Simple Test You Can Do to See How Rare You Are

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well your body can do incredible things on its own but you may also have features that make you stand out even from the largest crowd having extremely long eyelashes having an additional joint in your fingers or not having any lines on your palms but one you name it so let's find out how unique you are many people can roll their tongue so it's a pretty lame party trick but only about 15 percent can twist their tongue into a clover shape how about a tongue bouquet only about three percent of all people on earth have an X shape on both of their palms look at yours maybe you're the lucky one some say it's a sign of a strong character by the way can you cross your eyes so that they look at each other some people about six percent of the world's population can vibrate both their eyes and their sockets look strange but it's actually really quick moving of the eyes back and forth so it depends on the strength of your eye muscles you could train that if you wanted Ducks seagulls platypuses all these creatures have one thing in common webbed feet same as about half a percent of the people in the world the most common occasion among these lucky guys is that the second and third of their toes have a web between them that connects them some rare individuals have finger joints that are so flexible they can bend both inwards and outwards it's unknown how many people can do that but you could check if you're one of them of course there's an unknown number of people who have an extra joint in one or more of their fingers it bends like a normal one and doesn't cause any discomfort there's a condition where the remains of a membrane that formed while a person was still inside the womb still cover part of their eye pupil it makes the pupil look like it has a blot right in the middle with strands going in every direction attaching to the iris around two percent of people have a lazy eye it's a condition that appears before birth when the brain focuses on the development of one eye more than the other as a result one eye basically looks in a different direction from what it should be there's a little muscle in your jaw that muffles the sound of your chewing typically and is usually relaxed but when you Flex it intentionally you can create a roaring sound in your head only about 16 percent of people can actually do that intentionally though but why would you can you flare your nostrils at will if so you're in about a third of people in the world that can do that we actually flare our nostrils unintentionally quite often but only a few can move those nose muscles as they want your eyes focus in unfocus on their own all the time but about half of the population of our planet can control them they can relax the eye muscles make the eyes unfocused and look in different directions now all of us can raise our eyebrows it's one of the things our mimics allow us but only some can move one eyebrow at a time also if you can raise one eyebrow it's usually one in the same you're an even rarer individual if you can move either of your eyebrows at will by the way people who can do that can also often move their ears either one or both hyper mobile hands are a rare thing as only about five percent of people have them this condition allows them to bend their hands and fingers backward and some of them can even grab things with the back of their hand a less fortunate but no less rare thing is being tongue-tied it's when your tongue is literally tied harder than usual to the bottom of your tongue around five percent of people have it and it does cause some inconveniences unfortunately another five percent of the human population are secretly elves well maybe not exactly but these rare individuals have pointy ears that strongly resemble elephant ones this is caused by an extra fold at the tip of the year and the reason for it is still unknown about four percent of people have a clubbed thumb it's a thumb that's about two-thirds of the standard length and is flatter and broader at the tip dreams usually come in color but about 12 percent of the world's population see them in black and white scientists believe this is related to the emergence of color television before it appeared about 75 percent of the people saw their dreams in black and white instead widow's peak is a triangular shape of hair right above the middle of your forehead and it's a rare occasion too only about 12 percent of people have it also it's a genetic thing so it usually it runs in families Amber eyes which are a sort of a mix between yellow and brown are a more frequent color than green or gray ones about five percent of people have Amber eyes while green eyed people make up two percent and gray eyes occur in less than one percent you might think it's not the case but gray eyes just often get confused with blue ones which occur in about nine percent of people if you have a dark ring around the iris of your eyes you're one of less than a third of the world's population to have a dark limbo ring it also becomes more prominent in people as they age so even if you don't have one now you'll have it later on in your life Talon cusps happen in around four percent of people there are small bumps on the back of the teeth that usually occur randomly and look like little nails not only do you have a dominant hand but a dominant eye only about a third of people are left eye dominant to check which category you belong to stretch out your hands in front of you and make a diamond shape with them connecting the tips of your index fingers and thumbs Center some object in that shape and close your left eye if the Thing Remains centered your right eye dominant and if not your left eye dominant less than one percent of people miss a nail from birth it's a genetic condition that literally prevents you from developing a nail entirely still sometimes it's only part of a nail that's missing a select few people also less than one percent have an eyeball Scar the vitreous pulls away from the retina and it causes the pupil to sometimes lose its round shape and a line that looks like a scar appears on the iris another group of people have exceptionally long eyelashes there's a condition that can make them extra thick or curly or have more pigment too making your eyes much more expressive there's a rare and usually genetic condition that literally makes your skin blue and people who have it hemoglobin the protein that carries and distributes oxygen to the body can't effectively release it into the tissues as a result the skin Bears a bluish tint and the lips become purple most of us have patterns of creases crisscrossing our palms about one and a half percent of people have only one prominent creeps while the rest are much less visible less than one percent of people with light hair have a single streak of dark hair on their heads this occurs due to increased melanin production in the area the pigment that makes our eyes hair and skin lighter or darker depends on its amount in those parts similarly when there's an area on your hand that got less melanin than it should have you get a patch of white hair it can also occur in an eyebrow or in the eyelashes of one eye now have you found any rare things that you probably have or have you met someone whose appearance is hard to forget please do share in the comments that's it for today so hey if you pacified your curiosity then give the video a like and share it with your friends or if you want more just click on these videos and stay on the bright side
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Keywords: bright side, brightside, cool human body facts, crazy human body facts, human body fun facts, human body facts for general knowledge, human body facts in English, human body facts brightside, human body, human body facts, human eye, human ear, facts about the human body, human teeth, human skeleton, muscular system, the human brain, human heart, human anatomy, hair growth, human skin, nerve cells, fascinating human body facts, muscle facts human body, normal rare
Id: aP655RROU2c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 14sec (494 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 03 2022
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