morning [Music] [Music] [Music] to have found someone who is just as crazy as me or is it yours [Music] begun to feel that I want your attention this time it is
Channel: Aveline
Views: 35,666
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: aveline sims, sims 4 speed build, sims 4 family house, sims 4 house building, the sims 4 speed build, sims 4 build, the sims 4 house building, the sims 4 family house, the sims 4 house, the sims 4 build, aveline, sims 4 save file, the sims 4 gallery, sims gallery, retro family home, mid century modern family home, mid century modern, one storey family home
Id: Y8rto47_9Mw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 12sec (1572 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 27 2023
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