Foster Family Home ❀️ | The Sims 4 Speed Build

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foreign welcome back to the channel I hope you're all having an amazing day so today we are building a bigger family home this is built on a 40 by 30 in Willow Creek I kind of moved the house around a little bit so we start out building it on this lot but then I move it up in the I move it to one of the the 4x30 in the upper left area of Willow Creek so that's where I finish up the house and everything and then I actually took the screenshots on the 50 by 50 just because the sunlight wouldn't hit the facade of the house which I hate so um that was the whole thing but yeah so actually I do want to know regarding that I just noticed on my floor plan pictures because I took the pictures on the 50 by 50 that the tiles on like the tiles on those pictures uh the pathway leading to the backyard and also the pathway leading to the front door are not a place like they would if you place this house down on the 40 by 30 just so you know like the lines are kind of not where they're supposed to be which is super annoying but I didn't notice it until right now before I started the movie so far so just thought I would touch on it hopefully it'll like I don't maybe I should have waited a little bit because this video is very long and you're probably gonna forget that before we get to the end of it but um just keep it in mind you know when you see the pictures just ignore the lines and if you forget what I've just said before we get to the end of the the screenshots um or the end of the video so we get to the screenshots that's fine that's okay that's understandable uh but we're building this house it's for two parents and then I like the idea of the two teens here being like Foster twins but you can have it for basically anyone I also don't think you can actually foster children in The Sims anyway but I like the idea because every kid deserves a home so you know we're just making a very pleasant a very welcoming and open and kind of luxurious house for for them today I actually have the picture that I took as inspiration I have it saved in a spreadsheet so if I remember it'll be linked in the description box if I don't let me know and I'll do my best to link it in the description box but I'll be saving those links so I have I've mentioned this before but just in case you're curious so I do do YouTube for a living like this is my job um so I have had different ways to go about like planning my days I love to plan I just suck at following my plans but it's also because I over plan so I overestimate how much time I have I underestimate how much it takes to or how long it takes to build a house like this house for example I think I started it around 4 30 yesterday and then I finished it at midnight or actually a little bit like half past midnight or something so I took a very very long time um and uh actually I do want to know because I was gonna build something bigger for tomorrow but like bigger than this as well but unfortunately because because the building session I had yesterday my hand is kind of hurting so I'm gonna build something smaller and make sure to take a lot of breaks while I do so because uh I don't know I might have pushed a little bit too much I think unfortunately but I'm the type of person who will look at a picture an inspiration picture and then think this is gonna take like six hours five hours and then it takes up eight or nine so I always underestimate how long it actually takes to build the houses I think that's a very general thing like as far as in my experience at least oh gosh do we really want to talk okay listen listen if you don't like videos some people that don't make videos I'm not gonna say that it's the same for everyone but a lot of people some people a lot of the people that I've unfortunately been in contact with who don't make videos tend to think that it's so so easy and so so quick to do and it's just not like you would not believe it kind of comments I have gotten to my face from not near family members like like uh like siblings and my parents and stuff but family front or members of my extended family who have basically been like who's basically not to like diss on them or anything um I did tell them off when they told me so like anyway uh but who are basically like well you just sit there and record and then you put it up on YouTube and I'm like no no I don't it takes a while to record I have to figure out what I want to record and then I have to make sure that it's good while I record and then there's everything else like editing and pictures and you know everything else so I just I don't know I feel like I too underestimate how long it actually takes to put together a build video sometimes so in regards to my plan or my plans I might overplay it a little bit and then I end up a little bit disappointed that I can't do everything that I want to do but I have the spreadsheet was my point so that's where I put in my recording plans now and that means I can save the links to the pictures that I that I use so you can also see them after you know I don't want to go too into detail about that conversation by the way simply because I don't know if the person is actually going to watch this and think that I'm trying to trash talk them like we talked it through I educated them a little bit on what actually goes into making videos and they understand now so we're all good um but I don't wanna you get what I mean right okay so anyway for this house I yeah I think it's actually from more specific I think it's from the 1950s more specifically 1952 I found this and I didn't know it existed because no one had ever told me I've never used in school no literally no soul on this planet has ever told me about this and no one has linked to it before but I found out that and I'm sure that a lot of you guys actually know about this but again nobody's told me so I found this like online archive with all these like old magazines both like interior magazines but also design magazines so architecture magazines and a lot of them also there's a lot of like floor plan magazines as well and they've been scanned in and then put on this website it's kind of like an archive I think it's called or something I can't remember I'll link it in the description just in case you want to check it out but I based basically one day a couple of weeks ago found this by chance because I don't actually remember I forgot how I found it but I found it by chance and then I sat there for like four hours just looking at houses like I was awestruck it's just looking at houses I was like oh my gosh this is the best day ever like I can just sit here and go through all these like super retro floor plan magazines so I saved a lot especially from 1952 I don't know why but a lot of the bookmarks and a lot of the pictures that I have linked in my spreadsheet now are from 1952 so we're going 1950s here on the channel for a little bit I hope you guys are on board I'll make sure that there's gonna be a couple of contemporary houses thrown in there now and then but like for the next while it's going to be actually no next week is going to be a little bit different I don't know what I'm trying to ignore everything I said but there'll be a lot of houses from 1952 for sure but next week is going to be a little bit different and I'm nervous about it and I know that it's just me kind of being nervous about it for no reason because gonna be fine but anyway you'll see next week it's nothing big it's I don't want to talk about it but you'll see on Tuesday or Wednesday it depends on how how I can when I can record yes so um you know how with Christmas time and now that it's still November but we start buying Christmas presents and stuff quite early it's kind of like a habit that I have taught my parents just because I personally hate when it's last minute I would start at the start of November so that I could take my time make sure that I get the best presents and because you know I I'm basically the only person in my family who actually enjoys buying Christmas presents this is the whole thing okay I will teach I will teach you I got nothing to teach you I will talk to you about this for a little bit so I'm the only person in the family who like truly truly loves buying Christmas presents like I will I plan every thing I have a notebook dedicated to just writing down Christmas presents for the different people in my family I go out with my mom to buy Christmas presents and I also go out with my dad to buy Christmas presents last year he was like because last year it wasn't the year before it might have been in 2020 actually because yeah it might have been 2020 2029 I was busy moving into my apartment but then and then before that I was in Scotland so I would come home like a couple of days before Christmas unfortunately then go out with my mom a couple of days before Christmas and buy Christmas presents because she very much relies on my help with that it's been we've got like a deal going on it's fine um but I started doing that with my dad as well I think in 2020 and the first time that we went out to buy Christmas presents we did so well that after words he was like are we done already this has been this is you're surprisingly efficient like I don't remember exactly how he put it but he was very he was very surprised I just I love it everything is just it's such a good day going out to buy Christmas presents and making sure you get the things that make people happy even though I'm pretty sure my family members would be happy just with about anything I have very casual family members when it comes to stuff like this but I'm like I need everything to just be perfect so leave it up to me it's good not in a control freak kind of way just in a I love Christmas kind of way you know so along with also trying to make time to make these like houses that take a lot of time to do I'm also figuring out my own wishes and also planning on everyone in the family is going to get for Christmas um it's fine they've kind of complained about it like my siblings have complained about it one year because as it turned out I knew what everyone was getting basically except for myself because that has to be a surprise but I knew what everyone was getting that Christmas and I don't remember who I think it might have been my youngest big sister or it was my brother who complained about it it was a small thing but now they're used to it now it's like yeah of course it's fine but it's also because I'm good at finding like where can we get the cheapest deals for these items so maybe we can buy an extra item you know that sort of thing I'm because I'm very good at online stuff and my parents aren't so I just I appreciate that they let me help with with this also because I really enjoy it and um yeah that's basically like preparing November is both like we gotta work we have a lot of things to do while preparing for December um and then on top of that I also want to take a week off at the end of December so I kind of have to keep that in mind so it's good to have a spreadsheet I forgot why I started talking about this like I'm not gonna lie I feel like this brand took like five minutes I hope you enjoyed it I wouldn't blame you if it didn't but um now you know that also again it's not in a control freak kind of way I just really enjoy it and my parents know that and my siblings also know that I'm basically aside from my nephews I'm basically the only one in the family who's like goes crazy over Christmas you get what I mean like I just love it so so much so I promise that for at least the next week I won't mention it again but I can't promise anything the closer we get to December because it's like a spirit awakens or isn't that a movie wait is that a movie or something it's fine okay I mean not Christmas spirit awakens but Spirit awakens it feels like have I not heard that as a movie title or like a series title or book title or something I don't know anyway I hope you guys are doing great though um if you are doing anything interesting these days let me know or anything interesting has happened let me know as well if you're reading anything good let me know most definitely because I'm always open to book recommendations I'm currently reading these Twisted bonds which is sequel to these Hollow vows and I'm actually doing a vlog on that for the other channel and I'm also reading the dragon's promise which is the sequel to six Crimson Queens I loved the first books in both those duologies I'm a little bit nervous reading uh the dragon's promise because so far it doesn't really I don't really love it but these Twisted bonds so good loving every bit of it I was screaming in that I was screaming while reading the other day um that's fine because I was like so this thing is probably gonna happen once I start reading and then it happened and I was like I was so right so that's a that's a good time but let me know what you guys are reading or if you've been watching something good just let me know I can always use some more entertainment while I'm building or just after I'm done with work for the day or whatever um so anyway I think we've done the bottom floor while I've been ranting about Christmas uh apologies but for the like color scheme as you probably notice I don't know what style we're going for other than I just wanted everything to be very cozy and very warm and welcoming the um we have a sun room that is basically just like a lounge room but then there's also a smaller living room with a fireplace and also a TV you can kind of there's an open door to the sun room so you can kind of like hear the TV from the sunroom if if you need to and color scheme wise everything is very beige and brown and just keeping it you know because I I like I like those colors together I don't like when everything is beige I don't like when everything is white and beige that feels a little bit cold to me actually but I do like these warmer tones of brown mixed with beige and then with just like a little bit of color I think that's a little bit Green in the sun room or something like that and a little bit of blue in the dining room and yeah I don't remember the parents bedroom at all not even a little bit that's fine so we're decorating the uh the other floor right now the second floor and this is where the both of the teens bedrooms are so one of them I was gonna try to make it a little bit boho not like super like full-on boho all out boho just like a little bit and then the other room there's something covering my screen so I can't see anything thank you um the other room is a little bit more a little bit more leaning on leaning to worst style that is the pastel pop kit so actually yesterday when was it yesterday what day is it today is it Saturday yes okay I I released the apartment yesterday so in the video I said that I was pretty sure that I was inspired by a trend called um Danish pastel which I still think these two Trends kind of lean on each other a little bit but that's also because I didn't watch Plum Bella's video I hadn't realized that there was one oops I don't spend a lot of time on this channel actually when I watch YouTube so most of my recommendations are not you like Sims videos most of my recommendations are um like True Crime and book videos and what else do I have Markiplier and jacksepticeye probably like it's a weird mix there's a lot of it's either like I'm in a super good mood I'm gonna watch a uh a reading like a card with tarot card reading or it's like I need some background noise so let's listen to an entire interrogation of someone who committed something atrocious like I don't there's no it doesn't make any sense so anyway but I don't have any Sims videos pop up on on the other channel when I just casually sit and watch because I in general don't really I don't really watch a lot of Sims videos because I make them I don't know if that makes sense but it does to me so I hadn't noticed that they'd uploaded a video on it and that's my bad um but apparently the kid is inspired by okay and this kind of makes sense now that I know it's inspired by a trend that's called Avon basic I think that's how you pronounce it I really want to pronounce the first word as like French but I don't really I've never heard anybody pronounce it before so anyway or I have but I don't remember because I have a very bad short-term memory so anyway but those two Styles kind of also pull inspiration from the same uh like they both pull inspiration from the 70s for example to get this like funky touch to it or to the trend if you get what I mean I hope I'm explaining that right so it does make sense that I could see Danish pastel in it but that it's supposed to be inspired by something else but you could use all the stuff just not like uh the bed is not Danish pastel it's a little bit too it's a little bit just something else and also um the bookcase for example the shelving unit I mean you could kinda but not it's a little but that's also like a Sims thing everything is kind of clunky in The Sims and Scandinavian style is a little bit not clunky if you get what I mean like everything is just kind of thicker in The Sims it's funny because some of the items aren't like if you look at some of the the end tables some of them are like huge and like squares and then other ones are like nice and dainty I don't it's weird consistency people consistency but Evan basic is a little bit taken it a step further and then making it a little bit extra funky where um Danish pastel kind of takes like a few things here and there and then kind of tones it down a little bit as well because we do that a lot in Scandinavian interior but it's it's a funny it's a funny kind of trend because a lot of it is about like clutter that's very funky and pastel and yeah that's probably the best way I can describe a funky pistol um but like toning down things you would think it leans on minimalism it's funny you should look up the style because it's quite cute I have come across a lot of it here while looking for stuff that I could want or put on my Christmas wish list actually so I've been uh I've come across a lot of like um candles for example I love candles so like actually I've also just come across Camp because I'm looking for my Advent candles and I can't find any that fit so I've also seen a lot of these like uh funky looking pastel candles as well a couple of really cute ones that I kind of want I found one that's shaped like a woman and she's very plus-sized and I thought it looked so I don't know I really love it so I'm gonna try to talk myself out of buying it but at the same time I really want it but like nothing pastel fix fits into my apartment whatsoever so it would like it would stand out so so much but anyway my point was if you watched that video and you were like nothing Plum Bella said it's the same as what Rosa is saying I apologies is because I didn't watch their video because I didn't know it was there I mean I didn't just didn't think about it um but also the Styles kind of draw inspiration from the same era so from the same decades so um although Evan basic has taken it just a little step a step further so um yeah that's that's basically it I don't know I'm not gonna go back and comment on yesterday's video because I don't think it's that important but I just wanted to touch on it today so here we are but anyway this is the garage that I am turning into sort of a a home gym and um also a little like I almost called a studio area a yoga studio a yoga area and put them in some candles because like coziness I don't know I'm trying to make cozy for the oh also the the smelling thing the watch the smelling thing I don't the scent diffuser that's what a smelling thing where did that come from speak English woman what's wrong with you I'm gonna leave that in there but you guys would not understand I want to struggle it is actually I've talked about this lately so maybe I should just not again but yeah I don't whenever someone corrects anything that I say in videos first of all I can't remember what you're correcting in the first place but also I can't remember it for the next voiceover so it doesn't really it doesn't do anything but if you feel like correcting me that's fine it's okay like do what you want but it doesn't really it doesn't go anywhere because I'm like I don't know what you mean I can't remember what I've said in a voiceover at all honestly I prefer it that way because I know I say a lot of super things you know I know that I'm annoying like half of you at this point I apologize I'm in a weird mood today you know like when you're in and just in a weird mood and for some reason everything is just funny even though it's really not I actually end up changing those columns to a couple of other ones just because I didn't realize while I was building here but because the the sunlight isn't hitting the side of the house but those columns aren't white they're more like beige I can see it now while I'm looking at it right now but I didn't notice while I was building um so I change it to some other ones I can't remember which ones but you can see them in the thumbnail and also in the screenshots at the end I just didn't realize it was super annoying once I realized as for the backyard so oh my gosh a staircased on the platforms you might actually have to adjust that when you place down the house because I'm pretty sure that it's gonna be super annoying and not attached to the the not the platform the foundation it kept on attaching itself that was so super annoying like so so annoying I had to go back like 10 times while building but back I don't know why I kept doing that because I could have just waited until the very end but I'm stubborn so that's the thing so but these like very white plain white houses I prefer when there's something else going on on the exteriors whether it's like adding a lot of flower boxes or in this case adding Ivy so we're adding Ivy right now just to add something a little bit else it's a mix of two different IVs but I think both of them are actually one is this bit here is in the debug catalog and I think it's from discover University if you want to find them yourself for your builds and the other one I think as well as actually from discover University but they're just in the regular catalog so you can find them under not wall decor but well wall decor but in the build catalog instead of the buy catalog I hope it makes sense yes um but yeah I just don't like like plain white lighthouses that don't have anything it's just it's too much white paint or too much white wood siding or there's just something missing you know so I added Ivy in this case and then S4 the Landscaping I wanted it to be very not not a lot of like flowers so very green but I wanted there to be a lot of it just like not necessary well how do I explain this I suck at explaining Landscaping this is why I always talk over it talking about something else like there you go there's my secret for boys Silvers I don't know what to talk about when I do landscaping because honestly I don't think much when I do landscaping it's very therapeutical to me because I just sewn out and then I end up with I think I for a moment I'm like do I want flowers or do I not want flowers and then I decide on either of those two options and then I just do something afterwards so this is what we do this time I made a dark green so the items or the plans are actually all of them almost all of them except from the there's a shrub as well and there's the white flowers or whatever they are from what's it called Granite Falls outdoor retreat but other than that the other plans are actually from the debug catalog or the hidden no what's it called World objects catalog that one I always just call it the debug catalog but I've been corrected on it before so I don't know uh but the uh because like the regular standard plans you can find in the plant catalog they're they're very light green and I felt like it just didn't fit with the vibe that I wanted for the landscaping and also it's a nice contrast between the dark green and the very white building so maybe that's a part of it but I don't think about that when I or I didn't think about that when I chose to make it dark green but I'm sure that has something to do with it this is probably why I haven't done that Landscaping tutorial that I've promised to do this is why I haven't done it yet because like I don't know I don't know what I'm doing I'm just doing something and this is the way that it turns out you know um but I I think I've planned it for sometime in December so if you've been waiting for it it will be up and I'll do my best to remember exactly what I think about when I when I do my Landscaping I don't really know actually I would like to know if you want a landscaping tutorial what exactly would you like for me to talk about like would you like for me to to mention why I did this over something else or would you like for me to talk about like layout of backyards or different kinds of landscaping you can do for front yards for example because you can do a lot of different kinds I in this one have done a little bit it's more structured in the backyard it's like framed up areas but up for the front it's a little bit Wilder so I don't know which what would you like me to for me to explain because that I don't really know yet so let me know help me uh help me figure out how to do a tutorial because this is why I'm never gonna be a teacher you know like this is the reason because I don't also I've said this before I feel like whenever I for some reason my my head just goes if you know something everyone else knows it too because why would nobody like why would you be the only one who knows this or why would you know something that someone else doesn't know because I just I'm not that smart you know so anyway um let me know I'll I will plan around the comments that I get so that I can give you the most information as possible but so far I literally have no idea how to go about this so well I want to do it like I did the floor plan tutorial so that I got settled but what exactly I'm gonna explain I don't know yet that's the staircase that was pissing me off to be honest I was so annoyed without staircase the whole time I was filmed thing um but I like the look of it because like you got the platform leading down to the foundation without a platform on it and then the whole one side of the foundation is just staircase I go back and I change it again don't worry so it doesn't end up looking like that but I just like the look of it for some reason so I was very set on having it look like that at the end and it just wouldn't work with me and it was so frustrating um but anyway as for yeah as for the backyard we have a pool house by the way I don't know what people put in pool houses so I kind of just had to I don't know come up with something use my imagination but I've never been to a pool house and I can't remember ever seeing a pool house so I don't know it's actually in pool houses other than bathrooms or I'm expecting there to be like a toilet Powder Room bathroom in some capacity and then I also ended up placing this Lounge area so they have another uh fireplace and also a TV in there and it's just kind of like open you can actually hear the TV from the outside if you want to and then um other than that what do they have in the backyard I'm trying to remember because right now we can't see it because I'm I'm making a makeshift sandbox right now these are basically like um tiles I want to call them that you can use for not for pools what's the other one called fountains yes that one uh so I think they're from spa day but I literally never used the fountain tool so I always use those those tiles for something else such as this or just lining up areas where I want to do landscaping for example so because it looks a little bit different you can make round shapes with them as well instead of just going for the uh the fences and stuff so I've done that a couple of times and then we have the lounge chairs there's the pool with two floaties there's the jungle monkey monkey bar jungle bar I can't remember what that's called either and I think on the uh on the back patio I ended up placing I think there's a that there's a grill somewhere in the backyard yeah I'm also if you've been wondering where the outdoors trash can is because sometimes I get comments on that they're always in the builds I just sometimes don't record when I place them down um but there is one next to one of the doors here uh next to one of the pool house doors so it's a single well it's technically a double tile door but I'm using it as a single tile door it's next to that door so there is one in the backyard it's just a little bit hidden but that's also because Elders trash cans are ugly so we want to hide them so this little kitchen area here is not supposed to be a full-on kitchen they just have a fridge that I imagined was for cold drinks so they could you know quickly go in there grab a drink go out and lie on the lounge chairs and then there's also a sink because you can always use sync to wash your hands or something I don't know if they do any gardening work I feel like it would be handy for them to have a sink right there so that's that was the the meaning of that or like the logic behind that kitchen area that's not a full-on kitchen because you can't use it as kitchen but I think that is it as well so I don't know what I'm doing for the rest of the video probably Landscaping because we have quite a bit of it to do still oh also I forgot to say but they do have room for a dog in the house you could easily change it to a cat though the the pet added not the dog itself don't try to change dogs to cats but if you just because there's the three bathroom obviously six pack well four there's four bathrooms so you can easily I don't actually know where you like to place your litter trays it depends a little bit on the person right because I've heard people because I've asked before in the past I've heard people or red people say that they put them in the bathrooms but some also put them in the hallways some put them in mud rooms or laundry rooms kind of depends a little bit but you can easily find a place for litter box so there are several pet beds around the house but also there's two I think there's two food bowls and also two toy chests as well for pets so if you'd rather it was a cat you could easily find a place for the litter box but I just felt like giving them a dog so they have room for a dog as well but yeah I think for the rest of the video if we're actually just doing landscaping and we being indecisive about various things such as tiling because you know I just we're basically doing like the minor things that I was over looking a little bit such as the half wall there not having any wallpaper on it but I do change that in a little bit I give it a brick a brick wall of some kind I think it's the one from cottage living but yeah other than that you know just uh nitpicking at things and adding more trees because I love trees especially on lots that are this big I just like to frame up the houses with trees I think it looks nice for for thumbnails also although this house looks like poo in the thumbnail I don't know it was not it's not a very photogenic house like I'm just gonna say I'm gonna finish off this video by trashing my own house to going anyway I hope you guys like it if you do you can download it off the gallery my ID is the Evelyn YT and you can also find it under the hashtag Avalyn or Evelyn YT and as always the tray files can be found over on my patreon which will be linked to in the description box as well as in the pinned comment you can also find a link to my booktube channel in the pinned comment if you like to read check it out but that is all I got for you guys today so I hope you all enjoyed this video weird voiceover or not if you did feel free to like And subscribe and all that good stuff and that is it so I hope you enjoyed it and I will see you all in the next one bye foreign foreign thank you foreign foreign
Channel: Aveline
Views: 11,357
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: aveline sims, sims 4 speed build, sims 4 family house, sims 4 house building, the sims 4 speed build, sims 4 build, the sims 4 house building, the sims 4 family house, the sims 4 house, the sims 4 build, aveline, sims 4 save file, the sims 4 gallery, sims gallery, the sims gallery, selvadorada, retro family home, the sims 4 retro
Id: KsuXBgV2Cdg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 36sec (2256 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 12 2022
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