1,000 YEAR OLD FOOD MARKET! British Food Tour of Borough Market in LONDON

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Typical rainy, windy day here in London. Is it weird I love weather like this? Anyway, my first full day here and I thought I start off with some street food at one of the oldest markets in the world Let's go I'm here at the Borough Market which is some shape or form has been around for over a 1,000 years I know this place is a little tourist-y but I also feel like is one of those places where you gotta visit when you're in London and right now i'm starving, it's got food, let's go eat. there are a ton of food stalls here the first thing i want since i'm in London let's get a meat pie! there's steak pie, bacon pie, chicken pie, ve-vegan pie we'll stay away from that pipin' hot gravy over mash potatoes and this pie my first meat pie in the UK this thing apparently has everything in here beef, bacon and pork wonderful flaky crust man, i'm in oh this pie is ridiculously crusty oh my gosh that is a lot of filling a lot of meat inside that pie crust okay this is gonna get really messy because i'm tryna do this with one hand but let's try this out i totally just ruined the crust but let me just take a big o' bite here ah that first bite that is exactly what i needed on a day like this crust, crunchy and flaky this pie is just so immensely meaty mash potato is wonderfully creamy maybe i shouldn't have started with this because this is a really substantial meal this is such a rustic dish meat and potatoes and pie crust but if you want a hearty, meaty, make you feel good kind of dish especially on a cold, rainy day don't have to look further than this i don't typically do this but i got the vegan version as well because this is the one that they won a bunch of awards for and i got it without the gravy so i can really taste the crust it's carrots, tomatoes, onions and all sorts of other veggies and it's cooked in a red wine sauce i think what make this so good and it's a big part of it is the buttery crust and without the gravy dripping all over it you can really tell how flaky and crispy and buttery the crust is i don't know if you guys can hear the crunch but you can put most things inside this crust and it would taste good the filling very tomato-y very robust flavours i think in terms of just pure flavours this is better than the meat pie can't believe i'm saying that right now and it has lots to do with the gravy and sauce these veggies are cooked in just so thick and flavourful and fragrant that wrapped in a crispy pie crust i can see why this is a winner still wish there's some meat in here though oh my god check it out roast hog and whoa that is a whole roast hog i can smell the spices cooking on this thing from here this looks amazing what i love about the market is there so much free samples too you get to try the food and they're cooking up sausages here wow, thank you thank you that be great it's so charred on the outside, mm this is the pork wrap and wow, there's a lot of spices in this i see a bunch of cumin coriander and the pork is just ridiculously juicy and tender i can tell just by squeezing on my hands! and as you saw they put a lot of pork in this wrap let's get a big o' bite i adore this wow oh man this is perfect in every single way where you been all my life? pork extremely, extremely tender and so so juicy i mean usually when you see whole roast pig what your biggest fear is that it's dry not this i mean this pork is moist as this country's weather and what's so incredibly genius of them is that they wrap some grains around the meat which not only prevented it from making the wrap all soggy it provides that needed crunch that sweet veggie relief from all the fat from the pork my mouth is just filled with juice from the pork also there's some sort of apple sauce in here as well that gives a little sweet, slightly tingy flavour this thing is seemingly like a like a simple pork wrap but there's so much going on and that's all on top on the deliciously roasted juicy pork oh my gosh oh uh speaking of uh wet and moist uh let's get out of here ooh jeez i'm not scared of the rain i was just really tryna save this sandwich next thing i got. scorched egg this thing got cold really quickly made with chorizo sausages on the outside little salt and pepper nice colouring in the egg. it's just a little dry it's actually pretty good spicy, egg yolk's creamy i think it would be much better if it was pipin' hot love this spicy chorizo love the crunch on the outside also don't sleep on the baker's market and this place suppose to have amazing donuts ahh this is going to be awesome uh homemade jam and then the caramel please i don't think i've been this excited about a donut for a long time honey comb on this one this is a jam this is the caramel and this is the combo i'm starting with the combo just from holding this in my hand, i know this is going to be a really airy doughnut it feels so light the cream inside tastes absolutely gorgeous this one can taste the different types of spices the cream is soo cool and not overly milky and not overwhelming at all it's almost like it's almost refreshing the doughnut you can see how airy this is and i didn't even know there still was something inside this the whole thing feels so incredibly light and that goes to show how light the cream is it's like angels made this and they floated down from heaven there's rum raisin inside this as well this is filled with homemade jam and this one feels like it has a little weight to it none of that angelic cream inside of this doughnut sweet and tangy and fresh raspberry jam but i gotta say definitely not as good as the cream the caramel these are probably the only doughnuts in the world that the more you eat, the lighter you become the caramel cream inside i just want someone to IV me up and pump this thing directly into my blood stream that's my favourite so obviously guys, if you're over here, this is the donut shop that you do not want to miss get it? do-not, donut i'm sorry, it's all the sugar this store is serving duck confit this is my duck sandwich and it's just overflowing never had a duck sandwich before but look how massive this thing is there's a lot of bones in here! the flavour is really good but it's a bit on the dry side let me try to bite from the middle it's better i like the chunni again the overall flavour is on point maybe if i got it in the beginning of the day would have been better but right now, a lil dry kind of disappointing i had really really high hopes for this i mean it looked really really good and i was really hoping for a greasy fatty bite of duck and it just didn't happen here i'm smelling something super cheesy and look what i found is that not the most beautiful bubbles you have ever seen gotta eat this quick this is far more cheese than the little club place that i went to in Paris cheese with the rind over potatoes, salt and pepper, some pickles that is creamy potatoes seems to have a slightly grilled flavour i just want to be hugged by that cheese perfectly paired with the pickles that just gets your mouth ready for another cheesy bite quality of this cheese too really fragrant, incredibly milky perfect amount of saltiness with these potatoes this is actually a great balance plate of food just when you think it's getting a little too cheesy, even though it's not possible the pickles brings you right back there's some bites where the cheese a little toasty god, i love burnt cheese there are also a lot of stalls here obviously for the famous salsa beef sandwich but i already got a place somewhere to go to for that so im not going to have it here i've been here about 2 hours now and i feel like i've been pretty much eating non-stop but how come i still feel so hungry feel like i haven't been eating anything i mean normally this is a good problem to have but i spent a lot on food already also i love this market there's ton of food stalls like fresh produce and get that compared to other markets it's pretty pricey but the food most of what i had extremely delicious especially that pork sandwich and that doughnut and i love the whole food vibe here it seems like everybody's coming here for the sole purpose of eating and everyone i met from the people eating here to the vendors are super super nice it's almost like having a big meal with extended family and that's the thing with food it just makes you feel better, happier, is a great uniter of people and guys, i'll list all the food stalls i went to in my description box below thank you all so much for watching until we eat again, see ya later hi. it's 3.30 in the morning and extremely jet lagged and also i-i can't help but feel like today is just incomplete because i need that soft beef sandwich and i know exactly where to go for it. yeah, even at 3.30 in the morning and here it is, beigel shop over a 100 years old open 24 hours a day serving hot salt beef this country definitely doesn't skimp on the meat in any of their sandwiches here it is, beigel on a mountain of salted beef in the middle couple pieces of pickles, some mustard this is better than i thought ridiculously juicy pastrami not overly salty at all, perfectly seasoned the pickles a little sweet and the crunchy texture really stand out when you're biting into this tender, juicy piece of beef this is the perfect combination of sweet, savoury and a little bite from the mustard usually, when i have a pastrami sandwich in the states, it's a little too salty for me. the beef like i said, chewy, tender and juicy. also there bits of fats mixed inside there as well to give that nice satisfying greasy bite you gotta get pickles and mustard. it's like the beautiful decoration on top of already majestic christmas tree. right now i'm really really thankful for one thing i got a second one. i like how this beef is a mix of lean and fatty meat and the fatty part? that's where the magic happens hence, the essence of the sandwich now i get to relive this beefy dream all over again this is my beefy lullaby right here see ya later
Channel: Strictly Dumpling
Views: 1,318,286
Rating: 4.9358187 out of 5
Keywords: borough market london, borough market, borough market food, borough market london food, borough market street food, london street food borough market, london borough market, london street food, pie and mash london, pork wraps, best donuts in london, borough market donuts, borough market duck confit sandwich, duck confit sandwich, raclette london borough market, raclette cheese, raclette london, london food market, london beef sandwich, london food
Id: sXMjUkjqE0Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 3sec (903 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 06 2019
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