Generations Family Cottage | The Sims 4 Speed Build

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hi guys welcome back to my YouTube channel and welcome back to another Sims 4 speedboarding video or welcome to the channel if you are new here so in today's video I'm going to be building in the world of Penfield on Bagley which is the world that we got from the expansion part of Sims 4 cottage living and I'm going to be building a Generations Family Cottage using custom content so this house ends up having four bedrooms and two bathrooms and it's built on a 30 by 20 lot and like I just said I'm building it using custom content which I feel like it's been some time since I lasted my CC build if you're familiar with my channel you'll know this but I like doing CC builds if anything there's some of my favorite things to build but I like to space them out just because I understand not everyone can download custom content if you're someone that plays on Console you can't download it and so I only like to do them every so often but it's been several months since my last one and so this week I thought why not build using custom content but why not build something I haven't built so far using CC and that's kind of like a are Generations at Family Cottage now the inside of this house ends up being so homey just so comfortable looking and I think it might be my favorite CC build that I've done today and so yeah I'm really happy with it so I hope you guys like it but anyway getting on and actually talking a little bit more about the build so where I was building the world of Henry from burglary I wanted to build something that felt a little bit more like it belonged in the Cotswolds because if you're not familiar with the world of painful and buggy that we got from the cottage living expansion pack was actually inspired like the whole world inspired by the area of the UK that is the corpse worlds and so basically I wanted it to feel like this Cottage you could find in the UK somewhere like down a little Street or maybe down like a little country road now I was looking at a picture when I was building this I'll find the picture and I'll pop it up on the screen now it's gonna have a little look now you'll probably look at the picture I'm thinking Jess that looks absolutely nothing like the build that we've got in the game that is on my screen right now and to be honest I didn't really end up using it that much as a reference picture it was more so something that I saw on Pinterest I really like the looked of it I fancy building something very similar to it like I said I wanted to build something with CC that was a little bit more of like a Cotswolds Cottage and so instead of trying to basically replicate it I just took the elements from it one of the things that I tried to kind of inflund into this build that I saw in the picture was a little front door area so if you was to look at the picture it's kind of got this little blue front door and so I thought I'd do the same thing in this build I feel like I'm a bit boring to be honest when it comes around to front doors because I've realized I don't really experiment with front door colors normally I just go for brown black or white so maybe this just due to the fact of we haven't really got that many colorful nice dual swatches in The Sims 4 without custom content but yeah I never really experiment with front door colors but I thought why not do it in this build make it look a little bit like the picture because the actual structure of the build looks absolutely nothing like it but then another thing I decided to take from the picture was all this ivy on the side of the house now when I was building this I really wanted to feel like it was still all Cotswold Cottage secluded in the countryside it's probably donkeys years old it's a bit overgrown it probably needs a gardener or two just to kind of like maintain it but it's got all this Ivy growing up here and if you actually look at the the initial structure of the house I mean I'm not gonna lie to you you can probably already tell it's not exactly the most interesting shape it's pretty much just a square and it's got loads of different Square bump outs or is it more of a rectangle I think it's more of a rectangle actually now looking at it but it's pretty much just a shape and it's got these other shapes coming off it but the front of the building is quite flat and so adding all these different pieces of IV all around just makes it a little bit more interesting it gives it a little bit more oomph even though that's not really a describing word but I'm going to use it gives it a little bit more character it's probably a better word than him but yeah I added all this ivy around the front of the build around the back of the build you don't see me actually add it to the back of the build just because when it came around to the landscape in the back I did decide to cut it out just because I didn't want to make this video any any longer than what it needed to be and the that back Garden IV and Landscaping is very similar to the front garden so I did decide to cut it out but anyway moving on and actually talking about what I'm doing right now and also telling you where all the different windows and doors are from because I'm gonna try and remember where everything is from and if I manage to pull this out of the bag and get all of this prepared then I'm actually quite proud of myself because I use a lot of CC in this build and I'm going to try and tell you where different bits and Bobs are from not every single object that I placed because I'll be here till next week but in terms of like the core things of the build or like things that stand out to me I'll try and remember where they're from and if I say somewhere and it's not actually the exact set from that Creator or it's not that exact crota I will put a bit of text on the screen but I feel pretty confident in my knowledge of my CC folder and so if you are curious the all the doors and the windows and I believe the wallpaper in and then the roof pattern as well is all by Felix Andre and hey Harry and it's from their organic set now that CC pack is one of my absolute favorites I love it so much I consistently use it in my own personal gameplay in my own personal builds my my Sims consistently use it it's just so it's just so beautiful like there isn't enough words to describe how good that CC pack is but it actually matter of fact all of the CC that I've used is just absolutely just chef's kiss I just love playing and building with CC so much because you can really get into the nitty-gritty details of CC and you can really just make something a little bit more to your Sims into a little bit more of a character but yeah if you are wondering all of the doors and the windows are from the organic set the shots that I've actually placed down onto the individual windows I believe they are from at Felix Andre themselves and it's from the Jordan set now this is probably my 112th I don't know what I said 112 just random number but this is one of the many reasons why I love cc so much because I've used a different front door to shutters like they're from completely different CC packs but they match do you know how much I appreciate that do you know I really wish the Sims team would really just take a leaf uh see Secrets books because the amount of times I've placed down on object into the game this come from the actual base game itself and it's not custom content or like just from a DLC and The Sims team love to give us all these beautiful swatches in front and don't get me wrong absolutely loving pieces but sometimes they'll give us things and then there won't be anything to kind of go along with it and so then if you it's it's just difficult to use the fact that I've used two different packs for the exterior like the front door and the shutters and they match it's probably in all fairness it is probably down to the facts of Felix Andre is also one of the creators of the organic set where the front door is from but just the fact that they carrying different swatches from their different perks it just makes all of their items so much more usable it's just and it's not even just with them two creators themselves I find that a lot the CC that I have in my game I often find different Furniture swatches that can match with other different CC creative stuff and it's just something which I mean why can this working CC characters do it not the actual Sim jumbo like why why can't they just follow along but yeah the Shottas themselves are from the Georgian set and then you might notice as well I actually went around and played some individual Stones onto some of the corners and edges of the build again going back to the actual structure of this house it's quiet it's quite boring it's pretty much just like a rectangle and it's got a few bump outs the ivy really helped give it a little bit more character but then also finding these individual little Stone pieces which are from the organic set again are pretty much I think ended up using the majority of the organic set within this build somewhere not in case of like the the actual build stuff but in the case of all the different Furniture pieces all the different buy stuff I'm pretty sure I plopped down at something from that pack everywhere within this build but the little Stone pieces in the corner again it just makes it gives it a little more a little bit more oomph but anyway moving on I'm actually getting back to talking about what I'm doing right now so as you can see I just finished up the front garden and now I've moved on into the back Garden you might notice in the front garden they end up being kind of like a little vegetable patch now originally I was thinking about placing down a garage there but then I was looking at it and I was thinking am I going to place down a garage just the fact to have to spit out the empty space didn't really know what else to do with it what's actually going to be on the inside of the garage that's going to be that interesting for gameplay and so I thought you know what I'm going to scrap the idea I'm gonna build a little tiny vegetable patch as I am building it on 30 by 20 it's one of the ones that is longer width ways than it is back to front I spoke about it's actually fairly recently in one of my previous builds when I did a Tudor family home in the world of windenburg but I really struggle on building on a lot sizes that are bigger width ways than lengthways and so when it comes around to the Garden I always feel like they I have a bit of a hard time basically when it comes around to doing the backgrounds and often I I struggle in terms of find and what to place down into it to make it feel like it's not too crumped in and so I decided to basically extend the back Garden onto the front garden it kind of like transitions around this little Alleyway and we've got a little vegetable patch but now as you can see I've moved on into the back Garden I've already placed down one of my favorite pieces of CC which I'm not sure if it's a cc piece or if it's mod it's kind of like a beautiful combination of the both you might have seen it it's this little slide now this is by rather Sheen I use this I'm not joking in every single one of my personal gameplay households that have got kids it's and they're going somewhere because it's a functional object the kids can actually start in it you know I absolutely love cc and I absolutely love cc croat is they're so smart why have we not caught something like that in the actual Sims 4 based game I mean I understand it's actually probably I say actually probably it's it's most definitely a very difficult thing to create for The Sims team to actually do and I know that they have like tight schedules and there's only a certain amount of items that can go into certain different clcs and stuff but we've got the toddler stuff pack many years ago now I don't know how long we've had that in our games but the toddler stuff pack does actually have a little tiny slide but only doctors can use it I'd love if they could just reuse that animation and just give us a little bit of a bigger slide because I mean rather she managed to do it ravishing is one of my absolute all-time favorite CC and mod creators a bit of a combination of both again this stuff is just a staple within my game and also I do want to mention I probably already should have mentioned this but if you are wondering and if you're worried I'm going to be linking absolutely everything in the description box of this video if you want to download all the CC that you're going to see I think the way that I'm going to do it is the same way that I've done it for my previous two CC builds and that is instead of placing down all the different individual links in the description box I'm going to link you to a Google doc link and then that way on the Google Doc link everything is going to be there because sometimes I find it's a little bit overpowering when you've got like 20 30 different links I don't know how many different links it's going to be but when there's a lot of different links in the description box it can look really crowded and just it can sometimes be a little bit overpowering for my eyes anyway and so I'm going to link you to a Google doc link that way it's easier and then you can go on to the link itself you can see the Creator you can see we can support them you can see where you can actually download this stuff and then I'll then link all the different individual like CC packs that they've used that they've used that I've used that they've created or like the individual like Standalone items that way it's just I personally find it much more easier and just a little bit more of a I don't want to say a better experience when you're downloading CC but it's just it's just easier I personally prefer that method anyway and also I think the way that I'm gonna do it I did this in my last CC build and I think you guys actually appreciated it in my last CC build I use a lot of CC like this build but what I did is the CC build that I did before that are basically linked all the different previous stuff I've I've used in my previous builds because if you're someone that likes to maybe download all the CC that I use whenever I do do CC build I know that sometimes and I've definitely done it a few times before I've downloaded the same sets or same bits of custom content they've already got into my game because I wasn't sure if I've got it and so what I'm gonna do on the Google Drive Link is I'm going to make a little key and then if I've used something in my previous CC build which was a huge family home in new Chris I'll highlight it a certain color don't know what the color is going to be yet maybe like pink or blue or something but if it's highlighted then that means that I've already previously linked to it from my previous CC build hopefully that's easy to follow but I'll put a little I'll put like a little description in the Google Doc link and I'll also give you like a little key so it's easier to follow along with but I find that is the easiest way to download CC for me personally anyway but yeah anyway getting back to it so as you can see I just finished up the back Garden the background it ended up having like a little patio table it had a little T sit on it the tea set it's actually new in my own personal gameplay I've recently downloaded it it's been out for a while but I don't know how I managed to skip it but it is by the it's the cold brew set which is by Pierre Sim now I previously had I say previously I've got all their stuff in my game I don't actually know how I managed to miss that one but I previously found it because I was looking for a floral wallpaper in my own personal gameplay because I'm not gonna go around the houses but I was doing a brownstone apartment and I wanted to have like a floral wallpaper to kind of match with my my Sims personally and then I found this really nice one that is from the cold brew step it is part two and so I downloaded it and it comes with some beautiful like little tea sets of like a little sugar little bowl and little individual cups I use that set a few times within this build but also you would have seen I did like a little outside seating area I think the the set that I use is Winter Garden which I believe again is by Pierce him it basically just ends up being like a little seating area it's got a three-seater sofa a two-seater sofa and then a really interesting circular armchair which is just I've never seen anything like it love it but I also plotted up the the individual like sofas and the armchair with loads of different pillows and blankets and again this is like my what were we on now like 113th reason well I've got some content so much we've actually got individual pillows and blankets and just stuff to make its places and look a little bit more comfortable so on the inside this house you'll notice there ends up being so many different like armchairs or beds or just places where you would sit down quite comfortably and they are just filled with pillows and blankets just to make it feel a little bit more comfortable a little bit more welcoming a little bit more homey that is a great actually that is a great way to describe the inside this house for me anyway personally it just feels so homey and wholesome and country-like and just I've really tried to make it feel as much like a Cotswolds Cottage as I could possible because I mean it just it's just beautiful it's very much given me the holiday you know the holiday the Christmas film very much wanted to go for like that kind of like warm inside feeling even though it looks absolutely nothing like the holiday house from that film which I actually recently found out it's actually a fake house I actually can't believe that I thought it was a real house but that's completely completely besides the point getting back to the building actually getting back to talking about what I'm doing right now so as you can see I've now moved on into the inside I just quickly do the little entrance hallway in the entrance hallway that ends up being like a little coat rack a little tiny bench again with some pillows and blankets and it ends up being side table but now I've moved on into possibly one of my favorite rooms that I think I've ever furnished ever in a few years of building the Sims 4 the kitchen as I say kitchen and dining room it's kind of like a kitchen also hallway space into the dining room I am so honestly I am so obsessed with this room and the way it ended up turning out and just a light in as well I mean you can already see on the other side of the room the way the lighting just comes down to the floor and then I'll end up placing down like a really beautiful rug there some little arm chairs just I am so in love with this kitchen but if you're wondering the counters that I'm using are by Felix Andre and I believe they are from the London set I think I might have possibly use these in maybe not my last previous video because I remember I did quite a modern kitchen in my last previous CC book but maybe one of the Parisian Apartments because if you're not aware previously when I've done a cc build I actually build a Parisian apartment like block building and they ended up being like a bakery and a Patisserie in the downstairs but then they ended up being at 3 separate apartments in the upstairs level I'm pretty sure I've used these counters in one of them Apartments before but they are some of my all-time favorite kitchen counters to use but I decided to actually go for the fruits that we've got from the cottage living expansion pack now I've said this a few times whenever I do do CC builds but whenever I do build with custom content I do try and minimize the amount of paid DLC content that I use in my builds because I personally whenever I'm building my custom content sounds bad but I kind of forget that we've actually got stuff within the actual game itself right from different expansion Parts just because cc is so good and I love it so much and so whenever I do do a cc build I really just try and take full advantage of all the different bits and pieces and all the all the bits and Bobs that I've got of CC and put them into a build and I've rarely ever use like paid DLC stuff but when it came around to doing the kitchen for this house I found the cottage living fridge kind of matches it quite nicely I'm not sure what what how many like different paid DLC Packs I use within this build I'm gonna do what I've done for my previously builds again within this video and I'm gonna tell you all the different individual packs I've used in the description box but then what I'm going to do is in Brackets I'm going to put the amount of items that I used from that pack just because when it does come around to doing it CC builds I really do just try and prioritize all the different custom content that I've got rather than the pay DLC stuff but sometimes the paid DLC stuff does creep in but it might be in like small little increments so say for example I might have used the cottage living expansion pack and so I might have wrote that in the description box but they might just literally just be the case of I've just used one item which would be the fridge and then when it comes around to downloading it if you don't have that expansion pack it's literally just one item and then you can just replace it with something else I feel like that's a lot easier as well and it's something that I like to do in my CC bills because I find that when sometimes I'll list off all the different packs and then I've got all these different CC links as well it can be a little bit intimidating but sometimes it's literally just a matter of I might have just used like a clutter piece or like one individual Furniture item from that Park and then if you don't have it it's like not the end of the world kind of thing but yeah I'll link it all or like I'll write all in the description box down below if you are curious but I feel like as well if you are someone that's recently gotten into the Sims 4 maybe you just recently downloaded it as the Sims 4 is now a free to play game Sims 4 custom content builds really handy because a lot of times CC creators will either create their own Standalone meshes or they'll use like a base game item to create a mesh off and then a lot of time all this stuff doesn't really require many DLCs itself so if you are someone that's recently gotten into the Sims 4 maybe you just recently downloaded it honestly I would look into it downloading some CC because you're gonna have a you're gonna have a great time let me tell you that one for free but yeah anyway getting back to the kitchen so I use the equation fridge and then I actually found this little tiny coffee machine which I believe the one that I've used is from my cup of CC and it looked like it was a matching coffee machine to the fridge I've said this a few times before but the cottage living fridge it really does resemble a Smeg fridge in real life to me and I've again said this before but one of the things I really aim to have in life is a Smeg fridge in my in my dream kitchen just because they're just lovely I just love the look of them and all so in real life you can get like some egg kettles and toasters and stuff and I actually found some CC that kind of matches it so I placed down at the little like coffee espresso maker which I believe the one that I placed Down is from my cup of CC and there was also a little individual toaster which unfortunately does not work it's just like a clutter piece but place it down next to the fridge and it looks like it's from the same kind of like Kitchen Collection I just love the little bits and pieces that you can really get into with CC but as well as that in the kitchen that ends up being like a breakfast bar that ends up being a sink on there I ended up placing down like some plants I think just some general like clutter bits and pieces I know I placed down some like individual details which why don't we have tea towels I mean like it's just things like this there was also a butter dish which I absolutely love the butter dish itself is by max20 if you are curious but it's just a small little intricate details of things that we have you know I was about to say I just don't ever buy a dish myself but I just use the top that you buy from the shop but people some people do have about dish and I love that and I love the Clutter of it and so place it down onto the little breakfast bar area and then the other side of the room originally when I was doing the floor plan I was thinking I'll be lovely to have like a really nice big sofa here maybe someone's cooking in the kitchen and then the rest of the family comes in has a bit of a chitchat and they can just sit on the sofa but then when it actually came around to actually working out the placement of the items there wasn't really enough space to have a sofa to make it not look cramped because I could have probably placed one down but it just would have looked a little bit too tight and so I ended up placing down two little armchairs and then also like a little table in between them a place down at some little cuts to make it look like maybe someone's having like a cup of tea cup of coffee or something but then you would have just seen me quickly just do the little dining room now I think one of the contributing factors for the kitchen hallway space into the dining room being one of my favorite rooms if not my favorite room that I've ever decorated in The Sims 4 before comes down to I use these doors which are from a Berlin Zip by Felix Andre but I use one door which is closed and then one door that is open is such a small thing it feels so realistic to me in real life downstairs upstairs wherever you are if you've got a kitchen door do you actually keep it closed I don't my kitchen drawers I don't think I've ever seen my kitchen door closed just small little details like that which I just love with CC and so I found these doors and I'll place them down side by side and they kind of look like someone's opened one of the doors hasn't shot it yet the other one's still closed but you can see what it would look like when it's closed it really honestly does come down to the final details for me because it's such a small thing it's literally just a door but it's a door which looks like it's a bit more realistic than a shot door I just like it but anyway in the dining room you want to see a place on the circular table in the middle which I believe the table itself is by freelance Andre and then the chairs I paired with it are from the organic set which is by Felix Andre and hey Harry and then it was quite a small little tight space ended up being basically just a room your Sims can go in there eat their breakfast eat their dinner eat their lunch whatever they're eating maybe just have a snack in there that also ends up being a bit of like a china cabinet at the back which I was originally you're going to use a different electronic cabinet like shelfing unit but then I actually found a different one which I believe the one that I ended up using in that room is by Felix Andre and it's from the London set so it kind of matches with the kitchen counters and it kind of looks a little bit seamless like the seamless transition from the kitchen to the dining room that sounds really formal I don't mean to sell for more there but it just matches it looks like whoever built this house just used the same Furniture pieces but now as you can see I've now moved on into this is actually a hallway space but originally it was going to be just a bit of a walkway for your Sims to come from the kitchen and then go outside into the garden but then I actually realized it was quite a big space when it came around to furniture and I didn't initially know what was going to put in here so then I decided to make it into a little bit of a home office I've rarely ever make home offices or like study spaces in hallways but I mean it worked out really nicely I ended up using this desk which is from Charlie pancakes honestly my favorite desk that is probably ever existed in terms of custom content I use this consistently if you've ever seen anything my previous CC builds nine times out of ten or actually no 10 times that's in that desk is in the build somewhere just because it's just so cute it looks like one of them tables that you would have in like a hallway space but then you can actually like fold it down and then you can make it into a little bit of a desk and so I use that in there and then I also use a little computer desk also put like a little file in cabinet decoration thing behind it I also found a printer which I believe the printer itself is part of the oak House Collection which is by Piero Sim and then I also placed it down on a little side table it ends up being like a little bookcase in there which the bookcase itself where I recently downloaded the lighthouse collection which is by Charlie pancakes absolutely beautiful I use it so much within this build you would have seen I actually placed down a bunch of paintings above the desk area then paintings you're going to see a few times in this build because I'm absolutely obsessed with him they are by Charlie pancakes from a lighthouse collection fairly new in my game and so because it's kind of like a new shiny item I used it quite a lot within this field but it's just just so beautiful but now as you were saying I just quickly furnish one of the hallways that was just kind of like a hallway space connecting the kind of like entrance hallway entrance corridor from where you're saying is walking through the front door from the kitchen to the lounge space it's just kind of like a little little I was about to say Alleyway it's not yeah you could do an inside Alleyway if you want to put it that way but now as you can see I've now moved on into one of the bathrooms quickly though before I talk about this bathroom can we talk about the clock that I placed down into the hallway just outside of this room in case you did miss it I'm pretty sure I'll spin the camera around in her second or two and you might be able to see it in the top left corner but following that I do end up using it on the upstairs portion of his house as well because I am just so in love with this clock honestly didn't even know I had it in my game until it came around and I was Furnishing the inside of this house the way that I could describe it if you didn't manage to catch it is basically if I could put this house into one single item and which would perfectly describe this house it will be that clock that sounds like a really strange way to describe it but if you actually see the clock It just fits the house completely it is just so perfect It just fits the whole Countryside living Cotswold Cottage cozy wholesome Vibe and it comes in the same Swatch as the kitchen counters and it's by a different CC crota which I don't think I mentioned it's my pacemaker but it's just it's just so perfect I am absolutely obsessed with it but again if you didn't manage to catch it when I did the little hallway space you'll see it on the upstairs portion of this build but I was just so happy when I saw it I'm just I'm so in love with that clock and the fact that it just matches the kitchen to a it's literally the exact same Swatch pretty much I mean what else could you actually ask for but anyway besides the point as you can see I'm now just going around and just decorating the inside of this little bathroom also utility room space now I normally only ever show the Furnishing for one bathrooms in my houses just because they look a bit boring a little bit repetitive it's only so many times that I can place down a toilet or a sink or a bathtub or whatever it is and it to be interesting and so I normally only ever show the furniture for one but where it did end up being a bit of a utility room space I decided to keep the footage in the counters that I ended up using in that room I'm pretty sure I'd buy a harrow and they're from the Country Kitchen Collection I'm pretty sure again if I'm incorrect about any of these different like creators and their individual packs that I've used I'll put a bit of text on the screen but I'm pretty sure they are from the country kitchen set which actually Harry had the country kitchen set before we got the Country Kitchen kit that is really difficult to say fast but if I was putting in there they ended up being a washing machine a tumble dryer also ended up being a bathtub I was about and putting down a shower wall but then I was thinking well this is on the downstairs port in the house I was imagining that Sims family that was going to live here would have a dog and normally when you take a dog out for a walk in the game they often come back a little bit dirty a bit smelly you don't really want that walking around in your house and so I thought a bathtub so once the dog has been for a walk you can just pop in there our bath and then they're good but anyway for such a point as you can see I've now moved on into the next room which ends up being the lounge space so in here I decided to use these sofas which I believe are from a peacemaker and then I decided to use the fireplace and TV well it looks like a picture frame but it actually ends up being a TV both of which are from the collaborations by hey Harry and Felix Andrei the fireplace itself is from the organic set and then the TV is part of the living room set so in here I wanted it to feel as cozy as welcoming and just as as wholesome as I could possibly next to the kitchen this is also a really big family room and so I did come in and just clutter it up with loads of different picture frame rooms and book and just little bits of bits and pieces again right right what is it 114th reason why I love cc we've got individual CC clatter off just portraits we've just got a crack here why was that not included Jack main like these things see CC creators they play as the game they play the game themselves they decorate in the game themselves they know what we need and little tiny portraits like that I end up using the portraits I placed down onto the fireplace I'm not driving about 15 20 different times in this build but it's all right because they come in about 20 different swatches and so I was able to change the faces in the portraits that is something which just helps you feel a little bit more realistic it feels a little bit more just like an actual Sims family are living in here because there is actual Sims in these paintings instead of just having pears and apples and once if one butterflies and a football team it just feels a little bit more like your Sims actually live in this house but in here I started to use this coffee table which is from the organic set like I said I use the organic set a lot in this build I use pretty much every single item they have within that set within this build somewhere but I also end up placing down a little grand piano in the corner which I think this one is the new one that I've recently downloaded because previously I've only ever had one piano from like CC I mean to be honest they actually look very similar the only reason why I decided to go for this one is because this one is by Felix Andre and it's part of the Florence set and you will notice it kind of perfectly matches the door that's directly next to it and that's because Felix Andre also created indoors and so it just it just meshes well it's what I mean by I love cc croaches just following their swatches from objects to objects and in this case the door is from the Berlin zip but the piano is from the Florence set but the swatches match because they carried them over and it's just it's really helpful when it comes around to building but it does look very similar to the piano that I've already got but the only reason why I decided to go for this one is just because it just matched with the rest of the house a little bit better but also much is the fireplace you know a little bit of wood on top of the fireplace I've just noticed it matches that quite nicely as well didn't need me to do that but it's just an extra added bonus but anyway as you can see I'm just moving over here and I've decided to actually clutter up these sofas with loads of different cushions and blankets I'm not gonna lie I've originally placed them down and I was meant to do it initially but then I just got a bit distracted by the other bits of CC that I've got my going so then when I actually turned the camera on to kind of like fill in the empty space behind these sofas I realized that they were looking very bare and so I came in and I crushed them up with loads of different cushions and pillows what is what is actually the difference I was thinking this when I was doing this because I've got CC of cushions and pillows but what is the difference between them because some of the CC that I've got they're classes pillows and some of them are class them as cushions but I don't I just don't understand like is there actually a difference or is it more so a case of tomato tomato no like where it's the same thing people say it differently or they have different words I think tomato tomato is actually a really bad example because that's just more so yeah absent but I can't think of anything else but you know there's certain words and like garbage rubbish like that kind of thing is it just one of them things or is it actually there there is a difference between a cushion and a pillar either way it was something that popped into my mind when I was Furnishing this house because some cc is labeled as pillows and some is just it's just cushions and so I had to type in both when I was cluttering up like armchairs and beds and stuff but also I do want to mention because I feel like it's probably a really good time to mention it the sofas work if you're wondering if with all the different pillows and cushions I'm saying it's the same thing in it I think so anyway but if you're wondering if they still work it still works your Sims will still sit on the sofa I've played this the whole entire house if you're not familiar with my channel which if you have been here for a while probably heard me say so many times by now but I play test every single one of my houses and I didn't really run into any problems when it came around to places in this house the only one problem that I run into which you haven't even seen me do because I actually did it off camera I placed down an exterior bin and then my Sims just couldn't put any rubbish in the bin but I actually realized it wasn't a me problem it was a game's problem because there's a bug racing like there's a few different there is many boxes in The Sims 4 currently but there is a more recent bug where where Sims won't recognize if there's an outdoor bin and I also find that sometimes it happens with laundries as well like you know the washing machine or the tumble dryer it will say oh there is no washing machine available in the lot when there is it could be right next to your sim but for some reason the game doesn't register it the only one problem that I came into when it came around to places in this build was I placed down an exterior outdoor bin which you don't see me do because I did actually forget it when I was doing the garden but then my sim just couldn't put anything into the bin but yeah everything works the the big like sofas and all the different pillows and completely work as soon as we'll sit on them no problem whatsoever but just behind the little sofa era I ended up adding this bookcase which the bookcase is by a Charlie pancakes and again absolutely just love this new Lighthouse collection it came with also a little individual framed print I don't know if you might have noticed it I'll place it down as the fireplace but it came with like a sofa I think an armchair they put cases but the amazing thing is about it instead of just having the bookcase and then the book's already been in it it's more so a build a bookcase Builder but you know like build a bookcase so it's like the shelving unit and then you actually have the individual pieces over like the book clutter to place in it and the good thing about this is sometimes I might just want to go full ham and just have a really big like little personal library in my sims houses which I found out by the way recently and I'm going off subject here again but I actually found out recently you only need I think it's a thousand books in your house or in your apartment to have a personal library or it to be class as a library I thought that was quite interesting but either way if you do fancy having a Sim that's got their own little personal Library you could just clutter up these shelving units with just tons of different books and just layer them upon one another or if you fancy it you could just place down a few different pieces of book cluster and then you can also fit it in with maybe like photo frames or maybe bits of pottery and just maybe a few plants here and there I think the actual shelf itself even without any books in it I'm pretty sure works as a bookcase because when I was protesting it I was making sure everything works of course because I mean again I've places this house but I'm very when it comes around to protesting I literally will protest everything but I was playing testing whether the books work as an individual item or whether it was like the shelving unit and I found that the actual shelving unit itself despite there being nothing in it it would still work as a bookcase which it was just interesting it was just it's just nice just to have that but anyway moving on besides when as you can see I've now moved on into one of the first bedrooms now I have just realized up until this point I have completely just failed to mention how I decorated this house in terms of all the different bedrooms and what age groups I decorate them to be for and also what kind of Sims so in case you're curious I am going to move on into the bedrooms in literally a matter of minutes but just before we pop on into them if you're curious I end up decorating the bedroom Mr Boom one for a set of parents one for some grandparents or like a singular grandparent and there is also a kid's room and then a teen's room the bedroom that you just see me do downstairs I was personally imagining could be more so for like a single grandmother now when it came around to a Furnishing the inside of this house no normally I like to have a little bit of a little bit of a storyline a little bit of just something to work off so I could kind of decorate the house to be suited to certain seams with a certain storyline you know they've got certain careers and they've got certain interests and hobbies and stuff and then that way it can kind of help me build but to be completely transparent with you I didn't really have that when it came around in this build I just wanted to build something cozy and wholesome and fun and I also just wanted to build something with CC I mean to be fair maybe a slight advantage of this is where it was more so just kind of like a generic house you can pretty much have I mean you can have any kind of Sims even in any of my builds and I always say if you want to download my builds and you want to change it and you want to order it to do you know suit your Sims feel free to do so but at least this way it's a little bit more of a generic house you know it hasn't got any certain bits and pieces that I place down because the scene that I imagine to live here is in a certain career or they've got a certain skill they like to do something in their free time at least this way it's a little bit more generic but yeah I actually realized until I came around to the first the actual individual bedrooms I was thinking hang on a minute I don't actually know who I'm finishing this for and then I just made them wholesome and cutesy and just what I thought looked nice and yeah but anyway getting back to talking about what I'm doing right now so as you can see I've now actually moving on to the upstairs portion of the house and I started off by Furnishing actually the hallway but I did decide to cut the whole way out just because it looked quite similar to some of the other like hallway entry spaces within the build and I just didn't want to make the video any any longer than what it needed to be I meant to be honest you might be able to catch slight little glimpses of it as I kind of spin the camera around in both the bathrooms and also the bedrooms because the upstairs portion of his house is quiet it's quite I don't say a small but it's it's not exactly the biggest thing so you can't actually see the next room over so you might be able to catch some certain glimpses of it but I just yeah like I said I didn't want to make the video unnecessarily long and it does end up being quite similar to some of the other hallway spaces within the build and so I decided to cut it out but like always there will be some screenshots at the end of the video to show you how I decided to furnish it but currently I'm just going around and I'm Furnishing the upstairs bathroom so in the bathroom I decided to use I'm pretty sure the same bar of top that I use in the downstairs one which is by Charlie pancakes and I believe it's from the soap set and then in terms of the challenges that I use in the kitchen not the kitchen the countries that I use in the bathroom I believe that they are from the Country Kitchen kit that's why I said kitchen because they're from the Country Kitchen kit and they are by a hurry they are the same ones that use in the downstairs laundry space and then I just used a shower which I believe is from the bath room it's like I'm trying to empathize on the buff because it's like baf room from hey Harry and Felix Android and then I believe I just use a toilet from max20 I don't know what I realized I don't actually have that many cc showers and bathtubs in my game but I mean I say that I'm also lacking in the shower CC Department I've got I think like a handful of different bathtubs but in terms of CC showers I think I've only got maybe like three possibly four but one thing that I know that I am severely lacking in and if anyone's got any recommendations please let me know I haven't really got any CC for shower and bath combos I think I've got one but it's more of the not like the traditional old style classic kind of bathtub combo that's the only one I've gotten so if anyone knows of any like modern CC that is bathtub and shower please let me know because I'm definitely in the market for some new ones because I need to really update some of my bathroom items I mean I've got so many different CZ perks at this point I'm quite surprised I haven't got more of them combos but it is something that I have picked up on of like it's especially when it comes around to doing my own personal like household because I was looking for one and I couldn't find one so yeah if you do have any recommendations please let me know but precise Point as you can see I've now moved on into one of the upstairs bedrooms now this is the bedroom that I decorated to be for a little kid and I was personally imagining like a little girl so in here I decided to use this bed which I believe is from the country collection by Harry and then I think the mattress that I put on top of it isn't meant to go with this bid but it kind of like Blends in seamlessly I feel like you would think that the mattress is made for the bed because if you're not aware which I feel like a lot of people are probably aware of this by now but one thing what it is like the 115th reason well obviously see quotas and CC work juicing Journal so much but instead of just giving us like just a standalone bed CC creators a lot of the time will give us the bed frames and then the bed mattress right so you can like place it on because sometimes you might want a certain color wood but then you might want a certain color bedspread but then if the same object if them too things like tied together it can be quite difficult but CC creators going back to it this is one of the reasons why I love them all so much they give us them pieces individually so much well it's honestly it's so much more of a fun way to decorate bedrooms because you can really just make something however you want it to exactly be because the amount of times I've come in and I've done bills and I want it to look a certain way and I wanted to use a certain bed because of the certain like bed spread color but I couldn't use it because the wood color didn't really match with the rest of the house and so they don't you have to end up using a different bed but see secret is like I said they also play the game they also build in the game they know what we need and it is just it's so fun whenever you do at CC bedrooms because you honestly have so many different customization options but the bread frame itself like I said it is by Harry and then the mattress I think the one that I use is by Piero Sim and it's from the oak House Collection and then because it was quite a I want to say like a higher headboard or like high back to the actual initial bed itself I decided to merge in a cushion which I believe is from a harrow I'm not sure which collection is from but I think it's from Harry I basically merged in to the actual headboard itself to make it look a little bit more plush and a little bit more comfortable because I mean me personally I love a headboard it's got a little bit of cushion because if it's just like a wooden headboard I feel like it hurts my back or it hurts my neck or my head and so I like having a feel for a bit of a cushion or just Chuck a pillow behind it sometimes and so I chucked a pillow onto the bed to make it a little bit more comfortable for the kid but also in that room that ends up being quite a big wardrobe that ends up being like a little better table an armchair and our place down some more like pillows into it also merging a teddy bear and then also place down a little toy box a teddy bear and also at this same desk that I use on the downstairs portion you know what I was talking about I always have this one favorite desk and it's by Charlie pancakes I love it so much I use it twice in this house and so I used it in the little kids room as well I also placed on a bunch of different like posters and Polaroids and just bits and Bobs that felt a little bit more kid-like in that room but now as you can see I've now moved on into the next bedroom which is for a teenager quickly though I feel like I need to give a little bit of a disclaimer I don't know what's happened but it's like the the ovens are open and it is absolutely chucking it down outside which I normally wouldn't mention when it's raining but I don't know if you can hear it it is so loud currently with the the rain is hitting my windows at such force it is creating such to be honest it might be a nice Ambience actually for the video but if you can hear something in the background I don't know what happened it's just it's all of a sudden just started chucking it down rain and so if you can hear anything that is what it is like I said maybe it's just a nice bit of Ambience but I thought I'd mention it just in case you did start to hear a little bit of a difference in the crown noise but yeah as you can see and like I just mentioned I've now moved on into the teenager's bedroom so in here I decided to use this bed which is a fairly normal game this is the first time I've actually placed it down into a build it's by Felix Andre and on the downstairs level when I was doing it the Grandma's bedroom I was really stuck on what best watch to use for this bed on the downstairs I ended up settling on it was kind of like a a cream brown one it's got these little like stripes in it I don't know if you would have noticed but in that room as well a place down off a little ottoman which is by Piero Sim I think and it's from their Cal Calderon Cowell drone set never know you say that one a blaze down this little ottoman that is from that set and it just so happened that it had like a very similar stripe on the Ottoman and then it kind of like matched with the bedspread it was just like a seamless thing that kind of looks like it was meant to happen like it was meant to be there but either way on the downstairs level when I was picking out the bed I noticed that this bird comes in so many lovely beautiful swatches and so I was having a bit of a hard time trying to pick out which one I was going to use but then I decided you know what I'm just going to use the same bed on the upstairs level but I'll just change it to be a different color and so up for the teenager's bedroom I decided to use it but it's kind of like this white bedspread it's got these tiny little blue dainty flowers and they just looked so so adorable and so I had to use it in that room I also ended up placing down like a little little teddy bear or I think it's meant to be like a polar bear or something in between the pillows which again at the same it's the same kind of scenario for the pillows or like the armchairs and the sofas downstairs I've protested it and it doesn't interfere with your Sims I was a little bit worried that your Sims face might go into the teddy bear but I play test it and I can tell you with confidence that your Sims are fine I don't even realize it's there it's just a nice little nod to the fact that it's a teenager but they still sleep with a stuffed animal it's cute I like it it's cute say but also in that room I end up placing down like a wardrobe a little chest of drawers a mirror a few Polaroids in the wall but now as you can see I've now moved on into the last room in this house which is the parents bedroom so in here I decided to use the same bed that I use in the kids room so it's by a Puro Sim and it's from the oak House Collection but it's the double bed version again this is why I love say so much because I've got this same bed but I've got it in double mattress form single mattress form and I think I might even potentially have it in like toddler bed form it's just if you wanted to you could literally have the whole household have a matching bedspreads I don't know why you would but in case you want two the option is there but either way as well as that I also end up placing down this bed frame which is from the insomnia collection by Charlie pancakes now I'm pretty sure this is one of the first pieces of CC that I downloaded which feels like forever ago I'm pretty sure when I first started getting into CC properly this is one of my first pages that I downloaded and still to this day I use it consistently whether it be in CC builds that I show all to you guys or whether it be in building my own personal gameplay it's just such a good bed and I use it in so many different builds in so many different styles but I end up placing down all these different like pillows into it making it look a little bit more like cozy and comfortable I also end up placing down at quite fairly long Chester drawers in this bedroom as well as I think it's class as a love seat or a cuddle seat is that it's basically it's this armchair but it's not big enough to be a two-seater sofa but then it's also too big to be a single armcher so it's a bit of a a cuddle sofa or a cuddle suit but if white place that down into this bedroom as well and then also just go around finish off at mirror and a few different photo frames and then that is pretty much it so anyway guys I'm gonna go ahead and learn this voiceover right here as always you can download this build of why the gallery my gallery ID is Jessica pie YT which is searched the hashtag Jessica priority or just the hashtag now I do want to remind you as I am using CC in this build you will need to click the enable custom content tab onto the gallery so you can view this and download it into your game but apart from that thank you all so much for watching and as always if you do like my content then please subscribe and hopefully I will see you in my next Sims 4 speed running video bye guys foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music]
Channel: Jessicapie
Views: 68,995
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the sims 4, sims 4 speed build, sims 4 mansion, sims 4 house, sims 4 family home, sims 4 large family home, sims 4 family house, sims 4 generations, sims 4, sims 4 house building, jessicapie, jessicapieyt, sims 4 big family house, the sims, sims 4 generations house, large family home, sims 4 generations home, sims 4 cc folder, sims 4 cc build, sims 4 cc house, sims 4 cottage living build, sims 4 cottage build, family cottage sims 4, cc cottage sims 4, sims 4 cc shopping
Id: A7NohgLI4Q8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 8sec (2948 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 18 2022
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