24-Hour ALL YOU CAN EAT Korean BBQ Buffet BREAKFAST & CHEAP Eats Around Hongdae

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good morning random office chairs it's about 9 30 in the morning and this is another reason among the countless reasons why i love this country 9 30 in the morning my breakfast is gonna be all you can eat korean barbecue [Music] this place is a famous 24-hour all-you-can-eat korean barbecue restaurant but i forgot one important detail this morning so so recently race to level two um because of kovat so all the restaurants must close by 9 p.m including this one so uh they're just about to open i've been sitting here for about an hour waiting for them to open now but usually this will be 24 hours but because of these crazy times they had to modify his hours but i'll be open soon [Music] it's really nice you saw me stunning outside and they're going to let me wait in here while they heat everything up and open good thing about having korean bbq for breakfast nobody else here and while we're waiting a big shout out and thank you to raycon earbuds for sponsoring this video and continuing to support this channel like i told you guys before this i actually bought a really expensive pair of earbuds but after trying this out this is how i use now first of all beautiful color it's blue my favorite well that's gray but i wear a lot of blue shirts also what i love doesn't fall out the other pair i think i dropped at least five six times also i think my year is shaped a little weird like the old ones they tend to fall out sometimes but these stays on tight which is really useful because i wear these in the gym i wear these running so a lot of bouncing around and these ones are the everyday e25 i have two phones that i use a super old iphone that i use on international trips and my regular samsung both both cracked and this thing connects seamlessly to both phones it's compact you get six hours of play time per charge and also what's great about this is that recon was co-founded by ray j and their goal is to provide innovative year but designs that won't break the bank and i think they really succeeded here so if you want to give this a try go to the link down below or go to buy recon dot com slash mikey chang you'll get 15 percent off your order and this will make amazing holiday gifts i carry mine around everywhere and raycon eurobuds start at about half the price of other premium earbud brands and they sound just as amazing as other top audio brands what's also great is that you can try them out for 45 days you don't like it get your money back all right i can finally take off my jacket that the charcoal is burning the meat is here and for an extra 50 cents um you can buy their their self-serve bar which i'll show you with tons of veggies and pancetta all right time for breakfast [Music] [Music] [Music] so there's different cuts of meat there's the top blade the sirloin and this is the best this is the kobe look at the fat on that and then there's some pork jaw merry breakfast so what happened you know korean barbecue makes me happy and eating it that's the first meal today makes the whole day better every piece so juicy awesome charcoal grill does preserve so much of that great smoky flavor a little wasabi on your meat this is the best breakfast i had in korea so far oh not focus measuring too i'm trying to eat this as quickly as possible because i cooked everything and it's kind of burning on the grill right it's the best cut coffee for sure was that sherlock too actually every piece so much juice also dipping it a little sesame oil salt and pepper really no wrong way to eat korean barbecue and this thing even though it's a lot of meat you can eat a ton of vegetables with it a little some meat kimchi chili's sauce wrap it up i think i'll see you guys we're on keto right now south korea be the best place i mean you just eat the stuff every day okay round two [Music] there's something about watching meats grill right in front of you it's sizzling and crackling and it's you know wintry weather outside it's freezing cold something so comforting about that especially when a little bit of fat drizzle down to the charcoal you get a little fire going i just want to like put my hands here and just pretend i'm kind of sitting on a circular little mini fireplace where life could be good again hey you have your way to de-stress i've got mine this is one of my favorite things about being in south korea korean bbq is one of my all-time favorite things to eat in the world and to be able to just find places that are always open well during normal times and just whenever you have a craving to be able to just know that somewhere out there this place like this is open and ready for you you can see how much juice is in the meat every time you touch it a little bit fire just shoots up [Music] i was finally able to like not concentrate on filming just concentrate on cooking for a little bit holy cow also i love the affordability of this place something like this like as much beef as um i'm eating right now usually 50 60 at a regular korean barbecue place this place all you can eat for i think eighteen thousand wong nineteen thousand long that's like 18 not gonna find out anywhere outside of korea also i've just found out this place buso actually means unlimited korean beef but just because it says that don't sleep on that pork that pork chop is amazing when korean barbecue places and hot pots are like one of the only times i drink soda i love chelsea and cider my favorite thing to drink here and the staff here is so nice i just found out the the pork chop normally isn't part of the buffet but they're so nice they brought some for me oh that was piece of the blade you cooked that blade me right perfection and also what i love is you see right over there every time i look over there by that big rice cooker there's there's new plates of beef waiting for me so as soon as i'm running low i run over there and grab a new plate and the party continues round four i like my pork a little toasty on the outside you get that great sear so you can trap all that juice in and provides a tiny bit of crunch when you munch on it a little bit of salt a little bit of salt olive oil that just brings a smile to your face and that's really uh why i started this channel i remember i never thought it was gonna you know amount to anything i just remember like eating food and this is different for everybody when i'm eating food just during that meal i kind of like transported into into like a different space where it's really not a lot of stress there's not a lot of worry just kind of pure joy and happiness and i think we all need some of that especially right now my meat just fell into the sock pile it's gonna be a salty bite so good just finished it looked over here like magic all right since i'm still getting lunch after this i'm gonna cap it at eight rounds [Music] after all that beef i feel a little wobbly but since i didn't get to eat any cold noodles during that barbecue i'm looking for some cold noodles there's a really really good place i want to go to i think some cold noodles right now it would just balance me out oh another malaton place that looks good too this place all you can eat bibimbap but it's closed no not that i was gonna eat it today but i wanted that that's all you can eat bibimbap who doesn't want that all right so this is the place this is the place got they got a leon cold noodle and with looks like grilled pork okay can i eat more i can eat more so many famous people came here i'm trying i'm trying to force my my the beef i just ate into like a different section of my stomach so i have like space for the noodles but this looks really really good so this is a pretty popular place a lot of k-pop people have been here you get the spicy cold noodles if you never have cold noodles in korea it's one of my favorite things especially like i like eating this with barbecue um because you can wrap this around the meat and it tastes spectacular so i'm kind of sad to have this during the last place but check it out they give you barbecue meat this is the first time i've been to where you order the noodles and give you barbecue meat all this for around six dollars [Music] so pretty i don't even want to damage this it looks like a nest with the egg on top cucumber radish beautiful cold noodles [Music] oh there's so good it's like the noodle that never ends it's weird to say i feel like this is exactly what i need after just eating meat non-stop for the last hour and a half chilies are wonderful and a subtle sweetness from the radish the noodles are so springing so spring you let me bungee jump off a bridge with this i feel pretty safe what's amazing they gave you this little plate of pork and it's gonna pick a fatty piece use the noodles to wrap it up [Music] that pork is good too also when you feel like something warm super soup add a bit of vinegar and some mustard and what's even better about this is that sometimes i can't choose between whether i want the chili noodles that the one that's kind of not soupy and kind of dry or the soup noodles here don't need to choose at all they bring you both the best of both worlds [Music] that's pretty perfect after barbecue i feel like there really is a section of my stomach where barbecues go and in a section where noodles go like i'm chowing down on these noodles it's like it's like my first meal of the day for those of you guys who are fans of one piece this is the shop so there used to be a cafe here but this is it's just a shop now it's way smaller than it looks it looks huge just passing by my way to a burger that's right oh you can eat korean barbecue noodles no burger it's only like one o'clock there we go 60s burger so what they serve here is a three dollar burger it looks pretty big look at it for a three dollar burger i gotta say this is another burger that looks like an in-n-out burger i feel like most korean burger jeans i've been to it looks like an alburger i mean it looks good but they all kind of look the same well this is not a three dollar burger this is more like a 350 burger i got a double patty but it looks really good two patties freshly grilled cheese on top lettuce tomatoes tastes like anything else fresh [Music] that's a delicious burger but i don't think i've ever been into like a layer of lettuce that's bigger than a beef patty look at this look at the size of my padding look at the size of my lettuce layer there is so much veggies on this burger my mom work in the kitchen i tend to like this side more than this side beef patties you can tell nice and fresh again but they cook it on a spot for you cheese is melty vegetables i'll even pay them a compliment fresh refreshing crunchy juicy overall really slow burger for not a lot of money after this going back for some amazing milk tea whoa there's a little arcade machine i would want to take that home if i lived around here that's so cute [Music] i never tried the sparkling chandelier before i'm gonna try that they have these cool bottles of milk tea as well in this place they have uh tea courses as well um it's probably one of the best little tea places i've found in so let's save this for later that's a cute cat this is so cool so it's black tea ice cubes and you put sugar on the side of the cup so you can take a sip so you sip it kind of like a margarita and the straw is just to kind of stir things up oh wow it just tastes so pure like from a mountain stream of tea amazing tea flavor slight bitterness nice citrusy flavor from the lemon not too sweet perfectly sparkly by far my favorite tea shop in south korea so if i found my favorite dessert shop and my favorite tea shop after this to prevent myself from transforming into a dumpling i'm gonna go back and hit the gym see then speaking of workouts like almost every park i've been to around seoul always had tons of these like pretty cool workout equipment so if you can't find a gym especially i mean maybe not now because it's pretty cold but especially in the summer or fall when when the weather is not bad it's pretty nice to work out around here you go by the river what do you get a good workout in [Music] oh this smells so good oh it's the garlic bread that's sweet oh my god that bakery smells so good as soon as i got off the train they served those uh really famous garlic bread but for some reason garlic bread in this country it's sweet it's like a dessert it's not a good thing at least i'm not used to it it's way too sweet it's good on the first bite but after that kind of feels like eating dessert [Music] good morning today i feel a lot better last night i didn't eat anything after all you came back oh i had a milk tea but that's about it so that's kind of my way of trying to keep healthy it's not trying to it's not overstuffing myself every single meal but today it's lunch time i'm starving got a good place to show you guys my eating partner krista is with me hello again we're neighbors by the way so that's why we're like every day like let's go use something what's that oh it makes me homesick a little bit they have every part of the pig yeah like the pork belly and the neck i like every part of the pig even the tail you ever had it it's good all right unfortunately they only have barbecue starting at 1pm it's okay got another good place [Music] [Music] this looks amazing two pots of chicken completely different way of cooking one looks like scallions potatoes glass noodles braised in this chili sauce the other one looks like chilies udon noodles slices of fatty beef looks like he's braised in a soy sauce type broth so much happiness it's about to enter my mouth oh that's great it's a slightly sweet soy sauce based broth and the flavor steeped in so well it kind of tastes like a three cup chicken i don't know if you guys ever had a three cup chicken a time when each dish kind of tastes like that a little sweet a little spicy but a lot of amazing umami flavors and they all have potatoes cooked in which is the best ingredients when it comes to like super flavorful soups and broths also look at that noodle this thing's changed color already no very similar to a three cup chicken and the meat is so tender definitely you did with kimchi a little vinegary flavor goes hand in hand with this i just bit into a potato oh i love that potato i might like that more than chicken let's give me a pot of potatoes spoiled in this broth luckily on the other side it's mostly potatoes that's the best way to eat this the star is not just the chicken it's definitely the broth too the set is more of the traditional gochujang the flavors can't decide which i like more this one is deeper flavor and this one's just spicier ain't no rule saying you can't combine the two take some of the fatty beef take it for a little swim in the chili sauce same thing with the chicken [Music] same gray with mommy flavor a little more spicy that was a successful integration ain't nobody calling foul on that speaking of how the only reasonable thing to eat after eating some chicken is gotta eat a duck there's a really good duck place nearby i'm gonna finish this first you like that oh yeah it smells really good chicken that's a really good chicken i don't even usually like chicken that much like fried chicken is good yeah but that was good yes okay now we're gonna go eat duck oh so cute i didn't want to eat it [Music] anymore foreign all right let me let me just explain what transpired on this hot plate right here so this is half a duck it's it's a lot for half a dog mushroom goes in and and he put the uh the veggies the the chives and potatoes downstream from the ducks so all that great fat leaks onto the potatoes and the chives cooking the vegetables and then it comes over it with this bucket of garlic and i'm thinking how much you're gonna put it puts like like like like a cupful of garlic onto the duck meat so this thing right now is just infused with chilies and garlic and the even the vegetables look absolutely divine let's eat what's the equivalent of uh let's eat in korean what she said all right so delicious dog ginger juicy fatty covered in garlic even that rice cake is so good mushrooms everything duck is so fatty an incredible amount of flavor and it gets better as you chew as that duck fat kind of breaks down your mouth onto your tongue and you've got so many bun chunks here apparently this is a native korean vegetable that's really refreshing this is one of those um restaurants that we were walking around we kind of it kind of popped up and we we looked into it ratings weren't great but it looked really good so give it a shot glad we did i like this place very good place i can't believe i have a duck i thought it was a whole duck no i wish we got a whole duck actually we wanted to get a hold up then we saw the reviews we're like now maybe we should have that always trust your food instinct always be careful especially when you get to the bottom without seeds i think the extra heat is perfect for the doctor please remember professionals only okay especially when you get down here that'll let you up this whole meal is about thirty dollars for two people and you get so much and they actually give you quite a large amount of duck i think it's pretty worth it about to walk out but then the owner brought out this bowl look at this i think it's sesame noodle soup i think these are ham made noodles i had this last time i can't leave without eating this [Music] gorilla grilling oh it's so nice i had something similar to this last time i was here it just ground up sesame in the broth oh it's so fragrant it's kind of like eating a sesame paste but like a savory version good thing to kind of tie everything i ate today together just got back home and it's hitting me hard nap attack so i'm gonna take my bell babe and head over to bed thank you guys so much for watching see you later
Channel: Mikey Chen
Views: 767,232
Rating: 4.9377308 out of 5
Keywords: korean bbq, korea bbq, korean barbeque, korean noodles, spicy noodles, korean eats, korea eats, cheap eats, cheap eats korea, korean cheap eats, korea cheap eats, korean food, korea food, hongdae, food, eating, dining, restaurant, seoul, seoul south korea, south korea, korean, eat, korea travel, korean tourism, korea tourism, hotel, airline
Id: 5_avZ7flNDw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 7sec (1567 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 10 2020
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